Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1938, p. 2

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i Ciuionide Ti'fmes Pub- a.UW . O.M. mun4y, Vlc..pTOidmt; cirdon a pea in ladawe; $8» le Unied StatwOS MOthi * 'lu whlçh thse *Wmlp- >M tise UdtWS labu r.asu 8toff Mgnager Fl; e8dence, M5 tY, l AQ 6 58 Dteision of the Town, Council last week tindertake ne large capital expendiltures til there la a fUrher reduction in the x rate, will have the'approval of every xpayer in towTl. Councilwas asked te end a large sum on a sewer extension* ilch would eerve only a few houses and ing in littIe or norevenue for years te mes, but turned it down. In bitter timeis ia werk miglit have 1recelved favorable nsideratioxi, but with taxes stIl l iijh x4 work not toe plentiful for many -of our taoens, Councit took the only logical urse. Council -was able te, reduce the tax rate [s year two milis. If this good work can matntained for the next few years the xc burden 'wilI be greatly enlightened. txpgy*ri% should lend te Couneil every as- tance iu the achievement of this objeet. Whitby Houes Not -Yt Number.d_ Mltieugh it le now over two years since ytem e-tofbouse numbering was intro- eG In Wbltby throughi the wonk and ouihtfulnem of evi-e-Dr. Roy Van Wyck, là really surpr1sily Atii.number of iuaoholders who. have not yet purchased. mbers aud installed tbom. Even in'the shuess section there are places without If butiness mon -and householders Only Oëw the convenleuce ef having, a number, AGo et tInconvenience ef many who mue hers te vîsit or do-busineoss at places iere no numbers extat, they would net'be. mg gol*ug te a store and spending the. few rts neesary te secure numbers. While thle soems -te us te be aàniatter ciI~c pide, it cornes wlthtn tii. jurtsdic. mos of the Tewni Council, which bedy has @Sood andi welfare o! the tewn and Its fltens at beart. W. tedl sureý that civie puai te seure nunibers wouid have a teitcial effect. Whlitby N..ds Hougsea and -Apartments Sale detti Cohen block by the -Tew ipue! lest week meaus that Whitby îe te iprovide iot wtnoum. more muchuneedod stM1ents., Sle aie mons tuat thli "ertyr wiin imiproved will bring the wn more revonue. If thé tern emld ouly dispose.et sornu wâut lots te people for-the erection of, )Usz It would, b. a good thtng. Tiiore le many lots available, in parts ef the ýw.-.good building- lots they are-and A. lady teispiioneti tuis office ou Mouday te say that a car owned by a local garage lied on Sunday atternoon turned on tiie- fins boulevard lu front o! hier home sud- practicaily ruinèti it. Less than s block' south tiiere - -was -a wide driveway on wiiicli the car could have turned but te save tluMe the bdulevard had te b. ruiued. This lady epeut a lot ot meuey trnusoiz-. ing an ugly, dangerous ditohi into a thing -tbeauty, sud naturally ta qu ite. indiïnant ovor this car-driver'a action. This incident cilla attention te the tact that thèe, re -a lot etf people who have ut. tei- disregard for the riglite et ethere, ,Tust at th!,%tus e b he year people Witt w*alk on foot sud ridé bicycles ever soit iawzis sud esewilli needlesiy eut up drive- was. Suisil wender, then, that clizens Go .not take tiiepiid. lu Whitby tiiat- they shouid. Siail wondor tiiat civic pride le atc a ow obb lu cerne partis et the town. It le certaliY not very encouragiug foria citizen te tmproe s i.or- ber property enly to bave It -Gam~aged by people who- shouMd lçnow botter, but wiio threugh, Ignorance or othebes d, o net seeni te car.. Mthoiton.-the .Vt uts Altbough the. 4urnplng of ashiion-~ tstet fte on islaPréhibft4by eivf* ordinance, oe e bas only - o Make a toW of -the tern te mos ow this, law isdii garded, by rnany eltizens. On many s4 sbtret are te be >seen huge piles of aahe&# seme piled right on town propertýt and some ln the ditches. Seme citizens- pay a man to talcs away their shles every week, others use their back -yard and -watt until civic dleanùuP'_ day, but there are net a fçw who thinlc that tii., streets are dumping grounds for all and swidry. As seen as ptint cornes- the Council should lese ne time lni heving these unsightly piles remeoved,. while the off enders .should be warned or brought hite custody. No Meddlins' With -Mail It tà reassuring te cee ýthat -investigation ls te, be made into alleged interterance wlth maili baga in* Quebec ' uter the anti-Com-. munist "padlock" law, Hon. W. D. Euler stated on the floor of the Houa. of Gom- mons aset Friday that untîl niait is actual- ly 4elivered it caunot b. touciied by auy save fecberal officiaIs. Tiie iaws geverning. delivery- and distribution of mail are federal statu-tes sud the law preovides< a stringent penalty for anyone csught tampering with His Majesty's mail. Whathte resuit et the iuquiry tue Dominioei Governient les geing te scee te it that tiiose regulations are observed, sud it la meet centfortfntug e now thât such le the. cas.. The political eelering etftthe Q uebec .goverument ha&- nothing te do with the administration et erltish..ian sd or- der, aud is net to e b. permitted te over- ride any et thèse standard principies whieh are tuie riglit. et very British citizen. If the chargea b. true, it muest b. an slarm- ing state cf affaire whieh prevails lu tiie province et Quebec. Tii. Padlockc Law itself la a viery dubious bit oi legisiation ilu the tiret place, sud the. sooner it la eubmitted te the Supreune Court for a ruling, the better. Britain has ne "padiock" law andi the attitude et the average Englishman towards Communiani seems te be oeeoe hunuerous resignatieu.« G. K. Checterton once saidti tt tue beet way te aboish evîls was te langh at theml whlch was a far- more eftective way ef re- tonm than takiug them tee senieueiy. Whît- Chesterton said- lu bis inimitable jesting mnner rnay weil have a seilua applica- tion just the same, anti taking anytig as sporadie as thie Communist movemeut iu tie couutry tee eeriousiy le geing te give these people tee exaggerated an ides et their own Importance sud aise goîng te give them a lot ef unnecessary publlcity. M. Duplessis would de well te Institut. an, anti-Fasciet "padieck" I aw, anti thon per- hape go a stop fai-ther sud malte it a cap!i'- tal -ottenco te beioug te tii. Band et Hope. Clarence Darrou Panes With the. deatii et Clarence Darrow iu Chicago aset Suuday, the American scene lest oeef et t leadiugè legal figures for the hast hlaItcentury. -Possibiy the greMest cniminal Iawyer lu hlstory, Darrow con- ducted thée deteuce iu over a hundreti mur. der- trials anti neyer leist a client te the gailows or thei. electric chair. Aguostic, cynie, humanitarian perhiaps, but nover a coward, Darrow stands etced on the, meîory as oeeoet-tiie straugeet meat enignuatie characters eof modem Darrow's courage was- unquestionable. P'ubliec opinion, hoîti ne tars for hlm- snd t was hie tearlienes more> than any otier quality tiiat led te hic succeas. Strangoiyenougb the. God tiiet hoý denieti wms merciful te Darrow ln death, sud i t seems Ironical tuat the minuwbo iad a>- gueti pasuiouately againgt seeminglyhope- lecs edds ilu crewced ceurtroonis on se. rnany occasions siiouid -puse quletiy away lu lis sloep, <even thonghh. had rret item pnactice some years age. Auywyayhp. la gene, carrylng with hMm the secret et s, tration" et (Ctecbosloakià i a a h question. ffitler' s -t&in - otewer tan c'on- sistetiet a log succession et "coupa, u unies. the democracies of the wanG ldcesse deaiing li words inseýoat a ~ctions, amn., biguousitiea thète >l-nôo-telling What -wIlt, transpirei a few menithe or a yesr at most. Already 'members .efthtii.Sudeteu- Deutsch' (tii, N;azi,--party-etof zechosiova- kia) are talkiugoet-a "prýéb 3~e".We-luav. seen Austnta'a aseveretguity overthi'ewu lun sPite etfahiltthe valiant efste oftChan- celIer 'Von Schiuscin!gg É o under 44pro- tective'arrest") - One tiiing isa certain, the liberty4lomlg Czeclw are net going, te sub., mit te .virtual slsvery' under the, tyrsinny etf 'Berlin w ithout a steru . struggie aveun if it meane anniilation., France hise a tieaty with Cmeslovalcla that biluta b>er- te g toe i.aid o e %W s' er déeunocÎ_rcy tue xuin,- uts rtl uae.Bitafn bas ' a trety wîth- France. What- i4Iuld,1be moe.- shUiar te. the coniditions' th#tý1ed -te the'eîat War? .itIer wil prebably Hee how.forawhlledater his recent master-sotrokç but so0oner -or later Cehiielvga i Soing te bo c4fled upon to play.the. part. tht Serbia playeti iu the hast war. The wenrld can trust Heu? Hitler te ,supply tue- epark to, teucb Off thie pewder magazine. Sh e ircked the .ù'pa "The P-zinteti Word"ý-Terouto ÂAmcug bazardons occupations shouiti.bez includeti that et the rural newspapet .«-. toi - who publishes eacli weelc brio! reisu- mes oethiotown'isliistory. Iiere te dyn-- amite lu thoeelittîs suzumaries variously eutitled "Ten Years Âge," "Twenty Years Âge" sund "Flfty Years A40!." A ment caretul editor culle hie Items each week, omittlug ail tuat hb felt niglit otteuti soie subscriber. Oné bit lu par- ticular h. studied for 'a longtu ie. It wss te i-un under 'the bestioet"Fltty Years Âge," ant i t teiti hlm- that, on this day fit ty years *go, MiseIruma Cleniens began her studies at tih. publie sehool. 'Tii. di- ton would? of course, nôt have dared te mpn suchi a daugerous -piece, but h. knew for a. tact that Irma iad been dead fer mauy years. Furtiier, he lcu.w sah atine çiose relatives still living. 'Iu hie innocence, the. man decided that bers was oue bit e! news thiat ceulti baim ne eue. Se h. rau the. pieco anti t appeared inluthe- piper the fol wngThursday. Filda norning h. had a caller. She was white-faced with rage. "How do you do,, Musa Crans," the editor sait iugraitiatingîy, eairing s. eventeen ex. the ftact tiat evenybody iu this terni know- I was always juest two years eioder than Irma Extminc«ion of Driera Eusential Itl It à rsts t te e. htGog A. Hîodsen, examine- of irivers oetcasaof' Ontario luadtie ywhen b. addressod the. delegato te tii. Qatarieo -Motor Leagus Confeet atwk eup.s4le view that many aè4denta' Could 1bê Pe vented by educatlng *ior -s ! iv o tbe, évideont gnorace'.ofa o e.r51a apalling whén ou e astthe answers- that. .are ýeveù te questions rdating to drivlng, rliti ng te traftic Iaws and retating toa me-. Thers certain»y should 'be~ more strict ezasuinationu suid'.periedic re-exàuulnatlon as. weil se so g.te eul eut these - defective and Ignorant drivers whio are dapigerou4s on fkidesesud outesy wiii net -affet a cure, then the - strong_ arm et -the. law arnued- with haird-bltin#. clauses ,slioul4 be put itt efctirnedMely. ni ti rtght place to start ta1, ýonuithe ,lssulig of- drivlug permutsa, dsecondly: on tse, ar~ tself, wiiih must -tomply wtli ',,'thie< regulatins ase te brakes,:U lgbtseîj1 î Tii. New GOutoç<, organ of -Thé Vtued Chq 1chofCanadg* makeàSsome pot ~ mintkfi'tbot churcii union in ta cUretl- Thelading49 dltorial statez 1ýEV0ry on* 1Mméts thet4trag1p ciauitles tft'ho -Chris>tian Church, but it la neeessary te boit in i md that geatM ovement ons tues 'ýshieid emaIl frotiveS. SQuo p*e l are sgpurreti ou by coneideratien oet êê nomy; tley nover: ils. iutcWhiglvr tb*n la fluancial ,:Plane, anadïa n*t ueces8 .'v * elI evr. ther.Oesar e Ii dager t- belg -tam~4e ino ngotietiopb'thé- critwis of et ii0utor woit i lt IIG34 b. eur shamýe tht w ëiv ffé ' t'O those outigide -the Clhurch, but lt' ,is certin - .w. Ïall nover achieve any abtding Iioihisp if nierely the-iistii < t lier& ts drieù us te tii. shelter ot a larger* chureh--There, isj ahse the twisted. sense, ofvleswli dellghts lu size and. welcomes .a, large ,Ghurch simply because -it tine.Itl truc,etcustttharuet alu union aýe usually fatr ellyto those inlu fayof ett, but the. failinge o!b ethers are nover, an excuse, .for.-uuchrlotiaiu nietiiotis otsecuing Chrettan onde. "If1'union 13 teo.have apy iguutlçan4ce -st mmuet priug frein aù 4«vr*iilmns ugieots. et- spiritual urgen y.Te ýbemoan thi scn dal et oui- divided states, le tee 'negative; w e havo e te elwti*i irsistable terce that tegetiier w. caugo -eut to do thingis ýiéhl *r. eutireîy beyond. Us if we stand"alcus. it is. net our au ,te preserve a procarieus existence by closing oui- rankes againat thé. enemy;, we muet conquer thie couutty* lu the.-namsetfChrist,0 anti if we realiy b. lieve that al miner difficuiti.es (episep*cy" and iôs oui) wil raelt away.ý - - - - - - - - --- - I Edito rl Nots j tirstrrobin hais net yet made- Its appear.: The. gooise stop bas beon. carriod riÈht, over inte Austria-and nobdy knows how mucii fartie it may je. tte: auto driver wsy splash i his; way UIntM. court, Onean- natIais ewlI t af45.35-M k"!mitio eer m Ifenrwp Muet rcb .-4bo hiqUa- beo I4quoy CoMsin ugau te -A « fooree 0f5'tbept i@u bOausslgaithe-ta e to tise bauni' t p arle r mpri o 7<U U bM Jn out n the' hie -sli isese !tise oderaaln w he k- lui ti te lii r u tWIon t; ni tt. be dlrecti aver~ «b ths .e ruu",ýtlcW, 0 tIilae liogtiitoaz0wm- it lfhesi.-vs ba d u fatveoam&au agithe- tise #spr tesd di1srbis _ ltii., pr- . ho Imareo- the - y ltoq wio e-taulcboseu*lt tav I>çy't patrs ra- s t rotection ho l uot lad - el$sg eove- lufiies ud tIlnt. outsm srte a-oter sotfo, d Ms f uartte hneI rW*i r hui ovosMet. s a ici Rogrced Iw Dvyer aU Basic Idutnis4muWMdcI TOrot*, Mardi 1.-4flnus agriculture anie two bulsIc ndus. triis upon visielu, r=ta Our umodern livs, on MtIsél Wyr, aulslahet «! minas lu Nova Scotls *014 thse annuai genera mtnt et the ati.. adisu.Zustltutg of 'Mlnls-rand Xe- -auylis p 1reddesùtIul ddress Minlng -mon frein ail parutofc C'su & * . ai aN ttendlith- tng 1jjj oatepgoeles abOie thie 8,ON000 'U 1b. adMitted: 0wt À maximum of SOi pu$=ofo iin4epou4çnt meua -,wit ,0 ($5000) çapits.; a u.atjMum of 1>000 lab. 2W 00depon4ntg iaa an UM#gs-éê num'?*ê09 a.1 to All w53 be sublet le approval of tuehIg mnoe êf PÏles- 1Ir L(OZEÇ ýT WAY. Pather 4,u Yo ung nffait 1ago-, Aiu to propose (0 Yeu," ~aught~r "Ew 4b en ~4 th~tr tn piLs s i Ins, ~wl

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