Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 2

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N, OCTOBER 7,1l937a- PACIF TWOTE WHJTBY GAZElTE AND CIý%& v -~ THE EDITORIAL> INT 0,F VIEW play iu thc bigger leagues in years to -cerne, se tiiat Vthe tewn will always b. as- sured of home brew hockey without hav- ing te resort Vo import.ationis, but aise to prorneting dlean, amateur sport among Vthe beys. It la an excellent idea, we thlnk. The boys ln these teins wilI b. under close supervision, they will be encoureged te play the. gazne dlean and fair, they wl hae phytally doveloped and kept Mffthe 1 ae th W. ,isilav ttsnbae e No#, M >oiday la - tfanksglvins day in Ciala accordance wlth goveruiment decre, whlch calîs upon Canadians te gwve thanka te Âlmlghty God for a bountif ut harvest and meuy blessinga bestowed upon us a Peeple. Il la flttlng and preper Indeed thet once a year et least a day should be set eside by Our geverurnent for national thanksglvlu-g, for, evon ln the yearaOe depressien, Canadla as a most favorod nation. Teday, with aignset returning prOéPerlty and evidence of a bounttful harneal cverywhere cxcept lu the dried eut areas et the west, there je ail the more reason why we as a people ahould return hanks le Vhe "Giver of Every -Gocd.and Perfeet Glft.- Coming right close te home, there are surely meny thluga lu Whitby and district for whlch we railght be thanktul. In' the country crops are for the moot itth beat An yeîrs, although prit«ma n bashlgh as fermera miîht wlah. In Whltby tli.lamer.work. there am ne familles on relief, nev buildings are groing up, thore Le a sharp deoead fer houses,' real alaIs la more active, tales 4' are belug paid mone readily, mrchnte report business improvlng, faCtorisa are busler, and thonreàas emors bopeful ftocans everywhere n evidenco that btter Urnes are ahead. The spirlt of thankaSgtvlng ahoul f lad ready expression on @very h»&d Every- oe eoe us ha$ much te b. thankful for taua October, 1937. Sale of Raw MilA Sluould Be Bann.d I In a report preaeted te the Ilood 0f Healtb on Mcaday morulng by Dr. C. i Mý,CGIlvreys, medial otticer cf hcalth,, and ajain lothVe Town CoawiCI on Thuraday evmgit la pointe&* cqtt hat smu î takon recenty of unpastseurlse4 , an r not unltcnaflyfavorble, also tat lie are ton or Ivelve raw mal veudortep iio îomly uas copared itla e ouiftsti l u the pasturisation by-àZaw vialMUap&o.. ed bythe Counallna on QautM ~ hiaud, the repot slatés s at recut Mapl teken tramu fin?. due. vieps ln mm -ica acldrualici t.Teoto ty ta diret toe i rvallbotge m raportedmpmnby the eevuadol1bu" Ti. eeff: refend vuwppgerm the miedical health effAcer on instructions frorn the Couzcil which by resolution ask- ed that a survey be made of ail places where raw rnilk la sold in the Town cf Whitby. Tis survey was made by Dr. McGillivray andi Sanitary Inspecter JHar- old W. QuantriUl, and flot onWy points out that the samples taken were not satisfac- tory but that the nuzuber o! venders bas4 as was said in Council sorne weeks &go been increased consiaerably since the year 1933, when there was supposd te b.e nly two who were given consideration because they sold milk as part of thear living. Dr. McGillivray objects te the request of the Counicil that ail applications for the privilege cf selling raw milk in town b. accompanied by a certificate trom hini. and suggcsts that these applications should have the approal of the Board of kHeaitti inasmuch as lic is opposed to the sae cf raw mulk in the town and in of the opinion that te ailo%% the ssle of ra milk la most unfair teo omners of pasteurization plants mho are compelled to adhere te strict re- gulations. Dr. McGillivray and bis k;oard aek that the clause in the pasteurization by-law permitting the sale of raw milk in town be deleted. In vlew of this report f rom Dr. McGiUi- v-ray. and his strongly expressed views en the sale of raw milk, together m-irn the ge-- ernment report of simples taken. it is hard te spe how the Council can further ignore the recomrnendations cf the M. 0. H. which are known to be offly in the beet interests of the comniunitv whieh he has served so long and faithfully in an officiai capaclty as guardianl of the public health. The question of the sale cf pure milk in the town today is a very important one, and any merrber cf the Council who <>hans ia ear to the grovind will soon fînd this ou t. The Peopi. Have Spoken The olection is over! The Hepburn Aci- minlatration han been Siven another man- date by the electers of Ontario te arry m fer anothor Venin. Lateat returne socurod Tiiursday show that the govrmqmst vas retur.d wth es mata. Thloi o«U'vtv seeod l a is1 ýTwo ote M iato, LUbS{ mi aoppositimt on .UcKpioa'Uo. ornaiet bas appomr tybou ovortookoi viid by the. oectors. sad thc works of tiUseLbor Gormeruoit apprelsod and foud Vo hoet sufficient Importance to merit a ccoSiWi- amnci eoffice It s Importantt to, note.tevon aftr thrée yeara imo'r ut d ervloe to ts pro- vlue. that sncb am emphatic atamp ot ap- proval ahoiild b. the. resutaIt. w cin viii bu oted la tVhs majotty la tse use. ?4tr. Hepbern i4vW nov b# in & pogition te tarry On" as heoa"ldho d.aired to do, eitectlag svînga hee'.Maidti n ta he operatio cf the. second largestbusiness lu th. country - the, busInessof the poopis cf Ontario. 7h. Rldlng Of Ontarlo det*d.d Vo m main on the Goveumont aie of politi and î h luti sleof Gordon D. Vsant, ILC.., ha"e ch"n a vorthy . s ort W. E. N. Sinclair, wc.. vbo bas s o Ig and mc ablyrpsm d iscatuucy WhAle lt e W MunmetSfo (t rMin has n«t pmrsvo %tl e a Iqdstwe cbaiM "or pmeiou* avcm att*mfpwtbei hoer. bis vaut eponisocelm muniepl M oh~ activi..ha« fltd hlm $arblwy as cm Who viii gAve a good acoonut 0(hâiasit e QueWs Park T.oes.#r cm"~ WbitYBOWsY Cb at b UMtut- îed m the fie wrkltlas*dmam eue l utmwtrlâe*tsAsfonber enopameq mt Bu*wa sm*s et fe aus frtonapuythr. t h Fw fiat. um - t-e«.c o" m saatppileiwutiit». boshi1«9- MW mm au eut *-a»wt«,a*cheavasi MWo la h <o os hu The Whitby Gazette & Chromide Omhwk C.nunwe Lba"Weald? P"Ubsb e er-' Tbursay mornius by Tu"es Pub- Lihn;cmspany of Osbaw. Lmited: C. IL Mduaé,. eu=t:- A. R. Alloway, Vkce-lpressaent;, Graydon M. Goodf:.lIuw. Direct. Anywherc in Canada $I..5 a year in advante - $2 00 a year te subscnibels in the Unted States of other toreigu courtries. Tbe date ta .hich the .ubscriv- tion is paid iglamcatod 0u the address labeL I.LH ORMÎSTON. E4itor a-d Businest Managt Telephone: BeIL. P; etidence. 3%. WHITBY. THURSDAY. oc-r'OBER7. 107. The AnnualAppeal of the V.O-N. Ciiizelis of WVhîtby on Thursday next, October l4th, will bc asked once agaîn te gîve financial support te the work being cariied on by thc Vîctorian Order of .Nurses. Members of the U)rder wlill niake a canvass of the citizcjjý, aild we belleve that as lu past years. the resporîse M'Ill be a generous onle. The mork of the Ordel- î:ý weil knomfl ¶0 every citizen. It extends to the ~h0~ private homes, embraces mwIl bab>, clinics, and aside f rom its achiev-enients froni a health standpoint. it SaVe!s the To%%n of Whitby annually many hundred.9 of dol- lars in hospital bih. The Town of Whi'.by ,would net think of dîspensrn., %%ith thîe services of the V. (). N. This being the case, adequate f mancdai support MUfýt bc f;rthcomying. To Promoe Amateur Sport A movement is on foot in WýhitbNy to or- ganize a juvenile hockey league %I'th a teamn from each cf the five Nwards of the town entered inl it, the players te b. 16 and -under. The Lions Club has decideci te sponsor such a league, with thce bject of net only training hockey players who will Ibiashd kitches cabinets, mmrecloots, a secoud floor vit tvo uf rusom*#a wus Uic1*5l on".à"aDo euppor f1loo. fT mev houas bu a umh botter hoMtln a7ti, bamuM bmIauy, botter bath Lix- tiroa"udla every nspoctla suporlor t weanstoo Mukch Im adto cOMPar »Most p VU4i wt thosobtau aqduetn the. barder fnset ths depuealc1%0b of t<~u5 et depusslpnlcesbas moi. & Owtsa.Ppurottofltdu. if the pwblicinsa us euputug colts bousesovurs «M*or $4.100 WOroua tiueu oa oevisthm rsthat prkae »ev bépeos&Uailemus 1!tbo3r Unaglat tt il eggod la buIlding iftutb* *Mr.Tb*. ev MlU vMbspiaoud by Muvtyvwbu buoenheamm eouvbtmoi it ueet pile t me le u hoes MUUOI MtI uM utbtat q M 304 M7te maaiull ddue, ainvêv et flc fe nt A- -.eu4fS faibtedub oUd e mf~ au ahiaID T.oehaq tA CAII lo iFmus~50Uuy ams ilv al GseotMl-~ ttoset ths eip tu fi fImm uesla the DSam "esad smo tiflta o do std ne to do te proveut Vhs appsilu& Zos Thue are many #fln sad that migrât bo ,auioaed memorn f wbU hh4"e &"Woy bisa dealt vth lau t luoims oBetiis artickle ladcvoted ho bauxsard them. The. but plac for fle prevutie, to atua lte ohomt. ChA*r y bould &unr ltote ace"dng te thi.e duit aa#* . Md cetataly msety a -houlm corMeaftint in «od« te safeguard the hhme*, Inatoaeo b. ma&, not eslYb*r ?oottoaWOe but porlcaly hruhot ii ea. i hestug and i ghting equipmont cazantd chuuunoy&M pipes kopt don-et soet.No Mro"o pipes porrnltted thresgh smbuS till *4%l; d §potglof "bus mes fquai 0&. Tb$fis.al oqIlbe of m"O or asbeSteSIbn& F uesla a&0 fit.blc nase of thmu n& &dg.aiamt«o.erla SSpwo fmLund l a brau&bcircuts. Ail drop c4ord bhu bi oInsAled su&Me»t sepporti en u esutv aua Electrie tem olyaostacisi itumot la - tidkepI msaMWai teade et emmsam th chVM "OmboTO o aublmoubt the. dmaof «fin sud lu* 0 te play vlth ustbea. ~ess uoo b qêde msd a8 rehbi*li -' bim, thoisti rpomoo OsuiIlbl nom * ola Ge i .?«"aP aabt. stbt* soot -,_ egohhwt 'WSFE.DIRECT' ECONOMICAI. LEAVE wHuITEY TO TORONTO TO OSHAWA A. . m N. Pm. (Stuu&.m. ?.m. M £ 5. e240 1.40 staad"ar & 845 2.485 84 SA a 6 1.9 e1.40 Tins) 9.31 c3.45 9.43 8L40 1 .40 8L44 11,13 4.4s eI.45 10.10 1.40 e 9.4 P W. à A45 11.45 11.40 a 4.40 14.40 12.45 6.45 A.M. 5.40 b11.5O c 1.45 7.45 12.43 a-haiIy apt Sua. à BOL; "v-su. à Bol. 0814J e-sas*une;-sa9. lsnho. &031. » ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR THRIIJNG 3-DAY VISITS IN NEW YORK - BOSTON - WASHINGTON MONTREAL - ATLANTIC CMT TECKET9 AwS mTOfflmATOIAT MR& G. DREWs 114 Du"da t.W. young farier by bis Rotary partuer mr gîven prizes. Besides the fun and excitement Of the contest, each young fariner la loarning the t.chnxc and the value of better cz:ePs, learu- ing which will b. cf increasiig value -as he takes i pace amont the aduit fariera of the district. Wliat About Houae. Building Muëlh as been said those days about the high cogt of csuction. LAst Fiiday negt et the Property Owaers A88CiatlOf tint iébed iu the City ef Oshiawa a member «fthe Molatioll stàte that beforo the depreUion I0B)ê m- ber could bt parced Wat *boiit $80 a thousandboud fot> whto dy fIt wu $45. The slow rcovery la the houas huUd- izig field bas produced 4lrg 1 pUméO Clainis of açsivt incta083i Seut luit how great have thoy been. that th«y 4hould put the brakea on activlty in C"aadd elsowhere? The Dally Commercial News and Build- ing Recod in a recent edition carrId the following edîtorlal ou the subjeet; "In South Bond, lndiens. a luMbOr and suppl.y firin lu buying advertistng space to prove te prospective hou»s buildats that current coitearn actwaly leus than they were lu 192-twolv. years ago.'lhe man- ager cf that finit ha& grewn tirod cof what he conalders unwarranted talk of toc high Price.e s laeonvlnced that a better hous can . b. buUt today fer ls im roflOy than eoold have beesu more than a decade ago. He picked two bouses at tandem ln South Bead, one bullt ln 1M925 tcout of $4,960 and tih. oter constructed tht. year at a cSof84,850. He theu checked to the luat detail th* ecote of lan ad ma- tVereoquled ln Oie construction of bot.h He studdthonhm &Um ailuglsand fouiad that Vhe 1937 structure coot far leu and wua fir auperl ot that huAit ln 1925. For Instance, ft ootalnod»M% cubie flot as COSIipVMto l 12000cubis W;it-hao 28 olectrie utde s coipared to 12.' It bas a basunet floor four lochesthick as cern- pUMd1q, two ntbu; ft bau hoavier iloor lolatsbotter sak aad OM 40«16aed *»- cb W.. LMb Véo EmmZer -f 11 Po *~~~~J b usre leut « Oul Notas«e' ui . m-m- I-4 Im&.. 00Sê vaL . ooEdaa.heman body uwebwI, sputon*10*114durlug A M ar. 1rbog, forMAn bmlY 04"n$ bus 0l job i egla. NIgh- humf rur assit Oon.tsMotets. On.0.,MMD, tRUM saiq~u, bard- Mdt 'ud luibody. Twenty-aven 7005 vt Oenew Metp sud foeuan h ~8Saath s enew ~G u s tw-as M ut iytpa I. PMUi sd mnaio. Te un ukt bobam»b,* comnt al latI .a- - oapwuiobu- Glwé. ooO#4 tis ma ie. .Naà sprisra ~4W mol i PHONE 121 ly upon how rnuch we teach thein of what is goed, helpful and progresive, You, no doubt, know about the littIe things whlch start big fires. Many of the causes are simple things and. are not toc complex or difficuit for the child mind te gra8p and understand. Children cannc>t be taught the simple fundamentals of lMe toc young. The younger they are, the more plastic their minds, and t.he more re- ceptive to truU7s. To make thein under- stand requirCs mee0ting thoir minda wtt.h chlld thought and language. The fallure cf so many, even of teachers in sehool, te tes.ch childreu %ucceusfully in becautte theY t.ry te teach a five year old child ln tilt Y- year-oid language and thought. Now while they are eagerly grasping1 every fragment of knowledge whlch cornes te thein, and while their ways are beng mnoud.d int.o llfe-long habit&, commence the -teaching of fire prev-ention. Teach thein the dangers cf heat, that is stoves clôse te woodwork, or steve pipes thrôugh or close to weod walla or ceilings, or of olle whon mixed with cotton or other fabnica and hence cf furnituro polishes and other things which contain oils. 1ep on teach- .ing themn until they understand, net neces- arily why, but that these and rnany other simple things if misuse or ueglected be- corne ds.ngereus hazards which miglit harm or destroy thern. The most opportune time for teaching fire danger te children la In the impre3- sienable age during the lowest grades of sehool. After that time, It becomes in- creasingly difficuit te genuinely impreas thezu; the oider they become, the more steotyped are t.heir habits and when they reach the absent-rnlnded age, they arts hepelesa. If you have smal) chlldren, you mr vltally interested fer )-ou want to know that tiey are Wae froin danger ef tire. Se begin et once to teach thein the safe way .and continue untIl Yeu fei that th.y ane competent toeuar for theielvez. ,Fir. Pr.v. fittion11nthe Home Fire proventian woel, Oetober 3 to lot parafleln two. otiior major eveta cooelns la the m sai wee-b. Provical ltio i I h BEL's TAXI WHITBY'S POPULAR TRANSP>ORTATION GOOD LET US DO YOUR QARS WHEN CARSFALL & WINTER YOU HE.ATED DIIGWANT INI VING THEM COMIFORTABLE WAITNQ ROOM PHONE 46 5 uT AGENTS FOR- CANADW4 NAITONAL RAILWAYS Bertain Fat Oct 14 From WHITBY Te.ÇC.N.R. Btatom la lt. MarbUme Frevbnes Province of Quobec, New Brn=wick. Prince Zdwurd Miand, Nova SCOtis OCT. là5to OTTAWA $485 OCT. 15- 18- 17 to MONTREAL $8.00, I. QUEBEC CITY $9.U5 teeI. Aum40 de flet e$&85 ROUND ?RIP VAM STMI2C Ticket#. Foret. ?'raittLimît. a«d Informwation 17cm Agetnta. AieAg#enutirfer porticular& of Conadoa Maple Leaf Cou teut. Bevem Cbsh Prires Ioumoy uwin 3100.0 CANADIAN &As« CANADIAN NATIONA-L NabPACIFIC PAGE TWO a 00Gb Ibs 4 N ew olm o ONSMTI m1t. wo Om .rn.f- Kw a FMw - - wa ------ ----- --pnso

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