>£veryone Reade rden's "Sonorals" iury "Wssfers" and ce to. Eastern 'FinaIs- Moto,, City lads TTu nin' -chaapionship Display to Out-Skate and Out-Ch.c "Woofers" --Into .Mem- oriai Cup Discard (Sports Ecitor, Oshawa -Daily Times) We cari nov loin -1u chorus wiVh "Snow White - ad the Seven Uvarfs" and i in a hearty '#Helgb H'*1ha couple cf verses o! "Who'a AfraId of thc Bic, Bad' Wolf" thrown lu foor <ccd mea*ure.' Tliosee narltng, bowlin g Sudbury Junioers, wbo for ydars have corne 8wooping tiowu.-out cf Uic North Country lilcke a volt on tue fold", on the truil of Uic coveted Memor- lai Cup, vere serit bacc home this ( week-end, hac]c Vo their dens Vo nurse their huts andi battle vounciu. In the sudden-death thiird game o! ite iseries, Oshawa "Generals" outakated. and - outbattled the ,Wooferisl frein Sudbury, at the Maple Lest Gardens on Saturclay uight Vo take,"a 4-2 deelsion andi talc. the Wseeand i rght Vo enter the Eastern Canada finals. Perth Blue Wlngs, undefeateci since they starteci group competitien lu November, wlll tangle wtth'Osh- awa at the local Arena tomorrow nlght, lu the first game o! the Eastern Canada lials andi the Do- minion seml-fluals. Thc second gaine wlll be lu Ottawa andcIft!a 3 third game la ncoemsry,, 1V will also be In the Capital City on Saturday -of this veek. Mcanwhile, St. Boni- face Scals andi Edmonton continue their playott serles tonight, Edi- mouton bavlni won on Frlday eve- ning Vo extend the seriez Vo the !ourth gaine. Sudbury WeU Beaten The "Woofers" vere 'well beaten on Saturday nlgbt.- Coach Maxie Silverman andi his teani wcre hlgh- ly elated previous te game-time be. cause-hey werc tu present a ful rester, Jobnny ýodfreY took bis place on defense and iplayeci a bang- \~~ ip gaine for the laier. Thc C.A.H. A. repreftntativeS voted Sutherlandi as O. and el igible Vo play ad ai. the at moment, Heximer, ace right-winger cf.the club, decideci Vo ciresa but sas V happened, he was used only sparingly. However, those perennlal con- tenders Nere, veil beaten on Satur- day nlght. Ma*ie Silverman, canny mentor -of Suciburysg Junior club, the nucleus o! which won -the n 2 - '9 World's Amateur Hockey Tourna-à ment at Prague on Sly a tew weeks ago, baci Vo admit that the better teain won on Saturdaynight. As in prevlous games, the -Sud-ý bury team. started out at, a- dazzllng clip and, once again scored the tirai goal of the gpme. Valllancourt, a "home-brew", who met with great succesln the sertes against the 41Generais", opencd the scoring whenhe. broke fast on left wing and when far out in the clear, ho took McOrevy aVsailn full stride, ,iîfted ln on the Oshawa goalie and freci a sizzllng shot. Bobby Forster .Made the right play and he partial- ly blocked the shot but the puck rolleci off bis pads andi Just îfeua few luches in.sîde the goal-line., '9)oc" Dafoe, «Pneh-lf.ter" For the f Irst ten minutes, the "Woofers" contlnued the pressure andi then the 4"ýneras» began to get an ecige. They-starteci Vo break Just a -littie faster and show just a shade more speed ln stralght-away dashes. ,"Doc'. Daloe, thc "Kenny Doraty'o of -hc Oshawa club, agalu snaûtchec[ the "plnch-hitter" role on Satur- dlay night. TÉhe diminu]!lvc winger, who bas been popplng up *ith timely talles ever since -thc "Gen- erals" hit the playoff para'de, bac! an extra-speclal session on Satur- Any player that eau puil off the "bat trick", three goals, lu a Mcm- orlal Cup playof! game, rates spec- lal mention lu any hockey hall of lame but it wasu't just Dafoe's lest o! three beautitul goals whlcb stampet i hm as Oshawa's "ace" but- bhis pcppcry play right frein start Vo finish, plus the valueti talents o! a real "moucy player", te ability Vo bit a peak whcn the checks are down. Dafoe's tirst goal tieci Up the gaine, Midway threughtihUicInitial stalita. He toolc Taylor's clcverly- mâide pass. circleti the net anti as, ho swoopcd eut ln front, ll!tedth te plicl into the net vith a snap wrlst action. Promi then on until the thîro perloti, Datce veut a-bout te busi- ness o! checking bis wing-man into tue !ce, sbadowiug hlm trom end to cuti andi stlll Dafoc tookVine eut for several daring dashes on Uic Sudbury goal which aluiost clicceci. In the third perloci, Datpe scor 'et the Vwo winnlug geais, the last a picture-play of hockey b.auty, te clinch the verdict aud senti Osha- vwa jute the Eastern Canada finals. Playoff Hockey. It vas fast sud cdean playof! hockey. Rugged checkIng vas- the answer given by rival rearguarda te F or Sale by: GEORGE HAMERS, WHITBY,. ONTARIO& and Complote Optical Service CONSULT JURY and LOVELL OSHAWA Two Optoiniitrists in attendance daily in' the optical rooms, mezzanine ficci, cf Jury & LovelI'a Drug Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to * P.m. Evenîngs by. appointment, Except -Supdays. 'PHONE 28 cr 29 "'When We Test Eyes It là Done Properly"9 'I I At Oshawa Art" lest ight before a capacity er o wd, Oshawa "Cen oets" p won the. first gem.e cf the semi-flualSe=isOf tiie Memorial CUP b d- feating P" 86Bte J1 ; g h riflingumaie by tii, Scmo f 6-2. 'lte-second gaine ,wil b. played Mu 0Ot tawa on Thursda> ail ambitioug attackeri.-'Thie de- fenseman bandeti oui; rugged body- checksaalI along the flue and tbe, wingers dldu't hesîtate to crash ther oppouents solI'dly at every oj,- .,portunity.ý At the Oshawa blue- lUne, "Danny', McTav.h zmacle bis Presence feltm Vo a marked degree whlc '«Ab" Tenu was bis ever-aleni self, snarling loose pucks sud break. lug up Sudbury attacks before they ceulci geV Into Oshawa terri tory. Danlels went about his business In usual steady istyle aud vas more ef- fective than lu any other gaine thls year. 11 - Eowever. despite their Wil] Vo*wln aud the tension wblch prevatlcci, Uic "Generals" playeci thelr ruggcd hockey aloug- legitimate Ues aud tbelr trips Vo "repentance xow" werc few andi lar'betwcen. AV that, a penalty Vo MeTavisl, Put Sudbury back in the runuing. In te iidle canto, Oshawa dom- luateci tue play;throughout but had teugit luck wheu ju on the Sudbury net. Toc "'Geucralis" teck te leaci lu th!â trame viten "Whlp" Snortt. pelisheti off a swelJob, patterneti eut by Billie Taylor. Toc Ositava ceutre-Ice vizard vas given special attention by tue Sud-bury defenseë but tbey still couldn't check Taylor tighVIy euough Vo keep hin trom maklng bis pretty plays. Itvas one e! these masterpieces o! "goal tirattiug" that Taylor set Shortt eut lu Iront wiVh a nice pass andi the speedy léit-vinger, who patrel- led the lefV-boards ail nlght long at cyclonie pace, vent lu close anti matie no inistake, Vo put Oshawa eut lu front, Thc perlod endet i wth the score 2-1. Sudbury fans hati their hopes raiseti early lu the final trame vhien "Danny" MeTavisit spilleti an attackcr illcgally anti thon belti ou Vo make sure. Ris action broke Up a tbreateuing attack but be geV '"tbe thumnb". As be' sojourued inluthe "peuitence Pcv". Sudbury tieti the score, vlth Bruce, whe bac! been checketi almost Jute oblivIon, ever since the first gaine, doing the snip- iug. Bruce vas in the righÉ spot, juat'ln front'sud a littie te eue aide, wheri he got M4cOreavy's nice pas anti be lireti before F'orster couldi SUdlIury's Ladt Bid -WiVI- MoTavislt still "lu the jug"l, the "Woofers" matie a determineci bld torIncmre goals but their bld was ln vaift as te "Geucrals" helc them, otf vitit soine grea tidefensIve Play, featu-ed by Daniclsansd Tonn. That's vas sudbury's hast roal titreat. Back at full streugtb, the "Generals" starteci suother oeeoe their power drives, vhIch bave preven 50 spectacular lu other playoft victeries anti once again Vbey came dowu lu front. Jehnuy Gotitrey matie the big mistake When be triedti t crash Bul lle Taylor, as the cuntre-ice latidie caine dowu the centre. Taylor teck bis usual geed care e! bimiselt but Gedfrey's charge vas 'teo obvious snd off he veut t-o the penalty box.- Wlth Godtrey vatchiug, Oshava duplicateci Sutibury's previous ef- fort against a penalizedtina. Ih vas a gsnglug Play anti Taylor's Pass-out from behindth ie net landi- ed on Dafoe's waiting stick sud the rigbt-wtnger lmmnediately explode:l vitit eue o! bis "'30-30" sitots anti te "Generals" ver.eout lu front. Three for Datoe The "Wocorsm", fading cuimins- tien, gauged cdesperately but titeir efforts lackcd zip. Their astamina v"as fading fast aud "Dec"' Date. Struà k the dticdlng blowev ve i broke tast iXavu bis ovu vlug, sltt- ed in ail alone, pulleti the goalle eut aud bac-bancied the puck InVo tue empty'cage for a "Giainabor- ough" goal. Thte gamne endeti vitit "Gene-als" coutlnuaîîy threateuing Vo asd to their total, vitit Defoe, Bruneil anti Relci al coming very close betore full-ime. AIbrlgit, iu Vue- SUdburv goal, Vuclu bln is beat gaine o! the se- rtes. Re saveti bis Vcam imeVinesd agaîn vith sensational stopé rob- bing ."Whip" SitortVtbrec times sud Taylor, -Tenu,'- Dafoe, ]Bruncîl anti IKrantz. ou ether occasions. e Mécreavy vas aIse a atandout for the losers. Ris rusites wcre always dangerous anti both- Sudibury goals cam as the ltohVbis play- makiug. "Woofers" Were Tired Toc Sudbury boys were a tireti lot. Toc long 'campaigu in Europe hati talcen its toiâl anti actually the honie-breva sIiowed the most stsy- 149 pQwer. Sutherlandj turnet Inlua gallant effort lu a losiug cause but bo ruce- sud Russell looketi or- the "umph" of tef and bis rushes bat ion Ilie teams:- Pol!stcr: defense, McTavlsh sud -Tonn; -oentre, -Taylor;-wip,- Defoe Ti.is Is aP&otograph of te members o et Bruinab-hockey team, champions of the Whlt by Juvenfle Hock4-ey Legue spoored by Whifby Lions Club. Back, row, left te right:. R. WiUIs, D. Stafford, A. Rous. 'eau (captain), J. Watt& B. Lynde,'A. Brown. Front row, left to rlght:- G. MeLean, R. McCarl, E. Quanjtrili. 1. Parker, j. WIlls.-(Pjioto by Mary G'. Ruddy). and Shcrtt; alternates, Krautz, Brunell, Eniptel, Reidi anti Daniels. SUD]BURY d"WOLVES"- Coal, Albrlght; defense, Giodtrcy aud McCreavy; centre, Sutherlandi; vings, Russell andi Bruce; alter- niates, Valllancourt. Lane, Hashie, MeKinnon and Heximer. Reterces - Leo Hetternan andi Bllly Bell, beth o! Montreal. THE SUMMARY First Fertod 1. Suclbury.- Vaillancourt (Mc- Creavy) ............... 3.41 2. Oshawa, Da!oe (Shortt, Taylor) ...............13.321 Penalty-Vaillancourt. -Second Period 3. Oshawa, Shortt (Taylor). 7:52 ?ýeralties-GOodtrey anti Shortt. A nir ireron 1was presenteti te the vinuers, the bury, Bruce (MeCreavy) 2.-40 Bruina, sud .ereats Vo Uic Maple ava, Da!oe (Taylor) .. 5 45 Laewoacternesuý h ýaw a, D afe... ....... .. .e s s wh6re t e u-e s up-h ties-McTavish, Mcreavy five teani managers yull be present cifrey. with the referees, coaches, officIaIs efthVie League, sud mny -other $12500 Speut promincut citizens, including repre. According to BudgetI sentatves o1dvc boces. The Cup, douateti by te WhiVby Gazette sud Chronicle andlte Muudy-Goocl- te,- April 4.-Wbile te city fellov Priniting Compauy, vin1 be t receive an accounting .o! presenteci by Graydon Goodfellov. 500 grant te the Canadian Lunon, it vlI sec taLite Ouest speaker wyl bha sprominent is spent accrdig te the re- Natonal Hockey Ieague star. budget, Mayor Ralph Day 4. Sudi 5. OshE 6. Oshý Penali anti Go -Want Toron vill net the $12, meney i sta'.s. Thne grant was approveci by City Council duriug cousideratien o! the budget. The Mayor explaine t hat the Corps Associa iori preseutedti o BeArd et Contrel titeir budget some VMme ago. FrES1ENT CDP TO JUVENILE CLUB At Lions Club Banquet to Be Held on Wednesday j Evening Finis vil- b. writt .en to the frst sason, o! Juveile Hockey lu Whi- by 'wbcu five eais assemble lu tue -Royal HoVtel ou Wc"dncsday'uigbt as guctis o! the Liens Club. "There la ne grant te auy indivi- b. macle Vo us." dual unit fr 'enIýrainiçnt," the Mayorsaic. ',But the city wl]! i- si#t tat the money be experdeti la scordance itit the bud etas. pre- sehted te us. I ai Isgisieti ths Wl]! be flloet, "anti a returu ili Kingston- Win OUNCA. Junior &B' Championship Miclanci, April 5-Burying Barrie Colts under a ha]! et rubber, King- ston Redi Indiaus swept Vo Vue lin- idr "B" hockey championship by winuing 10-5 here hast nlght for their third straight victory sud a dlean sweep e! the titie' series. The Lirnestone crev spedti o a wlde margin lu the opening perioti and pt ne ime cUti Barrie scrioushy threaten Vo make It even close. Thp Indians led 5-1lu the tirst, stretch- ed it te 7-2 Vhrougb te middile stauza anti kept even at 10-5 dur- ing the final canto. Tiny (Artse) Partis, play-niaklng centre ef the Kingston squad, sein- tllaIedth irougitout Vhe, ceutest, op- ening Up the way for bis mates Vo score sud toppiug it of!fviti a beautiful solo tally lnite closing perioti. H-ewltt, Limnestoner'goal-minder, pileti up the. desperate Barrie rushes lu sensational style, but vas e!!ec- tlvcly aideti by the fast back-check- ing o! bis supportlug cast. D. Craw- ford ou the tiefeuse. Knt sud Carr-Harris o!fte forvard lines wcre other staudouts lu Uic King- ston victory. Dyte, Raney anti 'Scott playeci dashiug hockey ~r the Barrie teain, but te e vd Vo poor.,ati- vauVage againat'thei' speedier sud classier rivaIs, Scett countedtice during te lasV stand et the Barrie teain, but Kingston ericleti the game as iV began, on Goed!ellow's goal. JUDI N6 TROPRI ATSEED FAIR IVON Peterboro, March 25.-Lawrene Harris and Leroy Brown of Orono and Elford Cobbledick of Newcas- te, Composeci the Durham county boys' judging team that won the Wardens Cup at the seed* Judglng contest held ln conjunction wlth the Bay of Quinte Seed Fait wlùch closeci here yesterday. The Hastings county boys' team came second, then Victoria, Peterboro, Leniox- Addlngton, Northumberland Mand Ontario. E. A. Summers of Bowmanvilie. agrIcultural representative ln Duir- hamn county, coached the winnlng The hlgh boys n each clas were' bats, Glen H-ancocc, Durliai; bar- ley, loeonard Webster, Victoria; reci clover,,Marlow Hancock, Durham; alfalf a, Amos Eagleson, Northum-. berlandi; potatoca, Harold Dixon, Peterboro; weeds andi weed sede.- John Kenne, Durhamn., Sikty-two junior farmers were ent 'ered iii the competitions,- many of whom made remarkable showlng ln the individual classes. ed. Reeve Gifford sald that 1V vas a plty that ah cf'the municipali- tics interewted had noV beon cah1e together lu the spirit -o! give andi take se that a clef lutte policy'coulci be formulateci and a unlted front presented Vo the goemnment. If It was noV toc late be favoreci such a meeting betng caffle at once, and suggeeted that Uic qutckest way would be for tic chairman, Vo con- tact persoonally the Mayor, o! Osh- awa, the preaident cf tUicOhamber of Comm ,erce and others'interestec. 4We ýhave hearci 80 iuch about what 'the governmeutit la golug Vo do for. the f amerà ," said Reevc Gifford, "and this lsbut a samnple," tic ad4ed., Touchingi on the pro- poacc i bghway route Mr. Gifford said that even after the taris had been, dividod and , i. omvau -able farmers couid not deDeïid ft the cons, Pickering: W. A. Thompson, Harry Arnold; West WhNVby' Chas. Foth- ergill andi E. C.O.mn;,Fait Whitby: Matthew Grawtorth andc George Pierson. With the prospect of1 havlng valuabe tarins dlvlded and par- Vially.destroyeci; cf havlng to, drive their cattie and tarin procduce and equlpintacros thefour-lane blgbway and lIs heavy trafflo, andi wlth the townships forced te re- duce assesments on cut-up tarins resultlng in a great bas ot town- ship and comnty revenue, varlous speakers urged upon the meeting the Imaportance of taking definite action, ai once Vo sec. the goveru- ment, if happly, It was not now too late. speakers lncluded Walter Thomp- son, Pickering;. Mayor -Pred Itowe, Whitby; Ex-Mayur Ed. . Bowman, Wbltby;. Reeve R. R. Mowlray, Plek ering; Warden Lyman A. Gi!- ford, reeve of EuatWbVy o- cillor Heber. Down,, of Pickering Township; Councillor J. -Anderson, West:Whltby, and, otliers. Save Wbat la Left PrlnteC sketches o! the south endi ofPickering sant Whltby Townships showlng what was representei Vo be "the past folly of hlgbway, ralway, and'. Hydro -construction proposed, and abandonei, and ýsklng "Are we tôo sacrifice our h0zà les and the best o! ,the.se productive tarins Vo satisfy. the WblM cf Uic speedtng, motorlat, or wili we flght o pr-' serve our bappinness, com!ort -and, the value ef our agricuituxa!l ù- vestments?» were dlstributedaV Uic jmeeting. On the top ef the sketch were theSe words which reflected the spirit o thUi meeting, "Save what las lcff o! the gooci farmlng land iu the south end o! Ontarlo County."1 Chairman Thompsoi, told the meeting -that the proposed route through the finest farina was the Most destructive yet advanced. The Departinent would noV con- Èider the Base Line, which was the alternative,' since the wtdenlng of the Present highway through South Ontario hai- apparcntly been aban- doneC, but preferreci to ceut through thc beSt tarin landis, net even pro- viding cattis paths and access Vo waterlng places for cattie, leaving uselesas tripS of lancs, between the railway tracks, non-productive, and addîig Vo cxlstlng scars such as the Toronto & Eastern phailway right- of-way wh!ch haci zut up many fa=in ubygone years, only te be abandonei. IWe mýust tell the geverument that we must reVaiu thc rigbt Vo maintain our landsa, passed on Vo us lu many case by hardworkiug Pioncer pcttlers, andi reap whateyer profits there are," Mr-. Thompson c2eclared. "Are we going te be lu a district o! vanlsh- cd farns, and'cease Vo be part cf- the great' milk section wblch Iowl serves Uic ctty o! Toronto?", Mr. ThomIpson askcd. He charged that the men who had Planued tliis new route. displayed Do acientifie ski]! ,or considératoni for the farinera. "Surely -they cannot eut Up Our landia with MPUnty," be declareci. The Folly of Fools Thc present rlght o! Way o! -Utc Toronto & Eastern, Mr. Tbompson salci, was a trrible scar on tarin o!ne- foLs. f ha goerà .n- f-- r y -Y u u ai, ule meeang wno mlght have his tarin eut up if Uic proposed i hghway route vas fol- loved. Ho saici tliaVho bad travel- led extenslvchy Uirough Ontario snd knew o!flio better 'Iroup c! tarins Vhen vere Vo be !ound be- tween Oshawa aud Pickering, now divideti by a double rack To butild a Vvo-hundrecl foot hlghvay- through these farina voulci leave one o! the worst Ecars. - Frein Pickering Townshlp Heber Dovu, , a miernber of Pickering Township Gouncil, stated that whlc ho veoulcinoV hea flected il Uic present hlghway or the Base Lino vero usod, he vas lu sym- pathy witti those farinera wboSe tarins might be dlvlder: if the hlgh- vay route as outlned by mr. Thompsou vas tolloveci. He under- stood that Uic reasou the Cyovem-. meut voulci net conslder Uic Base, Line vas that Uiey wantedti o avoiti crOssing Uic railway, andi on the other baud, 1! Uic departmnt vas to e cinate- this vcry dangerous crossing one of Uic vorst ln the couuty, iV - woul4 We dolng somie- Vhing vorth vitile. 'A Peint to Consider Speaking a second tinie Bd. B«~- mnu, Whitby, polnted out that vble he ccrossing of Uic railway track for Uic Base Line route nlghý côat aay an extra $150,000, thiss unù vas uotbiug te te sain wltch te fariners vould have Vo pay lu cross- ing the uev blghway vlth te-cat.~ VIe sud ýherses, manure apreaders sud crops. This vas'a strong pont, te Iiupress upon Vhé govemument, Mr'. Bovinusaici. Cai Meeting at Once IV vas agreed that an effort shoulti be macde Vo geV a meeting at Once o! ahlIlnterested munlolpaiiîc lu South Ontario with a v'iev Vo- sgreelng upon a route whtch voulti b.e satislactorL te ahi andi make Possible te pffWentatioii of a unit. cd Iront ifo thc Ministcr of 11gh- wayÉ. The -meeting viii probgbi'y ,b. hohld-luWhlVby or oshava. Weed Trban Help The meeting vas pnaimous that thc ýassistance et urbun places like OsblaWa and WiVy vas necehiary la defining a dlefinite poneoy tor .presentation tte igovernmenit. Practically ahi e ýthVie spuaker beard fayoýec te Base Laine route, if Uic preseut hlghWaY' coulti not be useti. *Tocre voulti be ne objection on thc part o! Uic munlclpalities Vo the goverumcuV Viking- over titis road.I, 1V as toit, The general Im- Pression o!f te meeting vas that crosIlug Uic rallway shoulti b. no great obstacle although. tUicocet might be -more. DOUBLE DUTY BROUSE COAT 'You eau nov have a combinatiogi house coat or evenlng wrap. mate o! beautifuj, quiltec itle satin, this usetul coat bas wice-shouhders se that an evening dresa vila huge put! sheeves May be w"run under it r-WiUi nary a puf! crushec ti.T buttons 'oin bclow te.kuea up- ai te neck, aii 15 a. Diagonal quiltIng V,3te bascet thc coat niakes eveti a large person lock siender,