Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1938, p. 1

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Cali Ad- ;url OF MfAL tion cat. right- of was lea- s by Mn. the Livo- >ario De- whue x- er' turnes m-rl Industry, *drful contribi bot2i lniCanada ,s. No other c ad matie a gr srespect than wua .prýslded andi Lons district 'as Fred T. lo've at theý~bead ent anti apeaký ther g uests ice of Rie necenti3 !ry Lions Ciut ry, H. G'. Uutcl Lrmen, editor o AT Addrs by Commissone- Bags rmentiec, New GuidesEarolled' Tue mother uan!daugýhtee banquet unden Girl Guide auspices lielti on We4duetay_ evenlng hlut lu the United Churclu provedté tblea veY s$ucvess!ul event. Speaker of the evenlng wua Commissioner Mrs Hobbià, o aOhtwa, 'vho particulanly stresedth Re need o! a MaRiera' CocnIn luconnection 'vlth Guide e for M.14pvanton patrol wltlu Rein oudleaders ver. seated to-forma a hanse-« nghl shoq,&U dlaylnug, hrcoos, wtc man, patrol leader; colora, pink end nera, bIne; Orlole, Doris Cameron, patrol leader, colona, orange, -anti black. jaeScarlet Tanager, Helen Deveneil, e i-patrol leader, colora, neti anti black. ranch Daftocýlll, GeraldilueXingon.cal- ,and ors, green and yllo'v. The corn- )ution pany colons, bandi sud blue, 'ver. lu a andti e ci entre o! ecditable. 'Captain coun- M. Jarrett very, abiy presideti over e ater the- gathening, 'vbkuu numbened on- 'about 60. The progra m m pnedti viithe over National Anthern, !oloived 'viLlua rO!Vocal sala by Donotby Richàrdson. 1usd their Toaut to "OuDr Mothen," 'vao pro- e oc- poseti by Geraililne Kingston aud table respouded to by Mrs. E. B'vmatu. -er of Caplu -Jrrett presenteti cooks and luded seconecl has badges ta Ruth Bow- y# or-: man,,anti second ciessa ta Dorothy b. n«Anchibald. heson l the ithe tiostU wasproposeti ro Larkin, anti neat ne- ,ea'madp by Mayor Fred ex-mayor John G. Date- Douglas IThomson, 'vel- c .breedier, o! Brooli ,of the eveulng 'vasIn. by 1Ralph Clernee,"mis- he Ontario RoÎpîtal f aru y, 'vho gave the meeting resting facIs regarn he b farmiuig operations- car- ere. enks Service Clubs, ýeUl pald 'arm tribute.,ta ragernelut being given lu cLicai waya by the. service ntario ' o Junior Farmers' LOntarioelto-teen two anti deti of these-'vene beiug anti aven 40 o! thenuspon- service clubs. It Was a gesture anti 'vainc go a te keeping boys ou the i prornotlng a better un- ng bet'veen rural aud un- f f arm business 'asu p rnis lu 1937, afLer sevenal ressing anti ciscauraging O'Neilli aic. Last year exports amauntedt ta ven dollars, anti 46 pen cent. vas agricultural products, a4ti ou Page 5, Coi. 3») Vestern Residents ipdary of Peterboro Ve. Inundaâted v, Mparcb 15.-hic! 'veathu- âe creek aiong thie soutb- ity bountiary on Lb.eram-. Iday afternooru, lsolating ase on Newv Chamberlain d forclng tenants ta 'vade irubber boots'ta geL Rhii ek, ivlulch Stanta-wet -o! end flo'vs down tbrougb mbel'laintustreet,- swamfped ývith six luches o!f'vater, t>.ie on Rie south aide wu*t vas completely sur- *It floor wvaters, a foot ,Us ene Inundateti. Ttyitreet ln anothen par- he <uty, Rie Jackson Park *d Cellar otahLb.window âe- wper obtaineti-a Johun- > an~d t'va firemen fro in 4spartment ta pump the t M'oellan. ýb te.!illed creek ltself àg but Vt4 mc2Id 'eather ;*trl Engner Pansons Comnuissionen Mna. Robbs an- nounced that a leutenant's war- rant bac! becu awandcd ta Betty Heard, but owlng ta Lb. fact that It hati not arniveti IL couldnat b. presenteti at this ime.. Betty 'va warmly cammendeti on fien bonar. 'lue enralment o! ue'v Guices 'va taken by the Cammissionen as foi- lows: Phyhlis Lear, Dorothy Richi- artisan, Darotby -0'Dehl, D)onotby Hicks, Cari Moonheati, Betty Carci- 'veli, anti Wilma Wilkinson. Tie gatbering,'vas brought to a close with "Tapa." TUREII A BOTTLE' AT HOCKEY MATCH MAN fIlVEN FINE Port Hope Man Given Stern Lecture -in Police Court James R. Bools, Port Hope, wua fined en dollars anti cests by Ris Worsh'p Magistrate F. S.. Eblis, ihen be pleadeti guilty in Wbitby district police- court Tuesday toaa charge o! cneatlxug a disturbance lu a public place wbenu le' thre'v an enpty whiskey bottle onto the ice cluring.Lb. Whitby junior hockey game against Pont Hope here a few 'veeks ago. Chie! RHarold QuantrilI talc! the court that a lange number of spec- taLons fram Port RaHpe bac! been present at Lb. game anti that sev- eral figluts bac! dra'vn the attention of the police earller lu Lb. evenlug. The bottle-thno'vlng episode occur- nec! duning the third peniodothe b gaine ut a time when play 'vas for- tunaLely at the Cher enti o! the ice. "The. bottie 'vas thrown onto, Lb. Ice from, Lb. balcony," stateti the Chie!. Admltlg that h. hat ilmbibed a !ew drinks, Boals statedti tat tue bottle bac! been- kicked under biLs feet by sameane els. anti, that lue had then thrown it out. onta tue ice, 'wi%_no intenition o! doing any damaî, 'oveven, as both tearna 'ver. at Lb. ather ecuftihe b.ice iL Lb. ime 'vlth-only s goal-keeper at the south end. Rlis Worsbip pointeti out that this fact madie noa cifferen'ce andti ta IL 'va very fotunate fan the ac- cused'that fia one bac! been lit. "This Ila avent senlous thîà in," atat- ed Ris -Worsblp, "Lihro'ving a 'viMi- key bottleout an t4ze Ice, not kno'v- ing 'vbere IL 'vouldilani. IlilImpose a fine of $10 anti costs, or tia ts lu the County jail." Say& Britiah Juifice Pro- vides Safeguarde té, Proteet Righta The functions, o! gran<' jurieà 'vene carefully outltned by Hall. aurable Mr. Justice MoTague lu lus address ta the grand jury at the' openlng. of the sprlng assises of the Supreme court here 7'uesay. HMs Lordluip referred ta theftat that there wua only one Inditement before the grand Jury on which a bil must be returned, , iind, ccnù- gratulated -Rie jurons on ti93sbc- count. "lYou are the grand Jurons and lu addition ta you ther ns a' number o! other jurons here froiuu whom wiii be ielected Rie, petit jurons wba 'ill try any criminal cases ta corne before the assize," sald Mis Lordshlp, explainln.g that BnîtialuJustice provlded many sale- guarda for the fuir- protection -o! the prlsoner'a rigbts. FPinaL the Crown Attorney had ta be aatistied that there wvs uffuicient evidence ta Justily bringlng an accused be- fore a maglutrate. The magistrate heard the evidence and If iL seeta- ed conclusiveenougli ta blm h. couic! commit the prisoner for trial, upon wblch the tunctions o! the grand jury commenced. "T7he individual *la pnotected tlroughout the processes o!- the la'v," camrnented Ris Lordshlp, "and you are another safeguard ro far as the resuits o! the -individuai are concerned. By confrast wlth a trial your duty ls ta luear Rie evld- ence adducecl by the Crawn alone." His Lorcisbip explained that the grand jurons cUti not need ta liCar ail the Crawn 'vitnesses ta returu a true bill but tliat Riey rnust heur al ;the Crown 'vîtuessebefore ne- turuligt a "Io" bill. 1 eWhat t1fé accused là ciarged witiu bere lsa w4at 'v. bave naw beguli to caU i'motor ansziaugl- ter'," obsenved Uta.. Londsblp,ý re«, ferrîng ta the incitement In tue Dàviesý case, "1that la, an utter dif- regard for the iglits of others lu the. operatian a« a mator vehicle wmhlch bas caused- the death of' some *perâon."1 "IL la alsc> youn cluty to lnspect the courtbouse and jail and any other buildings in the County sup- parted by puiblic funds. By a recent ameudment o! the Ontario Cointv Act, the grand Jury la reiieved of this inspection pnovidlng însp:cajýj bas been made by anothen grand Jury wtbin the Past six montbs," stated His Lordsbîp, at the close of- bis addness, adding that this vas flot necessary as the grand Jury bac! Inspected the premnises at 1 te Fail assizes o! the court. Two Decreeïs Niai Granted by Court Decrees niai 'vere granteti in Lwo divorce actiofis hearti before Mis Lordship Mn. Justice McTague lu Supreme Court liere on Tuesday. Bath actions 'vene i gicontest-. eti. Mrs. Longbottom, plain- tif! lu Lh. case of Longbottom va. Longbottom, 'vas nepresenteti by Ljouis Hyman o! Oshawa. Mns. Laura Williams, plaintif! lu Lb. case o! Williamus vs. Williams, 'vas nepnesented by 1R ennick andi Hennick, Oshawa., COW RAS GOOI) RECORD The Jersey cow, Abbotsdale Pogis Bernice, owned by Mrs. Olive Moorliead. Whîtby, Ontario, has procuced ln 305- days at 'six years, 9,798 lbs. of rnilIc, 448 lbs of fat, wrfth an avrage test of 4.57,7. IN NEW OFFICE. on wedne the new te tht. evet itq ohows Mayor Fred T. Zowe placing Urne *iOnt cl on IW, telephone mteam as 1* 'vwas offilllly placed inlums atternoon last. Ria Wor*j#la I. utdhgat the desk In méo exohange, caUilnt Reeve- A. W.,Jackison. Reference te ars elsewhere lunhtIssne. Board of 'Education Boss loet Fa vor -Province Sioolderng Al Cst_ of ScdayEducation Arrangement made, Witli Continuation S1chool, Boards for Their Share of< Cc>st of Educ.ating Coun-,' ty PUPÎil for 1938 1 WiitbY Board -o! Education'vil uaL, support a mavement ta pass on! tue envtine cost ofisecondary edu-ý catlon ta the province. At the ne- ular meeting, of the Boardi lut Wed-! uesday evenlng a letter 'vasreadl~ s!Ègpeti by several Secondany Scoo Boatdý o! the CUnty o! York, ung-ý Ing thue Wbitby -Board . ta joju in;a requeat that the ProvincIal 'Govern-, menttake aven ail Lie colt t ;t ondany educatian. The matten 'vwas1 tiie~ussed Iýrlefly, butnoue o! the! Inembers favareti this nuovement,! feeling that each pununlcipaiityý ,shoulti netain thue contrai aven Sec- oudary-schoolsthat no'v exista. Thel opinion 'vas !urtben expressed that! the cost of ,secondary education' woulti tend Lo increase if IL passeti f rom the control of local Boards o! Education. Thenefore the com- munication 'vas filied, with no ac- tion being taken. Mie Finance Conuitte. reported tbatt bac!matie arrangements 'vîLlu Lb. Continuation School Board o!' the.district for their shane of the (Mt1 o! éducation o! caunty pupils fon 1938 as follows: Pickening Con- tinuation Scalîool, $443; Bnooklin, $643; ?clnL Penny, $55. A conférence 'vas helti between the Boardi anti solicitor D. B. Mc- Intyre, wlth respect ta the cosL o! legal 'vork anti opinion in connec- ion 'viRth th tovn's daim againstý the Caunty o! -Ontario for 1937ý education costa. Mn. Mcîntyre agreed ta baving the amount taxeti, Lhough h. expresseti the opinion' that tic anuount renclered by a To- routa legal flrm for their services 'vas not subjèct La recover by the ON RIWIWAY ROUTE Motor City Delegation -to> Sce Goyernment This Week A delegation !nom tue Clty o! Oshawa 'vii seek an appolutment 'vitlu Han. T. B. MeQuesten,.- n ~~?oMinister o! Hlglways, ta se- ctn,ê information aottue Oov- ernmelut's plans 'vith. regard ta tue new four-lanç blgh'vay !norn Ta- routa to Oshawva. Representatives o! Lb. city counu- cil, the chanuber o! commence, busi- ness men's association. moton club anti hotel associations are lucludeti lu the delegation, IL la undenstooi,- and the route ta be !olowedý througlî Lb. city wlll be tiiscussed. Aitbaugh no definite pflans 'ver. announced following, a speciai mîeeting ber. Saturday afternoon, iL is expectedth Re delegatlon 'viii go to Queen's Park sometime this 'veek. Reports are curent thnçughout Rie clLy that Lb. hlghway 'vili be com- pleteti as fan as Oshawa this year. LENTEN SERVICE The week-night Lenten service will b. belti lu Ail Saints' Chapei on Wednesclay evening at 7.30 o'clock. The subject o! Lbe addres will lie "Great Wonds o! the Bible", or "Thie Christian Pilgnimage", 3. Stand. taxing afficer. The maLter 'vas ne- !erred ta tue chaîrman o! Rie Fin- ance Committee sud Rie aecretary. Oporated Horne-Made, Telephoe In Whitby for Over Twenty Years For Two Years No,ý Bells W e r e. Available, -But Towýn Be» Was Useful. ---Patients came From1 Wide Rural District See one Prom Mra. Clans Adams, Me- Intyre, asslstaflt editor o! the Cana- d itan Churchrnan, anti- daughter o! ,Z Rie lais -Dr.' Adgrua dcentist lu Whtyfor many years, ant i ito' >,of Lb. late Bey.,,Dr. Mclntyre, Who vas atL<St. John%~, Part Whitby, lu biàs tudeut cays anti ister. nectar a! b~ a lange Tonanto ehurcb, Rie Gazette k anti Cluonlcle eceived 'Lb. !ollo'v- 'A~4 ing historic narive, t*00 late . ta Incorporaeis luthe canly lulatory a! telepluofe communiostion lu Wiuitby 'vlch apeanet in last 'veek's-issue: t - IiiUbe nsi'ithIinterest by mlauy, citizefia lune.-lirn. Mélntyr. There is anc intereatlng, tonyl concernigg Telephone HLttory lu - Whitby thuat 'vas not mentionet i lx MISSJEA BARD thRieGazette & Cluronicle o! Mamc Who lu lu chirge -o! the busunem R y faRier, the. lais Dr. AdanUs. office lu the n,!w exebange build- matie, anti operatoti fan ver 2Q log ogrie Ben, Telepjhone Joui- yeis, Rie firaL boine telepluone.lu PanY lMi"s-Roard b n on Wbltby. I ' wu: ma.de from speci- Rie local staff o! tlle Compay t(vatOris .-gien lu Rie- 8clentiflc for a number o! y.sns, sud vas Azuerican someltlmelu In-te eanly eue! operator 801s, -as nr as Ie paccI, nt joined his office-now, occupied by Dr. Beatton-and b is b omne,. next coor. té- the present. Presbytçriàn Manse. He bac! to secure the riglit of way for.his privàte *ire and put' in his own 'poles. For two years lie couidc- get fa bells, sa .when the town.bell, or-on. occasion the lire bell, rangS bot h iY parents. would run to their tiesPec- tive phanes. -At the end of, that time,,my, father 'vas .able to secure, beis in New 'York.. Wlien lie lef t the "cottage" for ,the "Terrace"'on Byron Street lu 188W, the same tele- phone m.oved'wlth 'us. It 'va an objeet of wonider_, almSt- fear, to the early timers -and later an obJect of! great amusement. tQ tie tele- phone mechanles w1 S&iw It. The recelvers 'vere -on ther1ght aide aud there waa a plug to be used, Ini thunder storm wbich would'graundý the current. w;ilargou ul Nei Board For IBMothera Allowance, Re.W.- J.. -Smyth, .of port Perry9 at ,the Tuesclay Luncheon, "IreianÎd" 'vas the' subjeot of a very sultable. seasonal -address at the WhtbY Rotary Club on Tues- day, whenRev. VIT. j. H. Srnytb, of Port Perry, 'vas the speaker. Mr.- Smytb, WhI l a native o! Ireland, but has lived lu- Canada. since boy- hood, made a trip to bis native land lat summer anxdis address -wus ,based- on that visit and on his ob- servations. Re deait wltli lus visit to, Queens- town and Cork, out ta Blarney Castie, where lie, kssed the blarney stone, as la usual with most tourlsts, descrlbing a trip through the Kill- arney eountrY lu an Irish Jauutlng car and talc o! the- quaint, primi- tive culture wblcli stilI exists iu the Iland Wblch 'vas, described by one o! Mn. Smyth's guides as "Heaven's own coiuitry witli tie devTs own people.'# Iu referrlng to has very enjoyable vlsit ta Dublin, Rey. Mr. Sýmyti re-- lated some Irishli hltory, going back to, the year 1800, when the Britishi Premier, William;Pitt, bac! tie Irish Panliament Voted away by means of br!bing the Irish mem- bers of Parliament. Prom that day, -the Irishi House 'of Lordis bas re- mained sulent and uuoccupied, pre- served anly as an historical show place for vistors. Mr. Smyth theia traced the Home Rule movement from Is; Inception ln 1870 dowu thréugh. the days of-Gladstone, wio supported iL, to the year 1913 wlfMn It wua carnied, but not given effect until 1919, after the close o! the Great War. Mr. Smyth told of numerous con- versations lie bac!. bac!with youn-g fr1ohmen who were strong support- eir o! the new Free State, and ot tlir present attitude to 'Great Brn'îtain. He'exPressed the hope aud theWJ.4ef ..that1 the day ^ wiii corne 'vien. the people o! Southern Ireland wvii at leat, be soniewhat -more .frlendly towards England. 'rbe speaker lias a great power o! description and bis story o! the in- spîition of bis returu to -bis nat- ive Irelànd was extremeiy impres- sive. Re was introduced by W. M. Let- cher, o! Port Perny, former 'varden *of Ontario County, and a vote o! thanks 'vas moved by Rev. H. Car- michael. ANNUAL -ME[T1N BIBLE_ýSOCIETI President Toronto Bible College Speaks Here March 25 Hev. John McNlcol, president of the Toronto Bible College, lias been secured as.the guest 'speaker, for the* annuai meeting of the Wbltby Bible Society, which will be held on Fr!day evening, Mardi 25, lu the Sunday Sehool 'Hall of the United Churcb. Rev. Mr. McNicol la an outstauding. speaker and' there should be a large number o! peo- pie on liand ta bear ýhlm. The annual'business meeting of the Society il commence at 7.15 o'clock, ^when reports and the an- nual statement 'vill be presented, and officers 'for the ensulng year elected. At eight o'cloclc the devo- tional meeting il commence, with Rev. Russell O'Brien In charge. ,Ail the churches of the town are being asked to co-aper- ate ii this meeting. MOVED TO OSHAWA I can rememÛber -my-father saylng- that litspatient& 'vho, came luxa Wlultby tf nm a 'ide rural ctit-t always wanteca te see Rie 'vire Rat, carnledth Re voice anti.'vere vlsibly amazed ti LWaau'Lluavien and' hollaw -lk-a pipe. The -Bell Telephone of! ,anatis havéýed =ce efor tihe telephaxues -te sadt tta their archives department but vheu t1S. bouse vws dlsmantledl later =y fath~er'a tieatlu,- tlue. boxes 'ver. loat lthRe general confusion. Old Age Pensions O)rgniatonor a mothir Miovance and 01<1 Ag* Pensionr Board for, Ontario county vas completed at a meetinghell-on tues"y, at -the Court RIfouie, lit the office of Coimty Clerk and Solicitor, R. Donald -Ruddy. iwayorFred T. Rowe, ýWhltby Mns. Samuel- Fariner, Port Perry, an<1. Mr. Lawrence Cooper, of Washago, are the tire.: goveru- ment appoiiiteeg. Represent-. ing th~e îOùeuny reOweî p~aves. Uxbrldge Township, former sec- retary of! the 01<1ý Age Pension Board; Mn. Malcolm Forsyth, of Claremou4, wlth I. D. Ruddy, Whltby, aàsýlerk. Mr. L. Cooper le vuce-chairman. Meengs, 'vili M held the third TuesdaY of each month at 1 0 a.m. at the' office o! the secretary. 1D0 hUg9WORK Normani McQuay and Marie Brown Tambyn. Winners Seven junior and four senior students a! tue WblLby Hlgh Sohool particlpated lu the annualýTamnb1yn oratonical contest held inlutue As- sembly Rail ou Tbunsclay aftennoon. The 'vork o! the youtbful orators Luis'year 'vas of a very higlu onder, tlmeiy aubjects being cluosen and 'vel developeti. Judiges'vere, Mns. E. M. Brown, o! the teèaclulng staff; Miss Gertrude, Walsli,àa pupl, -a=~ Mn .H. Ormiston, etiltoro! The lu formner years, marks'up 'to 50 per cent. ee obtainable for contest,- arrangement, onlglnlty, etc., sud* the~ same number for plat!ormn mai- uer, f Iuency, enunciatian, expres- sion> etc. In maklng. their findlng, Rie judges liad n<> easy taak. The Junior a'vard 'vas made ta Miss Miicired Brown, whose aubject, 'vas "Tbe Romance a! Rayon." The senior a'varti went ta, Non- man McQuay, 'vhose address on "Oppontunmty." 'vas a masterpiece. The vanlous orators anti their subjects 'ver.: Junior Contest 1. Craw!onth Jack, "Modem Wau' Machines." 2, Tmndail, Lloyd, "China." Spratt, Jack, "The Ro- mance olý Gold i Mnlng."1 4, Levlne, Able, 'U4dergnound 0OÙ Ralroatis." 5, Anchibaid, Darothy, "Tin Can.' 6, Salisbury, Bernice, "National Flags." 7. Brown, Mildred, "Ro- mae f Pnnn1 am - JUDGE TO DECIDE WEDNESDAY MORMING -Witnesses Testif y That Ac. cused Was Under Influ- ence of Liquor When Crash Occurred Hlghllit of Rie inanslaughten trial af Perey Madili, Brookfln, be- fore Rie' Supen¶ie court Tedy wuvas motion by defence counzel, J. F. McGanry, o! the Toronto law !irm, of Hughes, Agar, arf-d Thornp- son for d!sûLaJsal of the case 'viti- out bearing tb. eviclence o! the de- fence.. Statlng that be bac! ex- pecteti a stronger case te be pre- zeuted by thé CnoWn, Mr. McGarry moved Ruat Mn. Justice McTague take proceedlinga juta lits own hands and dLmlsa the action 'vithout let- tlng 1* ko ta the Jury on thé grounds that the Crown bac! flt shown gras or 'vanton neglîgeuce on Rie part o01 the accused qufficlent ta justlfy a charge o! manslaughter. Ris Lordshlp replled that ln sucli a celue h'voulti b. lucllned ta fql- 10w tbe ruliig. made lu a similar. case lu. Bnill& law, that o! the King vs. Haneock, aud atateti that the 'quest.ou *o! trial jutiges dis- mlissing jury actions wltbout let- ting -themtÎ go ta Rie Jury, 'vas at present belon. Rie Appeal Court of Ontario,. pendlng a decision, Hon. Mn. Justice MeTague sketi defence counsel ta prepane luis motion wlth reference ta thèese lactis, andi atateti be 'voulti hear hlm agalu 'vheu couft re-openeti the follo'wlng -morn- 1lug. ian "eatan'es EPhb1lted The iearng'o! the Crown's cvi- deucetoolýup the whole day. FinaL 'vituss ciied were Miss Mar- Jçny .Ruddcy, 'vlo -took photograplis o! the 'teked trucks and the scene o! the tccident. These photographs 'ver pu luas -exlulbits snd ho'vn ta Rie Jury. Fred -Donevan. Ontario land surveyor.. Droduceti tlue prints, madiene a resuit of surveys con- ducted by blmsel! sud Traffice Of- ficer Waucle1 at Rie iscene,, o! the ac- cic!enti. Gffacer Testi e Principal Crown wltnes* vu Tra!- fic Officer G. R. Waude, wlio In- vestlgated thb.;accident. Constable Waude told the. court that he hati been cailed ta the a cene o! Rie ac- cidentl at 11.30 p.m., on ýthe nîglit of June MR. A sligbt ralu 'as fai- ing. at the tlrne, aud 'vheu he anr- ived on the. scène a4out hal! a mile north o! Ricels RU ite nain was just beglnnlug ta lie udtlcabe on the road"aY. He foundti 'v trucks stopped ou the. ea.st aide o! >the noati, bath faclng lu a. norRi- westerly direction, .'viLl the fr6ut (Continued on Page 5, col. 2) mance vi imyji. AI~ 1A __________ Senior Contest , 1, -McQuay. Norman, "Opportun-. -i N TR C ity." 2, 'Aatiey, Douglas, "Commun- >IF.LA ilanl Russas." 3, Palmer, .Ruby, "Tue Chinese People.". 4, Gloltimazun I A (I E Nathan, "War,,Rebuketi." la announclng Lb.etiecialon o!, Rie jutiges, Mn. Ormiston, compiiment2cli Riey hati c hsen subjects tlmeiy antiA, ~l nuL above Rieur heatis. IL 'vas dis- tnesng, lie. statecti t lar a boy: or DiMver Disappears girl o! yendeci years try toaaia 'vith -sucli. perplexing anti conten- Crash- Toronto e Llous questions as the League-à! Na- tions. Rc complimcnted the w'in- Injured nens& anti bac!a word of -encourage- Hlo ati go-y, ment far those wbo 'vere no'vin 'He tuec an-g o! aye tue 'vinning colunnGooti lasers, unitientifieti'car tRIe! 'vb lhé sald, 'vere aiways aclmined. s liglit clivéry truckt fro Meeting 'vas presideti- aven by- Buti useti car lot of Rie'Austin Goode, president -o! the Literary Sales on 45 Bloan Street-EA SoCiety, anti during Ri -e afternoon« à routa. drove it out *0 'Whîtl piano solo 'vas, given by Ruby Al-. then was « the cause of au m NBIW PUMP FOR SEWEIIAGE PLANT Authorïized Bought by Pub- lie Utiîity Com- mission At Rie Marclu meeting af Whitby Public Utility CommIssoIn leltion. Tuesdsy eveulu lesat Rie superlu- tendent, IL L Pningie, 'vas suthoi- Izeti ta purcluas a new'çeutnl!ugui severage purnp faorie lo'v level pwuping station,; tat ocf $742ï whlch priée Includes mater anti controis. - Te purnp replaces oue whiciL lias beeuu ln use for nayyears ant ila nov practlcslly obsolete. -the pump -.hil be- installeti shortly. Tii. qnly. otler business'trans- »citi L tihe meeting 'vas Rie pass- a1g of accounts ýT- Af ter M1an ao stale om tue a - oton' aL, Ta- tby, anti uccident lu 'vhlclu John Sherwin,1764 Intia. Road, - Terante, suffenet a. broken knee-capl.'ater wbich Rh ief iii!s- appearet inbta Lb. ,night'anti bas not been heard o! ainçe.- STue driver o! tue stolen car bati stoppeti for a 'vlile at Spruce Villa Inn and 'vas drivllzg the truck out o! Rie dniveway 'vben hè -forgat to straigbten bis 'vheels ta proceeti east on Hlgh'vay No, 2 andi kept turu- ing I-acircle 'vLlth theresuit that 4estruck Rie car driven l>y Sinl e-omlng frorn Rie east. Sherwln 'vas thrown out of tue car and Pick- ed Up by GeorgeStirling anti Frank Selles o! Agincaunt, lu the cari- rnedately behinti.- Th e driver o! the. truck came fon'vsrti, svthe. dam- age anti aic!, 6I'm sary, Oic! mam- my f suit."s selles anti Stirling thon , cared sherwln luta a nearby hous,. anti 'vhen. Riey neturnedti th e scene o! Il

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