N THE WHITBY GAZETTE~ & CHR-ONICLF-. THURSDAY ÀAUCUSTr 30,-1934 'ws anci -Repors frorn T gsPPalways Fgond. Popular hol 'wole snnly 'akfast, lunch or ,r. Crimp flakes of. .Phîs extra bran. ,d ivitli nouriah. Miidl1V lazattys rrna d y-to-eat- Eujoy lt oftCe>. lsy al roce.,J h'KeIl og li) tu,' Ontario. Roudy-tOe*Ot QAMAGIE ro CROPS( THE WEST Mil , A il 9 27.-- o b 'ot ;pell ot a %î%.,tttilrbocame de- c ot t 111ly resaltIng lis xvtici lu In ay coiii ",o to 100 ver te cntîpa .tillstand* tf grantiniieHs from ,:cnîpholotitb oabout- ii tlir utorn uortit- t r ost damauge.'13 l tioien m Saskat. ~tg nto wliach are ui i ' Agt'O rîîi. Catiadian Sl!(-dl itlManitoba, t i i i-t Iili lig ltiniaIiy li( io rielatrni. Cait.. inti r tlinsing tii thr Souath sud' ittuit or dry weatb., Ititg Stcii, whl lu-li 0î1-fi ylrlds Wtll bc iloNn average, vith' cv onlv about a 50 lvotboizrg. Bengough, te suibdiviions ln. n brffltinglts coen t - d(1ist rictR whene ihre.'ling thll vek ï. littphdtv sud vii! toit1 WPgttireugh 1Pfll.gg t'.Doduiand 1h(r itas be"c-ncol lm geiteral, Yleld ln 1h14 ansd freux, ois cai'reports et hlt hrlntaken. Folucilîn. Ticif ield, 11h li ilitwInd pass- h)ISt cmop aei an&* 1 ')-îotciil neund 75 r ntt ;Iaudiug ereps. lttivi l!mita of the nt divlision westber, coll w'tshoveru, hnsal far apa'nt au ff liîiIîot coane Tt- asgt on Aligalat 22nt1 (ailtWood l8 eîtirnated -ni. T l n northera .11tiq di vision yieid - rîgep unhil(,, aIotiiOr 11 s tiacning out bét.. fini*t anticipated. Yh "Ipoints aiong thé r iitanio su-tînlvisicu n F t (Idi c 40 te 100 BROOKL BROOZLIN, Auguat 2.lr aud Mns. Chas. Elîlotsud Mise Evelyn Eîiiiott. spent theo wee»n-t enu& withj Mn. and lins. A. C. El- lott. Miss Ile Robinson o! West-È ou, fa 11h Mn. sud Mn,. W. Smith. MNIs. Sýeare la lu Uxbridge, ow-1 ing to tIlie sentous Ilunes. o! her mothen. iMrs. Wilcox. Mna. Ijarnes, o! Denver, Coloa'- ado, spe t Sunday witix Brookila t frieuds. IîNrs. Bannes vilI Rie ie- uîembere¶d by mtany old fiends ns Miss Dcl I'Eddy, wlio spelît ie:' girlhood days here. Mn. SýanIey Lockyer h sîîer- lng"a b cItday at Newtonbrook. Mn. a d lIns. A. Neshîtt are wîth tRieh r daughten. at Kinkla-xd Mn. Jý Clifford and Mnr. N. Clifford cof Montralui visited last week witRi their uncle, Mn. sN. Watson. NMss Armtstrong, o!fIinni-. peg ,whî<alias Just ne:urned fra a trip a roud, was with Mn1. a.id Mnr. W 'atson for s few days. Mnr. iilton White, M.' \V. Baker, t d Miss M. Canton, von.' Suuday visitors with Mn.%.3 )b White and lins. Rîcîtandson. TRie ý,Vome's Mlssiouary So- ciety ut t on Weduesday, aI tht. home j! Mns. Rateliffe. Tîe pnogna n "lucange o! Miss Mow- h-ray, c1nsistced o! extrada froua thie di! ýeent utiEsion fields. M-s. C. S. Tbompson sang tRie beaul'- fui nuî4aber, Trees' by .Joy':cr Ktlmer.1 Mis. J.l1. Joutes eutentaiued lien gnolup, with thein fienda, lu tRie Wcninen's Association o!f tep United Churcu. 'lins. A. (--. El- IlictRiýd change o! the prognari sud gaite a nsadlng froua the Nor., Outloolý. Readinga vene 4lso cota- tibutec 1 iy Mlins. lliday and Mien Bi Garbutt. Mn. ~nd lins. %IcKendry sud son, Wýrren. callod on Mr-. C'.-- butt ouL Monday, on tbefr wa>' -home trinu Manitoullu Island. whene they have been hoîidayi<g for tRie paît thnees wéels. Mns. Falla o! Hamilton, and Mn. autd Mn,. Jas. Brnadley, cf Toronto, vistted lait week w1tla Mn. sud Mns. F. Bradley- -Mirss fouton and lMis Brooks, of -Tortanto, sud Miss Lorraine Bradlp>4. of Myrtle. vere with Mn. an4: Mra. L. Rose lasI veck. miss iMary Cook la apendi 'g ihe vw+ vith 1lils . Shaw, at Kinsale (Mis. .'ctor i>rklu, correspon- dent )1 YKINALE, Augusit 27th.--1 Weddi lgbelîs arerning lnlu cu neigbbèrRiood. MlssiJoycesWhite, ot Oshawa, la bolidaying villa ler cousin. Mis Vtems Cr4wford. lin. laud Mire. VIcton Hariock sud d4ughle.ns, of Toronto, eall- ed on!IMn. C. Richardson sud tsmly4 -Miss Betty te remaining fer asItwo veeka holiday. . Mr. land Mns. L. Heard. of OshaweL, spent a couple et days lsst veek vitRi thoir daughter, Mno. A4 Panhin. wbo vo are sonry ta rePýrt -n tRie st.h Ilit.F MuaI Ailes Pgg, et Gresas- weed, l8undayed with Mis. Mabel Hsrbr4n, sud accompauted lier solo unMmber Et tRio chuncRi ser- vice. Quitiea numben freux bore "t- tendet'thie Oshawa Fair, and- re- port 4n Immense crevi sud s goed how. 'lh, Institute Ladies iecaaro 5 f ir;ts, 6 seconds aldi 5 tfiinds ou tboîr exbIabits aitRioe 41N NEWS Sevemi tovnship farmers have exhibite cf cattîs sud herses st thie C.N.E. tht. weeh. Eveninug services will be resum- ed lu the United Church on Suu- dciy next., Rcv. P. L. Jull was in attend- ance at the Schoi for Rural Leaders In the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, durlng tRis îveek. A ntimben ot ladies fron the Uuited ýChurch attended the W.MLS. Couference at the sanie time and place. The United Church, Rev. P. L. Juil, B. A., pastor. Sunday. Sept. 2nd: 10 uni. Sundsy scheol; Il ar..ni rnlng worshlp; 7 p.m. sveniu-g service. The pastor in i preacit at both services. If you do not neceive oeeOe Mar.Duff's special echool open- ing buis cali at the store. Thero will be one there for you. The -Whhitbv Gazette and Chronicle- te paper with Brook- lin and district news, should lie in every homo. it la now qoniy 4c-.50 a year. Suha)rribe now for youirseht and fnienda;. Subscrip- tion a y hn lot. at- fthe Po.it Officp or at Whttby office. 'MmbPrs' of the' Womeu's In- stitute wtshing to go te Mankham on Tuies(iaY. September Cth, Rs guecsts of the Mlarkham branch, are asl!ed toelîand their names t0 the secretary at once. ]Buy youn scîtool supplies at slaclJuft's. Thry have a fulîl lino te choose froni. The Boy Scouts of ist Brook- lini Tnoop. lhave returned front a,1very succest fil camp beid ut P'6nt Mar&.i.ak-e Slrncoe. About a do-ren Scout% inciuding thie Mayor of Brookîuai, under the .'npable supervision of lMr.%Monte L.ade, enjoyed theo bol'dsy.' An accoutit ofthtRe death of the late Inuta Grant appeans on page 1 of this ib!sue.-Hîs pasan bas caused genulue regret throughout thie township. Mns. Wm. Sonely i8 vtsiting friendsin utRie city this week Mn. sud Mns. Master Clifford. ta thie eity. atter vacation vilU Mn. Arksey. B. - Aibveli. have neturtied a Ivo veehs' and Mns Mark Mrs. E. Watson and tamiiy, At Toronto, are vlsitlng ber nid- ter, Mns. J. Batley. MacDuff*à - , Special School Openlng Sale starts Friday, Aug. 3sit. Don't tailta take adran- tage of these 10ow prices. ta Jr. Congratulationls. The Mission Balid*pieute vas held at Mr. F. L. Green'$, Pigrk last Saturday atternoon. Atter au atternoon of races. and gain i. a sumptuous supper was servoid by the mothers. Thie followlng were results ofthtei races. Boyus race, .8 years and wider-lit, John Gibson; lad, Gordon $tell; grd. Howard Steil; 4th, Jackie HNocher. Girls, 8 yearms ad under -lit, Betty Hodgsou: tud, Do.- otliy Harlock; 3rd, Ruthi Hirst. Boys 9 to 1l years-lât, Bob Gibson; 2nd, Charlte Richard. son; Srd, BIllie Gibson; 4tb. George Richardson. Girls 9 ta 11. years-let. Marion Mudie: Suad. Velma Crawford; 3rd, Joyes White; '4th-i- Alie. 'Steli. Muxid raco-lot, Marlou Mudie; tt., Tom Richardson; $rd, MeUEn Pankin; 4-th, Alico atoll. ; Boy's chariot race--Bob , &.4 Bill1 <ibr.u aud *Harold StoiU; 2ud, John (lUton, Noble ,Stoy- eusou and Gieo. Ricýatdae. Girls' chariot raceý-let, M. Ud- le.- J. White aud A. Steil; SU2d, V. Crawford, bi. -Stereuon . &Ud roleeu Parkln; Srd, D). arlock, Detty HRodgsou aud Ruth Mtrst. 1'Iea~'ure i IVILANO,:-m.W >AO1NT = Boyie baek-walk race, s yeasIli snd under-isi, Gerden Steli;f tnd, J, Hooher; 3rd, John Gih- sou. Girls 8 yearsasud nuder- a lit, Betty ilodtgon; 2nd, Rutix Ruirt; Srd. D. HarioCh. Boys I te 14 y ears-lot, BiIl Gîbson:i Zud, T. Richardson; 3rd, N. Stev- enson; 4th. Bob Gtbpon. Girlsî ever 8 year--let, M. Mudie; a Zud, E. Pankin; 3rd, J. White;C 4th, Marlon Stevenson. Boy's t doubler îide-ways race-lot, J.N Heoker and H. steilI 2ud. V. Gibsen sud 0. Hoker. Girls un- ii der 8-lset, J. Gibson sud 1D.9 Harlock; 2nd. B. Hodgiou a-ide RuthRi Hrat. Mlxed doubles-lit, ( T. Richardson sud B. Gtbib e Zud, M. Mudie and E. Parkln: Ird, J. White sud A. SteIl; 4tli, i H. Stel snd C. Richardson. Cir-c CIO race-lat. A. Steli; Snd, E. Panhin: 3rd. Bob Gibson; 4tRi . ; Steli. Wheel banrow race-lu;t. ç Bill Gîbson and C. - Richardsin;j Sud, B. Stell and B. Gibson; rd, T. Richc-rdson and Gee. Rich- ardson; 4tRi, N. Stevenhon and J. Hooher. Fat ladies" race-ist,.11 ra.t Qibson; 2nd, Mn.. V. Pankt;; 3nd. Helen La,sw 4th, Mcar. J.d Steil. Boy'g boot race- ist, G. Ri1it- arde-on: 'Ind. J. Gîbson: 3rd. N. Stevenson: 4th. T. Richardson. Girls shoe race-lit. VeIla Crawford: 2nd, E. Pankin: lnd, M. Stevenson, 4th. Aline teil. Relay race-lat. Mis. Gibsoni and Mns. Steil: 2nd, Mnf. V. Panklin 3nd. milas ,M. Harbron. sond chariot race- ist. tc. R!giaardsmon and V. Gibso,,; 2nd. H. StelI sud G. Stili; rd, j. FHocher and G. Hookiîr., Mr. and Mns. Alfred Sadier. oaf Park Hill. Mr. sud Mrs. Roger Campbiell et London. sud '1fr and Mns. Eaui Ternît, of Linti- gay. were Sundai' viaiora at the houme of Mn. Wnt. Sadien and tamlly. Miss Jean Mowbray ta spendiu;; a 1ev days with Miss Helen bIc- Bain and ethen relatives at -Brookhliii. Mr Mn.ud Mn,. Wilfred Bateq of Toronto. are holtdaytug with the latter'apa-nts, Mn. ani Mnr. J'. Mudie. Mn.. Bentley Sr.. bax returned from a îwe veeki holiday vith Mn. sud Mrs. Swanu, at Mussel- min'... Lshn MnB. Moodie aud son. Lley'i, cf Oshawa: MiFSs June Webster, Of Aluiendsasnd Mn. sud Mns. Hadley wer. Sun,y visitors 01 the IR. V. MewbruY home, and atteuded thie service put ou by thie Young People. Mn. Orville LawtOn, et Manilla $peut Sunday sitRi the- ell [Arn- Ily. Mns. F. Harbrou and 3Mia. Mabekllarbron attended'tRie corn rosit whieh vas> put- oU by tise Audley Young ePeoplOe t East- baurne. - . .Mr; and -Mnm J.:FeU iudl da.ugbters, 02T«Outo, uudayed vilth Mir§. BerR. Pirklu .114 foà - iyMstrClive FeU'j # t& tylng for a weeXts holiday. .- À 90,04 cougregtionsatteuided the Sun1day servie, vihteh vs carrled out bythe -youg -People of -thiechureb. Mn«..Ânercie Meln preisidei, asud ýtie metinýg. vws opened vitbs a ton Minute meng service, -tltt's felloed. witi DrILYer by 'XMýn..alue RarbioiL Thie seriptur"ýe IesuJohn. - ebap- ter 14. *as takea _by Jaek -Mo,#- brsy. TitsW" ollowed vitit a toDice,83u0oisellent taoit. onur Duty ta M3ss0o0s," RiT BY.Mocw-r bray. Mins Lena 811er, thon fa&- Yourod us vlth £ VOCal Soie. A 1readtng, "Our New Caa&dian., by Uia. J, t*n, am a eadiag by 1mies EiléetaParinl. 'the",. ve. îles- ry oboruderiessasio Id lRtam i quua lâ BUL57,sep. ud. useR congre- nom mms Mtesae, &a»e iesilpeolIeêsudee5y~by p1 semet bal lisbe esiga alteamsmi lIres b ore vs., a d&vu« s pu it obikmtise la Ilial*lsluy,, --s'Ilïütrx sas-la a #elu tieWu, ep at *eeul, Ble is alrse tise sipir nmvesieuy-e*t li 4 naUss andid, 14Mtievert ~ Aaisg tor mai Trhé Gazette n a cellar step and throWn ber forvard. Dr . Tonilinscn.assstst >y Dr. Avison Whio wasagut at the Ward home, roduced the fractuare and Mrs. Ward la agaîn &ble te be about althOiigh sut fer- ng frcm the effects cf her in- Junies. A number of Claremniet ladies are attending the Rural Welfa-re Coflferelce that Io being held 5a the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, tis week-. Mr. Caskey's father or Ms.doc ii lu one of the Toronito bospitals where he underweflt a major op- er-ation a short time ago. Mr. Caskey was home over the weel<- end while visiting hIs fatber Whwe understafld. t, makIng favorable progress towards ne- covery. Mrs. Frank Carson addressed the Auguat meeting of the Whte- raie Wonien's Tnqtltute, ber sub- Jert Home Economirs, Harry snd Mr,%. Porter niotor- de to Midland for lthe wpek--end. rbe-y were a.-eompanled hv is Hlopkins. of NMidinfld, who re- turned home after bhein r the gui :tof lirq. Porter for iseveral I ayp. MfissMagae Fii of To- ronto. vialtked 1h.' Mises Forgie for a few days over ftie week- enid. %Sic;%('ollin. of Torontfl. ipent last week with her friend. Miss Jovck McCuttoîgh Robri tScott. Miis'Miller anId Mns. D2. A. grntt apent a few days ah Jack'ýon'% Point, iast w e k. The Phiker familie!z returned home on Saturdav after a two weefkcs vacRatioa spent at Trent River. lirF S.Floote and daughters. of I.rmonvihhl'. nd XMisa Retty Pugh. of Altandain. visutpd iheir aunt, lias Young, on> Thtîrsday açt. Mca. J. AyerF. Mna. T. Neat sud litas ('tara Neat -pent Punday vitRi the formnera a isten, lins. W. Deeeiby of Siroud. liai. fotrn. McLeod sud son. Roy. are -.istiug retativ~esata Richmond 'Hill. Mra. D. P. MIeFartan.'. n.! To- ronto, ta apendilng a !ew days with relativesq hene. Misa Margaret Cowi@ bas ne- turned home frout a two weeks' holiday with ber surît, Mrs. K. Beelby o! Greeuw-ood. Ashburn (Mise Vea Leach, Correepon dent) ASHBURN. Aug. 28S.-Service lu 13uru'.- Church on Sundsy. SePt, Sud, at Il a.ni., villa the paîton, Rev. D. A. Fenguson, lu charge. SabbatRi School at 10 an..,. eaty Invtatian la ex. tended to veyo4. --t MiéssElîda Eopkiu, vho beew-spading lte peut slJwqq1e aI Bahg, ýr.turuod. tg , hew "- Mtpseg 1sabeu Clin- n Ruth Truit, of -W ibr, iae end- lu; thse Weekat'tbe latteels borne ber., - SoteraItIr*m tise village arra attess#lg tbg Casadiau Nsational F nibtt4on ,tRis veet. . r. -ind irs. John liseGregoi and Mr. and Mr&. James Mac- Grogoi, et Oshava, vere Sonda, visitons villa Mn. aud Uri. WiI. tim Wallace. Miss Laurs Rogers, ef Epsom, la viiing witRi ber graudpareuts, Mr. sud Mns. Id. Ashton. A *nurnber of aur yo*ng people vote eutertslned to a cern rosst et thie home et Miss Marganel Fisber. en PFridaiy eveng lait 'Ah rePOrt a splendid urne. ii enStephen I. speudiuj ti veeh vitit relative« lu Toron- to. . ts. Marie West aud MmeA. Patterson entertaiued tRieutr'tSU day School classesat & plcuic at Mé-eblaurne - en - theItke, 'on TRiunday atterooon lasi. - Umiss entha Runillo.et port Ferry. 'peut Mnd" y un Ms. i2d Mri. G.- W. West. Mn. sud Mis RuugreiliLucey, o9 Teronto. vere Ssturdsy visterg a&t th*e bomneet1Mr. ad Mrnu. Go:- dea Fshor Myrtie station- (M... C. Harrison, Cmpu.t MYRTLE STATION, Aug. 28 - Mn. and Mn.. Harold Shukia -sud son, Donald, cf lsliugtou, wcrc vis- itons cf the formcn's parents, Mr. and Mis. Jos. Simicin ou Suaday. Mliss Clara Gl ass,? of Toronto, is hoiidayiîng with Miss Barbara Bright this weck. Mi. James Perry sud famnily, of Canleton art guesîs this weeIc ef Mn. and Mis. Id. Penny. Mn.,aud Mis. James Mlasters aud Mn. aud Mn.. Anchie Masters aud son, of Pontypool, hast Wednesday wecI- caliens at Mr. and Mrs. L. M asters. Ourn tovun was weli represented at te Osha%%a Fair lait week. t Mns. i-arry Bail, of Toronto, wasr the gucst of Mn.s. Roy l'ercy for a fci days lait wcek. Mn. Copeiand, aise MNI. and Mns. Franîk Dickion sud fanily, cf Toi- Onto, wcce gucîts of Mn, and lins. James Duekion ou Sund&y. Sunday guesîs of Mn. and Mri. John Quinn were: Mn. sund Mis. Citai. Scott and daughten ni Hamt- ilton, Mrn.ud lir%. B. jolies, of Mit. Z Ion, Mn. and lin. N. S. Mc- D)onald and son, Lloyd, of Epsomi, Mnr. aîad lIra. F. Quinni. anîd daitagli- ter, joan, and Mn. \William Quinn. ,If \Viitby, also Mn. and Mis. S. Spencrn and lins. Da-w son, of Brooktain. lins. John Bînkett, of Pont Pern, ou1 Moîaday %vas thie guiesi oflins. 0i. Laarc. Mn. Jus. Simkii11 was a %-rk-rndl i is;ton te Tornoîto, attcnding Dn. Sliîinlds' Citurcli on Sunday and tlic Exilîbition on Mondas'. lin. Cross and thnec cildren at- tcndcd tRie Exhibition on Cltîidrcn's day. 'These final sofibail Ramies arc 12tiig nione excittng iiilite tîic. Lait Thunsday the Mi-itle teatu w-ent to B!ackaîcîck aud played maiti I3lacksiock. It iî flot îîccessacy io say mnucha about tîtat game, as those %iho t%-cre prescrit sltouid knouv whctlacn or atot it %vas a gamc of 'fair ball". Howeven. the game en- c ( % wth ltBackastock the mvinnenrs. lialis state of affaira made it necec- ýaay for the twca îcams to mect at lont IPenny lait lionday for the play-ofi. This mwas a good, decan gamei, we tire plrased ta litai, two gzood umpire% bcsng on the job. But that isi't all. Tht gante %voududtp %%-iti a tie, score 14-14, se slow thcy lhave te play again at Port Penny on Friday of this week at 5.30 p.rn. Hcne's wishing the home tcarn "good luck." Miss E. Gaieoyne, Miss Myrtle Gasenyne, ef Broeiclin. sud 'Mr&s. i. Alexander and Miss Rdfa AIlwand. tcr sud itaiter Keuneth -Gaieçgyie, cf.- Toronito, caiied on Uri. Fn*aýn lime les là esrag. SMnl Âmfd. ts< boys and giriarlse vondenluj s-bore thie s<004 emnner Ilsu liai genie te. z F 1I Fiank Puetrins ud W .1 e are both busy vitR tiseir titreus in£ Outfits. Tise former tas i tte machines ou thse road. Tison will Rie aslot or ttnhr i tis yean. MucRi grain ia eut yet Geo. Watson. et Actoli, la erectiug a cernent, block silo for . M.Chapaisu.# Dorerai are visitiug tise Eziibi- tiou tias veet. Thie accident tRial ispponed to Heonry Westuuy on i*t moten. cycle ai Camnis ecoMer lai veot mslht have neslsi fat more mieslîy ttan t 4<4 au Henry vss-earnted under tise es tRiai kit - hi. B ut vs &»ar l la kno-w ltat ,Roie la mpzovin ulceiy. Tisai' corner and tise oni ai Aitdle'&ae botbad cornera. The* troeu liat 1114 thie noaUsai bot IntUs5U Prévent -People seelug - -lise,-* paeblsg triamfe. f4o"e Ire sisouhi b. tnfmmed s tvWste iti Dot b. obtrucled. -ý * , F.,erti ots -',s I nepisevValiser 40" I'est tRie AtIattwe ete 4 t-e*"a- Cape Cod su- tise-veSt4 I nluted 'tise % UUtI ota wis Plignlm Ya-sra ,lanied *à , tl sud b *bi~lsdt te î«gIa4 te b A tisa sIii4 e.tO t xUy virestsIrE. -Vw«eyf' <8* ate tumersny pet fb. *étè ter thvsdla.~ e u I. t s 9 ASE Imm WE8T. AUS. 2.- M3r n, rUs, George Milles mai sma sud Mni. jae. fl u cfTi- et., «»at itise BatsSohm Bou»s Duuay sud Jimmsy Lyre reteusi 10 lteeclt iy v ut 1 r. Mugit Rosi&aud smily'ai. va.atit t. Jacta.. Rieue-~ uoflsg tote le os B. -;If xn. WI Sillis stbdIL R. ros, viss returans trf ou thie Cala -Mar met vitis * eotlustou a&M ils car eus bobIy dipzage u" Urs. Wm, Aysm sd W. t as lait celsbnstb*Wtisets lrh sti tise LatibutSoieMenaslmaI Vil day aIgRt. Mi. Vus. XJtianluoa W. BIlt le. l " BiAi. à Xb*l jas. Sielgt&e184 MLRleeaai1.- Lyres w' pefl Tise oir - <tM Chfflli ta Terote P*lda vwei te tise W*rren a - AU a 14& 71ev tinlut 1?u".e W* -uuiepsiu~d ~tMw 14« l 1avisa il* M a i c c ( c i'ired fo'r eletrîc llghts, which aise wili b. a great Improve- ment lu many wsys. TRie chuTchb has beeu made yory attractive unside aud vitRi our usw pastor. E<ev. Mr., Toli, ought ta Rie a great Inducemeut for a largerat- tendance. A cordial Invitation la hzteuded te aIl ln this vieinity te attend. They need your helD and te-operation. Mns. J. Sawdon, et Whitby, rendered a very deltghtful sole mn Sunday atternoon durIng church service. Miss Elizabeth Fothengll. Mn. 'barl. Fethergili and MayseI Anderson spent Sunday at tho NIcQaiay cottage, Concord Beach, Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrn. Roy Moncembe. of Winnlipeg, spent seveu-al days ABlend of Exqui 1 TP R "'Fresh (rom the isite Gardien ris sudk Quèbte Cil!.Mnt- Repect, visited witb Mn. sud lins. G. bciîg represeutc frmol ns are t, M.suwins heBray Suuday eseniîîg. Mauy of thec T. oremb aent - ln br. ;is.1lazel Pienson, of Torouto, calîty have fin T. Mrcobe.spcnt the iweek-cnd îvith lier pan- spleiidid cropsa cuti,Mli nud lins. Fred Piensoît. 'Tha August: Lttca Mr.insdlins. Roy Bronoîîand M.S. %vas hcid e sons lins. Wut. Krttington, of To- J. Piîlips wit ronto, anîd lins. Mary Goodwood, Pncsidcnt, prei (W. C. Reynolds. correspondent) are spending a Nîeck with thein buisiness vvas ci UITICA. Augml 2 '.7. -Servi1ce Igiend% and relatives litrne. uîîder Mnr.. Ma4 ln the United Chunch on Sunday. Mis% l)oris Brav lias ncîunncd the iTnograin. b Sept. 2nd, at 2.30 put.. with te home suier spenidiig a icw w'ecks cd býc"nc Roi-. Joseph Denny. pastor, ln with nelatlvet in (lakNi ti. iisti by lins. charge. Sabbath ichool 51 1.30 li. n. d lin. Danl Raimers, ond itirclrcshutei p.m. AIl r'e condialiy veicome. Saskatont lis. Wilson, ni Brook- lin.- ard Mci .Ilisa CenaldinA Pnizeman, o!ftiin atndEdgar Wt-ofrt Ohama. week-end xtsitc Toconto, is Roltdaying vith ,herrc ~Siandav guat s ofNi r.inudlhoute. grandmothen. Mrs. J. Ackuey. lira. lBobt. *Squctch. N. sud l Il iEa Grace Dentera, o! Scu : >g A itumbr roliuthrre attîidcd apnuat Sunday Island. ia visiting aI the home eftlthr Oslattaw-a Fair on \V r d leday. hi-ne. lias Btanche Lee, Con;zratiihaiien% art exîeuided to the Ic lis. Siasînic 1Mn. sud lins. Elwood Caîhen-. prire ittuicils of ttiP district. F mm)çicc Goldi wood sud Mi,. Merrell Rosi;. o!fcif i athte Itou Pins Gu'ove, vers Sunday visitons J. 1111cr. wlth lin. and ers. Fred Ballard. Brougham ifra. Havwcys MViss Olivn'B;liton, o! Tonorito. a',til her moti la Roidayiug at tRie home o!, liv OîN-C lite Mis. Arthur TReynolds. (Mr&. T. C. Brewn, Cerrespoucieat) MIr. snd IM Mns..Hogarth sud Nlls li'Ouii iROUGI-A.M, .'ug. 27-NI.-s . qiciltSur>day of Oshawa, vers vitRi fnieuda Monton Salie lias bretiviautitîg t in aciia Riere on Suuday, Bnoughaà i neturned to lien homc i n lir. 1). Gaunoi Mr. and Mlca. Walter Asllug. Kcswick acco-mpaiied by Mn. sund Mi%. Katc o! Epsomi, visited witR irMnud lips. Deati I-ainalttie jack and rgtÇs t of lins. Mn,. Fred BalIard o'en tRie week- Nins. M. pit;lîp. paut îî-rk. sud. Mrn.and Mrs. Claire Dobson, niof ui t Mr. Mau-rice Winters was in Brca% entoît, catird at thie Phulilprd Ihome on5 Oshawa on Sunday. home ou Sutdav. - îgîîtiiulmeono The cota noasî unden thie d!n- Nits. 'T. Knox ncîurned home on *dcHerv1 ection of the girls Of th@ Btute Saîaanday ecening mucia imprpe in an d snc- Bird club at thie home o!flins. ilîaluhi. rKe Cbenter Geen. on TRiuriday eve li ra. E. McDougai aud clîuld ren, ~ Ing ef last week. was vol t of Bienliciiîs. 'aho hav'e becua vîsu t-ISLE OF D tended, sud ail report a good îuîg itithlier aunt, lira. T. C.TA SA tMIs ra.Micel1. elBrown accoutpauicd W. J. Brono TAUS daissg CaeMothllln su-ad famity to Tornto ou Suuday. Looi- Maiss Vn a eern. oNblge rs. T. C. Brown vhto lias becta ono MissVera Ger, f tibrlgesuflcrung ior the past %weck vit a ~lte Kaye Do liq on a brlef visîl vith M.8 a un i lty o.rn. lowiug quali Chester Geer. aConaut iloîansIoîe su. tfront anctent 14r. aud Mrs. Bd. Fee, Raieliwoughaeuistieu s e l in sudais- "yIi aud Clu tard. Blanche -and Eu- iwho hav eireaiin scesflcontenta Ibet tee, alse Miss Deniers, et Scu- hi xaîaies ertuîvenka gag, Wers visitin-g 'with Mrn sd E.M oga cBehem suosl w Mr%. George Skerret on Sudai.sud Mis. H. Malcolmi called on the aboye sud Il A number tram tht; vîiuînty forncr'i aunt, Mn;, A. Boyer, of!1 'do-avear - are attemiug thie C. N. 19. Ibis Greenwood, who srec.ently passed roepot r iln voOt . er unnethl birtladay. loyet ,or gala XMý 4aî1 P I" ïe wth oeditethtie. il jp né îe paît veele -ewhîg te 1îïetbpi glii Rdgienht~scriti Btia. n ha,'angun- xldtof tis on an Pierii aï Toéronto- <Ai.~ ees.aa.> East Gencrai 1nosPitai -for, appea- 1WiItlithe RAGAN Al.24.-Mn sdîdcitis. at Jand, !thse Mr. rinOm îon Wis îî. Ournlocal cahibitors at thae Qsh- athe e iliajk gThonipson ati Mn. George' <>mis awa Fair- vere successful in bning- $rde i Cas 0tas &peut Sunday vitta friendsin~m oensyPiemn ns.lhTi. i n t I I I i s I a a i. 'I -t I o e k g lu e a s Fn Tronto. Mrs. W. Stewart -has returned ta Toronto alter abiending several wdets with hcr niece, Miss Susse Bray.- 'Ur. and Mn,. Norman Hughsou n are spà ndiniz a week with relatives _______ in Montrai. They were accouipan- icd by Miss Ruth Erent cf Port Perry a'td Mns. M. Hodgioni of Mr. and Mn,. L. Woods and son, Howard,'of Myrtie, ver. Swida evenix uzgats of Mr. and- M. john Wilson. Mr. Clarence Mller -01Littie Sri",t, spent a Loy days with bis parents, Mr. and Un. A. Miler. Mr. snd UmisJohn Bray, eo! Pros- Correspondent week -end. Irs. Donialdi Wîise& Nvita 'Mis. E. Wilsou4 II' ilI aI the home 0'c Haut lias beu the R. Milne duriiag lie r-. B. Hlarvey retun- Sa5-anday mifter a de'i r trip te Lsham ngton sten, peints with Mn, nny, of Tornto. MIAN JUDGE,.-i kNCRW ~OATH -Thie Judgevho tnIe~ on case teck the tol at csth, ls&uded d)w~ lt imes: '1 boaak sud. -thie.bol irof suad by-thie vol 1.,tbat Go( hlath ïm rtought la-- -bse avén.lte senIs ist 1. t. PAGE TIEE itaff~ QuIuty cd in their exhibits. farmers in this le- nisiied h*rvcst, %wsth. anld ideal wcatlicr._ meecting cf the WV. at the homc of Mns. iih Mrs. J. Miller, sin. Aftcr the concludcd, Group D3, Icoim took change of Roll cali was answer- Mrs. Ph iiIips as- Bayics scrvcd tca ints. Alrx Moffat îwere", ors at the Shepherd Ir. Grant Maicclmi Ons formicriy Mîiss nan spent the îveck-, ne of lier cousin, Mrs. rd, of Duiînvilie, was! -Î5 fl e'e - .1