Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 1

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4<11 ( I a t~ I s- 1hZ» M v61r4,r~o. 15 .~UNÂNT WHlTBY, i QuintoRH. Feb. 192 CHRON2LE ONTARIO COUNTY'S LEADIN(ý WEEKLY P4TIQN SUR VEY Liberals of the Riding '0F OTARJOLook For Recognition of j~~. ~SAÏS [ItRISTIANIJT uli evceAii AND PACIFISM PulcSrieAii BUIB LEiLNIAL Rotary Speaker Def e"d Rights of Çhristian lI Time of War Addresaing Wrhitby Rotarr Club *TusdY a' Noteli Whitby on the, subject W "Chrltinlty s.nd Pai- firmni 11ev. aR B M'sser-y.of St 5toPien'a ChuTtJI. TwSn. clergy- man. huainlesa execuUIve and soloist, cleciared that vhllc the princips and teachings of Chrtst.the' Prince 01 Penc. ure at v&ilace vîtfiany systein <bat would proxlue var, ev- MI ChriMt-In si-soud b. a thoreugli- goxSg p&clfLn LI he vould 10Ilow tri the footsteps. of the Master 1ev Mit. Wesaerry erpressed a atrong CuxîlcIon that a Man eould b. Chriuian and "UI answer th. call to d.fend bis cowiu>againsi wax aggresalon. for <b. protlo0f bis! looté ui and country. Ne.quoI .d U»e Bunop cd Olocuter, Ent- the.lb Right Rer. Dr. Ilffley. as! dblanhia nentMWkulalloe I alt It wuas the bîlma « 0"I Chrbiallate provent var If h. Coin. but It vasà a na Cbflslla duty <oi bis cMintry o dfduft a I at i *L thLeety NUWimant themoSt ImpuantauciOSChasan duUe& lb. zpeakerpolnledouzt a4 the bqtbnug* 09bis sâdr satlaithat cm Cifs. eicN hfla doctrIne vas to <t u mo Il ogothe in w«i bolus. but while Chislt wua vaaUo M Ath ve. <Yu7 Chtdg=Ia âboM dbe a tlIftbh lob* poefle i1 ho moulé 2.11w , Qsz"s foot. «Alep Wbat Je aP6MI, IM apsaxu w*sd.Wu stlibe I»domu a 40 r or v What Coun cil Did On Thursday Night In Brie f Review Made a grant of 150.00 te Whitbv (itm< Rad to help pay the salaryof the bandmaMper. and rranted the band the us. of the Tow-n Hall thr-ee nights fre of chare for a minstnql show. lEndored the annual Poppy Day ta b. Mlc n !4ovember by the ('anadian Legion. &nd on re- quest of the Letion. deided to puorlatin Arnt-%1Jre Day, No- vtomber Il. a public holiday ln the Tog"-net Wlitby. Detýded on the request of a dmputation frein the Legtpn. to participat. lni the drun.head Pr.* ,viet. be beld ln Whithy on Octaber 14th. An officiai wel- C ~ w Ub. extenffl to Lient- Oomen.r H. A. Baruce and lassy aUter dbstIgu"ehd men vWho vil emw . o Wblthy for th&& COM, .A. M.Irwin. ebairman et the flan. CoUmttrem t thon udgàt b. a defl t atheb et Un 7t nw awma Se "adSe. tête seto, Lb.Ma ntth m d . - - - at h d0m en ü» ma m<go et couti a. ê8 WaI Ly, Strong Representation Will be Made, It is Learned, to Premier Mitchell F. Hep- burn MF.NTIONEID FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Georaphical Position -of Riding and Centre of Big Issue in Campaigu, Pomt. edlOut A slrong beiiei. whlch la same- thlng more t-h&n a hope, that COn- tinoa Ridinc wil]ha". the honour of being represented In thbe next Ontario cabinet, by thbe appoint. ment of Gordon D. Conant.,K.C., 14L-A.-elect, t-o the lmpo nant posi- tion 0f Attoney.onoqa f the provInce, la held b> ULiLberaiaot the- rtdlng.ibsposallty wvas.a Lured strOn-In hiLe Globe and NaU Iburd">, and à&. Ooel, ahit'a ajppohta s xga,<- ' y tb. klgiaoutoos..1bs Ip4 vidai> iii LUn rid'ing tWUt Th.re ame varisd rtîo. wlct art girenfor LzUs Pumty dtlbM. Comna appointm.it tb ibe p0t 0f Atwloneeaj l ot the Sut 01UN Lb.a ing Lbtc tdtISI 1* ba hati an utsa~1q*1 i thBer add avanuof be is-u lb. frStuo t OsillkSlytôribu callai - lut&cabimet fvu vP- aloi Xepbuu. 'f"W geograpbIckm wbutI<m Ît uagi béats loa » dmgsn cabit. pooslblI ýI<.tu e .t OSto tse mon. J. A. Paulkner, aîlnilrý of! hsaltb. In Wmst Hacgiandais-of icolin A. CampiaeIi, reaid 88a1,4 cabin et eetu n aAdélalOft, alona s ho oa lmet tIv r-tbri Oum m DateraOntario assI, Sm,.. tb. Premier sousewbal short of cabinet matertal ett0f TSo, mebers-elmeî n hi <i» ectio f thue province regarded as pasible cablual maltal. Nortbens andi Weatem ns tarto have ptenty et cabinet aspiranit& but «st of Tor- ont~o. a sectionenLiAmé 10 eqa ropruentallon itb other parts of Toronîto. <bei'la not th e iv ide Ch"oie o tu bmpremier,80o bat Mit. Coania support«*s regard t<bu us a furthser essom v >hi ho i probably b. lucliudsé lu tbe cabinet 17.brasé. experienias of-MW. camat, l.a mlelpelaffili, a tmus to ousllugwonr.-M0 cOWDat- tom«s.a"ds oe ise él lavyers of Ibis &se" tion o aii la bouiesd <o fit-hlm in A Couupilos »y 0 sl go abI «Mm.<f-Io. Md On- Wrlo rMq ZUibi ieam »tiO vutl b" - mitolp mmostise-sm no Mc âiet caimtlds t <at Il il hi» misnaebwluiSd-itise liai- AU& 40 vlsW .«I. &ecomu ~pro-, Imm Md né pu*len ,psrtIcuSr1 ta .omaeeblm vith the labour trO- btu ts-Od TUM l eMrdd s IM o logloalMW 10Se aged <oh. Ausumea New Road 1 0, -eaVos rleogi lm vu*b bmw Ib«»Fout - US owen -ma la moe » P e»t a-<o TI-IURSDAY_ OCTOBER 7. 1937 Sad pet cf Unputastwùd~ MiIkSentto Toronto Fcousd Not Uniformly1 -Fav~orable, Report States J PASTURIZED MILK Ar REJMRT FAVORABLE "" M..FL WouI& .Have Certi- 'ficaetk b Raw MiIk Ven- '.5 j, 1) I X1s IRYNNT âxi Service ýd Sedans t364 Night Servit, l'AK1NG TOWN Strowger 5ERVICI: ANCE Biock SI. b. and I triit irs. ervis IIrool.-in, onrt. CA t. 4acLAREN id bure -i I:K A. CUDDY ol,j j, ANCE LIDLEY i-tsurtance Co. - i Orning Do n't 'lways tys for Ls and ,e th's wi tlj .rRuIc HONE 4 dors Iisujed by the Board of Health unde Filla end 09 ti. hem At a fiitee±îng or Ille BOara of au lietuthh heId onMond-n mornireg *Dr' Charles P. MGiîry it- * i'port on tue rec*nt tjurley masdea HI hi .himi and Saiti." In.uspector H. i;-Quatriff of! t) a;e of mflk inli t1o, Town- et Whtbý, particulsrly 411 Sreard ý» the reputed sale of UnPahtebrlfrd hUX'by s.v.rai ven- 4,orà. Thse re*ttetuested by th, * ?own. Ooumcu a Iew weei mago, -pateurized ouIr s ent b Toron (o, upon whtch d tepomcwa v" lv4 The Bonrdïï 4wew port t-nttruete7i that .'iL bq_ Sem4 4ploîig btc *eTown- Councir agia I Ip'çIs)ter. T M'rpsit sI M .5 w '9 nproVe Nome fEaot b<« reodin tente roeam W. Jacksom ld m e u w» W Wb1 ~~ ~ tmt e atbe ostrâpoubulu ou.. nre at Ottiena, l as i S IFM» on OctOber 34h. lu -the 'r <b. 13«»I u v moruing Mayar Jacog Md C00m. th"d been Safran eu mt he ce dlvilofikunay vmlSmb. pro- mS i WI57 U UIU b~comaaad o! lb. e i, LtCýoL uftmg M7' IL PL b eovt . . AlIeY and M ebeto!is ho Seuv 5.71.5. n execulli' msWeli as higb rabue buSh . et vS uspoat m Offkers 01 Ibm DOominioncommuand ei h.5et.VSS Lo5UM of the IAVio &ad um e euulv *S hie4tbuw bIeai Offlics o1UnS ihe15hBatillon aI the ovn an OaliIWor 10 l» poad to AnlSasa cbinb bb . loal Wihra of aiUs.Le4im vil te. Pd.as NoUeoeah Ciapalk. aIl*. EE EOUJN mVr fA u ,.b " vuO AITER VB111Y »mt ils. nuItuYome r» et0m cMOÛ nbacifla. oth à*LZ 4sent d1reet 10 Toronto 'by tait e «<*M hê prov ir*et-allaboratorîees.'tie M. n oo un 'H !a ' -PetibIy that vas viy tai ym cm apsfl.a um u i1 ilsTeptt e "!a'rsbe ~a proud pI bs l Mla MWme 1 and ho CMt«W1 & an et ,oU liould Baut Sait WhiI.thie zetumna reSO&M 1 Rob" Ch* t s pWIouu 51w t 'f -rt recallinmt ai a meet- pe..Ibele. I1cti ci ta10 iiIli ývc Cout-jc11 es, AU4.t 23, ;t or po&Ubky IM UG *Oty laîu e potaet Evem For %% a>-1 e:.Q' ÇHlthat aIl Vezidom io! riding. and vîsM o l*sran, four huim Fanmoe nirre rrcqir'd tc elieaeho0flàti i a mS.<&à "me vQ t ýi1ý(1 cml ý1s.,1<caa1 a fo a abeen c. -* -- - areikloard oDi ujpor1 ti M airul te au l Ihe . ay &tebft lelh. vifb. n'e -. ' - ' 4 r - e o harec in MY bethaiikf lu~~t#~ o1te mi alri convmwi4ut ini.9 >Mr oeant .xprraord ihl& appt.- Stlaqtoews -o.¶sI - -* - - s--'~i ,àte-sîon hfer "Wcn» V saroly-walnd..d n às qogeuet h - ------~~. abu Lnh is catms.,aiséUS VU. U sliib7 1101ar7 Ctsib mdi r' r ' - ~ Il ¶ <"n (m tal vIih u t tAiem4S mmbr 0elIikb h h*a ,Ntc r - . el of U hi.eistUm ifajuvi *à pannr éwug 1 C* paut the * - Tu t nJOMer L c spruos nus- LII tfwt Tiiw ibe« y, %ý*eath b bce Ii1tir libsurdin hSa m mtn5M.ow & , sPPý.hed vth %%É"We ir te me - - ' s-1a i t'ridlng I t*stnik b. CrI més **-< iala . and t <'y* 4*W J - - *~ -' ' ~ lte nel iporlunt rr4 iug i1w l'beri s rtemmprw.ii - - , ,,P-VVUSCUdue 1012c Uw i* luvitrod ' lb. Patr and 1 lu's. zjva msnb'ro - * - - c!, the A- UnUy"not 0k? ~ii* ~iti , miv h~rl 1'r ï., 1 c iets VlS rumonlflO Csos& î eq e Ieua' boy la. gorDvmmnWb&tmaito be cmnrrsd 7hrtwme-:, 0! u obi0.1 I.* We &à as sd"noclik MW e p'nvxr. bbu r.moie cf 120,0 ReilanJUU i a lier 01 0,: 4mi.o -ob.dei. b4anquet îe t s le. wT'eu-n USaitel tn cyw C'.« 'Iipin,'s m iue prm ect 1. m 4 biai upprvtlng tiep"sra. i *o a a ithe b Ctvaj ai - cocieIud 14'C=usait Oe .u50aurme 1 a sv ! fil_ t-5OAt-1 L4rflWaT0 j. iil#Wsm 5 h Itwid of cfGot W.r Vo fa. mm Ail Ovu.# gumlwd Sodicd ri Tha.. U..d .i Ufte&Iit4 of Vimy Memoria LI t:- Irrir< fvs 090. 1* la" e~ the. o pari tkegii ol Inte4ot c v s-infelav- Tvi. ~ ~ lp 1fsj-r& ftiiai. -l&ugc C'~êaiwia2t lS sOrt 't li Ilftt E RAL JUH lme Oty nid Odmw Conm t Lod Coosvsvad 2 Mm ovir ishaie t toppuat. Ur. By ~ ~ ~ omeraPt . sl omrvsve oc". Cotmty Towanan«m - - rs.ada1*0»ymSfpfinl fgesseal ledlu 5 Tsecoutqlov . Wblb t. asé e am >n«ri wSya wwd mamned a <ho AumreleffluMiala sémeva*<el.s> j Ru a -WyUa M t MW v le rveils se'.Us trfemer ZiberaI mm- ihal Mi ous m wetSvd sa jor b. . lo , N M iaairKc. 1 -sU~ fff e Dt var&a Tisse Oser 6,00"Mmotes obit thse Sd- ~UU~ WM4LI 515o <ie meut VaI u a ltse abu is vo. ta? km <ba <~ et ~ lot santar s vau retld op for 04 m busnesnat4bS *puS. VS~ ~~e op n* rtmo u I et v«« <usIb DIdUl ie athr ~r4 r iur-asus et am egor '.:: b. r OP UMeR.e.u ei roe.-^M P' " r;rq Ces ~t P.use c U bottiset bée. s l m W t rivet Us< ya e-TistpL a loft tone. Leg on s~u~a% the U%~ w - moutrma "Wt atiti s &4 The lam r Il Sea" ut le1n e Uma Ootie Jts 'ai'-'itteei*itO5huS 1 l Tn'Ci: pratema s-t O'urte.-iWM Cac * vý CV tsw '4'; 088 LcttCorner U-rs' t V -.t rS. et --Min e'ceuîle mctiy~ rI0*t& ontIXYUIIIT umaaaw w emoî iCîri IBTL I.tsek R: p mu-mvu 1maMdlb« CIMO ait. we Vi meelttg a .n tsahe j;r 4 . 5 o eehn t forg&ileuw-r t ai py . *0 - M&l U ~ s U S1~' Dsy tlla, eon tg T, twe r~t t k., . IM S wb aiLes o in a rnay bens i. -ai Ml ta e.w5I v scrymmer f tw <Dan et US 1%« jkv P -- UI. 85hOM of ezonme anîjc1um b d kâgau OOWM.US - W IMM#aS ~ 50e mSu UIw Un cm*i U -ttat~~ ivetoUw *m a m t'n OMM a UIr a&w4 m - t, u» MW115 0V SUiI omad la- O s a s a t ~ s g u y, o j t w d h v P i l a s . bM a s h r u t u » 1 I*w lm. ou wn. v1ish e V 910b.b1 v uit 7oUiMW voe ~W M f ov wt I * aw~« U«ù t clil- 0,4m -m# MSuNI sU*Md Pt f 7'Sebwb-S1» m s*sW1g mi US1m m SS m uv'. i sm hle asi<iI rdÊ wu o» «M 4m Md v M.Pà-pav 0, tàmth* 3 iS*Ua i UwLUIS&W WILLWN 1010 AOt dk & I w Md -l u pm m d Wo uu la mo<o,-u MAYOR, COUNCIL TO PARTICIPATEON SUNDAI,OC.2 vice Win BN Gi,, 48 MINTIC SUBMITS REPORT O 1K ____w__,b___4 Mjcal Health Officer Again Pres Ses for Ban I OR, Sale.of Raw MIIk hitby Citizen. C2et Loana to 1 '1 * . - j s J' -t 44 fi -1 -~ I 4 I CA INET 1%

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