nHE WHITB GAZETTE AN~ New Tshephono Systou 4fl&1.co o fe woMe Ms owever.t Plassi i'n Opora-tioný ways tO«ý:tAie truai4 $114 overy lm Wsonssday.Afts.rnoOn able Wt' W I* 'O-every othl= leoio et one çout snd thedL ore tieloph=ç the lndepesideht Ooiimny vlthctew Mayor Fred Rowe fiaceawliIClI ouca Make t ex.ctiY slxty- from t» etôvu. 71»e itTelphO ne ewo yearutomorrow. No douAitWei Qompany tha., Z1 belleve, alwaysi Firat Cati 831<1TaiketO have DManypeople living here todgy -stIventW gAve Us god -servie. Al %Reeve Jackson - Mani «ho wULl-rmember thst occaiop. SOUcl Wt hc i hve3 Cizen&son Hand Wh=ll Ti. tle h bsdoue mueto't0 *teu e com « Pewyevery po. à da&rd bringing people-clouer togotà l- sible co-operation, sd I teel surep New System Replaces th@e r, .makIng biappier homes anc ce- that thèe aklPly relations wjll Coui-J 01<1 ating vicer friendihips, for .11 0f tine 1nthe .,tuture. WhIh w amgrtetl. félMr. I think thie thanka«fou coIun- Rowe, you now join wth me in cil and oqr people are due t th ln the presene of offIcials of the wisliing the Bell Telephone v.om- Bell lephone Company aud W to t. l3ceU Telephoneo Company, Rlhnbers pany every u9iceesawith tuila neaw local managers aud officers. A net-Z Of tIec Qouncul, and not a Lew citi,q ystem and aise *in thanlung heir uableu.mong vhom, I mlght mentions Yens- vii iasmbled St the noew -x office staff of tue Paut for their Mr, H M.K Blacà r, of Oshawa. the >ýhanZe AildpS on 3roek strect 8W, kindly servces, snd courtebus n=- af lt. James E. -Willls, who vas'for on We4zdmU sftenoon st 2:00 uer lu dlspensng their dutIes. I many yosrs local manager hore. o'clook. tue *14 magnétotelephmie nov doclare this dili syutm openi Miss Wlllhs, bs ouçcessor, for manyV sy>tém whleh hu erved Whltby for for service. years local manager, and aul the fi mmtniy years, passed out cf existence.- Reeye J %Oko s young lady* oporators, whose effici- Thefoiowù rely u radeby ntserv( h md the use of the il ue h. ewdilsyteWhîhReecsniheii Il r s iee' t.epione -Most populrarnsd profit- hia(dbeen undci construqction for ale. AndA now my oely complaint ýo tonhs Hll, r -Mao I feel that 1 lu that they have taken from zuT. Promptly ut 3 o'clock vires vere Hello, MIX Myor, flbengprmt"my-ufber 15 fternearly hall a cu wie Snctd he od a t qltlojori i i& bigpG~~tcentury and compelied mne tW take cutianwhi cotewte tiboca ait > oJi ll AsWoraip the664. r.e, sd ill to slt.hbaruatMayor of the Town of Whitby on ,cnrto sI ntleo- thie oici office becarne obsolete, this occasion when we are taklng 1 ogauteys nth the new sytern" throbbeci witTl over oui new dial telephones. *For .asion viien you arc permitted te -)irfe, a cals began tic corne ln. 'nany years 1 have hai quite In- malte the first diai Cl and ic in- Tihere was net a IiitchlVanttiniiiorlyIY taLeko iwledge of all the tele- augurate the. use of the new aud two Instances vas eslIglt trouble en- phone changes and Improvements up-to-dlate 4ial tolepiione syztcm foi counteredc <uring the a-fternoon. in tunsnunicipality. Away back iir the towu cf Witby. At 2:«.00 o'clock az thie new systeni 1890 1 becamne a subscriber for a Bei Andi te the Bell Telephono Ceom- * ame into operation. Mayor FPred T.' Telephonie, rny numnber being 15. Iu pany 1 arn pleasecl along with you xowe. sitting at the cesk ln the those da ysithe old "Blake" set, I1 ta exteuci the thanlca cf oui -people trorit office cf thle new building, tlùiuk tlîey calleci it, cost us $1&.00 aud ourselves and to express our ,,was invitecl te place thzefirst cail. per year Il vo were locateci too far very great sattsfactiohi as we pas3 lie dlaled Iloove A. W. Jackson's ïioni "central." Phones located at lover te the new ciAl systern. office andA the re3pon3e vas lm- l,,lts of the corporation cos, $201 CaUedI 8owmotivillo ùiediate. Saidt Mayor Ilove:- anci $2à . Then the Bell gave us * The flrst long distance cal vas Mr. Ileeve, 1 feèl that you-as well bznttcer.instrumient and a bette,, iu placed by J. H. Ormiston. editior cf asmel arl e very grateful te tthe distance service aud- ve paid $20,. The Witby Gagette ozd Chrouicle, Bell Toelrpone Comnpany for lcoo- per ycar. who calleçl George W. Jsrnese, editor ing un with tisi very pleumsln cuty I think it vw u nlte year 1905 of The Canadian Statesman, Boy- ci opçnlng tlUs iali systemicf. telo- ihere was a great telephone contro- mauville snd presideut cf thie Cana- phoubInai the Town of -Wlitby. vers5y ln tcwn. The, Homne Tele- clian Weelçly Xçw&paper Association. ?ba téléphone lk other Institu- plione Incepenclent Company vaut- IInm callIng ycu, Ur. 9ditor of the tuons haî mmd. vonclerful strides ed te cornie In. The Council refus.. Canadian Stgtesman, W lunform you slnce t vas firat nstitiutied.1 no- ed te permit a dlual telephorue sys- tht at 2:00 'clock this 9,fternoou tic 1,1 > Tbo Gazette and Clironicle tom lu Wlitly And the Bell Tele- thle new dial teleplione syptcrn, such of tbla date -tibt t vwu in the yea- phone OCompany vas given au ex- as vas placed inunusenAu owmau-. 34 ibn t4es8ystem w as firat lu- clusive franchise for fîve y cars. In ville a year fgo, I thUlpl, camne Ato auguate.4 in WWtb$' and 1 am led retur'n the town vas given a con- oî,erationin hiWitby, andi I waut tic t u beUAq'i 31 was oui>' thbre years tinuouo day anti nlght servlcç for extend grecting W you *nd the peo- *6 <uo-th dte that the ili e f1irat tume and aise, a. unifurm ple cf 1Eowmanillle. Mvr«cnokplare'over a ti.. price per phone o! $20 or anyviiere M.ames Anrpysic w i phone vhci as Marcii 10, 1876, wthin the corpoation fe ivsdlgtdWg~ii audam Ieniluomesn> A evertIsement Adve.'tumesnent in our Interest «- and Yours! ~ 'The Brewing Industry has a selfièh reason for the hope tbat the idea of Control Winlsupiplant the idea that law can niake m~en temperate. For excess and abuse are as much the enmes of our industry as they are the enemies of the law. If dependence le placed on restrictions, the ex-, perience of Prohibition wil be repeated. Restrictions from the outside %yhich refuse the _incividual the right to exercise his own judgm-ent provoke reitue Excess- and abuse by the individual can be curbed only by the ekercise. of bis judgment. Thus the ftmdaxnental principle of Control is that the drinker, NO0T the, drink is the probleni! So we ask, you, the majority of the citizens of( this. Province, to ji us in making the systeni of Coutrol work, by yourselves observing the law and by your example encouraging others to observe it. You willagree with us, that, far froni helpingQ temperance, harm is done by those dry extremià ta whose method *of approach and propaganda 'ignore fundamental principles of human nature. TOWARDS SAFER DRIVUNGS Everyone abhora the druruken driver. He is a if - menace and ail good citizena should help to elininate him. BUT the Ministry of -Highway ) figures show that 98.9%7 of ail accidents and .97-4%7 of ail fatalities were not clam-sied as 7 caused-by drunken drivers. 0 This aduetisement is nserte by the )3reing Jnduftry in tMe inleret cf a bMter public underaandisg of the pro&-1 -enm$ of temperance and lociloption. to knov that eS<8én-et teleplione lathaopU)ocehhull7 An-c stalI~~d 1u -$. îe Whtby. iun uorffl velu?. Mr4 James smaw that he u-muiIkd $e ve au acknowledgeont heom WlItui that Ugwpianvlle- had token the~ lea ln lu one ting at - lesti. Re ioped that tIi poople ç« Whltby- woulcl enjoy thie nev sud modemi system as BoWUvP Plelid donc. Before tihlas connoction vau brok- en, Mr. G M ofeowvc-pro- ldceut sud Rgzenal nwiuger cf the MundY-GoodfellOdw .Printlng Cofu- pauy, had a fcww orde 'vith Mr. James. Look Over-System WM tih e officidaratsto Anaugur- atq thie nov system cornpletely, cti- zens were siiovu tic delloate sud very weuderful equlpmout vhlcn nov handleu aul of WltbYs tele-- pýhono cails. Officiais of- tieCcom- pany wereonou hand and answered many questions. 'Visitors vers ais alloveci te inspect thie building. JAML[S Ui FO1w[D$ CLAIMIEB DY DEATU Deceaseti - Conducted Coal Business -In Oshawa Till Two Years Ago James bamp!on Fovîds, for. ruan>' yoars one o! tihe Most prom- Inent of Oshawa business meun. passed' away at tue home o! friends lu Toronto. Xi' hu.d been lu 111 health for over a year, but- vas still able tic get around sud lat Fuiday veut te Toronto te visiti friends. Up until tive years ago, Mi. Fovila- haci conducteti a ceai andi vood business on King street voit. Beru i Hastingk, Ont., tihe son, of the bate leur>' Martyn Fowîds' anti Victoria . Campion, "The Maples", ho startçcl l illhe ceaan d ,weod business lu HaStings, latier mnoviug tic Campbellford, sud thon lu 1M1 te Oshaa where lhe bousht, oui tihe coul business carried on nt &1 K.lng'street oeat b> Walteor Msrie ritti. His fatiher sud brother, Wai-- ter, vere assocated vith hlim. T'wo ycurs ugo, becauic e Il heutiho zoldi eut te B3atuzeanti Meélga.- Reo: *asa amember' of St. A- drewv3,United ChurcAi, the Qeltava REotur> Club, time 0Q5fli.scotitilab Rite Club, sand, Up untul- a yeai,ý augo, Temple -Masonic .0<w.. Xo vas one o! tile olticat monibers of tile Roary Club, JokIlu Aln 192. Mr. Fovîda las urVle ib>' t#re iaters, MIsses Laulse 04d Orace FevIia o! Toronto, sud Mus. James Fraser of Outlaokc, SMIC., a=4 0on brother, Walter, o! Haastungg. The funeral viii belituld ifron Armatrong's Funeri ome, 1S4ý King atreet egut, touight at S o'elock. 11ev. -Andrew- D."ReItO,' pastor of St. Andlrev' Ultied chuucii, wll ceuduct tihe service.1 Members o! tue Scottah Rite Club vil attend lu a body', anti Rotiary Club mombera vil aise ho pissent. Intiermeut viii tako placeý- lu tue Trent Valley cemecter>', lastlnga. tomorrew upon arrivai e! tue body by metor at approximatOly 11.45 a.m. Attomey.GeuralAnswems Hgydre cargespfRoCS buck andi Opposition, in Atdres i in Asstmbly This Afternoon ABSOLVES PREMIE 0F ANY DUPICITY (Spèclal t. The Times) Quoen'8 'Park, Teronto, -Mardi 15,. -udefeudlug tihe governent'u hydre policy lu the leglalativo as- seMbly this atternoon, Atterney- General Gardon D. Couant offered te accept. viatever blaiie'ralght be attachei to tihe signlng cf tie nov contracts with -BeaUharnois. Ris ad'dress vas a îeply tic the charges of the opposition -ad of .Nrtihur lIoebuck, former attorney- gÃeneral aud 1hyd1ro commlssoner. Ho absolved tille premier o! any duplicity lu siguiug nov contracta alter pre-electiou promises taflght tile power Interestu tillhe bitter end. Mr', Hepburn had cousentodte the nov contracte, sald Mi. Conaut. after ho had been "1gangeti up ýou" by both Dr. Hogg, dhairman cf tile hydre commission, snd' the attior- ney-g&eneral, who verbcouvinceti It would ble bottier ta aceepti tuesastis- fsctory settlement offereti byBeau- harnois rather than cepitinue tihe provlue>s appe-rl to e o pruy couuil. the. reault o! whwuasex- trernely dnbleus. "Iii Bert Interestu cf People»l "i wili qladly accepti any blaxue,"1 sali Mr, Cenant. "bec&=se1 amn coniluced that. these settlemnents arc lu tihe test intcrests of all tihe peorle'-cf. this province on ail the fartýs. on* ail thll1e, sud untiqr ai the elrcu=.tances." Imcmlidng the lawyer members o! -tA. bouse of thle maxlm to tile effeet that 'a bad settiemyenit labeti- ter than *a, good lawsuit, tue attior- nçuy-gêneral, stated the goveru- ment badc donc bottier than tile niaeçm advlsed since t had made a gond settiement cf a very bad iaw- suit. SRterlews Buftor>'of Contracta Ui. .- ouant revîevod tile lstory etL the hydre ýcontracte, blamlng the, former Comiervative government for tile entire trouble sMnc t vas botiveen tihe yeara 1925 anti 1930 t.bat tihe contracts voie sigucti. 'Ibese commitiments, liesalc, gave tihe province a surplus of 315,000 liorsepover An 1932, whIclu liad ln- ereased te 460,000 icîsepower An 1P85,- anti An thle latter yemr hydre pulti-cuti over $4.20.00 for unvanti- 0<1 or~srispw -Wliên tii. epburn gbvernment aasun¶e4pover t had psssed an &cti declarigilîlegal, volc ansd mien- ferceable these agreemuentis, esti the attarney-general. ]Beaullarnels then sued hydre sud thie aupremo court of Ontiario gave judgrment agaiist the Hydro-Eleetii'c Foyer Commission for $009000. This judgment vas austined wlzen hy- dre teck the ceue to the. court 01 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL W. J. HAR, B.A. Barristcu. Selicitior. Notai>' (Suiceasor to A. G. Browning. .Cl.) office : 110 B»ROCK ST«97E N. Telephene : 392 - Whltby R. DONALD RUDIY Barristici. ScIltor. Notai>' Public Office at thie Court gouse, forMerl>' occupici by A. E. Christilan. Mone>' toe-on Phone 339 Whltby1 DUNCAN B. McINTYRE1 BarrIuier, Solicitor, Notary Office : Brock st. S@utli Phbono 606 Whitby1 MONU.MENTS N. W. STAFFOMD Doe'alaImported und Candila. CE GR0VLI I BrookiUn UNE FuneraI D Au jPhono *10 Mark FUN workg at moderato plees. EM9TERIES S10E CEMETERY 1. JONES, Soxton Phonoe50 Ontario EERTAkJNG V. C. TOWN >Irector and Embalmer abulanco Service Wbitby low & Strowger iERAL SERVICE LMULANCE INSURANCE L. W. DUDLEY Natonal Life Insurance C.. Fie, Automobile. Accdent sud PnomE 566, WRITBY VETERINARIAN DR. G.s R. BOOTH Accredited Vctehrisy Large and e Su 4 nimal surgery. Fersonal Attention te AUIlCals. 203 Kin, st. W.» Oshala Tiephon. 9179 Oshawa DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinariais &,surgeon B1IOOKLIN - ONTARIO TEROHNE 8a TAXIS Central Taxri service _DON. J. BRYANT Phone 364 'two Heated Sodsn for Day andNight Service MEDICAL DR. R. T. MIMLAREN Physician and Suwgon Rosldence and Office Corner Mmansd Broclc Bts. Wltbi PIONE 5V87 CRn ReryRnsICoibA.ilo Bts DR.FRDEICK A. UD con r Byronancloess PHONE 712 rR!lnPRD APTU! iwne m g »uocig ht boai a eà - A. A. ROBINSON 'D. E.- STECKLEY Funerai Director - and Furniture Druglesa PractWtooie Douler in Oubava sud district 'ver flteen Ambulance service yeMa t$umltsmedrl>' qulpped oh-- Phono No. 21K0 romm$r mnt e. treuts in, mies!tberapy >b> PLUMBINq & HEATINCI Aeopote' orrmets & ~~given &atntion. ?TI u ÇE RC*t AMERS ELECUTQTBEAFY; IaIn GEO Hused- lu dlaguoslur. -Yor treatiui TÃŽ,wsmUItn, llumbiw s&d Hoitlig adkalca short vive sad -Ultra urcs ad Air CondlIoui l iole. Coulaion la fiee. Fm e I erlShooet Metal WOrk .u < <ruoprviled ohliron l Plus Drawu. up 1*4ï,voIre yoaru . 0 6TUeOUdi' BRC T. N. - WRIJu ni am urdu.Office. '4U8 Simoce TELEPONE 487WSreterbOhaa on32 ap~,an4 n apeal ~~8thon ld before thée prlv cun Court lot Appoal judgment As a resuit of the Judgmont of thie court cf appeal, sald Mr. Cen- a&nt, hydre vas hable to Bosuhar- nols fer $5,591.»0- for -acérued psy- monts up Wo that time, (June, 1037> sud for complote performn- ance c f ail tihe terms =dnti condi- tions of tue Beaullarnels agree- mont lu Uc 'ent:rety. d'ln the fnal resuit, eurx last re-, malning lhope cf. beln.g ,extricateti fromn tizs most sharmlng position lay Iuthe appeal ta tihe priv3 couneli thon .pending," he .cx- plalrued.,"Hlope of auccesaln tihat appeai vas net suppertetib>' a sin- gle Judgeocf' ail tile' juciges of our suprenie court whe bati adjudl- cated upon t, aud, if the appesi vers tic succeed. tile jutigeo f the prlvy couneil must reverse the de- cision cf six judges of oui supremne court." Would Lose Both W.>'. If tihe appeal te tihe prlvy ceun- cil isd beon tihroiout, hydre would have had ta psy enOrmous sum.s for power whlch t liacAnover used, said Mr. Conant. If the aP- pool had been sustiained, hydre voûlti have been freecl from the Beauharneis loati of 250,000 bousfe- paver, but reserves veuld have beon completely exhaustéd b& 1940. The present agreementslie said, provide fer 25,000 borsopover lus than tile or:ginal- agreement, and thc price lu thse nov contracta As $12.50 pot h. Insteaicf $16 per >p'. as lu tile original coptracte. Dlscussing tile manner An vhldll Mr. Hepburn became. agreeable te the new contracts, Mi. Canant stated:*"Iu îecallng the eventa of- tiiese tisys andti avhng lu mind tihe accusation thauta been made againzetitihe premier, I rernember ver>' vividly my discussions vlth Du. Hogg as tic the attitude o! thle pre- mier tovarcs these propos ansd loyw vo night get tl'ue Premier te cozucur An tihen. Tne premier haci boft ne dloubtIluni>mymnd as tic hua attitude and 1I kncw ho vas unal- terably, opposoti te an>' settilçent, but *as -detieumInedti af iglt tile Beauharnols Ittilgatilon ta tile end,' «bitteri or sveet as it uisbgt lie. neiped -Persuade Premier uWheU the flnal sud deflulto pro. posais listi been formulated, t lie- came a matter cf vM ry eut li portiance sud urgeucy tilat thle at- titude of tue premier shouli .be obtaluoti w1thouti dola>' uni!tiat, If at mil passible, vo should per- suade Jilmnte autihirize tile settile- ment& Dr. lAogg hati negetiiated. anti 1 reesîl very dIstInctly thut 7 ur,4ertoolc vitiliDu. Hogg te do wiiat 1 tould.,ticpeuusde..thepremier. andi 1 ungeistod lie voulti do tile same, Bc Dr. lfogg anti 1 were lu tizuth gang Up. on thse premier although le diti net knov It sud tibia la puobably tile firat tume bc lias hourd It 50 ecpieied. "1When I ssy I undertook wltih Dr. Hlogg tic de what I could Wo per- sua4o tue premier, 1 shoulti explain tizutifuom my stiudy cof tile viiole situation sud tile torma tihRt voe preposed. I had corne ver>' doflute- 1>' te tile conclusion that In the lntereo f tile people cf tii prov- ince t vus far botter thati tibse mattera should bo settiled than that ltgatleu should continue vitu the ver>' great uncertalnty sud liska Involveti." PHONE.304 cwupu foi ApiI CW Rocks, 12ce eh 1 'W 10%c each. Perks ýWhltby. Tel. M3. W.: WYI V BABY Barrecd Leglior, ry Farmn FOR -BaLU-BRICIC RouSe. «>ms, tiardwood floora. tot water besttng. slni cella. front and bac*sk is largeLai. garage. For particulars apply tw G- ette and Obrouile OffiWe. bux 40. Fop. SA=E -MODERN BUNGA- low, c=ntrally locatedt. five' rooma and 'bathroom, bsrdwood floga, n.odem wirlng, large, verandafla f ront and- back. fine iawn front jand, back, with > garden. g'arage etc. Must bc scen 1w be'aprctad. wll be 8-014 reasonable.- Write "Advertlser,", Box 29, Gazette. PM BALF-MTOR BRED JERSiEcy BUll for sale, 9 montlba d. KeepMr strin resoabl. n"roil- aim, Whitby. Fhoep.877, FOR SALE-30 VOLUMES ZICIY- OLOPAEDIA BIIITANNICA.. Tele- phiono -912, Wluitby. FOR 5MLE - MARQUI S PIWi Wheat, Siberlan Oasa Buckwheat, Silver Hui variety, f& for mect, at lot 9. con. 2, Reach TownshIP, at Iiigh Point. F. Micdileton, .N. 2, Port Ferry. Wanted WieANTÈD - TO RENT, PMV OR six -roonied bouse with garage. Ap- ply Box 15, Gazette and Chronicel, Whltby. For -Ront FOR lIENT - FLAT FOR lIEN, ail- conveniences. Apply 124 Athot 3treet, Wi.y FOnR lINT - APAItTb=ET FOR rent, furnished or unfurni3hed, f ive roonis. hardwood floors. hot watér lieatlug, 225 Green Bt. FOR RETHUEFOR lIENT. ail convenienCes, Sood -gardon. Pos- session AprIl lot. Apply 401 Oireen St., or phone 5*. BEVERLEY BAXTER Genera Motors to Sponsor Progrm Begixinmng March 22, Beverley Buxter, outstandIng Canudian-borut poisonahit> An tihe nevapaper. llterarY sud poitical- lfe e! Brltulij bas jujstibeeniguied for hie f lrst series o! Cunadian broadocats. 1 Weely* broaticaste, emanatilng froni tiheurt of the Emipire sud tomuupnclng Mauch 22, viii Aie car- ried by a netivorit o! 29 Canadilsu stations. Those programa are belng speusered by Genoual Motais Pro- ductis o! Canada, Limaiteti, sud thoy LOST-tN TOWN. 1f SXIfl, on Dundu Street, BoOY ,bubhuI bielmet.amafl. 7In4er'p1ese tfi to Gazette and Ohroncle. Rws»Md. GUAAUTrEEDI No sW Pll line cf 20 popular Producteplu ee:- elusive distrioti Jolu Our uages f'orce or profitable wagel 71Mmen average lncome cOf $M.00 weekly! For frefi particular, without obUga- t4on. -WarIt TODAY! PAMILIX 00,570 8T. OLEME-NT OTÉ8Wr, Stock, ImpleMentW and Real Estate, p roer-ty Of J. A. Oarlchaël, Iyrl.See binea for lAt and par- tiulraSe acXw, =Rier FOR 15LE -OR RUET. ý »RIOK House on Brookt street iiOrth. sev-, oral acres Of gardon land. Apply Dr. c. F. McGillivrây, Whitby, Ont. Telephone 724., NOTICE TO> CREDITOM IN THE MATTER Om THE ESTATE 0F JAMES EDWARD WILJJS, Retired PoUcé meg1- traie, Deceased. Ail persons hbavIug clsla guluo the Estate of James Eclward Wil- -Ilis late of. the Town of Whltby, l% the Oounty of Ontario, RtIrd Police Maglatrte, deceased, whbo clled on or about the 21êt 01 JIfin- ary.AD. 9 am are rlbY 1oIfed tfile with the undersigned e0oUci- er for the Executrix, on or béfore the Sth d"y, fcf acb, AM. 1988, f ull particulars of tibeir deaim. immeditely aCter said d até the~ assets ef the saad Deceased vIl b. diatributed aMongitt 2iose $iMtg«e thereto, basting rgprd Oury- W camss 5 o Me. DATE!) at Whitby. t"Is th de of March, AD., M38 R. D. RUDDY, i solicitor for the ZXIGutflx, j WIUEYOnt. vUl lie -ho& ureah Tuesday ut'10 Mr. Bxe a a vide kzicvleP o! cirent off airs lu BritaiAm an linismte aWautsc itt people who aue pl&yIng ibn Impart- sut rele ln epaping the -future dee- tin>' of-thie Empire. EUisbro&aticst vili comsiat, Of tOPIcAk novansd Mi.saxtie' zeiete isc te the, London Dm1 Epes UMd A set la tue BïAti4h Houa.e« OMMons la genoral>' huovu. Ho net cul>' SSW. the Express bocoMe sOf tile bargeat papers lanthe vould ,lbut. hie vide expaeeohu embracod an asso-itation vita the Brltah Gaumoýnt Film Corport4on sa l- roctor Ocfulic Relatios. RM lft- terestlng articles h ave been W14Wl publahed. visie he has viltite a nunMber o! novels. At pren=t Baxter la editorlal ativis Orf the alieA groups Of nev&aPper owmed b>' Lord ICemâley. .:DUNDAS ST. W. Dà ONALD MOTOR SALIS 1