Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 10

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4 j i y I I 4~'<' ~ T r~'~ - PAGE EN T'i SPORTIS Argos Whitewash Beaverton and Cricket Score of 14.O Is Proof, i ie Argos contînue4,* e vîÇt or'. liirade on home-ice ..:11,Fliiia"* rîigii. wlipt the-, kitted trn: a rolnd. over. and rud)(e,:Bea. er 'OI r( rhaik up a 14-o ve'rraivr ii Bernard Clarke a wel-"srd ~nt 11, BeRvetton didn ï, c u thîntr liki i opîrtherèrtrl go ',,-. ielci tîu. v :rw fir.ai pei'io'd but !r"mi t.akic.ieid faded I:ke- 'c h i c. ai c11<: U ' .1\1 :' u r 1 il tosr il T< .r p mi I i 'Y 'I iL '0' ' '.- 1 Ai ' ,.~i i.I4 r' tif MIl bil ![11iloi 1 pl4 1 . i f, .urr'1. (f i t' i 4' <re ;pj' 1!r N rW v it '4" 1 r ivi fi fr' a- lui-ied i. a h r ý, à giin- Pipci and, Sak.iiîder. aL" uad"'"' inci Heard taliiea Once each Ue G ie '-IVlf -tb; a ies 11<.r' 3 rw1L. \Ipond Thoiip- - I:r itrrrY LO,o! G h 1F RI1) sU3MR ý'econd Perioi TUAntPrid W'Tif, 8 Wr.O' iper M': 12 Sa'i'. .i~re r 92 b o' Loo 10 10 3ùi 1, C>30 1640 r'oair to Ifir-ir î're.i Vr' Ille \ >'i 4 " "" l'or the f1.1 world maur a wm'ltht ttIl. au Gardenl. N. I.à atler aborbifl& the mark la%& a..tld% cf ficI M a i ~ dL.f êisaol ir.rlîoîarprn mi get Docker Le:ag:" IX": i )1f ,I ar-v 41h. are t) huty 'a.' C.îî) I r-e. :. 7nad r liari(t. but Nwtth i1118M , gin B'rla k q et :) b i tbc Ill'rr j :I:e~r 111 or fie .jacc KITr Menior a' Ci' r'-ri3r riccideri. theic rull' a' 'rr ivirnp'l' n, >011or-r-ip'. !rs tt' lic Ai '-Su 'trt l a. '3 Sstrîrdlaychang .' helwî:plckftNt 't iii rtO<p oit t'e Dr iini 1lit dr ,flir 1m N ue 're-were: Marori. 6 Caradîin oiit idc 1 'i1 6. Biackhir'aks f0 Mapte enteret i i.aa4, Rangre 2 Stanrding of fie Hockey A.aeo leagule kita oiio-"grouped ulth w 1~ . pla-f Bruini.-4 O 8 Lea fis . . . . 3 t 6 vae Canadiens..........22 ' 4 lrebrusr3' M.. ,dar .o ..........4 game tn Wi Ranigers .... I.. 3 l 1 at 8.16 p-m. Btackhawlu 0 4 lm# 0~a IE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONI LE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1939 "u"MAe'UC gi s oh Hnry Leiwis Béttred Max chmeling'a Tinte uith Joe Louis b>' 25 Seconds ~~otte it of a go aild *w J oh H boset tO COa OUt tgethier. J~Mt be- fore the gaMe ended, ROY S5WXeM, " drew down a trippiflgpeaY U: the --oererais" held thë "TrPPÙS ouit int'! the bell soundcd. TUeboncimgbodychecks bY Im<n Daniels statnped hlm 9ÀiastandOUt ln Oshawfls defensive u.wt otgolies. esoeciall$ McM8ai>s ln the third period, dejervlng_» orable mention. Up froit, "B11UY the Kid" was the centre of attraCtof. bcing given plenty of attention bY both fans and opponeflts. lTle Sec- ond Une membel's ail turned lni '~good games. i Bruce Fisys Wfl ~ Bruce, who starred for SudbuyY last year against OshgNaWiln Mern- orltC-up playdoWtis was flie oest for North Bay ast ni git and Coachi Art Rundie uscd h!m as much a& poNsible. McTeer. a bounciig- rear- guard mari. who mlssee more oftefl tsvegenSCC8than hie conneeted, tried 1igrd but- Most of the Oshara forwad evadlng his shoulder. Ernie Bumbaco, a fast-SAll J, cetrewas one of tihe best "up frn"for the homesterS, witb La- valle anid Davie. foýrner Younig Ranger. bot.h showlng, Up wel on the w'ngs. Aterflato 4efeflCemfal Trickriey siîowed fllahe& of reSl abtlitv. but lie 15 Jusi recoverit from 'a recent Injury 'And was used North Bay-Oomii. Bastieni de- Jfense, Paquette, McTreer; centre, fBumbaco: wtigs. Laviýile and Dav- John Henr r i s tag ges n u r.M the bu Cr * ile:h alttrrateg. Holoka. Larden, t m r q' t e " r f n t J I rM e , o f *maLCrush m R gh t I 6 n et u eB ruc . R ichard an d lack ley. ,t u r c -% ,% f i d c e n t e t t h r i n i s r k e s t p i « , o h n R n r y e wO, * W e r o fOt ha tgC o i v i n;ol v nd e f e n ses nd gitt-cafUi ?1)enceudf la wring rieoaterampkaRCE Wfh trc htlh haDanieL,3. Delmoxîte: centre. Taylo<l" -d1î$j w!~5 4UI%l IwoU<1gI 10 t" n 9ceps OrS4lt Ila. aion i quew'ngs. Sawyer. Knotui: subs., Rit- ; s0- ifl unrOl nt rd om Ilthe CnilnPW* de?, t-&,tin iS M ha. lUmof chkaIn the kochie, J. MlAt.e N. McAtee. Smith btrI uieIfoin o halnr diaSBtDgrgài iquaTrterifttrIi ht a nd McMïlrius. 1 goal ln 2nd fand beu ii o'era qartrof a ecoinry Iaded ouil eue or lys bac"i bef@re eee riur3dprot >d thd fîigUl afcr rrachlng a couRt of fIsc 3n the169* kfO&,d@Wfl, 'and wartdd the - ftefereeds-Du .onl r %ummr whrn hr pounded 4M.aa%;ihmpltlg ng tnt. ubhmmI attecr .1113rIO mnaut" and itour Cr Flnira(bthProrta htiIII. iflesp two g"[iV8 iOft h* OIU 1SE Ui Pt RV 511w te baet*cmaetthogui o' l-Oswa. Taylo 42 orrthr îtart and staCeihrttf SkfrtM tht final biew ta0ire dowe and out. <hâdltgr IaIOn Ris Rlack Throuch lbe Ropet TOha aylJ. r cAt. 14Rit PeiiRa, j.-M cTcee (it like -A good Ideri bu. e rî.e »Pud** Vati. We itno.gil, t Pud- 'itd re'llý earried a iriLulfir brr1ti riyune iiad. Watia.f elaekati b. licashe nrrksrip in iIgliî &Mo * been t urnin ri a onw ea. North Bay Hockey Fans Ses osoig I~aUUB3-North Bay, Laiallee (Bum- G oo G m e A s ulG e ue am w (jet 8:25.... ...... Oood Jr.PenaJtles-Holouka,. Bumbaco, J. First J.Win Over urappers 4cAte. Swyer Ar Tt Ra.ndlet's North Bay M,.iAtr to-de1,t2-0 wlhîefi cl,, JRYn,,-FAII Juniors Prove 'Fait and v'I l turi w 'h l ierit'll0r.¶e JUY SÏLIE Capable - Rink Paclced jmresîa'î rivlbtittnq tlic o to Se. Memorial Cup ~ F>. s [EtUIETI Fm"lit in Action T'ircireTxsiiw tIe Ce» 77 CLOSU CHECKING httr a rvrit- y 'n)r- ' Tr pnt-s- r'-'r' atrw ('d ta rrry i fmr M of 'f l:ar but bck-checkirrg airng tire, Of Brock Twp. Resiùnts at Sundetlanc hr)I 0trm na tott 'lry r - Sunderland, Jan. 3Q.-A verdict Of tvwi triox over the net-mindmgt accidentai deatli waà returned by a chore In thtU prnod. dIdn't et t0 coroners jury. whcbin rqulred into ,nuch to do. tic deaths of Bichard OOneIIUS and Hlowew, tIings verf dCUferent Albert Young, BrOcX Townlahip In the inal APMM M. imere wax~ ac. residentz. at an Inqti5t held her - Ion glore aRâ the "'rr'ppers" pu~t Priday night. on tho pro&ture and hemtmed the lhc jury f ound t i Vvrn ,hen Ital<ukg < i' a II l theicaixtli cenccsslp n f Brook TOwn- 'y.theh muurteri st I EtPt up the allip n a car owne -nd ciriven by 8114 1 m l h -- w re f inslI1V re- A 1b "t Y c>ji q w hIch ' om e In5 î l v- isrd e. afPrr N ':ng rob bied a he mt eccl In àa coiion witIlia truck owtled of U11re' Liale got the pick b Bryan Farma a"d driven by wheti an Gtawa defenceman1 'cieared" Il rliht ta hat stick ianâ 1 Samuel Rae of Bu*iderland. "Weê- ~te marU ~-UPpe4~ pat iconuider thclr deaýh& accidente.' %t&ntuî.ta tive thé 14rtit, U&y root- and wlah to ComnpietcIy exoncrate tM a chantce to "utîve Mn*. !MUO1 Ra," the ijzryaaid. Il jiist took the C»t 1'-a idtnCe of Rae :man Richard mutle le» uMan îwo minuum le- cet T1n4iayy. paminger n the YOUlg thu~ our t>ack. Kntt ahootlng the car, who bu Jut b"In releuaied [rom rutber biscuit Intô the atrmng .f- hospital liere. ahowod that at the Lte 14,UDî a nie play-pu î i Ufl <1the Ci4eýt thors a W"a TaYlordenis fog "d- tlat appaenly Por the resuIlflof fthe pelOd 1DIUi4OT 0«th# drtisaaw egecn tm- wiu pI.IILy et excltMfl5fwi d O*b? uti! tSO lat.'o UowP. A Damug- Gui', mUS Belote yoiî order dininer et a aaiatyu lonsg trip ly inototcaf yOi pot7 fl -ag t~~~s~ou iU T or-.s s a ouls m ï9 *qm:elo" he "ivv - yoO 11 maudy, m«Mti uArd Miaget League UdIUUUâ nuvg" - ____ Close Race for the King Cup I H F A T O saa'.iramalîm oFrm'm --ame DSi m a> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b Doo'7. ...1 from tihe rftrio%'uternl. rrsn he*ratter al, tir sL T'iirý teani iras lacer: 1be Onta.rto Mciget c la tioni and Ira" bec-i ih LTndàay in tUe f Ir Oeas Hotne-&nd-hame to la ccmpiet.td bel or Tentative date for tihe Corne out &ai àcherr. id glis- LW~!IUUU *.guwvu v- By Whitby Argos on Local Ice Whltby Agu tok a Iop-aidedi D-1 decisloir front Laketietd Iteîtr- tndaes 1mnlWe neday naIn r- ici zuediaite "a" hockey tilt at Tay - loi-s Aretta oilt a ce thre Argua prull'dihieunselves astl ,ti i)eior n combliirAtlon anîd trsni-pia'v ahidi ,oinbined wltlm Clark#e ,ona wl goai-tcndlig tri gIi, ttireii a corn- Lakeficid mav lave tact-n liardi- i - caliped alghiliy b), lAre lou o f Stet' Layai. tegular ttcuitodian. a-ti âuffered severme cuti a t re head wireria car ti which he uc t rav-et- ling wtlt some of Utr, team-matca becanie inroived in ari accident on tirt- way dow» iront Lakefteld. Lakefield put îîp a g.,od scrap but Uey jutaldidnm't iav'c "mitIt took rais far a.-%the kmgos werr con- r'it-Argos canty liad îa 1-0lest! ah i-erind of-Uic fIrat framre Bruvu iturtutg thre parade wa-t ir ai aun- aactted goal utthei.18-40 mr [titI Vipoird made At 2-O atr itîrer minrutes of play litiLhe acçond petioci liard ailUte way, looktd lite mal- Ilite (111,11e, ntereaittist ita31~t ptin tIrentonthie iu'e à hert all*m tisid unaââ4rrtecr tutu Mire local iuiper% trauls-apih' ihc presure lutArýie huiLluns andi Oke. Pijai Mtatvir et #jI. okd Ilirougi tjire Lakocets'md delevue et est unmem'vilui rate' Wherîtitw n"oe of battit f ir.aily c.iAe'd thre lceais NViirt TrI 'raz'" îun~ rap a tirr -i btrut.% <l àbK:! tncAr ~ai. PI'mpir fol gre' T Tng t 11egile"t ! t- Lk,1oud. T c'rfA n> a-tel i- iurl. U: oucri, s"r G a ti' Aile T Tiere-old 'pelli ua'r ascc'ouni- C'd for Wetre,ý.ay ,11 'W pi- liii tur:-ouIt it rvri l lIAs: .Irîir gamin ltOIîalwa or Uir t ht at li was BimrtaNIglit cisniar u-1 forth Uicitht iller' cre:Tfi hundred M -ta:r iiT à)r dotlbýArarT:rla ia' il.ryost Ira raacatm ai g~ ~ma.e t n ttrl :- 1aiau imi air fltiai scoret9-1 for tht A.tt5 0-ri-1< .t attI:ltit~T Tihe gaine %'aà îeey deanaui ti ult ic parxt and ii.-pr> te rîi lar àplte c01lte score pioiidcd a tI- ai r orn ternnai-ftint I1.4rtliit tertstitia hockey eitt o:Lalt-- upa w-ee as fIOU'...ektaarr j t ) trf r" ChItUcl. elhiga Bitt Crcl.gitusn. quite aaa Ata i jOm4 0! W Ui aub. OLerY. TietU. Ch&»ecW Momli. WIUTSY--<>oa. i. dt-. es.,'S ,aTur Broun. OItw.. <eiPpes. vIsma."- 'Maynre, Pittipa. taiba. .Vpid Watimr. aunetiLicoîd IL 'i lpatd R-eferee--rr Woe'tie -To'ou Jý-Whtt». Lhlmý #.-Who*,> 9-Viaa«») iv.r r ire r..riî't itut or rrator.' i1% vriv Not Onhe Boy Wanitcd To iiith ; fioke:.To Br a Gi~rl ft.V. about in Whijtt' le"tI5 ',-r- 'iou pack Ilire Old :.Palace on Wrciaarof ttL it'-'. hi1h rT' Oufe tc tal. a frilt .U -tý1ný Wh«rpde-doI I, -e-in à s- amore ds'1t,-1crc'tlrit01 Titir Ia lapirs eMur t- vlua a r 0on -and %er OtdrTf ti iu e4inctiier) tR'rC tu pal-laad ivted nra-letm of the rTUS'&t.oi bur IfJ'.r'.î i v .-rls h<l aî'g-.r*- A'. f;rr on *Tirur- dâý fi niar. 'a" tckrd tmp tamrS ia:ja.h- ' ~. ~ t uould urat-e ~~:w- t'î. a ttî.y-ii 1àn'ne thai ~rrs t:...- anltttt'- It SKi .'- clc't fi»andO rh and the Ceh cm va-hon i fid attaineci hie ripe a-re lC--ccenity :tnrijudgmrrit iAzach olier. AIn YcrLNv.tIr. EIIï3. All Uit bo)s qdecciid U'«aI! gles* No boy wrruld hâvîe jefef to hie bec» agirl But many Iltlà g rIs w,.. 1Uiry iîd bec-n boriaby'aU Uié glz.s brmnded tUhe boY t 'O dti-ty. mLk.lrevors &aid buIeI.ý Thre st occurrre'Int»a adoh tlimp cx=anuoei 1cm- nti'y Iit reconditrr achot>' andi 1hril "set ake't UVairwtif-lr preferl-d llcg boym,-.r girls. why "Wuic.t a lady gtU nU-ed' el o. fOf' 011 h ci Flenty of Boclycbeck - le and Ply ta Fat nd~ TurOUS, Unlice Most Ex-' an hbiion Affaira ontI cUrt.agirl w-m-ite. -"sut anil' »Çkj ..6 dm-ti ii aU ara stinbuta nitr <> pco-e a preltsninaryt sow!ng c'a» only w<ear aa l i 8.k cfUc ilOti-t unorf'v e Ar-oilitit 'gptid ber aYMPUV'patn&âcmsatL, a n as uOui,%- î for toy' iimdit h rA 1C l= tiaà17 Wb-a 'erreiaIs oa-crioui aà1.-I 'e'-' knc-p theur trs arm LniW.U'.dir Os-cr iche wnt*etvan- rasia.t b>cc'stiaIlvs a-srcIPad"t iecrnpasstcîtdi &tlay o: Que gItriUard u'eming loMg bi4<k tue a-ais-Tp4slmw sh Ir pm-trOll &texltlp. lYtg I.43i tao-w p uic >beMJ0of-cf h'- 01fs~#so tc-a-tttifaa Iid lit <aIut t iy 'Adaautlneg peed and ctit5i peIpT'. LUV -lid lite 1 have a ile» elP410,eutwalament t10 Itty c-s-e îîc &"d4. '10 60 au l tii*huabLwf'k ailc1 aam patemia <cd putt palaffi 1)U-dthe »aY ltuil14e ar" f «rh Y 1 PPM-llêdno* &c-U4 oer mato U»<lucbhah bom b.alt < Int er lv a junior I~1a lioedItti' «uIltempt b <ca. beiditavetoa ad liet %er. r umfhig, p ari aot DIhia dct oey &Mscore<f dU» <aier aitri IMOW tl te -lut Lgiît' juolo" #ru* , 7bo4 u a8-R-O erowd tm ~bao Io m- 13w "Trmppmrs"tân- - - - ita VWI1i"OWMrerauW and rncc a spofttw OU bhtStOuCî a m O » S. 1 ah"1 *i 1 Nsrtb a«. ter 14as homo in p«teIai* t*woulo aàttot' ~u. aod.~etDwot l uwàuwlàaie . m&w Mînaturo Hockey WarFstr Claremont-*Hlgblmnd Cruk*Sas F'- t t- a re p1i> ee lit- the te.vst ag l 0 1) 1rhrr tlt pùYerp. sud OMW p&AYdmi t*IW 13* m ag 10tmu woI , 'lien i .« u rrt'ir ati RigliJa i âbsfl « t flla lb« i li XW Cît nie uil t sacoiteti tla S sIne 10 o«Ik ,1 K r tuakey a-ar hiuriurg tire 91MaI Dic heIS 14<' fl 0f lut i iaurscldatcnigtt's OCWitJ' . ,Wlt.1 M b Lerague fiockr dmbfn*cd*eUaborie *a(% "" ak "0 Ciarmoant hai a 1-0 Wtu a V» blb? 1m ai» »Off - thîird pe a-lien a diopww eum tL hm#e.W wtet 01& Orer tittir f otbr g oml. MMIIwhètwy r,,wg ea m- M 1< a-as tui tihenet sadnti ohwmcm at0«09 al »et 8M or. h ctiw14c une. butas a-e t4" .I PWAwcu, ff 0 wlae can*laMy A% Su eue 1&83laihe tiseq» tender Exle Bruce e01R»409»d bu 4ocW1 OU iv -hett- referte Pollautid dwat p tire -puy atutliapnxtut%& r* aW Boa mtba m i*làf ont on, tire Ice. IWee Ia- la Ub »W WldAi t et 1 OW lm mPm Um " AMussa arouusi a-tIfsJ<lt it MW $m'~-lb im PUR Omo Iup adst lihu" <t 4a o li ýOO tm muth dawxffl aenb di a UO 'lerw til pempeaa% lcOsW,4w» bx* 'OL. !otec aile] Sa' sec ,MAY Recol tert Haro] 7 .police the pa 'i is res. Ata on Tue f10» wa June 31 lent to; ed *,to anoîthez home' ur eW a aucce currIng Fred 1 wu, aa ahould aiderat OGUnci the ha] conside thing 1 tender howevu time-a job -an the tu about' the h bettE' would the CII bae I hfm, a ceed nek.to andi cept .t uiiothe which job; an ried 1tl loi ".3- 'Ie e 's ':5- '7' '1 - i 1' 1 1 games ýs yle". bu

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