- ---~-.--..~----- THEWHIBY AZTT~& C-JPNÎî PTHTTR~AV~MWl'&nrD ~ - --- ----..- --, ... = ~ V rLAV6LJJ..Arn Z, 71% ws and Rpot Jesu say-,. Ilihy , "I Love Thy Klngdom, Lýord." Benection. 'The Thank-oferln for the day amount- ed to a. 1 ttiel!r One Hunclred, 'e, Correspondent) Nov. 25-The 'W will meet in t on Frlday, Ilovez aote change o! da of Wednesday. 'r will be Miss M îto, andi Wbtby I gucsts. An interci the meeting wl ~umes completed Ný a short time al nd girls of the cor Iteci to attend. SAssocation or tý were guests on We Columbus Asafif vocal duet, Mis. rs. Lockyer, Bnc iM ln a piano solo. .e afternoon was s'pez re privilegeci to ai Baldlwin reccivedà Saturdpy when a larl uests tram Torbnt ýby andi Brooklin wei '.Mis. Anderson,c Baldwin's mother, iî r. Mis. Baldwin wci gown o! white trip] aileci a nosegay 5, nciMis. Arideis' lace gown andi carrie ay o! mIxeci flower îmand cicling roci vlW different colore * Vlck and little Pett et the guests at ih relyn Moore andci M ;d li Uic living rooix %core andi Mis. Mc wa)., poureci tea. ai loore, Miss Margasx .ville), anci Miss M( 'uto), assisted lix th be 11014 in St. Thospa rclî on Sunday. No 1 11 amn., when Mca ,11 ho celebrateci. Re, charge. liday, Mis. Cleorg s: NormBan White at 'men's Instituts con ýe Royal York Hout week, when some 70 D present. 'Mis. Ge( delegate from Brook aid will give ber re cember meeting. White and Mr. Ciay EOttawa, were wlt] hite andi Miss 01v' aid. is, W. Dryden ar Sweek ix Torontc yden la -Iiiattendais Pair as managlng di Viite and Mis. 11101 ith Mr. andi Mis. Nor ,t Sunday. tty was successful Il uw.ba-mu in show 810 n Uic foal club at' th Faar. - Prizes bave al lni catie classes b, ,psol 'anci Mr. FPi in boise classes bi Mr. M. Vipond aas 1. Jufl's nxany fniend, ao know she has reî 'oronto Qeneral Hos: galnlng ber strengtb as, wbo bas been ver pasi weejC, la mucl me Marjery Allen Sthe week-end. 3Norman, of Toron. Mi. anci Mis. Jeph, ek-end. Dns la npw able to bi r durlng the day anc w steps. - is masl glaci ix kno'w o! hi ery. - Lerman met wlth ai linday when bis cas to thc ditoli near hI r was badly damagec maxi receiveci severt ver vy. Cowcll, af Napanea gucats with- Mr. ani Elli011 has returneg alter spendlng tlh Lher granciparnxt 3. C. Elilott. and sale o! bomne a! ul anal fancy art Priday by the ladie m churcs, *ais ith 11th a splendid erowv ual buyeis for allsh Lty turccd outinlufs Las eveailng, at ti nd Mis. Mugis Mouý weccinsem vi itill gffta. A socla ;vith an interestix ral lave siory," ho, centre o! attraction ,ta çw a beamutlf Mis. Gascoyne la apendlng. a fe* vo- days wlthi ler son, Oswald,t in To- ie ronto., -te 'BROOKLIN- Nov, .25-A qpiet'1 Clie, weddlng took place', ai he.pun<o- ,lc-' age on Tuesday -evenlng, w hc6 Miss In Beatrice Beauprie,> dauglilrof!-Mr. m.- anciMis. Davici ecaup,#èeof-. Osh- lie awa, wua anarrieci ix Elgin Richard at, Brommell, son o! Mr. anci Mis ,o. William, Bromme;I, o! Columbus. an- An- unusual but very. interesting talk was giveni at-Uich Young Peo- he ples Lespie on Tueaday - evenlni; acwhcn Mr.. Jo'hnston, principal o! la-, the Cottinuation Sobool, describeci afUIht ixto Uic strotosphere whlcb in took place ix July 1934. u- The Unitedi Churcli, 1ev. P. L. lms. Jul. B.A., pestox'. Sunday, Nov. 29 P';-10 ain., Suxida Scbool; il -arn., iqr -mornlng worship-, 7 p.m... evening' Hf. service. The pasixi will preach at âss boili siices. Tuesday, 8 p.Ms, AYoung Peoplc's League.. Almond$ ýt, ALMONDS,, Nov. 25.-Miss Violet re Hall vialteci recentily sèveral cisys 'O! wth ber cousin, Miss '11oience~ 'e- Mowbray., .o! Kinsalc. anc Miss. Birdie Wickctt, o! Oshawa, Pie ta,- visiing- wiih Mr. Bnd, Mis. J. of Guy. VIn Ut. George Baies spentUic paut [ed week-end witb bis sisten,Mi. Long. ns. of Toronto. )n Miss Mabel Mackcy Bnci Mrs. W. cd -Hall wenc recent- visitors wiih Mrs. iy Annielë'l, Pont Wbitby. :1 tic *Mi. Tosi'sGordon, o! Toronto, vas Ls -a week-end visiior. ai Uic home o! a; blé -parents bere. - l- Miss Margaret Graham, o!, To- nd - ronta, vas a recent visiton at the 'et home of- Mis. W. Gordon. -c- Mr. C. L. Moi-combe, Mr. Percy tic Moncombe, -Mr. Dlck. Wooclswoti Miss Evelyn Morcombe, ail *- o! as, Oniemee, > visiteci reccntly ai Uic o- home o! -Mr. W. H. Baiscion anci )y othen fnienacis li Pickering, anci Whit- Tihe -young Peopie's *meeting, on ge Tuesday, evenlng vwas- Literanry iliht Lt- wltb Miss Violet Hall taklng change. n- The farmeis o! thia viclnîy- bave ,- been busy durlng Uic- past ivo. oo0 weeka clcanlng. up their barns and o. suirouncilngs followlng -the ý.visit k-. frOm Uic goveiximent tester. ýe- Thc men's banquet belci on Tues-- day evenlng under Uic auspices.o!' y- Uic Women 's, Association. turned th oCui very succesaful.,Oven fi! ty meni cir Bat down' to a full-course meal ai which *al dici Justice.,his vi as. foi- re loveci by an lntcrcsîing piogram o!r L, Uic followlng numbe rs: Mn.. Jack ce ïewton -proposeci -the .toast ix Uic K. 1inge'Mr.J. GuyPioposeci the toast the Cburch anci Rcv. Russel, â» O'Brien rcplied. Mr. Cordon Wood, r-, f'espoxiceci ix thccoinmun4y andi MWr. Loine XKenls-ps eple, then fl- lin 1 awed a comMIMnui lng, led by 'Mr. r--~.§1rtt, The male quartette of he >Vlb~Messrs. AyWs.1 Bel anci i- Çlczenu sang "Steal Away id Jesus- bY (Bnci"Thc Churc InlxthelicWildwood." ci Mr. L. Shontt gave a solo anciMn. Vy Steve Keown, o!' -Wbtby, gavp a n idi inteiestlng andi beipf u! talk valoaj the ines o!f",Ihfigs ibat'neyer die.» la Toc ladies res.llzecI aimosi $12.00.> e- Mise Violet Hall' visitec Inix Pck- >.. erlng wth' Miss Winnoal McKcwcn hi. lest, weck. ry Mr. W. H. Baladon, Miss Lis ms weîe guesis. along with some tweniy-fivc frienda andi re'ativea, 1- i Uic home o! Mr.. andi Mis. H -EvsoOshawa, ai a blrtbday party ix honon o! Mn. -Kùight«i, lu ac being, bis ninicili blrtsiday. -Mr. id Knlght enjoys Uic best o! heaith 'y andcIs nOtcontent uness he la .uy JEach day. 1Mis delight durlng Uic sunimen vas in bis -garden andi li Ln ýsurely had,,a nice one, o! cevery kinci 3x o! Vegetables. MRe leaves, us short-ý JE lY to spenci the vinter wlth lits ci ~ ~ e r-ugu-e,_Ms....-i Lrd!, o a by IhMMe 'Hanc." -Oui'paotr vs NI lni Uic pulpit., Anthea, ,choir, "Oh Lg Couse Let ies inginto tUiLored." - is texi vas Luke 1,l4h er, h. ePr lu shah ie rea i iicsgi a of Uic Lord." mis. Pisher delighsi- a ed Uic congregatton Wlth hansolo, as "I arn so glatithat Jesus lovesm." Y_. Anthem, 4"I hcard Uic VoIce' of biaveélifor Cr.am 28e for Dlivery. Frm ,'the. Ash.burn Ashbbur, Nov. 25&-Burns church services will, be heid on Sunday, Novemuber 29, at il amn., anci Sunday School at 10 an. Rev. L~. A. Fer- guson, B. A., paà tor, preslding. A number 0f ouiyoung ladies were. entertalned at the home of Mr. and Mis. Henry Leask, o! Uxbrldge, last. Saturday .evenlng. Mr. and Mis. Roy Hali andi !an4ly,. of .Bnooklin, vlslted wlth their par- enti reccntly. Mi. and Mis. Edgar Heron and famnhy, accompanieci by bis parents,- motored tix Lakefliciduring -the week, spencllng the day -with Mr. and-mms. R* W.- Doubt anci famliy. A numben o! oui young women of 4bililty are uslng,- their spare, Urne naklng ataicles, both beautiful andi useful., for Christmnas gis, and -are findlng- ready saie for thein ware. Visitons at the home Mi. and Mis. Arthur Summeibayes durlng the -week were:. Mr., Sidney Oas- ooyne, Mr. andi Mis. A. Kerman and' daugbter, Patricia, Mr.. and Mis. Smith, and Mr. Brown, al of. To- ronto.- .:1 Members o! the Women's %uiid, o! Burns' Cbuicb, aie actlvelY en- gaged , preparing articles for §ale- o! wfork to be heici at bot supper and concert,' .bclng held lxi the basement o! the churchion, Wednesday: of ibis week. Mi.R. D. Sberwin, acmpanledý Mr.. and Mis. W. A. Ker to the city during Uic wcek, when they at- tended the Royal WInter Fair. Choir practice wlll be beld at, the borne ;0f Mr. -anci Mms.Gordon Fisher Frlday. evening. -Mia. Charle Slack and son, Biliy,' vialtec i wth her parents, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Spence, of Whltby,,on Monday afternoon. The-Young People's meeting lasi' Tuesday cvenlng was ln charge o! Miss Mldreci Haill, Convenen for. Llterany cvcnlng.: The eong service, whlch was ix have. been heici on Sunday, November 29, bas been post- poneci until Tuesday evcnlng, De- cember 1.. Those. Interesteci please note tbe change. Bridge Club was beici at the home of Miss Vera Leach on Monday' evenlng. Mr. andi Mis. Fred Beadle gave a blrthday. party to a number 0f littie folks, on Tuesday aftainoon, Nocem- ber 23id, ln honior o! their littie daugliier, Shirley, who celebrateci ber 2nd bfrthday. Mis. W. J. Cook andi Mis. Earlc'Cook 'of Myrtle, were aniong 'those* who agttend.eci. A veiy happy time was ppent by Uic littie.1 ones, and, we- take tis opportunity of. wlshlng- oui littlc frienci . many happy retuins. of the occasion. Mr .-and Mis. Rusdl Richardson an famlly attendeci the Royal W1~rPair -on Monday,. 1 4 Erle Bead1,, bas-~eu~ac by xe membeis and adbciénts o! Bura Chuîch for the Bible Socibty.j (Too- laie. for. lest week) I Y oung Pcopie's Society met on- Sunday evenlng lest wliha',gooci attendance. Af ter Uic openlng cx- ercises, 0f bym^n, bible ieading and prayen, conducteci by thc piesideni,- -Mis.Heîb. Ashton, Uic topic wças taken by Mis. Gordon Fisher -con- venon for 'Devotional Nlght.- The, talc -given by Mis. Fisher gave ber -hearers a vision o! wliat can be done 'ln Christian service ln every op tnt Uat'comes along with Uic Uitougbt thet better things are aheaci o! us for greater achieve- ment. lni churcb work.-Mlss PhYllis Goose sang very nlcely âne of. Setn Parklen's gospel bymns. the meeting was concludecý i wtliprayer. afier Uic offenlng and closing byin.-Next week meeting wlll be on Tuesday qvtlnNov, 24tb. Mibs.. J, James andii s.L. *Orey, o!r Columbus, visitediwith Mis. Lou Rlcbadsn .îecently. , - . Mr. and Mis. aobert-Lyonde, witli Mn. and, Mis., Petch, of!- Toronto, (Mim.Vitor Parleha, Cr KI8DALENov. 35.-On Tuâ- day afiernoon Uic 'Women'sAs- socaton'hhelc fiir meetingjai -Uic homie'o! 1Mis.Wagg. Toc mÙeeting vas opencal vith liymnn33610 folloved by tise LOdSà prayer ln uxilson. The seripture .lessonPsam li7, ,vas thon reaci by Mis. R..Mowbray, Uicn sang, hymn 130. ..MoU oeil. A hymasiverse wa, f uly -.espondeci ta. Minut es vere red andc, ap- proveal. Business cansisical o! ar- rangements for oui annual' bazaar, aiso cleciion o! officers ..for ' the, oyear 97.. Toefcflobwlng are tise J-. Richardison, pabsideut, -Mis. Sam Parndale; lai vice-presicieni, Mms Wà lter Stevenson; 'anal vicepresi- dent, Mis. Relis E. Mio*whne: scs ciklin News' were P)resnt fiom Toronto, Oshawa, an« other near-by points. Clare-mont. CLAREMONT, -Nov. 25.-Toc groux icitanov blanketeci viths sow andl vif cabler veather off anal on for flic pasi severaL days lu ap- peaus.as if vinii might bc e ie to -,"aY. ýA vdll aitendeal meeting-o! Uice WomWns Instituts vas he 'et Uic home o! -Miss S. E.-Evaflson-:Wed- nesdey affernoon lest vwith the presiclent, Mis. R. E . POrsyth-_pie.- Midlng. Raoll-Cai l uanswereci Dy caçh member teilng aomefhlng for W" 8cli2a -e asa Nktul. An. Intei- eang -paperl on' "t rrni vents" by Mia. ýB. P. Kllpafnick anal one, on, "Home, Uice.Anchofo!Oui Nqa; Uonail ite" 1w Mis . P. -Car'son lvair mueh apprecieteci. M Carson saici tisai a rçal home muai- be faun'lcd on love anal that' there muai 'hé» :ço-opcraflon anti a sharlng o! mc%%- aponiblUhy by ail me.mbes o! tise farnhy. A demohamrtianl b! caver-, ed pics by five of!tUic members vas . miaan Intcçéaflng -feature -ai the- meeing. -, Pollovlnig a lingerlnglUiess, Qui- ~Mella Sanraca, vif, of -Mr.-Cherls DePerrri, .passeal ix b er rest ai Use home of ber ' daughter, Mia.. V. Robinson, of Clarcmà ft, ocri-dyi Nov.,101h, ln her-52nd year.-J Gazette Cbrsp on den Mms.V. Parkin.Te hostess serv- ed'a sumptuous tea whlch brought to a. close. a pleasant rnèetlng The anual bgzaarWlbehl lin the hail on Wednesday evenlng, December: 2nd. - A bot supper. will be serveci fromn six to elghl .o'ciock, A- .sale of useful arils, a cake and cady counter, a otoncounter, .and,'iast, but flot, least, the fish pond. wili. be part of the evenlng's program. Abundance of >music will be Provldecf by the .young people of Our -conununlty. The following comumittees -wlll be.lIn charge: Pro- gram coumxttee, Mis. R. E. Mow- bray, Mis. >W. T. Stevenson, Mms. Wagg and Mis.ý Hoolcer;, table com- rnlttee, Mrs. R. E., Mowbray, Mis. W. Stevenson Mns. Hooker, Mrs. C. Richardson, Mrs. Ledgett, Mi.. M. llarbron, Mrs. Mudie, Mrs. J. Mc.. Donad ciMrs. Herb. Parkin: sales . ladies, Mrs- Farndale, Mis., Crawford, Mis. Wm. Bell;, cake and candy counýter, Mrs. L. Durin, Miss Eileen -Parkin; notion counter,. Misses Cliace Mitchell and Muriel Bell; Ilsb pond, Mis Wm. Bell, Jr., and. Miss Roxena Ledgett.. Mr. andM14m Davis, 0f Altona, spent a couple,0f days with their daugbter, YM=.,1J. Mc]Donald. Quite a number.frýoi bére attend- cd the funeral of the.late Mr. Don Spencer, of thec Brock Rock, Brougbam, On Tuesday -afternoon. Rev. I-. Hà Mutton bad - charge of the seivices. Severai of. our 'bigb school boys enjoyed. tbe bus trip to the Royal. Wlnter P"air iast week, anci report a pleasant and profitable tîme.. Mis. J. Wagg- returnec frour a three weeks' tnp li Northern On- tarlo on Sunday iast. Don't forget the Jubilee Singers' concert to. be held lI the Kinsale church, SatUrday evening, Decemnber -5tb. Don't Miss- this treat.. Kinsaie, Nov. 24.-The' Mission Band will mneet at the hall this Saturday afternoon at- the usual bour. Ail tbose who bave -mite, boxes sbould hand .tbem in, as this. is the iast meeting of the year., Ail cbldren wlll be made weicome. 'he W. M. S. wlll bold their next meeting at the hiome 'of.Mis. Raipb E. MowbraYon Tbursday, De- oember 3rd, at the usual bour. AUl ladies of tbe. congfegation will e made welcome. Mr. andi Mis., Roy -McWblrter and daughters, 0f Brougbazn, andý Miss Madeline Tumxnonds, of Cannig.. o,~ were recent 'visitors wlth, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ledgett>and famly. Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, 0f Parkhill, bas been vislting wlth ber-cousins, the Misses Laura and Violet Sa4xer. SWe are ýsorry to report Mis. H-erb_- ert Paîkin' under the- doctoîs 's-ae. We wisli ber, a speedy recovery: Masters Kenneth andi Larry Tay- lor spent the week- 'end Wlth their parents jin Toronto, and have. again .returneci to Mr. Crawford's. Mr. B. Haîrils.and daughter, Mar- garet, Bowmanvllle,. wern Sunday visitots wlth the former's s4ter, Mrs. Alvin' Hooker. . ar4 nc Mdanders Ms. cV. aIr ando andtMs Clarence Ricbaron SOfir young people are pîactiéing for à ', draina, wbicb they expect to give mome time in the near future. Oui genlal teacher, Mr. Manning .is In charge. We wish, tbem suc- cess. Miss Marlon Stevenson, -of the Osbawa bosiltai staff, spent Sunday e. nlng-wlth ber parents bere. We are Leased te report- that Mrs. Buùe la Improving îaply now. Mr. and-Mis. Aivix Hooker en-' tertaineci the young, people of! oui burg last Prlday eveningto a dlance, andi allreport the. muai good .time. The *sympathy of -our ,neighbor- iiood gocs out to Mis. Don Spencer lI tbe. bas of ber husband. Inter- mient took- placé tis Tuesday to Offen Expiires Decemiber. 19, 1936, P. 0. Addrms ....~. ....... Oa1y one Eehatfoi eaeh: tarnllyi Please, oh -ihese teims,> ceaseci wib bher busbancianci fam- 11y moved bere f nom Toronto sev- enai yeana ago andici deci on a farm adjoininig tise village. The laie Mis. DeFeirari haci suffereci froin 111 bealtfl for a long time anci gi'ad- ually giew weaken until Uichéendc came. She. ta aurvivéci by ber 'bus- banci anci two daugbters, May, o!' -Toronto, - andi Mis. V. Robinson (Joan) o! Ciaremont. ,Thc funeral Was belci ai St. Agnes' Churcli, To- ronto, on Monda3i, Nov. 23îd-, vith requiem mass ai 10 amn. Iblterment t00k place ln Mount Hope Cerne- Leny. Thc fansily bas the sympaihy o! he Uc ,ommunity lnithein bereave- ment. Our sympathy goea oui ti Mia.- Alfreci A. Spencer anci faniily ln, Uic cieath of t4'e !ormer'a husbandi *~Ç~ p.ss44osiarest at ihqe Oeis-' a; General Hospita, on Saur- diay, Nýov. 2lst. Deceaseci -bac ben, An fallhlg bealili aincelest June. Sevenal. fîom ,hene - atiende i Uic funenal vblch was beici fnom bis laie résidence souili o! Clanemoni 'on Tuesday aficinoon, Nov. 24ih. Interment, took place, ln Groveaide Cemetery, Biooklln. Services 'ai ilie home anci.grave were conducteci '.y Mev. H. H. Mution,0f Greenvoôai.- ' Thec vacant homses là tise village arc being - occupieci again, Mn. Mark Linton ari fanuli, o! [Toronto, arc planning to retuin to Ciaremoni anci will occupy M4r..Iraý Boyen's homse.-- Mr. Mailand Anderson a form- ci C.P.R.* section maxi bas - -Pur- chaseci Mar. Leonard..Plkey's. iik rouie andciexpecis ix move. bis family ix Claremoni i Uic n e n future vben he« will.ocuy is résidence ai the casi aie o Ui village. Mis. Gibbons axid Mis. Walfoid anc bots confInecoIe-xbd enci arc being -caiecl 'for: by.Uic - formeraS daugliter, Mrs. A. Speans, o! Whie-_ và le. -Rev.~J, E. anci Mis. Claver. andl Vaughsan vere,-in. eeblevill - fthc firai part o!fUicheck,*Uic former aitendlng -a meting o! Uic execu- tive- o!. Uic Bây o! Quinte. Confer- ence.- - - Ai ie o! wniing ve bave Jusi. learnecio!, Uic deaili o! Mis. George' Turner, a #lghly respecieciresident' o! Ciaremônt for - several ,ycars. Mi. Turner haci been- In for sev- cial, -veeks. Hen busband- prede- ceased ber about a year -ago. 'She -leaves f0 mouin ber bs one sonx about ivelve y ears of' age. TJTCA, Nov. 23--On accoun o!f Uicé anilversary servces ai Bethca- tl da on Sunday lest ticeevas no 'service on. Sabbats Scisool ýaitishe Uxilteci Chuicis here. *- Master. Gary -Cormnack, o! Ton- onto, ta spendlng -Uic wixter vlth bhis grancintothci, Mis. JamS waa anal attendlng scliool her, m Mis. E. Hode, o! PifS Lne, lUxbrligée, visiteti vus Mr., axialMis. W. O Simeonrecently. miss eCrabe Miicbli anal Misa Phyllis Movbrey. o!f.Kinsale, viai- cd with ,i. and' Mia. James E. Mitchell over the ee.*-end. Mri.Walier 'Aallng, anal Ronald, of EsMM, - arctise guesta o! her parents, Mi. and is. Fred -hard.i Mr.* anal Uns.Harlem- Wagg vere vigltlng friencis ai B,thesda -on -Mms. Albeà iHall,o! port Penny, va aecent guesi o!tlier deughter, Mms. JA. L hrste. Toc' giIs o!the-'Blue Bird Clubý heMd their regular llmntlymetn fnx Memoiy Mal on. Wednesdà y a!-. fempnoo qswhlch -was a vcrysue. .cess!ulmçc Wà rd 'wlio imaluer. glaci ta re port, Jimprovlng favoisu- ably. Mis. George Siihanà aml - ere thec guesis o! Mn. andl Mns.. i W. Lakey. 'on Sunday. Mn. andl Mis. Edgar Heron, Doni -May. and Alan,1 also. Miss1 Noirm jWhitney' O! M-?yrtie,-ver ecen Ivisitons ai the homne.-o! Mr. ai Mis.* Arthur> Reynolda.,ý -Manyfnom. ibis céommunity at tendeci Uic annt!',cisary services. Beihesda on Sunday vwhen tbe Rei Thos. Laidlaw, o! Stou!!ville, vas i charge. .On Monday, Nov. 2nd, 1936, ai othen -pioneen o!Reacli,.- vent .- ber reWaid In tisepeison o!, Cano lme Anin Hoopen ,%vldow. o!tise lat Thomas W. Sonley, vso prçdeceas cd liher aven tventy. yean's aga. Th laie Misà .'Sonley *vas. bomin i-th2 Township o! Bn.ock, on the -24th - à June, 1844, and vas the daugista Of, the iate iRichard IHoopen ain Elizabeth. Rundie. lI 1868 sheýbe cametise bride o! Tisomas-W. S on ley_. - !Wbiiby,-and. tiey steiai Uic :fournis concession o! tise Town iip o! Reacis -anci viich remainei tise- olci bomestesad, until the deat] o f Mis. Sonley. Mn..andiMis. Son Jley haci six1 childien, four sons ani ivo daughtens,, as !oibovs;' Ceont Herbert, Tomras Walter and, WWl Hiamr Luther, ail of - wbomn prede ceaseci- ibeli moiben. The liviri -childien are: Ann Sanahs, vife, .a George Horn, o! Edmonton, Alber ta; RicharldFrancis,- a!:Téonni anci Elizabeth Constance, vldov a tise laie John, Suthserlandi, vho ha alwaya remaineci. on tise olci b omea steac.in. tise . Township o! Reacl Mis. Sonley -aiso leaves - t moun ber loas fifteen graxicihildien, ani nincteen'gicat-giancilciren. SÉ nèehews o! the deceasd vere pall beaners, - John ,Bagshaw, , Frai] Hoope, Wiimot anci Herman Wal ber. anci William anci AlfrediSoi. bey. At a ripe aid age,:,ix ber 93rc yeaî, Mis.. Sonlcy passecl,;-quiet), awaçyymucr! beloveci by bei niaiý frienda andi bhi ny1. esteemec ihrougisout -the comnxuniy. -Si was a person o! a veny lavable ara ahiable dispisitton, anci .very clieea fui Persoraliy. Shie-always looke on thse. bright a ide a! thinga anal he trust v*as even in 'ber'.Goci. Ti MRev. Stanley Elioti, ber minisier côrnducteci Uic funena'l. service: & berý hoame, and à . large concours e resîdents camc ixt denmonsrate ,tie deep ,affection fheld. by tUicwhviso conrmunuty foi tise deceaseci.,, I remains vere laid to re'stI 'lPin Gzrove Cemeteiy -ai Prince Albert., Greenwood (SZay E. dBrovm, -Correspondent) -GRE.ENWOOD, Nov. 24 - The Mission Cii-cie met aitishe-home co Miss Editis Ormeroci opn.Saturda3 afiernoon. , Miss Edria Green tocl tise study. chapier !nfom-,"Mcxi an -Woâ~en a!ofPan rizn" MisIsobel Ruilecilge spent the week-end liTrxio « W..W. anci Mis. Oe -analdaugh- ter, Z7o;ah..speit *atu rday .vitl Tam anci:,,MýCEolp,. o! Caiifla, John B roya spc4a* day or- tw vush Toronto fnenu1sandl attendeÈ Uic Royal Winten PFir. Miss Maron Hagennian,ýWhie- vals, 'viaiteci - ber aunt, -Miss -Editl, Ormenoci a 1ev days Lbasf week. Miss Zorali' Cee Vas' ix .Wliibý Suiay mornlng vishen ase assiste Uic- Preabytern Choir ivith'a> salo Toc c aitbe testera ýfor ýT.B., âai beginig -vork In tise ,communiy. Cisarie Mcaggiti aoui agaIr afien belng - i-for afev 1days. - Ecigie Pcgg drives a' new car. Toc date for tise. Christmnas', tic anal annual Sunday ,Schoob <'onceri is. Piiy, December fisc,.eigiteeil Mis. Loy Pggvas ai loi on Sunday. afierno 1on asslsulng vit a solo- ai their annivcrsary sèrviee:' Toc eMission Banal met'i Us home 'o their leader, Mrs. PY N Cibsani,- 'lasi SatUiciay airnoon. splring aà nd belpful sermon on aie- lent a vai-dsbsp lest Sunday mornnng. 1 Singe J. Clark bas erecieci a, nev gar--.oe age- eoé Tise> Ceenwpod Y'.P.U. a 1re visif- turne. ing.tise KInsale Y-P.U. an Tuesday evening. Býjase Line West < BASE UIn WEST, Nov. 25-Mi. Joncç and Mis..-Williamr Petick, o! Pont. spemi Hopie, wisoiselpeciaitishe building daug] o! thse Onitanlo 'Hospital iscre in Mo 1916;, calleci an.aid friencis last week. weelc 1M n. an dîci M Rosa andciM n. ani-ic seo< iM rs. CGreena ay ee guesia o ! 'rTh M isa Ida" StO y M onday nig lt. 1-- mci' Tise sudien-, axial unexpecteci next deatis-,o! Mi. John Stilte'vani bas - casi a gîoom aoven tise viole -com --e m u n it . H e va s n c a! ifie f înt. R oya pensons caiployeci by tise Hospital ,on,,tise*faim, iii 1912.,Meisac imaxiydas frie ls ybo iii1 regret is passing -Ti and the sympatiy o!- al visa knew cc ia imii go ouitix - bis widow and P'nani sos.inx her great beneavemeni. o f la %-feel sonry fan those who bast De( so0 many. caitie wvin inspecteci. It Chis w viii be trying. on thcm ix. replace anci- -uder stock. -1.Vise1 Toc 'eather ta veny changeable Grec. andl sniov-is, not as welc'omc as in son. formnèr- days -nov v 1e have imatai We ýh Mrtie Station,- ix 'MYRTLE STATION, Nov. 24. Th- Tocannlversany -tisanko!ferng- ser- Audlyth, skvices o! tise Myitic Uniteci Chunchipcso l 1- 1l be ieicinexi Sunday,. November n OiFiday e 2- 29th. Rev.-. C. R. MQuade, of o'clocb ln il 'ci O shaw a,. ili speak a i botis s rcs , - d i g P e"h L10.30. a.m., anal 7 prn. Thc localTicewl aychor, also Mi.Kennetis Brenton, Bots" ccil ci goici medal saloisi,, -o! Petenlicro, aBncd wonîii le viii sing in tise moting, anal tise vii be -affei d tlxbiidge maie quartette villi fur-' ments serve, r- nistise niacAnx-tise evenlng. Thse ci churcli 1, l ooking fo nard ix an anal 10c. Obi an enjoyable day anal voulci be gladilgvli ie. to velcom isiton's fnm tise -sur- r,j roundxng- neighbonhooci. Sunday ai schoola 2.15 pn. <B of Tise deepesi symipaiby o! -tisencx- e tire: consMunuiyl# febi for Mn. -and le .Mrs. Nottinghimuin tieir receni roùha ie saci beeavement.' viexi thiè only' Wallace, of e son., "'Bbby," vas insantly ileal xald M s. E >lasi Wednseday ien heas runMs,. Brown ver by. a truck. The lad was only accampaiec -a uitle a enfive years ad, anal vas T u sday i Sr un n ng acro s tie road, n ai se c - tives, r l i ing tise approacblng truck. The,' Several c funeral service vas helci pnlvateby etteiided iii ain tise homne .on Fiday afiernoon. -'Mis. Han ls Rev. W. E. Honcy vas Uic pastorn i ih Taraint, Di charge. Toc fbovens vere many and aiiended th( ,y beautiful. -Toc palibeanens - ere FPreparati ' young bOys, Fnrani' Downcy, Ray- having as Lci monal Grant, Douglas.Perrinden analviniex, and. Coirdon..Hanrison. Intermeni took Tise furie e place - ai Pine Grave ccmneteiy, Spencer, Wh Prince Albert.' - . urday, vas S At lest Sunday evenlng's service- cemetery 1 oc ;h Rev. W. E. Hoxicy reaci for-lia les-' Tise laie Mi son! parts o! John, 14- chapter, Bnci foi sane ti -~preacheci an inspiing sermon froan thse symnpaiJ Uicth first -verse, "Let not your beart An open be tiroubleci; yc beileve in 00<1, be- Union was1 lieve also inx me." --exing- vus ;h M.Mlvin Hoxiy, visose voik subject, 'IS ia tey been i Cornwall district Chucis ai dn ,en Tronto, as borne for flic Sunday. ,d weeed. - n-he-a 0. Mi.,-Bnci Mnsd. Coope; andi son, STu ihpe m ro! Toronto, vçre week-end - guesitaehidren va of Mi-. anciMis.. W. J. Coo1 . seric>us eli nMiss Meva CQoper and hier cousin, fihe whole t th Wèck;eb-nd vus -Uic- formei's heaith. Parents, Mi.,anal Mis. Jas. Cooper. - The -S.S. 'e Mi. jHarold Murai, -«!Perth, paicianadli a llgvialtoMi. andi Mrs. J. E. Friday eveai ~Beacocb lest week. - Miss Jen SMis. Lants, aiso Mr. axialMis. W. Goircin Nem 'ILH Laïni,,-o! Tonxto, vene visitons ors vush the ~for a !ew days lest week o! Mr. and ,-M. W...J e Mnes. O.R. Lane. SundaY gucats vas a Fridas r. ere: Mi. Anhoine, o! Toronto, andi -The W.M., Miss*EDoylc. o! Oshsea a soMi. .nd aitishe home Mis. .C. Bowermgn, o! PortiPcnry. onThursdaý *Y -Messrs. W. -Martira C. Harrison. Miss Lois -anal K. Suih enlaxia attencied tUic ing, visiteci -Royal Winter Pair on Tuesday.- Sunday. alW )w te C.1 sa nit t CV. i a- le ýs- he ed 21- Dn ri- id ri- if- o, B eyspecial arrangement w*th SALAi>4 TEA, The Whithy Gazette & Chrc for each ofils: readers o ne: of those lucky hanc-car ved ebony elephants from the' f ar lslandof Ce lon . AiQu' ham to do -ta-gtonc of thiese souvenirs is to clip the "Tes from a pound ýorliaf-pound'packet of "Slada" -Tenand mail or deliver by Decers tached- to the_-Coupon below. The à ýôuvenir elephant. will be maileci pmomptly. (N E 'REWARD Attractive Ebonywood Souvenir., Hand Carved i Ceylon' Addiesu Depi. A The Whltby Gmztt & Chrondlee Whutbybl oxtarle.> THIiS PROM Nasse -' - ... ..... . ............ (ALA ELAN E I Mr. or Mm'. ' . EP r.g,, Il W. ,Place .......... ýTH]E WHITBY GAZETTE ÈMRONICLF.--:THURSDÀV- N -mnirp'irl- 1 QUI ette