Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1931, p. 8

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Aliliated w 1ith the Ontari6 in Oshawa at 20 -Alger ing ils Enire Resouro tksns for AMotorlSta-D4 cbinotsuoiy, reit tIaoetrleo liait img anc aaotssnsng .1 and rmen îgerion their bisy % ikou'fiiency anti. $ffek loimnfor fn Oes iho is ben ail ,le Vc- friand Io thse conmmesfty.$ols Chouli l isnse on tînerrîcu, Col. B. J. McCirzii ssly my Inneediata fanly would en ant ttiMess Whi talie-nme and fImy husinesthora Awake. rgaioiWticl wouid hl iesme llebt epeculationa as ti ahi mol libe tbe e 0w heu, Conaunty Servis butltls egreal Cty which lbaa heen ny tsesd aid .boiter, that lias it fi an establfalîed file ;nade l possible for ime to raise organl2ation',if f oteneits and edolate imy amllY, thal lies, osDenad, ,,,y ours c'a>' aida eiiin verythine iliat 1 havi serve the paiiiîc iglits, 1i and iyclc niy tamily cuIll have ile iiiuaîtmeîît f barîîf il1 glaer ne, itil 'iset cars aid iW,1tien tan ad secore fair nid di net'miss an, fer I bave heo sar- consideratlon, row a£0d1salfish In ny dealîng Thal itfrbyi 1jll ny City anid wllh the mai, h 3ýsma ocby( that bave made tmy rt> itîwrth strated fin the raiiitliii -whlleý 1 have talled te reailîze itat Osaaualitor Lengue, iii( mg YCity' could ha ne mire proa- buelýinsîîtrumental la kt parons, ni baller. thafi the m ;mimenuro iiitarthe'lîc lthi andbusiîness bhisses ln ILl.i-tesatiriftise automiieo i ii nst been bied enoiigli, ter-seeein driver, Iimprovisga cIniition enosg; toreaiîce Iibat rni>' usi- eterîne, the huit iiterck IIÇ88 Oulýnt1le agreitbiiaiaeec the înilrng sPuhlir ai % iith ôilt s greit cty bhbinl i . 1, ilfe c*ilMiti lît laine. have been topel ss a i ad toi Oit tbf s uslted effort, nOI mlch éeiarassed fisny affsira 10 wou' bieni a sobeit if 15355w ihat other mdi itera fci ng- sentiment and retriqtlte thescane troubles aid difficaliies oires that wîvid repiltii ais mYself and tIltsaiample ale- desuôioe xpÇeaiva aîîid disi tiens cîsli comib trougi co-oper- able limitations, utllai. 'f'm,Ã"ilaivaMtir Leàage Dicos thle street terni snie ii.at ildualtsninenhers a tari maninlthe *sanine busines.s, f H eesev e ud s t >urblina are the samne. Yet 1 do pliedt:riole'esrieas siai net kasw ie lmaid becauîs f de zdassa net kn% iai 1si fstrast 1sfn. ie wthe reraveiorf telan ai f y t vold have bien liti ie hisi, traffi c aid s4fety i eue>'na o nfotn-adt if atina, diotermipa, raed ou 1iliga uver. Whet fine thiogs atln ri evc e ha and 1Icaald have dine bf. co-ap- auùto plates,, êtIe. -Tbey alai ralgfor the gssd if Our Citytîos~uiraaef as Aid" by:makinea letter City', hoSc"flIaeir lfare id>,he itellf »Qi coud baye lseîpad or bastifae, Yalr *chfldrai hic rectisa di Al lrOind ileare soccesfiîsl,9igiaut:hasardloîs points beaep Mec-'Mss wbi are dlrnecting ef gnosta acide yîi lii nic d hav e 5'confidence Over 10 offichiaI C ef tIse iblir. Phaeie n aid .1, throagbaîgt'Ontario, are irel ,Wlb a n r t f i ia e b t w o kLIg la- to r a id ir tieir ' sieubere 1, gîther ,we cIold oit aicomnplis ency Itiad Srvice and taor iPv.Cty, Anid nealisg then f r Lgal -Défense. defoîda mii ,aid 'hssr onte- e9wisbe,'knlunig làama, Court 14ih rai tehn a ie oald ba Jatk aid .oe Oanta. tePol ta eai iOtier, talinaasas Oly frienda es au.tIlt, becu ie walld TIere' ana twoiypes orf ascb bave prottd. b h p availabla; osa aet e anntsaIly, pravidea 1the priti UI WS <IINVASION c f the lubs aoffines £011coi, CAIROT PES5T SPBJEADS for Information and adîi Soamee crhoisly l ntaragitg, The ither typ)e%fnsembei facts area saociatad witilsthe."wrkc Ibhetefor wcis le ay erthlie Estocîlî0cni If nCIs t provides 'raadPearvce.' Tý Ihe Domuiion Deliartiueit ifDie- 1bn frein ai> Part tif CaM icltolre aad ani theae la fi- the tIsited Sitie i bo blih lutded the:stendy spread te the MOUNT LAWN MEMORAL PAI Thte Most fleautiful andi Wel-ordered lintis-1 Country Located Mdway fletweeii Osha.wa -Witere. Nature ln AIl1 Her Grandeur Gives Majisty io te Solesan Occasion, wlen Mn éition goes to the Great Be yond..-Everytlý ned- te Presen t. and Always Preserve Reslfi igEffects.-Nature in aIi ts Beauty is1 Trineti to fIt Into the Plan of tihe Landoai Gandener, Here the lTreeu5 the Shrubsà, are Caretully Arranged as Figures on the IBW petof Green Lawn; Ail Combineti to Mah Reatlng Place et Our Departei Loved Ones Llght and, Lovelinesa, Quiet and Repos Thoughful Reffection andi Awakenlng thse Sei WantiufulW.rk. MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK MIDWAY1 OSHAWA AND WHITBY, CONVEYING AN1 ITS "EMERALD ACRES 0F PEACEÀ LOVELINESS' N. hoF o, a lat ài C l bs i] ày',0an eettiing the d" ait a iitalief rom a valf L, aitain i eîyvice frQ0 if beit . -T'I y cai t o thfie nirist fam e Isedont iheir officiai 5plu aioe 7tîarc en eo ut, and : ,y-are unahie to start file Del 30 ginutie,,Itia taken ta fELia ici free- if,,charge. I«f the mn Wi lut of gaciiiieë, It is G ré il tar f1in ýwf.tit ciii. liiÃŽ repréenotatives' il change. and fir aiisîc ig but >If itlaf5> et iiy te ýrepair if, tf i ii' 200 ,iýC fe fi leequired.1 dui 1 iîer of the rih i lîf' Pi00 iiiyhçice fil iriî%minjacifi ay thé pliiiegea if, Club if,, erslp on, presentation if iwa' Mtor Cieh Carat. r inimberahito I, the;Osh- wlit Glotir' cliub rîtillia yoii fi ebenehttofethie Ontarlo A Le4gue and, all sftillated of the .Cinadian Autono-Akwe sscIcai. n, the ltrait abus Club aid ail CUba fs .Anericaii xAtûmobflî4As- 1. oa aid l lth iyai Autoxio- Wlie lboh ifruat Ifritafi 'wItà 1 sîcfated Ciahi t1iiough1<ut Tba; 011111 hi'a dlifficoî malter O f nieraie the groat onmer Kcomoendable, things that o0ft ahb liai atone aid fa doe g e toitring sater, caier. and ljyahe eoiit>Atolie t callstae crsing tb club Becsi lic aid- fcîow tt befing led &wlth sncb a Ilvo or- Th 1ey i an s tIbis nakeés for se . progreas, préeole and Cei lnpravenjent,. ., . ffcere andt Directors are o r lise hlghast type. aiervisg ni11uilty asd thaesie i 'Ul-i.ius ,r lu iin Mstasgaiy v efficfietsd aatlsfactary mai er. rqipfelng dtavvs fcom the bslwarlî ai it $0 mar itleenaip, Ibe>' stand ai Weaîl- living, ien 0sillnOs ta theIseleg- Ia Orr iy 'asd1',stallty if th'e argasi- )1ig ( la oîe cosaffaIra tlhey direct. Lile iiicldonfably ill 1aweei, tst RKatleriilieas fnaght I i tisîlleS., acoyrd Is peaires and aidur.ý ri j4 i infore the alloîf d tltrea sco rt Years aid teiuone fi aasit uîa dy ta bave tîlis aid ivoildd aid iliatfor thsai grîci aliveitora of gîiîîg ifufeilo', bit csîrfi'il 1c o ii une iri'al 1telii peara uiîicb t'lie soond cansît gît e. IJeaili Cdiles euîier 'OitbdIse liwicdgo htien ioa rernal4 cill lie 5iiered lits a gage le licot -oi MsorjialPark fIl hiauitelseranidseswhieue the vicie of nature 1<10 taed. aid ahurtue alIeejs Ibrougît chu iraf>' trees ai a insual et asoti crigai, cutIs ire aid ibre o 'NI fauer Iol hld the sauf. Wit ýy ccni'yihlag faadioiîfileterid 80e li- ireilely5and solbcaiiilly aid ns, stii àmgnifIcence Su, etarfeus ifial i brine ta tlisaa>loft tîî- of tise ilitnd a reulilatlionusjai çIatb, ai- vvhitby tkr a111la buti lie saturai zde ii 'unis or 1;aib cf ite aiîd soatsîflng liet STrais. t'a h l ie l'ihrd, Ili faui t flý iis crla. iateit advectîînî lire bodle tan i i Pii. tîu 'ravilfer "il, ilîi -'i1 of Pletîs- iein îewcc' lue palu cfliv te and etilnOties." tiîit Menu. icliî amd r a i re lwcrs, aaeced onui ail5~ IIOrvid' iiia Sî]i(able bual.of prn sl C'er- val ire'place thut wfil ap- Final pîicar liti uaraisoreoine leaiitll ýena oft aidn ud - fan tisüel mure i'ing triida oîînieicg MisitLai,s yGOd'S Menonaii l Piu'h, nark let aid nier>' gruahi Wlroeoue pains- 1 ksefieutial aid ifarai a pi, frail utnie isëuses-,i culîeuitfriîec uasrse anrtien- IEN p arictifel h15 ut estit!i The cperchant- ef a hiirial !,tior p! iberviaci if snmiiulîe Ili a faoi-i ib, 'dly mwIi,l1cb ulcd li ii at",- moassays tesi f:About 6il 8toilai fotili -testei loyt mne very 1 discorer ftel teproblibilt frradi utîl detti trces iJî prcbaae. Tac much tes 'ci nit foc placet! i upon the 'sdff of seleinlg t cifon tUitspli free ta csss'cimea ls bail 4504Km 'Tho pstponementietthjehua portant dtyften re&Ite fla iîîecsty of à sasîy1iecls rî traeifiteta a smeia' usil 'If yo-iî the buitle aid hi if y'iur eVeryduý l0ft0e..have ri glected ta proIade suitîable bari nnervalloîs faor lhe tlima th Cues ta ail O57 up, Mayie su î gest that yoo ' 'sefer a nioet 01111 reftint ibe yod f eîjcc once if dolng' se s monas pu bible. Jiiet a alphonlercili, )q] l'wa'27241 or'1 B795', l brir uii deitall&,W'#ýtoosîthesa iîtht6, tbiiiatlaon n art. Instlai il corrow ad w4reavemsusît iv w lt a great relief ta kIcai tîlsiewlio asnaanad dtar cif arrasglag t boue -detaili. Na Valîli xcugase i t' ir girîl if ilis preparatlio n' sii. cJdiuiary Inaatelal reasiîlejilelj deiiY. DIrillotSO f a lilial fAoe ýfr the average f4niiî' Ci hi hadet a turl)rlaîhgelylcanine test, will spll clodwn îayieeî anîd ltherescaltier e aimy ,,OU tlîy or daeferred ferle,. The eitllsî, lifrerhcrj4 in iaiccera of thisamosdernjiniceli Monl are to bchIsgisi>'ciillidim fin the aonmaoity servieici ib lieder iiir itizasa. 'l'eusecvii Wv niaistothwbileand sP11 c c Ilîl nature ItaisiDO ns îlîiuî 'l'ley are fa'rsoaig, pubii,rirjt Pd icdlyidgalq whoa cve.;Llin crli>anduShfgbly rcnîiiiîiî c ail.1 vhsirvtai, iAis ail il namne. Thei to ussepugnize1 hl its opie Anod tisere fa, ibis Bclaa l frosat faster naliatal cdm- 1resssarleabia n-idals. t M£ *ft

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