Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Feb 1933, p. 8

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PAGE EMGH1 THE WHITBY GAZETTE &' c RONICLE, TI-URSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1933 Form~r~4Jitby Re-sidentARlEIIIA A . W1LIcopà SPORTS 0F THE WEEK adJmoSptmn f~N3$E aorkts 94th'Birthday p jUOS -4WhitbyDefeated Whitby Handed ON-CENTRE-ICE (air Jetis. *M agart. We coldclaimt $9 a week. R:e og~nda aOgn Lindsay School Sutton Beating Veu, folks.-S Su ton came and ma walked, dcwn . r When PenfaDs made trouble ait iigCupn eW in aF s a e Friday Night wett h . Long Branich yqte3f Mr. tborder. ho Jolnad thei voluin- zr opaiewr -.. a FatG it was a real azint. fast and ex-l Camîooi..î %Imr.ot tesrs lnater6 and moat uotitres ]1g Sh JL Wr Whitby Int erm 1 ra e ttt ltgadhdtefn ntti T iebre' for .hair- tion at Fort En.. For thtr. d.;; tic fora tint tace ail tht , ~ cruut," thei waIker tsDlled -W're and titres nights his troop stour- Newr York.-Betouise thei war a-igu riu in Bakeoir rirs nt mc et t wrono aalo ah gartde tanudrso got gaeiibd the Woods, and the file or 26lu anaîrabiChtoft "uh Frtdv nglt ohn t mo a he ameandwtJe.s W gîb to Prty oe9 brhay you Men lu his cottttnd took 120 Ch!os "nit o ora e h Gardeýnst ecnog Content front lotiu aI the a super position in the croup stand- ee MtY 94tb."1 prîsoonru pla aket faedion înlo bail loanpte hoa oof th, a adboaotaefr GereCaioeTiiri-o pot tem ou0 huard thte ar>- ln Huren, A, Ce. Bune, 13S. q - lite atanie Oaa 00e ot tSi fautent '66 h~~~oxer and deneerbell o cen- Rohh. e salting veneel, alith toutAheeceddl raîce i lnd Iipi.tiibmllelîrapi.W thtye loNIitoy olit vad hickeya% Suto. fo thes ore cn idrnt for er agO, 8POrtgttttfr 75 veare Ibm 10 Thonolti. Then titey wr . a ucee nognzn a lle.tepietl oJs n hi pls ëotl ta fast geme ut itataetitaît, te locdals dispa ]ibt rnu ,idce Sutto0 Ilfxory thyire c0niiet0 a c-Pmte for titi saleo titi about hlif of abat lit wen lent fu-til eaa'd iri~r pîcyrd lu the Hlgh Scitool gYmon- that would flot bc dcnoîrd The wtnnau. iud citizen ut Whilabel, fh uieeted here and ptut ln Jeli. A rop lu -*pan. An'& resuit the an; !out heit a coul ici as office, and packll.<, fard., We;.e aslumn on Saturey etterenon, lte whnlr teano playîd wth a ciacioe- t oit getie isearaeddl.ttroim Ton- roupie ut menthe lae t *e w rît 10c tlt6 ftrmine bas douitiet ail lthaI ruu ceuiti %el ou titi le- denesi e thoean àt~ei local blet auhool boys defeted lite p.-rcision and made the- 0501 ci Don't forector pulay Uiaindge oitnuto, ea*el iouito ie $ peean di o n od mkn rrne a mre.Te amestrc naitn u thoida Cleit Isiust eti ortnititîs arond the net. bore on Titsrsday. Frit. letî. ma f C0 N e t ed-t ni then Y5aueadtidlg uiecu -otn rag-clmrtt iifnemar uioteiui wie-teaof.tlsgti titir laneu Collilati Andîlîtto te- Taugncing nîci elîlies h ein effecteti. was an opportuulty 10 prove Wedn dugand ackn cor-opî?t testa iy lte ecore of 21-t. Titi Thevusvere the brut trai hi a con- Icone lie ftacei clau. hd eo il cir- erdla w wi asmu t 18ritr nJp-aqadRyad1toththrsgedsge aëoPàivbx WhItby foitcmhowed stlierloilty sîdcet riârgin on 11,tii h The gamne o itI Roug Hilîn surelvrp for i, ne cldU -0tc118-e ontre ofglt 1teds 01 nment ort dltre lu Jepa- aRoued c i tutle Ititet boe cadiu audr thectlqy utradé - in ehl parts uf titi garnis bt out- play. .'round four hue itd wsilt- case te fane cvrrvttioc a hsockey tacite. He hae t0mi- he ncIi.Cmrn dvipdFurlissos Avenue. oon, Mn. tacn bot ra ect mak titn eg vrow nail is stuqd )llit elesed tisein oppttseOt pertico- îy ciitiusaste t ans mac Xi J lhemt came rats e" C tita ma n o e moreu -40. il tricanI aMrea la on deuctng.d ouco a Aenue, Qute r.uit~n ooue veslialn î p es ie bocu tl lle 1 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or laylwhotelit at ileouci1 h ii ooo iot-hmvi and oses Oct', et- Frleude tuduciti hlm 10 teact "Titi iesulle havi hin uany. touni Ibat lthe epples aine hine openatîvi plant. enodeg, vappe fsatssn.d iy a lange nunten of ua . s.xt y unenptoved mo 0wetO Fightu, thitrll-, etirnrot, itody. ttoug 'le honimeibot-wl-.,,e Tnt- tIm, andtienttho hedoytahieh- Titi Korîsu foreira iave lourn- Itouglit up by midilemen bine, sud paeted uuitormi .Thuî fi psooeuat fouis calied ciel on able t, sir te g cnierirh tit cbectînn and lots of czood hockey, onîn vas esallly iui eti ecitoos. He tana t dancing od tu vont togithir; 'îisey bive shlptted tac Japanen. aboicuaiers, titsand boxee aLre oÉ.p usUX Lite Lindsay teami, etitnos he 15e 'nirî,s;% c1i Bncit Smith, týe man' -o Reas 26 Yiin w04 or e 40 yiare andi ton e pînioti bail tnund out that tey virnafot ln and ecdto 10 etatiere ahu finally second etertid. Mafny mione' levenl tisucu.a aisa peonze tat geiiiin u As Jack Kisii oould sai'. "%Nrho Abnahtam l.Isnlu,. Wh, altos aise aven scitonte golug et ou. lime, lthe grîp ut Ilubleostonile gave tse Jaapnone publie icoresti ll Ce or WbltsY l'la lies m-a faos t aiîît fro cd thei not ciorth boys boxien giocn and îtorn on 'ehnueny r2. eicve etia Whltity, Ositawa, Boamanu-itie, unsli aeOtlndaot plse tie rn bO 0Ci M.nnel u ttu i Cok o btb a h ut tr n bl 'li blc hlarrange willi the rrfeî ee lO stage lthe asuuots iitet ul forcesliSu;1inotuat iec I tishe have inca!ned foaeIbout pls ati- tre sfronîti 1h01é to .i lM.ia encnlaneor ur onu standing Ployer ot titi came. ecor- thryevîieir ont te, score a -us. Snt' nteir figlets dorîoc tit intermtission. Yeans aId abon. lot Rges uas-2 Sloi okl n rneA-dobetelclPiefriiercnsec.1sgetdthtteYMCA ertr lng ros ut hlyed 21int îte to tL.iihIiteiJ sin on ln tue 134th Biattaio- - uheitlrou emn alls; tbey havi founi ui tha apple .ygrnaers forn e ceoperatoe orte lu eonuonction vrIt C ~ouaniait nuhetihlm luTe- Babita sc.ui ce alleor cýiiv Ctce in,:' One cashtcustonie ea id 'thte P.ouce huctitt "'a flei" vihOtoIoS 120 tit' wSt saiti.m dQadrilles pre nl tised avpeg loud nofnenaspeul ura tit îtm n iso univ and luturcetit pses and it; utcs of play,. but allr - at tic1 of admisumsi 0at00 tOcliîap for toniatas ilieei 10ld lQadiles lalt (te hv ri-agodad eus-rcl itec accoraI. ehiotIng matie im in- ifuttoni trai-i was, soiuli l thte n1c- shat thoasio.'M cOtàhî Oks ie s ly skn b% ltoape bnu epe coud et inioe lt etr Japon. Mr. stan l lnlories. otsun aietan Divor Jt oa theqad fans moi' as ee 14 And li e wallles, ate galp n vory lu eai aud colon) ; and titey lhave i Socn Kt lvont vîish mn anti ailROKCU polt-eter fr Om onl rutr Thten trani-irou Ttiloa o.ttnatir a e ard 2 YTear Wl Wld e ieitstraiH' n- lie teain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i-i Weefel le0, Wî ueacdAI n 10 nenlizetiatin ad .,anelocllisena d TheaIditythi nif -in- ounythe wa-otoc W uvane rdouteane teitnlty f i. ue rlk n-asdos - ui-gRo rlit ,ler land tin A-1.î lceiciiioto n to say, "Wity flot hrranc fon Bangz- rotsI ith le timet Quçinta Plate. have alle oncey as 10k olat lots t ati fnieudaip' so- pe otsanan Jansenl.r i To usflu u bte net, abl tow r no 'entt n fin ai . pa sfu nl.p tord, %h top file- îung vas e asily lte iteut, enentut lte came titeir a . Iit n oed bi 'Dock" Sîrihthots bad hi nper- byl o hs siu ttc h orse anti buggy, An t e ti n ta mr a lu tn flamlacait tiait. We vîsiteil te urgeaI i. tcoe)Poouetui battu po 4~e wtoie 5 points luit titey recels'- is thte large ici suracfu Dîch Rai 0cr-a.«TÏWIAIih ac las tre rmtye dsrc hr.t edCosîts pst With in liehe l l ihtnrtig ou-ooat, es waotetiyunT.iWîtllens tnc iatysetnttiprKoryotsiltandohs it vrttet s-le narlaaoeaani eleltis stsnosefl utfl, fiu h i eu b«a um-lnac a etmet in tito als Hil tank varson nd l caeon ln- oditt asti ould tie ou-en etl; 1 tionaken viut'the active to-oyer- whlîels agent lu ic-b Wueoh- Ruh lard anti butter, ltt thdenenuernhvigaledYta sudâ hea. cae vri froihn ten odtms"elo !fu lounnles ut lthe tairat ful Information on treig atit sugar. cocon 'anti" hitw CieWhtyofecaaaidt Jî rdv asti arr zouo cat.--O boras anti camue lu finaltSi tenet. Teocetawudcntto ntdCuc fCnd. cagsadcmiso tee odr t e hn" wtheir gtoup atîchIt cue -if.à--d,, e h totl -'k atîi P'ont Ferry HAS, hixbitdgc H.S., Siei'-'0olal secuor d two -eil cairn. Thotla, lue von lte Q.umen, ' fn Iidie" anti has viol, andi ver- "In Ibis Hambîoelng dtricIt," pflai-ocnd rosSeS hack la Nma. gradually. Place ou itaki hitr Il oas a czreat oi-lit fi-c t-i-r fant Plate lthe second lme, il wie rutn haits for an extra fin. hall, e sec- wnîlci ..Mn. ]Rance,. "1thoci arc a Iouing. ln rnugt itoapo allt tint iad Whsmiy lf.B. Witby gois s n . t m ta i ol came asti liai-o ithe enincti Ct iiiiails oTrnu tett CugaPaeat tdtat onl ag ubn fsii ror Tt- oaeaîeiaite umdrt vntnU baeilut Laindsay un Frîda- aften- on as ntissdnaf eoti t cutid rush l oot.I' h ll- lt n ideadacre.lrerme fapegoir Te ooeaiehdbe nmdrt vnýo i inclin itit e li-puilt $ed 10 play witIî bel titres otuiirt i-b go. - ~ User th -ospo .c nov. It as On tise.l -ari td *'t vas aloo qolte a boxer amen anti, itecano ltse Cinon msarket tormot and nînbe anno itoii inm i-he second of titi home-anti- 'lThe gamne nan caihaby tanietiore"1wsYun, h 4ya-l Itoue garnes. If Witl itnso b-e Jesse Sp, îsg. coachi ftte Oas- Itastie the Wltbh teani looks tlic A Oay Sail Town veicran saiti. "And I 100k tm , ltbemi. or luae e iaer totali nom- leHoke wtuh aii-t z avctscruviraete taitO Mn. Causerat vas bors in ie. prises ton runstsg anti jing.a- .i~' -dFPT i" ber af pointe on lte round, ttry geucral aatusfacîîoo andl tandetit ut beat for lthe rltampîonshîo. ten, but vall rautiO ii itby. Anti titroalsg titi tammer, a îo- '--' s nêxt 187 tie ti ur Of5n th tit s'e bot few penalties, aU ch oticit weeî "a gay 1111he todyg' Iii oF daMs Poundi banner. 1 wo gon et -O ~ tea troup iucludiug Oehawa, for mncirn offenses. 'lthe, Witby Titre senuet to ite lenlo of itad hi ssld. Ris, fthetlsirW Ahosan lthaI. Yen uuldu'î tini Il, tut Pinmtnvillce. Cobourgt, Pont Hope tean sitowd tut oSa- zoo4 coacr- flavour on itoti ssdrs and îhey sure tien Canîros, ci8lot Otf pi1ce anti 1 as a gonsie titis."a e anti Peteroro, Titi winnr of mae anti a citance to onatice tan ext)ouct same kefore thc lame end- t'oenfy euuuclli<p., 'il-elty) thon Titrougitoul itis lite Mn, Cern- - 's -fI tif group bas not yeî he de- do ion a Seau and il] nlte tarai te cd. it atile, anti lSm. ,Caygeranesires itan hein a seai> pipe--h tîdît, clse ont for tht croat' tile. tirât tripe lu Torünt41er@ in tSe autiler. Anti hi dlaims iquor in Tite llue-op ton lte games wa The Tuas Evnrv piayir on te Whitit irci rampany of big, 1tlite grd sao oedenation la no0 preventetive et s.folleai: Witliy - i.,oal. F Ciàate; tie. picynt a wosoterfol game anti Racei- pner bcbng itrquit 10 Torna loneevI-tY. He ligto hie pipe -WHIT3Y--Centnze, K. Cooki fenci, J. Sîcitaole anti - Tlsompt- enenthmng tes' had. 10 ln custody. ' oonln attîr is neguien nîîîag (Catit.): turvarde, J. Ailes and son centrn. Heard. iags, E. -'lIt tout tour or fice' ioure te et 6 anm. tut deCys. antiba hic l -.-I G. Allen.*s;aeda, Ml. Tolesti anti Sli;,ulhs asti Brown; slîcmuates, Titi fans eut trie monce-t enortt t-onu tire by home 'antis buggy. 'vîti rechi aIl day5 util ho h î W. Baker; tube., i. Diiy, D. CUinin. C Sigtholm, Scott anti anti lots mare asti eni-vei tite caine asdti hine aire.odï: tic1 Cii--s te ters ait 1i p.n.* DCigl.A. Centre, . uc îc o. Souucr-tlc at lalte utout. oaes," ite said. "Wi lua.d to psy Wddueeday nlgitt hi titeûaal PrL~~M. Smulaeit, e. Da0. Mayo st.r' utol onieril.d-a ecit lupsînce 'fori a ulugis id sytît a Perty hls hintittan sono 'fionsai-du. X. Tîitunc asti G. tente. Carpeisler and Crousen; n- Everi-itd is taltie hockey andi horse anti four-peut. ýor a filaut. whhel ul ea Suntiay.£ MeGno:guida F Luch at re. Thomsoe; ois. Peariati anti anti there ie sure tn tie a ig cranS fie mney veut for ftae îît.kîep llts o517 slatir livse et Nanti- fTitompaun; soit. D, McGee, D. Macilca. aiîcrnates, R. .Matreingi, mut on Ttunetiay toS sec anntlin ut lthe ruade and tite;" eecîainly ton, bl. Pituehe Tait, anti bis MeKee. (0. Peteit-. L Macciaitc. Baithi anti Sitspe, gond gazone wben Unitridc u orne needed til,. - otîer tidnn cne; Rentent of r ii ~ Rteferee-F, E. Collins. Referec - Jette Spsng. tire. R, is trainiti î11.le-i ynathl ai London. Alexander of Biuffalo; -a shoemakon, Mia 1p etloc tre c. Ocra Brown. Mmte, Fred "' Tie Witit fane are ahi satisieti covireti ltnie yearse eVIpO w lit Cuffe, Miri. Thomae MetTaul, lire 2 ~ . ~q A ci Sie:Penyfo vurIhugtt. Neepitellty îlîtlng solith glati- anti neadu- for lthe urai a.n. thiset YrsIyer. $1.Oo'b se i-cod Etid Mofl atu Toronto;, fulntig. ueti.."-Lutcgfelloa. B ueat andi $2 titi titird, tsr, ý 1t-flojýn,- Mm~ W. W, Taylor, Hamilton; A ~ t y0u t-VIcf -#h tht reat evunt arai tlnÀ es et as Juil titttiugciu go- -e suen don't mi Titurs- u div aeek. an mi. Davi -ehnn -i.ve eMt aire ofIri CleCsoMAn lit la nul the qeCsllI7 of titu ayîs garni, Frit. 1. "And wite ion ti op. iVand. - uV <JWTARIO faaong in Ihein slones It-emriselicted by the ;n. mWeu~it-- of - lpfndes4 uoluis fhat Iud app«fl te tieir custOe5ti ita na): Ci-ce hlm, e dollar. Doris.- lte guette. ai the Sceo at tite gant-. lot Assu-es. teal."-~e.ndU f Witby Won Fast ~ n & o u PU LYSLCIIV~~ Game Mon. Night BtN~ uai lniae v vuo me~cvi t~~ IR VA L-tLPl official remord nI lthe! Pro. nii ncaleS anthe terrstury seeclud- b J ~ & LO T j Fom Rou e i-isi-e ~creitibuationoftal: tsl tinc nitail largely lie absedt ho le an exeîîîng Iuîînmedîaîu tic Ointario teizuslatare, pubtiiabl lu ttc ridi-i of Montoka. wichlis ne 1jua eucaournj AIiuEy~ c.>.uoa 0 H. A. gene played in Whit- a Torouîo aruspaper the paflInn presesteti bu- George W. lcclentone ~ ae b 5 trete te es'erYlhfng a itochey iiit o relu thiot S.fuil Otrio ficinug Thte ritiing os' Duritam, fa thetc X rami eotti gnu, front body ti-aiti reinan unctaneed, i 'tnne r'eprîsenîtd ity W. J. Bragg, Literai. PluT Fe!?? citenn. huntîng. ntasbfs-' "lit The SisI nif ridisti ecs fa te, cessain uchanzeit, aCortii SAL 2 c 4 e 9 c adftghte Thetu bentînt a '-,eîi-h Ontario as it e ait »raent. lat the list nuitimsbnt, aiihttuch tlie HEPAICA . -24c 47c 93c TOry clase anti lthe rtvalry be- Si-t as nias also bînîtid aem-,'b1The popslatin listeti for Ibis ritiissgli HEPATICA ........~bi itwte Ian lisae sitotei Il Ticns, thîre isafrastîc elaaeflé. in jusl iizitlv belusu thte unit Of 5. 1P IC 4 m suit 10 e tage on severul 0r -i ifici, m lii Ontar-io N, 'Tif00 w'ich hae bics taxed for rural PU BENDESSI> 6 17~ES17 RUBBER GLOVES 2 c eàsons. Rougi ailîlyet moei#M.uI i-csttt ~ oesoessiooi pasttel esades o!........... a houes anti bigb slilu aum.'1 bot onot he WbItliy itoys rniaty2 -------- ------- 31C aitted ltue t i thefr on reine. GRATER 1INTERFT MZAN~ EVER L AD3IN si 1prapentu- hike lthe se-endnui FISIIEk CRAFTSMEN CONTEST KETCHUP mmIz2 9 TOOT1- PASTE----------------------- tiltsve lr marnt ~ ioarlteOAGC @a aR PALM OIL SOAP. thtm wOas ânon ove-i-e eb- 00t000 i(',aoa o oo rutîm lis te î e cratulry f thPnitedrtts etA 3 for IUC Con~~~~~~leittu liated lar troue aod O ii cltîp muuot lion lu Chicago Eps ,a aa.m.a z lewl a Slechtntnubautile ios ani 3oi à in e cDumltunbe Evert eit tbtm ,artn dtiae, Mn. MESTLE'B--MaimST QUALiY 22 BEECHAM'S 3 tin Major. f ouiui eît th e aces ou two-tapiE im b fcteufiln urges menhir, of AL ......... 1 c 3 c Pno eu onlt hokdilinelcen i-eants arc r-spq)Idleô tg tise Oul to speeti se Item went,L2 -e 59 WtitbY'n mim.e se Ou lefglit- hie irais il( i-i bePltse udY bottins&a deflisie emisetise et day M I A 19 COT'S lnt song four toit s -li O'raftman o Calitia enit0bAv 'ait 0te a bIen. go tisel Chey May te 59 otias front Jack1ig l htholn. tîhcnoseiîrsthe fashe ut e#tiga ceinu ut herIug ltuir moal FACE POWDER ........... ... Ch Oer An TVRT'Un ThPRAS miniatur moe Tia4Oàrcahsrmlee nUe o other goals cornfez fmgi-nu tns -'eot, ln i-ii- Gitiilt gd$O0O iedgisg lu JuIn. No turtbur en- C C A IâV / M i STORK BABY POW~DER. SOC ty Brown andi Clareri-e Stiehait- (tcsmoo'lp i-nnpetIttîîný, t rallutse ire hîllz acepledtilse 3 tins......................V hltu. i-irn gît fea i-'0 ptfl. t. [ondoi.idi- the off-o4*ftta year aI Guui iteetiquartue in l WA .. . . . .. . . .'r w n larene qlliPii tho is'm e-i--h , i- olar.-hlps. einu@à lait Oshtawa. it, ea teit btaI autresnt U K ENXTSUplcis tmp cano pileS snd iO" i$c,00f a'h i givi i e clu- ine tise nnl renais tîtone BW 'K A M.3 ~ KLEENEX TISSU. -, lSc 2 fr Ms) or e bt '.oclp un M nio ina o ba~g. ts Jud.ieg date for lt.e proper conle 12 à su e l "celoai suliuesefe 0 ei . a 8cuae arosei s ca aikanc 1 c 2fr35c euidtuu a ret nid tii-se Shi-loi donc n ii oorease tâitire lut *Iructfon ot f no titi lillie cva0vmuA peg 39C ;am,. ~~~~~ in wi-rhnainsiip enông lte modela. MIS M OFmA&PBcr GLAZO 3 c Titi rnfere ]mt tho. i- t ni-i h Oittof tl inin, temrdllug PREPARATIOINS........................ ....aue frtafl fcin tii-e i-t ' fi p' i'Nnti.bln riedo t o u to Linen PLAYING CARDS. 5 thi- gante taIrty l steltt inrf-""Piir Ctihlti. Ofire ibra voie 2packs ............... Sc :tr:mo; ,ht- 1i rit.ten Showse PO R TE H O U S ý "1 22.i)) a a le Clohe irfensol the~ Oioi-n let y, ei-ilt M ROtiNS DeONs SEIDLITZ POWDERS, lfictoiu, anti Tbopoir i h 'cl C l- o h prîllfl alu- ABONs£rpteccprde 7o1.1c--- -_ i- -ry -ns 1. VW A adaSUE.?1. c.. il ' ~fa I I - b

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