Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1936, p. 9

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* .,,-*- . -. Ml-E WHITBYGAET & CI-RONICLE, THURSDAy OVMBER2,93 ýprecation F.xpressed by Ontario Coty Council, Of 'I hree Faithful.>Public, Servants Trvac@ of His HonoîJ1sdgo ped forward aUd presenteci Wardesi Riuddy to the Courkty Jh .owtahnsm o Rccogniz.d in Tangibe, dered to the county whl Inofie Manner - SendLetter One of thec youngest wardepsg ever Misto occuUi heigi> office fromn of Appreciation - to Moi hÏ6,h'le now retires,, Warclen Low M. Ray - Gold Watch wea t d thathe adnot nly pre- for Warden Low graclous. and- capable nianner but 'had at alll Urnes endeéavored to ce, nt arlo ounmi on Baturday. operate wth.every zmnpber of-thie ernoon by resolution expressed, Its C0Wi(eil. HoPe-.was also: xpirssed reciation of thrPe who h-,ve ren- that le would retura next year as a cd valuable andihfl service member of the CouncIL. A very ap-. -the county. propriate ,eply was made bythe Give Judge Offices Ward'én. h appreciation i of the' service -Many Accouats Passed idered by Ris Ronor Judge .Rud- The report of Uie finance anid i who la shortIv to reire after sessmit comnilttee, brought i just zty years on the beach.0f On- before thf8"aessln closeci, liby -hair- Io County, a'resolution waà car. iman Lymian Gifford, ftçQhimcn4ed d by a standing unanimous vote -ie payaiet of accunts. totuilp Lnting to Hia lionor the frse use tbotisands.cf ioUar for the hospit.- the office Ini the county building alisation ofindigent patients. TIW Ich ho lias occupied for so many accounts'totallcd over $4,00, acl tra. The resolution set forth- that -151f of each of theai wMflbp borne. SHorior had always worked In, by the, county and th& other hlU e bett interests of Ontario Coflnty 1 by themun'cipalities fMmo. ÎWhid d expresscd the hope that as ho the indigents were sent. A'nuniber lrcd lie might Uve for- ma"y-of accunts poaented to >the CoM* ui toe njoy the fruits of bis lab- 'mltteé were rcptdltd and vill->. i. A COPY of the resolutton wus sent .baick to the. licêpitèls frOni lred tic be zent to Judge )Ruddy. wicte m. 48 ermIn ff-,-. whchthe cme louneil paascd a resolution re- I ~ ~ Oe lng with appreciation the ser- oain was taken by tie Coun-, e rendered to thecounty by NU clil wltl respect to appointlng a Rasy, who retired recently after superviso cf« indigent patients, In oding 48 years as deputy clerk hospitais as mffgestecl by - 'ork the. pe ce ln Uic office 0f. Uiec unty Officiais who addressd the1 mn Attornsey. Tihe service rçsi- nid! il TIrday, but 1i.lm anosti rec b URa sunlique andcertain thnt. it wfil be> brought on- stituted a record of vhlch aIe Up at t)>c Janluary session. - -ITh s44fee Iutlyprcd, he escu-Council Is unanlunous on Uic point a set forth, while the hupe wu that Something -must b. donc. not wessd tibat, she miqht live for only to pr thersing cost ofhos- my yeara yct to refleet en tuat pltalization of indigents.but to re- vice vhioh had been of Bc, M.in- uce. It. The: visit of -the.'York ru value to thi. county. A copy County officiaIs on Friday lias pav- thi. realution wl]! o e r drted cthUic WaY.< Mlvç ]Ray. Reeve Lymnan Gifford, of* east PreaSrted wth Watch Whitby, has takeni this niatter Up. foré thc Council adjourned sie on several occasions during tIc past- Recve Lyman Gifford. of East year or two and il was through is iitliy. chaimman of thc commit- efforts tInt tIec'York, County 0!- ou finance and asseasment, stop- tdils vlsited Whltby. istitutes, Cou r .ýAçtion T0o Enforce Agreement aunco oeu. bitbyiu $10,OOO Pro% ty Demi - Argumeni ho bHeard in Toront< ovember 30 Lorçship Justice mci1 Iay lea d the lut < itnsmih inan action institut e.ibmanceocf an agoremeri rchsc tIc Col. etc Pihil où Park itad >North, ..aS y Township' by Joseph Mc ig1, of Toronto. ras clalmcd 1w the plaintif 4cDonaough, lad enterec 14t, ýeJb nt te purchaso thc prop n ïwI as Uic Col. Philipsesc * the autunm of 1935 andi the nuary, 1936, lie lad evitto leclarad the purchase agme rulland iOid. Villeughby, Toronto, reaitox thati le lad tetrestcd ti sat In the. proporty and, a! te ie, an agreement te 'pur the astato for *10,000 lag lgoed bw McDc=ngh and i 1 for *1,000.00 given te hin 'hlflps,, tbrugh 1er soicittoi ri Cenanst, KO., wmotc afcepý 0f Uic cffor and encloseci- Or's descrap1in o! Uie estatc iughby s tdfurtler thnti lescription vas forwarde4 t inougli andi thnt sopie Ub= MoDonough statod., "Jack )oked. I den't kniow vîctîs Xe viii lii: Uic pmopcty ,e0 e Ui. Inter, MCDoioug UiSt tiioee ere tivo parceli 1,Uiatshiould.be lacluded Ir le andi tInt, UnIesa-le goi [lhe deul vas off. r examJnatlonýby 1.. YHell ILO,, Wiioughby stat.ed .tha $800-00 as Ils commission le wus compelled te tunr the plalntlff'a solicitor undel 1 parti' order. tl.re vasu no commIssIon nus ne maie?" asked Mr. Heu. "mephied Mr. WlUlouglnby, La atateccithnt Uicetivo lots h n beionsed te coi. Phullin t plaintiff'a sollcitor. A reply froni thec plaintlff's .solicitor stated; -"The p- vendor does net regard. Uic coetracrt as nuli andi vold.,' J. McDomiougî, la, Uic. vitss stand, stated tInt Ma inwfc did »sY tInt elle dld net vent te liv. la Oshawa, and tInt -Uthephàr, 'Tai ticokoci", vas juat- a plu=a le ap. plied te any purdhase lic mi9ght whoîle thing,» stateci 1Mr.: McDon- UnMm. Belko and son and lnstructcd it thoni te plougl Uic ground - lau c ps woat, (the lots net lncluded 'In the st halo, as claimeci by .thc plalntiff). 1 felt qlulto satied It éa paIti of the Col. Phillips estate and I vas buying* the Col.. Phllipa estate." f!The defoadant claIne lic went to tg Oshava one day and .told, the plaintiff's solcitor tInt :the.,plani was vvrm thaIf it.ey vere vil!.. i" ng te -give me Uice-1e dais 1aw t mceady -te give, thei a cloque-!1 ,n pointcd them> eut onUicem=p. Thoy - sad they werm't IntheUicnme Of' Mm .PluIlps but Uiey ver. la Uic nmie 0f hem husband.* 'Mr.-Wil- Ir., lougliby toolç M, OUtI cf Uic office le and" w. lad4 a conférence. nee sait r Uieywould get Ithe lots la n fow r-days. 1 muid te go alcad- and vien Ai t#ey <d i1would close Uic deal." a A lottor was intmoduccdbInotei a. evifence at -thilS.poit, statlng tInt r, -th. lots belonged te Col. Phillips )_ and tInt leévas net willng te dis- a pose 0f Uiem wthout "romunma- e.tien, .coai asumato ie th Int lie aà pali for theni, whlcli vascons d er-. ýo able" alidthqt they vore rcady toc oe proceedwinth the' purclaso as. por k.thie draft dea!.' r "Apparently. they Wantcd te hold >r Me UP for more moey," stated Mr, >LcDOonUgh. "I gave a certain ia tinie to complote,'Uic degl-! vas. 8s dicf. lt-wi a lewtc-thnt end. i c ftafr 'as I'was ooncemod. 4 "I, telepliorned Mm. -Conant andi said: 'Arcyow seing te give us Uic II lots?' Me mid 'ilo' 1 sali: *Tho 6t des otite1"' li John Belko, wlo was employod n by McDoZMough te doâeio voig M ohe Ui property, stated. "e uhc ld laid that l e lad bougît- the, prep. ,ety. 1 told liai thoeevers tvo -otlier lots, aI Iomle sid le lad. Odnes rcqucsted that Mis SLcrdshlp heau thcir addr~es and argument, la,-'rmothte w.ck of )NCoUembom30.'as tbcy lad cOacuci. ed 1the 'evidence acim is ma ii lad. ,prwsded ovotiei. Ontrtomit Stihiglonger thsa le 1n4 cxpected lé.P olmtK. appeated for Uic, defendant, %nd J. M. Bullen -KOfor thc plaintif!, botil0!To.. Fin Pla trhinWe'>v. Sot & Mayro tnour tlavn. SecOd Urchih-so ha", v.. Pnt Urdlil-OIIur Mayor wearg a ri collar andi chuan. Dees yours? S econd Urçitn-uo, vu lot Itin 0 go about boose. IU Y onêonli e le Place of Modu3nn Ligàhting' iiij Home To Be Shown Whinathe. poet: axclaimed that iiany a flover was boru.te blush1- unseon, be did net, overetate the fat u thîe ligit (or laclc or light) ), Uie Mýdcni courîslup. Wliel fiother -recelved the Éhem- age o! 1er admirers; lier- chie! con- rera was that thc new cwitch show- -d te pleaslng advnntage. bût many s, tmodern daigîter las clowîn con- i'me Sû onlver île advantag-eous Position of another type e! switch- have perfect vision, at school* Our the electrie light ewitchi vision le 20 per cent,defectivè, at -Soft lights andi oft music rnay college 40 per' cent.* minus, a nd stir romantic emotions in the bu- when-cligible for thle olc-age pen- man bpat bti.th .htn t sion at 60, we lack, 95. per cent. cof fects for the stage of conquest are th a t iret childhood vision, to ecan cimmed any lowver, only the struni- tle pension cheque. 'nlng of sweet nothinps on the fam- The, unidelyinig cau se of' the ily gltar wiil advlee the savage &gremter part cf defective visionis breast of-the exact.location of'île traceable to poor- or'. inadequate îoveîy siren. .llgltlng, and ht seenis that-it would Even thopcgh -modemn courtship -be better flot te surveythe world in may be measured in terme o! mini-. the difi of rose colored: glasses mum.i electrlc light rates, propopi- whiie- young, rather than through ente of the soulfuùl twiight, -via quarter-inch spece when old. rose colored shades, have, mucl to Doesý it not sccciiistaetate learn. - leople living' in.an age cf 1scientific Amertca's poet- satiriet, Dorothy 3acvancement should. eelcte bring Parker, dipping ber mauve-colored into our modemn homes the* shadows "Men seldoni make 'passes ai -girls Thlere is no other o rganismn. in that waar gl aseas." -CaLused, Per- the bci that ls" worked as much' i laps,ý as tle recuit of making Up a as our eyes ýand yet thera je ne other yon swaln's mind by the glum-1 part of the body 1es rtce r mer. of yon ciuited lamp. l cared for, until a spacialist's ordar Happy is tle bride or groom who demandgILi. confronte "O Promise Me" without Few of us'have adequate*or necas- the facial adorument 0f..an optic- 'l-ày 'ligliting., Proper illuniination1 ian's prescri ption. îsnot guýged altogether by the1 Statistics say, that .at birtia we number of lamps e.cpesees, but In. tlI1TLE,.ANNIE'ROONEY - I0ye'S ~7~c'l ILISTEu4EO 10 lM ANID ~~0>4H A 7QAîM r-- ~ NOW "I REMEMEBEiZ' WI4ERE 1 AM - ll v4vc WOk UI.-1-ouGmrTV- WA$ L.os-r NIGRJT WITI4 SAýuL.' - 1 WONcDER Wl-A-r -Timm ITIs? WI-4$51E' ~UT I-ATINNOCENT LOOK< AM O2DN~ DÇN'rFOOL .ME w P Iralz~WHN GA8erup Io ~ .m EANV I-MA$SBEts4: =.OkING FOR ANNiU ROONSYP? BiPP SWOQFING DOWJN IE A RHAWî. AVI À I~QJr~ MESELF, HAVEN.T t::i4lCK wo- a 01F oup- OWN'M>J.J' 1-ris mic+-My PR= %Sb SE rpyou W-OULP come la 014P, rT'S ,'>u- - IE POLICE AT SGALT LAVE CI1y 70 MEEÎ AND. ARRES- CALM YOURS5ELF- L.FT TOWN4 - TAT' AGIZEAT £CH-EME f IE -E-et IN -DOr.t-r . OIG- YQU 'ACCUSEC THE QECEWER$ 0FP 8ULL0u4'S, ESTrATai Ol COe4SPiRAC'f..- YOd CALLr=7c AND A FEW 0 T4 E"l - HELL4'TMo\NiT Asour- 114E wbrrEça 1-IAriS eOm'E OViR iE DM - GE S US>S FINO iHAT -LITTLE' BlPA~TAbNE ROONy- AMD I'L.LPAY WiLI. mAlcf youR EVES PEOP.e~ RAVE ASkED M i;l - M W a thoughtful and consldered use of Strange as it seeme, compie t1cm-.,The present 'Batte r J4ight, aid.s are deterxnined by the 'an Batter Sight" campalgu wil aWardcOf. light in any given room. Ai any Interiested party for their time and adtresses niust strut their p: and thought, -by asking Itheir acivice pace-s beneaili the glara of! ,.nd couneel.. By the aid of scient i- searchlights, Yet 'Îhey retain1 f ic instruments, effcers of île 'Peaches and creain complexion camipaign can te! in a fe w* min- cause they use beauity aide to- utes just 10w far eut you ara, al-tIerwitli thc lighting-, net Iights te _way, in vourindoor lighting, sug- with thair complexions. gest ýchangàes inth îe arrangement of Yeu may cave the surface yout'%lampe or furnliture, se that save ail, but you cati't do it wit every nerve of île eye receives île PrOPer light. mnaximnum beniefits of--correct light- ing. t ' o-IChristmas Pudding .Perhape you. have passecu- te Id mantic. stage -and dimi lghts no Stirred By Ma longer make you. rend for '_that- volume of, "Love Songe cf India," Ledn-Wearînghils robe,c yet you continue because -you- feel and badge cf office, the Mayc that that scheol girl. complexion is Hanimersmith (Alderman furnished bu' a iegleciteCo use miore, Rooke ., J.P.) performed the an lampe. This is a mietake. A softi ceremiony of stirring the Chris, diffused, light containing the neëces- pudding in Lyone' bakary at C sary çandla-power, is a grenier aid ý Hall, Kensington, Tuesday, Nci te beauty than a thousand watthr17 bulb:draseed in aighteen layers ' Tho Tofî le> at'ndd lam cot-fo tenyour lest that the etirrlng was vwell and1 frienci wouldn't 'tell y,.oü'for fear aàjdonc. stranger:imay lurli in your shadow. -Present ai the caramony wýas rieun Actoi 31ratt thei M ee * SI-AS'WSNT -roViSIt r-fl-iOLD 81PO AT O Tê-4 L4OPITA. - IS FOLkS % W=En1~I~0 I ýHlIOmE-TO SALT LAi4E CýiTY- I W TRAS Aii OSY GOOaDaYE - - 4 ý - ~- SREWEI4T.HOM E iil .1 AM SORIQY T.ELTL OQ MAY1 oIt-.ITOTME O WAIT I-4USEAHDWAî1I lz OITSIPU - IT 15GOita-r o RIN? 1I' RAiK I A\qFUL 1ý4 -FPE NIG AWD IF GET. r= Mo bry WI4EW 4You la W 17~ 1 ILLA F4~l- O' A< KID N 1E KID I4EP.L 1CL - IL.. HVETO WARNI LITT-L.E AWMIE -AT CONCE' - rrS M y FAUL T - 1 E>Hcu .D - AEKr-IOW>4 V141 WOULD RAPPENI. IFIAM->i-1W CAUSC- 0F TIIE CHILD GZ-rtJE3lt4 O POUBVEMYe LF- WArs mT70 SOP - AFTSiÇ t MAWS10ý SI-l u P- AtqV 'M0sý TAL.t.(-N Tî4AT L17rTL - v. AK».JIE. DID YOL> £0 4APD Wk4EWJ tI \VAS. AT IS JUS-T -GRAM P, Atà IZID ICIIW K4WE ZrUST.,AS MUQ'4 'FUt4. 114 A -CUlr- LiTTLE 14OUSE Aig;ý -TAEY _r KIW W A GREA BIG HouÉc-ý: wlli4 Àýý MjLLjOýJ Rooms. lm_17 .......... -q dL

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