'~- ' '~ ' i " ' I , j' TH MjITY ÇIAZETTE & CHRONICLE, TI-ISDAY, NWOVEMBER,26, 1936 *band 1o14 ber,Yeurs and yeai Mo, te go crq buildine. Tsat n4y, tise b:oume la sebi;. Sb nover stops buildig," "Ob, mo, ses net crai Alb"Mns.. iurley said, tryla Vo mate. lital r6lounoly ýamusIj al and underîtandable, "mie Ilvea .r- the 1ps.Soîbe uii *'-B ont Vhils place for yeans, it.aeî t se.belioves that au long as ti 1 cerMetera' hammera-ae'e ior tiee.she vea't die." 46Wouidn't .yon -Vhiuk she'd wax *se Vo dl sd loin b aiît? ~" "WeI.LU, ismDnver do,-bomehoi rot lier haumokeeper di1*4 lat ail- [p11 tbtWa M4ro. Mockbê, tVils Mii bé,. F1ona'# motion - and skm' toi le tisa-tvery-liard, bing. liba su3 lat mObe hama'tbeen. îgit m'lacs. Wel Iyosz didn't 1ke 1V You Could a ~*w4ys comie homob." "Imilit lie I," 'Page mai lut ber 0ee dancing. - "She mlgt Iuh taxse A fancy lé me, and lbave am r.a fortune soame day.," 'Vo 0Sise'll lerve moe. Vian a fai t1 une. 1Bise'. caL tise Prondenga, d4mon4., Mis. Hurley mai 4'la ro_ isaîf Iwbmpmr. -"Onuetftise-bis Id sont 4lamondm la Vise vorld."l d"Who -tMn. lHlbb?" dy. "bino. Prondengas$t. Taso a- ef, tise hiingat that's warryijag Mri ïe Ribbe. b*se wnta Vo know, vi et ber anaL dîmai, wiôl'a goingVo,ge LuÃt dtam<»sd. Mrm. Hibbi' mot) ,0 mr te tise -'idlady'm oliiýItAr LS mlis's a Mmm, Roy; asic hies luaIn 4e dit t eae re. Si. wnote MnE onr Hibbm to be aura Vo lbave miel' thlng. &lI underitoo'd aboutt Vi .~Pluk iamond." i Aplaut dlà aaod? TknilUiI ýrt Page exultecL "Hier iusband, oldd Rntgei r?~ Prendergaî t, bougit 1V yeans ag( wisen h. old- a mine or some ie thijz*' *t'i known al oven Vii Bd venld. Tkey say I's hé'size 0: a plgeon'i *egg. Tise Hlbbg wif rpuy you s kundred a month toi 't koeping an oye on i."- "Ms no~'Prea4ergastofcourse l le "Oh, good gracIons ne!" id "She doeeat know Vint yen kuow le theM?" r Ii.dn'V 1me tiens. I've ouinl k- 3eeau tiir lavyar, Biliop, VwlCcý 1H-t came laVa ,my roffce 'about Viree veksaugo and aiked mei.if 4 014 Mn: ' Prenderzait *ever sot Le Vo mse for gIrls Vo go do-vu Vior. and verk. I suyî nu, Via'.aie kept Cinese-Ihelp,. md i don't hundie Vkom ut all i. Uc yâ Viat nif ove à b ais dld,. pleamo tô "Phone hlm ai tie asi sometklng"la 1V l'or un Lt "Weillnsy dean, you, hadn't Fa ootc Vs re day befone SIyesterday visn a letter caiin la tram Piona Mockbee nikiag fornt, f ur .sel ad 1V come Vo me 11ke a fIIÃ$ tiat- yen vas Viheue tô -go dovu tiere. Se I 'Dkoned Mn. SBlibop and i. comae. la and old Pme this Whole otory." *"It scundmslknd of wild and veird.," -Page mused îloud. 44 Weil. 'thor'. a tolephoe z tiieo,,ad theo'. -alvaya Vhe -doctor, Sise VinawVie local man * put, gr. ;opi4,agqe Mw. last umnln ~4sh'é's zt a resld. on pyscinAnd wbi:,tnowie," ?4na. !lunlèy aald comtontably "lyou mîgit,,11km ler! ÙV'd b. -eauy ILvoos: sinoV aidk, yen kakow. And thora'. alwaym tbo monoy."1 "chante, t*oc," Page ..sad, stîl' uligistly 'hesitaut. '¶'ll9,9go dcv VI trm and ose. vbat'a coing ona anywy-. nd'à ýIVo report tc tyôa. or Vo hMr. .. BlshOD?" "Dntreport Vo>anyone unies tisane': aometklng -unuaual going on.", -11rV'sl fao lietr ,«HMy.sfanyibuie V?" twel RaysozMy,$ ýtuso Abousrgt-o, oVeaifmoo iBay'.an tvlv mle rage avo en' ise ga e dtissu e "he -oco. lesian Vlavejnt morpe,"Vr doton Baid. "a plasaBt vei hà tv tses Oflow an heur. BntAh'. bere'& te ggoeowVoalgit Ah. coais e garages min iti e;.1 cakeri oer ;a, MI aba.,' ; ,1 tae cane etdO î.ur bagi."b IL ail. -au >ld omfortablo e1angiL althedeaoungbu Page f00404 ast nà Vise reaisixnc tiek couithe, Ov. aly sIxc bo'é elbck, buttwic as ais- h tsi~ll"boahnsasocm Wloua-I 'glummet and -ithtsens onW Volll ti4pdde nd thlI a td fail-gettilaB ay rtd V. toasbethe Hmooa Bay pnoiShW ed, Vero Vie ,Ol.od. XIL W"s teep, ýcircultouà ., aîrr et sl 1 a. in-tisé rtiit intpped 1e r*etlglavea l ierWlip, drew lien e mtaUOhiýs walov_- ed vîtisa'dry Vinoat. -Eut ase saV nôO rJjlble 41,-a4 ortoa', 4, isp a ueily.a :ramlite' ~oem Il oto ,itasikarda "Wl,7kiiov Ofi pltaloi pluointiMima "Ts-'uie - i-ni ree t Vise isas ls u lgotten the manie MYà tery RauEW _ becaute, ltiï- .14 lady fl'Vvêt *If# ywllh he , yis or , 04 b a p a e s V sb» keepta at vesi, tbe 4hà eha s la Whôops vo' tymanofy Sà dde 'thiseô ana'eroo x- 01a4me4 vwiL s a UtIle \l1 ivb flI -the -Ar took a sceigsi 'Sbronghit Page's heart- into hE IeMouth. -Th. wilools' Jarred, alti PolI agala, -jarrd- tbem&elvî atil. -The -car wau dead, acrom jy. the. narrow roadway now, w'Itli 4 Sbasc against tli e bank. ngThe tain iplasbed on. Presentl In Viimy Werr gle-r y tdglag thoi Mgway down the. last steep. hundre ras -yards 0f Vh6 grade, twisting, skiÈ beë ding, crusiiing. busheaes, alùmcj ýrd toucbtig the atout fonce on th icanyon aside. Dt "ThaV's ta! man saic with a long.breaVii, as the 'vheel W. ou1d -a track 011 leel rodad te lait.*:"Wh-e.ew! tb&t was prett bito gi lt's-ai" stralgit and fC oknov,,Miss Hazeltyne. We'lb ýYs tiiore 11auanboutr. Yeso" ho uni ilgoing. baclc Vo the Interrupted cou R> vermation,- "'tiey've made *'gr en 1ua of thie old lady. She know 14, it; mhe- doeau't cire!", ýho "You said1tie carpenters mal De cisusieL':Tiiy make' a - gocý many changU, don't Viy" l'ag )r- asked Ignlficantly. at "4Yezm; ibmkeeps: Mths un, a tIiiedde1'twn nythIn g- T V lshed! Wl ,1V.. t, 0 way' s'o. row'toc Ik her-,' Suddealyhe adi .Urlnuiy: "UBc 'C you 5ppel te Voinow ibouV Mrs. PFrender en diPoople, know on account. of Vi h- wm'ed aimply. .;"k tuat?" -41F. it gorgeons?", tise irl -ail y- 4I've Dot Seen itV." îe Woll, 1V 'sat ho,' Page de cimed. "Perbipsthe old lpdy'i -in love w1th hIm-p-enhAps"e goIng Vo give It te hlm, iii. or tlectod. o0 'S3he!s ratViir.odd 'about t," e-the doctor W.- qsaylug,. 1- austLb i0 stracted, amuîed ort -of' voici. ýf "Wel,' 'bf çourséi" km amended It, Il m.ore -br1skli, "'(f course she's- odd r about. everyýhlng 1 No denying thint-,- :Oulls ".'Iqt right away, s' But under IV ýal she's'a, grod- ,d heatpd, -simple, oldseul. .e lonely, . and ske's list every, one she aver, loved; ber. kusbaud, her w 10oY, and thut -housekeeper . was with' ber.:for ,twenty-eight Yy ýars-Trudy Moccbe., 1 a. 4Youll hear a good deal of Vt T'udy. Mns., Pensc'ergasrt'a got-i if Bâster. Mn. Roi-,l'17lng.someéwieT. la la ndir. --bu t shedosn't .Von speak et he. The housokeeper's )t daughter's,w,- hcr now, Flor". e se "C >r at Vhé tîme of ber rmotiser'a death and, the old :ady I reepm ber on and gîves ber every- ~ tng aie.want.' gd~Well--ousekeepet, anytiinïg. odd tone, and Page, heard, the SlIttie îiread ofdry.,laugk ter.',that accompanied 'is words..".Miss e ïiora'a1 an old girl, woman, raVi- or., Sb mnuit' be Vblny- tbree- tklrty-flve., Moody. -Unsattsfied." "Sie's after .V-te diamond,', Page theu.ght. Ib Tiseam îElapped and splashed about them In. the darness; to- ej vards Vke voit, only a 1ew huud& el red'yards dlsVant, the, sea roared Et and s rged on *rocks. The nighl l14. k~.thons 111<. ,ourtaIn& of Ink, *i:tiouV .a -light anyvhéee x. cept th fihlful arc .of Vhe -car LI lighVs, p'lerclng the drippluz 'Wall Yof bîacneueu' ahead.-, ÀAistrauge, aId voman lu a- loue- ly country house; an, -uukuevu Iman; a Miss Flora vho vas -odd, imoody! Page began Vo ýfeel un- "'You'Ii in it rue, mixed sort of housÉkold," Vthé docton vas 5 saying. "But, youi'll :»t us all ;straightened but" by "degrees. There's -Mrs. -Preuclengaît, ,of e coulrse, and eflà s Flora. Thon "Dînnor t haef- aît. meWen? the od iad) -tises afancy toý ihavlnÃŽ 1V earllor, or laVer. For, awhiîe velhad dInnèr at, ton-Vie s1.raUl'tand4 up lite,% an4 zervod Vise vicile Vilng, seupandý bi-.ck coffae. yes, it'skud' maed pickles!" tii; 'otor nded, laughiLng. "j d1dnot kno hte or n.it yeil .knew onythtIng aboutý wha.t you worm getVlng fà tute" 1 certalinly didn't, Page thonigit ÇCopyrighs. -1935, bY- Kathleeni (To be Ctntinued) FleTrenton .Flyera M«ke 20004 .Lea '1MntOn, tOV.-25.-Witla thm wlnd St elitmiles aii heUr, vlsibfilty un- llznIted and'tic *atr Coo601 ri ive members of the R.C.a.P.;con- cluded thelr P&rachs;ýe paoklng Course when' they le aped lndivlduaily fros lýA Fairchild m=oaplane, ZOOO 'et, over tihe statLcn' east cf bore. Masday -and sdod'aareîy -vithin, the "airpot arma. P .Crel ch re reted à nltoswmre dand mdcmetdo iemen's abnilry lalandlng. Seýfore maklng the' leab a iun2llr aéS&Sbis own 'chute. IsIa a Mta £1,. hlm confi- The~ UtIle boy lie been disobe.. idiont, Mo fathr told blm tgo tc and d ho- Wopd c=me up later Land seMIe accounts vls 41M, .efore gellln lut*> bcd thse =ld inéit downaa* i:"ülaeGd Ilu youreaily do vint la hein a little boy la trouble, flov's your GRANT BF $1 000 TO PORT P[RRY t (Cofinued fronti Page 3) o! WiitbY, chairmran of théecent-. mlittee ou the ieole, te keep - o Vieý 5 subject.,before Ve lIuse and state t is case brie ly. Mn. Parrett clainted Vtit e. ceunty' systent o! ianlng ductional grants hadý been. ant- quated for sente years 'and bocause of a ack oe! lmrowedge oethVe là W both, ou Vie. part 0of thé Council and 'acheol -bonirdauthonities lu Vie min-. or inunicipulities Vie situation 1wivh, iad breugit about tecount action came Inte exi stence. The court .ludg- ment fotwiici he field ite: Countywouîd bun future be benetif- ted, made 1V dlean tint when -aacltool. board, accepVed n cheque frorathVe cbunty f!or. grants for Vie year'and casied IV. ne, furthen dlaim coulcibe, umade4against the county, even if .au errer hmd been made, for enci year -must ake cari-e! itseif. Ivfr. Parrott' vas of 'Vie opinion tintthVe 1j udg- oment wl-un went agalua it Port. Perry 'hacI been cf great, value Vo. Vie Cleuhty POtlh for.itepreseît.-and future -and .iV vas on Vtils account, and lu view -ofte situation whicli exlated before the action, -that hé 'fuvored zunking tiec gran t Vo Port Pen.ny. Warden .John M. how suggested' tinat'Pent Penny subutit a statement tôo Vhe Council. slioïing thte exact position of ts financial..affaira, o thnt'Coundil, ilu the' future, if* cleem- cd vise, could deal with It. Reeve- Letcher, ef Port Penny, nfte-r llsteAng 'toe Vivews>'expressed ,by is colleagues,. rose iu- is .seà t and declared tint -,ho tvas willi.Vg te voté,' for Vie elutînanon of Vie, clause lun Vie. report viiclt would heip uis vil- lage. lHe saici tht lhehait; ne raine Vo have Vie Council. divie1dd and have - members vote. for son'etlting tiey might., net be'- in favor of. : Grants pased by te Counilon- 1recentmer.datiou o! the Committee ou Education, were>as 'follows': . LIndsay Collegite.Institute, claini fer 1935 -for . education oe!.ceunty pur Ils,. $70666. Osiava Collegiate: Institute, dlainut for ý1935, fo.er ducatien. of county pupils, $8, 339.03. Ontario. Educationul Association, gant of $20.00.- Wîitby 'and Port '-Pejry ghi Sciteols, >ý$500 'echifor Vie agricut. turni depantments -of .Vieir Higiý Our er5s ipse, ýpýp;c :iýls:] NeWspapers are sontetintes callec th iePulse -cf Vie -nation, or cf'-. a particlr ceMmnunty.- j 'Vtis b tnile miany'a pulse lest a béut. or tvco It uthVe local Post Office'ou -Mon-day. t Ir, England, -vo are* unfermad a f. tau's.PoliVicaî celer la reflected ile thVe netowsbeet ho poruses. Tic picture. ro! tie red-faord .Imponiallat, witht 1 umpteen generatiens cof 'conserva t,ý ,e blood PumPi in-u us attenlies, glar- * lug ut tVie black andI vlito citrouiclea etofVieheLondon Tintes,. is an familian illustrationi. Tihentiere is Vieé portrait o! an adadembo appenning *gentleman, scanning thie editonialà o! Vie Man- ciester-Guardn for Vie ligit-tint la liberal, andtI o beggar our descrip-. tions, Viere' la Vint of Vie 'hard-eyed venter, -laboring trougi Vie -picV- oral' review of Ve natien's affaira -asý provided in My Yord Beuvenbnook's dailles. Of course, al Viese stenlr-lu-trade pîctures are v.rong, bu' 1V helps f il up spade atIgives Vie', wniter a, second vind se Vint ho can get, downu Vo ,'ibus cricket. cricket lu' Vils purticular incident happons Vo be at Vite Whitby Post Office on Meuiday merning., UJnfortuuately, Vie anela pu nto-i mne-Výýhe -eltIgentleman udvanees, viti key lin nd anck swings ope'il Vhe. door o! Vie'letton box. IV coni- tains haIt a dozen -circlar lett ers extolIlug Vie virtues o! a seutien, exposure, 1o! -îylug .unden -troical skies, wiile -yeur. nertien brother ploya Virougi't an eanly December blizzard te Vie dry gooda store 'fer anotien yard cf ned flanuel. .But Viese alîurlug îiterary gens- eau -be studied at Ieisure-it's tir mornfrîg-nevapapen Vnthà counts-- and out ef Vie letton box it came-ý ut hast, you .aay? - 'Wèll-i, ftVe look cf lufuniation cinnging tVo 'pained resignaticu meaus 'auyting, thon our frientI must have receiv.eci neti- fbcatien cf tie hast vardsanad testi- 'mihy of a laVe de parted and lâmenit- ed relative, .Our, friend'glafices ut 'tic miat- iead cf Vie papor lu is h.t-ad--ouly hef cf iV rings Vine. Tiere la men- tion o!, inotier Oorld, a. panet or' globle Ihut lafereigu Vois llking. and litereat. This must '.be se, fonr he gninds bis teVi, -t Vie- anme tinte uuinteutienally big ,is lover lip and mnutters saemething Voluis bootsý and shuffleF u.- SPeiapa meni vio bave leurned liaI- their favorite sou bhas niarried the. daugiter of a fantily ut fued, mcl Vhis wva y-wio kuova? We only lâtarted out Vo descnibe a acene cf al- mig gpulse beat: 'andI noV 'a plot for ""The Deati cf Our: Little Neli." Maybe If dld laite us. a long tinte Vo -gel here, but 'iov de, you 11ke Vis veek'a Issuè':e! lie Gazette -md- Canadian Vessels Plot Going to Spain; Ottawa,, Nov,: 26--Wi-ile British destroyers. ana cin g sent te Spanish; waters, -Vie t-vs-Ã" cru V o!..that, kiod neVy rciased -frons Vie Br itisli Adiaty, by Vie Candin Goveru- mlent defluitiy.viii neot be inc]uded, Vihe Nai'tnal.- Defense Departmeut The Ivo shipsarue about' Vo ha ne- fitte -Men tVifs l eompleted, Con- adian erçvs viii be sont oven Vto bning Viensmoisa. Thero la ne signi- fecne, tihe dêpaVmenit iays, lu, Vie tact tint Canndia's naval 'tien are nev getting e their anuiltùlouve which as -cusoatrary ut tis eason, Est at e Near Soldfor A Twenty-One Acre Farm of Rice- Property - IncIucIes Long- Known as Beautyý spot - Sale jo a 21-acr *e estate lcat.ed on Rlc&'s Hill 'oveleeking - Whitby ngj and, Lake Ontario vas seld titisà g -week l2y Vie C. R. Purcoî el Ce., frein Inte realtena, Vo a client for about $12.00. ' -Lui5 This propenty, has long beein ford Icuowu as a beauty spot. iV is paît, Secr cf Vie original 100-acre, estate B. 1 ownued by John Rice. Portions of it J. wene gradually dlsposed of as Dan Wiby grcw and land re-qujrý_ are)l meuVa cievelope. Vihe Sau thc laVe Mr. Rice was ut 0'.nete tinte' a director o! tie Nbntitenîit Ralliway andi for manvY years ec retai-y-treasuirer cf Vie Wlittb-; t ,Ladies' cel.ioge, located about a mule 1Icand front us hone. Toit years alter mnai Vie deatlt of Mr. Rice, his Wido\v Jtuîî '-tdhVe preperty te Mrs. R. A. Nesbitt of- Tononýto, whto neniodeiledJ te original htome antI'd aV 'rs couvryecd fronithet spr'ngs oi thVI 'iltside te a concrete swinmIIIi" pool w.vich vas constructed t ut Vii 'The preperty was laVer purcitasedI by C. Ai Bener th Ve HeinVantari Coe,-vie la the present vendor, 'and W who reconstnucted te original farn iX banna lato a- wo-storey poultry Iv plnnt. 'Ho will reVainthVie property u n t il I M r c . - ' I The résidence, viichIs of solid s, brick, construction, - contains u1il < large'roonts, The ' drivewayýsaa- cu fînnked by immuense cedar h-edgýes' andthe Vegrounds are ivell .woodecli soeeof'Vi e bNue spruce beinig4 feet _- higit. $urriouîin Vi,. te si_ dente, isVau an ple ýII aud and 1m Vie- îenr tereare sente ecilgit acrcs. turesquenesa -o! Vliteestate [ T[AI T RUI PR9V[S RDEAF (Continued' front Page 1) littIe le, te escape'Vie conseqluenco.' £'clt 'vIns, but it's quite an endeal. Tie play was we-ll stiged by te1 playeýrs, and te 1 e 'intenest tiLit itelda, every plot tà getiier like' -" itesive tape certaiy lhelcl the auc- ience.- Dinecteit by Mn:. D., A. Wilson, .and assisted by Mlrs. F, H. M. InwinV'te cast. 'displaved'a finish Vint reflected te.stud'iedL ceaciing of Vie director and astiatant direct- or. ..ýTir cut of chua-. -ters was as fol,7 lova: Robe,-' Iennett-Mýr. Ward 'Inwin.- E.. M. Balstou-MUr. L. E. Astrop.- Dick Donnelly-Mr. I. .Dave-,'. Cý.Van 'Duseu-Mr. Wf. A. Thiiuson. Bisitop Deenn-Mr. J. R.. Frot'- Gymn ealst0n-Mýllss Mabel Roul- Stone. Mrs.. F. 1U. Ralston--Mrs. F. H. M. jIrwvin. Ethel Clark-Mns. D. H. Hollida-y. Mabel Jackson-Miss C. Raininie. Sable Jackson-Miss G. Ainsior- otîgi. Mrtia7-Mrs. J. M. Roblin." iu addition te 'Vie play tvo nov- elVy items- were introduced, vitici' - udded muci t:)Vî.- ývarîety andI en-1 joymeut o! Vihe pnognaxwnte, nantely, Miss* Stella Davicison,. dancer, viti Misa' RuVt Locitead, acconipanist, and'Miss Elsie Lebovîtz, znp dancer,. vith Miss Denothl: 'Dixon ns hea c- contpuuist. Tiese ladies Nvena' front" Vie Ontario Ladies' Celloge. .Tic hall .was' filletI- antI the 'aud- ience was, uustinting lu their up- preciatien of Vie programme. Tic ,play la being nepeatecl ou Fniday evenmg. TuYS RIN WIP[[ (Conlinued frein page 1) Ho tien proceedea Vo explain Vie:, vorklng o!Vhils sys tent and aioved1 iaw iu. Englund nearly' n century ugo vorknten banded Vicinselves te- geVier ant establisieg- a Co-oper- aive' atone. Tice moventent had munioépp.ositIon, but continued te groW Until, at Vie present tinte there are -sixty million mentiens cf Vie organisation lu varions counitrles ot te, orîd. England, Vhe pioncer in Vils niovoment, la nov' blanketed viti thVe s y tem o!f Co-operative Stores. Svogen, Norvay, Dènutani anud Finland - andI otier' couritries 1are- inrgely -undertVils systeni and belng benefitted lnmensely, Pur- cha;sea fronthVie Co-operative Stores ahane 'in Vie yearly divideucls; Tie Co-operutives have grovn- Vo suci an extent Vtha.Vthy nov control noV only retail stores, but vitale- sales, Vea 'plantations; furma, etc. Tic speaker urged Vie serious and thougittul-censiderution eft Vis Co- eperatîve Systent as. un exremenly llkely' remnedy fQr imany 'of oun pros- eut day troubles. A heurty, vote cf Vianits - as mo6ved by Rusell O'Brien, andI vas' exteuided by Vie Presîdent. PRE ENTINFECTION,ME PREVENTURNS ANOD 8 SFOR ýCOUS LS USE PENEIRO CDUOF