i 'I THE WHITBY; GAZETTE'&CHRONICLZ. THURSDAY, *NOEER2,93 LEGAL W. J.HARE9 B.A. Darnistcr. Solicitor, Nuîary. s (Succssor 'o A. G. Browning, [.C.), Offics Ile BROCK STREET N. T.lohô4.»l WL[tL7 W. H. KENNEDY Darriater, iiobcîtow [laithe supreme court, Notary couver- ancere ~etc. Wltby, Ont. ooke.-I3rockStreet MortS, R. DONALD RUDDY Ofice et 'the.Court fHoas%î, Foi- erIy occupied b7 A. B. Cbrlstl'»i. NoÉLCY to [cen. P'hone ~ 89 Whltby DUNCAN B. McINTYRE, Ban4fster. solleltor. Noter.* OUce: Brock St. South..ý Plton 4 5 WhItbi CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETRY* W. B. IJONES, Sexton Phone =503 tIrooklu Ontarlo >UDLEY Lle. Accid(ent ia.5 TAXIS Central Taxi -Service DON, J. BRYAN T phone, 364 Two Heated Sd.i. for Day and ,NihSevr UNDERTAKNG. FiinersI Director and Embaira ?bhon* 410 Wldtbi ýph.l Marlow & Strowger, FUNERAL SERVICE. AMBULANCE ne 35' srok st st .1 A. AX ROBINSON. Arn [mSmce phono NeO. m blo Sn, Onlt. MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLARE Cor. Mary sd Brgck St, Whitby D. VREDeRIICA.CDD).Y Cor. Bjrron A Couhorne Bs. VETERINARIANl eue ". BoR Uoth. /fAccrodted yster- MNTS [nanan; Luge 4nd amal aninial UMENTSaurgezy; fedorai abd private. bang- disease testing; pôultry. puulonuù STAFtMiD teatine: mhnufacturing mnea Sted m 884naM' uppement lor aillive stick; hog mtu. worm and tonie powders. Peral ?Ors et modrt attentlon to all cals. 20M King rtcmg I Street West, Oshawa. Phââe 917. ISION j z«O moc"m rmanmts An ig;%récent dvlp=al Teu1ou. Thoe. à lected sud vho 1.5. thie raInlng wul ater b. requirmo te go to Toronto (up.p*aisd) for the. i>irpose of coOiiOitIng TeleviaIon ed Moctroalo ExprmmetInlacon- jumctIon wththe b.Etlti*mbuil staU ff f1h. rIi.7Ameian InUutç o f EIcgtneing. Do ntuit for au. interview uis..mg r eream aiulnely lntrmtd in theoppOftuililtItbU iel .4 Write la fiel insace to J. 8. Mercer. BOX 60. Omnato & cimuicle. PON'T j ',.n...Jte.Lana.. lw. Twvo optoicetriste on dutyr daily, 9 a.in. to 6 p.m. -e ings by appoint- ment. Iiury &Lovoli1 OPTCAL PARLORS 8 KING EAST_ shows Phono 28 Touruif ONTARI O UNTY Also Menubers oÉ the. Caunty' Rot& Cern. Kereater tii. wuden cf ,the Couna' c- Ocarloshahho lected- b crtbellot lnstead 'O!by opus, vote su has been thie eao-for maany Yesrs. Mema- b.cfthe. Coumty Road Board vil aima beelected in the Smarne an as the. vardmn. and It viii ho tiie tint c=Mmttt to be chosen afer thse new wardon bas taken his chair at these tira olon of thie nov 1The Countyr CouncfilFrlday aot ed a report of a specla]o tltte &rPeinted to revise the _standin OoUndll of the. Couty of. Ontasioi WsPRi Mowbray.,deputy..reeve qf Pickering T0mwshlp, VUs ch&U[ms of. thi cmmlttee, ;4 t Wumbl oaggeuop tiat thq olb*qm "eq~ rnended -by thse çoU'igtt Thie n.v rgul&t!gqç W pjavWi4 tlsai thse Çlmkksh&aU tqkX -e c4i at 2 o'çlwk- in th flpoo f i footl uedir Z = other date am tise M, ,'rai fine. H. w vi 5v-1ýu tPmprç for thse eleetion et awùdpn wii l- nfonrm -the mimbors'of thé Coni$thol. re ytoeýOr 'viti tise election cf é. ii numbers for verdmn open NominatIo Thse new rogUlations1 furtisor pro-- vide that tisere wli ýbe open nom- iur" ns for varden ani that visen nonslnatlona hava -.iseén ecelve-l eacis nomin"e ahan! b. pWmtted,, in thée order lin-whiéh'his nonation Io recelved. to spoak to bis.nomina-' tion. Prior to the ballotlng tise dlent maI appointVvo ocrutà à ieer frogi thee membemo! tise obicL] Votlng hy ballot viithen be, pro- ceeded vitis antJi!cae pftise nomà - Inee s Suleeved a majollty of tise 0tot voting- power reprsonted hI - Le mnembers, - prdvlded, bowveor tisat 'un and after thse third balbi tise member recelvlng tise leasi number of votes!automatlcafly vitis 1drava iram tise e1[ton.. 1Tise-Ooaty Road Co=niittS vil . o tise firat ta blïé%eçed vhen thse vwrden .sisa ltake hiI!-chair. Ts idea hbln.A iss 4laUnestod, h to. avo[d tise recoastrtaon oi t[he conmiltte wheli they are latex electedas heu -beeti-tte c,. e'1n tis paut vien a Road C Oomrmtter. a chosen. Members of thklsoMmlt- tee canot serve onan1thrcm S' Thee nd'vldual -mombxocf :the: , ORd COoMMttee sse! ho elected 4y Refuses - Town Scripf accrept pr% YeliefrecIpi. électrnloand IsiNýESS CARD.S Dr B B BatnChoen President at _Durhamý- Ontadco5 Meet Dr. B B. e. iZ9n o! tb a elected presidient 0f1ýtbseDura- O)ntaSia Dental, AaÉýsocqatioùat -j. moeting,held at Motel G»eshlla s 1 Oter -officier,4.elected vere: .Dr. O. err, Crirg. mvice-7prel Dr. 'a. J.- Phuiwe, Onisava, ,ecre- tary-ýtea=uer; Dr. Cooke o! OsIsh- and. dDr. Hudison o! Whltby, iditors. DPr.. P.' R. Drwry o! Ca- Isoung là tisa1 past presldent. A fternaon- and evenlng sessions w*re. beld at visicis the prinjcipal eaker vaUs hX . L. 4Richarbson of -thse Unlverisity o! Torénto wha- dolivre n adness -on"Dental' Saw 1 n1%MIon, FPIeld &cretary of-teDental Hygiene -Couchl Canada, 'and Dr ' D. Thenton, PFredentof thse Ontadrl o Dental Assoiation., Pr. scapsonvas pesat t. ~hiulo iealis uspalgn laOian viapreventatlve ..dentiatry w'ouid' b. brouglit t ieminis -o!. tise people- amd partlculnrl of 1tise: cWIsdrmn oj"rele teelement O! ',outmh I'Oiaafor whom vý e are not -dqlngwhatvehoId"stdDr MeKs3r. bIilOffieer of Ueats. Dr. McKay rree4 tothe ,cihldr ottareub - tin -relief. Tisa as Par- UauimarlP Iru.cf -thie girls hotveen 14Sod 20 yem 61ag, many of wiiam needed, .dental __attention IN PUCE - COURT .,Brothers Plead Guilty to Robbing Summer AFINE ýSUCCESS Many -At BS&ck Thetre. MonDay, Tucesday- PrizesA-Wardcd Thie cookIng school o! the screen, "Kljchen Talk,", conducted 'by Erock Theatre- on Monday' and Tuesday.o! this week, attracted a large crowd fram Wbitby and dis- trict. The. lecturer in the scbool was 1 none other than Jessie. Rend, home economist of the Toronto EvenigÈ Telegram, who lmparted. by word and illustration much use' f ul Information for those who wish ta Improve i ullnary .art..B orne very fine prfres were given by out- aide, andi local firms and mucb In- terest. was attached ta thie drawlng for. these. To make the program;me for bath aftemnoons more lnterest- ing-tRie- thentre management gave a complote picture programme fea- turing Ann Sothern and Bruce Ca- bot'in "Don't Gamble With Liove."! Wlnners of prises on Monday af- ternoan. were: ,'Basket prizes-Mrs. J. K..,Sbep- bard Mns. PF. S. AlUn,. Mrý. Isabel McBacbren n nd, Mrs. A. Happer. Year's subétription .to Ladies' Home Journal-Miss Olive Wilson.ý in Hawes' Flor wax-MIÈss Vera Richardson. Pakge Jewel shortenlng rs Falon, 220. Mary Street. arNo:xe. cream-Mr s. IR, An- derson. Suisil case community plate-. Mn. C.- H. French. 24-lb; bag Monarch flour-Mr. A. T. Lagwler. Two. doughb bender&-Mrs. J. Damery,: 816 Byron- St. South. Speclal prise by DominiQn Stores +Ms.LéaWrence Agg.* -Silver cake plate (eassett's Store) -Mm. E. B. Blow, Port Whltby. .Playln.g cards (Marlow & Strow- ger)-Mrs. &C. A. Freeman and M%. C. E. Llntner. 1 'Bag of potatoDes (Flsher's Gra- cer)-mIaF.wllis., - ôà addy .o! tea_ (Agg Bros.)-Mrs. Rt. IL, Clemens. Jenny Llnd chocolates ,(Tuck Bhop)-M"Un . Thomppan, St. Pe- ter. Street. -3 ton,. towels (Mercantile Store)-- Mxs. Fred' Draper. PnlzewlnnersË on Tuesday were: Basket prizes-Mrs. Edward BOttli, Pickering-, F. A. Adam,. 321 KlngStreet;, Mm A. Archlbald, Centre Streetswuth; -Miss M; Ban- dol. Miss Huilett; Un. F. BS. AllUn. 24-lb. Monarch flouï-Mrs. F. E. Newlian, -Henry Street.. Yer's ubbcrlptlon to- Ladies' Homie Journal-MIs Ruth -G. DBry-_ an, «06'Byron Street. ý8maI case conimunlty plate- 'Un. Clin 'ton Collins, Brock Street targe jar Naxemna cream-Mrs. suth B2 yron- Bt. North. Two 4ough -blenderés-Mrz. P. Henstock, Bt. John Street., Package Jewel shoenlng-Mïs. L. Burns, John Street. c owx, Penny. Street. Jenny Lind chocalates <Tuck Shop)-Won by Grace. Mawforth 1140lâ Dundas East, hty Pla$ng Car a alow &..Strow. rger)-Mrs. E. Hardy. Mm Erie 1clarte.7and UW aM. Ro;e.* m. Bag 0cf patatne. (Fsher's .Gxa. çUWY)wWa. mcrlde, «Rice:.P4 Co4dy cf4- (A Bost-us r BM40t 01 GmSoces a-(Donlilor i ttrs)-14<p. OrvIfle -Gile*~e, 1__PAItek towels (Mencnt$lp Gaatians 3:2S--Éhere ail 1 , . Oshaws Case.,IsSetiec Beforé Whitby Co6urt CAR- ANDI BREAD WhtyYoung Man, Jamnes -Davids',Taken To The Hospital Cottage Three brothers, Kenrieth 17; 0 Mielville, 18 and H-arvey-,Plant- tifi er,_ 20, -and: married appeared Rit before Magistrate- F. P.- Ebbs -e, Tuesday in Whitby Police. Coùrt, agE charged ýwlth brealdng, entering and, ps thieft of a small ýadJd and -a rifle is- fromn the summer cottage of G. T. t Wolfe, situated near Raglan, in the coï Township of East Whitby. stî The three brothers pleaded guiltY an! tà the - charges and hu ng their 1 heads in shame as their father, !,of Harvey Piainter, Uxbridge, _statedIýý ve ,"They have always been goocl boYls, en, except that Kenneth got into trou- an bIe last year.- They are all working .,co and have good jobs. I.don't know It what Rgot into them.'o a J"This is a serious offense," stated, w Magistrate Ebbs*, "thé law -imposes-, p a mýnaximum sentence o! fourteen i years -on this -charge.'e -"If you woulc be. lenient witlh th them,» pleaded. the father with do1 tears ini his eyes, "I've always. been is proud 'of them, up to now . ..1 n Pr9vlnclal Constable H.' Clark ti stated that,' on -November 11, he. in- ze vestlgated. the breaklng, and enter- , lng of the Wolf e cottage, and last m Saturday dis covered that the radio ah hacl been taken by Harvey to Ux- ha bridge. When confronted. «aIl three admltted 'thef t of -the 'rifle and- ra-b dCli. "About a year ago someone ni broke into the 'same cottage and stole a qUantity of linen and china," sald Constable. Clark. "Kenneth is- on probation for shootl-ng a .22 through a. winclow on Hallowe'eni nlght. The' three lads disclaimed any connection -with thbo breaking ai theft last year and Kenneth stated- that the shooting had taken place be last year. They dld n ot Icnow why- d they stole thé articles..d ,.Emnployers o! the three lads. spoke r o: their trust-worthiness, reliante ac and tgood work. Each employer was AI wiling to take them back. At the suggestion of. the Crown Attorney the three lads 'sure re- cx *manded lIn custody for'a week for le sentence. ALL DRESSED M th "Have you ever appeared -as a d3 -,'tness before?"' Pl 'Tes; your .Woriip.">-dl "In whlch à lait?" -My -blue serge:" cd pe Dunn-Does your. wif e dam 'yoâur se socks? i - ron Sretimes skie uses la stronger language than that about n them. P( for ye are Hi1cks, - J2.. - nd - remauced untul Tuesday' aftemnoon for trial. York 1 wasgranted bail o!. $2,000. Wie have receivec a.ntique furniture offer to you by pu' rduy SALE START. SATU] 10 Taole. Judgrnent.was awarded the plain- Comîng overti ro hfabil] ffs, Mr. and M&s. G. Morgan,- 1621 one and a bal! miles west o! Osh- taon Road. Soutii, Oshawa, in a I awa -and just east of! the.. Uniond 000, nuisance and trespasato cemetery at 8.30 Wedisday mrnm pasato.ing a car .drtven.by James David-son, ,ainst the Ontario Packing Corn- aged about 20, o! Wbltby,'-crasbed MY, o! .wb.ich .Oyrib-, Alex- Gleco!! fmthRe side o! a Canada Bread owner. H is Lordship awarded ICrpan a)dîe y George te plaintiffs $400* d arnages,. supreme ,iaharn, 234 Gibbs' St., resulting in urtcosi ad a inuncionre-both cars being burtled into the Ianing. defendant froni creatingdtb IV' further- nuisance. James-Dzvidsoni, son c:. William. H-is. Lordship disrnissed -the review Davldson, 'proprietor o! the ýWhîtb.' I thie facts because "in view o! the Métors, -and,-,the lonte occupantof ry careful manner in whlch èvld- one car was rushed..te thie Oshawa ice, was adduced, the examination General Hospîtal soôn after the ac- id' cross-examinatlon, by- both' cile-nt. He suf!ered- chest lnjurles unsels, and thie careful Argument, and *a fractured collar 'bonie. Is not -necessary to review the: Had it not- neen ram the sh atte- cts. Counsel bas* admitted theme proof glass lu tRienew carbRe was ras a peiod and darnage bas be' n dmlving the Injures woudpbay roven,"l comrnented b is. Loitlsbip. have been mnore seveme. Hlm car rouchling the sensible iriconvenâi- was badly darnaged on the' side nce -wbich. bas been, expres se d by wRiicRi struck thie bread1 trurck. 4e complamnant andis wife, I The bread 'truck- was, not -Camn- on't think that tRie arnounit o! $400 aged'to a *very. great extent. TRie at ait exorbitant. 'It mnay be err-_ bread -truck, whicb was* tbrown on .1g on the sîde o! . being conserva- its side, poured forth on te aý near- Ive. The deliendant is a good citi- byr lawn practicallyAtRe en tire load en. Hle. Is carrylng on a business- o! bmead .wblch it carried.. i. a reason..ble ý manner. That The Wrhitby car narrol avert- hould be taken.into considerat .ion, cd- stiking .aà telephoe otenea ,nd- largcly -because o! that, fact I1 tRi e,'scenie o! the accident, it' was iave grrived at the damages."ýË stated. The- daim that the pmoprty had 1 The bread truck drivent by George een depreciated because- o! the Graham was proceedlng east and tusance - was not upbeld by is was tumnlng into- a laneway oà n thie [onour.. nrt side o! tRéie lhway a few fi-ouses: east of tRie Union Ceme- tery. The, car: driven 'by Mr, Jim Vron't Let Township Davidson, was a 1iso proceedlng east; Ccming ove.r thie brow o! Raze Beaver Dams thie. bithie Wbitby car just Nov.caught'.tRie back end . of' the truck Petebor, 2.-~eavrs aveas *if was. turnlng - ln and sent thie ecome so numerous -on a. creek' bread truck over (dn its side into Iralning the Long Swarnp ln Chan- thée ditoh. The Whitby car was in: [os Townsbip,'sud have erected so smrn aner .booked, on,,.sud bolst- iaydams, that property la flooded, ed. over.Iinto the, marne -dltch. eccording-to Reeve Fred Bullledo! '.Provincial Officer Waude o! £psiey. Whitby, -investigat'ed -the acci- Mr. Bulliedl said ho* had requested dent., Dm. . J.-- Bayne,, o! Oshawa,. irxisslon. frorn the Departmient *o! attenýdec.1. Mm. Davidsou.' Mr' iarne and Fimberies. for ettiers to Graham o! txe- Canada Bread trucka esrythe dams 'and reduce the escaped injury narrowly."tali ubro! beaverz by' trapplng happened so. . qulckly," sa-id, Mr. hem,. Iu reply,.-thie departrnent saià Gr'ahamn. "I shut of! thie switcb o! hec dams were not responsible'but' my, mot or soon after thie crash," liat townmhip officials bfad -not.Rie sald. lynarited ènuà uh:- * to ensure' a oper flow o! watem. TRie'creek n I IT trains Into Deer River. O I U R Protection buh game legisIationand, :onstant patrolliug o! tRie northemn ORVILLE W. DEWLAN1) )art o! the county by garne over-. Thie syrnpathy o! thie many ;ers bas resuitcd lu beèavers becorn- friends of Mm.and Mrs. W. A. Dew- ig quite numey111OU . There af:e at landi, and Mrs., - Orville Deawland, east 15,-beaver colonies within,2q f ormrl ! htby oc utt nies o! Bürleic,,h Palis, and ai hen i iAntRie death of Orville WiI- 'eterboro Counity. , liam .DeWiand, who passed. away at Gravenhurst last .vweek. H'e bad been' in -failing healtb since eamiy sumrIner. 'but bis nassIiz was en- tlrely unexpected by mnembers of "K ~ tRie farnly The: *deceased young man, who '.was lu b -is-,24th year, waS.borru at Brandon, Man., andI carne east.witRi the farnily" in 1919. He _attendcd public scbooi in Oshawa and« 11gb . .... scboof, in Wbitby, andI was a fav- omite arnong tRie boys.and girlso! '~ 4~~'P i is.clases . s studen'.at Wbit;by HîliSciol i as outsmnding i raand fiel4l athletlcs. Later ti farnlly*-moved back to Oshawa. Three years ago Rie married.Mar- Ion Osborne, who survives hlm te- I gethewith Rsparents, Mn;.-an > Betty aând- Peggy, andI two brothers, gontald and Robert., Anh.infant ' ta-* Ydaughter died two monthRs ago. TRie funeral' was Rielt on Bat- urday afternoon at thie residence, o! hlm parents, 620 Slrncoeý streeÇ ... north, at 3 oc'lock, andI Interment was made at Mount Lawu Cerne- tery - Three Suspects Held -.Following>.Break-In Two men ae charged witb 'BRASS TAC By ALVIN E. BE] (The International Uni mon ou tRie above toplc f is Paul's Epistle to Phil .Golden Tcxt being Gal. 3: can Rie neither bond no: for ye are all one mxan Jeaus." As au expositio tesson we quotetRie chà pr epistie !rom "Tlie Glat of Book by Book," publiai AlÛvin E. Bell, Toledfo, 0.) THE EPISTLE TO P' was wrîtteu frorn Pau's iome at tRie same tirn sent by thie Rind o! thie senger as Colôssians, for was a ieadlug mernbe chujeh à t.Colosse, ilu e thie churoRi met for ' i L Onesirnus was a slave cà Who rau away, probabt smre o! hum master'm mo sist hlm lu reachiug. E RomneRie carne ufider thi o! Paul's preacblug and- inely convemted, sud coi whole past to Paul, an diuced by Paul to retur rn&Vster at Colosse and ti amends for hlm unfaithli make thie sla.ve's retumu to assume a kindly recept returning prodigai. Paul purely personal letter, perfect È6eni o! courtesy An Emancipation Prot TRie time was .when th Phllemon was madIe tRie feu 'se o! hurnan slavery. regard it IS utterly ti s pirit and itent. Inu serts a fundarnental mc( pIe, based upon tRie dei Jesus Christ, which, 's acc.epted by society, oui man slavery lu thie clvil _It.was 'a perfectly uniqu j hat ,day wRien human 3o unlvermally recognlze ansd necessary, for an Paul't standing te speak as Paul doea o! Ouesti 'E TEN * Easy Chairs, Desks * Goods on display y purchased privately IT.ERMS CASH IN YOL INSTALL A CG You can save many dollarg -a Coal-~I-Matic Domestic coutrols, at a price wil See The Coal-O-I 225 GI - T. L. BR] Priniary Movemet 0f Wheat- is Sh( Wheat marketings -imn thie1 Provinces for tRie weelc endli vember 13 arnounteci to. 2, busheis cornpamed wlth 2,922 week.ago andI 3,727,945 lu tRi cas bc 'nelther bond nor free- one mats lu Christ. Jeans." Chrïiian Brotherhood I t- Insprl n aRome. h.o I'oinahe iteravay. M slae retura slsmuave WWbIO saler PwA ! rote a briet latter to i$i froi -l~lesm, Oris Imaster urging Phiiemon- te recelve huim at em. The gave j kndly. "tno nger as a slave, ýbut as a uhè "' raeigbrother belovM -iedtiLod." ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 Berlptur Coud pe tt ldlm aa _ Wlth tMi encourges, turned f rols Rome ta ooMpmyvAthlTycIsu tie hoa letter-i chancis at Colosse, vii - platle to theig