Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1938, p. 10

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ontinuance .of- VaUey Service Dyiig Wish of ÇC April 5 - Wit thieir masters' hai ,nree1ed and dri g, lake mariners eîýnien Sunday nighÏ took. tirne-oUt to journfey once more to theI churc at Cherry Valley where, forj ered for Divine bleaIng befor. the. start of their seaaouS dangeroufl work and to reca.ll those who have ezptere<d the Last Port. As has been the customn for &ome *years, the aeating capicity of tuae * oiurch was taxed to the utmnost and many were turned>away. For many, miles interested pèrsons came to attend the uniquei service. There was a touch of aadness luI , year, for miaaing was Captain Neleoli Palmateer, whose vision 1V wMs that made the f irst marinera' service a reality. A draped .chair luj te pulpit fionored the memory theb veteran mariner, who pssaed 0r lat f ali with, plans for the. pre- get service wefl under wey and -a '«l Wish that the, service be cou- 'tnueO. The service was decUicated ýtôI b i emory and many tributes wtre paid hlm as- a God-fesriiig isailor and as a churchman, aniong themn betng those -of Rev. 0. . Plizidali, Capt&în James McCan- neil, of Port McNicliofl-and Cap- tain C. VanAistine,'cf Trenton. A tribute by C. H. J. Snlder, assodiate editor o! the. Toronto Evening Telegram, and compiler of S!chooner Usys, referred to Cap- tain Palmateer as 1«a saint anai a suilorman, who glonified God as * much in hie life from, cay Vo day as lie dtcl by lis devotion to ne- 'ilgion. culxinatlng in lusse beau- tiful gatherings. Final Certlflcate "Captain Palmateen bas acileved 4the final certificats. the higiiest Sratlng ln thé fleet of the great Ad- mirai of the' Universe, the wefl jdone, good andi failliful sjervant' of d ur Lord.-- The lamp of bis 111e, n# ow shlnlng ln heaven, Sives us- a goocl range tW follow imb port," concluded Mr. Snidsr's tributs. * aptain C. VanAistine described Qaptain Palmateer, under whomi he liad eerved as mate, as:"& man * mong =en, lvho wus witi us in Swonk or ln play and il-- worshlp. lle had a great f aith in God and. i aught mie the. right way Vo live."- SPolting Vo he draped -chair, the speaker thouglit that Capta~'U Pal» manteer wus presenrinl spirit on thils \ occasion. Of Z 0!hlm Captain Mccannel said: ..Tiere wus no finer man. I amn glad and proua to have known Hymns were o! thie sea, and the varlous vocal numbers carried out "GO PLACES"'I' FOR EASTER SPECIAL LGW IFARES Betwecn aIl pointa lu Canada sud teb certain destinations ln ths Unlted States. FARE AND ONE-QUARTElI for the round trip rickets good going any time lliursc1ay, Apil, 14. until 2:00) Pmn. Monday.' AprUl 18, 1938. Return Limit te leave destination flot. Inter than inidnight, Tuesday, April 19, 1938. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE 25c T*ake advantage of this long week- end for a visit home or away with f riends.- 1 l'aiTicayTickt Agent. Canadian Pacifici * ancti a~u r n ,, choir, dlreced- by M. -V. IDOW, gaVeO twoandtfour mesud tm 3~ti amg a mem?I number. Ms FlornceBarerPIctois, P .V. ~ ,~0. R PlidaUgave vocal olos. mis, ~ ~ ~ v wiu eoain .eembleinatie o ted, readY tiie Calng Of thiioe whio follow the. and fl"h- e~I net dïaped over the altar, lb"%& &&P&47 1 Building Boom Begin& In Dundas Dundas, April 4.-Excavations are being made by tractor for the senles of ne* dwelllug bouses Vo b.eemt- ed by SIern!! J. Wllkl Lawrason sud Harrison Ralpil on Lawrason's Parkdale Survey, adjolning te Dmn- daa Park, Tuis la te first large hbuse build- ing projent iri Dundaz for mauy years. Tue site for lus new homes is ounViie uertiwest endcoie! i.Sur- vey, where tiere s as sidewabk al- neady laid. Tue plan fer resideuces on Vie east aide la held lu absyauce peuding s settîsment wIttheVi, uf- cil sud Parka Commilssion as te Vie right o! entrance te Vhs houss Vrough Vie park. During receut years tic, chie! home building pnogram bas been ou South street ou bic hetownsblp aide, se that Ancaster recelved Vhs taxes. Bread should be stonet! lu a cool dry place lu a well venblated ne- ceptacle kept scrupuieusly dIean witb frequent wasbiuga. Rinse wlit cean, scaldiug water sund if possible dry lu Vie sunsiue. Any melded -bread that la allowed Le rernain lu hs box may centanU- nate tie fresh les!, tee. De net store cake sud bread in tie sarne container. -Complete, Your FAS TER ACCESSORIES with a' S"eMART VEIL' Alarge variry, of bordered patterùsa>in Black, Br"wu or N¶rvy always on.hand 9 o$ Priced From ...............a ch tuC 151 Also Plain and Fancy Meshes llt f by the yard.,.............«..Pe Yard iu C 0 A VAIL Yourseif Of thia Opportunity to. VEIL --YOURSELF AT eTown Hall Buitton Shop 111e preservera, A binnacle, bip- anc2 shlp's llgiibs. Výapt9ains Worshp Gaptains occupied the.front row, and one of, tiem, Capt. 1). B. CQMs- tie. of -Piéton, wuo salled for, more than 50 years, placed a basket of flowers on the. altar dunlng an lm- pressive service to deceaaed sallors and f1shermen., The worahlppena rose to'observe'a minute's silence, iu memory o! them . Among lue captaina present were Coopt. Frank Connor aud Capt. Ben Bowen and Capt. C._ VanALstine, Trenton. Capt. J. MeCanneli, Port McNlcol and Capt. D. B. Christe. Rev. O. R. Flidaîl, pastor o! Cherry Valley ýCiurch, wus In charge o! the service. In a' short address be rscalled the. engin o! the' marinera' service by. Captaln ealmateer, to wbom h. pald tnib- ut. as a m6mber of the churcii and a member o! tiie officiai board for 63- years. He called -for Divine blessing on the, salons; as they started out ou their iseasou'a workl and on the wlves and cbldren whio ,would remalu beblnd. An- açdress, Mlustrated by alides plctisring the development o! navi- gation, was given by Captain J.'Mc- Cannel, o! Port MeNicoli. Captain MçCannel lu neblred alter 48 yeans o! aing u d comes o! a famlly ln wblch at lesat one member has been loat at ses lu esch o! the pe.st five generatiops. He out1luec! the stages o! transportation, starting wlth the early Indian -and voyageur'& blrch bark canoes, tlurougb the days o! sali o! schooner daes and now Into steam. DeM owed Saonrs "We have -llttle record o! the days of lue cane. - a piby, teeo, for there must have been tales o! danlng and adventure well wortii preservlng. Wlbb tthe days o!- wooden abips and trou men we are more famillar. And witbout the sailor wberp would have been our transportation, askec2 Capt. Me- Cannel, as ho pald tribut. Wo sail- or8. 44We somebinues forget thie debt we owe luem," lie said, and point- ed out iow mucb lue 1Bitisi Em- pire owed-tW hie watcii-doga o! the sea. Relating some o!his o-wn ex- penleuces, lie re!uted the. ides that- salons belong ho a rougb dusa, POInting glut tliat t a slip out Iu the. lake luere was no man closez, te bbe Supreme Being.' O! he buggy as 1V attempted te pass hlm. Tii. horst left the nead, crosseC a deep dIteli, sud after smasing tbreugl s wlne feuce was caugît by farmers lu a uearby field. Appoint Delegation To See Minister 0f Highwaya A number o! farmers- reslding in he townsilps o! East Wititby, Whltby aud Pickering, anid lue town e! Whltby, met lu tie town Hall, Whltby, Monday neth te discusa the new hlghway ruri- ning frorn Toronto te Oshawa. Sevral speakers gave their vlews, the. majority epposing the _proposai te eut threugh the farma nontho! thc C.N.R. tracks sud south o! Vhs prescrt b.gluway. Tiey teok lue vlew blat the new road should fol1- 10w along Vie present hlgiway or else aleng the baseline. A deputation e! two f nom esci tewnsiiip was appelnted te ses tie Miniaber of Higiiwaya as soon as possible. L>. F. McLaugiiuiu snd F. L. Ma- son, of Oshawa, were present as representing Vhe Chamber cf Com- merce. There were about 1259 pres- Yugoslavia ilas decreed that al j farmers l inteDrms district mmisaI carry liiïurnee against damage' from bi.istones, lu. prepanlug for its Empire Ex- lition, Glasgow, Scebland, bouats hhat no big exibitlen-ield lu that elVy even lest mone. ProvintW Act WiU .Remain In Force For Anodie Year, Toronto, April -4-Th. montage moratorium 'Wlil 4econtr=ie- un- alee uOntanl franotiier ye4r. çince.Its luceptbonlu1932, -the moratorium liasbeen'eended fromf Yea? to -year: but. ealy lu thé prea- ent session Attgrney-enerig Gor- don Conant, proposed 'reshnlctlon o! Its ternis ta exelude lue moratorium on ýtaxes, Interetchargesansd ln- sursit..coats. Widay, luIii.eLeg- laature conimittéeo! ýtii. whole, the 'Attorney--eeneri abandçned is Proposai lu lue fact o! ýConser- vative Opposition crltIcIp nsd the. resuit- la that the "Mortgagorsanad Purchasers' Relie! Act" wll. b. ex- tended for another. year. "1h was suggested luat ament!- ment o! the. Act might cause liard- ships," Mn. -Conant Mxlained. 'Thst Is not the desire o!Vhils government. Titere have besu some abuses of the Act as' lb exista but we must work for the. greateat geod for the. greatest number." Tius a bilIl o extend the. mon- tonlunu Act until Juné 30, 1939, ws approved , by a commlttee- o! the. wiiole Houa. and la assured o! final passing.- 0F ~METDIES Conant Bili Abolishes Com- -missions Throughout Province Toronto, April 4.-Cemeterycorn- missions are W b. ,abolisiied tirougicut lue province sud ticir funetions tnansferred t. local boards o! healbii inden bbe provisions o! a memure pnopoaed lu the Outanlo LegIsiahure Fnlday by Attorney- General Gardon Conant. The change waz iucluded ln the "omnbua bill - bbe Statue Là-w Ameudment Act-wblei ls gelerally' introducediluthe dymng heurs o!fte session to clean up tag euds o! leg- isation. The. aiterations _propoaed ki. the Cemetery Act confer anithVi local bourds of lieulth ithle powera 0! supervision sud inspection o! cemeteny conissions. Odne e! lue parbieular duties te be lmiposed on boards o! heathisla o sec that '"every ccmetery la properly fenced, kept cdean o! weWs ansd etlerwiss cared fon in a proper munner.", Another section of the new bil adds a general penalty o! net les than $5 non more titan $100 fer any contravention of Vhe set. -Provisions requlrlng tie fillng o! coudibional sales. agreements at t4unty court offies every -tire. ysars wene eôftàined iu amend- mnente te the Condittonal sales Act, aise proposed by Mr, Canant. Under erlstIng legisiation condi- tional sales acneemente luvolving arnounts over $80 need only b. !iled once aV s couuty court office. The Be .dates 35 Passengers, Muh-favorable comment ha been aroubed over luhe .appe947- auc. on'tii. clty'a satreeta th& .lait cobuple o! dRY8 of, a new staÏm- lined bus whlchh as juat been xur ehased. by, the -Colacut oh Unes, wloe-headquartera ae on. Prince ,Street. The, green glaat wibh cream ýtrim Js zuiade ent4rel o! metal =àd la-a.,produet o!t' the Azuerlean Car and Pndr3r Com- pan y. 8. . Clisutpresîiet o ol lacut Çoscli ULnes ated hui" mornlng that the new 'bus would be used luis summer for speclal dhiartere4 ipiç. With W ýaccommoda,. tion for 35 asseugeria,, i ugeata are o! ýthé -recinlng. type. witii deep àprIngs imd luxunlous uhltelg SpeciaLmét'e:ala iad aroundlu inside lueelsan*m I> luggage space. E4ch Nn w-1teqhIPpeg, witli, a bUinid .ven -*Ã"trnking, toun- tain as been intaÙl4d. 'TlÏe tient.. lzug Syatem la en*l$y4UerenV ,Ir=omta i. thle prdlnary ,*us, ftresii air'belng <rawn lu froz the. cuitilde throtigh'jrlf. T> efront, and rêar enids are;. covered witli iieadUghts - -potllgluis, -fog ilghtg, re.'ctor3, and lc rlght and left tùru ulàgneala.-aau 9oXtrolled Ifroan the dash.' Tho Un es an* thze most gmodemn possIle. -W itli no -ood, -lue' body la an. ibrkenii ntfom 1 ýonvt o back and ,bearsa à,atrong 'resmb- ance ta tiemoder 'anlayloo Shrt ad ai*gSuit.s l Are Bned on'Bastngs Sreet Villae CouncilDecides to w#Ih _hdIstressed'th;coun'cil last Give Police Chief Auth. c;ergymn*n and cft!zens. were heEdd. it.is reportedthat- clergymen ln ority to Determine What th e village are agree -thst Council ls wise lun mlclng, the deecs.lon. Constitutes Propu e res faings neatles ln the valley of> th 7re ýt River at the extreme Petebor. Apri S.-Shots'andsouth-eaatern end of. Rice -Lake, ten Petrboo.Aiil .-hors aidmiles forth of Campbellford.*- bathink suits as wearing appare]' It leads ail spots là lue* prov:nce wM] be strlctly taboo on the "lnas- A pickerel fishlng centre andd la streets o! the village .of .ungs patronlaed by'thousanda o! Amern- during the coming summner, the Va.. can anci Toronto tourists every iage '.ouncilus uuanuneusly cie- cided. Eidlers 0f thls csutury-obd Trent River muiclpality, neted as a tour- ist centre sud for Its plcked fisi- inig, 'ordered Chie! Constable Wil- liam Wellman te permit ne ginls Vo parade the main streets dunIng thie comlug season attired. only lu shorts or batiug suits. It will aise be le!t te bis discreation te dee:de Just wlaV censtitutes proper dress. Tii.subjectwas lutroduced at the. last meeting by Counciller W. Mc- Kechnle and the members agreed luat hi lime was opportune ho maIre a decision on Vils problem OLD ART METHOD A modern artist has revIved an elgiteenti century style o! paint- ing. Some years ago, attractcd by bbe ..werk o! John Downman, site redlscovered lis methoci o! uslng semi-trsnsparent paper, colored on. Vie back, wbieli gives a soft, mistyV effect te bis picture8. Wornen were admlnlng tuis style e! work st an, exhibition o! Misa Maud B. Worsfold'à portraits. - A picture o! Lady Durham slows ber against a lîgit blackground wlVl a plirk gauze anar! about ber shoul- ders. -cakes on Sa turday. Il isstM i l- taLt, althougu the lcepreasure cana- ed'i l ta twistt adly et luie ,orth- eru epd. Strong west ýwlnd ahlfted the en- tire ice field, wb1zh lia not broken, Up,'and.the, les 4114, up ou t bridge,, cruahlng. -the< Wqo&nurai lUng a oth ides flue entire lengtli ci ue struTure. Tii.e, aimait a, foot tlck, despite lue mlldwea-'" tiier, la stili pied'almoàt'thiire feet hlgh ~~ lu ùmepaces and tlbàlaex- pected'the bridge wlllbreak,,up Into sections suid' float dOwn tie ak% unde.r biespressure., 80 ofanthe, wnwptIce b as' not cai4sed,.au nobîceable dâmage to* lue wooden wiiarves at tii. boathouses .along the. lake shore, bu t bas -pfied -Up on the. points along the lake, sud- a Istronq wind causlng abrieak-up or extensive shifting o! the tee wM-ldo conisiderable .danu age.i- SAil traf!lc la being routed anound the western end e!ftthe- lake ,be- tween Vthe village '0.o1Bnldgenontb an.d the towmshIý, o!-,Ennsmore, a. cilitance e! 12, mile,.' BOARD UPSETS Fi-IED RATES FOR OPN Assesment Raised Peterboro, Firm From $60,000 to $222,000 Petenboro, Ont., Apnil .-Ontarie Municipal Board, granted su sp- peal by G. N. Gordon, K.C., against Vie amsesmeut.o! tic Delaval Cern- pany at Peterbono sud titeir ,ludg- ment upsets s f ixed assessmeut granted te tie company -i,1933 whlcb, was a renewal o! a fixed as- sessment started in 1922 for ten years at $60.000. Tue beand'a de- cision raises bis assesament ou real taxable propenby frein $60.000 to $139,000, sud titeir total to $222,- 400, Indlu-d'ng land, buildings sund business. Gadn Alderman dn appeulifg ln is right as s citizen conteuded te amsssment was tee 10w, sud tiat the. by-law grantlug the. fixeci as- sesnent lu 1933 was sa reuewal of a flxed assessment sud contrary te provisions of bis Assessment Act and the. Municipal Act. Tue .by- law lad been passed with the- as- sent- o! tie ratepayers ln 1933. His first appeal te tth. Court af Revisin wus dismisset!ou tic grounds the. court bail ne jurlsdlc- tien lu the case and lis second ap- Peal te tie couuty judge, Sheldon Smoke, was also dlsmlssed an tic sarne grounds. He tien appea.led te tie board. Tue assessmeut roll o! bis city o! Peberboro for the. ycar 1937 shoôws fer tie sald cempany, assesarnent on band $18.000, ou buldç- ings $121,000. Being a total o! $139,- 000. Tic total arneunt o! real tax- able pnopcnty $60.000, total fer schools only $79.000. Business as- sessment $83,400. Tic appellant Sp.. psaled agaluatthebis ssesameut o! $60.000 as the. total arnount e! real taxable- propenty. The board directs tiat. he Delaval Company b. as- sessed as follows, Landi, $18.000, buildings $121.000, sud business $83,- 400, belug a total o! $222.400. Tii. clty o! Petsrboro 'la ordered te psy the. cogts o! the-appeilant s!- ber taxation biereof on the 'Su- prerne Court scabe,. inebudlnig tie board's les o! $15 for, lsw atamipa palci by Vie appellant on Issuance' o! appointment. Fermali order, o! bie board making tic f Inding ef- fective wlll issue- as aooni as Mn. Cordon maIres application.: Four sets O! triplets boru Vo .a wornan lu Nicaragua in 1930, 1933, 1936 sud 1938 are"ail alive anc2 bealthy. Alcohollo beverages sitippet! from Bordeaux, Francs, ho Vhe United States lest year were valusci at $4,564,979. Dodgeo! Cobourg glnnlR R REAYCARNIVAL Thie Otit Annual Indoor Track Meet te b. beld ilu Hamiltoli, Can- ada, on Saturday . even=n, April 23rd, w411 be the. mýt gigantic. in- the last elgiteen years. -Tii. great 'wooden saucer tnack wMl be erected wlttiih wooden f lat tracJ;r lxi the centrtý for this big show. ýSeats te, accommodate, fourlosadwl be built ardund the track ansd pre- parat:on for ý apprcxifinately, 1000 abliletes will b. mude. Thtis, y ear special request bas 'been nreIved by the. Highlanders' Comnuittee Vo feature .rclay - races for Vie Higb Sehool*athletes li bhe outlying ýdls- bridas. These races will be çhan-ý pionship events, open to Colieglate, Techilal, High Scbool and 52W.- arabe Scbo6l puplis, wbo will be grouped wîth tea.nis e! lueir ewn class in the districts frem whicbc luey corneé Each district wil -com-' pets for- a clisniplôiishlp tropily, and prises and medals will be given te winens and runners-up In cach zone hampionsh*p ra-c2. There will aise be score open events ini tie saucer sud on tihe- flat. Tii. Idea, o!Vhs type o! meet will give every Higb School instructor sud principal an opportunity, te show wbat bis boys can do wben up, against equal competitien, and neti competing ega*niýt the l 3r g, Lr centres. wbo wil' be grouped by themsîves, There. wîll b. short and medley relays tiat -everY High School "iu the ares, withiu a radius o! bwo iiun'dred-miles will b. able-te tahre Part in. Tuis la the !irsV time'lu Canqda that a large rela-y carnival o! ti-sl klnd bas ever beeni staged, and itV of~o~tauvlce-presideut* R. Alan Brown of1'Port Hope, sSretary. Ilstie-first tima lu the hlstory e! lîndoor, track meets that the saual- race aud wtn acme chamipienshîp events. Plenty of time la being given by the. 9sit Atileblo Assoc:atlon for the Instructons te train lusir teanIz ,for this outstancling hsalth builder for the youth of thîs Province. ,--ull irmation eaun be hsd byý wrltIn g'Sanm MaýITsen, Direeten er Athîstics for thus 12gZshow lu Ram- lban. ýCanada. *The -Hamlilton Armorles lu tIhi. pest. elgbteen years lias been bbe, spot wiierè in- door tradir meets Lave been staged witii great sltars compehlng , auch as Paavo -mNurmi, W41lle Ritola, Gren Cunning ài>m, Penn'y W!ianis. P1YI Ecwards, Bart Peamsn, Ralph- Metealfe, and many oluer, Wonld's Champions and international cele- brltes. This -year's aluletie Car- nival wil i Lc tile Lest eleer, snd Vhe cQittez iii-charge 10ok for the co-operation ý cf the. physical in-. StÈuchors Of t:ile Province to train theïr boys and enter -tbbc events tliat, bave beesn espercally arranged -by 4requst for tiiem AN INEXPENSIVE WAY TO-COOK LAMB One pound ahoulder lamb, smail carra oi a mal enîen, 1 tea- spon sait, %~ teaspoon pepper. 1 .egg, beabe, .2 hablespoons butter or fat, 2 cpa bhot brotii, 2 table- apoons fleur. Put. lamb, carrots and 'peeled oenutiireugh food chopper. Add tIri -e-c-nings and beatecn eg,-. Mi:ý. tboncughiy, shape luto auibalin-, and rollunflour.'Sautz lu butter until bnown. AdcI % cup broth, cover- and cook Élowly for 10 min- ýutes:» Remove te meat and keep liot. Add fle.ur Wo pan contents: Cook until smoclu., Then add ne- mraminc broti, stirrlng constantly. Cook until the .gravy Vhtckena. Pour over Vhemeut balls. "But wio say ye that I am?" Tiat bihLa la Vhs crux o! bis religion Is evident luthe sîrnilur question flred laVer ath is.eusz3ues, "-WIat thinIr ye e! Chrir t? Whose son la he?", Velcing noV only bis* awri fali, but also that - ofall the. bwelve, Peter answered, "Tucu art the Christ, Vhs Son of the.-living GciD." Mattbsw records aur Lond'à satisfaction at bia reply sud hls declaration tiat upon luis falthinl is deity and saviaoroodi. would build bis Chureli aud guaranhees iV Perpetulty tlreugii the ages. flic Cross Emerges Assureil o! Vils falthin lutVe beart of! is disciples, Jesuis sets is face deflnltely teward lue cross sud explains iha ncccssity for hlm- self and liose wio would !oflow iu. «"He began te teaci tieut that the Son o!f mari must suffer many thingsansd b. rejected by VhseId- ers sud Vhe chie! pnîcats, and Vie scribes, aud b. killed sud after tires dsys risc agalu." Tuis was noV only a new Idea of bis disciples, but au enlirely differeut Ideal from. wiah bhey iad set up for their master, To Vh.m lb was sbockingly abhorrent, sO zmucit se tiat Peter began Vo rebuke liai for entertaif- lug any audi thtougit about hlm- self. Our Lord recognized Peter's offense ah tic cross ho be tie same old eaVante auggest!ori tiat had assailed hlm luthe wildsrness emptatien, and, accordlngly, ne- buked 1V as o! divilisi enIgin: "Get tIee'bellnd me, Satan; for tbou-mindest nettVhe thinga of Qed, but the Viings cf men." HRe weut further sud proclalansd tie uecess:ly o! tie cross for is fol- lowers as for hilmsel!: "Il any mnan weuld cerne after me,, let hlm deny imacîf, sud taIre Up is cross and f 0110w me.", Refusai o! tilachal- len-ge e! Vie cross means failure sud boss o! 111e, fer. "Wbiosoever woubd save lis ile sa alllslb; aud whosoever'-shall bose bis 111e for my sake sundlte gospel's shahl save - t."1 IMKING IX$ YMT.l O)n tits Palm Sunday'thou"san eto IJesus atked bU discpleà. "Who say ' youths and older ffok U ilb. cotfesang Ithat 1I-arn?" Petel' replied.- "mhou art Cit !et as thelr divine, Lord and Savieur tc histbue Son or the.-Ivin& Cod." jus£ as Jeaus endeavored îiiiouri lesson j-isu omendçd Peter suiV lhe to ret his disciples ho confesHlm. would buRd i&bI chuncIo h lu"Ilh ithe Sunday School Lesson 'Fi&nOurselves in, Servce ILLUSTRATIED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSO? SMrpture-Mark 8:27-4& Mark -8-;36--«What tloth It profit a mi, ogan th, wIole vew nd a fonfelt - bs lit?» E.Bell By DR. ALVIN E. BELL (The International 'Unifornu Lesaou on the above teple for April 10 (Palm Sunday) la Mark 8:27-38, tie Golden TexV belug Mark 8:36, "What doti IV profit a man, ho gain the whole world sud ferfeit bis 11e?") ON'TRIS happy Palm Sunday, or, durng thei-iHly Week, bun- dr&ls of bhousands cf boys sud girls dnd, men sud womeu wlll lie can!esslng their falihlunJeas Chist as Sou o! Qod sud Savior o! theîr coula. Uuiting wilu' the cburch tbcy siould irnzediately begin te find places o! service for tieuzsîves, fer Vbey are saved te service, Preparatlon for Service Over two years o! fellowsh!p sud teachlng isd pneceded Vhs cxaninatiou tbreugb wbicb Vile Master Teacher put is pupils aV Osesarae Philippi. Tuey have seeri bis divine power over dis- ease, demous sud deatl; tbey have isard brutb frein bis lipq snd seen it l-ived perfectly in bis Ilfe. He la uow ready to reveal ttem ethbe objective e! ail bis teacing sud o! bis mission lu bis world, viz.: te.principle o! Vie cross and . Its uccesslty -for hlm sud for titem. Are his% disciples rsady Vo-se. Vie cross eluerge in bis 111e and tViis?, Cari tbsy take lb? Are Vhey !ellowing hlm fer wbat tiey rau get eut o! hlm or for what they cari give lu serv- lce Vo otiers? -Tuis wiil deptenci upon tbelr appreciatien o! hlm aud of ils mission lu Vie wenld. Faith Basic to Service Sa Jesus asked thern, "Whern de men say titat 1 eut?" Tisy ne- plled, "John Vhe Baptlat, Elijah or eue of te propiete." But Jesus was mors Vlan auy o! lues.. He was hliseif lue goal aud ful! iii- meut o! -all pnoph.cy. 'Men, be-. cause religion la nothIlng unlesa It la made vlta.lly, sud wanmly per- soual,. Jeas s ked Viem pointedly, ri 1

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