0 nd UI bite!Of >ut QV4' 32' ne ended ROY i' tnp pu 4'" Del4I1 ckýe bs j * 11 :)g bod%,4'lcî4t pe&o 'r5rv 1ifg !1 e'.The 11c %i04'eind 4 <'q 'uN lie 0M, 4 1 ',,Id! 44C hep> foin444~ 1' Y04dr 11%, fleu4 4', 4.. 4 f .14 4 4 , * rr 4.4 4.,. 1.44 (4. 44 44.44."' '[4 14." ".4".. ý'j bo. 1t 8 oi 'N' TEf I VOL. 75-NO. 52 GAZETTE C ONýýFERENCE Chi'e f of -Poli ece .AMD WHITBY, ONT., CANADA, WE.DNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1939 188 -SON, cilIRONICLi ~'Ontario County's Leading Weekly LEADERS Tenders HisResign aton COUNCIL VOTES 'TO ACCEPT IT INOUII'S ROTHER Formulate Plans for Provincial ANU HIE WII VAATE MIISTE TI ST Fireoeon's Convention to Be ANDCHIF WLLVACTE ISANOREWSSSI Hold Hors Eariylin August OFFICE AT',ý THE ENDO0F lUNE1 Voted on Amount Equiv- aient to Two Monthst Salary - Asks Timne to Seek-Job and Sou 1-ouse MAYOR ROWE MAKES STATEMENT Recognition in the Best In- tereats of the Chief andi the Town, Mayor Says! 4 .1') 4' NI, N ' " '44 , li>,i,.44 Io" 14. f) l4- . 1 . .44.4.t t e'l.î IIeId l int Datha it St.mnderand UI ). fi 444k Tu W 11-5 l p t4î p't an heId liere 4'ýv 4.' )n of B1l4ck 'FOwn- m%1t' , 4)44.1 d4. drivten by s.4424 '.444 a tru k owned <14'14î 4441 di.'.eri y ir4 (I4f 44 i. ac'('ideaitai. 5 44f~"<4."ex441erate s ~ ~ ~ a t.h'e' 144 t lite t44'4 4 ' (4<. : a re-taurisnls"voi Betoît' vou tak e -i 1 por<t24' ver r(<> a.d îî on ît shopping 4nst t'.'" ,V 4442. <il tepsam gi.<11-44.! 1. 1-4 dlî< s It' r c t faut to 1144 > irseit 111d i 4'a( ,il thc lttie unt-. hrotiie 'touts On the road ing "road mOps' 'mi Harold W. Quan tr41, (4441<! Of polioe of the> ToOfo !.' Or' te piut n'ne s'erix, bras #>ntrrd his resignatlon 10 the ÇCom'r4C1 At a Speclal mP4ti4ig of Councîl on Tuesday altert'noen. 114 resignta- tion l'as acceptM ed. atke ,-tta»c'4 or Jîîne 30th, and! an amoîlol <quisa- lent W itwo mn al~ ainr'.waî vo>- e"! to hlm te cniable hhn Io se'ek another poMtIion an'!'!îraeof hi.' homse on Mary- Strecel .0ili h [' purchasecia fri'-a 'ar ) The Coune!!ie dclde4te ao~ hasty actlo' n ltheb.>appointinent of a succeisor to Ch! cf QuantrIll. cor- currlng wth Lb.> opinon of Ms.y(." Fred Roî'e that lise apl41 wau a î'ery imsportarnt one> an' shoul.d b.> gis-en v'ery car-fi! con alderatlon. After June lOlla. 144< Councîl decided. arn.mnsfor thse policlng of the town wV4 bc Ir, thse handclao! May'or Roase 'nie or.iy suggestion mnate wua.s taighlt Conustable John 1houms nght b.> plaeed on daytîms clty ltwW OM tîse, wit.h thsenatter of! fistuit duty of thier officcra Lo bc arrangoli by the Mayor. Mayer@ Blatemnsot 155 as tatemniste10the Council Mayor Fred T'. Rowe sqal'! tlat after conslderable tbougl the chip'! Constable had tol'! hlm titat 14<' figurai liait h.> uai doingraglb>be tirg for hinssel! an'! triet' l t41( tender bis resiaional He2s e iked isowever, tu Intimmecit rain l etter 0f resîgnation. le Irac>given ajý una'h tlane ai poasil4e te loçyk f,.-a r-a job and dlâpo.ye o! bisý proprrt'iy i thse tovn n'Tils matter nrso. orre about las a vpry quiet %a4v 4<1 lu. tis echie! snid, I lhîuîk tjt 1 iz h L e better way I 1 dori*t 44121k lt t vould b., la, the beq nirre>i: <M thse Chie! or 445tOl î<. <e.<f .4 thse whya asrsd c'ea-4.ri! j! 1 have> ha' Nonie :engti,.r tqak~ 1 hlm, and', as 1 ste j, 1titk'a lb la Inu Lb.>'hft tr'.:'<.: cerneti that? tis hrellief 44 ~ alps' Mayor YUa'. s ai'! t q'4 like to nugges b ltire (outî"i'. "iý vcrshlp added. -"Shat i- l'e <'u.4' ouiy ac dolnq jus.lfc. lto Cl('ief Snd posîbis- te <' i'faeî r nt' Cept taie reqîgtia4Iofn s. at,34un 301h, snd fle wu'l t)qh- <-is' 414e,1 anotiies-montli'à aî 1î'. u^. a~ gst Chat l'e gh e h 1224' a'.) 214'51 whIch vould 5g<ivr ilime [ t, ra job andso se âplari4e u.> & mat. rled innvIlth à farnylsi~e La (Cbontinued 021 Page 5. Col 43. TOW'N MUJST LUT 11$ OWN W[EDS Notice Served on Clcuk by, Word inspector Reid WWad Inpector Roe.r't Rs".dhal declaed vîr oen vro4p. and - hi.. non led Use v -'a thUe Cer oCul. ýA 1ev daY. 5W0 hr haasded ta 'Tvu Cllerk sid Tr asu-.rerJ*hn P, "yut an officiine c twa i iceda on btse asuecti of Wiiiib)'muit b. Mu downi MOiI awa>y, hoe mut that. b.o h" r.ad lu Uic puprres h' tis oUIngould lac dmn e tfim Oc isOmd vocinlaJulY bu tsl-,,n 1 d (U bal- S, lva muid mest gv av" ut 11L.Nov (» thea accepial ime to« olykvie et' utIns. vat Use buses ailt. an hoh* pfvlr vUr#W ge WeeclCmat Ae ta uhfOfue i, ee aainatzUsecor- ~OeaUon ubl l eaihlm ",ý"» In»«4tla 90gabo isas " m0 a lprivate prouon>'Omw%%* ~baci verapwin lasecmi Outve 9 bave gone toa .~ Ibiq a katitta beod on oe 1 pw" ise mtoua, aoai bu PMU 10e ud telu l de ac au on Ci-IEF RESICINS If. W. QUAN1IZU, (hbief of polile et(b.the wru cet Whitby for the pa ad Mi % whise reaitiaUco vas seesp i the Towni Comme4 tia oeis âFEE$ IiIE HOPE FOR SEU[lEMENT 'fctful %dAUr... Rotary Club 4Wtt'ù'e ROtar'vC.Iau at lU lunch- M!444 ons T'ue-,,dy at Ilote: Wlsîsby île 0ic r4' fine s4<lrtu6a by a ti y in ouarg sechols rs hp Sti . '<4 (4mith UneCeors.ly not a g'a- r!. ..UC.1 12 IlE e nd ttbif "!; 444.10 . <!1'oflo andi grand- '.Atbra4'.aiof Wllltby 110pf41I4man, à aopd'.eu.s Woe"<iý Tr ihr e; Wuiz imth Sa4~ kg 4et e' S'a' r fo & -15 si 1*54 t me > the> 54.IIt 5.4,43 cre'aet Gi" a .ies4he [sA.b¶4 tza a'atlliag rîj > af! :'.siaI<aniy ltký t 'i '.41< <~«~ 'ftB t=!44 cia .:..asi.la r1. ,4f4<I4 1441O Cg tu**5 <aa5'0.12- <;rjaurs f.el.a>and>!' pIsaa as 424~'N f.< ril'Ale hs ilssi -~~~~~4 <:".>îIs.tq.eu'o ta I~~~~ **à an h" wls .u>'d05 fie' u f ,'a'aa:r.ýe Zt.à le us .or= c*ty &bd 'M 514 ~ ~ a 4rls .1'54..oZe lntua t TORY CANPIDATE Rev. Dr. Cai'michael Goses Hi.. Ministry iniWhitby and Pickoering tai St. &ndrtv. Preebterlari Churmh on Suaday momni. Rev Dr. Ca m.ichael. teUin jiser, con- ductd hà a (muservice vlLh a Ilre Expect 5,000 Here on Civicj Holiday - Association H«a 55 Fire Brigades En-; rgfed .and Ail Expectei to Send Delegates Lo.alFiremen Busy caigregation presetit. jà nrou ot n rcly Fuureof the&rli te ln-. Bauarhou visoF:dAf ducuora by Dr. OmIchaci ofOaofln nc nml>ers of! WhltbyFiI brother m±niatox. the Rev Samauel COmfpm-y "c4'<'d io have tse 'U", lAvreaic.e x.aoder'ft f c the*îcoaswent.lcu off the Prorlncls.l 111 Pi:esbYtcs-Y of Toasia. Pres!>Yter'laomen 's AssociaI on in WhILtby OU, Cisurcai ofiCana"a., t te elieralslp.' A ucuà ,4. 5. 6 and Rer. Kr. Levrence vas *elocied tu.Aoirmeig a edc' Uicsuaoaxbya viS i Iseconr1 Mondiky evening to hoar repor4t £a.cn l ev veelu.s Ir=m membe'rcdathie Company whq~ Dr. CA*rCI5OI e elvered an e1- aut.<driI a meetIn# o! taie As qumt à 1nd WuselY ser-mQn on 1154' U=i xecuUs'e ooer ilieweek-fuiÇ i:xoà bMlties sud Influence of!el- ln Nev TSooto. Repreqent&Uv1 deahil4t dUiaAihi# liai Revels-c01 Uic pros-lIds] b dy voep rufl Umm S3 &and 12. H-Milth&(Otcm - iai both nmtlngs ta give Inorma1« oUh il 1ii mIak. Sà ailAlr ln Lb.> ion anud make hlptul auei4MUce*a temple cf my Ood. and aie aha.1 < tu TheProvincia scrmm y Q no KUemomo1 and 1 ailli OtIe upi aThsxrllng, »utmats'd ai Uhe r4] himi the a.ame of my (Ckai. Dr. Car-'rlaL n.,achlii mklfae i 5 flSa #splet UsaI i epaz'taaftît..reguatNtd ln Uhe A*'I ChtuUsiiity uUghL b.ecusl Id U510 rA&Ià e. anl o!vhom woil ud4 every phm eof Ide. abICle WmetU ae.<1)4 lOeaie and brlng tuiir ftamil1 orecoine au 4di(flultbes Durinti L1 andfraueud.s cmtuî A " a$t service Dr. Oa.rmichael ooodued ç,ýmmU=, Mni5y Auun7 j4 thxe ord1inne. o! bapUný. vrry consevativ*e*ctmate 09 Bhstuu (overa mim»d afrt îubreqeld 'U Wl cdl taie puipit aMd on Uhc ministerit us htd"Y bh&. .for dmk w. in umory oi thde laie 1 ViOé Uit, umber atied 1 WM Robu$ 8raw$o as Id -'CIttv=Uoli asfBar-ie lmitMr. thore by membMors theUic lM1lY ' ïï .ucsan re lnMst U ( WltU tQui ner'vt Dr. armkbaett 4 Iiau c«11 theideaus atcd he M rcd m mIasu! et (lu IMM&. "hU084 th8*g -9W "M iAo in the aftoos Dr Obeithst&4l*llg i 958 tom at lblu *fta ttt. *Md M* oxs~ - hao&nd1 ed la Uic IM pel Whot t.,-. Wav minltm rse ap, po Cho& vailii up h e 4b &Mmt 1e U»i ti mom tu APPRECIATED Ã. L . WKEDW?4 STm$",y4m r«nt au S F" U6iî1Wt tby fttar lob. mi ft180 l4sd Setm by uaM»Wm". iETSREAD I n IDDUM IATION~ FF ftLb1ti i iuli lISTIAN HRHCHLEG SHOWN RET1RINf HUC CAiEG TO BE INDUCTED 'relis of Unprecedentecl Awakening, Witli the Greatest Progres'i lathse Realm of Religion SOCIAL REFORMS NOW UNDER WAY Meaning of the Madras Conference to the United Cburck $peciul Theme of Study Ontario Ladies' College this Wek k; the> Rit.hcrblg place' for mission- aary leaders frorrthe ic ve central Conferences oe thie United Churv'31 of Canada, who are attending a conlirence wit h Lthe Llnely name of *'The Me&ning of Madras for 1li United Çhurch." Thie conteretîce, whlch opene4dj Monday nightf ln thse College music- al hall. la belnig heici under theseMi- pices of thie dominUttee on MI$aion- au-y Educaporl. Thse central figure -an on ettheprincipal' speakeral the Rev. JaahNvant Rao Ohitambar. LL.D.. D.D.. tlshop of Lthe ettio- dit Churcai, ildia. Inai ltIȐce.- tumo thse dist#ngutshem Blshop, who lia&-w '~utretu$ýned frgm &a vlaft o thie United 8t*tes. deliverecl thê -Ob- enlig addre ot thiee =téeiec MoMiay nlght, and hi. memage oQi- atituted a rnuging challenge to the. ChurcIs to b.'up anid doina tf«,tthe or angcllzatioan of Xhdla vhioh,.he " dedared, la aipv veli mder w&7,ý ewand mpaai whlê-i theYusna*lf kla ~ ~ ~ m Mdl&U0shic o~~* Christlai u rd3iand ai ne -ime lns Ils hls mthrr i e opec IR otý'a In"I uIs for UicelIglto Wb"CI vii onte Ie ftro1, 9elr super; abllim n d 1 Md841brlng (hein Itto thie knjowI@d e of icsatnhes of ChrIst, th t*sey aie oda'.-ITe Bible vas i>eong rd, qugtcd, nia &m voewo . hppdlnInla&moe todoW (han éver befor et eidurIng bis rit oti a1 onMnet.hloiind -luit the ohiatch, b>' reduclasg Itas iv- lisp Mad dsaaygacertain sfa- Ils>' vu naxaI' hels truc ta ita gres inlmIen Dmrotheq ChmrcIo pbsck s a wie»b va oprayoraare bW-' lnc snmai4te" ukmd t.h& ahMp aà ho .jzoted, glpU4In theUic ords! "YOUa bave Itoas tai u ay.OU have bos Icci bse day," declszrnÇ tha1 Ibis day la bore-a duy cf Op- Iportmni>'fi; ~time esiation 0# mou:a 'KayOI G 1d #M us 'Immanboing at <Dceau lna BIeN Ti 2 BARMEFS ai ROTARY HEAD S. W. Keown Given Past President' Pin - Books For Two Departing P're.Ident S W. KCoovu, of Whl-ntby Rotary Club, hs eompleted hi, terni &I offIce. and at the Club.s vcckly luchooxal. Motel Whiliby on Tues- da3' handed os-or the gavel-to hLm successor. J M. Roblira. Thse ret.Lr-1 i o! laie support eho ai recelved frous es-es-y asober of thc Club i%ç >rta.dent, partleularly the Board et Drectors &ud Rotas-Ian Walter Thouo. to vIsas lot lias fallen taie task of secux-ing speakers ôof<A rOr higis qua<lIly for the 'carloua. luncheofla cwigthse patyeux. Mr Keoin sakdxi h Ithad les a ycar ofi rea.)pi-tue for hlm. and one. upoti whIe.h le vould lock back vlin pleasassi uemories lu yeara 10 Come. Ise e r vploideni. &3as ainIa duty ona aakinîg lae chair. proexilvl te au. ieovu sa psatpriulgenula pin && rien cf apprectatiors o b very (tie service 10 Uic club, "w eClub tok lme votvo otIta populsi: mee th Ue Rer. RuUS.U O'Brtm,.su&M icthe R. Dr. aIlvyj Cs.rmtchsel. eho " ÃŽ lcvlngWhftby ai thc end aof1h"8wo& las prent. lis(n fs th hocth a as «£1115 Vie.- IprumGAymcme4 (o ÃŽP& «< Uw nvlueUiey bd bernatalthe Club, sMdlewpuod hbst vbslsufor r1 aya r.m834 hlm ü»o rieuuty lem i blot~ 'UMcutI> te Ilsebpt u avs «W.e W1 tm o"miUiCtao e fl . i Usem ai s C b ifnlyî OP Wo Y«W'Supms stdm Rut -n l.mt t *6881tVbaew w» w4d bm rw g-*bWIlia. MbV rWioMt. la Wb"r pdb*Uo Iv N*uaab"eOOU. b S b«* bron. au> t»uuups. nomW MOiV ;w 14f 0 in tW pmmum * Abaf1m ' box$wt'a b *o vuMetwe sfe boa hW W b n r.4 tm##4 ber ti- lA'M i:e I#W4US b rnw ME. CLIFFOSI) G. PARK 'N milnisit 01ciwhliy United Cbwawh. wbo ..wiU b. fervully lu- dected en Tbursday eveniug of tbis week. and yl bettn bis min- lstry on Suuiay neiL lHe cornes t. Wbttbi (rom ML. TORY BANNER TO BE CARRIFO uBT W.gOSSSTRIKr gqDvritlc sudex-Mayor of the (on, vu setd 0 -these taundard beseuof tise partY te contest the rIdlaxgof Dwuris n aihae comlIn faderai ltton. 01 th* eiglst MeushVisert, nom- luteld, lbuar wlUidi'ev. lour allovul baisr niam.> to stand but MUr. SUUie remd a malonty on the ftnra boet snd ons 11w motiof@!W. F. W&Md, aCondtd by rIm. .Boven. la êOýS lein01 Ue. Birike viw made Pom e>' u SlsO.mitlrock. ex.w1ftI5l cd U»a Uislted Couttws;W. &R. Bitrlie x-oesyor et gBêvanfvlit 08011. A.. Rootea. of Carans; F. W. flovea, - ex- . Nevcastle: W. P. Ward. barTube. loasvll; .&l a. pysa1. Port Hope; antd R. O JouIN, 1«iaillle. nTbo eve wtlidn1 reber Mms i ere Fers> surmei. T. &. Reý. a . R. B. Rysai --"e!part of thse ridiaî wau we -rWpe ýU S dà tise lown ha"lvus 1Usd I overfowtne. isunrdaai- 1104 lau tU elu o but(o ti e r e 1te 1Daucim « e w*i0& 08o drv leAder« * Uc ooi"e v#,Party-la 0s(a'.A Iêud, fflUg y4MM uarrisi be telees ethé, opcakh IM u ol>' mkîdilt belfoml( 110 of taxw tt ballet And 1sM&4 up lhêm tow De=n m Ama OPENS HERE iii j 'k 1- .4 '4-. ~4,' -"'I 1~ 'J CENTRAL FIGURE 15 NATIVE BISHOP 0F INDIA WHO BRIRGS or.mi, rsime<vutvasli hne m Io'efetv veuweul WWta r tew ptby it aMA"tmrwm t t voh«d %0 mm w%»=4 W&Wa.nsd, grun Ud cca *i, t- poal liliset re grd bY h! anar l it lame Fcacda Lmitai es Mt la e[ Ir o 1 0 ion NN " - e«>*d. at ne=poullo s la e u t r I A Srge ulbft or (3>9p l jobsM~1ay " *4 ((mi asd ~ucamapruma, The Ovitng~o th#isecawmueth@U -e -sa âùnoioUm n 8tmUets & eedcd Useammu otsvl umo l t t 4ie - à 11 Wla # lm a 48714 d t od tw aparap. uoth#Um uauty, rqu ID urlbodsiand Vubofat (ho T Yd O PîtA, UNic l p- du "W Ste petnhowb *1%"u a slpe.,1US ~ ~ ,gs4e. asie1 A& oc v M S hm a t= p lt - ~s ~.bave uw te i »MMi n" oetea~ang ,4rrvj'<h eu >sla ffvozTt lW (n tis cnoaue ot W Mg UW bXevâ dW, b 4a tuas p1 bb b h - h viiileu, o a 4 m lkoa. see ahb 5mgcnUwi lh ummo n a w a W -l b ca ssat. e alu .O U th 010 ecm vSauMa î gi «'Jon the gruacs$*, rt ttw mUO ort x., le tom tbo et l . u t' j mcà *r Ou.m MdS WU4& QuitaiCorets c X# «» i m&e fu ddus. etc, 0a e M % i to--T.L lUS TOTA U Wc cri t b . j~ a U t M a a m w o "M bMff v. opropIV. ~pvu wp*whaUs* j âMd boa ut Ella Boa, 1aud 0e, 40* lWtve IoON *a I lt 1 t-hâ- 1 ffl-