or heROT. AMB éa el DNAmd Alfrd . i se le kicked. Lindsky*g next kick was blocked, WhItby recov-ering. Aft- er two first dbW*ns ih kick- ed. Loucks bo led It Mover the deadline, but marknee rau it out. Whitby kick had been blocked, -Lindeay booted aliiin. whitby ked. P" ron 1 fel Lndsay ,cou. th" awa gogd for tw-enty yards. Toland in Cepte-d Lind- say's next Pa.- After Lindsay had been penalizedl ton yards for offside, Harknaf1 1ctamway on a tlirty-yard run to*Lindsay-ls fit- teen-yard line. Whitby*s place. mnent kick was blbùked, Lindsay riecovering. Whitbya gain Inter- cepted a Linda passn, made a firt down thrýUgh -the lUne and, just as the lirst half ended, Sheppard rougied for Whitby. Half-time score -- Whithy 1' Lindsay 0. •h L y •s Te With Lindsay In League Race Defeated Lindsay College ate Saturday 6-0 in Hard Battle at Town Park, Szcore Indicating the Play -Whitby and Lindsay Have Bot Won 4 and LOst 1 in ugby lacd with elimninationl from inie league, Whibtby High School dle feated the Lindsay Collegiate 3 J1uniors ou Saturday* afternioon In thle miost gruelling games, played at thle parki ail season. hie finial -,lre was C-0 and It Indicates fih, nature of the play. A l-irge trowd of Whitby fants were treat- Pd to a display of rubgy.' very dli - teýrent fromn the wide-open etYle ,f the lirrst gamne In whic \\I N hit- bI, dropped such a close dtecision lto the likt, tricky Lindsay squad. Thle lot-al teami turnied in a fint- deýfenisive gamne and e lectively checrkedl .indsay s mnost pontent n eapui (If attack- tl,. forw ard pIaSS. Lindsay onlly 'ompldeted two 1 pases thiroughout thle gamte. out of eli-ht attemlpted. lough. llarkness. Daiey and Hazell mere outstauding for WhIt- 1ý. but ,e-ry plarer, Ilne and bacIkfield. turned In a finle per- lurmance. V-or Lindsay, Loucks agalIn starred with kicks, passes and runis. Bacon pulled down two .pasese., fromt the air for substan- litai gains. During the gamte Alec ScttVhithy-s snapback, suffer- ,d a bruised lnose but hopes toel li acrk Iin the teamt net week. Sev- ro i.nda llayersb were also \lý Satujrday the Purple and fol wind upt their regular lea- ue s0ichIedule In Bowmianville. Ian, apparently going ton Il- nii-h not Ih le]agne and will op- poel.indsay next Saturday. If och' Lindsay and Whitby R in theýir Ilames, they will have toe lay' off for irst place, In which 1thev are now tied, but If either hailandIthe onther wins. thle 011- <1 t'amn will finish ln first place, Acco"«rding to all accounts, Whit. by H ,ýIighi School will face a Bow- manville squad mach improved Iro lle teamn that was swamp.. 5l - 9t. here a month aogo. Hiow- I<ter. Howmtanville will have to, lw il very mnarked limprove- III li I., provide, dangerous oppo- no iloir the Whiltby squad. V irst Quarter N hb kicked off and Lindsay faLed to comiplete a forward passi. gained nothIng on a reverse, and On) an end run, Harkinss mIded. Lindsay reo-- plete, another paso. Whitby wrere penalised tenk yards for oliside, After Un exchange of klek., Loueks for Lindsay booted th, bail -well behlind Whitb Y*'s gl Unte, but Davey, hemmed Inby Lindsay players, ran 1tot o Whitby's ten-yard line. Whby .\Isý Laate reccemdi ýr ann day, Octobecr 28, oi th.e pasit hier sister, Mirs. JtlIomr >o, fi i w h!itby. lier tlc l b Nd, ; Jeromne l"t , or M' many ý e a ar .lied the luall between ,t a", Broug.ham and m- -Il 1n, .... . Ilhe residents of t:'. la t e frond, of Ilhe de(i-d I;rougnýami YoungI e r. thc gtue.,, -f the \"N g 'o i Sl ero t ( ni'ted ( hiv . Min- dav canoIg al a ILIa'l'. , n par 1 ,j 1 n '.undav e uuag tea- u l thank 'rior 1cm n o \ i' ", al. h.,ld ml tht < huit bi .e qna peol oj the hun h hrg \U %ce Itionally 6m srw Ic l I a K ,u en \unel Duane m oe' ig ser pture . M ss a Iad read onTh\ nal mr sion of Saul N ts I kr a a fin, papter ,in 'ii.re Ii, lt h of Re Dn g Nli l il ~ p -Il tA s ial, wah N ha i ang hd t a,re1 M - ,, a n ie ; gr s P -è d I1 -1 1Il, TIrdIII Quarter The locai canining factory fin· is hand badly cut anid bruised, t-al W.eiv htpolm aigtmea h Lindsay kicked off. Davey fum- ished with the canning of this when lhe got il caughit III awrin- throPuh th e lgae fte Lrd Je- dprteufnt felt tha ethe cbled, but recovered on an en d year's erop of pumpkins on Tues. 'ger whien is imoilt her 1- OUt THs-OL EN Chrisght.e s o hal eLoav e-d, toardtepert anctte atuldeno run. Whitby kicked. Lindsay'8 day and has nowe closed for tht lhanglng Ourt(the H a nenB s rith e" li be influwars ece y artyulean-go. kikwa lokd n wn otofsason. Thursday. H,ne s u ' o Dr. In presenting the queetion, the bounade at midlield, In three The Young People of the Li MctKinney, oIf roh.,,id the +++ ong people should be give# i. l plunges, Whitby made yards, but ted Church are preparing al dra, wound n iecessitated i rastit. lio ntfceonmcadorlat, Ilostte bllfo offot.de. AI few ma, "Nancy Anna Brown's* ches. it is now wl ey 4 tMmeso h eouinbm moeta later anotheIr, Lindsay Folks.-" which they propose ghv nicely. ÃO N E P ES miteewre oGte rlScotmh-r kick was blockedlt atmidfild. Ing in the Community lHait on Mlr. Irant liodd aslo hb i-man; ae e eGuerre Sot, cha Whity reovernt.Clough got Tuesday evening, Nov. 'ith, foi (erior of is gener;alm -JwlJni Payar Sue awvay ta Lindsay's litteen-yard lowing a tuwi supper to bie served modelled and with te " ene, evnerly Hacc. fiand l 1line.g HaL In t ay smfv-ahd by the ladies of the church, of frqâligrocerie, ihe li- mlstockFedBanad;buinss-ó0mt ne ThroghtoLindsay'sionfle-yard Mr. and Mrs. 'Thounas Phillü. id ready for generralhil, s- teePlaHomrorla usnss affin i ie.Te idaylnehldfrwhose marriage tooki place re- Rtev. Tolton ,rI>-a.,h-a ame Roy Houghton, Thomas Spence, twoû downs, but on W.httby s last cently, were honore" On Thuýrý- appealing and pra-t oorpc ere ed er.dSidr n Davey went over for the only day evening by friends o! the ance sermon Il n Ga aSeresRand, Mal Reyolder;-nm maoucovr O a beigomwe hywr edrdeno.Wt odo-ete Cobourg, oc*. 31.-Arter a eue- inattion committee, Rev. 0. D. 1)avey made a long 13ta Ad.a reception and shower tin the are at present,, , o ý L iha.l csfucovntnheByoDaecarm;MronPi- sa'sfotyyad ru t n-Town Hall at Brougham. 1epeane 1u1. miQpinte Young People's Confer- ard, Lloyd King, Rev, W. Fletch- Fourt quatr Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Glover and emnphasized mor Iwntly ence closed its thrze-day session er, Robert Martin, Nnst Immeil famly motored to Norwood utn Owing Io IProspecrt s spIIIisesrti. With Impressive services held oni and Gerland Scott, Clough ploughed thmughl for Friday last to visit Mrs. Glover's tces next Sabbath.I, wepigad eeigatTiiy ntd Stephen G. Syel f a twnt yrd, n Hrkes ginOncle, who la serigusly Ml. They servictes wIllibe acy.hrvcenIchag eof Rev.M.C.wawa r-elctdre cd nine more, but Wfhthy lstrturned on Saturday evening. Sna colwl ea h sM noo ot.Afaueo h audyssino te baoll otofaPde, Lbnday fil - JH . and I3 itMrsakeyanviSied lour -1cte 5 p di 11nubi' the close of the session was the volntion. The other of ed o cmplte pas, ut - hei peplein ado an Su fotnher attened 1w pec(iPeterboro C.G.I.T. pageant, Mrs. follows-Hon. president ceeded ln making a first down, phido oiver the week-end. aervices at AsIhbur , ila . J.AMcnenchr.C.aknoPrt• AfeL aohen ncdse a ss isss ilded ndI.os Bo-on undo t i sa anFinal debate in the Bay of dont, J. C. Andero Lin fofodsyce. Wib ote"ten d ie, ofToroopnt rlthvewe ek- wn t o wee 1e o o eQuinte Inter-Presbytery debating vice-president, Home7i yad o fad.Lindsay broke edwt lrmn ea ve omrpso li1r r oseries was won by Belleville. Petoiboro; secretar4ë through to Whitby*g; . ten-yard0 D. A. Scott. Of Kitchener. Wilfred AleilrpeetdbyMs es apelod Uine. Loucks carrying the ball spettthe week-end at bl.i homte Mr. Edwar< li- o :1,6LddBellviary D r ond and bC lare i igrem ,ary lftd consistently. Wittiteed1ere, sav lastxweek narhdruthe dairmare I the he resita lf a Lindsay fumble b#tirere aigain AMesdames H. il. NMeltyre amd Airs. .Johnri ti of H, "nIilton, su1bject, "Resolved That Capital- ley îancock, Pot penallzed. They klcked; LIndsoay C. A. Overlanld left by nmotor -1 1sqPenidting a 1 f o sweek.lenm Provides Greater Happiness0" kicked agaln. Whtyoste Saturday last for a week s %Isit witlihhrrio. NMr il1,- iight-fra retrNmrofPpl Chstn ball on downs. The' gdmie enderl with friends ln Detroit. litrs. liuol. if rn pn Than Socialism.", The negative dent, Miss withi Whitby stone-walingÊ any James Underbilil and dau.ghier, thre weekl-eli n% ing <,1 usin wast upheld by Cavan Y.P.S., rep- Blacktock a Ana scrig atept y indayMiss Clara, aQd Miss E. 'dr Mise Mary Hlawlrsntdb .hSale n esi h Fia coe-hily6;nsy hill motored to Guelph on Friday Themeer fh ha Archie Metchell,* The judges missionaryr . ·•last whe-re they &penit thie.week. teamn and their f -iwd, ori were Judge L. V. O'Connor. Rev. Thoas ell The teams:-- end with David Young end daugh- tertained ait henoe f Mr and Roy Rickard, Oakwood, and f C. ncrton, y Whitby-ensp, Boot.tg Inside, ter. Mrs. Anderson, of Edmonton Mrs, M. Carthie, (of 'l r nWeeth prto h Lr s hr s iet" Adron. shwa bro tizenr Jubb . Bryant; middles, Ruddy. They also visited friends ln rlay nlght A huo m larter. -In a wheordripofcteuLed ln viee ldliyeCy".tar .f Clough; outisides. Toland, IrwiI Brampton and Hamilton, rectiiu- ed unid some twenity - o Ien pt aInted that It brought ltteaoLive, 8 flying wing. Sheppard; quarter. 11ng homp on Monday evening. a mos enjoyahl evnna here. he enyes; of the auie ne, 1P F *.e Irwin; haives. Allan, H1arknfe, Miss Mildred Pughi. teachetr at ors. Cýarthsl was forniæriIy Miss lpHwr.UntdCaeh c n-JckCar Davey; subo. sel bl Marsh Hill, spent the week-end Georgina Wolfe and ,pi r therffiQ Hoar . of twetsbed theacrkofladke Greenfield, Bell, BaSCOM, Basse iat her, home here. vacation aitlher ta 1lher,, -limlier hlight of the wes-tern f;Irmers Chas. DanIels, P Vanpleu. D. A. and Mrs Pugh, of Kin. l'Ooe rere, 1was i 1a r ,!Mfan. Saturday, ence*convener of Hiady o SnSomd voni.vi the we aremeont rela- ,dtealBoquts"RASS TACKS" ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON "Thge W t nopkr.t est, one of cation, Rev. lloy' Son, KIrley; outsides, Maconniý Alfreýd and Mrs. Haywood, of we, have had, to fight on, 14 the TePebtr Ctefling wing, Bac;qure Arbrwrreetgstof F "'" " knowledgre that yion folk ln the o-eretaries are au fol McKee; baives, Loucks, Kelcher the former's sister, Mrs. Ira Pow- rttle ta with (The International Uniform' Moses, ye cannot bie saved Paul east realize Our plight end are ville, Rev. W. F Vla Hodgson; subs., Graham, elai, and daughter. oqutfor the, n ase*' Lesson on the above tapie for knew this type of Pharisaism for helping us with your renerous Male Reynolds; Cobour Harper. Hussey. Robi number from here attendedroi day mænmllg Waslhe a dhNu,. 5 is Acta 15:1-35,(the Gold- ho hadt come out fraitILat his nc.ntributions. I want you toi ren- Lewis and Nina toinell, ) - . MCWJeel pagnant given Iin Pasteplot for another w*ns u Text being Il Corinthiens 3:17 conversion and did not propose toIlise what It all miellnseto we ln ton. Gerald Scott and Inn. Rteferee-J. G. Fergus,,, um.,o- ndrew's Church. Oshawa. un the New%,. was MNhJaa. Where the spirit of the erò la, lbe orced iback Intt. , "Whlel the west1," hestatIed. Renfrew, M al aeand pire-- Hodgson. Tuesday eveninig and report Idit asofGrhen r1ad1The e is ere la liberty.") therefore Paul and B3arnabas hadt T&rmperance convictions should Playfair, Lindsay, t.lo6y', I lrague undmUg being ZOne of the moust d-lihtful ah ul, but Itha't ,bs nmbe no sali dissenution and disputa 1he placed above party leanings, and Ann Purvis; Oshawa, rIty n e p eenngsspnt n alog tme I hno a W atfamlyiounlion with them, they determinedl was the viewloint of the Citizens Moughton a"d Sybil Lan "ald: Whilby HIgh schoolI Nj rs. J. Blushlby as a week-end i 't I1al, aiian, mis begin I y DR. ALVIN E. BtLL 'lthat Paul adBraaadcr eprmn narpoto t e eehr etMn n y. 1 Lindsay if . ........ 4 Isitor with her son. Alvin, and frn ha rst usylo pansies. The first serious (,ntention tain othier of them, should go utIlberations. In relation to the land Robb. Oshlawa1Il. .. ..... 4 famrIy of Pickering l'Iltle latrir ml the day, lit ich threatened to split the to Jerusalem unto the apostles Bowimaniville il.. . Frank Sodell wholi was, conval- "R, \\itesell presentéd t arly Chrtistlap church ilnto two and elder ahout this matter." escing from a Asevere llnie.s, has ielia 1anlle roses to thee ival tracts occurre abu 20 The Counrcil of Jerud#ilem no 1en wHduhring the,'ast i f -r1,min full bloom and thre cof ears after our 1 LD.ord uacnt. ThswhaeteCncla "ad-e ere few days milhbletIt was causied by certain overly Jerusalem called ta arbitrate the Z rs- The Globe motoIr tro ak gol f-l a timle Ithis week the ci[- oreiu brthren who came uP church's first great doctrinal con- .... ... . tuck seuthr of t bridge rullg, ha111e- >r1 lo search amiong t o Anttioch fromn Jerubalem pre- troversy and preserve lits unity Id ld'ouIeand t:. oron- on Tuesday morningoin o h taecas ranxta enig o e en fHcially from ndt iet.I a o n pr "t "hth Sn snow storrm As a Iresu 1therorn. Then1 -11h a b(uquet con co Jamres to disapprove thesir custom lied conference as wie may judge Sn-lg paper was delayeýd in reah-l rnr-f lhts desik lhe could raise of accepting Glentilles into church tromn the recurrence of the terni ing C larmont. ies frt n xasltwrating Dic<e- fellowsihip without subjecting "roeup" as one after another \ J Brw a of Tor.. A fancry drrs,; and htardri ime Iti" tu r tr t nr ft, and them to Judaism's Initiatory rite partielpat.es in the "much dis- ""e od if their dance lwas heldnte muity1.1as mtn amam: of circumncision ThseisGentils puting' a ts Hll on FrIdav evenng undier ilthz - ust behoJudaized sas well a £Iw n aspices Of sS ',Nl 12. 1 brtidg Unemsoloyment Insurance ( bristianized. IL was the icy hand Peter's Experience township Coule 1Bros, orche-stra of formalismi and traditionalismi After the discussion ad gens, of Goodwood furnisheýl fthe nojs ueli e1ur) raching forth toastrangle Çhris- on for somestime, Peter coutld no Ca e o t for dancing Miss Jean V ne n f the first stops taken 'liant freedom ,and agansbt-lne eri eln i 1fr tacher Of thre school. r1 o" tiorrnmntatIt etse> o-l ue the bondage of .thretlaw for!own experle.nce somne 10 years the ladies' vrize forc bý,t fanev o, I tbe the rd ctn of Ires grace. If successful this pot- a-o. UIntil Lhen hie had held the dresi. and th,,ris orhe hIn aymau (Ãrteetl y would have made of Chri- very position of these Pharisees. (I.AltEMIU\T, .-Snow hard time cogitumes went toil,ýi_ otrbtorv unenll tianity only un extra "do;ree" He must then have told of hie Fbhmels n"Iwbrou o to use Wlnn!e Ha-vwick and Muras eI m r ame \il noat ed ito Pharisaism. vision on the housetop of which for the firstime tlýhl ason aft- Thorn. MisKte Bestl l f One atulo.taonnotl bc lut mintPaul's Experience we read ln Acta 10, and how God e r the he., ,fi, ilf ,v which ClaremiOnt,'was faward'd tIhcaio. not It take> JPau] and Barnabas h'ad just re- broadened his own vision and tegan earl.% Tuesdau m lit. ng and prIze for best faner <-6oioe em l llaailable di turneod from their first missionary prepared him to admit Cornelius continued throughout use day. worn by a sc-hoo u pd T ""netu ih nudertak" lourmamoing the Gentiles with lnto church fellowship aven as Fortunately. parlt of i l elted az eeeds were in alid of a hit t utu tIs .and woriot a plat oalbundant ovidence of God's graco Paul and Barnabas haed been do- it roll Or traffic nunt dubtless equipment for fihe schIlt Vote m po o s of aiu revealed in the lives of these peo- Ing at Antioch, about which thesa have beenterrp dAs t wast hv the time rthe authiorities p tle of different races who had Pharisees were seeking to stir s oM* F i the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 grudwobase iha uestion and agree on heen permitted to join the chuirchi up a tuas. "WhytepyeG, 1evra1l-he -1 and the M Wpra<ttral miethosd of dealing who.ut first being Judaized. Lo put a yoke upon the neck ofA D O TIU wetiathraree cl adorate.eo onne cond'tions b IlQuite naturally. itherefore, they the disciples, which neither our ..>..e.k bec materially miml>oved and look Issue with theste who were, fathers nor we were able to ond"uctd hYRTLE. Oct. 30 \lI'r iPar' a po(sitiont to conitrib)ute its demianding, 'Except ye be cir- bear?" Peter was no more in fa. R Uaus RI A aansiirsary Dunbar- render, who ha& been Ii vng with W\hy niot mnake a sJtrt? cumaiized after the manner of vor of turning the clock back than nrn b lls o atdIn he epyur healioth udra d S T R A ed b tis o ssitedDr. John Mloore a car, We hope "th Ih- Fmu4l I f the Ber- that a more favorahle reportof re sig g pan s'-ber conditIon Ymayonie heard ha h ofor Mr. Sewart Grahiant iPro_ --- i ted churchpottetwk ndell l ery practi- h- t at yerost of last, week tuon an. copletely destroyed the apples SEE BILLS FOR PARTICULARS Sothat stll remainedI on the trpees e nd somte report their roots wvere D ala g (r na vn'alse affectied ndyee- Mr andllMrg l'art ISpencer and - , dIi. Thp Lit. family. of Toronto. and Miss Ger- n tes n led rteak Iof i ster. 1tr%,Phone 148 Pee Frank Booth. lonrSundaye ron "Lit- John. the two-vear-old son of t. The excel Mr and Mrs Johl Kirkham hlad- htful tudy - -- h preparaREMEMBRANCE DAY aI >M a.t AT THE %uROYCROFTVÉ' hi'Miller on, The Will Be Just the Thing Te ni ting meeting members of part. After ai hour was wious tea Mwe -on and mem ,am $octet 1aremont and nto enJoy the -Ing a drug Douglae, o1 ashop in gand is hav si p rpseha in Claremoni rDouglas to ýausured i ha.l uaccess in his riSe. We nover heard Wf anyune wbedid m n ot it th. RoycrO:t in n t te o cnemfort.E nth gh tis --- ats rel bespi with th. tbntés. Now in the timme le viei th* fer oj bletr o r omigfo e--keDa, Americam ph-an* raetmand mfealiene omthu private bath 94 and t.58p-er daymble. 87 ad $S.Single ream w«ith privat bath, si tosm.a a dar-"-a-l.se t m12 CANADIAN bONEY ACCEPTED AT PAR KEQIUVID r PAME lýF kMREtR THIS GCFYP, OLD MIAN WINTER T I O C n%%jF N ST VI P IL Out go the mothball$! I1-•- d-he nowballs! Winter's roaring in? If% already on the scene in Can- EelAstAra*(W a" mØ rm Beane), New Yor. ad&. wheah eavy B en IRndn u 4110 the trees, vwhich hard not xshett their !Paves, snapped off n g.t 0 IL t, huge branche$ and leVell ù Lage to create the tangle In Monatreal shown above. PAGE EIGHT THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRd LCEà SDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933