Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1933, p. 5

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THKWHiTBy GAZETTE & cHiONIcLF. TURSDAY. IDECEM$ER28B. 1933, _________ PAGE FJVP .isy you bs4ng customers ail k that that big TEST I vhitby 'y ,ROUS AR 1in~ 1934,1 onage dur> 34 o merît Méat Cc to Mar- dcii, isoN 'hitby o f the male apecies ae, Show. Bert jdarvey l aiis "a tiie ' la m ei o ï rOaap 01altic youang peot el( a short play, 'b the d, uc p'ayera lic. i M 1cr, John Knoqc Pnoat, Baker. Duna and Asa ciosng number, 8 es caqacted 2 hynt nsi hia drrw forth anucli ilan front tthe audienCe, ), ra.nien; Mai, Cannoi& il. .Malcolmn s:aiging the Y and Mn,. Hfarvey ut Mr n.Johin Knox Rave, ng -and eaucoafnaging nc- rtary -fthe acSunday 1 )2. Nir. Warren~ Wil. 'ncr(lndcn. asked f or s8,1 of ;w prneiataiin fronthei ,he work cf lMr, and n-, Mn. McWhrter and IlelPcd sornatcnlally hi %sarclia a leIndid ove. 1cati naaw lbc ired at itn.,l ill rasiway tta- îianitfonr2M. a day, but f -l". M. for ancr'sasnd Výoiflctl's wlll bc charxed n4 reluirned. PAGE F" of Itbe ocean (NM-- YOM IUCRALD TE&U»B) A HaPPY New, Yéar To ' Yoit Md. 1. OW wkh fm 1934- May the New Year »e better "es f« all of us. DEVERELL MOTORS Colonel - and Mrs. Lindbergh have come, home. la good Ume for Çbristmas, to end wbere theY begRa ln à 29,000-Mile aertal Tonte Of exploration and ýight-àéelnt. They have com. pimely' enrircled the north At- innile 0-rean; they have tOuched tipoil ail the four continents ,A hich border It and twIce, crossed the gub-continent of Greenland-- pArhaps the lonelJest. the most ,minous land upon the surface ut the euxth outilde of Antarc- ln five mont4i4 thoir course iiaf carried thora norLh of the ,ý,.venty-flfth parallel and helnw ilie equator. 7%ey have fought tog and bad wenther over Davis ýiraJt, off the bleck cotant of Dat- riti lÀind; - théy have soen the ,\zotres, bol-dins thoir tranquil po6t. far out ln the mid-Atlantlc-. they have been In bloscow: vlalt. il the Scandlnavian capitais and ,itopped In Paris: they have seen !hp iqunrise upon the equàtor, half way hetween Africa and Ilrazil; tibeY have looked down ,n the grent Jungles et the Ama- ion valley and crossed the etill ilimoàt. unknown rangez that lift iiieir serrle4 heads between the .mlimazon and the Orinoco. And iliey have dodged crowde and photcrgraphers In a good many places, inrludlng North Beach, oafenx. it la a a-triking journey to --ontemplate, Often they were fiying day after "y, on long nd sometImes pretty bazardous flighta, but there, seema te have )ëes no flaw ln the performance of thelr ahip or the competence and carefulnési of its crews Tte- mont âpectacular pa*sage. 60 far am thé- publie wan aware. was the long- hop acrç*s the South At- :antl(- from BathurxL te Natal. but that wam Rcarcely as danger- ous ail underta-king as the 1.000- milo fliglit arrosa the Grefflant fcecaP ý 9TOM; Holitelubor on Davis StTait 10 Bila and gaver- Ing lalauds, ýfar op thé ust COUL In Case of diftleuItJ*s on that Dassage, tren au attempt at rescue là almost out of the èë- ,,tion. But there were no dif?,Ueul- tien; and It was ma.1aly, or course, for "exploring thé posai- bilities of thst part 09 the worid ln toying out a transoc"Die com- mercial route that the journey was undortaken. Colon 1 il Mrs. Lindbergh seem to ave confined most of thelr éx1ý] ra- tory work to the Groenland re- igloo. makint a number of flights, firet &bout Davis Strait and later recroseint the Icecap by a short- or route farther south, befort continuing on to Europe Mong the coast rouze by way of Cape ftrowell. Naltb« the colonel Bor Peu- Amoricau Mrways bas made public *Dy conclusions; and tbough we boom, w1th the ln- ore&" tu range. reliability and r4rrylng capicity of aireraft. to be on the verte of retular aerial communication *Itb Europe, It le &à yet uncortain how &cou this will tome or whother the short but difficult northéro route wili provo a practicable alternative to the locg sea route by way of the Aseres-about the only other presfint potilbility. Pr«umably the reeults of Colonel &Bd Mrs. Lindbergh'& Investigation wIll bé known In du* course; ln the mmnwhile, however, the glam- orous vistas which thAir voyage opens to the Imagination. the wonderful procialon of thoir ar- rivale and degartures, the *P«d and swesp and safety of tbelr passage round à homisphere, an- francblaed IiT the air that bore thom, &rs bound to burry for- ward the day wben the chal- lenge of the gTeat be«nol le takeis up ln earDest. THE CHURCHES- L4sr SvNDAyýf rich remember %bat tbey art the stewards of the poor. Tb* tuâ- oyer ought to rSpect, thé work- 9man's digultY as & Mau »d a Chrtattu.11 lu conclusiop It etates Lot &II add the practice of Di- v1qa Cbarity, so tbat where strict juÈtàce 0oue would ho too, cold or too dry, ' the bonsficent balm of warm cbï ty Mar heài all brutoei.** Among ho PlIgrima risttin4 Rome durJ the 13017 Tear, the Pope bas net welcomed a fflup of. the: Ge Mau Catholle Youth %escelation of Dusseldort. noter- ring te the rlt»Uon la tbeir country ho sald-'«We art optim- lâts by temperament and will. and thèrefore, this bour no matter how dIfficult boldo out grest hop«. Thé future la la Godes bande. It le really that whieh abould open our minde to grest hopes. ,,*on* comoth and anotber so*th." la true of fflttiab Mode, oratois. The lest to bave the honor la the An«rbly of the Cburclà of Seotland will be Rov. P. D. Tbomson, D.D., of Glas. gow. go te lot à atranger to Cao-, ada b«,au" ou* of bis visite was on tbé blaterle omalon of' the Union of the Churebes ln June. 1935, whon bèýé»d Prlatipal W. M. bincOrfflr rolprmated the United Fr« Cborch et Seotland. ne si a native of Glasgow. bis ta- ther bavias be« a etauneb aider 11% the old Perte Cburcb. Ne took b th hl@ Arts and Divisity et Glasgow acting for à time as ase, Blitant te air George Adam emitb lu Bobrov. Nie hlgh eftudles u a prq»cbor te s"x la the fanions Mon wbo wore bis prodeeu»n, bovint followed Dr. John Rel. man ID Peterculter Cbureb. Abere, deon. Dr. lames Stalk« la Kirlk. etldy and Dr. Walter Rose Tay. lor et Kolytould-*, Olîs»w. IR* bas maintained the but tradj. tiolle ln Ol of tbue charges jilid la et Pr«eut ou* of the ablut @"Moi] tu tte cbvrcb of ftot- loué. As Dr. Rose Taylor toolc inq tbir mantfe of the grut Dr. R&Joy au a leader. go la toien Dr. Tbom. ton bas b"q Convoler of the Buoinen coramittt4 'et tbé 'ta. "Mbly. otberwise the '-leader" et the NOUBO, fi*e UY ho bas beau the §rot Uliltgd prft Cbllrobloq% t,046 Moderater of the prmbl, fý of alasirow sine* the union. ne h" a son ln the 0101»try. (Continurd from page 1) press the full glory of the spirit f of God. In the comin of Christ the "Word Was Made fiesh». lle choir, under the direction of Mrs. P. N. Spratt, has seldom been heard ta, better advantage. Several amthems and carols were sung. and a icature was a number by a junior choir. Special soloists were Mrs. G. P. Lynd and Mr. Ralph Car- michiel. r Two failures of the lights and '. the penwer for the organ Interfered seriously with the musical part of a the evening service and some of the numbcrs had to be abandoned. The minister. ffl l in the darkness, e delîvered a gristmas Message en the subJect "Peste and Goodwill to Ail Mankind, the burden of the Christmas messa- to the shep- herds and to the world-" Mrs. Frank Mathison. of Oshawa, and Ralph Carrmchaci wcre the soloists, w1sitiby uaiw chemi t Preaching at the United Church 1 in the mc.ning Rey. A. L Richards e sait! that the real gospel of Christ. f mas was that in jesus we may sec r God, we know now what God is like. The story of Christmas must be 1 true, he said, for only God could have planned it. but how that in à lively town. În a étall in a stable, under a sin 'ng sky, at the end of the way Of a wandering star Hi& son was born. bringing a new phy and joy into the life of man. There was an anthem. with Mrti. W. X Heard, &à soloist, and a duet by Mr. A. Dewey and Mrt. Heard. At the evening service the choir presented the cantiata 'ýHis Star" with JIr. Rcrwe at the organ and Mrs. A. L. Richards as Reader. Not-ithstandinst many difficulties inc'ludinlthe abstnte el their choir leader. r. A. W. Lynde. and two faoures in the electric power. the Choir PvC a satisiying renderinq of a Christmas message. Mis$ K. Ward and Bcnnctt Smith gavc lex. cellent service 88 soloista. 3t. 'J"b-8 Pen whitw Professor T. IV. 1sherwood. of WYcliffe Collese. Toronto, preached 1 a'moit inspiring Christmas sermr" Sunday eV ninq; tri St, john*è 1 Church, P7rt Wht'tby. his subject bein -Let us Go Evrn Now Unto i lie' 'M" There wai à lame COIW«ation and a future of the 1 eveains %va& the sinens of, Christ. 1 mu c9r0li, which wu inot inter. rupted wheu the light# went off. At the nwming service the choir sang a special Christmas anthom. with Ur. Aolir lit the ortan. and a Christmas message Was de. by Mr. of Toronto, êtudrist auisting the r«. tOr. on the subicet. *There wu No Rom in the jnn"ý At the ser. Vice CM Christm" UWMID« Rtv. PtOftýs»r IgherwOod was #Wn the t prmher, tfflag twe tub swo ,xoom* "% th* Wordit No Rootn the 11101, ww d En&" Ir= the '" b«Y Ïbat «Of C mis Xb"m Tliert De No r E"d 0 - W# imit de" whether we e WiH crowd Christ «t « crown MM 100 » Wood. The chow repeticd tit th" Of citrittmi Mmukit a - Am à4hiée Ch" 8 $P-S«kW «MgrU*tlon etténd 'e Ali SWOW Chtimb cm' Suaday. aàd a 0" the è4rvice en Chilitmas M=108. the rtctcw, ROV. E Ralph Adye, prearhhqt Simdev morning the rectoe anisimu diticoum VU ba"d ce $the »biffl -Tb# lf»d. tj Maid W tbt L«r. aqd tbe uthM 0 W" etut Us Go Ew«. sow vato il uftbltbm." carob (Utw«,tm *V«M# urvim Cbfbtmu aximbyr at IDJO tbe" C Ume ob«tt»td MOM4 sfal* É%Mý" --à $ter Wbuby "bobo* A 4@Wàm tRo AMVI&4xcb ami, SINCLAIR GIVEN SECOND TERN AS MAIYUR--Df OSHAWA Member for South Ontario Io Accorded an Ac. clattnation W. E.- N. Binclair, K.C., M.L.À.. loi again mayor of (»hava. Whou the time for fillng the declara- tions of qualification expIred et nine n'elock on Baturday lnlgbt laid. tbe otber four cItIsons nominated bad dropped out of the field. leevIng Mayor Binclalr actin the occupant of the poil- Iton of chiot tnatiotrate of the ruy of Oshawa for the year 1934. It was a worthy recognition of faithful service. voit rendored. and hl& el«Mon. Judging ffom romments board around the City., was a popular ont. Wlth the Initial emoke lerftn, provided by forty-six aldermanic nomInees, elotred away. fitteen In thê field to contest the ton se4là around, the conneil borsouboo. The@@ sixt*4ô candi. clatoi Include elght members of thé 1933 city couneil, Ald. T. 8. %liteboil baving docided-te drop, Pnding, for the time boing, at Ipast, a Io ' ng and honorable inuoi. rlpal caréer, wbIle Ald. A. J, Parkhill followed him lote re f1rement, The efght &Jdermen who are &gala c*nýdidates are W P. fjcheli. l'Oulu 8. Hym4n, Allia P. Annle, William J. 1,ock.. Dr. 3. Rundle, Harry M. Cawker, (;60rgo W. MeLauthlin. and «- Mayor Thomas Hawkes. Tbret fortner couneillors are on the lim(, those belnt oz-Mayor John Starey. Edmund Jackson. wtie tor ton yeare eervQd au aldoirmas for Codardaie, and Clifford Bar. 1114n. Who 4erved both Codardale Ward and the North-wéàt Ward Reduced Fares BRtwem- eu pointi la cfflde mnd to Car" De"atbm la the Unked fflu FOR ROM TW On «le trom a ÏM. M in f lip to and t lieturn Illait ý to routeb orlgiadý Atartlus point bot later th" FAR£ AND A 1194UMI, FOR Tffl ROM 1,W %londay. et 111111111411w Vet tg) reltura laitilt -Mot *y For At -es pot rousir radw tao fillow hr #8118 1 WW* 1, 0444 Wé aàmàawm CLASSW» ADVERTISEMENTS THE GAZETTE CHRONICLE'- 14 e p« word, m Wmum, as conte C48h. NO CLASSV» ADVMTRMENTS WILL SE CHARGED. The Gazette and Chronicie VIII not, be, responsible for orrors occurriair in teiephon- ed advertiséments, or its a m. suit or copy not carefuily or logibly vritten. ?dlatakoe oc- currIng from those sources art wholly si advertiteri' risk. For Rmt FOR RENT- TWO BOUSES ON C«Ul gtmt south, &Il couveni. 4jad eton A Il mm G10. ams, Centre et 74 wephone MW. FOR RENT-90USE FUR RENT. Apply King Broi, Wbitby. roft PLENT-Two HOUSES, i rooras. all Couventences. Ducterin et.. Port WbItbý. Apply Geo. A. Rois. Phone Si. Whitby. Boud am ROOM ROON& Dy Tue DAY OR WEEX at vory low Victor tormi ait the ReyM Potel. Wbitby. Phone 17. TaJu of 'the Fro»n North wmom a MiQ of aww - Omo% mm&" à" ftà *Mtà a a moomm lffSuà-- mumw Y*e bu arlawm U Ir. amlwàm XI, r.&OA Tht, I»tremeuw suvrey hsre Imm mab by Us Topographieul -0 616. . TELEPHONE ORDERS PRONWMY ATTENDED TO Te we Ross am B»ek ste Ne comminion 9n sodal ordff h at Work in United Churd DUDM W"y DO." SPOM T«R W,-,elm-vnt»T TMS WINTIM stop at Ross? Coi Office And OM« à tois Of li of w«M «Mfort QuAmir COAL on CORZ àt Lewut Pric« and the awaaum ln the councIl. The other alder. inanic «mudJdatie. cone of the= previoualy on the crty counell. art A. N. Sharp, A. W. 8. Greer. Maxwell R. Jobnanc. W. C. Hut- choson, and John M. Broadboid. Tho licé-up of aldermanse candi. dates. aftordIng to the Informa. tion riven en tbeir nominatlon papers, la therefors ai follows: Tbe ca"idatea ARTIRIR WALTER 8. GRIUM Simeoe Manor. barrIster. THOMAS RAWKEA. 224 blar7 Street. gentlemaD. CLWORD BARMNI 708 alcocot Street 8outb. forpector. LOUIS S. HYMAN, 79 Cadili" i Avenue B., barriéter, WILUAN J. ILÀ)CX. 591 Sira. cois Street North. mercbaiL ADUMAL N. WURP, là Glad. stone Avenue. seotlemâb. simcoe Street North. Vectiémas. KIM-BERT P. OCHEU, ttim-cot Street wortb. aec«nt«t. JCDNX'lD JACEBON. Street sonth, moebatit. lumir a. CAWIOM 17 M!,i1ý 900 ROad 901ath. O*tM«*. William atrom rÀw, mab"er. FRANimtx J. F4VWWA1ý Co* Street Ald" Ir. Alqrmlý Street North. barriater. MAXW= IL è%O"Sftxl sim. C04 Street North. tieket 49«L JO" 111TACIM, 471 aime« etrut Oolutâ. toutiome. JOUX M. un«»JOUP, Loulu Strom-, - butidtr. Poielit çto#W elarpri" 0afflle tht of two aublle lâtilitiés oommis. i moïm. William IL Rose. oile of i the rturlist M 1 tired trou tbt-tWd,-wg4 Jobs etam. the ot»r tomer f». faisaloner, 4«9404 te 4tffl for ýtbê-ottIc# et ald*r»4*, I«vbç the war *l«r for t» elo«$« Q two Dow nu. 7» tu» vwoa" W*ro filied b? à%.- 80~181 MtId" ut, j. the ri limttbuon:. sa iiiii wil. IblM Ot. 31144 vu sbi» ol«tod te this impfttut wltbo*t fà celtm go #il$= appearéogiiii le Ïbe, tw a c"M84 IV &han" "tu ïl-îî;iwîk ÎL- * *Ievýqu=rtw t*Wblb IL 4. 'Torosto.-A commission whieh le "14 to laclude lu Its personnel mon of the bltbeet ability tu the fitIdé et lisduètry, nnanr*, etate. Çratt, 4114 Cburch lite hais bien formed by tbe U, Dited Churrb 09 Ca"da tu accordance with a de. clamuosi et the lest gocetti C'Olitell. bold et Hamilton. Oistir. 10. I&àt Yeàr. Sir Robert Falcon. er. X.C.M.C.. le c»JrM&A of thé Comudégon szd Principal waltàr T, Srcvwo, X.A.. ph.D,. ci VIctorI& Univeraitr. Toronto. là secretary. Advisory s»ups bave boeu tortu. et ln a number et urban aisd ru. rat Ceâtres. The sonouncoment go OM40 that a central croup bas betft et work for many montils PrOP*riftg fer thé vork of the e»Mmluion. wbIeb le ekxp«W to &Mràblo Som* tirue next sprjult, Thtre 11ILS bftn Propared for the V04 of this commisetou on th« &»Iai Ortler à dfge*t of the lm. maile Ws Cblarch« pluriel e ý wt hait "etur.r. Thése an "ta te lae est* "et unsty or eonvicuon *Ud là lmwlng approximation te the vlt" whkb b«,e base uprouo 11, the Papa zacyclicet et the. L«Mbub C»bt«elqm T» Genet. as &»*Mblr et the Cbureb - 4t seotla*d *bd the 000«0 colw cti of the ttlited Ctiiimb.t# Tb* aettoft of tb* olinui C*Xffl ""Ut# t1lé Commission reste se follows:«M ,1ut le reard to Maloor» go 111111M@rou es to be iv3pftwv* IL64 repruentatfve. va tbe ftard Évait ex ý ed4m Port t* tg *su. ot "ileoür-. t'sabot mate«ot obt- 11-te. #"Omtý, 4,14 (4) *Mh*ib eb*j-tt"-- standard# PW vkk «I tb* ), age« rent ateeptaneu la these fioldit are con2latent with those princi- ples; (c) To Inquire tute tbe ways sud mtant by whieb tbeee princl- plea may be applIed -tu existing condition&; (d) To defic* tbous parUeular masures whieh must tortu tbe tiret et» ý toward a eoetal Order la k»prujg with the mlad ot Cbrt*Ls The commission. wbich bu bots appointed la terme of the above remit. will probabli prééent a comprtbe«lvo statement te the r4gouat of Gentral conneil lu Mptember, 1984. Airudy a ape. 1 ciel sut-committt* ot mm *Min» ent la Biblicel ubolaroblp end Cburch history bas prepared au j ansver to the ont, questiow of the remit. Blmllar etadt« are be- lot utidertakec with regard te ýtbe rmatelog questions. Special. lots gr* me findisa ý'«bft%*I to -the Ik4-ý 'wîlory troupt ud Jeter eonfilder. ed b7 tbe coeuleuf«. chu Everywhere Tm Commis Illeraffly Ot tbo **ma CatboUs Cbertb wbo b« ùMr tâ*Wat Fa Wb;;. bue mattt * ps«Mi en the Bambe" idtuaiimL Tt atâtâ& 801rtral UYDOds ot tbe ProWby. Surrey or tao Dopartmoat et teman Cbureb Io Canada ban 1 b a luterter m reconuy boue la tuem Rov. JO %ad the etolor Pbi M. uteljIllymy, et Cutai 49 en"oy èt CbUrché vageonver. vu eloctud âe N est 1 ý-..Pwnm Modemter et sbe BrIUab, Cotg»* ý9 X" ne bite meeting: R«. D. 0. XON» %orial umvlayu Nom of Elmadale. N-IL. 40 the emo, of. %a" bots fité la the Maritimes; *ad Dr. J. by bu M C D. Anderson, wbo bu be« tbt> mmow tom, LY-412 Y«" et B«xbarug#04 t bu eWr et a ufflu la *bïie. le. ý-» ville. bfm IL R. lionbe te report, WM 4116 Fbou 410 lait t'O tbé, ltword ïbmt westère Rellet statue tbat 194 cars « hot. Tb# V«ot"l« bu arrtwdl-ta oui> L W Ont ot tbe moet fatorte M le 4 v "v ï- ften 1,10 te 3 Us% bive bon the efflosarloq, obai Imide by MM tell. Wb# tbat et tbo-aVd Wm tortac Covâty -of x*paut4 "Ob*& 84 ton wbe tg beau Ut *mé, of au bouret tbe et tbe ý lut$ am « 11W WWW Rogd, br«bwe Att, rixmulai 3844 osé " fémi tbe "-b-iiiiiiii mm 111-1 -MM cm ette, àW& of 1 tbe a#*à«atmý emagoci 94 Me *adow >1091vout4l, to t» emmis reiw 4" b? vork « tb Udiù m ud-Wote rmbm et dm tub»W tjoi. Dr.- W *. ! ta;, ýý te "wait part souffl )MW bées matoïd tba «40àt»ý »M'ab lumw 1 IMIIot4ý, oM "et tomb tAto, ow à - rec ai iw tr - 1 Lr tont«* angm aut sid trou the -vu"rtouoo$ Rl"rMit f4*eb*tetlao T-or«toi bu a etobmï a om the, water route thmme y tbo, 1 « &W#» tt'ikte;ort t» J1408 1 britu bat bom tbé latobOr for yk« dais fft4 éâd Pool #lv. omt' th* foe, *et - . 1411êt M4 tmmd«W ba" perte et etem cote re tu 1» tom = 1« M ilé âmmek la liât - et rm it 1=w am *IW*mtie 4 it plut et tm *«Àto» 09 [z Business Cards MEDICAL DR.- Physiciau »d IMM»' Retidence, end Offi;r ror Brork and tfàrv 'Sti- Whitbv Dit FREDERICK A CUDDY 9'tittiscla2N Cor. Dued" »d BodU Ste. Toieptane ne DR. K. C. GRAY PHYSICIAIX lieuidence and Office, Telephonq W4 Cor. B)"n and John Ste. IMAL W.- H. KENNEDY aor, solicitoi ta the 5upruw court. Nourt C«veyeaur. %Vhitby Ont (JUICO-Bfock Street NSth. ont duo? north tiewis- eutcher shop & DONALD RUDDY7 te ý tfqr .011fit-, Nottry *d Offic# et fý.@ Cmrt "finie, foramaw tY ompir'd by J%. Chlistivu Money t6 toom - Phone Sn %VMtby A. Q mow»C4 K.C. Seblicitot nourv . 1 er«L- St. ** -% (Ippolit tees Rahhnrty DUNCAN & McD«M mwrktv. $omit«. Notwy opposîte Ben Teleghme ofile& OffiCt Brock 5L SoMb Phore 41 phom 10 R"m bt«tW 4$ à 1 refflttma C40 bout Aedom IL TOR

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