Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 4

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z' I ,PAGE FOUR TH-AE WHITBY GAZETTE, AND CHRONICLE, WEDESDAY, APRIL 13t 1938 Francis J. 1Intyre hias been. confined Vo his \orne curing the put weekowiîng 4o an lnjury ta his foot causeti when a heavy radi-1 litor leW1 on it while at hua work In the store.- 4+ + iovers o! Art li. the town wil sppreciate ,the corning exhihition C~ pictures loaneti by thý- Ontaria ociety of Artists. Watch for f ur- theUr detaliL. The R~eading Group wiii holà lts gular meeting xIn the Library on eT4uesday nfight, April l3thi, at jp.m. The bookc reviewed wUi bIr Mrs.- J. E.* Wills, Centre street sauthi, who recently disposed* of hier pr operty bas arrangecf to hoiti an auction sale o! hier householti effects on Wednesday. April 27thi. Mrs. Wiilis who has been îli 15 now iînproving show-l' hier many friends wili bc gladti ta harn. She expects to leave this wc.k ta spenti some time with biei'ni2,-ce.in Port Credit, Ont. The soloist in the Unitedi Church on Sunday înorning wiil be Mr. Eti. Bowinan andi in the evening Mrs. Julian Bcecroft. ftsir james Barrie: An Apprecia- The Easter Th-arikofferirig meet- Con". 1Ing o! the Uniitea Church W.M.8., + " - wats weli attendecid last Tuesday.ý Aboit fifty guests attentiet the Tne guest speaker Mrs. (Dr.) rsception on Saturtiay evenilg last Struthers, o! China, gave a most, whicli feood thle marriage in - lntereting, informai talk, with the" htbof Oreta MOPh.Iei~oZLtO 8assistance of îahtern shicleb,,about obi cDoilôngh, The bride is Htie her work lui the city of Tsiuan ~'~ugiter of- thie late Mr. and Mrs. Asàoo*as, graciously reptiereti by ~,M. M1epherson, of Oaltwood. and l]ý1rs. Mebville. A very satisfactory îronIsthie eldest son o! 'Mr. tï-ink otfering a contributeî, and >41'. T. McDonough, o! 0311 ai ci at the'closc!of tp. i eeting a-,- ga. RfiY, John 14n&1a~y peî'formnet cup of tea andc soria1 half houl- the cere*mony. Guests were-preseiit werc en.ioyed by all. tm Qa)kwood, Lindsay and Osh-1 5will Wsie I -twnThp regular r. .r '4ings of the Wo - wll esd IJ tme n',sAtxiiiary 'o! AUl Saint? wil - < ~'be hieid riext wuek. The evenIlne lUt week o! Hlie cdeathi at. Mc'moril a ternoon Eramehi holti their Eptal. A.1Us1ton, o! Castlie S1mith. rnonthiy businees meeting on of Càokstawn, Onta*ýIo, a former laiursday at 3, anti the Juniors on -wel nown mercliait o! WhlthY- Friciay at 4 o'chcc.k. A cor.siderable Mr. SnUth'e, uny frients here amount of worlt remains to be fin- ~wml regret to htcar o! bIîs passing. 'shed- for the i'r anzl spring sea- * 4. 4.son andi ail miii-ers are asket to Asessor Frank Undterwood whuie be on hianti. o$ work on thenew Martin Apart-i ment, on Brock BStreet Southi, hadt W.C.T.LT. MNEETING~ t1be miaf ortune ta f al !rom a phank Terglrre-.îgo h o jýt the top o! the building and h eua etn !teWm T'eceivo aevere Injuries. lie wa i ens Chî'istian Tnperance Union rished In W. C. Towns' ambulance, will be heiti on Tuesday afterno 'on. to Osbawa Zîospital. During the April 19th, at t1hree o'ciock, at the1 put eekbisconitin ias eenhome of!Nkrs. Jos-ophi Kean, 144 Hic- qule lanin' bt is ririd9 il, kory street. -This will be the an- buie glaing- tearn hie dsmwhat iiiai nmeeting with election of off i- Improved. cer.3'nid every rriember shoulti try tobc prescut. Ail who are-' inter- Mr, A.W. ~eal, 0fFonth.n. T-mpcraiice work are cor- tario, was I town-for a few -day daIYiniei an caiteti on many old f rîends, who were glad to iearn that his CARI) OF TIANKS lea1tIh bsd enabieâ hlm Vo carry Mr. and Mrs. --anmes Sleighliîolm- un hLsgQPd worl In -the achools lI anti f amîly w sh ta thank al! their iay western towris durlng the kind friendla, nel ,hbors, palibearers, anti those who Sa kindhy provideti *+ 4 cars, for- their mnany acts ol- kinti- TIi. many frientis o! Miss E. ness, expresion. of sympathy andi lKarvey wlll regret to learn thaz conticlence ancd for their beautifui ie i.s confineti ta hier hbôme floral off erings ,tt he, loss o! our tlu'ough 1111105. dearly behoveti son. s 1r111 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Two Shows at 7 and 9.- Saturday Matinee at 1':30 HOLIDAY MATINEE AT TWO O'CLOCK .YOULL -BE 'PERFECTLY DELICH'TEDI ,,thcy'rc so perfectly delightful togetheri, MONDAY - POWELL 4NNABELLA, HELEN WSEMY s HENRY STPHENSON >OSEPH SCHILDKRAUT *NIG RC E :L j EDWVARED BROMBERC LYNN BARI '4A 2«h Century-Fox Piciture' TUESDAY - WEDNÉ SDAY Twe Shows at 7 and-9 ~'HOLD 'EM- AY' With LEW AYRES, MARY CARLISLE ALSO AN ADDED ATTRACTiON ""THE WESTLAND CASE" WITH PRESTON FOSTER - CAROL 14UGHES SCHEDULE 0F ADMISSION PRICES: vtNINGS (Emcept Sat. & Holîdays) Adults ............ ...25c Children, uuider 12 .... 15U -MATINEES Adults ................. 20c Chilciren ..............10oc Every Child Must Have a Ticket Saturday and Holiday Evenings, 'Ail Seats 25 Cents. We take this opportunity to express our appre- ciaion of the rnany compliments receiveci and gooci wishes expressed by the people of Whitby and out- iMe places on the occasion of the opening of, the new Brock Theatre. Thank Y6U. THE-MANAGEMENT. Therewill be no meeting this F'ri- day niglît. Mûis Thursday",nlght, however, thiose who wLsh to try their tentierfoot are requestedti o meet at" "Chuck" Kings, 700 Centre St. S.. at 7 o'clocic. --- ~ w HOLIDAY MAIL SERVICE On Gooti Friday, April 15, -anti Easter Monday, Aprii 18, the wicket.s 'Mffl5 INSTITUTE ANNUAL v. .A. H..Alun, who was brisec at the Whitby Post Office wiil be MEETING 'aWC shahCef up, whefl knociceddown ipn h tir m il busi12Nnes ur- Thie April meeting o!thie Woirn- by a. car 'when, crossing the inter- trnsawhcti Te a'bsi es's iil hiel le t e sction- taihis stotre last, Wednesday tranactd. h obby doors wiile' Institute wl be h l nte venint"1eft on Tuesday xnorping for be open !rom 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. for Council Chamber, on* Friday, thxe,i Preston Springs for treatinent andi the benefit o! the box-hoiders. 22n&- a hxeeo'ciock. Tis la the aho-Ïiday, Mails wiil be received anti despatch- anul_ tin atie»eto io eti as usual. There will be a de- livery as usual on the rural routes. officers. Conveners o! ail commînt-0 __________________tees. are asked to be prepareti to give a report o! the work accorn ~~ ~plisheti durIng the.year. Rail CaliI H I MAGIST TÉS 1will -be answered by thie paying o! the annual fee. Ail ladies interest- CfUKI d lI Institute worhc are invitedto ta 1'maiiently Removeti by- COURTattend. Thomas Sunderland,. chargeÈ PUB IC eLIBRARY TOIB)E ECT OL SI 0C ED FOR A WEEK with the!t o! an overecoat and $40 ib i>bi ibay'wl e CONS ULTATION FREE f rm ame Lndsy xi hit~b ~ closedtoi ta'he public for a weeic, AND CONFIDENTIAL 4,prîl Ist wazs rernandeti Tuesday commencf'g on Monday nâ~t, whilez- afternoqun Vo Oshawa Maglstrate's extensive iniprovements are being Ie court until April 2lst. A charge o! matie in the auditorium The Board He en >L Sàltë being drunk lI a public place at la geLtng tenders on tîe work from ~ DERMATOLOGIST that'time will also be heard wth lô5cal, painters ta ha undertaken. th.e other charge. specifications being approveti of 4t Suite 8, 291,-1 SIMCOE SIr. S. Charted WIth Theft a -special mheeting. on Monday night. Over Ward's, Store Victor Burroughts . nd Bert Thie work will be done by the entid LPOE88-ORW Graves of West Whitby, bothi pleati- of next weelc, according Vo the spec- el guiitv bef ore 1115 Woràhip Mag- ifications. I strate F. . Ebbs Vo a chlarge of stealing gasol1ine from a car belong- ing ta Allan Méeoti o! Whitby. Graves, neither o! whose parents appearet inl court, was remandedti t rOshawa Magistrate's court Wednes- on suspended p~entence for one year anti Bis Worshîp stated that hie 'WOUitirecomimenci cailcellation o! his driver's icense Chie! Quantrihi tohi thie court that hie receiveti a phione cail from a Whitby citizen on thie night of April 2 ta the e!fect that hie had seen the two boys going do-wn thie street cachi carrying a can o! gaso- line. investigation reveaieti that the gas t.at been reinoveti from the next doar neighibors car. A Ford car in whichi thie boys hacI been ritiing was fount.inlx the vicinity, inti taken ta a garage where they -tubsequently appearedti ta aim il. They wre then questioneci, Chie! quantril! relateci.-anti atiritted uhef t o! thie gae- "î tidtn't tel l -lmbecause 1 id nIt wish hlm to know," saiti Graves 1when asked by Bis Worship to ex- i plain the nion-appearance o! his jfather. whom hie hiad been toldti t bring to court dn his first appear- Iance on the charge. Chie! Quant- rIl ii stateti thiat ha diti not thInk the boy's father was interested inl lîin. G.zaves, who gave hua age as seventeen, was toldti t inform his father wha was expecteti to be li court the. next morning when the case came up li Oshawa. Graves istateti that hie stooti by whie Bur- rcughis sîphoneti the gas ont o! the L.tank.- *'HBe put me up ta it," saiti Bur- Sroughîs. George Burroughs, fathier ~o! the accuseti, sait hie had tolti the Gr 'aves boy on several occasions 'ta stay a'way from thie house. Bis son drove thie car, hie statai, anti was a very careful driver,* "I tion't cahi th'is being careful." observeti Bis Worship. wha express- ed the opinion that Burroughs was not a-fit persan ta dlrive. - Charge Dismissed A charge o! assault occasionlng actual botiîiy harm agalnst Thomas Yousig was dîsmisseti by Ris Wor- ship. Thie charge arase fror1h eom- ,plaints by his wIfe, Ms. Beulahi Young, that hie struck hier durlng the course o! an argument on April 4th Considerable evitience was heard relating ta thie allegeti alter- cation. Chie! Quantrill tolti the court thiat hie hiat matie several at- tempts Vo settle disputes on prev- ibus occas5ions anti thiought that if the young couple werc living in a house o! their own, instead o! ývith Young's peophe, they might be able ta get aloxig bceter. "I am noV satisfied withi thie cvi- dence c.! cithier." observeti Bis Wor- ship. "Its a very unfortunate sit- uation." - - - - - - - - - - EA STER,\L IL lESI j aybesenSUPLYhLIMITEI Carefully AttencIed To. NVORGROVE CLEME1VCE .1137 Brock St. S. Whitby - . TELEPHONE 867 Flowcrs -for Lister yPLANTS ami Bill S.cuT-FLOWERàS, LILIES -HYDRANGES, DWARF RO SE BUSHES CUT FLOWERS. SNAPDRAG ON. TULIPS, DAFFODILS ROSES CARNATIONS,- PLACE YOURý ORDERS EARLY To Be Sure o Supply and Service W. A.CORMACK' DUNDAS ST. W. PHONE 324- WHITBY I ocialand Personal ,Brevities- TI ýMî WO ,HAVE NOT PUR- eliaâed the#i adio'License please telephohe L, W.* Dudley 566 andi he il v aU. LAWNX ;B S SHA1PENED repaire, eallecI for andi delivered. 314 Ooàlborn Street East, two blocks east of Town Hail, by W. Roach. What Others Say COMMNTS ON O)UR Editor, Cizette and, Chronicle: Sir:--Oncê afln I amn led to notice your e'dltorials through the means of! etter-writlng, not because I< wlsh to bave y*u "pUffeti up" over the matter, lbut bevwuse ofthie thougbt, - pÈodtucinÈ statements ,found therein, and.some &! the statenents madie, in sèveral of- the editorials - ppearing In your last Ilelue <ADJril 6) are indeeci thought- 'prùvokin,,. YOur flrst ,editorl had to do with ."Ilie Why of Tragedies," andi ,you,.have-handlec,-i't in a masterly Way-nôt too, long -and not too short. -The editbril ai 4t with the tragedy which,%wÏell two prcuiising Younig men of Whitby--Jack Egut- chisôn and Eruest Slekhtholrn, 1>oth.j o! whom "I knew wèù. Tow wOrcis in that editorlàl stand out promn- ently-"without warning." What ai depth of meanlng those* two wordsj contain, andi how true they are~ not aré snuffed out in the twinkling of an eye,,but also as regari,Às the par ents, the brothers. the sisters,- andi immecliate relatives. What a ishock It proved to those latter.-lt struk' a s "a boIt froni the blue,," and en- tirely ixnexpected, anti hai ta be endured. But, even uuider sucii ch- cunistances as those deait with, there is much to be thankfül- for.., strange as it may seem., Since we ah have to go (sooner or latÎer) it 15 niuch better that we go suddenly, andi without much pain andtif!!er- ing.'than ta be bruised and mairned and linger li torture and pain andi be a continuai sburce of worry -if woa-iticlar be called) ta those hers andi sisters, eand Immediate re- latives. -We. are ail 1famihiar wi th the sufering- and misery %endureti by some dear frieni., or relative, or stranger-somnetimes for' lexxgth o! years. Let us be thankful, much as we regret the accident to those, two valant young men, that they were taken as they were andi not aiiowed ta exlst li tormnent anti pain andi perhaps be incurable criliples for- the rest of their naturai hile. In the next paragraph appear other thought-provoking words, as follows, I"So often we.read o!f irn- ilar tragedies in othier placei$, but when tbey 'strilce home we pause andi give -more serious reflection." Those words are Ti'uth at'1Vs best. 'Throughout the history o! the ages it has ahways beenso-loy.anti sor- row have -aiway.9 been next-door neigh-bors. 'Upon >oné, front door' appears the zlgn of death wltin, anti within the f our- *ai are the ;survivors whose hieart!s are nig1% breaking and whose frames, are shaken wîth sobs. Next doorthings are entireiy cifferent; thiey are strangers to the famihy thus bereav- eti; their worries are few; they feel Announcementa ~PAUnTIG AMMPAPER ANG-' Ing.-W. -BroWn, 120 Ash Street. *Teephonet 401, Whltby. RESERVIE PRIDAY, APRIL 22ND. for St. Georgesg Day supper,--by AllSAInt.s' Choir. AÀ gucat 6pee.k- er wlU be announced lat0r. rmens -Euchfe in the Council O meron Monday evening. nexçt., Ai laili, at elght o'clock. Goocaprizes and a good time. XgAR DICKC "THE AMAEUR- Gardener" in the Baptist Sundiay Scliool room-on Tuesdaý, Aprfl, 26th, at 8 o'cloc1c. Pour door prizes wlll be given. Admion 15 cents. RESERVE FRXDAY, APRIL 22i»1J, for annual St~. Geirge's Day, !RQast Beef -Supper,. in Parlah Hall, by AU gaitst. OhoIr. Guest spealçe and muat4.,,Bupper served at six o'cloclc. Admi*Io 35 cents. IME RIMADING GROUP, WILL -'hold Its regular meeting at the t4Irary on- Wedne$day n1ght, APrIl -13th, ît 8 pin. Thebook reiewe4 *IU. be "Sir -Ja*eo Ba r A.,,n Appmeiatiàn.' LAWN imiçWE4aS HARpxNED yi~ahinwy.Satizfaction guar- .ansê. alld orand dlvrd Luk'eBicycle'and Repoir Shop. Phone 768$, HAVE - YOU A COPY OP'. GA- zette arid Chronicle.0f April 6th? If a,--rug it to* Gazette and ,t_..Ih9n4(Uê Office andi colleot five centeL, a AM "eBACON&- *PICNIC STYLE HAMS 0 PICNIC HAMS MAPLE ,SYRUtP' PÀSTR y FLOURý 24 Ibo Bag HE R PhnL 669j HER-WI'LS-ON, & SONS' has many shia>tiws-bUt most shati- ows are due Vo sunshIne."ý That:Is a grand thought to - those able Il t grasp it,. anti I rjinFjerely hope -anc trust thiat- every relative, anti frieuti o! the, two young meni re!erred ,tô wihl VhorougWhy underàýa~d *anti grasp it. Yf.sr, r, ,. L&tio en»i o r edioral ag C1~X iint o! vieWI each and everyr weekl, To ma itis' the pagê-oaf paZçp' to ýe 13'là Thé Ooet te apWç,hronjcle. - ý- -z Ihad I ntendet ta refer. otâ wov other etiitorial is bcLi ýppeqred lut Iweak"R Mli g M,çn.r r hurcli Our V.mes "-ý'uV lIlY ugts> con-. c.rnlng- thie tragiZh las take'lip t0o MuCh'space I fer, SO 1 shal leave them for anothër occasion. ROBERTJOElqrON - 213 VWIieeler Ave., iÇOontoi. BANANA MILK SHAKE.- bo'Mlaud l>. crearmy ... c mdpuo= ms Have you renewed your sub - tèto, er vns" a M.aIes 12 Thie Gazette and' Chronicle at the piesçnt rat)f $1.509 or sê* lu a-,iiew subscription? Rate advance May ist to $2.00. Il'È - i Ladres Gabardie and kid in ties, monk atraps anid goepwps. Laxge ýtit. i aetcolour3. Prc&frorn- $198.te $5 00 Misse. and. clChildrens, jurlbut and Mickey NMousë, i,îand& in etraps and oxfods. MEN'S',BOOTS ANDO &XPQRpS9new recedé lasu',, lateat. colours, Qua1itýr footwear at - lowest prit"< BoY S: OXFOR DS New iasts. special f4r the week, 30, pairzsi to 5W V.Soui Iather. ?Aff'f>WOR:'BOOfTS, in well'known.Cm-n VALENTMin akes, ý the kinci tha< fit and er Large, variety andlIowest prieos. Largest assartmnent 'Of fo otwear ini to'wn. . Prices Iowest. Visit our repair <lepartrnent. At your- servïice for over 50 years. OPEN TUE$DPAY, TI-URSDAY 'AND SATURDAY- YEVENINGS., CLOSED ON WEDNE$DAY AFTERNOOM -most -'when trouble, sickness, anx I ,k bu httrial hit their homes,make. no mis Before closing the reference't Ithe tragedy above I wish ta appen here the Ecitorial Note found ii coiumn four (4) as follows: "Lit. cioCi*e I =EUINGTWi TOMATOUS CATSUP 3.'tins25,c lOc CORN I EGOS, 3 tins -25c. CAN RITE GOLDEN W«X PUAS I BEANS 3tins 2-5c 2Itinsl19c SMOKED AN--D.CURUÉD'MEATS MPAPLE LEAF BRAND É-3 X- ,Phone 618

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