Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 4

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s I ...' PACE FOUR ____ 714n~ WMMITY CAz~Em AND C14PONICLU W~DN~SAY, FRUAR'? 1, t931) cial and Personal revities Mr. Howard Hazeil. of Toronto1 PebruarY th. et titree Ocrlock. MM CGood!dIIow Priating ConspanY. Oui- Unlveraity, spent the week-end at, W J. H Ràtchaid3on's group wil a'w&, and muany other. býs home here. be in charge of t.be progi-am. The 4. 4. * third chapter of the 8Study Bcok i WUMTS HOCKEY FICTO Mrs. Roy M4acCari, of Toron!o. wil be t.aken. Thie executlve w4LI Homel-twni Hero-, b Leslie asa week-end Nlsltor wit!l mr. meet et 2 30. McFarlaXie. author of WhîWtY, La nnc M 7 Ç W MrC'--' M 4r.Street. hetle of anovelette appeiug In < 4. * A nuniber of the ycrurigfriends Mr. anti Mrs. J. B Ba rk er. of of Miss Geraaàdine KigatOn. who 1-5 Erindale. Ontario, spent the mek- *riterhflS Oshawa Genti l HSpital end wý h his siszters. the Miaees tr&.inilfg âta.f. Inet st ber home. iretta andi Oladys Barker. 'Dunda.. Street Eset. on f1riday eve- 4. * * ning andti tndered ber a handker- MIs,, Katitryn Thompson. daugh-'chie! ahower. lle oyd pe" ter of Mr. and Mra. Harry T. evenini &and tic good i vihez of rnmmn. has reeels-ci a nerman- 1many f riendz 10110w ber ti ler mnt appointment to the Toronto r. the W.MS. cf the UnitÀet Church will b. helti on Tueàday afternoon, BRC WHITD Y TE the curenit sue of Sport Wt«Y jMaga=in, a Street &- SW.utî publi- cation Tne story centers about a' hockey scout for The Chiefs wbo, just afler he bas% been f ireti for runniflg up bills, dISCOV&5s "the finti of the century" ti a amati town.omplications arise viten Tbe ChIeVs manager refus«s 10 be- cho.sen career iteve bis ex-scout andi a srout 01 a 4.t on ->~ rival team arrives oni the cene. N-ex Modayevening, February 6îh, AUl Saint&' A.Y.P.A. are being CRAFirSMENS GVILD AT WOK entertalinet by Caris?. Churcbl Scar- The Whitby Craftemen'a Guid la boro branch. Cars wil leave thteiln full swing for tItis yea ancita' Parksh Hall ai. 7 p m. Bring f Ifteen engageti ti many different kintis of rentà for i-our 'art and Ir, anme trats. The membe-rs are enthus- mnember of the execulive know If tastically workir.g on varlous pro- you are coming. Chili? Church la >ects of heip and service 0olt a lie branch anci andi ve-are aatur- conurUlty as weti ustCo 04=f cd of a warmn we)cOiiiC andi a good thrir IndivIdual urge 10 inake imf. thlug.. Any wbo aret ntrested tI + + +* cri! amanship %w1:lbe gltdly wtt- Thlose attend4u.g tle t'f unrai of come nie timemberalip. The offl- the laie Mrà. John Lindaay f rom' cers are W. P. .Uitoo, Pruldent; outalde plaes on Moriday Incàude.d R.ev.E. Ralph Mie. sice-p'reldenl; Mre 'Dr 1J %Mf'kbboll %Ii.ss MAZY G. McBride, secret&ry; anti Pemc McKiey andi M.- C>r' McKirý- Price. reasurer. Full hnformaUwsn iirj. andi Mr Jâmts Bwinr Of cari t o Zaunes> rom Ithe e entle- Erin. Ont., Mr andi Mrs. A. J -me l.Te Gld U b ln ffli"stoe TxaIt>r the latter a bi.%ter of Rev. ujL trie t Naorna H.xneworkàb0p, Mr Liridsay) of DanvLle, Quebec. Guild of America. MisRuth LIndsu>ý, of Warr. Masu.' UYS A: Rey Dr- J W. McNaniara ALL sAIýNTs' TOiNG bmNs sec,-tary of the 0etien .4.s.smbiy BIBLE CLASS 0, the PreebyLerlîsn ChurCh in Cam- A riew vent.ure i e~lle CI&"s work ada; RI. Bev D-r D Tý L. McKe- itaà& been bequn by the yoursg mren roll. o! Niagara -on - the- Lake. ex- lo0Al Samnia Churcit andth key moderator of the Prccbyterlaii int on Sund"y afl.crooi at 2 Church: Mr- P. C DocaLn. Toron- ocIock ln the Church. It la te ln-' to. of the Presbyte-clan C'burch of- te-ilIon o>fthe young meni 10 ficera. ,Be-v Rober: S=rPaon. Of apreati oui their acUvlUes a& op- Brooklin. Citant' M. Mundy andi j portunlty occura. At prescrt t-le-y A. R. Alloway. CI tut' TUnies Pub- untenti to tslcus i te fornutloe01o Iliini Comipanîy antiMuid.y- ,& iteug ltes= tecmpet. l ia sny otites-te&main l the nelghbarhocul iWhet-her titis ciii hodont ,1hI de- pend La.rely on the ruponsa 01 Use )C K tissahr -eIme o case ta fev. &E.RAlph Adya, Use wtor o!f te Ohure.h. AMlyoung ýTRI tmi u o o dyidem- Phone 618 Bt à o'lriocà. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATJRDAY Two Show. at 7.00 and 9.00. Set. Matises at 1.30. MAMAr THOSE MEN ARE HURE AGAINI ..malnyst4etcaibtory le thoir use or omwS sn*ffl Iwotwu SfMM0RWCEêb FRANK ALSRTS ADDED -AU. NEW EDMON "THE MARCI 0F TIME" INSIDE THE MAGIINOT UNE SpecisiChildr.'a Tisai SATURDAY W M Ail Star KicimaRavi.. -"YU?40CAW4O" MONDAY- TLtESDAY -WEDNESDAY Fini Show at 7 OO. Luit Complot. Show ai &*o. « U 1UW Yp~ r"ICI", MvdaMRY ElLI OTOUJI VICTO JSIy _ SAM btA -à ISELD SOCIAL BYRNINO On Tucslsy cvens. J&Duiry 24. ý*M1 8alt A.YP.A. untalnd tise 9MUcben aoff the Minstrel8how an04 Utpu ho so IkindIy lmmned thelsu Ca o twaows oet-o--Isowens- rswet.Th4se ."e gfunstarteti bv bu. MA«Blaightoums HallâhD t"a m» edeonatati for thea oas- Thea pedudeitbtm SmtRsses ,«iliig von& Dftg th jprete-nted vais B be.uUlul bouquet 11f floe-es. anti lieSidney Rzklma It s-U a aettof milit.aey bruit*$ s troeu the oUer membe-s ofthsé Aà. siClan-on Aller lht supper th&. ta- biawe-:e rim-ar anti a daîîci W& wm luatusprogeeaa Blondn &PM t jdanci e beped go mle the e-s-esin ra7dY4 Un tia Otaflo thy HoSnq m Itun-day ois for< (b«u &Mtw VIIU miembesiof t A,.brmnt*gb .4e'd liapi- 1 tirdreA= niI sttandnses0f j tame-n O.lComm±u 1een off -lM=.- it as-w'cee-e- ClIs cw=uios« pi tR«ffl ctr t heJo-nonlescresm ma»is tàae W îtop aafllaNU < "tUa <oae-uu fmeiUe-la ti he 11 if" sa<di iMmaB« oM amI a cm*s fubw4setssswt wsie- ftilb& cf4 ~ #0y %alue lé fta UsqA is - b*aIo& vu 4#Of mmb 44 l etUtite oq M a affl aamr ar Io i UsUs e. wmm oua4« lm a*SM& »Ma j mw b 0 te b" @sonm0*4 4" Announcements PIANO LESSONS AT HOME OR at Studio. Play by ear or note.; Theory of musaic. Grant Lynce. 312 Dundas Street West, Whitby. PR.OGRESSIVE C ROKINOL E Party. Tiuealay. January 3ùL, e t United Church Sehool Room. auspices of Choir. Prizes an<t re- ifreahments. Admisson 25 c en -,b. KzE FERuARY 14TH OPEN for the Valentine Tra i- ,Al: Saints Partsh Hall. Full partlrit- tara later. JOHN PEEL, EXPERT SHOE RtE- paIrr at rear of Agnew-Surpa&m Store. Brock St. Southb. Wltby. RSERVE FRIDAY. YEBRUARY 10th, for Young Men's Club Dance to b. held i n the High Srhlocl Watch for part iculars. JUNIOR CASTLE CHÂPTER 0F the O.L.C. an.nounc'es Uith serond aruiual ahion Show tc'b te lield ait the. COllete on March 15th. et 9 P-M- Ptxrther parUculars later. RESIRVE TRURSDAY, FEBRTJ- &Bey 9th, for Valentine Euctire. under auspices nf Rebekah Lodige. to be heki iIn the 100FP. Lodge ROOM3. et eigh; a«-iock. COCKI prtrieâsand lunicil "M cerd TUE BAPTST LADIES AID ARE holding n a eof nt %,twork andi Home Cbç*4lr, mto t-e Sunday' i&1hool rom. n l ivreb Arv 11-th al 3 30 ot~kV~ Tes wi tlIb e ve<1 for 25 cn <Pleeze note change of date CITIZENS DAIRY _____ Poo, M»V y BElvrY BARCLAY Gren sauce3 andi gooaeberrieà for igreen goosqe-wîruî a .IaM'hof leme-n or oe'- ge luir-r-ct nssnende ____________________________________________________ for e festive meal as long ago as 1762 by William Gellersw. "la!s' &jupe, fbIa thue ui Lume i'nute Brck Stret NOMru v hel4ton&OOtoteher Grace the Duchess o! h1atory o!flte local club lh&, an Dl.rectoesa eleett Vert A. M. AlUn. Argyle. andi nov tt t Lord May or organ"Uzaton lits viLçttied n zau I. L. Piligi,. W. KL Pringle. W, . o f Uie dlv ni Lorioli 10 parllcipate ini thte.kl- I t 1-Hardezi anti G. M. COodfellow. At a 'ro iliows ai ! amilits tod&y a lies of the club ai Raglan. it i's un- subbaquent meeting of te direct- gocise lx the holiday bird par excel- dlerbtoodti tisatheicole'r «3 G- bd-or O M.odftII@ w w&3eleettd ec-.hle we'ei vLliGellei- tb repeat Thursday alfte-rnSor . prulent andi M. L. PrIngle serre-' reusueo ~omte- l.az->.t;eisi-i~racconspanin, n~Or %"Ilîpprdi £w et eureon nxt jpot-stofs in orange sbetkbLý Befoce ANNWAL MEETING of-lCong ahetti wlth the' menu at ('O IOSITE (COMPANY APP19MCATION lteti cee-tipes foc agrand lime On Týuestiay evcnunig thea.nalJU<fl3.9» fIon aoutit-etrscl iore co- meting o! the Composite CzisiryWhitby Guette & Chitunke. gos, itgrend te titie rgo frein 01f Wlthr. Ownersandi Opera"01a Whltby. Ont go t hs e or aremsaucok s cookboo 0< de Msoaie Tmpl buItiu~y eanSIrs.ALIlaAZUSIBIt'~- na. delttghtyou withil s .tmpltctty. Iqake à andfit f su01el 4r&ap' p"in muUanlàioezsly yV B out. ad asI t Ui ice Jie to heWMIIUy Gauette andi ChMr BlitSI -i c o!faleou trl* fS hoenmy wt*M »dor a'n orafl ngean i litîle mugar. A 0 1 0c nm:u-mz MW" ous îsot It Lna ptpkuî a.d pour ILtîtto: U a. ~ ~ your gre-esi saue bollif r 3osa(doIt~ t» ». n bucmeY04110wandi tuen tl "rd$- YOUMay adti gooaeberrlet; P. -aIRCROT.~ itHOLIDAY PMENU Wînwer PutI Cup A wy a.,oabl eNTWJv ssn vaRadLsIiRat [tout îGonbe ulit elm8tutlu>g apsa as iuady. JDIW-y ~Appi. Sauce 1835.~~~~ ~ vie i.at i.Wisppe<I&",iet poîtoefliii ilhAtt 21ATGudn= eng hel Wlectu wm nirid iait tue uaut îMi%, lUS. kv Ut»laIe 1V. P. a- se-ea= ii» .eauw w» -- wol wVKPPED Bw'EZIPorA-roE tia suie M4sid. LtwUq» h*- lutOBAPIEOESREU. WM mai bkv m -W. IL - 0k. -4Cisigsboulai orbaWM &*avaisposa. leOCktML mi.m X IL M& et te" Pbmaes PObID4am leMia, 3 Iltotapxm* mul UtebsiOf aiW4. .d abv&iy t1biaPOoMa usetuitbutter Vbaeh WU ne Cejaaiby eP, OMW P*»fia emosatetuansdt yu ba mrnciu tm m mm &-taiens. ea*tu Ma 4 i* «* tbbS VilWeiLWi4p aa1 petta. lUs va aWu*$o#Wbifa Mo,,*t- n"mai -lii*aflîï ow stmha0% ~MM U -Mu *u& a"sfl o WUl 1w *or s4mm Md blufriand. Ma rWU" ill$mou "»e Omo* oi begagsrjs B pwi.I~4s000 aPU7W lu --à-- ta uwdt*4 0%sMdhgmm b Imm*. r s» aa C"s et 7%"A u 0enmtem 4*9 muffla tsBWs ai4b& IN* CWOUtb a eu um4n, ublub -MO WW mombi mUlm b*ou *»#M «*eM se amlmi 1#,W s-- wlimita 4« tfl 4t ugwmmn» f WA' * iw*wsui BA&RCAI'lý.NS Thursday - Friday Saturday BELL'yS DRY OOODS WhiteFlannielte SALE PRICE ................ YARD Rayon Tabl.doths A S2 x 5.0 laches. Plaid patters. Amarted colors.7 SALE PRICE ....... ....... AC11 9 Rayon Tabiedoths *n SZ & Ui Incisua. Lighter velgIt. Yery ne. SALE PICE ..........................EACH A.-9 Nouse Dresses Wemen, 0 =. O En a $.00 i . 7 C SALE PRICE-............ ....EACRIE 7 5 Dano e Stsl1 Panty and BaniCee n outer aouad. Reg, $1.00. O SALE PRIC£........... ........SET 5 0 Pyjamas Flnneletten Petyste- à (o idjura. Regular S 0 $1.17 Rayon Panties A speel l ureisaus $malifl md-u ae ases. SALE PRICE .. ....... ccu Ladies' Skirt Jut odd Uinet .sitai ies or cod<ir100 SALE MCIE ... ACIMO Girls' Ski Coats Doit biabet cloth.s. l. 2.t&Bad 14.s ,2 ",LET PRIVE . ..A.. 3 9- Ski Slackso <.irisç or ladies, lim,"-yblanket cithi. Bel. $393. SALE PrIVE .....EACHs2 9 PiIIow Cases Stmped î.-.sair i. s.8n« ail b. il§1E .. ........ PAIR Botter Values, ut BELL'S DRY GOODS 107 Brook St. r 2 ~ 44 BROCIÇ ST. $am I cvinoct»b au clol, thon, Andtg I I tfood., for nMMi y@wig.arsC«Ithts a&ide«t thuir vuight ln nouriaMeaL t achalIe. jhamasd ltiheWbomthay ait au or Chain W sudatde Usai' tbowb ands loo arn spinal ift n uphlaw. ie Is wIhqrit uM~ f f ther .11 umsaoesabltalit lBut IWhite " J aiiritu4naimulu&ho=p OMUM kIo Wl mu ft.4 4* U6104 b & o m meUs. halo s"fr»M * «uu *0 ami « COUM 01ofthe aime gleaMlng lai,- rie. The bride'& gown wasaai- whIWe.ITere vere six grown-up bIIdSUBI4Sandti to littie girls in thé bridaI poup> HOW TO USE- STALE BREAD IThe Dgliai arftw# amdthe poat W Uglytvl w1h orea . o 489p4d 19 th$ wszW ýa ther b. OMS tt* preçOta la the wlnter ut= I oth .z featae'd things bae gou awy. Il me. awt quit. love th=la ent hutisoree onq- am o th8M sud thrês -out the- Am4~, a oilimeltifor Mvn thqalglueo <frtla titta dimetion, fr igi d«= ibh*d.pooklnu eat * h Sitlmw», 8 laen If .vose a#sr <'ap$lng; lý t's - iM«Aiur rmmWr te 1164*W Iqpfe M~1 ~op hauiSê.oed*uaié ~ Public School staff. The many tovr f rienda o! »drs. K. Lelthwood, Kent Srect, e-11 be gladti te earn that %he tU now ce- covertng nicely f co-n -rerent operation for appendticitLa.In 04h- awa General Hospital. Mr. a.nd Mis George Reeson daughters. Edna and Lua, Mrcand Mr&. Everett Jackson and son George. of Oshawa. vere %ialtors orn Fridar w:lh i -andIri MrWalter, MacCari, Maz'v Strr' Mr. Ward Irwin, sorio! Mr and %srz. P IHM Irwln. vho bam been mi the' Dominion Bark ç taff in Toronto. for çomf% month:a pa-,t. bas been transferd to Ottawa, andi ii.sumed his new dutte.-,t'"t week. Tht s Etaff of the Clt.izen.s Dary on Tuesdav evenlng or Ibiis wek enjoyed m skating party et Tsylor's Arena. Alter skates hati been dis- carded the staff membera vent t0 the home Of Mr. andi MrN J Mý RoblUn where they were entertain - ed. Refreshmentç wece aervcd Tie regular nionthlv meretintz of 10c 1H the .serv YOI will as wlia invi 25C 75C Tolophono 318 mau f LI"Experit m a 55J là "u4o. Laba tuaq eqstpLume. A scber t t RA* oma«.u TVUSTTMD FREE E. H.OKE BROCK ST. SOUIu rnot-oE 470 eSep the. -be Be& Bibi P ar helti gan 2nd, seco to E Fon the nier prai stud rctc -k s - -i t yspo- Att4 vide peu~ day. of t]I izeg4 pt pers theux peul sel-y Thi ab" Ob" p1~ I - s) 1 w David L Loew

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