'awr ¶vLa'i' rACrrm . &CROl4fllMCIr»rHUSDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 193Y Aý-N MADE 11 Dy RUAYESM oW AYvii ByRBYM tueeIil a nir ntlIons Plana, y le vas c frion t te ha' bau auùnt. tacs. -ý-inuaar spiiclsllat'a curie. - hlai iaI ba nt te taa iunf bu an anltant. .Eat l Gd made trs countrey - i ites teva." hote tlla nbe., -&paeui ta, go to a rural ecesit. SEOOrf INSTALMENIT iQw tsctne ,n te a nibtagu vire >Of go &bout vitirot aimai and ansd set aunburat." " aeyen gaîtt te tae bie plamal gleîi. >"M toit me te go te.mci're- migl. Il ponibie, aad tatke icu -i. stgyU n mat belt upf*girt. Temaa'm mnat. aire deglatut te' r Ine fliatuil tirnvtlag of Rate- ga litte vnula. if ai iemil autir a particatarli perSan. la Mgvte et lia blunt Isad yut sire tnev aill bail ne, teintin et fotang ast ad- .t'ai net coing te-niglit. anaYa'." it» Md. «I',a gng eut ta, danner." *-,yo"To ok0 mare lit fer but." van bet mistt' rstu't. but slle fait me- ievat; the mentlin ot ilner mate mipne irapefail. 'Ehe dil Dot vant te go OuI--aI t, hsasblfciber did nolisrant ta g tuaI mlsatbla' stghla' pirvalcal «e'bb ber test Éuamat te ci-a' eut al'fer test andi sloop, but lire itir pont of ber, ber beart and bran, on5 f ira fer tise moent, vian veanli bu lagate witir tire on] la ail tiersd aItvb matter' heler. vo ilsyn ce se lnt igefintu aI days. Yaar long. for iýîm sire bat atevut ln 'atrder te bu nean tOlm ie " mie van ama' aî,e ta apls a 1 lier eaftc aatieinstlio aile bail t vera' litt-e liepphoari cal of lb mnvu tôetur. nfe mas , leat and eiactine Bat 'n ber crin rtntm oi irennti mis f511 n ta cerne miti s sit- uation lirai va 'pia' gramg eut e51 baud. 'X-l-'ht lirey geiag ta dîni et b fiat... Dniting avay !n bu car wati Denrta Watenuma D na mas oce reniembetett hi atb-'P te Lida, Tlere vers shnde igas of ber eveyvbere, Il Lamet auemed an If iret îbadam &et te A conrrfethUe bgsilnet f va., isugbbag t 111cm la ber lalmltahla may. Wbua Puantstett attelier vr'sp aicres telc. 111 mli - buda't toma." "*Wbat nennuta"ne.' u uau 1e? e bande sut ber set titat. "ten'rs tîcufi. l'il inxyen saettiaIL. Yen'U fouI btter diretly.n Mes eansd tisset benr. "Pow. drink thié ndBotos fI i rit r Mput nes lUfe IttaYe." mire eppu t and upt lIas glu damoa iaa Ibu le tbr lliai. ",I suppoe yeun nui 'mirhbljg ceup" aire said stomna. "I tlilaitySn're adorabsle." Bu etualtaetuhiat. "Et atm'- alte tiuneau bu csape siree ait painfutlyal ftir a zrnent. Tireawvana %tercet IAP st lti dot. Ibte Den. prtg up and veut c-rtotatirse ctilttable sga'n. "Cames t.' 1DInul' I. aurvumi ar." Thua' munt loto tire tinas Moii Llna'n dlnivg nanaDama tbaiglt mitîba lttle QIvat. sud ugirua inca mre senteil Denrain sent tisemalte avay. "Do yen mind?" iii ankut. "We can't talla f flua' t"Y." Dianat m rate a pretelisO et [usine. bYut 0ev tirai bbc servant' vatcuireys mre ne longethiera nbu gaveu lnp aniaileaut haek te ber chiri. ,Wbnt'e gaine te bemnu of ns, Dunnir?" rire aret. Mu di til netsiier'rcanoent. atd mirun et inut lie uPal e garem f aIle ave'iu elclng t lier. "t bragt yoenmbes 15talIa about blat." "Gil" A 1lia nirsafl t ofope $trckular e-e rspi gan. "DO YOnm nen-milI Linda .-* "Ltuda wiil ovet tIvocciMai." Sire stoot ns. irndint thea liantOe ber chiar fr a moment amit ac cnecatenuinri anse cf minans; trea asie ent betore hitaibacla te tlthmmur Ite ili addtlieuts and eutahao utraml agansOt tire salit armnigit. ire tit hb& amr rntaundbec. tram- hic ber clave ta b a. and mtir c- taranif bhepasin ea uaaasuna- ed toaailu hn er ehe taraud sant cunaitole bl. "Doa't lt thern tendtmeave sY froar yon. Dentalu. Do't tet tireo scend me svcaY. I love a'On an anci -se mugi.' «Anad I lovea p ort at.maa'dean. yoitko tnata." "«Telelt me taete 75ava. >~ ~ ~ ~~r n *afmtbsmessoafheu, dc:Lng ber Close le hlm. m"d siensa clo a0f1Im sson ho.1miea sesad t, awaks la ber, plis taaud md along In hlm. agala angrtiy canselealioetber wak- r ti ua ur mmnent? WittlaLnâs nus snd lamnlade.Ohvr..d.Lida-" ashe nd iti Aga ontmcon et cxtrsgralit pro-m a ltte &hivr. pe Who limA liedlesaf i binaw thiR e toco aonotice. bc ent cm itiing but a rep Of debts.has "ad rapily, tnlasdvantageeet bg] maiitutLindoDawsnmoa nir girl ifoOefliBCy aateatng. 'Wc can go tbla we-wby nol whoihal bouta blnded bY ber love tonev'ew7 I eaun met you coru- for bu te lita lsuinessunMd tuse- mireooutlde tenone. 1Tbnk of l"uen. tire jny hvtl t e. my dear. Jut peu Eut tbe vasnon fol. sud once ale and 1 togtirer."1 led efavsted fi'onitire obock oet.Anid vrea vs oome bacli?" he dlUSlllneoent aie md Pet bereu ied hioless.ly. "We saathave te anlle and remalia rieaaia wrr.ia ta cama bact.. ai course." bnubsil vleiiiaire oveiHeM isacd irer bair. hub. nener qnabn teed.hm but "Wba'looka ead. my desn? tînt ~ noieet viag.or iolutd to tire pre.sest eneugir? AnditIlwn't Wi u dob liva ito nbeut Bp'bu tire ltthie anly tac. We olali bi p n h llanbd teeread&P-oftun bu ablle ta go asy togeber y iTi bld itever mcey t-a 5it. Woi't It bu btterIba tuami, btB 51 ad garley et-bia Ibs, anayl? Wee m Mten culon toit bern abtne a camliai. van ilivenom aylag geedye" Bne lou er aat oubiw" DOtaraud her face uarn tebisaand k ned me e i h ruine sur sleosneber By. "Say yen. ay darling." abs nsld itb a frnî mlle ber airaeClod ler uye ber. thee selletera Wouid fttaad ta 1t. but 550f alta ienonu t rr ha Muet teep vîtin its Otoitsa. and 'wlll llut, ne pwer af reatanue; ne fartisardebta veald ire settled aire van se tred oa igtibn. Wliar dld anvtbiematteru slongas mu forbin.sbi rdser ouiaded d'O not utterlyle lein £Ignly,ad fbaU afl iolary.but ~ i e. b Linds balnsen immune totem w blriered. "Yenaa uneer regret t. Ail my net quarrel'n'e vIllivai.* ie lie- e me ereof f. bin arme fan- calmy. " doat tra-la n tee rSniber. m 11r? 1ili ou. ltie-kret There ve r îriesn theUic allisa anM lth eu, eravé 1aura du a vanaann vale,lantine yeu cn't ein tire wv ou'aava anazued. and onue tf tbe malte bain breu"rr irai y"' 0niý. tae e rcer'acd.fluntercd. to nov t supSeut at Ises miDenn stand mtlanleesabis buail 'a.inpossilili.se I bave mide taraud towarsedtee dner. iis face urveet fac bain ar baites. wie you ycw4llbe nlle f"'e te ce Yeu v. sad 1I alla1 unMine." CHAP'lER IM DIanS. wus Ã" ttrlt; uslp loecd 'M'aLnda" ire raid licansely. tace nd ac anted c hei's'r e Linila came itlatee rani emal. chi« er'taowa latd tre r lve ea-i- laand rireery. Bb cl<obd thc pi. vltbaut truth e nm'nlre o f itare nofircaltir aid vwsubarmingllr thissr vives batthir Dîanas as drenaed la a cool entamer trc ai ~ ~ep...eîa.bIsckend sot bhivtira iliatya'bt. lbmn u5 rnotlilac fuis.d She pued tecmrttnliset and aid iut bc u i" rrfaU r M nc tircasnent ovIde. tien oh# Ig 1."_- - --,'---A -'-- taraud an leukcd t ber busani. ,b.eforeur. anla'tetttlid uhy cnin "tbyeyc'eelasa teviillag »M les w'4.Pvt net n.anotlier Dis.na ortUlv." ohsir aît ALnd nov leu'.th"ev er. a&ala. "Andl mac f i'nvp a vin-? Sanie- ou thrsaltt graund. istir ctr- tir BU lune. wtir punIr et le." , 1.m._- . 0- - c" DranIs tmmcd la tbe ide table d nslbeenlf vitir a 1tttleansd boua mlet sadrInk vin a',c'e'u.bands tirat er nt qalle teaty. Ibevsthe bru rOn' 'I Wir Yo'd let ee lmuw Yen 1 1ri itmierebSr etie Ivre vure un'ine b vid "I'd bave esaoa ntentrd tire riva," -"it ar "v '".an"d "'iL i"s ln""ied. "Fou uafe'a oi tejst Dina suddenl3 ycal But I vas qauiUrIgiri TonY Annual Meeti ng of Maple Leaf Mutual Fire Insurance Co* Meeting at Clumbus on Saturday Hu"r of Reamnable Succesa Attained Despite Fairly Iteavy Loses - President G. M. Motherslin h Address R.views Yeur 1932--Compeny la in Sound Condition - Officeré Are Re'.ecteel Thre tblrty-algbtb annuel mieat-1 ing o e iaMapla Lest Fermets' Mtani pire Ineill'B5aCoCmpany, t Columbus.. vas lsçld la blie1 Columbus Toisa Hall em Stur-1 4ay afteriaoit lishn tireProusl demt. . m. ?iuieliîIl.urpruved comfience ln tlie future etftire etnmpany ln spîtietelestinS Came ditiena ai deprasien. M. Mtheraili. isba vas y5" lsted ta tire affue ce t 'estdent orthe Ibis bd ceasecttiva yasr. astei lulabis addras teilb.s@bars- landrs. blinI theba at pear rsi brou oeueai"reasanable ipaceetsa wbhe bo poltet eut that thora liat been many Insae, b. tmtsd "vs b ave urrIed an suesstiilly and tire reprt peseated tu Yeu tae n hiil e v u ield al ha gratifiad te bear." iewiIne tire blteryan ad Pro" grnesofthteraCompaney Ihe Pros' dent tatat "Ou oaray'as tormeil &bout tbge smi me as ny futnal canaanles vers or gaalasd. We ariganieed te abtalsr cleaper lsurane. Abut 1890. me msrn paylac $1t0O tn $1.25 te tira insursice coýPniaias for $1a00anoetinsuesies tfor a tbre' year terni. Far a long tire, anr ComanyY arged onla' 7a cents fer thue amn'.int . AItainr tiret an'- nal meeting. wvslied nritten piît.ai.n0ofrinauranri. To-dat. me arae arrylng $19.335,645-00. I ill ii ls nana wat a ssai as beain made for tbc farncre by tire ratas vu bave ciarged as ena- naret itir tros belag abargat jevoenacame aver On bthe sane boat. Biandholacbudit er mu. Sa"e yen a clartte?" Sbe fluaS lier bat eaneluny do-u ion tee ocasmcntlntabat g10s8Y bain cnretully. "Are yen tise galas an sSaie miere?" mlvi aked. "eceanne IFOjU are, dnt mnil se. Iiliall baLva lunaIre te da-tbure'i & ple ot lt ten mea t orme lu Ira bbcbal." Dennit gave ber a cigarette mnd rt It for' ber. "-An a mattan' of fat. vS vearse' ime an te in anme Peoplea t tire Savoy." lis nul. eMvfuily stelitet be ues. "But as yen ara er-" -Ag t1Bsn ers Vmeil Mqate Pwu- paret ta do te polas tblngmand tai aitce lise.t rt ItV UV dese bey, denat bu ablard. t ubOul liais te disaiehtit plaa, tee. tiienei1 ni_* geinluis mn pifali" up 1411I the AZIV mats." D'îinoirud benffmeil i h Aset- fot, tr IestM&Out runenagta be fous.,"t'aIquitte voi. a Itou. titsd. prbue, bt e s P sa s lesm to les #yen dretla' yen ncone ,ino', flalubuil ber drisele aid Det theuçglus damna un tien tble. "Oarbnt yen Imo te bue onfle- isn't ton alcot late ta jainafs petyli "X teatly den't tar a bit aboout tirimnv." eecP9' "Letmu stit' But Lia s oul nt Icar of surir a tima. "'foct ne Yeu mninto.e-yTIau'.t. To an ne m ae fuel eorey I1eCsais banni. bannais mneit tlita ire gras." ]DurntqahbruTend ls Éereldere, Il, fer yen te at, MY dear. Tan know if voxvaontme te stay-" "But I dont mant vmi te tay. ii"eie un tel nie se-mur s ures cneeu tlorIn 'ayour heeto, yen look lkes Ia gbnst. I1mai miel t talatMa D..e'nforcas memena.' D'nbas iftnei. She van hatiavr bhic vasan foerfie flal "".mai seif-eontc@. eavying lier '.îovlng Ieltir: litinir lier nnre.r,.ailv. - denbt. and Yt ibislin-1 bnrdlv bava hem toelian elcruanSestr ,norcr-t )"nals ventforivamn I tien is if e. I runtly doit cure.'fvs e o r arr'» sire ald l mu an erfort. "rt ahi bu fn'lgtfnlliybot lalihe Savoy. arr'ay." 'tan ema" LInn e%&Mi. Bbc nbacuilbr'plsyfunly te tie deM, glasiavaI itar bo. Tiena s tara- ed tuned te birliueubdlis. "Wbs&t'htle raitter mtir test ch tid" aire aslaed. "Tire nia'tcr?" Denata raissil is brava. "Wbat do yaa mear? Sire 1desnst loek as fit an yen de. cet' telniln, but tfla&aieResacthie Pans tSamucla. Yenrtanttkecpiber otttl sire s maas et nervei." "And lat yasr tanit?" l&itaeif anlicd qutlY. 1 "My tauxt? My denu'nLda- Vbat an eartb de yu en ?" "Dont lta pretunil, Deunlu YeTo rnev qute wmuta mut YI iaa. VTaa've blgua ninlg lave te lbut for menthe.rie 'mnet blainu yenO sn mreuhn I1aunaber-ana' We- MsnMitgsà fulWholetsua a nsrlei rasn make love te lebabt ruaar' ifr lier bataaeshaunet an0uer I en"dras yeu n a'. t'n et pîlah fat. f suppo»s ie vans eu ete Cearry be, ate t t't?" a To lv. Cotinud) COUHS AND COLDS VAVISI ~Ateaa5~ ha' aller IlasUranue COapates- Aithouall mbe sy at te raies Ounr ratai. thaa' are 5111 ottrac lever' trantbuse eftDma' Otiien lnoraraCe esapamus. mnI irah eau sel viral lier'ratea vamIfi bave heen b.d ont mutiOl ouiel- atisousemmte the Bld ofthlir tarmens. Wo have *e'oedth ie lever ratas ait ail lasses lave baamat. We O i lb oeqnauven la Cotieste support ocrin n- pana' andte ta aspiis ae drets- -tagse bu an tien'erfriands. lua à Bfind Conditlion "I bIve esil Our rates an' lsuirr this wlboiîWe ocsaltset. ta' la boom YatBs,.bltdings at a bigirer insurabte vaiue. Wlien lensas ogcurmet atter tire boulnn. SIl fell avli' on nur Comipanya. The increaiet tatas versnosces- saye opBy Ibs lases. But la uIt. ai longaa. Oancocmpaa' Ilu a seunaficondition, vîir &ntbtani' n.ia roserves. Thug arsîsrvue. liwevr. shoalil bu maîntaînut as -& guarantas ni lbe itranshir ofet Il atIeLeaf Company' -atd given preailumotets. Ba' iutual' la' gbîrîng la lheia laassilratas tirs selvenca of lire Canya'10 Inet and tire proetionOfa il eue paticybuuldri oaaintained. "The tlrsctans are patthi lata praullcesau anaia'leo f aur iai te ascertain thle revaeneand dis- bursmont ftaclcalms f aur clana. la thIcmaa' tirey boite le dter- mina if tbe presial ratesares ats- 'asIla ail celle r tes bush la nonie ad teom owIn allure. SelectlonentaiRiaka "Tee midi easelctanet ire ta' hen iry bbc dîracînne la thesetteg- ien on i.koa. Tira Insuret ainst ses tiraI ho te as laluestet la tire weifsnee ofîte cemPaeYas aman'- one. Wî mail mt lasnme te as nmanit vltr io ii eacouar'l carelesones e ouIbmenprt nt the minetor ishîcir mu croante an afivantaga ta ana' parla' unscaseofe logse bl ia's. Tirbcearmpana le a mutuel enapaa:y. Thie inrei muaItire preparedteIncarry lia ami pari t fthe îriait dthns Ce- operats vîtir lbe campana' minci cares tiere isit- entractutfolen l lire oleya. "A partil surtey as aimatselia the direetara a In192mtir tirs ci' suitthlaI in a neruo f cases lire insursice s mafunil ta lie tea Ibiaiand bat te ha radacauL Thdirecoiruelehave sane Juin th% ni barns mibir tiera suit ht B» -a appications ara circelel tra' eriasela' te sue Ibal the cempaaa' ls net cana'yuog an eor-inua. liard Yer Pr 'Fsrsuers 'TIe yean 1982 vas a bacrd oie fnn tieraitas-nnaas malt ton air cIrer classes. The lovent res inn' aIl eomnditess bave prevallail gsinus1i06suad lOiti. miren tbeY ers &bout as ai pris- ait. But ai tiraItii.m taxes vOee cura' mucir lover. 'The cîlet neiranlsanas mrylu nisad me dit neb bave iths excersive rmat cosîs me bave nom. Tha stuatlio te- Osy la verso for tbeae reseas. than atBt irs peco f abount thIr- îr aeare asn. andlat tînt li lire vas net lb. Cent et ellet bearits upan the people. We ce- uir coursgeta mest tire stue- tion ada detsrmilnatlelaIbat vme yl csrry on ad mIn ont. Ilas-lurace smva Tiscompamyartdà oe ment te neo If tire prssît ci-In- sas-anus agreementl mtI notber e.Oomanlas ceuit net ha ebanseil seo tatInlacase eofsaseîsal auges"- meutthîe same meurdt otlislei' cd on tiers e-nsurinsg Comanyla. W. Intervîewet crmîttes et senersi ather mutuel@anBatlaet' amui case obîsinuil tirîrc-eera' tien i lubia ra'Important Mal- ter. ie tle pett e bave paid spsc- li aiessîcats te the Hamilten Township Comipana'. lie Lanarla Couata' Compnlay.t1e5e 'rmesr&' UionleaCompay anttire Kent J& ginsz Companya. Dlat a pai- mntnbbas bieu mats ta svera mn-: tnsr ses raDiacî buaInenss stblex- ceopb lbe. Pel Cemty mt Bramp' tan. The mater irai net bein fui- la' settiedet athIbs data but me bate oeema'reasse te beleni tiraI the nuperlnteailaentfInssrance iii tuant sur roqnetadIlIfosetlb Fes-mers' lioint toturance Coi- pany, Lndsay, bats advisd ns liraI tbea mli i'ef'rnt un bebeean #6.aaeos- andt9,20.0.- Enuter15541 Wlth Conildence "Our Company enear 933i ith ranfidsnce. Our eemliaay la niet nla'tle dis'setura. t lisail tirs pleiyboidara. Theremut lie Aria in 1933. But wvcs m rsevarsi a lai ai linla. Cars îtii tires la Our ironira, mur ilote ipes. mibbi lanterne adiltmilimachuîas-v. mlii acs a lot0foralro. Matebea beionne laa note iboxad cet ireund a barn. Wu sheulil bive pracilesla' neo res, Ifme asec cretul. hsyond lelîmîme ires. Let anosce If lm 1933,. mecau net msle tiro boat shalag me evesi mite." la riouîag lisadatresa la tle snnai arsutIg. Mr. Mtb.r«Iii expreimet bia tirants. ad tise Ilianhe of tire board nt dîerînmi. le &Ilt5 irs. mbe irBil mrtat la h. laterate ni the ennipama us- -p-eIlly meatlînaînuIlhennoe ei -the ecutary. P. G. Pumvea. satt- i ne Ihît tire muet of Mm tPure - ld liea "*eonsantala'for tire w ettare oethîe Company,. n - is efforts lite iren of grvat - hlpten ns&Il. MOM Rev Bsèletesd Ail theofnmeurm et lire Company' - ere ce-eletet. tire sbammbnlden'n rescu t at the maclinosexpress- las îb- le ounfiie n the tirer- tors, andtbtiritappreition oi 't 1 Have You Taken Advantage &WOf This 0.0 Two.Exmoenet News1 Services For the Prie. fOne Your Chboice of Eth.r THE GLOBE or THE MAIL AND EMPIRE and Your HOME PAPER Gazette and Chronic1e, Both For The Low. 5 Prie. of i FOR THE TWO NEWSPA.PERS FOR ONE YEAR. EITHER NEW OR RENEW- AL. THIS OFFER IS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY-SO ACT NOW AS MANY HAVE ALREADY DONE. IIDO NOT let an opportunity go past to get 313 issue& of a good morning daily newspaper, and 52 issue& cf the M Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, Ontario County's Ieading weekly newspaper, printing ail the news of the home M 1town and district..1 COML-TO THE OFFICE. OR SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTON FOR TWO PAPERS AT ONCE REMEMER-The regalar nabacription price eftIhe G tlEIT'E & CHRONICLE laslow omiy $150 par yeew fromi Janmn' laI, 1933, applying an mbcipions aywhere in Canaa. Rate for U.S. submciben hmbasbem ve- duced fin *$2.50 to $20 pur eae. The Whitby Gazette & Chromele ONTARIO COUNTY'S LEADINO WEEKL PRONE 23 -WHTY 7- ., W À-a i~ k - ,nnw n'i.".."m'fmm PAGE SEVEN -i MIL wril 1 liT L&P.4z 1 1 r, 4x la. oplitidld servicas wmmd tire? nbae rndered la past veare le T Comletsyiielatc of airera 1à go feliema: M Lit ltô. . lBrr. otiera.l d'Oshettawa- .M. on ValiMdAiresnat -D .Mr gSgelaeal. a-iCt 0;n.alrvs, ol TtatInrr-Bnsn.tbme irer Smsn nsets 'boeca.s- GatCiits ifpiutore r antreigliten e, Manrlaste:romairini. Pot P5a'r'itH. cT.omasach, Bort Gil. . Webkin. owlitb Baen S eote, Bemmavîlle Wifvlm Ptatcliiia.arlall; L Wtiëa RCatcaa. O rena;LtnaL. . t.l5tbPn. Comrna: Nasir Pl it hL:OM tr. Cmrb Nohg, k 1. isnanclai S8tIearumt -&Ocorttientirte sonalilsia- 0u#l alatunical as preauntefi te Btirdasameetingts ttalias- qa f ttbrenmpsry amnant te CfIA700 t4 TtclItabilities lister! jq,ïýlts anirual utatument ameunt- aiq882.819.27. - Tbb net retîde o f premuar netO la terce mas valueil St ~tfl cash rerelpîn fer tbe year £ifliltetd ta $78.28.15. Casai rsc.fd traontirhe rualiation of lit - , lents tatallet $7,023.80, mfl 0« naggregate ttaliof cas~ recelaIs $5, .9.IB eupnen af management 40 id tta $13,597.40. TII, anoramitnatl uonItmforlae leasqa 'nnB $48.59i1-07, total "aifs- calltemia l'svmcan" inelodiae line bisler namcuaîting In83, RUI'T NOW HAS IORPORALS' MESS Formai Opeaing to bu HeId At The Armories Nuxt Wednesday A nrCIVI ,ammualimuiswîitinth unit bras lin mcreaiet iv tire cor- noralo of-ml, nt va-rme Rgimneat. la ibn 4I a stiare Comparais' hiers. Tblï ommimnnimmm.i irbas tant corne sa- la bie. ilo as anaauared ai lire lýX nt ,ilF ia ihby th climairim uffiner. LI.-Cnl. R. B. Smith. umIn elie oaa riavinza t m- ala t l , yoifeinlilmark aI tire aeî-Coiimmmnn-mconeml affinera ai ihe unit. Thenu ew Crorain' Mess. bu MODE[ KITCIIFN ON WHEE[S HIRE Canidian General Electric Exhiibit Attracted Much Attention A model. eearlcaliY-eQnIyynd ktuiran on miriala. tusncad by tire Candien ceneaniElcnnni- Compvany, .aroasut roavldci'ni1le anetrist wisla t apyacccd la Wbihby an Taaaday. mon and wamca takilg advanîace ofl Ilî îppeetnnlity te Pana tbrnoîgin il andi inspaut It. Tira iitriiet. de- signet! It a anrforai eand et- taciredtotean nutomoile,.ln coini- elete te tir a at t ail. andd n ennippidal raial lair of Cana- dian GeeanElerîrte appliaac"n for' tirehomo. lîrludintheuHot- point range and twmoean-oncf C.G.E. rntrtgeratirs. Thc com- pact arataement oi' ai thre Oi- nlana man tire animent af rery faverabrle comenat. JUDGE RETIRiIG Ottawa. Feir. 14. - Allerm 29 yeara tus-vine on tire brorîn. Rt. Hon. Freanis A. Anglim. Ci bifJus- ice of Canaida. n cnnmtir. z le tanudedin ahi s reioats nIotaPie' mier R.B- Bnttuauîo Sanînda, Cold Spell Seems Definitely Over Tire cold rimnl vemt,) bci linO- nitcîv oatm. altlratt iltmIadiail anI atesupl ai rvii iai nS mirdan, ninlirand Sundar. Onî Simni.vmnIm.mn-1 ing. liema rcur arnîl d issu l in-m dcii un-a v r,,b utiii -n- I n rove 'abovu tii ezromrnki n i it he dav. Oi Maaday iaoriunig. iava qaie ild n conmpaoan mit hmh pruviania tome Oys. and asv lin Oic mn-re mn thme aîcim,mhmumnamirmi aîmt ronsmdmabtu'. and nnmpi lei.'gavn logeitibout lime bit min c iM of lhe latter jast of mmi mn-cmk-hmml mn. att ermepi iliiseai carnms ie stiml a trille a onu amltmrninhevxenii cne oi bsina Ioen said. mmv oimaniiv eîîeed at a spuciatl unchion la hactili i n ils mev-rnn ailflime .9 nncîînmnm v. Wedneidav eeire of limern.-. anid bureciarmîn it sa i en additionm ra thmuofficr, nens acrac] the eroc mOs' cirscm vi licl~inow ff'i- vo stendid a parin th, a m iii vmniomI of the rocrinm. jý 1- 'l-- - , Anthracite Cool D. L. &' W. Bige cool For L es uulte min aimes »d Lbst pries Scotch Anthracite TRY A TON OF GENUIN SCOTCH ANTHRACITE COAL Dom«sie Coke,-Lest on the mnarket. WOOD Dry and gond quslity, aites rssd>e for steve »se JAMES SA&WDON PHONE 182 WHIrmY TOO EARLY, IN TACT FAIR DIRECTORS -s i- . SS PLAN ce laie on our ,.addi,,, dsy'o B uttnot tate eenugli"-ts Moi. tiqUe NAMED LIBRARIAPI Aimn et Improveanents for Otw.- ei tlycm 1933 Fair, With Montrent Libuarian las be n Fxnoyponted Joint librar0ian c mia E y ment Heusaig bc associtted wiih Hon. Martin Buruell. fer a mni ber of vears the Enili hapcakinz ' rLrtmeng of the Board of Et( nuira of tIhe South OvtinsoPrima Agiivturai SocieiY. folloio--m tht recelar atinua meeting: of the societo was fild over tire tast week-eend Wlhc vinai for thiremmravcaieat of th e' O>shawa Fair, tozethet wiah grentr efiicicacv and uconamy ia adniv,tilatimia were tallard aven. uIr,onmtte of tire ivard mVreapolated Iaving seeeal ob- jcc Cinii sview. aie ofthein- EeegtSpdS riflai lirurtives beingiz hendgo a '%;V, ad meni" taIn arrange the Oua à mnnadsy. Tbeg dasu 4S- tFair ,ith uts orize lists, tiraires 5't irsisiv sosmiu cane hiall automaticallv eual litiie5au s C.uar,nî'ures. DISNEY ILOCE, T i h' oard o i m eut agaa ta i nh4L .1h-mt iîîreeueks' rime when rom- e'pp. pont omce nso.sMo rirîic' mad iab-commitee iuunmiibc. readsmith their rersanirnd revotai iliendal.oaa.