Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1938, p. 4

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At T4~~W ~V ~ ecease, *u a slster-lu->oW Of n ýton.,,-Mrs. j. z. wm$1s, Whitly. R.W. Sonley and < < of roronto, were lun . 4JU'r Sne1 ul a i ek-end. Sainlts' $M hà1ing a; St. PatrickeiS * *Day tes and Sale.0f home. ccoking- jenddn, wo bulu the Parislt Hall On Thuridaýy, £aftden, ho ~ Mareh VZîh. Bveryone la -welcomie. p cs allfornia for --ekis Iborne 0ooking andàf -. *, * - 'I*mopil tta, beld ute Tle #i**ec h Tâh dx4y sehool -on Satur- tn he,4Aflm*last, irnder. auspices Fra 1 irole, zas a very Suc- et on ý y e *ay cameinto en-, I&ddm orO the to JO Y1 r éontea whîeh was serT- e lnvitd. The pro'- ed froeM 3-6 o'clock. The-homue oook- * i thi hzas o vas W al dt5posed of, maklng it erto, e*hvéner fo psible for the Society tu acdd a w neat sum to Its treaury., M b lUJim.X.lnis* * ie, mnotbly meetinÊg of ý'à Assoiation 0f the 'ch wus held onTuesdl 1 aat,, Mrsý. ..P.7 ù the Wo- lUnlte g.y a tter- [ý pre-, r6:30 OF THE' u~ NEé RW.À PI CT U Ri DAY -TUESDAY 0ow at 7:00- LasL Col Ao# Etf£DOQUIMT~ .0Larger quartes enable usto, carry a, -complete stock of G eneral Wiýshersý Sai-dDaytoni Refrigerators in addition to our regular Radio une. VRE INV«rE THE PUBLIC To INSPECT OUR, MERCHANDISE AT ANY TIME. OPEZIN EVENINGS GROOMSMAN, 93, ATTENDS GOLDEN WWODING 0F, MR. AND MRS. DINGMAN Celebratlig their golden weddingi anniversary, MM.. sud Mrs. William, Dingman' held, open house for friends, sud relatives Monday af- ternoon aitl eIr home, KFenneth Ave. Oshawa* Married lu Whutby by Bey. Mr. Cermond fif ty Yeats ago, Mr. and, Mrm. Ulugman farmed in~ Almonds'dlstrlct., west of VWhltby until twenty years ago when theY came to Oshawa.ý . Mrs. Din9man was for3uerly lMnnie Farrow 0Oke There are two chldren, Mr. W. G. Dinginan, Arthut - treet;' Oshawa, &ad Mra. j. Ashby of Whitby, and four grandoidren. Amonç the many guests ai the celebration. _was the groonisman ai the cer.nlony f ifty yearz ago. Mn. Richard Olce 0f Whitby, who la »ow ninety-three years old. Mrs. Dlngman la se»venty-five years old and 34r.DIngman seventy-four. TheyD vwere members- 0f the Meth- -.~*0lrcadlng, entiled "Are You #tbifïýlAfter the usual course or busitess, Mrs. Frank Wells, who iiàd charg of tie prograra, gave te tal ou Tic Lite of St. Patrickc Iiad Insh- Legeuds,,. miss Ettnice sleightholm sang two solos, "Au »ii h Lullsby" and I"County lCerry M&ary", wlth Mrs. ClifI'brd Brown at tii. piano. This was followed by au IrIsh- contest, after wh4ch dalnty refreshmeuts were served. CIIECKERS ARE MOVING Finals lu lhe Ontario 'County Champlanshlp and the Conant Tro- phy will take place In thc Club £M.JUUW, W0+ 2bl'hoU-W!m. IJdnn 4' .4C!JIýV April 2ud., commencing at 1 p. Play'ers qualifying for this contest are advised. t10 complete 'any games rima1ning, s80 at noue may go by M6ult. An Invitation is extended to aIl the checker fraternity to be present for this event. Births IRWIN-At the Toronto Eastern Hospital, on -March 2, 1938, to Mr. and Mns. BomsIrwîn, 0f Pickering, a daughter. IRWIN-At Winnipeg, Man., on1 Manch lti, 1938, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Irwin, a son. ÇOOMACI-At Oshawa General osiaon Tuesday, Marci 8th, ta Mr. aud Mrs, Hanry Cormack, W daughter. in Memoriam ý-Iever lovlng memory àIy beloved -son. Rer- da eced, Who leius ~iiils cs, on Marci I12th, iÏàissect by mnWther ,Victor and Leonard. - Mrs. BR. LBeckly. W~here w -1 ýe'th's 'day'e là > thé blemsd' J~ l1~êTihcu camti, whene ?h ,Neisrting home of peace >amd love. I>ear la thc grave where, my lovedý Herbàit lies, - Dean la tic memory liai nevei- shall fade., Swýel la -thé' hope uata i mn wc cdOlýWON-1n 10vi mempry of- our' dear daUgiite:rý, bel(Pais~)K Mo-Yer.r daway ix4!rr- 'Wl", And wi - &IwayS father, h - tile dau that xow are silent lcn are closed in slef p. Lembered by miother, ms éud slstem ansd her Rlelen <Honey), Twln s -J odisi, faith until its inclusion lu the United Church. Formerly members of the Almonds Church, they are now members of Simcoe -Street United Church. The reception was held fromn two to f ive o'c loclc. There were many guests. includlng the children. 'Frozu out: o? town there were Mrs. E. Coedy Of Detroit; Mn. E. McRae of Toronto; Mr. sud Mrs. B. Ed- mondstone of Bowmà#vIlle; ,miss Arn- Dengmau, Mrs. J. Ashby sud Mrs .. W. Dlngman received the guesis. Pourlng tea were l4ra. N. Bae -aud Mrs. P. James. Mrs. B. Christie, Mrs. E. MeRae, Mrs E. Coedy, Mrs. F. Harbrou aud Miss Jean Ashby served. Misses Hazel an>d Helen Ashby, twin grand- daugiters of the happy couple. served thc wecdling cake. Mx. and Mrs. Dilngman received many love- ly gif tq, includlng a purSe Of rnoney aud beautiful flowers. WOMAN JAILE-D FOR NON-ATTENDANCE AT *'AIR RAID CLASSES MUJNiCH:-A pleasant wôman of Dreieichenhain, inu Upper Bavarla, wias sentenced here to four months' imprisonment for refusing to attend the air raid precaution classes which have been organized ail over the country arnd are compulsorydor ev- ery able-bodied aclt. Her declaration that "her lufe was in God's hand" was interpreted by t.he court as sabotage of the se- curity of the nation. Whit by High School Gymnastnc, WILLÏ1 UEYOU OUX M 1t0m WAjL papr patched *ben, your aid phone ia taken out. to6, dial 404 for prompt seric. ,yr2k Wells. S!RmVz U>AIýàxt 1'TTH. ?OX -ST. Pýlttk's Teà and, Malo f 1gom Cookng, in AMl 15iintislP*lh flai, uner ispke of Poýrisb Oulici.Tes ser o rm3 ç'lcek. 25 cents. BHOE F üPAIRINGAT USUAL 10w prices; at Peel'. Rtepàir $hop, r car of Afulw S#rpui sBtbe. KEEP TZIE DÀTE, MAffWU 3STg, for te Bi ndZchte be h aid ln the Counel Chàmb.r et I8 o'clock puder the auâpices « the Dun4as Street Home -aud ScIool Association. Admission 25 centz. Fowl prîtes. PAINTING AND PAPBR 1t4NNG- lng. -W. Brown, 120 Ash Street, Whitiy. KEMP YOUR OLt> PAPE~WM <b magazines for 'Mor1eyý Moore. Notify hlm and he wjll oei week- ly. RESEP.VE TUreSAY, APL 2Mt, for lecture-by 1ick the Amateur Gardener", ln the, Bap. tist ehurclh. COME WTHE OOKNOLU 8so- cial ln the Baptist Suuday School room, on. Tueadgy, March 22nd, at 8 o'clock. Oood Irish program Admission 15 cents. SHOE REPAIBINO AT USUAL low prices. at Peel's Repair $hop, rear of Agnew Surpass Store. ?RW SCOUTMASTER WIiitby's new scoutmaattr la Mr. Gordon McBrIide. Tie appointani was ma.de by the Scout Conuuittee at a meeting held on Tuesdlay. There will be a re.orgngiation meeting in tic Armouries on 1Mou- day evenirig, Marcli 21, nexi ai seven o'elock, wlien al aId Scouts, and those interested ln Joining Scout ranks, are invlted to attend. CASES REMANDED The cases of a uumLben of local young men chsnged with evasion of poil tax were remsnded for sen- tence when caIled upon by Ris Wor- siip Magistrale F. S. Ebb& lu Whut- byr Magltrate's court today when Town Solicitor Duncan B. Me-In- tyre explained tiat liese men hiad done ali the work required a? theMt by tic towri- Cards of Thanks i e u ~ 7 - Tie officens -aud membera or Si. Bernard's Club wLsi Wtotanlc W4 High School those who tocir part lu the opera,- Gyni'um "Tnc Royal Chef," luti week, also FRIDA , MAR H ~ Il w inl any way contnibuted Wà 8 O.CLOCK P.M. Mrs. HeMr Morgan wlshes to thank frlends, neigl*orsansd pill- Mat Work, Apparatus bearers forý their lclnd asistance. Work, Drille, Dances, etc- and many expressions et sympathy extcnded lu the loss of l-ir sister,_ Helena. Proudfoot, élao the Catho- lic Ladies' Club, ths I4beril Auc. ADMISION 5v <atton and the Womis Iu' oUtu1 for siritualadfoa rb4e. TOS o z SECOND GRADE DOl Goods Whitby PacedhiWhitby by Whitby People! 'i'OMATo JUICE, 26-oz. tin .. 3 for 25c Per Case of 2 Dozen ............$L95 CORN, Golden Bantamin . .4..3 for,29e Per Case of, 2 Dozen......................... $,25 PEAS, Sure-Good Brandi. ... 3 for 28c Per Case f 2 Dozen........ $20 TOMA'rOeSlarge tn .....2 for 19e. Per Case of 2 Dozen .................$ .e, BEANS, Choice Golden Wax.. 2 for 19C quaiity-.... Tn3àM FEARS, 4tht syrup 9 2 FOR ........ PUIMKIN, ige. tins 1L 2FOR fg Dial,632 ort 579. and It WIIIRe On The Way. j, AFEW FACTS IN 1937 AQG BROS. paid ut Îi Wages to Whîtby people Over $7,000 For Merchandiae Withi 4 Miles of Whitby Ovor $25,000 For Taxes Water, Lightse Telephone, Etc., Over $600 JUST PLAIN FACTS -RO BEEF BIl SM BSTEAK aIt u.1,5. fropQualty ispe ted Qualit Iznspected Beef lbn. 120 Hoe-Madle, Srnall or Large ... .........2 lbs. 25C GI ST AK - iilY MT Round Sid notess than5lbs.)...,...lb1c 0ROU TukluSs Ibu--2 -- - -- - - n A A14D "A" MEDIUM EROAST v aleavat Sweét..... for, aIi*~~sRadish- Parsley -C Iceberg, Head ........... 2 for Sweèt Potatoca - Rhuzbarb - breen C MlIk-E1 ê -NU TS PER. LB . ........ DOCTA&X,,ES ?IOW'o0W AI1&ZS fw ie 0T1938 ARE NQW DU&- ai~4 MUST BiPA1D within ten days cf this n~~tthediice cf the Twi 3 Ih 1 mmmý SURE WELL SEND rr .- Just

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