Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1936, p. 3

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ONICLE,- THL P.U.C. ýJ iniOfcéring Larger Conoesions ta Thse PuhrcIa.s of Range& -"&eand many Enq'iies *Citizens of Whlt.by wîli have an opportunlty agalu this season te purchase electric ranges on thé easy-payment plan whlcli vas lu operition last year through the co-operation o! thie Whltby Public Utillfy Commiuin and the Hy- -dro Conimlslou lu Toronto, sud the mnerchants who handie ranges lai Whitby. Andi as a furtlier In- duceent to prospective purcli- asera o! ranges lu thus campaigui the Public Utillty Commission and Sthe. dealers lu Whitby euly vill fInancethe complet. cost o! lu- stallation. Purchasers have simp- ly te buy a range and use It whcu --It le couuected.* FollowIug a conferouce on Tuesday eveniag betweeii the Publie Utillty Cominssion sud the local range dealers sudvire men, which vas attended ýby a repre-_ sentative of 'Lbe -Hydro Commis- iifon la, Toronto, Mr. S. B. ler, duriug whlch amendeti plans o! I Obin newçea beau rand,4&uie stoto PFeedoni û dmiolrom headufches. the ýcampaigu were dlscussed, the P.U.C. had a spécial meeting sud declded to adopt the plan agreed upon by -the dealers- wlereby the latter sud the commIssio n wîil as- sume the entire cost of Installa- tion. Local range dealers co-opor- ating lt.h -the P.U.C.. are:* W. A. îHolllday sud Company, F. J. Mc- Intyre Hardware, Marlow sud Strowger, Ontarlo Batt ery Ser- vice, Rice -Hardware sud Emmett Oke. *According to the compalgu plans, the local Commission vill finance the-purdliasè o! ranges by Pre!erred customers, uslng sur- plus funda lu the bsnk for that purpose. The rangea will be Dur- dliased direct by the cuatomer through local dealers, who viiij be relmburaed by the'Cammission, the customer wîli be able to psy for bis range on -a c onvenlent montlily payment plan, sud will be.glveu au allowance o! $15.00 towards thie costa ef a three-wlre service to carry the range power load If same la uecessary. Dealers will look after the question o! t.rading lu old etovea for new ues. At the preseut time thero are about 250 electrie ranges lu use lu Whltby. It, la estimted that some more eau be sold duriug the -iý EaIro.dy »he proud and satism >r -of anElectri c Range. iis your chnce, T1u~ft mIa iplae w nersh of an Elec., khhs easy fteb f eevtry fazily - craS& Win froedoaifmons itchendrudgery-to' Ws inyour fà6d atdfuel biUs andtooÃ"k ýmt Hydro Shoýp, Electrcal Deaie, or any, ~~u Rags r sl Choo S iemode! you i owui easy payrnem t meaua- akt a amail I-You nsew Iitchea i'e ombegint >a hoursspeat ver alhot stove-4ree- ~r4~itagIs fredm fomkitchen 4e ad - I !I& L N todayè2 HYDR«, THRIFT PLAN EIAL --rt-u)- -4w. ~ URMIS. - IffflItV ~-~~MUJ5.J PI ~%W . .. .. . .. -1 WHITY a,* s, oar genetatli"has produced on lirs. Harry T.' thompson, or Whltby, spoke' on -the ligliter wrorks of Job 2uchau ,whl.h ho, hlmself, terms «"dîme novels," or "shockers." The spea.ker toîd of the versatile, mInd of the author, wbjhlch as éhowift lu t» depth and s3cope of biographie&- lu ,cou- trast to his llghtq bookàa, whlch are consld'ered eutertalnîng ra-ý ther than Instructive. - irs. Thompson spoke of 'bis styie, whleh iie guaranteed nevert0 -- fend even the most puritan reàders, aud thon gave A revlew 0f two of bis better-knowu nov- els, "Tli!rty-Nine Steps," aud "The House of tlie Pour Wlnds." Mra. F. E. Hare's lutereït iu lier- 'aubjeet. was mauifested by the mauner lu whicli she presfent- ed' hurave on the biography of ! anw1 ,Sfr Walter Scott by John Büiehan. spoke He .rdbý1xieei" ftereut inulier uni,- readji 3éct ws conréied'te the audience lu Dre whlch, eipressýd audible regret sInce wheu i raj. Rare su.1,gested stop- blogi plng lu the -middle -ofitue revlew ùet, pi bocause,'o! overruuning the al- work land before aud at the time o!ý the blrtli o! Scott, bis early chlld- liood wlth speclal r!eiere#ce tç> ls parente,, hie education, vua'ried be- cause of '111 health aud ftnally the largearnount ' o! knowledge ac- quïred by Scott throughÏ tutoya.- schools,. college, friends of lis, prents sund 'Ifs owu edlg were aIl outlined by the- speaker' ax told lu tlie blography by John Buchan. Mrs%. lare gave tlie crit- dasms ab' given by Buchan ou the poom ansd pralaed the bea-uty o! turn on the switches when your range isinMstalled. Could any offer be better than this, one. c an,you afford tu be without an Electric Range?f See particulars of purchase -plan, in Public Utility Commission Advt. on'thi page. W.* A. HOLLIDA &C0 CANADIAN GENERÀL ELECTR!C HOTPOINT RANGeS Tho F. J. McINTYRE Hardware GURNEY ELECTRIC -RANGES MARLOW&S1T-ROWOýER_ WE$TInGHOIUSE -RANGES. Tho, O troB tryServis.ý TUDHOPE AND BEACH, ELECTRIC RANGES RICE HARDIWAIRE. McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGE.S irDRuao us 'ýouRs. usi Ing -all matters. A pleasant musical thtèilHùe to th~e eveuing was provided-,by Misa Leah QGarrow, wvi. sang wGypsy Song" sud an enco r. rs R. A. Holden presldedi"t h INDIAN SLAIN, LAY GHARGE Stu'rgeon Fails, Miay 21--Josepli Larivieri, 34, faces a chargze of murder f ollowing an inqueÉt -ver- dict that Charles Manasse, 54-year- old- Iudian, -met death from a, guin- the, range busupma. k9t wllWdo biusiness eëluÉIvy villi dealers. jarIug tate a uW]ltby.,- The local -Cenmiasion- wl11 con.. tirnie to have the. assistance oi the lIydro ocl&lz lu Tmrout* la Masging thue& campplgn. <Many Hydre rnunlclPaRies are golug Into thé campalgu." It wlftr net'them Increase< -re',gsim fr-on the sale of electrie power. Whitby' Women Review Life cf Gov.-General "The Works of John Buclian,", waa.t.lie suibject o! the entertain- lug prograim provlded by the liter- ary group of the Lyceum Club and Womeu's Ârt Associatiou, at a meeting held Mouday evenIug lu the Genosha: Hotel, *shawa.i Many members'0f the Association were preseut b hear of the life o! the Govornor-General o! Can- ada, Lord Tweedsmulr. lira. H. Bascom of Whitbyv, was convener of thle program. Miss May DIllon, president of the Lyceum Club, preslded for the fir8t part of the, meeting, wnen alie called upôn Mra. W. G. Cor- ben for a short resurne of the ae- tivitles of the drama commlttee. Mrs. Corben anuounced tlie dra-. matie eveulng, whldli had been prepared by the group, aud was to have been- presented several weeka ago. Owlng to the Illuess of one -xember, the evening was LIFT YOURSELF OUT 0 F THE DRUDGERY 0F THE 0WD FASHI0NED KITCHEN h HyDI , t. * . .11 -"t p1acan K i 0F:WY m poStponeÃŽd, but It la hoped wlll be ,,,Dosefted soule Urne lue Septem- Mrs.' Bancom s3poke on the lit- ,rary group# ef whlcli tiere are 12 members. Four, meznbers of the group presented the program aud were tutroduced by Mrs. Bas- corn. Mra. 'G. M. Goodfellw, of Whltby, presented & rnost Inter- ostlng and concise account ot the lite and character 0f the Goveru- or-General. Slue explained that Lord* Tweedsmuir Is consldered 4tte gratstliving Scotsman iu the world today." He la a states- man, parliamentarian, business man, lawyer, at.hlete, painter aud author. Ho lias writ'ten 50 books iu 40 years,' most of whicli have been written on trains. He first writes the. atones iu longhand, which few, people eau read, lias them copled by a typist and the final copy is prepared by lis sec- retary, who lias been witl i hm since his early publishing bouse days in Englaud. His 11f e was varied and a f ull one, having been educated at Oxford, af ter which hli studied law, beiug cal- led to tlie bar at 26 years of age., For a number of years law aud journ'alism vled for flrst place untîl at the begtlnuiug of the war- wlieulie became war correspond- eut for the London Times. Later lie left his jourualistlc career be- bind to become an intelligence of- ficer, later lie was recalled to the war office lu Eugland. His hlgh seuse of public duty aud patriot- lam were recognîzed aud appre- clated by the late King G'eorge wlio made the0 appointmeut o! John Buéhan as higb. Commis- ,sloner te Scotland. Tho tille of Lord Tweedsmuir waz couferred upon John Buchan upon bis ap- poIutmen t au Governor-G.ural Or Canada. TIfs frbeo aud fluent t.akà,W& wrlte8 as freely as lie taika, ,ýas explained that hie regards the pîùb- l"ishg, business'as hie profession, wrlting as a hobby aud politica as hie dutY. Iu theset.hre uphores, Lord T-weedsmuir liasthree de- sires: I l usluësis-to make-thie best literature -syailable' to the poorest purse aud, luany lang- uage; lu literature tu write a full lite-of General Robert E. Lee anùd lu politica to do a littIe te bri-tg about better understandlng- bo- tween America and the Brl'tlsh Empire. Iu addition to hie 'maliy luterestsansd duties Lord Tweeds- muir is also air excellent. actor aud a keen patron o! the Llttle Tlieatre movement. With a keeu ineiglit luto the character and background of Lord Tweedsmuir, the audience was then Introduced to several o!;. is books. Mrs. H. H. Kerr had the difficuli assigumeut of presontIng lu a concise form a revlew of tlie large blograpliy of Oliver -Crom- review was particularly well ex- revelw was particularly well ex-ý pressed She explalued that the Oliver Cromwell blograpby will nover be a popular edition, al- thougl i t will probably be found lu Most univeraity libraries where professors, will suggeet Its use to- the pupils, but the owuers o! leudlng, libraries wlll flnd It a' poor iuvestment, since althougli some may start to read it, few will finish the leugtliy book. lirs., Kerr Iunlier review told liow John' Buchan explalued many of the actions of Oliver CromwelL A :New York review had said that, the book by Budlian was the best. shot wound. Iii UnEbsctric DUn D-em.lgir. FREZ INJSTALLATION WHEN YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC RANGE- UNDER THE HYDROEASY TIME PAYMENT PLAN WHICH OVER THIRTY .-CITIZENS TOOK ADVANTAGE 0F IN WHITBY LAST YEAR, 'THE PUBLIC, UTILITY COMMISSION ANDd THE FOLLOWING BONA FIDE WHITBY MERCHANTS HANDLING ALL THE NEWEST AND BEST IN ELECTRIC RANGES WILL Nay Theintire Cost of InstallIation THIS IS A LARGER CONCESSION- TO THE RANGE PURCHASER AND POWER CONSUMER THAN WAS MADE LAST, YEAR, AND WE FUEL THAT THOSE WHO CONTEMPLATE PURCHAS- 1NG A RANGE THIS SUMMER WILL LOSE NO- TIME IN SEEING ANY 0F THE UNDERSIGNED DEALERS. YOU SIMPLY ,TURN ON THE SWITCH You Buy Yôur Range From a Whitfrv Dealer'As Listed Below and the dealer and the commi'ssion- take care of the' entire cost of installatiort. AU you 'have tô doià to

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