i brmeabam and pla.ca«~ 3,800 menibel of the TJnitt httmpted to peu a c=uteft bih. XI waa r*PWtes4- to the polce. Police have wuned Viii ilimer., jchant wiio keffl the moen i liPl( . 1111 or ashoppers wlio m e i.mOtI7agaii - nowungly, ire s Me lm fa or woa No. e. ubi msae uc mtirs. l@" >L14ce-Oorprtl IlfUh Elliott aud rent Constabule S.1 Green, QuiWla. have lng warui4 týi oruha uwrbunts tg hO wty. on the wakh lor fae mouey. The W Speaice are Investigmthng, but neo ar-- liia riete have beeui pate ho date.. tern ed' tts~iiI uat4k and e 1uit1~~.I 1935al &u I8 MMeOW restAuvant weIl. ôwner wua broit to trw fial euEI ntris tliie à o faoe the he falled to Varlils bmo01lare. I mtW0 At thé hwad e!l te parade a car, 4zape botfore.and, wti the -Union Jack, ln wlicii » l*imer Martin, ex-preaclier and Itrnaitonal preul4.nt 01 'the. UiA.W.A, receliUigthe. 'lurai t4 his supporters lhume the. steets. *nugb Timpaan, 0.1.0. Organhu<, fdl*owr4d cosely i anotligr car, MiUe.Lont Lin@. Aterthie band came a mUe-lOng fli.o!meni and women, pwrcliut four abkeast. FPlut ini lin. thie union executivç, th= uthe .labor alembers of comil, followed by the bargalihing cetumittee of local 222 thea girl rmembera. ithe ladIee' auxclity, =ïnon memnbers froM thte *otb pl> anlt, f eder plants, and the werti plant. XIn the union anks în9ýhèt 800 menibers of thé. local brancl of-the Conadian Legion. It waà - probabiy tie largest parade that ever jnarciied ubrougli the trets of Oshiawa. cre I"Iriuig up at theconre Park rond andi King street west wherc thry waited for Mesars. Martin anid Thomipion to arrive, tbli- uge parade marcheci alonc King street to Centre 3treet, dowui cen'tre to John street, arnd then over tu S4iicoc street. When the. front ranks' arrived lni front o! thc cenotaphinl Mernorial Park, a hait was calied and, bat in. lband, Homer Martin crossed the loy park anci laidl a.wreatlx on thc Gardlen vf tir Unforgotten. Ail of f liats When the front ranks ¶ialted in front of tice.nmemorial, thc ear- guarci was jualt tuflIig of King &tre~t.- on to Centre. Prom the niamor4l the parade proceeded ta te oiegiate on SurncoeS at Morth. where the afternonmeeting wai; lield. Ar, cari group pazied tijec ccotaiili, after swinging off -John streer, eye., were turned lct and biats were doffed. The afternoOn1 meeting vas Oljent*d by the singing of th% union éong? thc words of %,hich Wfre c<ui3pQM!Cl by Mrs. W. H. J. -Harmer, If) thbe t1ci eOf> *WC'l1 Never Let 11he..Old Plg Fel. " G. H. millerd) precà iciit of the Oshawa local, WUs !i the chair. T'lhe, ciairmen introduced Mayor Al*MeLeese mbo .xtended bis ru .mnratulatbinstO thc Union, 0f whiial lie la an lionorary membèr, on -thé occas-ion 0of its ftiretbirti- ÇiR7. - elegatcs fro èèrôo Windsor nd St., Catharines WGtê iien presentted to the gaiierîng, l hc iliec tlic entire auditorium alld balconly of the côllegiate. The new ofirern of the local uniion i 'c"rp_-imtatj4ed by-Mr. Martini, andi liugili 1,116mpsoil nitiated the ne'w hi m~adcres.Mr. T4oniPsOli ~puk ofticformation of local 222 iciw1îch ieplayedl a promunèt part. He. traceId tflic itat«Of a gzrowtli -froni. tie time wien lie first met r ith. the nièn itliebody yoo. et stated when ieiw*S f irst tolê t0 colle to Osliewa- he asked whetlritiwas Oiaa &or Ottawa, la id neyer beerd of the form- cr èitY. NOW, lie sid, everywbere ]lic ges Ili thîe states people waflt t6 ktIow about Oshiawa. minute'S Silence Mus Thmpeuigavé a short im- iiromit speecli, and Mr. Milletdl thfiencallCd for a Mnuito'3 Silence inii onor of Hilton Lanuniflli, a -,,enüber Of tie union wlio was Fiv..Dollar Bila.In OMha And Silver Coins In- Orillia Appearance of courterfeit five- )lIgr bi,15i Oshaîa n d 25 and ý u*t pleces iai Orillia lest week- d is occupylflg thé attention of tic ,y*l -Cqadia Mounted Poli ce, who -Ilêre it la origliatuflg from more mili one aOuroe, due to' the dif - ýrert dates on theo apUrluloUB ney. 0aa rn erciarits h ave been îried by Cite!, Of poUce, Owen D rkien4, to be on the lookout for igus Uzuited Stites $8.00 bilA. ason Lukei2~, manager' of an 0b va mu&t martkt, i*itoited thi&t a oman abhout 165>vurs o! ge anid sg USpounds, wih faim hair id w;ëaiiii-a gGtsuit, came to I51,wxi= treet eutt store and ai. The (3T ufthe .and The Business Sidte -for 1937 The M.rpllan Lif.1lnsuranoe COflpeUiYprescrits itu for the year en4ed December 31, 1937. ASSTS Canadian CGoverment, $63,Ã93,911.82 Otuw bon*s: U. S. Statc and Municipa, Inteut due andaucraed, etc. Total.. . . Tota.l Lite lnurance in Force: Ordiuy.. .. .. lndustrial. . . . . Group. .. .. ... Total... *845,465,919.1 1,655,208,167.35 81,482,758.76 994,096,712.57 39.3,912,325.74 10-2,584,904-52 83,727,136 59,295,142.84 *4,719,720,827.01. *... 7,511,537,957 * .., 3,671,86,512 O=repymiot oi paiy 44=m Dlvlen* te k7hcIeem. - set amde for peyment for the ýcv r1938 alussi w epVt*Pp01 MW - fer Claies: Indludiftg daim awiljag coni- plieticm CEprool ndimated- amatunt po»r.oid clinu Otum e ey O~Ugpbuss Including dividende lat with Comp. . pe 1un çid la Iacluding reeerv for, This servu ana margin of saféty -a cuehio agabnat contingen- des which cannot be f orcese Side ~~flie ~lo HmaSke-fr1937, report îo:,*~s,îsS.oo I 74X$7.941A3 20,479,24W 26,055,985.89 44441,003.74 - j Totel...............$4,719,720,827.01 Pagnts to Bene&iarin amd POUoîdm. Indatri............ 24261~ Grocip Lîte, Heaith, aad Aonuities 60,41igUg*;, Permoam Accident and Heatb ._251,98" Accidet mmd Helth Weekly benefits. * Thé Mciropoitan a mutual orgoe'af on. lis assma rt hdd for Ihe ben4fllof im sph ders, ard any dfislblýe suphm s 1 er*wIfje ils policyholders laihe Ufam of dividends. In Canada £ Àhe.se hightights of the Comapany's busiesnihDmnon( ig been included in the above stalew.erds) will be of particuler ùüIet to Mefripolitan's Canadi*an policgholders and their benficiariesd The tatil amouat of Metropcltap life iaurance ini force ini Canada at the end cf the year was $1,126,789,608 cf which $613,417,019 wvas Ordinary; $414,MW,062 was Induatrial ahd 89872,527 wa4 Group. The total inumber of- narsing vUuitsade without additianal cet ta aur Canadian policyholders durixag 1937 wus 3"9644. Payments ta Metrapolita.upolicyholdem "d bente- ficiaries ini Canada during 1937 were $29,319,475.67. Metropoiwn heath Canada during- 1937 publications ditributed& in 3 lit, 1937 tatalled *263,156,261.2 ..Dominion Goverumnt- Bonds $ 63,293,911.82 P.rovîucial and Municipal Bonds $108,728,16.'17 Thé. total amount the Meopolta ha paid to Canadiaus "ce it entered Cuanadaplus fte presnt iietmeats in Canada, uoeds thé total of ail premims reeived from iCa.nadaus by7 more than to t tb ëgwes ta the left d"es thée d e eà POIitý'satiit e *tory wald be far from çop1t - rtere is a MUMANf side 1d iiie&drioe receivec rm Metropoltan nirt'7 almnSt ýmuc i it -Iii an Iioar of genuine need. Deah caii v e r aid on 6. - - oli!à inf èFe leos thantbree months, and on i8,56z policies in û&ce itAs than onie year - dramDtic proef- of the value of life One couic! scarcely - name actsrph whh took human lives, in the United State or Canada, wh&e I yMetopolitan policies bad flot helped lighten the burdenfor ~ibi Vwstig nurse ersnigdeMmp~l~im it~~~si insured imder IdsraIxtrncite.and, Group - poliies Who weri.édo -ie a Tepre made 3,766,1.40 cails durSg* e er Every 6r.f, econd during~z7 a Méftë§à olta bookie, coni i fièfu health info+rtoewasupIced 1 n soniebody's anci. *thougbout the year, new Metropatan ttsmx into comn2unities in varncûs Parts of the United &ates and Canada. 'These estmenlts helped taocSa demarid for goods, aid realty vaes, give p1ait and serve other m d ns c4 n s Tbere 18 more, w wiM ifke ta t*l! og à lm cur 1937, Repart. ,-This 18c,)r bind ini a bookiet b(jâ*eSide of theLed&",$ whichweshail be glad tô sen&t PiÃst. Use the coupon below. FREDERCIC H. ECKBRio Clairma oftMko Board. LFtROY A. LTNCOLN,- Pteedert MTROPOLTAN LIEINSURÂNCE COMI>ANY nome 0fice; OTTAWA &coiid Vic>.Pmdeait and Manager for Cao pi ,mme, without chaprgeo ob4tgtion,a copy of the b ca" SiE cithe L dg*r."ý Ian tciHual - ongra - .1 - i .1 - om liiibl' Canaffdian Provi ditanmd P*liUtfUti9e $479,281,913.46 ludiFwan md Miacelheoue l332#467,006.43 Ail but &M,047.76 are Prefered or Gwanteed Fit Liens on Far=e $73,652,101-09 PIlft Lieus du 06t Inckdee réal estate held for -Compaunyume P'm.m utmusding andl L 1 1 1-9, N -M other investments $ 919134rUffl