Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1934, p. 1

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a. b 71-NO. 10' ITBY, ONT., CND.THRDy UGUST 309 1934 ONTARIO C0«UJ 7 LEADING WEKY 'RE us'- ~ilm ,you uns inereaing- rewepaper aid. gaIn luMarec vertisementB Ini huit "rached a of 9,3Î4,817. ull rertes il,) li ntwpaper fasmiileB. Tii- eCanadian teia ch te Inrease our efforto.' Isu yoar, WIt 1 t* igovorrnent lRi To. »ur- Lirate Its tori'? 000,000 copie$ frobl.m.esfRûral Dwsllsrs Studised * At .Contoerênco Hors * nsplrng -Addr.ssesby Noted Englhsh Divine, Dr. John S. Whale, of -Cambridge univensity * GROUPS STUDY - - MANV PROBLEMS Rov. R. GQ Davidson, New Pretident of - United Church Conference -on Rural Welfare jMen and- womn % îf rom i al parts of Ontario who aro lnterested In rural welfsre, rural arellr r n ieso Wbimteby. theaBoand otlse attousEn4ac Jinesonsto! ntht of -th, andsItors. l hdountl rida. H.nG aotedur ai*.nhare eaen ro te .Ruof QuaintelrrContc.peu'senti * J>rg. ie alses. er fo m Rov1 J.Oha .Wa and 0f hprt n-ru coeln- th, Ckmbri e nivr LloydGe. orintaseson.sofheteat sh preanchs-ongiaend, are ed MeUS et er ofthe Conferencq. Pia upend Cre, Trtor- Thé tIr ac. eso heCl A. .JACKSON Rosi'. of W1stby who bas limn ap- pointod-,Returus gOffcer for the eoectoral dlistrict of Ontario for the nexi Dominion .i.ction. IONFERFENCE 0F W'HITDYC0L[ELD Seventy-Five, Representa- tive Leaders Are Expected September 4th and e0 *sevasty-fIýe ,eof the Most rêo,sltative leaders of th.. Unitd Ch ureh o!f Cnatja 11, Ontario and Quehcc arc cxpected to attend a confcrencc at Ontario La dies*. Colleur, %htb)y, durineg -Sep ten$x!r 4th aid 5th. Thte veaihls sesgion o cÊ enber- 4th Is t0o ýbt Open. te tbce.ciiji;ps of the distrct. At tjýis'sesSIOn R!c. R. BI.ÇpC1j4h1c D.D., Iwiil giYg#j aMi.4 NEW; SURTOBf ONT.-HOSPITAL .N01WIN IYHITBY H on'ore d With Mrs. Fletcher by Staff at Broclcville -Dr. 1). R. Fletcher, the new sup- erintendent of the Ontario Hospital nat Vvhitby. has arrived un town %it.h his familv froni Brockville, and taken the house just iacated by Mr. and Mr%. J. J. Kiernan. Dr. and Mrs. Stes-ençcin and fani- ily left W'hitby on Thursday for London, whcrc Dr. Stevenson %% '1 bc superinlerudent o! tise hospital and professor of psychiatry at tise Westcrn University in tfli Foreýt City. They carry witiî themi thc bcst vvishc of a host of frîcîîds 11 Whitby. Tise Brockvilir Recordcr and Times loi Wcdntsda>- las the fol- lowing 'with refercnicc tL ID;. and Mrs. Fletcher: "Last evening Dr. D. R. Fîctclier, superinlendent of thse Ontarioli- pitl, who is being pricîted to tfis supcrintcndeny at WVhitbyý, with cf- fect September 1. anîd NMr,. FIetchcr ivere guesîs of housor at a social cvening given at the residence of Dr. U. %V. and Mni. Kelis and aI- tended by the officers and heads of departunents of flic institutuon and their mives. A phrasant lime was spent at cards and music, foiiowcrd bv tht serving of refre.%hients, and during thte c%,ning bothy Dr. and Ni. Fletcher %%-ti the recipients of tokens of esteem f rom tIhe as- scnibled guests. The pre5enuation on behaif o! the gentlemen present was made by Dr. C. A. Ciciand. and 'for the ladies by Mrs. J. M. Short. Both replied suitabiy to the tang- ible expression of goodsvill mwhich was coupled wilh best ss'shes for every future success and isappiness. Dr. and Mrs. Fletchser left Brock- ville today afîer nêarly three ears spent litre in wisjhch' rach toole a prorient part in tb1e affaira of thec COUiflu1itY, and won the_ respect And esteun t »f aiuclassel Of clUi- WHITBY -CITIZEMiS' BANO 1HN FOURTH PLACE 1H CONTEST AT ONTARIO LADIES «[COLLEME TO OPEN EXHIBITION ON THURSDAY ON SEPTEMBER 12 Whitby C 1tiren5' Band Ivas awarded. fouri h PlIcc in tlhc an- nual compctitiOli for (:las.C' brass hanldb, held at thte Canad- ian National ]F xh,iition 0on 'Tlurrsda%. Tht B13anid bas bern awarded Prizes 111i this Ciass at thse CX for 5onie years past, and has brect- rrgarded as a kren compctitor hy othtr bands in the provincr. Compeltic'on iii, yar wa-s keener thaîs ver, and double thse numiber of bands cntercd. 'lise test PiccC m is also more difficult. Tise bands wcrc placed ini tue followinig ordrr by the judges: i'oront o Silvtr l-and, lst. Werston Beys' Bansd, Znd. NIndsor Band, 3,-d. \\Vitb. 401. Montrcal. 501. York Towvnship. ôth. A band f roni Hamilton was also entere(l but did ncst play. Bandmaster Jack Broadbent' and his, rnu'îcians aire'deserNsing 01 warm commendation for the sry' excellent sho%% ing they miade in the face of sQ much A OMPctition. Theband, a t i understood. s'as hk*qhly praised by manv m-hshc hard îî perform,_ both froru Vi hltby and eise. w h r r r. Daylight Seving Ends Sêptombor 30 4 Âccording to the town by-law, daylight savlng time lii Whitby conUituei3 untit lhse bat Sunday tu September, September 30. w1lt, doèks being put back one Ihour on Saturday nlght, Sep-. tomber 29. In several centres of the prov- Ince dayligbt saving tirne usually ends nt the beginning of Sep- tember but the local by-law pro- Vides for another month of 4"esummer tirne". Whitby Rotariait IloRor Two Estoemod .Members on Thoir Doparturo -Fro. Whitby Presentations Ma .de At Lunclieon to First President, -Dr. G. H. Stevenson, and Capt&ýnT. F. Bat-Fine Ad- dresses on Agrcultural'Problems Given by Repre- sentative of the Ontario Department of Agriculture WVhi1tby Rotarians at their w-tek- ly lunciseon on Tuesday at Hotci Whitby 'housored and tdok formaI leave of tistir asoIiighiy. cstteened tchqter iunabers, Dr. George H. Stevenson,.Su piý -dènt, the on- tRkl{oplta asthe ffir& ,pne- -dçnt~of ~he~'0~ wiîi-eTsfor Ls~d~î~ha *4l4.id Captàin Tom * *'i.zîàb ffthé-> Zaptist Ciwtck W,*Io.ï. %*Vinbg or Toropstu surpass thse success it liad achicv- cd, in its fsrst yeasr cf existence. .Rotariaus Arthsur Archibaid, pnin- c'sîsl ,off tht High Scisool, introduc- cdi thse speaker off tise day, Mn. J. E. Whitelock, director off agrieulfur- -ai reprcsciita.tives forétise province -of Q4sitario. Mr. WhiteIoék gave tise RO*Iassan ostliz th ie spien- 1 alreprictita.tivçrs -n,. thet. tn- SpecalOpportunity - Pro. vided For Day Pupilh From Oshawa The (Jnltario Ladies Coilege, sviich re-opens ils doors on Sep- tcmber 12 after the suminer vaca- tion, lias very brigist prospects for a successful school year, with a mucli larger enrolment in .5îght titan hais been thse case for the last tiso years. The applications for ad- missi'on %vhich havc aIrcady been re- ccie d art considerably greater in number than was the case a year rcgistration s-ll bc inernased. The Ontario Ladies College us r*orie 2,t c~*.u~.,'uinr n UUia*km 1 f t Diplomas and Prizos Prssentod to/"Nurses-- At Ontarlosita LevelWitby Dr. B. T. McGhiers Deputy. Minister for Ontario Hoapitals, Preented -Dit plomas to Nurses GOOD WISHES FOR, DR. G. H. STEVENSO14- Lust Occasion on Which He Wiil Preside Over-i Graduation uqt WMtbyà, -Leaves for Loxidon - ing privat scisools for giriý in tise WibAgs 9A iec prov'ince of Ontario, and is offering inait of a lgus period otheculre Coilgiae, Msit Hoseisld ci-fui training and diligent attention, cncc, Art, Dramaîic and Business t uy hry ornre f h coures. ioth juiior ad seior1934 and 1935 classes of the Outaiio, t-çhools are operaîcd, and, as a Hopia Training Schooi for feature whichî is expectcd te at- Nurses ivere a%,.arded thiser *i- tract many Whitby parents. day DR. G. H. STEVENSON as au ts o Vdintay1 student% arc accepted in ail de- SWi.lnd.nt off the Ontario HO$.23 edig. Tsh onlarg e tae whic partmetiîs. pitai, Whitby, for es.venaI year5 iaeven ronndingThlaestalorall A college hîke tise Ontario Ladies irio bas goee toLoasdon te b. be forthcanso diontlsafloral C~iege ivth ts arg an hihly Superisbendent off the Hospital is ers and fersîs in profusion, madie cualifîcd staff, and ils smaiier crs- thst City.a euilstinfothclrfi rQlinent than a city coîlegiatein- *abatflstigfrttclru stitule, affords an opportunity for cremoatng To tin ightsaît a grealer degretcof individual in- gaiaignussi hi us~ structioatiemm rscth 0N fl unIfortns and carryingz roses 1f«~ ionIasth menh'l f te hii graduation exercises are net- staff have an opportunity off le- J I SS A FOfIwiewii hmo tepafr comning acquaiustcd ivitis tiseindivid-wereD r. GieorghtemHonStvensonforni tuai personalities cf tise students jf Irr ur c r Getorgte Hstalsn, su- and of giigclose supervision, inCO LiR 11K e rnnetoff thgthopitai auidt tue case off boarders, te study .a IUTLL mama cisaîrman of tht gatierg; Dr.-3 niglits. In ihsis way,. higis academic .1Gi, euymnstrofht standards are niaintained. This year -pitaîs for Onitario, who rtpreseic anîd iast the ureords for academic Miss N or&a Holden lu thue Ilonourable Dr. Faulkn r, ii wortz were unusualiy huigi. For ex ister off Ifealtit ii tise Ie~u ample. in tise iddle schiol exam- Granddaughter of cabiniet; Mavor Edl.Bewrnkn, oil Wlsitby, Sauisiel i'rees, cbiWnQ mnations ut \Whitby, the departmuent Founder tht Board-of 1iios:~'J 4 of education passed twseive pet cent. Forsterof Oakville, aspeintendeftit more stutients than the school re- Mis&' Norah IHolden. M...Io Eneritus of tise MO&plta1 et' witif- commended. jointusa the staff ofthtie Ontatrio ~;Rcv' D. B. LWdi etý'O In the case of.- boarding* pupils, Ladiesi' Coliege, Whitby, lu Sep- t os~ iu4 Wibt they unconscionsly abaorb tht ai- tombher. She i t fomer 0. t1.C.D C mospisere of tise institution and stident and a nddasghter. tif -Fga1 adao share in ifs commuuunity interests, ti6 irait presidê 'of its Board of h qpt. iHsIa rtsposssibilities and priviiegets, issa îretors. -an polts-. essabling tisen to..-%sçsrb tise finer - Miss Roldos lias had brul- tet' t quaiitics andi artiatic valises, off sueh I .lasit and Interestia.g carcer.- ffi8 us~ tchol.- -est~e4 ho Ontariolo fldirCol- et~# lasi ycar a 'prçnry departmtns esa a juior papil, bedilad i0e- wasZ ,te bld. heio mmnt AtI 4 ~ 7 SVOL. I. I. -t i. F iii e 4,ý ý 1 9 4 q i I -1' I

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