Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 4

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THEulr_ WHITBY CGAZE.TE, AMD CHRONICLE 4LIRSDAY, OCTOBER 7, I 937 SOCIAL A&ND PERSONAL BREVTE 1Mr. and Mma Clarence A 'on in town.irka.st weeîc and called on 111% on Bunday luat for their me1 many oid frientis. ln Regina, a&f ter a two veeka *1*t'+ wlt.l the formera parent.'., Mr. cic Gorge nice andi !anxly. who MMa E. Atkinn-ave been living on Palare stfe<t. + + + moveti ]ast vcek to tucar home ln Judge R. Ruddy andi son R Don- Tornto. &Id Ruddy, have been on a week'b 1I4. G + motor trip to New Yonrk. mr, Ben Da*:)*, ;"ae on Mon- o '1 + >da.v for Toroz. . here t-x- il Fi- Rev.ÀA R and M..Sandernon. tird NriaS hc>o. have returned !rom a week svus.t In . . . 4 Ottawa. Mr&. William Kenp. Brock St S, la confined to ber bed t..e Fr"su' of a fa]] v.hie goinir abo,., tnt1 home. Her In)urie.' are qul*te par-1 fuI andt il cau.se her *ta Se in bedC fer sOne time -Hrr mm"ty .a frienda will rrvret to team of Ser accident. + +4 Mr. E. !or o! tLee ae-O- ta.rlo. wa.ç a i5t' :' ý " ' . fnlend-& 5 to re5urme t. Qucen's Unr- Krz neth Plain !!ýt ' -'Atce Trnlav c:r teretiOh;.T :' ;atr ln - traîn-iJng Mr. and daugliter. A:i .1 -i 'n1'er- r e vi.Mtors on x-:"; s': Y rMuatal Mr&. Roy Foa :r Mia R F. Mactcan I; r FraiA. Lovent. Mr aid r'Il7 ,Go-don Shepherd ard a 'wrn ad Mn Ath'ir -)f .~tToronte were ',asttor. On sun av."at itir home of Mis'G \ape".Irc Street -oit;i Mr. Ras.'. Mlne, a f ornwr propri- etor of the Wîndr.or Motel here. vas Mr Stve Baom altenCIng ~ rj.tte rTlronto MauDon pringle, Cra.lg Hut- n..rTed Ba.ct GeOrge EMS,. RrIrw;n. Hov iri Hazeil Willam maffev and UMIsses Hildegarde C;oc!e:«ow Jean NfcArtluur. Wl]- .nas rad'fz and S;asle AdaiTti c .fl ' week *t a*ttend rlrst r.. T,ýrntoý Tcgrcat chapter Of the Rural 1>e .0o!EL'. VousYa0 hmcciton Wrd;;efne.CSS Oober 13th at four n rrit. a ;tJef." -o ! Or-c-c (1'.,.n ?.aat:; Io.'.eattend- .: rom AL.Snatsuhrch vil] ho li.E Ralph Ad:rt. "seretary- trea .;rr ard Ni-ssrb Laurenre A : T IlPtrsto. ..Ra.a B.el, JE C.ake and j H-IPrt-F Mir James ,Qiantr.::of Saskat- :,e aà asar:;v cd m l o-im to vi- this brother. C.i-'.#Haroti W Q an r '. A srn-rost Vetes va' heli at tise home of iâ F RoL'ertq on Tturds a!er! onon by Mr& WU- so.n. sgrooji of Uic Ladies' Aid ct St- AndrewS c.,urrh The guests ere reivaed kry thse pre.sident, %i vasoni.r ar.d the hostecs Mm j1 Wst-rhou" e pre5.:ded nt the te& table. whlcn vau arranged vltti a beautaful point de venise clt-h anti auturnn ower' Thr amUtsanta vere: mrS. H. Wilson. Mia. W, BocK WHJTBY- PHONE 118 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Lasm Show Fridy at 9:00 -Satmday et 90 - SXIIJRDAY VENNG510WSTAM ~SAir îUo TW. Se» Md 74 M9*i HOLIDAY MAI1NILMONDAT AT am * a -I 'I 1; TO MOLD DANC! E lES The ff lust o of à es of dancc.. iaparsored bv' localYoug men, vil] tic heidtilthie Tow-n Rall. Whilby, on F'rida'i eveningo!tIbis veek. vlth Ragriar Steen anti luisevesu- plece orrhe.stra supplylng thei usie. ii,,. dances vil. It la experteti. 6e helti semi-monthly. andtheti pro- creds over andi above expense. vil] lue given ta saome local veifaru or- OPEINE 4W SUS1MNXUSPLACE Announc@nient in ma&e thia vek b? Jý A- Perka. et the veil-kasun Perbas' Poultry Fanm. %Whitby. cil thc opmenngon Fridayambg of <luis vek of <the PerisPonltry P'res Quallty Shop hI the aime nmx tg Dasnt'S on Bru*kStet Notb. 7blic&hop vo ) paaiu ibl nov-lad egs. the quallyaranm- fred stau sU iMs. sud W o n- die dreued pouUIy. m9k mi lira va"dak b#l"M» S hap VO. Doe doubtl, W glun salibiIal pogmo- theoeeam wrSb m -nu "Y atfli.* eutu goum:~i5*9 IsgS~ tvb <sli iaausaal lis esolsittuio Ibo a»Meorny. liment cu. ma lollovat ecIoai »tb 1» at~ Pm w mm du- beuvui b iM be pvo- îwee bn. bo* c ie - l *uý ... mm etu mi i Ua.et. et I Lw.* Mo mm1.0* ben V Pm «OUM. 1W* Ilm, b« i1~i u 'j Lavis and NMi s RtoPningle..Mms G"eoreMowal entertalned vt Io dellght.ful solos, accompanied on the piano by Mia, Peter Sprat:. The commIttee ln charge viahes to thank aUl those wuo patronled Uic tes, andi ln any way contrlbuted tW tic succen of thc afternoon. The October meeting Of the Wo- mnen'a Institute yul ho helt inlaths council chamber on Pflday after- noon. October 15 at 3.00 o'clockt The meeting vil] e ln charge of Mis,% A. W. Lynde anti ber cora- anIttee. The t.oplc vil] ho Edtuc&- tlom" Roll cal] vill ho ansvered by Saue Thlngs We Axe Thnkyul For. An InvItation la extended to all ta attend. The fwsta pract.1ce for the Whitby Ulnstxels ta ho held on Nov. iSti, anti l7th for thc Vhitb) Band vas helti ln the Countil Chamberu on Monday nlght. Next practice on F'riday. sune place at 8 pin sharp. MNI. DonaLld A. Wilson undervent an operation Monday nlght la ic h Oshsawa General Hospltal. and vile still scrSous1y il. hopea arc enter- tainc'd for à complete recowry. TEACHERS ME" ' Im The South Omtarto Teachers cmu- ventIon vIl] ho held I n WbItby Town Hall on Thursdy and FYl- day. Octohor 14e. andi 13th. Tflic fîtnt day vrU] be a )oint meceng vlUi. Uic teachers of Northuuanr- landi anti Durhani. 1No 2 Inspecton- ame. making a ttal of 0ave' t": hundredti tchera Ina attndance. V.W . wUE, aIEM.L trou-Po- gareve "Inastruetieand hhm wuu 0 M *Wsudnqû rwifng 11ken C imXL. VOe vaww l a Mr 0< 1U WbMm- a eftb ud 10 9fS' 0 w*iq owtu Mamaoe*.W- MM W . . Oeý, lord U.11 Prupet ow AM' db4luvIoithe oIuan uwddd umt oullvu *glu 'l iovoutr MW* v"ium lb oet Mn N.10 i <»hoai' atd tishai- J. Virils, I w wytrtl rtune Itnglis MWsa rosi 1vauimu Ilmâb P'ud-ataaaIs *eitaian 0f97l<voeae, tb Meda* te he *=mAni i uI plm b? mm g3pr4"* VOf 4& .0 Io h iwa FuPlrita1. vhld Zbmff. là ta 6e ieldtge Uavemt Uî 1311114 XmMn. hae ks seno. vast c=- - %0prqp*m . at n ga â ges t u. or P eri * = lM"Sp " Il. J. ile M n a u o S tat o f j#tgu bshlf f Moos -acUM.N ffutcm.Itius etvaaum. Chmeh, n. eve Ssy put-m P y.. Uro»ann: mma.Ou. et $ umeS. uet Aisxrary' . m. ovoueai. iSF.il pnaouaty vuloe.wd the bl*. a a1 e mrs.W. Ai Duoialmlelahall hoisr mi sm.onlasY. UblIb. to atoe et"-lu*s oehliWaU@n1tIt e eamdm etW I0< bisYeu',Wn li. ponlluls u ilitrt. Claehu UONQ .l"od am acepw W" vî rb mscî « vas liabaflStulatle sn.m crWImBe: ew uw«àn tao m- Durleg te erning le bwâmm usi wuty i nblo s rta suatepim Imud ami ilcaucu à ms. O Enum t Is.o4 um Wb*" tb 09 5~a 0AU»*b40rA«1p 0 Ib«10 W DomSout «aun W. oetnatm as St, X. pâ, s<m& . ms. n»Same . Neromb?.eA p'tfftld trw«et <o wrimt bm cour* sa", s ~~jl 'b ',vu M4 moay tor afft« MdCa vT-mer MM ILu. -w. ' *W OiNG FuId.yOdleu PSSLTflY -w '~u.Pj Announcoents RRMVB TmzsDAy, NOVEMEER 2nd. for AUl Saint&» AnnlverY Bazami and Supper ln Town Hall, WhItby. PartIculars later. WATCH PoR. FURTHER AN- nouncementa af Minstrel Show date, under auspices of Whitby Bandi, early ln Noveznber. FRIAY, DECEMBER Ird, 18 THfE date set for AIK Saints' AYP.A. Minstrel Show. Watch for iw'-, ther ps.rtlculars. ANNIVERSARY APTE R NOON Tes under auspices of Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew*s church. wil ho held at the Manse, on Tuead&y, Oct. 26th. Watch for furtiier partIculara. ERINO TOUR FRIEMDs TO THE Rost Chlcken Supper and con-; cert at Whitby United Church. on1 FIlday. October l5th, trorn 5 m until ail are served. W. assure You an out.tandlng prograni un- der the direction of Mma. Vernon! Rave. asmisteti by the Olee Club and the followlng art.1sta. Edward B&ruetu. violinhse. M. Wells. reader and Jean Malcolm solo- Lat. Admission Soc, Children 25c. VICTORIAN ORDER O1? NURSES s.nnua] canvasa. Thursday. Octo- ber 14th- Be ready vlth your donation viien esiletiupon. COMINCI - DANCE BT TI TYoung Men'a Club. Ful] particu- Iars noxt woek. TRI ART STUDY AND! SKETCH- lng Oroup whlch mccli bt-mon- t.hly. ta open to members Intercat- ed ln Art Appreclation The Cralt; departzment assoclated vtth the Art Oroup has cJasses ln pottery. batik modelling. palntln. l«eair wort. vcavlng andi deslgnins.Fni information phowno9. A..T.P.A. OPINE» «BlAON1 T1W autu m aof o!hei Ail eaInW ,A.YP. e penetion monday. Octotier t4h itu a largoattend- onc vflh ins. nuembe rpus- cnt. Ie meet iv a dechdet businessmut=lonat vlch pliisfer the Mibtmrl show M Dember 3r&, ia. lcusd Ilengti, Mr. 814 Eriakinevpunnouyapeit *4 as dirsetor viti mm. J. Toms as outumsa obairman d Mn. IL Rszrdge as publietty managerDUa- cumim lien Imnedti.a Pl=n fotr - tut-lh amdsfchool Asud wus M4091404 -tu d Ibis proldPeu- mtmmo:mm 1e biah u i uarO« teI v 49104 l,« be doe %0 *»dbusios 0<«l bentflwlobinhwlie LOCcous- en l seltw& ., Aller Iii.matta vouli b. iuld, lawmsand dancing MMud ta ill a l 1 *Puat Vas b* gMpsrsbi MM I . ftErdgo sud ho ommwftu. EMymombu vas aabs te suves rioeileau ima viti BaSooS $1i si R EUING On rmday ewnlng relatwiend ftimndsgatieed l lie home 0 àù. am Mia. J &htaE. LOsh- awa Boulovard, to inot Mn. ant Atm J irotOI& Iv et Who veob.owvhr w fi lvty-tdti awm«o67 f teir vuUlag SU. laIm a"MMdbut hbai bee tetbndt& pgmvm ouajopsi and 'umbh sMW& An a&»«s asurMs teat lan eitul < oersii a pasm "ip ThSf Am Jiii 0 WEDDING - ~s - -'SIW [W ~iàIl. O~i I. B <mut I 'S U~ 51 1W' 0< Ssii 1~WIIV oeoe*, i IMbu Ofles. ~*- t - Nie, Oeep Lw~ 0< *bs lis hilis .051 1~ 0< Mn, sud i~. lied MO UWU~ 1* - s ~ 0< 40w ~ vu ~ IWIS bot US Wjàitby Township Council ConaderaNe bam uea as rn. 501<4 aI lie CounoU m uee 01 lis TOvnsb* 0! Wbitbr hW I Uroobllâ OU MaMdY. AUl mers " mare peus theili Roor in KemuphlasU» air. A aollcs vas ned Irmmathe t àvislng l iaI i.niad Commission bas apprsaedlthe aaeo"lttlonDE Oattnlr o. 1030 Cama 18.Lgo=- OrIY ield 67 mie Cnadia xto- houai RallMvays forthei tation boss a oha as o! MaylaI, I Seaston 's Newest COATS Friday and Saturday AT BELL'Ys WVe have mode arrangements with one of Canada's blgges* manufacturera to have a display of the SEASÇONS NEWEST COATS on Friday and Saturday Octo ber 8th and 9th If you want a new coat corne and sec these, if you dont tel] your friends who ado. and remember Bel l*a guarantee of satisfaction stands behind every garment we oeil. NEW HATS - NEW DRESSES NEW- KNITTED SUITS Friday and Saturday- at BELL'S DRY GOODS 107- BROÇK STREZET SOUTH the Ooflector'a Roll for 1937 Taxes, as presentoci 67 tue Clerk be ac- cepted and returnedti th te Tax Calîcclor for collect4on, - and ths motio vuasala & earld. Much Activity at Polling Stations - Heavy Vote Anticipated M. O.or. . hreve, Clenorl W&w mlala1 ua MIM<I CIbU PENAS WIIS Natons 01 Ontario s1461M :or eîec- Oomlmoaaseleo~ aUI ai~ oday&L vere not too lavourable maraet Vdm ad saed tatbte " momng. At efght o'clock, mam epsonte hO 911054 h.n thé polis opcn*d, a evY for M7. Wanket cf fog hung over the whole Thmu daims weto prumeted distiet outalde o! Whltby, and wua ?*SDW OOMOPRBUM fù102' WkM- particularly bUsti nthe Raglan andi hof a abe.,b b dop, as Ibere has M3TtJOdItrlct&. Motorlutis !ound bW2quW A.pt4emt«ofU&alnthstilewulIpossible to see mote the DSWlbocood. fier'vu alwm than ilrty yards ahead, and theY a WSIOU la 'er W-JaS, KIav&rm"cohad la drive variIy, partlulsnlY &S eaklng u' Ie oua cmpnsWio Me rtadswere wet and slfppery as fbr the. kWlug CorBad4. a resuit of laut nlght's heavv rain. A PSISIIOBfINSthe. ratepaymet of Ta pIte of th. unfavourable MiirtIeStatios vas rus&, qust- vether corditions, bowever, the"a hW hM t» -ma t tU S *101llb w uvamueb activlty aIt the polling pia"00ce Uw oh2 1u0ti stations.At pM tPerzy town hal, al vasu erod IV &,p.1 kMld for jfl5*afloe 1ere vere seveul 1000404by S& Loebj u i " Iisvotera valtng vhen lhe poils were 90U*0 U iSai «t"by IbaTOM.- oponedst ulght o'clock, and the IbID «<WbIIby&M a CMtaI le clukeleclion vorbar efflted & heavY be Sastmsàslea a.My t1W Ndro vote ilbth t comullsm 11W ue m nvus Car-. shoely aller aine o'clock the. fbt 4 - fou vm 9M Wdanse, but vus show- ftqba 'SU uskd tlu h aas. n b uemAmu01fliftinng d the VaMInsqd*'ud 7s4m oo81s. pgotj woekuS viii plng for - i.dmfbl batvs Zols33deawwmg rInte in the lu~y 4n J1vu Mo ud ouo«*d thà" «*ê _9W VOWSlOo1a 01? 'S3 Na a' se S32t,1b sigIsd 351hl ss*- 35o lb &Il AnIA OAU '~GHO5tank&4 UVIGS'~t4MOUT j I j-: 1AU1 1» - Moîm I PAGE1 FOUR Bo.1.aodaipod oemxng mmcafyd MI'dlfum aie end pric. utwh demand1h.ae MMgood oookng and bakii mute obtnelhmfheu h.moot «. pensiîve ranges.D lm boom tiedd a Ppmovd by thou- sacis ci Canadian wome ansd now cme htou lw1ih aul des efflina in a aew and m»r modem dieu -an u bu th. appearamnce cd a"y kichený MOTS THESE FUATURES: S&L .D. e" I hope1wthla a . êaachooeci bei oe.s tam rtffl fiiIoIoum .OVOU 5 ig bisbd in. and gantem . vao mthe inon nid sasm«l' coke dscooag top .uJpu Iat my ba «e i.ma C bStchias disL an" e enirebhta,%W fbduchrome d= n& tad 1 *uJ) fhuy .««W w" a*0 okutblIoegrp b no nickeilaob. pobsb.d--jint vilmpo h97 vith a damp clolh snd à. vu? >16=or i*labselvu. sdcodet c"pa»tia i d « sdglseigassakera la colow tb match tb. cei av« 1 g.1 , Veâil tu ie sdb. a Wu A* HOLLIDAY & Co. BROCK ST. S. 1. WHITBY DLSTRMUroRts Of FIILAYSTOVES andiMOUES VOaL -WOmnoD cm .-ELWiIc or -u 1

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