Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1935, p. 5

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_______________nREwHrrBYGAZEiTrE & CHR9ýNicLi._THuR.%DAY, OCTOBER 31. 1935 vALI]j >oc, -LEAF IOL in 5«Mh in&8 gallon ITBY r-i ta help hlmn 1 ln addirets- tl hlm that ha te ln bis past. ends were pre- - long distance y of hlm. Hi aped the- trîi-. n paid ta hlm. that lie would of the bay'u ideration, ariri' ne of $10.00 itys In Jail. His the hope that stalîze that hie deait with. ouuid over for the peac-e and! the care or d tamlly- would 0 thte many ara of churctt tlionm, thanks for thelr kIi ympathy aad 1hîttes rttcelved cl sad berea ve- HlA N KS bier wlshes fn !ghhors for lid any other f sYJapathy e.x- Ile recent ead the inurses iât Ital f or~ thefr tie'ttes-t urlng 058 ilicro1, on and son, J. Inli ta thank d friends for ons 10f sympa- tirilug the 111-. Mr. Ueo: Raob. MENT mmended day. ervîce lnclud- - prompt re- dollars d-ally. Prîvate Hos. hawa Goteral ber 23. 1936. Cyril Heard j ason. -.,a.Itoapital, et. 30th, ta lpond, Brook- s an aviation an tlephant at ...lOuc 20Oc $100 35c $1.00 15C 15.lC SILVER FLOWER. -BASKETS $1050 to .$11.00 also 13UTTER DISHES BAS SET TS Faces Four Charges of Theft of Sheep From Farmers of Township I. ttçM@VLl UCOU IL WJUIJ Ti-otue. utre it t a further a,- ty on Four Charges -igt.tts er udb- h. Youth Committed for !al Ct nsahe Jars r f<tt la Trial at Ylhitby Police r ar.ctî ai' .l-- y î tat.~ arr:'e Court k rsrharxt-d azal,îsî f -c' There 4as reatt ne~ Ilt r, e(nirt In WtIhv ,-Tue$-- t hc rgPs a id al a:n5t l. %(-unt. i.'afrsrriîtsu JrtnI White, agel !arme-r. t!s rrtsd tf or a'r otf Vlk't oN nshipfarcld tt fl sa arr.- ft it- er- i tir iar ,f t-f lit f ronut fsrn U- tr -jt'h.at dt td lt--t guilt3' ;r-s.d ttt t. ;î,rî si t i?Ït';..Rit Ional' ii Thonet detr lad -ts' t Ik tt f 'Wtl i t1.. f,: f- - jn g tuo b(. 1Crtî t ll .f i r irh. r - lrd Ilifî a Ihigi -t1* t1ttilt ,ile311lfrtur fartsý l-i:gi< sot.'ais ik S E îtt)5 Warren WI. <o t- allo%% d j - îr -l* n hitil o n%,.- Ilcetrirg *tu-.:t 'es - ' )u 4atîr! t!- qî-.Ili'At-:.. a piea r 11i k f-i atuîd Ir, tlçs t. he it\it -î-' \ttt.-t.'g t tn- itaîe tarn fit- lande e i r ia ili 1u:- - il tîîfIt.t t rr:jttaiunt tnt ite ht-rt Titi tîîh th s r <îfame:,- Vttn a ~t~4pJrr- ' .ttt--r ' A -~ttt-ît',1t farrt r. , 1rîtrl thnî. U-- t 'titi. ~ ~ l;iji; clagîI tit -'sîg ilît tg thp '!catrc~d if. e u-t ' 'iti lsf1nit \atî W l R h t rn!ltrP-anD y 'A-'. 'k 1V-h -tM tlît'eîti tîti v il it7t1 l:gz lî ffit' ork )>a rd'il% 1n Trîron 1tc, r'- ' tlttc f : il.tI A \t ( v. rt- a il f ift r ?lr n tr il v orf (r-~-- . <-p f lfîrnî-r-s 't' inthi- Tnt - t 111edt!t o of .1. s -f rltta 11:7 - st up ,f L:, ;l iti] the- rrtttt f <f jt " ilrh fIa' - t-e. )~tir' - t-îi t 4]tt.t1 w-rT. t-sio-- u't t:rr'4svu,.(,*.t l 1-'l tri rit- at i'00 4bit1tf tî- t lit fe d n 'tf lét ?cu0,.sU t-'t 1 t-- r 't. înt! al-t v. t i rt- NItr %% t:i5(tn 1'--d Uln c r r t ý :-1i tît 0 i lt:t '.k Y ard m. , bis-. Ra jd. t r - d'v '- WE GUARÀNTEE THIS NEW DeForest Crosley 1936 SUPER SEVEN AT $1 Will equal or aut-perform p.ny natioally aveie radio using up to nine metutsb« »ad li"d $169-00> or over. Moreover. entircty sd. from ,htbos Pr"iend performnance, thii new Dekofest CsUOeY h.. a q-'lt of colorful torie you have nsi eve h d or d,'saad waas possible. Note the gelmay of n.w -M , Better stili, decide.,to hmr iis nauvei oftadi. ensWi eering, we promiseyou a new " Md nt a .mmIff Of t $34.00. LIBERAL TRADINALL(WANC EA&SY MONTHLY PAYMPNT GIITI k' - 3SOc to $4.75 WHITBY 171 Oshawa 1650 geep >!oÇaube ie tad trtým.me- l'e,- n: te-tite prevIcus!y for aosr atr-ara: ftc-ci falrs n ru ::g. .-_):a e Jar' i* gCA! tp t I.-~,r -t1 - art'. t th *~~~~ -ý*.. Ili,.atc rikrI hle t' ' a1, s¶a't M tt in tCr - 1 t" P - ' .m a t! 1A jur* o t amon d t.'- - - - ~t-t - t.' t M a t. .' - t' 't' ' - - s - ~ 0 plu p-t -,-Pt n Na . ta - .t..' m d - ~tt t --F en 7,r a j oj tX t h i-i 1 L-et t0tt -k ards 'm n the-t Ct' P t'a h -5tt' !eSh-epp Upe idritnttttd 't TcOr gl e r-wr-rs. 'ta,!CsJirsut-a le!s4 UIa "t ho . a. T-t' arruse'! v as ttar.tl ar'!uhe s-u-tioe-d. ad- - r 's ft ' t "11t r! tht sltt-e-t -th-,. ..tF rAmk Car»O n - . at't nt 't-t- Il#,amu r'Ik mu,1c !- c. 1,ftr:sta '-j eAc,: s-." tt't or t- -! r -t- t I ! o c ou" î râble t t' n - m W tthee rnmtmark (n ' --jt-the he ta& n-aske CLASSIFID ABVER ISINO Publie gentiment should:t s trne 'hat thé more that eaui be Judkioiuy @peut. thebo stter fori te country. There la ne aur- an" .ot ntions nt o c.heap as the For 5810 8tItd Snightjenrnan. or the Peope- BRICK BO(USE, S1GHT ROOMS, WA1N'TED-.A Boy OR GIRL 0F ~cos e irre st< bo se ettg xcQPUtiOl*y Mlgh Schoot &&e. te Bell Chriat- 1best aSQcits Ifor Improvlnt thei nie@ cellar. bard woOd fl"or large '~a&aCar& t iae re o ttepelbcute frontage. mire iSIOI&t. WrIte rernuneratioti. Apply Bneao 0 i Othini for uothtnc. They Box 16. Gazette and Cbronci., Gazette Offie. only help tbose who belp *-hemn.I selves. Tbey never pauperlie. Whitby. LEGAL..NOTk.a.. , UIy reach the &splritiz. and open I For Rent l5'RR* to those the chtet treasures et th FO RNT- TEM EAEDFOR TAXEPS À t&t for readîn - ws ut. ÇT SFAdTown of Whiuby, Ontaio, lwer ta2tes.. g pefrdi enfr0 apartment. modern cOulVOtltUCe$, Ta \Vit: publie llbrary ta omontfIr no. any ba.rdwood floori.APî R y vrtue of a warrant iss-urd bv other agenrte-1 for Uhe happines tasmett, WIlr the Xayor of the Tow-n ofWht. and ltnprovement of a commun- bearing date the 1?th day ci lui>. lty.- - IAEHUVAtt. CON'VEN! 1 935. s-ale of lands in arrears of -1 am not so mueb concerned ýd At brs bouge. Wlth 1taxes in ftic Town of aiiih'by wîil bic aottembnreiinha ar . -' and nî,n. held at the Couricil Clian-hrr at the amn abouta the awimmninq teti.- erres ~ -. . D. Rud<dy. hour of 10-30 o"clc jeint hc forcnser T hVe teitt fields for phllanthropy hi4d iY by (17à on the 91.'1day of Dece-rnber. J935. r.ammen ded by Andrew Carne __________________________unlcr.s the taxes and ot art 0>0n*gle are RO m ,er pa ti Noticet til ercI-t is-e t -t A u tý-%lv1ha PA RTNIENT. the Iii.iof t"nristy a fre f iUtr'aAT. l' - ni. f fr alcf't 'Jo' pr w'lided the communIty wl'l oc- rot.rs -tnt .~'f--' a't e. Ap.iof taxe$ ui blrng Tlttin t.Tf- -p n autu u opt Cren ~ t Ontario Ga2ct'te or, 1'-e "t d;%v c-f nu-dirandr'Ege ai rairit, !.4 Septemnbrr. çe-t flte 'tý ta. ni t'~ ;<lh1V. A PRTtobr:f and ctrt u-e 2r1 f 'tte nvrkutio-nq ~tncet1tt A T PORT ile ai1rn of human suifr- s-rtt-d-r 2,I1 ra.t roprs r-f tll ' a ý dh h' r' n lit rmav 1,e a iîau mrv rJc.ET' gepra a 't tiaIt' tîtt, .r ~ ~ ~ o ,e"ifrtr tt: raurr~(f~u~ îtca. iion rauhe- thotahde Cire tof ttti . -s t.11W rna Tt il le public park!. tr. lt JOHN R de oil n'y n t 1'l ' 1 lit 'Y T ENAI.!, CO. Teasurr nalitain. heautify and Prenerve- fil titin IrIirtlàte A hal ura t-,"'c ~ s- a ato t e ~ ~fr'r -trirl.ga and ronrrrs t.prt,. )n, FOR TAîXF>S. <01 NTY ()F * nntr iat, n'vdi _____________ _____________ONT %tRIO tttCjitv U lrake tc- Loit Dy ' Irtue, ut a warrant !Itsueîi the' suiricrtcf tb ht' -h::'Ir% Il * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b . . -ttA f b!the' %Vardén c-f thp Vo"' c Pon thP!tr own pepe t~tt-.i s- - ~rsrt it s-ht-sa-t- - - u'. i }tlr~~' -t. t Il Il M-i-jtt - ta~. t 'f truek att Pt.'t en Wh:îtby Ontario. bearint datf. th"rit day of Aurtgt, t% pâle o f lands Ci 'arr'bars of ta s n T1 ', ,Cc &àniv of Ontarico. wilij êhi' hSI at na-Ct3te ln th. Court Hrtute. Whîtsr. ai th#, baur of 2I actock ln tt'atte bear 1915. unieas rte taxes an.! Articles For Salle icesîs are soner pal . N ottre 4 ______ - !eeby gl"stnt- ha i te lis of lands utt1tt i' HO 1 PO-"tT for sale for arr-ara o., taxes t, 'e' 'a rt -r s rrc.d: S bng pt-lhdin the. Outa.-1 Fît-\1r ' - t.a Yrt- ecr'ric 3Noge te- LCo,'ts ct-f1d'e Sa-t ~r~-- t.'\*!- - 4 eA , - liai May be bad at Myt-M cer. $4-------' t"O Uor t-O Il- E A MelAY. 't .et-d uro-"a c snd Il!ctn. Typastmet L. -à . 1% re es motnthq.'Tt-e*»Urrms OMrute, IN'hlîy. t. ~ ~ ~ cnùê -r -aat ft-tt, t-S~f eptember P.19!îý, 10 mrnov 2 't t '-- -.- t N reguo ar priesqý'. s8, 1 fn t tap t.- :ngand NOTICE Tft<>( R.Du'0RfsAND) t'aet--tt' T: r cle-rirle -0oTa5':l n f: she' g-i orkinr Onr, j PiNTHE EiCTATE of Carolinte $1:'- - e l.'s' ..h.Itte-d lîren decteas.d. 't.rah V:trlD ftssm'! 100 AiltPar-sons ha'rîa c l aime -p--Fr-tsiLandnn. lrck 1, &&ainsi the. ealais c-fDi t &botes b.v mWtts - ueiMtlee-d a'bo dled in the Totwn of Whllhay in lte('ounttt' of Ot- .kOOCs VSED B R IC X'C G MI) tarie on ile, Z2ti4 day cof Septe-I. rcondItIo)n. hargilm-L,. F. Jot-. beri, 193 . am, re-qtr-ed Itu f.o dàa. TeVr-phot t,.' rcsotdn. proof of sutne vîth the unr. POR itALE-L.ARGE mecL.Ry slîn*d eon or befors the !$th day etectrice tore. 4 plat«s. roaaîîag of f-ortlber. 191S. at-si«-armtoig osentý Cash pr-ict Aflor that date tbhe I'ublc s2f, 0D0 Apply Gazette offttee. - v illprcw-.d Itidttts- e-llte the ecitate.,bat-lnî regard A CtB INIA Ti ON A t'MION -uly Io lb. claimit of snth ie# sa f af ousehold furntunre VIII &haall thea bave b.d tsOstPlt t- hold ah Whittty Carage. Rro X acD. todaITwoo ibis :8 1 d'ai St- Nerti. date tb b. atLrnsaine of'eOclober. 191s. - lt-sgt ve-tis Aay r PZn avlag I A. N. IIDDLETON' artýI Ios.l b.. dtspe*ed off, bntuagPublic Truat»s ;mem ai u.t.a«t* ea~Troi 7Thorton"s Cor. jBRHA TIIORN<TQN'sCOI1RR, n.c1R 12t -)Ir. Wm. Oarrart uq.etti *nttrttn4 #bot i ti in uem.- bd"-*an aâfrIetda cof Mr*.£.t boue..a gcrouti c .b* 4I», de A4 s~e*ty aI.at à"atlemois êcs aiA î<ew g.tts *«# ".&d Mr*-i tiru an drew i* Luekby Svtmb*M A 4*lttY tleva *rv*4 157 nw S.'uIw btts** *ra &P¶h'.getàemeoy 1 Have B... Roc lbe Lýadtes' Aid &e.elytt #pot.' Whby L[r.r 'emutr tudy Olt I'tfal "etlaj L>elrber 31,aitht. e îc t.y cb CeNTNIO F . r,.AINGI TO BE, IED ON NOVEFR 251 in Cons f* oanetle malimply asU sai tai vbtcb b. la ceahltd spos te &tn> 11114'f "od 1*uicily bcss» a i " lA Irel e Ut# tee Itt"fr t» Itemb4e.tew Jrmuw ns h-se o--,b 4' e f8wvlr a fiUd ams-- ae-ý4 its à <*ioa- Oêcl. ttesa-tc'me .4-eV <tt's<i s b alt sth* bol" 'et mai 1( d"tJ . <' t a-id!It'O 15i W - (<tw -a'34>5 est e»»eu Tasit W*."- lir- *K t à*1r te i ..-- s '.s et. . aiou u , MW »&e t sêt s otn I-i ~O 1fr. *Saif I- * e'4 t<4f3hs $4 1~ tli$* it est's tc la1*t A3vtO s ~ ,Sl ~Ipl M t ,tPim tgs i ~ sa~f~a- il ~ ~ ~ *f lat 4 Il mtaii ORLY,~ w i» W betNecdlis . . mu- Y.;im e xw b N.«ue55tt15l4'e-*"' 0" oftisId tmmow tom *iw 0 ** o wi~'i' , mi4- S ARMITAGE'S SF 1 $1.00 108 BROCK ST. $.0 Notions PHONE 544 onu SATURDAY 'SPECIALS Reduced Prices on Canadian Made China Clover Leaf or Green Band T 5 DECORATED PLATES. PIES ..... R etuIar 20c - 15e. p ~ ~~Spectad ...........10 TES...... c Covd11eJVECET. B5 .ma00 ABLE D8SH AT ES. Clover La&( only. JGS20b ore. lflnC 1SLO P BOWLS, Cru..Ia" . ..... . 10 l oly. Ragur m. 4 »n ............ . 05 -o S pecial .. .. .. ...-4 CLEARANCE PRICES ON FANCY rRUIT SETS GREEN CLÀSS SALT AND PEPPER. NEw S Tp$INPaCIO NEWal TPRI .. . . . . ..TION PLUGS 5c 1 O BANDEAUX. LARGE ASSORTrMENT. Regu6p 26cO. Sps-cial - KEY CASES AND CHANGE PURSES. Rect-arIS c 5. Speesi .- ......... CFILDRFN*S PURSES. Atsorted Colou. 9 et-yl.,.. Regu6r 25<. Speeili.- 19o 1 5c 100 7o 120 - DELEGATES A-T CONVENION The Ancrîmw Carnoçhs-' t'n - I-I4iI AUy Mill bh rol"tsrat<-d itr' t:'A f fertn».s ssriecîotrug,'s 'ti tLN S FO~teR BI nnu' A ND tain anti1th16jP.itris. t PBBU I ES UR--107,3 arc! Colonit snd l'yiv ft-________________ tite wo-I'* Ouît ctf tht'prî-0îs 'tneral Mtn Hiada Daal m tt. rodetts belng Preduced for ffl hot giqve Awày, rte"ie With Several Phaes of the, I9DG 5<!c5t>. a'sejmore tha&n 810.0t-.0l9 The ltorvice depaciment présen- it-ayic'ustrîis-tIon m-'k - the Company's Business 'aIt!O"n was madle by N. Hl. Daniel %1tt 1 i ,ff-ta te e se. 'l--t i '. !L D3<111-01, ludicattit the' 't riturth orCtvna u- e -'-a tl4for an st etîve and atuatatu. p;-,,%, tle brh b u t r ti %Nt q t'. V;ý,,r e- -, t-'tno .In an eff ort to ke 'îsuatly regardeâ X.4 the more p-r- ttt ' ' : --ta r trist"- <s tlteadershitpdlnu ths s'--'a!i f- tsctani l'%çt.n'îr'l f. .Danuiel# praigen- t:-n f -'t4;. r-u, -, 1M-ron t't1 t(,il ~t lt tinilig servi.. llja. t rr'ge u-tmot- vlI; f-e M tnt sîI-t rlt unr crers j.t-itrx a-rêddfer a cOU- h:-nrmd on Nna-ernttrr V% In 11% n ta'pttrtTtAI--n'epfîlitî i-l I a vh1ethe?' bad sub- t-ts ir cli' c It'infcrnine t ~ ~ T-ussda- 5t4 sa h - rttue4 plans for t-service. 'wbich land,. f-om vhlrh heo-aî tet t.! 'mn rt !"tter * tIhA'! pretrfin stireatul fot te w iiihi, fanit' ltltehr 1nitril t1ntisd a* tht' lans cf 1thn t t¶'alý-i of hheir distyicts. !t.st luI 4 Oterrt'em-' '71- jîan'o tr 1'-r c r arrd etts-r Ik N. ficinger made a préesu It-a !Vt hobe l'! aInNew y*'t. il ~ n ti-t' t tattontle flý .atlc ta onparti and acceasorles, ltargtAnd 'tVshlnguoýn L> C s*,-Ag 'ti r rèealeta, V&a1lts sud esitvd the way to an Ira while .aeelal programi ant i *- îs' sf tus.e onttt-.tt'.bwtnoi-t ce'aAed valuame of businsssfor hibtîs vii bu arrangetd hi' satan s'ro !@;ilt ith lty the .depaci- lthcr«nlng >'ear. ('arnecte librartes tt s.n.tr.wMlt auts,-rn t T'h.e -vYork prosratatm ll ldoc and Vstsuil si iploinyslt-ns An -litte"tttig addreus oupub- recaai f aspftal 'heat.ccindIn ré large (Ment ln Cte te - * relations was gien by Y'auuk cosaNtasetlc oa-eor seýinlAtions. ' Cnappeh1. ltead et this uev de* tirât parrtnas- o011 I çr Ttî' *esaion vas ap#oried vwith a -Par tMOti tor<f eneral Moeonactbr IS lt Cas-egie Mialt. viîch Cas'i ceor-l) un G tsI C'.Tts,~-. w» dincsussed the ImPorte nete.btht for lte cultural * D io tyJIKrloe rtkjtt.u romotlug a favorable Y.nrcement of New York City. a >t mafsarsr. uho elste lthe :Public eplulan %lowardis General 1 forMAI èAltnbly êet the 5ev Ycsrk %If ieur fs'aturoes vhIh had i.-ntars. snylug (bat a favorable Acadeîny o!f Medîîn@ On th('ran- beten titis yeàr 1t1CDTPorated lns Pi.bllt -Oplinioni as lihe gretetéi Lnt of Notromber 'le,$ tt~ itis ln.of hoavy duttr rueks. lmeat goy ergaututlou oetàl reetefor bis màny iss-nef4 - - R. L, W!gfntan lgvetis. pre4 hatve. Po<w comPainlea la amày ield, ttcsn.s lu diffsqent B#i&a fer lte&oen~~îtîAtinou eu*sîauter t'ess<reit. 1ald CoI. Chappell. vers fortunem ralse*mebt otmainkliud. and a dits. And ârons<id thù ke*n Interet-atf laI. enougis to have thse visles, tuer o1%lthe s*ustiota 04Noeeaner tht. dols'gr.tcs lty thet maniager ln ï solIt backgroun-ld that vas tise t2 7att*.Uute4b tlise. asoelaled "'hich hob. evs-ue4 lte close as»0- luerîtat> Of General MIshT. _vîlt Ab4rew Z= elOr OeNS&P 0alipu between pablIr 4estre U The, forsiton sesslon vasclos- id u u ii. oafo «pteased in i hoeaastom«sr ri*ed wltis a PesT-utt1oix bl TW;O. ; I Mercanile Dstif5tr ,-SPECIAL THIS WIEK" 3 or 4 UMN1HG»RLES mdCfSZTS WOOLNOUCN GLOVEIFE GIRDLES CI.aring Prioe, 98C 5EVEEAL lam.e rOw u=ISIEAT l AIMICE F cI.wb am « ~ZUATci.o'rns04 Re~ g, ne C 8afNw uiit id Swuegrs. TwID SoeN 'New Sfto6 14.w C1 o&u, 0W~~M UL DIE ,10 M 149 c.g. s9.M.T.eaur SI 'OP M qEVFwRY. Onta FR >I' NAPF om' Ir PL recule Not. Dows 'IN BUSINESS-1111111 hhsoinething tn krep olid cienim and fflnd nrw one. ail ilir fini. HFEtE ARE TWO SIIOFN ME HEL%' oN TI)IX1) UT MEN'S CALF lie, Inîu l oukinfr .hoe.t . trengllî andsc neat nea. t<iint'd for. . . . .. . . . . $450 LADIES' SCOTCH GRAIN lgliliiiid brogrue t> le %Il[ire,ist thr damp, r"tain (her -hnpî- and Nw1#,tr Hkr otld uak. . . . . . ... . .. . $3,o75 SUP'ER liCUF . ............... & We pirenent tiei%e two Unes as a week-end speetal ouly. Collins' Cash ShoesStorle Brok t-kNrret Nor~I. 1 PAGE ME

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