Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1931, p. 3

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ND HRNILE E.e-CRNICLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931 > 5000 DISTRIBUTION THIRD SECTION LcONTRH A 0COUNTY, AND ITS GREAT INDUSTRIAL. H{E PEOPLE'0F THERURAL DISTRICTS. ITHE 'SHOPPINGFACILITIES 0F A EOF, ALL ONTARIO COUNTY CITIZENS& THE OSA ACIME F COMMERCE" A REAL MOTIVE FORCE IN THIS COMMUNITY, WHAT IT IS DOING FOR THE MOTOR CITY The Real Source.of Energy in'Community Projects and Iuný proveniente, Represenfing the Organized I4eaderuihip,. o DtmO COLJNTY IL4S GIVEN TO THE PROV- the Comiu#ity and Madçu Up of Leaders of thse oa ST POGRÊSIV ANDu~-t rj~ Business and, Co#tunècalOrgnazittos.-Its Primie Oh-! IT _'ý4ÏOS PROGESSIV AND P-TOetTElI to Build* a. Blger. and Better City in Whlch ta RE POUJ 0F 111 PRGRE.S W ICH LIV,, Make a Living, ReirCbildren.-To Get Business OSHAWA, AND TRULY IT CAN BE SAID Bsns.5o~etpteBsns fTi otunt ï - . an& swdEncourage Physîlýlipio'ent of thse City and Y IS BOUN) UP IN THE WELFARE OF Cooperate in 'Imiprovitg tthe Municipal Goverinent.- TeOrganization is Non-Partisan and Non-Sectarian.-. "FFRIENDLINESS BETWEEN fTHE CMl' Strong Executive Commltitees.-Frank L. Mason, Pres- -~~ lu~ent anid Col. IL J. McCorsnlck, Executive Secreayad e n HRS AND) S19TERS -THAT MAKES Manager, a Real Live Wfre-Under His Ab.lead=hi RE AI) TIAT EI~P TO AKE HEM the Çhutmber Specds the Onward March ofFProgress. MOTIVp FOticE"- evey- murce. Consnnity improvementsu HEY ARE DEPENDENT ONE UPON THE, tini-sîisdo" tg o wc d vey 5 d ara si WA PROVID THE F~UNAT1ON ON s5 muet -hav t Mtfore. uses orgsanfzation. WA PRVIDE HE FONDATIN ON couses ts teth survivea. ~And.ltuisould uce.O t tise isért eftishe isdy, tisemataf sfeiershliov rolile and 1 lie BUIT P, AN TEBENFIS0F futihe automobile; thse locýomotive variing committuear osièrear N BULT U, ÂE) TJE ENEFTS f tise train and thit pulsatIng tise names af thse clty'e ]cadiisg .OUGHOUT THE, COUNTY FAR BEVOND -,motion oftelectrou whicis la tise business men.ý>Patcdiýhj ý.BUSNESS MEN AND4J)MERCHANTS.0F I 00uionl 0 lbuaisqicitte eie tise vle0 andi inansmate abJects btae u ascr isenoet, for ail. F~Q~ RR4.L D PJC'1S AS ~ comnuaties.Sonseviere 1la Once tisey Ihave orkcs etie overy community-If 'tisai cons- on a proi ect for tisgdetaiitise j jÀ... uiD a ap anrs.sd net con mun,t4rutanedbusaines THÂTKIND dtesrort-lnu8t.be soaeconter peoptei u0 t t thts cmun- a,,energy,)vhies causss tisait >in lty'sstereet should bissepiomnuorasi -go .iîy orward,, so'me alls.ctlve1y. 'hic ïm0lBUSINESSidfiesNheý, arc î,t ibl olsif eeB ut beua motlve force teopt*.>001 - t - Wllsint hh -1 - -th tlat eynDiorwark seonailer it19f is otvéfoc the:groat gsd ofaifil. bxer 01va e re ts of tise Cliam. be fCointuerce, ÇoI. iB. J. jMc- 1*I~ fI DV b ~sawa an Ontario County le Cormick. It lualiezwâàr maroisails $PE FTH WH LE OUNY- EPEliS an industri commuaIt>', a coin- tise forces eitishe community *ln a m9uilPty visera isosluese ami con- elvlc lirolectotf to wark- fra lARGE ÇOMftMUNrnISs TH-E rAJ'UFAC'J iué~rc6ansd tbe .attendant acti- commua lilrovement. XHa non- UR ieimake for thse prosperity e 0f tanti>' etudies tisa cedu ai cise ~I-APJ 0F0SIIAV'A RE OJNNG N TiS tise people. But commerce anssicazMmuaitY;; ho contizssly akes busilnesos e fnot, nove of Itesuengeotions ýor tise carrfl9 aut O1~~~~TB W 5 ENCw0N0EDs o's>accord. Ansi thseclose ais- ai mprovexcents Ansi casumunlty RTW CHI BIG SOSOE srre n bscônmmuuity can paet.H u ieoguurthe easiiY osue viat tihe forcé ca-or- satrvscs eets omnitr MC~ THIS SECTION, WILL B~E FOUNI> iaigaddrctn hd oàýstre 1ii t miairand Idcustele coin- hg allue REI~SENATIVl~IMS mrda sudIndotrii atlvflesconsistent vus theisapleryua E S E R E È E S E N A T I V E I R M S Â N D) C I Iz E N $ , 1 - ti s hu a a C ia m b e r of 0 m i n e v r t J g p s b l f r t h marce, tisat nediumn tron irh evr 'ts the a Olshawor ais kNGFRAGENUINE REVIVAL 0F Thlh men d nornnUlt' oasi te sia l hscommuaItl vr;ra Cmerce le stvong- r M A0SPERITY 0F AILL MAY 1BE 51TIJ t00?oe. gae rétseculîte SSirrtig is=ntrl ut fold.aul- ib>-tise Wisitiy Gacettead èIVEESSIN AKIG PRT N TIS.ONTRIOChisraliebelleving tisai lt lita Irewlnded ar thefactoris *a loto tise visais uscgran of tise ~EmiHEYanls large buines firin ulerat- Ciaber ta malte tise cônmmualty .ffENr,-TEY AVESHO N mEM laE Itnibi is cmuiywichis oaieai aile'lis visciste* vont have flot isea Inluuces te coaeansd Il,.. And o vitismeus af 1TH-E PÀTRCNAGE 0F THE PEOPLE O0, THE ties u iy luis efficient ghamiser u4clbéa, xctv f Project vosisi Se attemPted i vý its- li alles, it viii continue ta Se out tise aid andi co-operatlon af tisemotive farce isobinatise pro- tise<Osawa Cisambier ef Con- gresof ibis commuait>-. L'F DONE VAN &SMITH -Wua W. PAR Ip"CIVIL ENGWINEERS AND SURVEYORS" "HIGN GRADE PAINTS AND WALL PAPER"I A %t f Oshsawa Business Men Who Have -Es tablisheul an1ltdersu Store in Oshsawa Located.at 82 Simcoe st. S., Known triv- bis Reputation,, lieaturlig a Most Coinpiete Service Througisout Districe as Eeadquarters for Mug-Grade 1 isCon laModemn Engineering thiat has Greatly Md.ul in th. Paint and Wall PaPer-Wh'ere Higis QiaIlty -due mont r t, hi P"Tssand DevelOpàeaut of Ontario Couaty an is Ma Rugis Prices--Ise Addlition sta Carring a. Fuil Lin. ted Cus- -__ y Have Sue tise heCostl <OfSoe o tWalPpr nal.te tetDs i n Pten Supplies, Fmus Public *oroe0 Mtels iai& Business Buildings, They are Dtbuoffor flo-Glaze Braud ut Paint ro For Te IdugÏBridgea, Roada, Dams LigistsousesPetetF dTisatI*aveg No Brusk Marks-,-.Mak- Cbmr- J oevan, Whose Add aese L 6 igoSej t. E ing tiehes"0f, This Coenmunity More 1 Beautiful ie T.erst for t d at 411 Elng St. 9ae, « 5114 C. the Firet Mission of iais Metroisoltan Palettand Wall acl.- I thQorltles in Clvii, lning an d .Mydraullc ie«n aprSiore-MXr. Pari th ie Ownep of tise Business, le 1% Feature Sudvsos9.de eeae Man of Advanced Idems and Tisorougis Knowledge of Esutimâtes.Iandor partilarso Construction and"Muai: tise Business and a Public Spfrlted Citizen of tise Higis- slclountryEtiuaeeTeeMso est Type. étis alec- a till sectin marevartd ai tiaae mIes! b> hans!

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