The Wlh,.I of the Maud By OURT GRESHAM Central Press Canadieni Correspondant Wliiinipeg, A\pril 28&-Slighitly bat- tercd , with onc of the 3pgke-liati- dics iiuissiing, thie fainols, brass- bounid sterrii1 whiecl of Maud. iiis- toric vessel of the late JRoald .\mii1setn, Iperlcss Norwcgian ex- plorer, lias arriyed in i Wiiniprg aftcr a series of adventures ini Arc- tic waters andc iiorthern.-ice f ioes. Apîuntin chclose the 2Maud,'thein a, i cw sij designerd fçu-r Arctic travel, for liis- utiusuceessful attenmpt i o drift across thtc top of- the world mi 1918. Later thc eraft passed into tlhr hands of thtc Hudsorfs IBay Co. -ai d yas reeisteticd the-Baymaud. $.wved 1.3. Coïnpany Fur, iarly 14 ycars the staunch littkc craft 1vas used by'thte Hud- 3%ORi'5 Bay Co. ta carry supplies frorn V'arcouwçr to - Arctic--traçling -pasts. 'llcii shie ýva5 hotorably, rctired 'from i thtliazards af grindùi' ice p>acks and iiippiiii ï thle pressyre of 1 thtfloes. 'T'lieBaylinaud as takrii tv Cambridge Bay, Victoria Isadçlisiiitl-d cand bccapnc thc radio station. 1 1 1iye years aga the sidpwas t-ffcr- rd totit - go6verntietii of Norway ý;s a Imnoria1 to their faious cx- * lor r- citizen. Investigationî of the- K**p GOING ¶U FLAWS K e11ogg'i 1 PEP Braxu Flakes 'bave c*ipess and flavot that .- e popffla iiith aëtiveé appe* litem. Plithe nourishx',ent of grainPlu ext~#ra 'n, tue nmildly laxative. Exijtiy 4les bottcr bra faksofteii. pe- Ji-cio wth nmflk Pr bresu., 'j;yýrE, Ban;Fakes from ,OUV 9rSr.fraYa oven-- West- WlReeves , lern clu.5Hrold a- Viacount Rotherùnwre.e- P ractical William ; Richard Morris, Baron Nuffild ... auf a- mobiles. Plain Jasephi Rank,. flaur Plain Jot Rank, . Probably Grdemenor. .bored. - -all, le- the outy ont etatitie. 1Helias retsed "I'mJpe ]Ran1Iý ta everyone. T1e ib$.wuldn't knaw «pne- as .'Str Joseph'""He's prob-ably the Ieast knê,*n of aIil tve. Yet lits mille turn ouzj 173,000 sacks; of flo-ur a ,week-enough to - done-seir- e nth of Brttains wppulatlon. He- la ardently religiouN, Hé lias gIven more t'iae $5,- 0-00,000 ta tht Methodiet*church alane. T'o tht 'poar lnivljsl fund of his native.-city, Hull, he wrate out a cheque for £500,000 ($1,. 600,000h- Londoners know- the ý'»ke o! Joseph Rank BrnNuffield Just Plainx Jat Rank William R. Mrri.... practical. Westminster a-, -tht "Mani Who, Owns Landan."' Actually,. lie awns 600 acres a! .eity praperty lient, worth conservativcýy $100,- 000,000. This lanîd was once a:bog. Ht ls thet kind o!f #rstocrat who appeals ta i-ea(lers:of Suit- day suppleients. lie bas done everything, been everywhîere.. Hie owns an estate in .9eotland, 30,000 acres ln Cheshire and P'Mlntshire, twa ,achits. Ht has been marrleoe tlirtc tinîýs, hunt- ed all aven ft world, liydra- planed,- motonboated, led a Brit- Ish.polo team La America, heen under fine in w-ar, gave his wi!e -his tlhmrd--ýi-%)-edçliig party in foulr hanses. ,., . Hm'e is saidti talie ridde-n by baredonl. Ilis hir ( ied 'ininl- fupmcy. A cousin is- in Ue for tl.4c -Landoa» ntwspapers like ta ne- fer ta Sir John D'Il1nman as the, Mlam Nobogy -4nowÃ."' Hj ea&tl'ýr6 out distances Greta Garbo - aind Char-les Augustus Lindbcnglrl I lts peà slon fan séc1nsion. ' Is Rarely, i4eell - Hie la anly 26. Hco owns four major steanshiip lines and a mis- cellaneans,-fleet a! thet veasels -whlch are--!ound on revery .sea. He l teruely seen atýi bisoffice, or anywhere tIse. Na' 6,pt knows hie - . home addnes, Wb %en hid rfathen' dled, tht 13rttish 4"ven- l praposal revealed that thîc expienses of bringimîg thte vessel ont of tht. Arcie woldbe toa grcat and tht affer w-as declinecl.- S -alIvaged Steeringý The' league of Norsenuem inm Can-ý ada thenl entered necgotiatîins anti after Inakimîgiqiries cotceruiuin- the possibility af briigiîg thre silip ont from Canibnidge Bay,w'e about to begin a canîpaigu Sfor fuids wlîcu word canme tîat the BaymauLl iati sumîkamnd coruld flot be raised.- The leaguc's. disappoiitmvçnt -was clianged ta rejaiciuug %when tIchI-Iiud-ý sQi' Bay__Co. offercd, t4cpnithe -ccring w-bcel. Tinîs affev'w*s. avs- çcpted an1dý ttl o 64wooeéu'Yh Ce began ils jaurmîey by dag tcarn to Aklavik,. Fn0m,î Alavik it travellcd ýeut11- îuard dowi thme Mceîî i-rby ive b- loat iiitil it reacheà tme cmid -o f stC1. Viiallv a traii 4rbotughit lmo rclic to ýVjmuiîpeg îvli"e thle Norsememi i i - ùt iL on èxt In thec \Iti5ic amîd .Artsbulis Planls'art uowundêr ' wb tô -re- tireficseeiiPlie 1tanAvay l'Ã"r-imciniami inftic Roald Athilmd- Isen, nuemnoial iîuscuin at- OsIb. Gene rai Motors L ApriI Sales Ove-rseas New Yor'k, May, 2J.-Sales a! Gemeral Matons-cars -and tnackîs Lo dealers intht averseas mar- kets durneu April totalled 29,370 -imÃits, and-,. epresorntetj an - In-. eneaso o! tý9.-*% .overtre-volume o! 24,599 nuits "In Apu1l, 1935. Tu'T~flmttfour nihtIi»lo! 1936, sales' totalled 115,661 uiLa, representing am i Icrease o! 23.2% ,over sales a!f 93908 ré- ported f otrthe correspondtng-' er- lad o! 1935. These figures include th-tpro- dueLs o! tire Canporattla..s An-- 'ment taak $70,000,000 in deatir duties. Viscount Rothenmere probably is' tht best known o!fI3itain's- qutet o! money lords. Tht brother o! tht .late Lord" Northî- cli!! e, lie le 'feared and admineri tin the- -British -ntwspaper world. - A master o! making fortunes fnam newspapers, Rothenniere is descrlbed as a lantly man.' Two of bis tliret sons werr ldhlled. I-lo neyer gat aven their deaths. bi - A4Dictator -Rothernmere la >said ta love tire -good things af life-luxury, travel, entertainmniut, good com.- pany. Hee hates ta be ane. Hie 13 -fond o! dictatons and :s anc hlm- self la ils awn ivould. At 68 lie lastiliorumen- taily and- physicaliy.- Last' among the five Briti tnen o! wealth-L'ord-Nuif!leld- la a great induatnialist, versatile, tremendau8lIy hard worklng.. airewd, practicai.- 'Ht got hie stant miaking bicy- cles. In 1912 lie swltcied ta mat- arcycles. When tht war came hie was maklng automobiles. Taday he la the Heury- Fard a! England. ,Outaide of golf,.',work le bis lUte. Hie, t the perfect self-made man. Hie regards every fa liane as Lie !ault o! 'tht persan w'ho faîl- cd. erncan, Canadian, Englieli, and Germanr factorieF sold outside of the Unitéd States and Canada. -American-source sales of Chey- rolet, Pontiac, Oldsniabile, l3uick, LaSalle and Cadillac vehicles re- tilected asubstantial' gains in praç- tically al of the -104 countries coflprising the averseas nmarket. Gazette and Chronicle Classi- ..ied Ads brings Results 1 CouuitOur. "'Mo GPTOMETRISTS. OPTIAL DPRMN I se~. ~ payip g mge4 ~ J~usj~ 'kénder to I wm~ow tlii,,t dn*i that and-'. te God htb ings that are God'isY Vrs * -Allen Gobde were' Mr. -and Ivrs. Gordqii and family. of Sn -erland; Mr,. and Mrs. O'Neill-Ieand S daughtiêr, of Stouffyille; Mrs. Ja5. Jackson, ~Itelkamlng; aUnr IHaroldtflaooge and family, Oroqie, and Miss, Marlon iGoode, of Mid-, land. M r. ]Beverley-,Smà lUman' la Spendlnk a montli -vaçation - in Vancd>uyer. ,.,number «eoffriends ad xieiglibors< ot Mrs. Robert Town and Mrs.'M. Baker - ret at the home a! Mrs. Tciwn oen Tueiday evening to say fayrtweil to these two -dadies who arç floving ta Wliitby ýta ýlive 1 uh «r. Clarence iTown. -M1»s G.,Stovin read an ad- ecdione'of the ladies. and.Miss «E. McDermott presented tMr,îiT:wn,:on b:half of. tho:: présent, with a pretty boudoir iof curtains In sba:des o! -mauve. Mies A.-Webster 't heu p-resented Mrs.,Balker with a cutiglass cav- ered drInklng 94aes and ,a'lavély bed roani dlock. f Miss Town and Mrs.ý Baker mae uitabl1 relies expressiiig Vert hanks and appreciatian. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, o!? Brarap- toadMlisgRhéa Wa]ker, 0of ITardnto, îvere gu.ests at> the home of Mrs. E. -A;. -Waiker, on Sunday. Mrs, ýMclntock, of Linîdsay, sp)ent sundgy with lier. parents' MYr. anîd Mrs. Wni. Cook.' MUGEc-NJOYED Moclels Gave Demonstra- tion of Cotton as Wear- ing Apparel 'PORT FERRY, Mai- 2.Ms .E. Bell left las-, week for Lefrov, Ont.. whcre she wilh spend thei sunier.« Mnf. auîd Mrs. L~. C. H4al wvom' inDm'y-il oni tu'att l ui]- ing the, funcral of Mrz. R. Val- letylne. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Stcplîef,,li, e! Oshawa, and Mr.. and Mrs. il. Stephieuson, of Calunîbur, W e r r necent xtaltori at thtlironie' of Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Jackson. Mr. M. Nasmitir lias sailed for Sr-otland wliere lie expcts to spend some tune. Misa MamieMeLareru, Sý,ugog, 1 visited lier parEmts, Mm'. and Mrs. John McLaren lasL weeli. Mr. Miilward, Toronto, s1)Pm11t the week-end witî Mr. and Mm's. Gea. 1Heusler. Intfiresting Display A vtry 'iÃŽntenestimîg displaiy of pmoducts oftire Wabasso Cottan Ca.. o! Tine ivers, Que., %vas prestnted lu the, basemieut o! the United chu'rcli ami Friday aiîd 'Saturday afternoons o! last week. The denionstration w-as givenî mi- der tht auspices*a! ttie .O.D.E. through tireeo-optnation o!fP. W. flnock and- Son. Mihzs F. M. Sparling gave a veryiteeig taik ami Lie varions lises o! the Wabasso prodncts and displayed nmnerons articles madeo f the cotton matenials.- PreLty sunmrer wearing appare,1 w-tnt dsplayed by the folowing niodels; Mrs A. P. M.)1acFarlane, INMrs. Connislm, Misses 'Viviail Wallace, Mam'v Stone, Yune' Sonley, Betty à ud Stly Collacutt, I-tnt u1ign -Joan Bentley, Geongia Bnock amîd 1 Mast0r Bilie.Brock. Music fan 1 tht fashian parade was funnished by- Mrs., John Dowsou. Pnizes o! Wabasso pillow slips -%vene -won by: Fniday'. Mis. Watson and omi Sa«.tunday-M.%iss Ethel Dodd. M',i-s Edna McKee won the cuddle toy cauteat. Praceeds I-ere imn aid of tht public libnany. On Monday, May hiLli, theo marriage taok place at tire home of -tht bnidt',s iotlier, Mrs. ll- * iow,, or! H-tien Mary, *second danghter o! Mrs. 'Mellow and the late Dr. S. J.' Mellow, o! port Pérry, and Victor Pansons Stan!f- . fer, son o-! Mn. and Mns. Auîdmew Stauff er,. Newmanket. Tlmo bride', whio was -given i manniage '11y heý- lnle, Dr. F. Yý. Mellow, o! lJxbridge, looked -£harmning in a gown o! white bnocaded satin wlth white gardenla hair orna- -ment. She carried an old-!ashlioi-- ed nasegay o! pink rases, white BoWttt pea.a and lily-o!-the-va.lley. Vhe bouse was beautifully decon- ated wti', tulips Ilu shades o! bronze and, yellaw. Tht ceremony was- peu'formed by Roi'. -W. H. J. Smyth. After tht wedding aupper. 'Mn. and Mrs. Stouffer le! t fan a niotar trip Vo Chicago, tht bride travelling iu a suit o! gray waol wtth U~n acceao-nies. -On thein ne- tam tbey will. reside lu Port Pen- n y.- Mls$7 Spence, of-Toronto, spent thtwek-nd with lier sister, J{ov. T. A. Ninîtiw1as in Toro-n- i t Il uS Nwek i t to'iti ig tlhoan- nuainmeet ings of tflic -yiod. The nîarriai-g0 took place Iii Kirklaîîd L.ako, on Mav )th, of Editi Boa trice L.amîbort, da mîgli- teroi' o! r. and MNrs. Vm. Lani- .tert, o! Ga ilisboro, E iig., a iicd Xilhort F'rederick Marsbai], soli vf.ll tht e Mr. anîdMlrs. Marshll ne Indsay-. Ont. The Rey. E. G. Dymniomîd offleluitot. Bath o! tliCsi yoing poople art7t ivo il howln ii l'art Pery laviug li , cdi.lere for somlime]Ii. Suinday tguolsts at the lhonicof Encampment No., il Con ferred'Degree' oNcies~ f (itario -I .camp- ment Nuinben il, Oslîawa, >ati tlîr regular meceting Tu-zsclatnight confcrred the First l)c- grec lipon two canldidates frani WVarriner Fog, -ort ferry and twvo candidates 'froin Beethioven Lodgc, ]3rooldim. Thiere wvas, a good attcndanci at fiéhe m ting whicha ivas carricd out an a lîîgh plane:. J)urîng the mecting atniacli Bro. 1. L. MýýcLean was cI'kcted as flic reprosci.îtativc of tht Encampment to the Grand Eineamnipie-ît and Dis- trict Represciitative for thé 19.36-37 Quitc a nunîher of visitors Nw'erc ini attendance frorn Port Perry andi l3raakii-m w-ho werc later imçied ta ,attcnd flhc lunch lîcld in théc ban. cuLtc lialI H ONL Y CO0M PL E.T- d~c xloI lie "DR k~S T44CSS For tue ~; ~UKDAY S~ I3y DR. ALVIN E.- DF- (The International - Un iform. Lessan on the above top1i. for ýMay 24, la Luke 20:1-21.38, es- pecially 0:45-47;'2:- 4 , the Golden Text,Ùeing 21:19 "ln, yaur patience, ye £shaW ,wn your Theteta.ching £ouzk ,ýf-,the.twol chapters -a! Ibisllhon,ýü-*,'at af the last day" L ' pftblie teaching oa e yo! his last week. J .Jesus' Fhiil Teé, jg Th ffrligiuus leade t people challenged blY vrityN to. teach. ,But lie encM eM, with 'a 1-question t co John's teachlng-whic t e>èy'ria- fiused ta answer- becanse- they feared the peaple on thre -_>oii hançi and feare 'd the trutir-on tht other. And yet -they were' trying ta stop Jeans who lna ls taching, feared %neither peo"le ,nûr truili. .Jestis took th'ýïy photograph in his parable af 'the wlcked 1hi- bandxuen, and they. r-ecognized thre lkeness. Then they t ried ta catch hlim with tbat delîcate po- litical qurstlon. about paying- tribute, and then -with *their doc- trinal question abot ttht* resur-, rection. All -of whtch jesus, ;uiswered ta tiroir uitter diseani- fittire. Jcesus Warns His Disciples iPar froni retreating- before tlip, f ire of bis enemies Jesu's hel d thëm - p ta puiblile derision .iid condemnation Wh-en, . "In the heaning of ail the people ,h9_> aid unto the dLipies, lieware ofti scribes who desire ta walk luIj in the niarket places, and chie!i in the rnarketpla&e, and. chie!< seats i -thre synagogues. 'and, chief places at -feasts; 'wio, de- vour widows' liauses, and for a, pretense mak-e long , prayers: these slîall receive greater con- denînation."1 What a blistering deuîunciatian of van-ity, avýaric-e apid lypocrisy ln higli placesl. f-faw ]heawn Jumulity, synipathy and sicerity stood ot against thé dlarizbackground o! tht di- E LW rect- apposit<ês in: fl o Tht late 40te ftý'-i ever u ttered .,an t4, eI which, .frora' a eld l4 h i4 ed ;'miiy IFa je's hogs", 'treas li _t overaga that, were'tsjn4 t f1eifi thç.,treasnry. An,4r. tain ý,widow ,cast jg i .two-.ilte. MuAdih truthi s9ay unti y"nL,- widow 'easl f1n more-t ahl: fo ail these did ail t e hîveg tJ'at sliwhau Our Lord- measu-re ~ the sarrlficial 1iove' thi p tUv' gilp~g. The ittlý -1Yý Pjký that h la&' Was fai t 1.r in- Goa to whom she wiliing to ,ive lier all. The Temple ' Eturé Aftrt s Jeafla 'walwed tit ýtçmp1c,. i'ver -toý agai 'îý as saine -sà telupl, Y(.* itwasad*ùe goodIy stofler apd bfferiug said, as for- these thin-s wy behold, the days sal olie steir upon ano t ier, shIl lot ibe troY ' à ine at wqaltli and min.erl don whihfailto sérve himatdýy lav ChuIsts,eÉteer, ndn ity in ,liW prO"gram. This Lion a!f tht, temie 'and-ci eratlou -as Jeas n pedi attend -tht end ofthre age [returu., in gibry, Jestis ep '-wateh!ulniess, Prayer and . ty, sayin-F. "Takeheoled -tc seiveî% le~t baply youe- ]W& overeihairgedid U-sn iting dr.nkeinness,-and rre- l life, e*ndithat day: ec or ýSuddenly as a -sna»re.." - it the wlth- hye i. l oit >,pt1 R.1CE'D CA-ý,R E VEYON prttyweil agrees today, you need Hydraulic Brake f or safety. That is why Ok-evrolet gives, you perfecte4d swerveless Hydraulic Brakes ini every one of iti new atu-lr quick, smooth, true straigrhtline stops. In addition, Chevrolet adds to this. safety the. protection of solid steel Turret Top Fisher Bodies--iûgh quality Saf.ty gla8s in every wiudow of the car-and the matchless roed-holding., abilities of the famed *Xnee-Action gliding ride. No other low-priced car offers you ail these featu:ies. Test them' for yourself by driving the- 1936 Chevrolet today. Aùcd loolc intoý thegraty edce .7 GMAC time payment plan térnis. *OQi Master DeLuz. Modelar . .. .. .. .. 736 (Sta.Ndardu oIOus2 uOS. o and l~~~y»' 8' housets, t:for a PIi long prayess' 86 ý.KING ST E (At Mary St.) HEAD ENGINE... FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION.. KNEE-ACTIDN ou MW* vDo eMoiis.. AFESS THR1IJBHO ONTARIO MOTOR SALESi OSHAWA =77= ( ir