Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1938, p. 10

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TI-1E pAGE EIGH7. PA jup fI*R l'ol a loei p1d rn p'i- Glowlflg tributes were paîd taà the f ine sponsorshlp o! the Whtty euvënile , League by the Whitby iOnS Club and- the -equily fine SPIl.It o<f the yothfliplayerS at tise tirst annual League banque.t,. $cu14ered ta the' five teanis th thse1 Royal Itotel' Wednesday ,nlght. IThe, V2<is, wth,,Presiderit Williamn Day- WdsQI, a3~ toastmtasteYr. pA yed hasts5 ta over fifty eritisUsastiti young-- sters who cheered to the echo as gucat* speaker,' Harold Cotton, f or- lmer Maple. Lea hockey star and eurrently a toodwih mlasaO for the Toronto* club,. rose ta ad- *Atesa ta thema. The splendid gathering caine as R if tting chimax to Whltby'a f irst seasorh o! juvenule hockey Which -should prove a landmark i the history of aur towri. During thi eve- -nlng, tiht Jack King Memorial tro- phy, emblematic o! the champion- ýhip, was presented, ta the cham- Pion 13rulis by Graydorl M. Goati- !ehhow, on behaif of thée donors, the Gazette anad Chronicie anid th-e Munidy.Goodfellow Printing Co. . Before sittlusg do'w1 ta thse excel- lent- repa.st proVlded, the Icing was- sung and theri one minute's silence ebserved in honour of Jack Hutch- IZon -ad Ernest (Ducit) Sleight- holm whase sudden deaths on Mon. day sadderiet the entire cammu- During thse banquet the boys1 were_ kept amused by the fasoiri- atingt sleiht-of-hand trickcs of Slim Johnson, wel-known Oshawa Magiciaen. SPOrtarnanhke IdealS Stressed First on the toast lIst' wa.s Lion Harold, Quantrili. who proposeci tise tçoast ta the boys la a few well- rhosen worde, stressing tise fact that both the boys and thse parents had benef ited fromn WhlVby's flrst y ci' ! l e _lpHockey. "The ,plendid pirit o! -sportsman.s5hip dinlayed was what was needeci in Canada todaY," said Lion Quantrli. 'Toastmaster William Davldson then called on Dr. D. R. Fletcher, Superintendent oi the Ontario Hos- pitali tla respond on behal! of the boys. 'I arn îndeed proud ta be ~Almot-.Ready for Blast Ià: Havelock Rock Quary Worknien Set 18 Tons Of' Wecnesclay afternoori, whîch wau ni toPro-ln charge of the president, Mrs. P.' Dynamite .i HillioPo T. Buntirig. The supply cureSton forHighaysreported that thse bale treasuier gave n, Peterbôro. aApril 11-...Eighteen wrapor isE tons of dynamite will be set of f In were oappont.1 one miglity blast at the end o! this Abert i IUIPP month at the llavelock rock quarry,ca 28 Miles eust of tisicty. The blast I e gwalP n is ecxected ta hoosen sufficient toc ilvi ,S;MeimiiVi ICCPI to keep the tjuarry busy dw"'* entire suxfmer. Tise r,,' - 'Ftiù*tion Spon- consîdcred one o! iieu{ Ini respond- lng to thIt toast," said.Dr.-Pletch 'er 'oed by Whitby Lions "we aPpreclate the iritercst showî by thse citizens in hhockey." Dr. For Longue Chaioz2S,- slans in about the year 500O t.c. r ~ests For. MapIe ' ionSeymour Whitney, presi- Le~i~ Frmer Bigcalled on for a few worcls by Toast- Leajùue Player GUest master Davidson. "'Some two . ear, ago 1 happeried to be at. Mapli SpeakerLeaf Clardesis and saw two Juienit teams f rom Czeorgetown play. madie up my Umina >o se a* yL île league in Whltby becaum it wasa treat ta o heii said Lion WhitneY. -I must say they were luckm"' in opposing Maple- Leafs than thetr' big brothers were," lie aclded,- amidst .laugliter. Cup Presented One a! tise hhight s o' evening was the preserita 0 thse Jack King trophY ta-, ners by Mr. Goodfelaw you lvnew the làte Jack 1 Mr. GoodfelIow, paying ~c tribute ta tise sincere irt shown in sport by anc of Isthy'a most ardent supporters of sport, a man who devoted not only a great deal a! .lis tume ta hockey but also lent, the game matenial fînancial support. I"It is alsa for lis layalty to aur flnm for a perlod o! over thirty years that we w"s ta pay tribute ta hlm," said Mrý, Goodfellow. 11We lhope sanie day there will be mnernbers developed lu this town who wiUl play for isome team in the N.H.L.," concluded Mr. Good!ellaw. Receives Cup Aimçe Rousseau, managçr o! tise Bruins, receivèd the Cup on their behai!, 'and thanked the Gýazette and Chronicle anid the Mundy- Gxoodfeilow Campaiiy rar remeni- /berig *"anc wha was flot only ane o! the most ardent hockey fans of this town, but was aiso very active not only in helping- the young hockey fans ta organize but lent financial aid as well."1 Presents Gifts Lion Harry Donald, secretany o! the League, in a !ew well chosen words explained tînt Se was carry corne token could not be gIviiz0t cvery player in the League, but toak great pleasure in pnesenting the champions and-the runners-up wîth ittîs gifP. Thc Bruins each receiveci a fine evesharp pencil engraved with the name o! the teani, league and year in which they were won. The Maple Leafs received fine crests. Haroldi Cotton was introduced by Ex-Mayor Ed. Bo'wman as- one Protect yourI WITH Nu« METAL ROOFUNG D)ry, rotted shîngies catch fire like kinding! But with Council Standard Tihe-Lap roofing you nccdn't worry about fiying embers or sparks. It is good for a lifetime and ie soid with a 25 year guarantee. This guarantçec is backeti by a relîabie llrmn with a background nf pja f"oprvefl. n oorrulur - -u banker. Tite.Lap roofing cornesin large sheets STAitE LcedShanUi that are easily handlcd. Fireproof, weather. ihSre hn Sproof-does not crack, bulge, ahrink or curl Taketentimes Thy aybepu o rg a ver your ohdroo L withdrawth4n Send ricige and rafter maeasuremente for free barbed roof- ing nals. Best cost estimate. ' rooflng naiS on the umket ~flAfI'iR MauufactuSreof the PM&Wbfainous Pj'estem Steel 5!GuIphr.e JTZttd Faco#io1, a, Tnaes S Bas, Tt*-Lap à 5 uelh Sree iwted facod«alt et metalrooffugmdJafli- pro, ont, -,mon#'we and Twoate. way PouttTy £qipi*nt. FOR UEITER EYUIIlrfl and Complee ptical -service CONSULT JURY and LOVELL OSHAWA Two Optometriats in attendance daily in the optical rooma, mezzanine floor of Jury & LovelI's Drug Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment, Except Sundays. PHONE 28 or 29 "When We Test Eyes It la Donc Properly" JURY & LOVELL OPICAL DEPARTMENT Oshawa 1ZTTE AND.CHRC Duke Some sporit fam have -4WeÙ d it (hêlieve it or not) s0 here t f,, The hitby -£oftbail 1League la' awyto a good istçt with five teams 'entered :aIready anid pros- pects c o te to corne. Tils year's spray tbua alr wM prfiS na tl'1l go awaY).ý The next' meeting la on April 25th so If you're thhikinli f e- tering Ï' teï S et your entry uah before thé dealine. It's golrsg ta be & grat year for sofibali, and the Psrk ot*t to be orowded when- ever the boa &et .ta pastini that alci apple. '.*+ Aoeorcllng, te aIl reports twerity- five <if the Juvenlle Leaguers had a red letter-day lust Saturday wh'en tisey were' takeri ta Toronto as Seste o! Maple Lea! Gardens ta shsiW&.wvi the f irst round of emoral cup play-of fs witk MLâoniface. DIurlifg the f irst in- ion the -boys were taken ta Leaf dresslig room where Har- oldt Cottori, wio addresser tise Lions Club banquet for tise boys a few weeks aga, preseriteéd' Fil Burkart wtth a medal for the "Most Valu- able Player"l as adjudged by the League managers. Tnle boys won't forget thse trip lu a h urry. In -r view 'of, th&e fac L that Oshawa Generals are making such a dIe- termined bld for thse Memorial Cup, wc thould remind aur good friend George Campbell that onc of theix aces isa-aWhitby lad who answers ta the moniker o! "DoC" Daf oe. "Doc" playecý corne mighty good hockey for Whltby juniors lasi year, and we want to congratulate hlm on his entry into thse big tme. #.>+ .' 4 Congratters to tise whole General, tearn also for taklng tise champion- ship o! Maple Lea! Garderis (wc borrowed that ane from George bu' it covers thse O.H.A. 111w a, tent) and theri forglng on ta what lookç like thse first Dominion junioi championship for Oshawa. We*ve purposely le! t it ta the lasi but bef are we close we want ali yom sport fans ta bear with us whuli we quote you a f ew linuof o poeti'y Sport f ans-old students and grad of Whitby High who stood aroun( cinder tracks and jumping pits bacl in '25 andi '26-hockey enthusiast ail over the district who saw Whit by Redi Wings win -a charnpionshil a few years ago and corne niight, near it every year since. 414> ee +' lts not a long poern anc con sists of a few lines iînrnortnlized b "Red" Foster in lis sport broad casts. We hope you'Il understand- For when the Great Recorde cornes ta write against your narnt lie writes-not if you won or las -but if you played the garne. Plan -Bright Markers For Cars Next Yeai w l'tei r r th, thi ;t u1 ýe k ýp 'r Pr Toronto, Apnil 11.-Ontarios mot- or niarkens for 1939 wili be plain black and yeliow, and with langer numbens,, Hon. T. B. MeQueshen, Minister of Highways, rcveaied in tise Ontario Legislahune, under fine f nom tic Canservative Opposi- tion. Reference, during discussion of eshîrnates bcaring on refonniatonies, ta the minufacture of markers in the reformatory ah Guelph, led Hon.- George S. Henry, (Cons., Eas York) ho hurn a colti and specu- lahive eyc upon the Highways Min- isten. Almosh before he got his first words out, Hon. Mr. 'LcQuesfen sali he would take the blame for the colons on the 1938 "invisible" markens. who needed littie introduction to such a gathering and "a fine hockey player.", 'It makes me proud to be a mern- ber of the Maple Leaf hockey club," said Mr. Cotton,. referring to the fact that in spite of the fact that he was no longer engaged ini active hockey, lie had the good fortune to be still associated with Toronto Maple Leafs in the capacity of a goodwlll ambassador. Mr. Cotton thoughet that the boys were, sometimes inclined to show lack of appreciation in the interest taken in them by men spon.soring juvenile leagues. "'For years wýhen I was a lad I often wondered what the oider men got out of helping the boys along with their game. Coaching Native Sons this year I found the answer," stated Mr. Cot- ton. "Sometlmes a fellow will be a star in the minor league-but when lie gets into the N.H.L. he peters out. T'hot cari only mean lack of the will to win," said the speaker, who placeci the greatest emphasis in sport on that d'ngged quality which often made a team wir against superior. opposition. 4In con. clusion he stressed the fact that hockey, whule the playing life of itf followcrs was s hort-lived, meant connections which would provea great asset to any rarninir busineen hf e. I The banquet closed. with the. singing of the _"Maple Lit'!". c meetingo!thse Town "SôftbaiI*League 1held at.. th-, 208 Henry Street, hsiZ April 25th. wheri theriext meeting will be held, as the -deadlne for entries i thlè year's annual com- petition. Representatives were pres- cnt frorn Myrtle, Civil Service, the Whitby Majlcable Iron, and St. Andrew's softbali clubs, ail of which slgnified their intention of critcriiig teams In the League. The officers, clected last Faîl, are as foflows: Hon. Presiderit, Fatier Moore. President, Harry G. Bracey. Vc-jbdft, Peg. Martin, Pickerifl Secrctary, William Brown. Treasurer, Wesley Heard.- Tie League hast year' was an outstandlig success Ê.e games at- tractlig large crowds. The Bowman &Rowe Cup wiil again be up for competition. Watch this sport page for furtiier arinouncements. Vith skates flashing and ice chips flying he cornes to a stop! It's WaI- cr Stanowski, defence mnan on the St. Boniface Seals juniors ,and robabiy the outstanding junior hockey defence player in Canada. As Le Seals went dawn befare thse Oshawa Generais, in thse first game a!Tiof aeGtaa f e ~ ~ ~ ~ - Mernorial-up-finas, the-ousta1dThgman onMthkeec wasrnis sam 'alter. He's in his second- year of junior hockey, 18 years aid, weighn 178 cunds, and is on the Toronto Maple Leaf negotiation llst. Lucky Leafs! luvenile Hockey Players, -Coachoes, Managers, Members ofExute Ouests ot Maple Loaf Gardens Pl ter Robbing Bow- manvilIle Store Bowmanviile, April 10. _-Two- thieves, canght in the act o! break- ing into a local clothing store ear- ly Satucday morning, escapeci when tliey tlireatened ta "drill" pursuers. Serne Saurs later Port Hope police, who liad been warned to be on tic lookout for a transient on an eastbound freiglit train, nernov- ed a nian from, the train and ciarg- ed Sim vith vagnancy. lie gave lits naine as Patrick Gouleigi, 0sh- awa. Jm Thonipson and Bob Cale. local youths. notice-i a stirang er standing in the doorway of! the store at about 2.30 a.rn. Whcn thcy appcoached the mian rau across tic street and thc boys followed lu Sot pursuit. TSey were ovcrtaking Sim when the man f el in the snow. Hie quickly rohîcci aven. slioved a hand in his pocket,* and thi'eatened ta shoot tie pair if they came nenrer. "Stand back or VII drill you," he leasant Function on Satur- day Night Arranged by Mr. O. F. Burkhart- Juveniles Addressed by Conny Smythe - Saw Oshawa - St. Bonifa e t hat a oee -ci Seais Game ,Yes, _______ and a Tlirougi the ciroris of Mn. o. F. been cl Burkhnrt, who1 was a very keen and enthusiastic supporter of thc Juvers- uce Hockey Leaguc sponsored by the Lions Club of Whithy this yeac. a- vcry pleasant party' was accangeci last Snturday eveiig when repre- sentative players f coini eaci of thc tennis accomfpaniieCý by their man- ge-rs, coaches nnd executive nien- becs of the League wece taken to Toranto as gucst3 af tic Maple Leaf Gardens ta view the fscst game o! the Memorini Cup playdowns be- tweeu St. Boniface Seals anîd Osh- awa Gcnernls. Ducing the f irst interîîîission the party assenibîccinb the Maple Leaf dcessing roans wlere Mr. F. J. Selke intnoduced Mc. Conny Snîythc, Mannging Director of tie Gandens, who nddnessed the boys telling theni tiat they were now sitting inthie rooni surrounded witi pictures of 'Woclds Champion Athietes' and hle sincercly hîopec hiat sanie day le would have the picasure o!fnMount- iug the~ pictuces o! anc or nmore o! the boys present wlti those immor- tai athletes King Clancy, Joe ýPnin- eaÙ, and Haroldi 'Lucky' Cotton. Mc. Sniytie then introduced Mr. Cot- tan.wio cxpresscd lis pleasure at the opportunity of speakiug ta tic boys again, Savîug addnessed tric league as a wliole tie previaus Wed-] nesday. Hie ndded liowever tint au additioual plensure tînt niglît was -lus privilegc ta present ho Phiip Bunkincitie 'Most Valuable Play- er' awarcý meclai donatedi by Conuy Smythc ta tic athiete judgced by tie Lengue Managers as tic Most outstanding boy boti oandlc off tic ice during the Season. Haàrry Donald, secretary o! the League, ou belial! o! tic Lions Club, othe players andc managers, FOR SOUR STOMACH AND Do'tsuer INDIGESTION Dntuf rom after.eating ciscum. fort. Ero's "Fruit Salt" wilsoon 5et you right, for Eno is aikaline. It neutralizei acid condition and sweetens the stomach. And more ... Eno gets at the root of the trouble and prevents recurrence. li regularizes intestinal iîctivity, keps the climinative tract free from poisonouw waste. A dash of Eno in a glass of water morn. ing and night soon normalizes and re. vivifies the entire inner system. Doctori recommend Eno andi take it themselves because they know it is sale! It acts gent. iy, eilectively, forms no habit. Remem. ber, life toclay catis for Eno's "Fruit Sait" so 'phone your druggst now. Handýy size, 56c, Househoid size, 85c. tianked Mn. Smythe and his asso- ciates for thein excellent ndvice andi co-openation in briiîging thec season ta a successful close. A IJouble Grievance "Tiat*s a !unny tiing,* Mrs. Peck. "They say ini this said book badielor is a mnan wha lias 'cassed iin love." , 3,, nutered lier liusbaiur, i married nman is anc who lias double- cco;5sed.' CýP.R. satibo, and t I& lath&àýt hé" mapage4 to, board an eastbouhe Hope, and a mari answerlng the de. scrliption of onie o! the thieves was taken from the train. His cornpanion, in the mearitime, had broken into Clemens Garage and stolen -a car, whlch, was later rccovered at Brookhtri, whcre it wau reported two aViser garages had beers entered and a second car stoleri. AIR FORCE DRIVER. Free of- Criminal Neglect, Aircraftman Fined $75 in Fatality Belleville, April 12-Aircraftman Frank A. Cross, o! tise.rR.C.A.F. at Trenton, wus acquitted yesterday o! a charge o! criminal neghigence laid in connection with the death of Edwand Labra.sh in a higisway ac- cident near Belleville on Peb. 20. .Magistrate E. J. Butler, wiso tried the case hast week, had nesenved judgnsent until yesterc:ay. A second charge a! falllng ta ne- turri ta thc scène o! an alident was brought by the Crown. Cross plead- ÇHI LDRPN -of !au, *tes thrive on "CRQWN BRAND" CORN 8YRUP. They neyer tire al'ita delîia ous flavor and kt really la -no good, for theni-m*o tive tht children '6CROWN BRAND" every day. naunce c1OWN BRAD" CORN SYRUP a mont satis. factory- carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier En tht feedlng of tiny fnants and' as au energy producing food for growingdffldren. ._ Round TrIp Dargahi l'ores From WHITBY -APRIL 22 -23 -24. to OTTAWA MONTREAL -QIEBEIC $5.45 $7.50 $11050 Ste. ALine de Beaupre $12.10 Flrst Train froin Whltby, 9.54 -p.m., Aprit 2 RETURN LIMIT-APRIL 25 Tickets not goad on 3.00 p.m. trains froin 0ttawa,%id motre4 TO THE MARITIMES - APRIL 21 Ail Canadian Pacifie Stations ln New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. S4tlons la Noya Sctia RETURN LIMIT Leave Nova Scotia poinsts flot later Ilian April 27. Leave New Brunswick points flot Sater thanAprl 96. Net Good en Train Leaving Mqntreal 3.00 p.m. Full partîculars andi IaniblIl f rom aiiy Ageaz CANADIAN- 710L CA NAD LA PACIFIC SR E N AT 10NA SBe fai*r to him, to_ In the -discussions provoked by these man of his liberty, while the rich man articles, one point cornes up so often can stiil drinik comfortably at home! that it'deserves an article to itself. osi savsdt rv h -"The brewers," we are told, working-man to break the 'law. For "in their own interest should not that again would be the inevitable result support beverage rooms!" of closîng the beverage rooms! The reasons given for this amazing Under no circumstances will the statement are as follows: Brewing Industry take that kcind of Dry s'entiment in this prov- advice. We support the beverage roomn ince is much more concerned because the British nations have proven with what goes on in public than out-in-the-open.contrtol the best way! what goes on in private. If there were no licensed hotels," say these councillors, «you'd seil just S'PE4AKiNG as a man who doca not indulge .'ti any alcoholic bevenage, it iiim as much, but people would drink consideneti opinion that the neuits in al civilized- countries in which Prohibition it at home. Extremists wouldn't has been tnicti, have aihogether failed to be scandalized. They'd switch came up ta tie smalest expectatiori of y what it was expccted ta accomplish. their attack to somebody else." Rather, it resulted in a crop of boot- leggers, hijackcrs, and. enormous quan- tities of paisanous iquors, which caused In other words, the Brewing Industry the deahh of thousands. Lt not only is ivite tosecue iselfto parethecaused a thonough dienespeet for the is ivite tosecue iselfto parétheProhibition law but attacked the vcry feelings of a cynical minority! fonairofoïrtshyte f respect for law and order." itef ti die odpietepoeIn order to, make things easier for -GEa. BENNE'rn, Mayor of Port Hope, 0This aduertisement is inserted by thme Brewing Industry i the interest of a better public understanding of certain aspects of thme problems of temperance and local option. 'i enarge dismisec Is le le \ <445 F< c'! 'v4,r IlTi '1 - v.ril i~to lrj~ - <'HIC a: "4 ai 1"' "i (s,' 4 <<'444 jUr44 * F~<'~' I I - T'? 'r <<P '-<r t 4-"' -T <"'4 hI YOU.TBS CBASINfi TBIEF W~HO -FAIts ARE TIIREAT[N[D I -i "r lt '4 h 4 King St. Est --- - - - - - - - - - - - wdme memt ,el--

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