Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1931, p. 2

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*Tis bsrdweare store adds Mssb f1l t Il t thielr stocke? This la fo thse effciency'o thtie commrnity Jaba loarest o thcf l rt-casa an a trade cen ter and la beadeluer and, carnles ail you wouid oZPeCt lers for a large nember of people of sucb a atore. frues the surrotiudin-z country, One of thse fealures or the Wien tbey cornein to tradè. Horne of thse oli-relfîble brai of Tise gooda îe0rrIed bhave been Sherwln-Wililams PalIts ted Var, foundi l* eisa be 0£ tl 11 vrsinIises service i s isetcthtat tihe best qualily constaenSt altistiese cessuen are stlsssrlîles onu &plf *price et iwbfcb each artIcle lasossi, Ing snd iiniértatàd :tise iarmesl and iere you i 004 ndstanard 0ose colubisallon of colore. Tisa1 incies cfthbm world's bfatmamnu- ail beable to tfyoU u Jut bise facturers. rancisthse paiot off, tc., you nes TInbmhb bilders' eupply deprt. lelsaiIst tise bouée, bore or inter- *ment you wil I ind llxalibis rus for and i l 51amelet yose iu pfckin* bas provlded anulImmense stock out thse colors tisat wll esakýe It a sofbiheat grade biulider8' bard- place of Siarm andi ieauly. ware tuned ouI by the leadleg Tisei r Iestlemests neeo corn-9 manufacturera of to-day. isent at ail. ltvery faruscsr linth Tissu have a tremesduse boy- enoiles couîly kluses Iir lire and les9 power abîcis fot ely secures Ibat l reprelesîtlie most de- fises Pe-ices' coucessloos. but aise ipenable qssllty, lihe mosnt sel- euables Ibees to carry an irneseuse moir cconstruectio andtihe gréai. stock nt ailt'imes, est ýaII-aroundi eficlesicy. Furties', The stock le cornPo&ed of tIbmômre. lisey buow Ibal liseimopIe-i ImmuJne brandi whlch are Inoase meutlIno bas blie o uredoiso tiscoogisout the worid as ftse best alîl lu tarin ispleeseubusinss on lie usariset. Mess a re lu -chasr- fer'eauy ars sud ibol il ban go wbs ..a.d wo uoserteso Oiccôm-.sttalucd lis .present esuremsscy W'edaigsd o w i iepileaeBe4 Irosegi bavlsg sîcosi the aevere. leudernostrts te. any Pelou wbslest of limte., demI res.10Irpp 0loto0 iIs favoite We Wfsh' le direct 70cr apecîi trading, place sand koe up ils attention tle Is store os onsel tise lImes le bardwareonsou- tise prominesl features of tbe lie. cornmercial efcleucY cflise coisn- Nails, mrmws, belle. ock, .ly and luIo ls is m uarense.tsO lcolvem, louis, coller>' sismf bard- arng oser lsed andi resecîi ware-bst Wa ls~ a tbs use c"f try. citizn$u. FRED ]LANDG *5WHITJiY'S ELCTRICAL $HOQP" Loccted oun rock St. North la 4 Plpmingnt Radio a tricul Jlrm of This S ectil nderIng a MçtE Service lu Every Braiicl cf the. Electrical fluai Ceealdered thse Autbeîity iu Theset Ports upoisi' Work sud Appllsuces - usaProvlded acTrël StocIk'o! Modern Electrical Necessltlcg, Csrryir dard LUnes, Inecudlun. the Faousu Nogge Ecëci c~friierator.-Phone 228-W. Elctricila ri5os longer a con-s hisér well-ltaiwssbransi veeletc u e l 5à 0 5 uesfy lutise Weaîiioihoùsoe Rau ths modern bouseispîsi ad tbf.tingisonsewéauberx, Wes at he as poyli aclarge stock of Radios. Vctor,Radios,, msodene lmiIrlcal merebaudise Lampe of ail iais, Blet fros icis isoboose. This In-pilIes, aIse Deoest-CrsG cludesa l m oderm appliancms dieg, radio tubes, lept visicis&are de'sîgned fnot oui>lis Tisé>'have a, repstation If gbteu tise wrk but aise te les- whde for tair n d boue.t sen lise cest sud tufll bousekéemi- Tise> bave iscomepromit fng fros u su epesant job Ie mesi-&le IbIs eectfon, . ail atractievaIss. Tier. la ne valnemicitIzena, othe cIJ, modseerns elecîricci coovoilences er Tise NewNorlisern Ai acessity 5isct tise> bave flisi1o cerne 1Radioreprsetas provlde for-yen sud c vIit te lhis astandinsg acisievesapl leetrilmrerchisinlg depst- imvoiopmnto. Tjj5fj. eg osent cr111 prove a revelihIs un e- elle-ely eew Ilethe s- stari l e is 10vexportas e! eec- aSsii ysa re Invit&to y trfosI services, staorseM tise aboe6-d44< Tis l dem eprly realsedmitise con. youn ee a nd 'cpi il~~ ilîlions of tlhe '44 sud seeg su ordloaey set tI operacIt sP»eeetntt$V lebecof 'armatI soy-, Tise>'operalaRe . iy Ide to tlai des cf lise countroleelclrlcai tore and UVi cnd a1 tiesarnetlime isuli a bail.testInlvention'% leacsod oes, smcrdeiIbm oies «d sony- rical ppliceseev ies tee for msni of tisheailas osalu-lIonu.Jil sel iser >'cets faclue-re e!'f hsesiold, aPpllcDcma store ovecte iek lise aed tfisaare lu a poaftiou le fur-; ayway a c e aa Ilbel olais' auytli* ced eerythlag 10 tien. lise 'amy ot tisemodernisatione cf lu Oskgla rIb Ie Ibe boutefros an elcical tand- progrese cf tise perîci, peo. b refer tIs SsteIslighi S Tise peple cf Ibisceomul>'reciene as oes Ilat nass se-e te be eouýgaaîlaled upsu a*.ana> cudiettise day, nora a Ing afSrn cf's ucis sbllity lu Ibis. tise>' msy iscIber lne liaslho hein Mifet I as110Lnolitmgay tfct tise relttlen ee'ry dît>'Ith9 lih*seiemvîc,6 tIsIhal: 1 s beenm otutsÉla C" a haî! horsncao l es mcrmd . refer fIl leail or yeadE Tis* Peoinctuis vsics eybanile Lanien Jisoeo eutiépOpu basin sa cti vIlb an sapes-I.nous, mmnet %osr ioan eciodye as 10 vaine sud ai'. 0 fe ii-prfitefize sf lis lise ver>' itsigselgrade. Somm cf 1yDm. HILLCREST DAIJR A Moel iSsutary In#tton Sspplyig W#1 yà Casssusity wlth th. very ifuret of M& amIulCr WIlI as a filil hue of Dcfry PM>'p .Tig ec the. IIIheet Market Prices to thé, Fareegfor the udCream sund en ables Producerito givet til Bot -Attentioen sud orasse their Yled-The S Je Maisgedby Mr.,,W. Bceth, the. Uwnei# 'aDail orWi e ZrIgce.-Thelr.luarsewt in comumi fAVOWOr râ now tte iPeople of our, TidO là a Horie-Owned Institution, Duesving SUPPOrt o utIr Loogi People.-Phone 301W. * Abeoiste saltctosud urit> te @battu fer Ibe bigis relsls- lien cf Ibis Vieil hnova Plant for tise PrOdslse tieoofsl sud cMats. Peopa otf tilacesuntty isave corne 10 ipni s>sec Iis plant for dais-y proditeb. kaowts.g lIaI lise> will le of tise lest quailly. Saltar>' loapecleres aeebigis in Ibels- ps-aie uftlise Pant for f ts elloes.s,'ul"talies cnd modi- mcrnIsetisoda c04 alPsratnn. Ab- sOlute cArs "c leeellnaala de- secnde< of ail eezpi«o os f Ibis It lax a eose lacd htisaI sld- rue aise dcli>'drink oil iskane ta acisool Oulcker tisa tisa non- dilkers of mils. Iecasassella seakes fer progresm, Jet roser ios. brO rdaegiter drtik freel>' eft ealore,'l drink. T» 511>' glass uf ailk mases fer a aItrons sudd c- jFin mtt4sea Ueceas'y rýWism lNoibrsa cf *malt hidren are muo stIle-sptd ai fie psouets 3f Ibis copar as lisey fetare lalym miliSfess ebie owa bard C)f selected cees. This cvoids laklog asu>'chance yitl tise eit cof Youg ebfldreswbo are de"nsesâcio ailli ert Isoe "lai tjeL Tbis 45far> geaiffl as ose Plae in the cpuag%' whaerf theb st inmi listn eau abtainué. Tisee 1551 a@4uig gPro"s.ina lie Ij Mstl modern. Tisslr equipesent la of lheb.ut aethibesbottlla sud ateillai lanla lup tu, date ln sTar>' respect. Anotiser, great galue tisaIthifs fines bas laee Ibtia cermoeity, la tisatI i fsfumisas markset fgr tse dais-y preducîs of faneu- es aedstock caises. Everi o- ducesieut îlaceffered tb- lb. fartaa ers cf Ibisceomunlly 10 markset tIels' isir>' produLz lbiere andi-ont salsort tiser teoliser coosoual, les and otiser markes. Tise boul prîces are isld bue andi farosena osa>' ehastred wirb you de' outl st Tise piant of Ibis rompes>' la a moiel salt"ry iostitutfoo eqoiDped withsthse ver> but cf modemn mccb40nT ciandeunder direction of lattertIsy dalry mot Tie>' are pubi4->gertad cîlilelse Who bave .lwy# taSean active lalereit ie tise jevelopmeeulor 151. tunity and 4tisir loaita- liun làa aseeg Our secat valuesi fedsstrisl asoits. We wlateht give lises tise proasfoeet Place wbicbi Iberm sodern IIn ssuton oerîla as lelag crnoag the torernoat co- terira lise ffid Ibtis part cf tiaé counatry lu %ls lise et eu- deaer. Tise>'are c large con- tributer lesiFith oegancdopro- peril>'r e! tie auassay. mues"est. êllî ince ils Iscepîfun'ý pionmred' s largo oumbeir' efg aadlog aslomnotlvo developsn sud n0w offera te tbe publit uew ýBulCls( ltgbt'-fieeral tors.Lowsmt Priée ElîsI-yll issotor car. A goal aoeghl fer M yare la reolîzeel nlu i e 0w1 ýr car, Af 1r ccrefssl'resmareb. tmalleg cover a perisd4 of ymars ougiseere ,exiserteumd Ile-. buildsinugcfeelit cyllizerý n carstise NoW 'fulcis glgbt laz bigabeve i' y a nattois-M dossier organilaatiou. Tbe Ifs feltor Sales wlilbe pleaAei lis monstrate Ibm ,car wtb supe! pserformant e.. Tise iBid bas loess a>fitic Cote lpublîr. 'It l i iswtbsti everu test 10 wbicb sa modem.ý cau, besbjected. ,iiepenis slsality la billît" lto ecvery carà It isea son-iirîde ro rutat for bl b hen#tsuet cf esaey c tbat seilffori Imscis ilgbemfr In seéaie; 0f Ibm new and 551r PosilisteigSix, truly ssIU 15e sald to epruenet uesero e car ecoeslouy.* Witis an envia record ipe rogrdàs afmly, -epo andi durablIlly. as Wll asegasol: Thse Pejilar Flot ViiitalFade th, isesls-etioi Tise frmlug and comenrcal ahdoee lif. of Ibmhe utywolid 'net iso o the# csmpi lot iot tii.' eml bneu>'have cc fie s. Thiseeuo a Ys farsepe Informa la dopeuimul ts a..large degige e 10geai upou tise facliltles nhie scion01101sIi m ad tisesotise locatfiou of IjiloIbis éos fine adds tcilise proaserlty of amurs tisie çornrnonly; cf tise Moeandsus-lo-siate ln every Tismirsi IarIleuaes. Ibis largo concersa orslu, bandts Ilaq iunds et grain gi1fi cool, femi aod evorytbing tbst,mcoUId.lald; ctl leý exleced of a modern ostais- Ilsismout of Ibis klud. Justat et Mr.c preeet lise>'are offrfeg snpocla nota. MI ]nduoemnts In fes ld 0 dai'isuines gt'Il tbis mon, thius affordlog liseboest fprers o f Ibis vieleit>' su op- essibsi pestseeity tbprocure 'very osces- peallOW sas'> feedi aIt rifes wifc wfil lbel ce net irevail later. lis1f fi Tbey Carrya fu11 lina f cf gol- Iles 1 lry feois aed suppliels and are tise oi aisoexenesive sdeaers lua isîgis ess os qV#irmilo iur. oment 1w .'As regarda feeus lot l bo sai secoues riglit bere tthi Iifires are cei- lise pub) N. W. STAN, "DEALER IN IMPORTED ANDS CM Oe.etthe ins andgm ieet EquppMe1 Ia. lii tthe. Cmslty, Drft Iliielmeo the b.Trade ] Syrnesysaou wlth ýQuacil Tluey lo ail their owu Lott WeilI ms Tieir Own Truckt lVhertyou are Amured et emte Pricss.-Phee-462. Tbf s tise-triai firse for yesrs did camsiderabie le advertiso tise e:ommuWIstâ,b>' tise eneral nce- lance 0ftftb. work lsroed onI. whlicis Isu esbraeed lu fIa &top@ ail thbt l facr11 ellesud nsurlog les higisgrade monumental verX. Il osai velil e ml ttis fmw mou- sental concerna bave osaintinm- l dsrfag tbm flowut e- psslas 7ars a bigse standard, for tie rreneta.mtlye fire bas a wioa s'ettloe as regard% tlb. oet meodern crÉatleos ef lhe mesu- menrt-Mkeeg art. Taip osonu- oset wos a a netosly c daler Lut as impoerter ef ligIegrade moneumentl Iwo~lf, lçwiag tisa far-famas aril.eff taiy, tise eadurieg grait.eof ýwedeu cna Ibese are aupplemes md by tisa 0I 1500ou45et*1our ewn uiL55- rfes. It sarre e meor hftrisga I imetase for tarais aout tise mquet Irtiotic oril Ailcavins irace.-1 asd fir rougist tis ý e qm eusec aosa maiog ames s sndinWy I14w« Quotat 1Expert WcmkaaihIM lng coindletterfog la d" feenalle Iodle ile workrneo art leepl bsy co ly fluaIblg lbe work la li T5ley de ail hbeir ouse traclng andIejttering an owe truelfa ced sslllnjg île>' elilofote fluris elpt cave tisa public osto> tisereisy. A. c designer Ibis vcs achieed iA vel merl lion, lise oesl gosbeiq; sani artiotle. and . ies cm tise se te »M

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