Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 May 1935, p. 3

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AndI) liANeI to Hoi IROKLIN, May 21-Service of loiy Communion- la St. Thoma.' -Anglican Church on Sunday,, May 26s -st 11 amnu, with the rector in Mn,. W. Gray, oii<irkland -Lake, à visiting her parents, Mn. and Mm,. A. Ne-chut. Mr. M. A. Ormiston is spending à couple cf wccks! witlh relatives in Whitby. Mr&. Patterson, of Ciampmont, was witiu lier daughiten, Mn.. C. ?engelly, lait week. He~s i$nry Lyoîîs spent a couple of dayrs iast week witii relatives' ii Be neton. 1 litéi,1arion Spencer ih lu Tor- opt,4-where she intends spending somethsc. . Mi. Chas. Routiu, of, Torplito, viaitgtd vâtlî Mn. and Mns,./L. J. Rosi&bat wckl. Bby yoiuw holidày nc/4 sai Mac- Dutfi. They have a barge stock af groceries, price reasonably. A very çnjoyaVe ite tteoon was Vspent ai the homne of Mrs. Decker laût Fniday NWheni Mrs. Elliott's group of th 3 W. A. met with about iwenty-tive ladies- present. Mrs. Ellit and Mmi. Sonlcy - îook the -devotional part, of fthcprogramme. Mrs. JuIl gave a very interesting reiding and M rs. ýIaroid Joncs contibuted a Io% ely- solo. Mmi. Lockcyer put on a jumbîcd pic con- tçst wbich everYone cnjoyed very much. At the close cf the meeting -a-social hour wvas- spent whcn Mn.. Docker served a vemy daiuty aller- -iqow -ten. A Alarge numiber of parents and iiiencts acceptcd thie, iîvitatîoîî ta the thankaffcniiug meeting of the .Mision B3and whicla was helc inl t4e basement of th c clurch ou Fni- di3r evening witbhie Presideut, D~orothy Ponter. in the, chair.- A vesry iuteresting prognan was gir- ona -consistlng *of recitatiotf by Hel- 0Mackey, , violia solo, Mynle JÃ"rteo,' instrumental -solo, Norton Cok uitar solo, Douglas Arksey, v6 â4 det, haleen 1Baker and John T prgson, lastrume rtal duet, Betty IUWon and Gwen Thompson, alsco & nmiior of . chonuses bv the girls an«P ys. Slides on "Through.thie vWts of Indts'" were shown. The tht-otf*niz aiounted te $14.15., ileu Gôd Soal rugu given .st Mae»)uff's Brook iii, Sat- Jue lot, absoluteîy Fret. osu the number unden the ~is to be f oud Our 4 M ioca congol- site &0. Conicit closes ont urcasigaGéld Seal zIàg- th$s conteet, and then -a wintuer. has the privilege t the prize rmgor baving 1 -1*rchase PI tçhased rcti Nr large the a eed. Bo sure t of thus oh Le George Vick engeIly are sI tiunchunch a thy are o11 a Leonard Roi! id UM4. F. Bl on one d ay th and Mn.. -JoI ,rys', visited 1 Miller spent em son, Mr.. a number the Ofeltâ ion SundaP. vtir eanîics f M %actDuff 's. ,i aturday, J and M rs.-:Le là, of Bz-lshm, r.. Wm. IPrai Oany friends gi be piease e able to eti rHospitl ion rred Janes hia -an' ou -J - ?epors Mr. Fred Parkin' for he coming Mr. and Mns. S. Lotl yïr vste4 with Mnr.a4dMr..R. Wlin o Oshawa, on Sunday. d M, . Zealand has roteti. home after. spending a few da ,s with ber daugliter, Mrs. Libby, u4 Oshawa. MiZss Anna Willard, w bo is stay-. ing with ber aunt, Mrp-. Vick, is quite sick with nicasies.r Mr. and Mns. W. T. D ydcn were ln Gueiphi on Tuesday at ending the graduation of their son J ohnx A f ull programme o Brookhiî Spring Fair appears oni page une of this issue. The Court of[7'Rcvisic u to hea r appeals against the asse~ sment roll for- Whitby Township '~I hold its first session ini the Tow1nsliip Hall at Bnooklin, 'June l4thiicommnc- ing at 10 o'clock a.îu!.,ý Standard time. Rit s learned that quite a f cw ap eals have been iiled.: ihe United Churcli, Re'v. -P. L. 10l 3.AaStor. Sunday! May 2th, 10am undavSchool, lilamiî. Rev. D.. 'A. Ferguson, of Ashburn, will preach. 7 p.mn .0L.0.F. service. The pastor will preacli. 1 Sunday Anniversary $riewili be held in the United Cehurch, 0o Sunday, ]une 2nd Thle- pýstor, 'Rev. P. L. Jul il li1pmcach înÀthe momn- ing, and Rev. E. F. Armstrong,. ofl Trinity United Churchi, Bowman- ville, in tuie evening. A choir of young people wil lead ithe music and tender special numb crs. Mrs. James H. *Orrmiýton and daughter joan, sper Sa turday af- tertioon aand eveniîng at i the home of Mrs. James Porteous.î Miss Ruth White, wvho iwon first place in the Gazette andý Chronicle Travel Club Contest, left -,ith lier mother on Saturday f o# the ten- day trip to New York and Atlan- tic City. Members of- Beethovtn- Lodge No. 165, ..0.F., wvi1l parade to Brookiin United Church necxt Sun- day evening for thecir annýual churchi social. Thlicparade wili uine tupat the Oddfcllo-v's Hall and _procecd to the church. hecaded by Uxbridàgc Land. The death occurrcd stddenly in Toronjto. on Friday, 1May l7tli, of John Perchard, bcloved lhusbarid oi Elizabeth Sommerville, formierhy of I3rooklin, ini bis 77th ycr The funeral wvas hield Mpnday. if you -rm- loolking for .the fincst suit, our pnice can Luy, yuur scarch is ended. MlacDufts are agents for Tip Top Tailors made to1 zcasurc suits and overcoats. Ço ec in and look over the samnples.*Ypu ili bc surpnriscd at thie values, whicil -provcs beyond a doîaht t hat you do flot have to Pay a big pf'ce to bc- well dresscd. URIGBT BDGEqT 0f HAPPENINGS FROM KJSALE Four ' Fine Meeting -of Square Class - ýInstî- tut. to Meet* rite Of the ru br.Vitrgriq Crcpn trcd. No mat- (Ms. ict ntnin om>pc sud O thke au* KINSALE. May 20.-Tic Four and tae- Squame Ciscs met ai thc home aIr. Mm Ca- *t c f- the Misses, Edna an,4 Manicul pandingrseveai Stevenson last Fnidayi,-ýeveulflg upçdi Bune Falswiti lie, usual number! presont. a fishiug trip. Tic meeting ivas * open, d withl sM. .Gar- IlyflU 148,.followed th pîay- ladîcy wcne in or by Madeline Crawte j Tic is wcck. Seiplure reading Malt. 1 13-20 lin Stephen, af was rend bs" Jenule. Parkin. The Miss Olver Ibis- moll eall"Ways et appl 'ing aur Motta"l was rcspended !ïo.Tli, ttht -week-end minutes were read by Roxena Johni Miller, of Ledgctt lu the absence o! aur secetamy. Business. Place of frotn iheme at- Junc meeting, :ladeline Cmaîv- ws parade in fomd'm home. -Rll cali, Sçmethiaîg el We WOUld like te do in June. WVe for the Congol- werc tien favouîed with a i-oca] pGuessing ton- solo by Helen Galbmuitii. Thle Coltcst ciloses physical exorcises iveme iu chargii (uie hat, and à of 'Mlarjorie Pankîin. The Lesson. Study ivas tien taken by the ,wis Joues aud Leader. A conteet "Whorýs Wife" weme with Mm. was put an bY Pearl Cooli. We' per~~ onSudy cosed with Hymn 4S5, and tlhc pef Mis Mnary Mzpah, atter whici Mni-s. Stev en- ed to hear that son ecrved a daiuty lunch, and a umu -home from Pleasant bait boum spent by ail. 1- Satunday and )Mn. and Mrc. MeWhirter aînd ciitldreu a! Brcugiam sund Mr. s engged hhand Mmm. C. 0. LaivIen, o! Man- ts ensffe ih in, ivere recent calleme ni the Ledgeti homie. Mies Nomma Love, of Toronto,,- speut the -weelc-end iviti Miss - Madelue Crawford. a~Mr. "aud Mrs. Aloi MePlien- 1 lin sou sud daughter, o! 'Toronto, Sundaycd with bl. 4;d -Mrs. A.leoMore. iwa We are sorry te report Bullle roung amcng the sick. li l su!. fcnlng f nom meacles. We wish 0% hlm a spccdy recevery. > Miss Eîleen Parkin' bas been inlpsddur-lng the pasi irece. 1,5 Quit. anumber o! aur Young I rpeople taak lu tic show "Lest We Fargetl' ai Oshawva :ou Frl. day and Satumday nights, -aud report au excellent aud interet- îng pîctume. iMr. sud Mrs. J. Parý-iu sud famlly a! Âcibumn, spý :ntSun., day wlth Kinsale relatives and frieuds., Mn. sud Mme. J. Cartnlian sd famliy o Sm.,oncame daye wiii Mn. sud Mme. D. Crawford. ?dns. rloS. cae wt them, sud leanouiaiuiug heme for the summor menthe. Thie Women's Association met at tiie home of Mme. Wm. Bell ou Tiiurdsy o! lait woek mii- a godattendante. Mmm. D. Craw- ford'is gnonp put ou an excellent programme. Lunch waý scrved ~TEAST by our hostosa sand dinghter. The. nézt meeting will hb& ai Mme, ________ W. T. Steveuson,' mien tic Mt. Zion ladies mihi be lnviUdteho -jolnusu.1 I' S«YiC'S on'i fonget the Broohihin i 5th Annual Spring Faiý -to be -T eeT hold lu -hie Communlty Fark oua Ffiday, Mary tb.. *braumue have been made tor a blgger and botter Fair tlian: éee. Tiib Womeu'IS Institut* wil hold their May meeting at tht0 I-Sciool ,Ilouse en Thursday, May 30th, at 2.36 p..À palper *Why Swat That Fly" wili b; -glyvu# also nome more Iuterestiug items tronu convention.IRoll «al), SomcthIng to su thtii childrnu. A pienie lnch will-,ho ser'Ved by the ladies ou thi ehool09 grounds. U. R. welcome. Mr. andi Mru. N. C Brown Honoreci on Happy 1Occasion UJTICA, May 22.-Service Iu Breadaîbane Presby-terlan ciiurcb on Sûncky,ýmay '26, ai 2.30 P.m., with thé e r. D. "A.-Fenguson. pasgbr In change. Ail ans cordial- iy wel çSme. o Mr. ïnd Mrs.. Walteon errett, :ildred and Billy. cf Toronto, were week-end -visfitons at the hiomieof Mn. Ed. Skenrett. - Mr. Wml. Bell has seeured a o sition as sal £rman ai North Bay, and is movir% bis fumnItun, tiiere this weelt. Mrs. J. Trout and Reuneth, o! Toronto, spent the week-end ai the borne c! Mr. and Mns. A. Rey-' nolds. Mme. Thios. Lalrey and Melville- Weme the guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tomlinsop ai Marsh Hill, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlem Wagg spent Sunday at the home of ber sister, Mrs. M. Urquhard, at Zcphyr. Mr. and Mrs. Wraiter Asling aud babe, of Epsom, were Sunday vis- !tors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mre. C. W. Lakey and Mn. Friank McGreggor were week-end 1 Itors ivith Mms. Lakeyse sieten, g. W. O. fBennett, -Oshawa. Mme. Jas. E. Mitchell waà ai the home of Mr. Hamry Davis on Fmi- day.4 Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook and sons. of Toronto, wcro Sunday vIsitors with Mr. aud Mrs. Harlom Wagg. The girls of!the;Blue Bird Club met 'at the club bouse wltii a fair attenciance o!f niende and meem- bers on Wedneeday afternoon last. Servicelu tbe United Chureh on Sunday, -Mýay 26th, ai 2.80 p.ni., wlth the Rer. Joseph Den- ny, pastor; Sabbath schioci ah 1.20 p.n-. You arc welcome. Sunday, May 12, 193, witnes. enny éf Mr. and Mre. N. C. Brown, amid an assembly o! about 35 guest3. The venerable couple re- newed their Vowse eftered mIet wheu the' bonds o! holy niatri- inony tock place on th. l3th o! May, 1885, ln the ]Engllshi churchi, Aclîbumu, Ontamio, lu tbe pres- ence of the brldegrnaid and grocîn-sman p! 50 yeanma ago. Mn. and Mre. fltovwu founded their home on the aid Brown home- stead. on wlîIch tbey arc ai pres- cnt living. They resided ln WhIt. by township for a flumber or years, wheh thoe hlîdren received their highi school education at Whitby Ilgi Scbooh. They alsc eslclddlu Toronto -fon >a iumben o ffàyears wheme ofle daugiten, Eîvj, accidentally lest ber ife caused by an Impenfect gas - jet. .r. and Mme. Brown bave lived an extreuîely happy and bealh- fuI lifc- aud are- Most blgbly ne- spçted lI any comim-uity lu whfeh they bave happened to reside. Their children 'are 6 lu number- 3 sous and 3 daughters.-L. G. Brown. Reaeh; Roland and Rue- sell, cf Toronte: Mrs. Cooper, of Wasagco; Mrs. (Dr.) Newman and Mme. A. Craig, o«.Toronto, and il graud-'hi]dmeu wcre Ili attendance, also Mr. John I,rown. of -Toronto, andi Mrs. MýeGee, of Thamesrihhe. On -Monday evenfing a.fluniben o! neighboms a lIende spent the evening wvith~ hem. The whole cômmunity joiln luwshing the hast ef suipess to theiL valu- cd friends and trust they m'y lire te enjoy a diarnond anniversary of thlcr words o! love, warnnlg and adrIce will neyer fade from Our mic, but wilh rernain-;nshrIned ne praclous Jewels lu aur lieantz, Wc- knoîr full wc-li Che trouble cause-i yen. Our thougiitlees, heediess> mischlerous waysi muet ofien laro vexed you monehy. ]But patiently, kindly sud wheu fleces- snry, firmmy, you led- Us lu the rigbt pati ail duning aur days ef Infancy, and cbldoeod. W. feel that thsis l a sacred and solemu day 19 lthe b$story 0f Ilie Brown !nmlly. It us'meet tuat yen siould receive fnom us smre uttl@ token o! thc lave sud gratitude,.which Your chidren aud your- grand- cildren hohd towands ytu snd' we would agl< yen te acceptis- ItI; gift cf 'gold sud f lowers lu boueur and symbolit of the; 60 golden yearc o! your Wedded lite. aud orthie lova and devolion ot your boys aud girls.. Brougum. iBi.OUGlgÂ&, May. 2. leTi Gannon faily 'visted Mra. Wison fu Stouf ville R'osbital Sunday.- and toultd ber lua&bout. the. came -conditIOU Of bOg1thR'. Theý C. Shephord famlily ob~t Suuday at tbeir home hon,. Miss1 Margaret Burton, 0of De-. troit. an 4 ,frlend, Miss zve1yn. Spencer;.et Toronto, were weêk. end guestu. eof Mr..and frs. ain llto& -Tlie;Norman Burton fam.ty, tii,,Claire Baidmon tailly snd Ur' Georige Burton ail visited Mise Burton at theo Haniliton, bozue o Mr. and Mrn. D. Beer entonltain- ed Mrâ. I3èeea mother aud -'brô- ther, 0f3nlnisi3ll'en, 0 dY. Te- cently. The, JohnE'eetfaiy of 'Toronto, wero 'wtb teoir T-flél tives lbore .on, Wednedday. > Meales have -now 'ma.de,*th appoarancebere foliowlnig whoop- ÃŽflg cough. -The 'latter 0pidemfle now dimlifbing. Mne. A.' Malcolm, wbo bas been lu Miiceo the .past -Month i w1th hr-'aon,, Frank, and .familY Ïré tutued- hom~e; on Sunday. Mr. aud, Mn. Gerald Harboru, of the Lake. Shore. Pickering, spenlt Sun day with Mre. J{larboruts parents, Bort.-sud Mns.,Matthew. On Satur~day :atternooii -qut. s nuinher o4 met asembled at'ithâ anld dld, a spiendld afternoon's work lu Ioveliing-the; ground san' other improveinents. Ith. to be hopied that those.'intorested may. help ýto make it posslil to baye aneilcient caretaker to k eep tie cemetery ln good condition as tht s le the restIug-place, -f many old. ploneers of 'thus' district, -who cleared the forests and estabIlsh- ed, homes for their de.5cendants of toý-day. Mr. and Mrs.- L.- Mathews on- tertained 16 members of the Den- tonia Park Bridge- Club 0f Toron- to, on Saturdav fiv&nîng. Mr. Frank Stevenson lias secur,ý ed .a job ln- Osbhawa4 for the pres-' ent. Rer. a.' A. Williams, field sec- retdry of -hie M~. and, M. board of the United Church. occupieci St. John's pulpit oli'Sunday after-1 floofi and» gave a verycompreb*en- $ive sujivey of the work cf thec United Clîurch ln this first decade of unionl. His earlilet enlighten- !ng mes-sa.-e was founded on toitl from Phullipiaris, 3:12 and was Uistened to -with rapt attention. 1 Mr&. Ell Wilson, of Stouffvi1le,~ was a"visitor at the Gannon borne during last wet Mrs. Hariley an~d'.%r. Fred 'Burroughs of Stratford spent the week-end with tlîeir atint, _ Miss Ida Date. Miss parks who le nursing Mliss Baîwas with 'her people over the wtek-end ln Tor- onto. «Whiat <id tlie small boy Ésaywhen you told. hi mlhe right be President some day?" "Not rnucli."' -tnswered Senator Sorghuzm. "I-le said of course he'd ,take, hi chanQeiý.. bpersonally lha, wasn't lookinçg for trouble." Aahb~srn (ver&.ILeach, Vornepondut) ASHBURN, May 20.-Miss Sa- d1; War, 'of "Columbus, s'peut the,. week-end with Miss Margaret 1MIss Bernice Goos;, of Oshiawa, ru mnt the; week-end at her home fServlco lu -Buru's Churpb '0u eunday, Mday 26th, at Il asM., with ROv. P. LU Juil,,et 8roollin. lui charge: Sabbath'sehool at 10 q.n.Â-Àheirty Invitation tis ed>d to -evonycue. 1M'es N. Pearsou sud.Mn. A. B~w.of ,Guehp b, .etiast w ek, wlth their smuter, MÃœrs. Wm. >13 ash. to whom, w;e eten4 our sy3 mpatliy lu the loua of their bro- thiiet, the. lato Robent'Pearison of C 0 el Callfornia.' 1Mna. J.,Bentley, of Port ,Penny. 18With hon daughter, Mns. Robent MyrtiýýeStation 2IYRTLE STATION, 'May 20- Nixt Sunday evening the chureh serice is witlidrawn because cftc Manchester, Anniversany, but Sun- day School will be -at the. usual bour' of 1.45,p.ni. Last Sunday our pastor, Rer. W. E. -Iloney exchanged pulpits with -Rer. U. R. Flindall of Scagnave, for the monningz and afternoon ser- vices. Rev. Mn. Flindall preaclied -a niot intcnesting aud helpful ser- mon, using for bis text "The Par-' able cfthe Lest-Sons" and neading part of the lSth. chapter cf LuIce. On june 9th a neal 'treat is in store for us wvhen a niissionary lady. Miss. Isabcl Elliott, cf For- inosa. home on fuiloughi, will pregch to us. on the occasion cf the Easter thank-offerirag service fgr ho local W.M.S. Mrs. David ]rooni, on Friciay, iras the guest of Mrs. Rogers, of Brooklin. Mns. A.* Crosier. cf Manchester, was the guest cf Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Thompson on Sunday. Messrs. , Percy joncs, Howard, Lloyd and John Brooni, and Veryl WVagg, cf Kinsale, ivere Sunday vis- iitors of Mr. and Mrs. O. Lane and Mrs. I3room. This farming vicinity is badly in necd cf main. Sec.ding operatioris are cornplcted and farmers arc now busy prcparng for the lîoe crop, but lack cf maisture is making it niosi difficuli for plowing. Sunday visitons cfMn. and Mnrs. D. G. Ross were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Joues and rle, cf Brooklin, Mm. and Mrs. Nornrian Legg and Mn. and Mrs. H. Stacey, cf Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Geoarge Cishiolm., cf Toronto. wcre Sunday guests cf Mnr. and Mrs. Robert. Chisholm. A survcy showed that more than haijof New York city's unn-arried ý.ÃŽ m_.lk, asc.-domestic servazts-52 pet etait.. infat Audley Md ÂUDIZ£Y. Migtv22.-Tii. Clubi To he .1 celebrotithe bc oliday on the bai fI.ld, hon;. Meusles sdwhioopiug cougii hure been golngt the rounds et'tii iI jpyetles hon;. pN Tii; weather continues veny. dry aud postures and the hay trope, wlll soosi show -the' affects.. John F'iddlen sud family, of Toý- ~L rqoÇe, eogueets Uhen o 01Mou- dai luti. M.. Betson bas stant;d shlpepig Gueruey -mille to Toronto tis .Au unfeortunate -cietou the farmn cf Charles Puckrn e au-seà the loss cf thno. cowe and nme mhleepe ou Saturday hast. Tbink- lng that thcy wcre feeding sait, but whlch was nitrate- of soda, produed the fatal resuits. It ,sers that thc nitrate had been thon; for two or tire; years and had beau forgotten. OYIAWA-REPORTS Canada's Foreign Tradé Also Shows Increase During APMl Ottawa, May 17.-Au lucreae of $493.603 lu the menti o!fA.p- nil wis noted by Hon. R. C. Mat-w thews, minister' cf national rev- enus, ln statîstics made avallable ber;ý today. Customesuad excise receipts hast menti amounted te $12,388,768 compared with $11,- 895,165 for Apnil, 1934., A smmli decreas; of $21,267 lu custorne revenues wns mone tha-n offset by thie eubstantial gains cf $87,477 lu excise taxes aud $414,- 457 ln excise duties. Sundry col-_ lections also rod'e by $12.935. The follawlng figures show the comparative eftatement, for tho month, tihenecîpts for April, -1934. being given ln backets: Customs duties, - $5,508,469 (5,619,737). .Excise taxes,, $1,711,926 ($3,-' 624,448). Excise duties. $2,01D,457 ($2,- 605,000). Suadmy collections, $58,514 ($45.978). Canda'e foneigu Imade durnng Apnîl, l935, had a valuie o! $74,- 000,071, compared with $66,- 861,31l7 for thec came month hast year, aceordlng to statisties. This waff an Increase o! $8,038,754. Experts Increascd front $32,- 046,'8-19 lu April a year ago to $38,296,337 hast menth. Imports rose fnom $34,814,498 te 36 1734. r er lo Thse lloZday day, May 234 WHITBY CRSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE - PHOI ai N2t, -MONDAY & TUESDAY MAURICE. CHEVALIER in "FOLIES, B1ERGERER with ANN SOTHERN - MERLE OBERON Sparking! Captivatingt Saucyr Jutimatet Strange Tongues It w-as an Ii-ishman who said that the Siciliancanthquak.e was a -visi- tation ulpot\an irreligious peeple.' "But the Sicilians ain'tirireligi eus," protested a friend; "thcy'nc a mcigious people. $ny tume you go into a chu rch oi Cicialians you'li find a lot of them dqwu on thein kuets tarayini." "Sure thcy pray," sahd the first speaker. "Ive heard tliemni eself, the poor furrixiers. -But wbo- the dlvii could undenstaud thii?." Tlh. owner of a- large business iras ii terviewing- applicants for the post- -of of fice boy: He had- a bo'y iu front cfluini. and was asking I bhtn:%I1, manner of questions. "'Now, " --ent on. the é=PIQycr, I'm looking igr sorne -euewbo inust be exceptionally sharp and who -- must ceci me very lutile."' "Well," said the boy, "I1 reclcoin you'd'botter send out for a l«rnou." A wealthy Rajaff weut te se i docton and. complained ô,f a severe pain in 'tht- head., After an txamu - 'ialien' - the' docton said to him: "Raja. Sahib, yau- have a ba pain, but in your- abdomen. WMf did- you tell me the 'pain iras i your head " ',- "Well. Sahib." the Raja rePlied,, ",if I teld -you I had a pain in my, stomach -yen-w'iould not-'liâývc thought il of any imnportance."' HolidayNELSON EDDY- Attraction!,L,35 ARTHUR SOMERS ROCHE'S STAR of MIDNIGHT A Braïeathis ew- Adventum lu eoj Exvtoeent-Boauv "d Laugis POWELL - ROG!RS- Ur< Ye Lked the TiUDlm ra-oun ]LIJk Ts ~I IS THE SIZE AND RoM i4iiw FAMIiLYWAT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 --

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