Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 7

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---....--.-..J r ~ -1' ke over vie budgets patcr'ed by rînancRl handird es hIgh as Ia yeu In bldli bU- o f t:î ru îri.cord ytuble Ut r couver t iido bing s" "'î duce' cige M fle.At w-; Bc'r;and mm, î'if lWgver- r F'il T ht,9- 1bal ALSH THE FOLK5 tis --TIEy' 1 HERE'5 A NICE -VEM IF WE EAKFAS1 l'L ,r5oup- Ami ý WFL 'Wl mKrAi Jr OF:tUNCH'- FESSIONAL M4E IMwAMS 1L ;THItY. o WEL o T HE WHITBY GAZETTE AND C Reach Township Sohool Fair Had .,Numerous Fine Entrios- Event HeId at Manchester Ob Several Schools ht 'Cempe. tard Plaster- won the boncur of titiori in Displays of Fruit, Machester rcoo.tood secon~d. Vegetables,- D o m e a tic Ivig as her contribution Maggien Science -.Younig Orat-; lows--Eddie 8teer. UUica. Rbn ors Do WellCaruso,Doria TIyIor. of Ep- Edwards. of Prince Aberi. t, 'R. (rnsirr. Correspondcent Auto R.ide'; and Jack William of MANCHESTER. Oct. 6 - AI- the Ye]low âchool. thaugli tie a'teiidauî'e ...cn Music contestants numbered only sidefrablr' ta ha !ohrtwo wit.h Ketth WiLson, of! Man- y r- rsiheS"bol Fîr ! Reach chxester, and hls mouth organ. a.ndý Tn'.nAipleçîa, Manche '-.er on- gutar comling first and Ja.ck WlU- T r'dv Sept. 30, pro',ed mcst ilam flithe YeIlow school second nt'ractî',c to both chLdren and playlflg a mnouth organ. parentsOnly elght of the'nine achools in Mc une. aric:traîrepeset-the townaxhip were represent.ed In' ivecomd té grý,ts ut n- heparade and drill as Lrpsmt i:;ewelo'ne th glt'i-s Ul ~ unable to httend on accouai n'int-v '-as înb,-tn be pres a- n, o h- t emidrofthe fair of paralysL.s. Each achool w1t3x Ils Itht' bsrr r-' rýtvor Mut- teacher dit! exceptjonaLiy weil. Ur. ni. an.i Mr. W F. Thýomp.%on. of Carke of Cedar Creek school gave hiillage act*ed as chairmnan. the commands for drill ana this t1 McPhb"r.-ou, tear ber of Chalk v WB f ollowed by songs and sefool -i. choo:.Mr Harwood. teacher- Yeflsf'rom the v&rlous se SCOLL )f Prospect zehool and zwr. john The exhibIts were Iiducd by lIn dr: fc'd aà tuciges for the MissaIcCllntock. of Prospect. Mr subie sc.;kj-i rectatons ndHarris. o! Brer-kin. Mr. Broughton. usi ccnieti:r-s f Whitby. Mr. Dryden . of Brook- lu iLsepn attht clse ! tt-'1n, and Mr Iùînes o! Cxbrldgel Drydn ep-lauedhw Mi&% McClintock and Mr. Harrna <n't"~ ans cme n rad (ommt-tuted on the exhibits gtv=n 1gaund ga\r rmuch valuable advice mci vlai rUlm wuc ~nwotnlr! be spreake>rç Although1 should prove of value to caibitors venc da Fra*uck was the' be.,t «;peak- for rext yrsr ýr thes- fnund tt neýeç&arv to place Jrt hurd instend ar finirs ,ashe tcî; onstider.hls- over the- alotted (i;'nrgina Rxey no, ts ,of Uttea Fçhnnl. wlîn spoke onu-Our Feth. Pi,ci Frienis. 'wa-, plced fit-st. the p.t were as fnl'ow.s 2nd. RutS ýiiîkP of Prince Albert, speaking on Klug George VI-; 3rd, Wrmnca Sralir, o! Ce dar Creek. on -Rire ilds ' 4th, Verna Coates,,#Po! :îîrlcýv. on -Canada and Fur ýI rade-, th, Marion Frankln. o! Ianrhm-ter school. on -Corons- ion": and 6th. Miargaret Symms-, of eht' Veilow rchool. on TVie Union Jatk'" In the recitations Helen Dulf,!. who brought forth peaL% of laugh- ter aQnd 'applause witn The Mu-, Sehoolâ reprezented in the Fair ;'îth their dirfectors and tea.chela ,SNo 1I Rech Chalk L.ake- Fred Ahton. Mim' MePhersn,Se. No, 2. Prospect-&evart Wles. Mr Hia-ood. S-. No-4 3. Cedar Ceeelk -Jean Bloen. Mr, Clarke; 5. No.i 4. Shirley-Venta Coites. mi" Ar- r.ett, S.No. 5, Utic"-ean Ward. Mxr. Rom . 85. No 6. UManhester- Marlon F'renklln, àMisJohns." 5B. No. 7, Prince Alber-John Chrlatie Mt&i Ward; 8.8. No. 9. Yellow school-Alice Parrv. Miss Siephens: SS. No. 1l. Epam-FPred Wa.gncr, Mis" Puckrln. A complete liai o! prisesUa a follows.' C'au I1. Irish Cobblera. ô qI.- Phyllia Ackney. 5; Jack Oser, 8. UIow 1$ Your Roof? I Did you know that as litti. as $575 par month wiII re-roof theavegag. hou..? LET US CUVE YOU AN ESTIMATE The Whitby Lainier ani Coal Cou Phone 12 Wbiay CAS STOVES GasWator Hoaters Wood RA1 Il'? /Whitby Baptist Church MarksdA TI-URSDAY, ocTOBER 7, 1937 rgary The RIN>ve pkrluýIs of 0<WhiI.by Dapliat ChUre en ("entre and Çsbr e tit.Whi.b,-. Sher pc i nerr&ccaun Sunday next maMkng the 41%9 annirrty VriDt!c e .Id en 'Çu *Y tit .Th-' building w&% foemerlY a brandi ofthe Preabytrria.n Churetof 1. arsda.. but vu. P'Urrha3t (rom 1h21 hOdy. ih u-% added te Gurtng lte patoat. o1 C&pWan Tom Beat. aisd ha*. been impresiritfItem rime to urne. Tberesa DoeIy, S.Edmund Steêr. Sut.heriand 5r. .lean RWn 3.R- ' Vetflca WMg.ner Il însNrCe N. Mddietctn 2, Pcat Mis iv ;-~ DouglVI;as hton 1. Clam 2. Doole'yi. 8 qt -NurTay 2. Ca-ss -6. Pu;;C'.Srî Qeer 5 - 8i111e O'er 5, BobbieOCier ClaIL 3 r utaùî:e ý,,:s;pie b'O.sson, wAter R 5. Hcken 4. Pred Dearboro 2. quel., t Vî:r edesn A-noît! 'ýi. Jcan ;m 3Fr.As- june 5utclif!e b. Jw as alcs 4, P.;.. Pîv ~ l 't-Imik La.e . L.ea a- Ci.. .M&ngles. ora.nt Wite Cclli Hope '. J012% -îueir;i MP r n nm sug&r. 3 roota-Fted Dearttorn 2.' Mele Hope Fi dHm rhn' Douglas Ashton 1. Jack O.eer 5. CI&S%, 32. Northerr. 51w5 Cla.s 57. Prtmcr aun-a l~ Mac ChruUte 7, B11lle 81erart 6;-1'a.nitLihe 9. Gt%e-oRsre'no 1 rasisaemoge i, o!anm .'e:be Harley Johnson 6. 5. Kreý!b L vride aHu9e> ts-. JackOur 5; .- Urs Ivie 9. L1)rSu CaI" 4. Usje1a &n Vt.etv6 Jean Raines î7. Matrîlrft tl-xak r; oot1U2IC RAGE SEVEN YES, AND WTTt-OUT A BITOF SCRUBBING! MOST IMPORTANT. TItJGH-l KNOW THAT CONCI:NTRATED SUPCR Sffl RYESGERMS AS WELL CLOrHES REALI.Y CLEMN HOSPITAL-CLKANI Softens liard Water* WON'T Harnl Ycxr Washer. Gives Lots MORE SUS than Ary,3iy (her Soap. Washes Clothes CLEANER.. Quici.ce ... EaSer IIHospITAL.CLVWM(AMS OtRM-REMOVID, SO~-uT.COiIS - -Zimed.3 Zoots,--Mac Chiitic 7 t C:aas 8.Second C1wx. Trat WO& u '5.enS.,e"- i s. Iffm ic rt - n *Jean Wa.rd 5. Douglas AeJton 1. Gas 33 M c 1, x '~.~ ~ 'tafd-H-enDu!6.e icnsa t î'"r"- 4' " ?Prank xyle w; Douglas Taylor 1; Pt-ari May C>bimbirv 2. Magre lass 59, ThIrd Cli». null box- ~-" .- IBobby Sonle7 .Hokn4, C Lvit.ndû 1 Daitz- -Nn.C.t 5Sl so ir- Class5 , rnipa.perfect lmoti" -lsAilton 1:J:an Luke 7 . 01Z CI&U $0, Pourth Cii». 1Pope hl fSpetxrtn~n .. g m n . 3 r o & .U h A Tm o id 7 T aylor 1. t x' '4 to N l - ' f o d H r c i .. 7 - : . ; - . it Arhu XiCel ;Pe Deaxtorn ~rs34, Sruow. 5 aTsMag ~hoS. Sluherlanld 5 v Jlin ls. n.!nd ' n-_ 2 U hi*7;Barkey John- iaret Hocten 4. Jea.n Lu)w 7:; »uz~it t.-tDi'lt': rcn.n une 6; AI" a md 7. iAi-ben 1. Mat Christie 7. Rkliard d staeoi ~ îr-. S 5. -%V, 9; 7 I CU .TuMIP& acy alty. McFa.dden 6- 3Cet:x Lylc 9. CIu 13M L&coVSd ci=an~ d under -Ca 7 '.;r asnus- r-~i.îl namcd 3 rooth-Baby Sonky 8 Cisam33. A'nY Fa] ml l t- r -a llection 0!1 12 leav'etsfroin forei t hid at ",u-u <tt%-t..4 ~ . ra Pred Dearborn 2: DoUgla Taylor - L,-lc 9. CliUtrlIet ;Jcrtela On.. CiunîlLor T he lartd noica1 R si tie 't A .! 1: Jean Ward 3: Arthsur Mitchell 6; Lynde 1, DoaIsTyo K uhSnt ;?eltLyl :BrLI 1 sP-tt e-n . fiaLcnet>bt o Lems amsbe 4 IAmaici7. Dm4tu &Aslnon 1I 9:JoSephhxie P&arCn. J&«Marlon Fran flla 5, M.tr"hsbc 'For Otan7. noelae-Râctiard CFsff Ota N . amy Wiater v4mety Sb Jaw cotes4. dg~6;Frd eaoe 3 Rtb-TheresaDWMUF 3. 5;Ruth An'iod Clam U2. TTd O3sa,. Serabook Cr ' "a Ltka 7: MteDHoekn4-- Ar- 7. COU91aU Ashtons 1. John Sutiier- oMm g ~ ~ ~ jCU s7.tntrumental i-lCure, &ecu Urne mha @u.-8;jea» A*ct=" . 1usd 3; J>= Raies 4l o Ruthi LU»e7 ~aM~re';* Yls6os BUUUPS 6: thUJa Ackq (2: a 7c 5tgRende. >. Clan W,8(e er*Perllg m tch-WP-"t i 1t o t !txi. St aut 't u MC aW lkna 4; meuc1g cm &auk ln b ft~hArnold 'Maulos ?e8klin 6. e l WZ 151 r 'e -' V i 7; ~T#Io I.>se.4 5% 21t*> 193Jt 491~ ~h1!rm~ec 4~ ___ 5t Um- 0" x mcuuê& ttuue ne im 11 à "~ g5 ~ , a % ; E b y M r o ~ ?~~' f 4 W t t 1 ~ W b ~ d @ »a"im* ftUSkII 4. 16#~d', ;-Uai)el",n ; " ~ ~ a . d tio ti*r!ed 1no12ee gr.ailt. ff~8 ~ l oe m S U ; 'ro mt ma* q8 p .S; i i ~ , tt . irs~ n 1 L s Lu a d Om : M ugrtSt~1t Cae N Soa 1p P * Uld ~ S u~ y ~ tses8o wmtirc i 11;* he~ W~a.I. Il i 5:'I ~ oe.i 1 vsa ffek Ba d utad. in jy«J .0 N * . rl m ». IO<$lSi<I O!e - i .tIi! Clme 13 um ktt ay aley- 5 LrrIe mil 7 Rt u II 4 mle" $41Stn I9:4 1 I streio el t nsciwel u sf- cr t he!~;l10 mu -fadIger;VoeuRltscte 5; UDri gn Ducn 4 et-a PglIea--44, t*tm 4 >êurm ThIl*="t r.spta. kyA"14 V, cm nt Wr; ,.-. --ce 6' m mJj5*m 4;%Jut5t o. y theU t e!h.e Lnt vr- a cr,4- .!,î4 i .i x-. ';at- lUem 4-Muq. Rai.r 7 t &m6 4 e = oane;ly 5 14 4& L ey* w cm* wt l - m e t he hosiut..'4t >M. ct B4 k.Cwto rm Jhnl 6: e 7. Marar t eck.3,nm. dl,;Wa. Jheo6 t --t-iît- P&6as 14.Mavon .pj t.-..2ýDou t t mt.'s- Hm-kenn o w4i ~ 'ABh«I . ~a A1~loi 1 Jen t Clan 41. Y'irt C'L<. z»jý s 1 oâte D. c.uýaj<t~LI1 t t1 14JtM "*nd 1,r a. rr àaIl à C"fT $qui.n&hm W 6,4o¶-,%.~ie. ,&4 6. amu Seuta â4Ruth f ~ ~ ~ ~ »i Rea. t 7 Ûý Mer> Hop~w 7. j*wu o Suadp oti# ~u~uthCkle W? .aQai4 euun s Caie. te 1%m Jê0ý ib*fi AsClan 1. V'wd a h o C 30 e1ia Oats 4 -t.i n14 9' .y i ~r5~ 4r -Etu Aiamai 4 Wj"m osAu à. Un Mf& C-t s1. BrbuS; r& Je= auam & R&v« . =p a'tea. lZ. >pta10 j~~4wg R.- D. fget A;k" 1;Qa Cori;a 1?.SI& ftti5,.uc 3. le*il-, 1;0n Pn 9-~~ m W Qg* hcw->u .&b*-I jwm uw 8m 1. Imm 1 ~ M~e bmmLs U P î orSi m 8.. ~ ~ ~ Cu 44, r AI bWUtCma '1 cu» M M.s Cam _ i u*g pêw" da" à uuwf tÏ. -"m i.; urnbrln plain figures On botil a uud renr o! bis ear." 1Itlr.lior.than hear ay mmr aboUt c .tclor comblnaton of lbhe1il" an .." ot aving the quustion et -r iegilty dragred Up lau ors as .ir le Policem a )a ed th* >"~ and msnd no monm aboUt IL. ty lia ha~Con :.hc as bec-1 Mrs Just clea. but dini Mr. Juat tlie hatve àa todaey? iquered thevorld &Md !n n no u& mailme or' thia." J mer laa littiebut t. Mre -Wbat? DM - deutQum, Y b .............. [CmE70W : utWhb --- //Io msm Il! I 1- j b Of the F&U anid V Poi PAGE SEVEN M"Lxs4qmý oui) va7arky inwlc -or thé popuier, pot

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