Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 13

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.WWbyPostnjaster, Secretary" Ontario Branch AssociatioÉ Gordon B. WhitfitId At. t end in g Posti*aatera' Meeting in B1ieevilIc This Week - Born in Whitby il i fim ' > oi tir -~ ----la tiraaîa with the ranaX Lf Major Afftz Io Ncars' arnice.' lit is a NlisQii. a Fait lresideat C)î the \\ hl-,,y \\ ar X'eterans* Club %%h:î ws the ajredectssù, c.! the prestnt LeîIaýn brandi, first Presi- dirni ui h<-\\ hitby Tenr - Club charter rnember of the (joli uand t Iiit) rba. In his youriztr days $Ic N aý. spi>iiac r c-a ,onr &ality. lit v a%:nlerc<'cd in b<-v < bad- n:--t on anJ-v hý e-.àari ari e- rai-er j t b d c- li 1-a't r C~ -I -~ ¶C O t.- H Y- - - - $ v1à -- ' Plans Being Made for Cele- bration irji Meffior'i1 be -1f.n n u~ -- tac- - e- -- - 1--- <-i el rà-f I 4---1 A .- î-ib TrHE .WITY GAZElIt &c R ~ 2 XiN2513 ~WheeDrnM 0m Tp - ý d w ý- - -flA- taaaea.pa-ob&liy t-eeau" . nvisu-a- P4I l J1. of snft. lad 04 1 Prir& bad f;nued -wriit born~ze" iara4a vltb tvo trtaut. thé larte-1 about the t.crne. .f&cîaittit forc cate a fith.rmu*ti de.am tiWatU gçlf. tenns. and çwtmimng. tout- Itha seal-s ai 40 rouds, a»d te-a o c ac.nb.4 onrifca-et or th* e tbalo.1tWg àmort uuue-i berrec' h -Ila-1,4 qaat.eneI- nuIr ~ as otrt forC nif oio% rrd c4c.bofun, v-) be oriIyan bf-air andad equaacolt l round ¶eeî?' Y- rt»undtbo>e lyb. ..cIr afopt'ieetti th* Ul.t-me wert LI) ea0tab!E' 4eacr1p*!,re 'a the f-i-i-t t-st vatilth* second wMrdi I.ft fnr tt- fi,#». (sIc as )anded. despite the fac't Pcat mac>t),apes cof f1gh1:nX. thaat, theluiTp« tup $0 and 0- figh at'--nd m ilié nar!'y IîivesM=arau 1gbu-ý and O*tppamag S-anwLS h ctr have éa2o made gped lk oile-n ig-~a fr-r#a tehai Iis 'yfu. On thé smre *V.p ft<i k ia hab-p(f r, dai! Snomm~t-I1 p',t *gbt floh iraS of thet iaîiri&"&eAt fnx-ciàa raPLI&abaout Il pouade l*c*. 1 MW l tatwo dam .aot« « rhuMa oleabt mO pmaI et la»e tmi9t luD <tram me l &U unSlmSWII ta 06 IM.Bt 1 "Ba -b mlslal tS 0..eMn th got lm. W mm nitt ai lb. Cma4aPd. N.nviybote-laie emgp tha mur? buNp»oum UfalOth$ . Ieba l Im 00fl an" tthm? r t1S tbt thu-. am tlet ftbIau 9m"àitgw :.l oeuf TktUlV WHY IS Se*i COOKINO COOLERc UCASI.; *thé .lotlc cuz. rtt unlike other fueli, heats t" cookinq uten ot the. air eround it. . .and the.oven of the Electrie Range la practicelly air tiqhti no heat cen esepe. This memns you can keep your lut- chou dellghtfully cool even in hot weether. No hot, ateamy, stuly aîr. Put frmah fiowmrs on top of an electrîc oven. SPICIAL fIlMS 19 YOU PURCMASI NOW Monsthy Paymeat.s as Low es $3.19 Down Pay-iens Only sin.no Liberal A1Iowpmrce ons Yout OId Range. Feb au" WEEK±Y toe NOW Yeu eu enjoy aul the buette of el.ctric cooko;n. Hy&jo*o New pla« bÉfflqa " raoat wcthwhile cf au l ectTlcal appuknceu wtthin *uol r.e ch ouuwive.. WIIITBY PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION HYDRh. Te srî ,OU Rc ri d- - thtMa14h.4 e îct-t'Lscwt Park - - ~ b-t ' '~~ __ -- meu ote Croriv'e ahii17 I 0f the May rnetîiag %ccc ceati andi f.! t;rI- t rrctai<iiit-f' -~i<r ' n,1~-Ud~M DADI ~j 10Jj<t etaYlish the <-eroboratlrs ,,Il- < t b¶eiia plair. gave à ceail 1 1 1. -- .1--- -'IlI1,Je Vftn '0',ide-It-var cqulred li t &** o cf ibit ing enitild -'JRf-c-a % sim lail J% !alara1randt 1-1<-ta ri~ <aH Ft i~ fC A ~ j-Ç1 lj 'l~'IV ihvth f. tti2> '115Tb* Rediftst awere Iî,O Zl-Ntf< b% Ill~-,- "d ilra - ,- i t*<5-- ie JiII. t I 1.1 riJtJ"AA mii Io.d 10 isare l it-. Ma4e Packenar-id itiFe tr c-t-I - -a a: lo. k c 1- i \ ~ k< a' lrn ý, ek ac et wSJa st bu t p c >-.-ars- s a - o A. quartette raarta~ caf Mi -- r-al -l --taeara-n~< t--j I/NIflI' 7 1îUUflV cLA'I'M AY aqe and. Wbls t1t>i 'W&* s-auna lF4nb -cetan d Cleià Stae, Stard r-a ( r î,~~~*~ r~IJt -j yyjj>,JIU JtA roc-'aSI b, ett 4it waor»athe Le4rsc br-t. %-&t a numrbe-r taîlBnit smrent tle matit)- tb plat- .qowînin ithse Iearnia~nz -aà% srd Ab todd l. cO l hr-- . - ~ ' -a--.-- -afi --- - -- jIn 'theticed iupcn lia trit al. itIsti l tî0o attataîr-ht blâm-aie -otald b.e att-ebd to ifflala rtdca'a '<a ratrri Chajrch, itai lin ahe '<tara I caf  s- a ~-~ j fla rkI-lia-Honosar dg Pddy h.otv h a h s*a. h of,* Ibtnf - Uî Tltli. ra rr r , - 1 M nfll A -I l 1 1- 41 Fî 1 -» - « de<r i, ta t lotI n d a *- 4 ie thsa elty r met ait tht e -me <oaf' tl t-a~~~~~ h- ég I Wmrm,-r aA i il 1 f1 Condudlea Thert Waas - i-ri<- îr-f a-ci rra't. lia l~t111#4 tisat et et-. PeSd. ltMn.L -Mtth cven Nfr. ad MrgV', ý-ý- ar - Vl a1 thira -,t huîila n e!-a 011 a. ft ak he b m a t* me-e y colse p. et tdY îfutercna-mv. liune IŽiia Tht M.a n- r .tsyofýA h-l ni a n t- hira c - - I -aat!ari 4 l13A r bt- - an d tsa omr s d-> 4 4rigbl a pv-otvam a"a$ cpe-tac-ct W uiti lsf fml fTorranît, 1 a uielc-m ' t uses L.aiq. ocn Not One Tittle of Evi- tnrtl visarore- ln th. vilpags, litiref -, Rtfieriaoti.de e gan t cc te - th-e - i h ât re tall a"rdefr Ilai-the moult et thé tom. twkpIayed tay Nme 1 S m e,11>% Mcsa. T. - rarraalaa. <k Tcon Ac rt- cs are g s insfe- - < m SCLVJ -l h' aîrrattt! aeaeb taeîi i-lb-uîî n r.kit n î lte atirare of te i-ac ie-caa gppnt mmveral dsla it aa-t-eaa1h4 acd foýr si elebratlon lnai le a v -,- b cr-n "a% laaa-îd ilt s- e1>*.Worar m tiS.t îa I r- F t>o 1,4wtà telleiii - b~r rntt.r, . Bcr.I~ Mscnra P-cI. onDousniou Anbocarilae -s-at~t- ~ tc- --- a1 ta Jrta. reri 154 p144 pal a-titte giss V*vident*hip es eaâ y !J,. MNf . SImpt. f LittllS Cucret, t. Pia-Tii-a frattNýI ftglg eietiaî e - gîrvn V 111%f l imuîner. jualgc î e-a;z V -t-. e al, th* preitisatls- teo vc- @ S bira M'anitoaliIs iland, hais ht-eiaaa r-.chat-g- of a att'-Iile- Pcea< Rasddy j~in hw Ci v ra imata r t 1.i a -' I n.atg i-fre- t » bo Po-i r3 t &,d4 the OtI- isw t t. albd r-.ent a- ait t tae lacune- of er dent. %Vr lirlar; r--ar.G-trî cs-li a tA!aant ngI<iO md bat rom$se th ie su rlfw ofetila Itl %ru a Do>e ai daraghtor. M.R.H1 llle. -Trearaaiarec E.C. .oc,~erao asra-t îaayG h ic!utal a ilalth#?* ai tasa obé, sihily t .cImiI-dl*Uit Uî1y. cib. Mr. eand 3r. .JNiaarquisanmd Rosai Nisn; prograna. F. pet-. io»s. ol *!tahrht aadsUs.1tin0,14o1eyid*oue* etat ths e iral h lCifaOau a nonJe-k, aal mug~ tos, tse ie:Cith u n pian Par-ade. p. eempîe4 ecrai el keôwle-dte fs ail* iash eaei 1 Tattsses Agtsmead Mlils. rlîlted Pearuon, om-» Pilebing-. hc*a,-lsag roiv A ttorret< <0 D- &4ra>s# tisca -our-t **n R*4 lff u 08 bis tli *a e "av. friands intatAvilag's n Suusdmy <r.W, PîIkey: Àiv*rttulbg, .C oaaIK.~ lbatia It no* a i 3;'tdk OvauD*0a «161I&Uthiv.Ii antd wvIle-ht-reattend e thse an- irkar. IE. r, ion«.; Pr'oviion ful<al Jvt&Ii li (&et& orett<i-aau - SC-, a.t4 tbis b lsed CWI bd D» Via4êltrB*1*UiW ,niaui me2A-arral servce t.Erakino WOWouse 'aittltuta <Gate andTi 1eth* eueIbo C#own it %0cd ai tv I5%# c-si i-ut 10ltri. - am "s WuIM ltUS isa 1* 5 5 Cernetery. &U lsta. P. prous.;C e.oa .Gi>t f r iie eaCei.drt*liqtilt C. aet»là 4 e» mj aoeaap bub.botebli 415 Mis Q. Brna*u li>.C. Bisama-. -i tations msade by A. W. ÇGtae-. ofiet 11. cets- ~ lr b ia.2 t*lsat o a hj1biffus Ut*.**4*0 darVI4 A.W. 0,am re*WSsaI for a* yu*" 1xB àsotous 04 Cuit. Oti . epet. eut X«4 iime a*tt 1b ~ »masl le-a -*ut $M'e '500E * » «4h"* rni .1. leafe tr '< re e-dt- th I~ er'cd. etdctc.Lnc a John Lambhert asier . Ili ~ st ! . l eBvlvof aa bbt irnith icii n îf4)t-a 1inMm- ta'P",ada i~hMas$Glady% uw a of the vIT5c ? (îýf1ý e-rf cea- Ill ti M ry LAMI!,fri lefî <ctn anc~ ~4-fc ~d a~ad l<i<ne<t nnter rvening so ,ssit ber tel&- NI tl 1 t est ii ;Inot %V Q wilh ber a Mca II <-'Itasa n t and. a happy ho'W- e rant A .o > ild 1hou \1 . N m r1b \1 ri Ni\anV M, m. Eabcôtk., raie X~4ac a-I aa mach taH - 'Wl ,r~BAbcoik, Ur. and ~r ed b 1.l Ifeaai on flici rt '< 'o~Uum*iland NMaster Psti1 trafice rrtbletvtwerf etd bvh MnS Bý%T 1 'i "tn,, isu wlih e 1 le 1 e u Ilix hMr ntiiMrý,. T. Feremierceiatl. Mc.F -<il. IMci' T Pr Muai !and \Ifs Georte McCc1locb, and \Ir$,.IV Iter. \VW. Nerj rpaaedbv Mr, james fi. t then tà%-ç?.-e whb aà <by Mqi andi MraNt i trg. N1. Df1nSg.Mot. ,1at Lau mbert The meeting Wb#' Aed 1 o 1Mcaford an4--akittdMr. ILbronght go a <lex eby rpeata ing IL.ReQiont cenitly. 4We was0 à£-- --1--Iltim tto h. wtthcu h . won d - MWstu? -Yri =mcuti *~~~r M<M.CfON W t. MeV* à hev bgut <h. a, he Mt ~ fthe ulUuatIau" iile.il *24 b".d->U» Iuha ù#Is âREuyrS? 13 mu vv~ ~ ~ .* i I. 8#ItN T.tS AT May-, A&SWc1ME 84 b- A-- rc,ý a - t h- tita- Rre r!a ry t- --!I tel ut, 1 %it ttr > iiüita- I frhl~1s y. li ip- l. K q r'e- -

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