UNE 18, 1931 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN The 'cas agalleet warge-reduc," D ecl re r1fl flE ~~itions, as we.understalld il, reste: -D e-cl re 'F -in-' a-"-ýý-ýia lon the sef.evldeflt propositioni that the &nmrcan standard of liv-. n d lfl must bc 9roteed with oi, 1 a mith out theo Aierita s tandard of Largely State 'clf M~ InteUnitedi legs, or prefessionai sicili and experience. Tiey.are builders and States $1,800, every.,.time a 1G.- Y.boosters of our coemunlty aiitl looktig frdwsrd to the future inch coast defen&ee gs1u tires a ot the CountY and flot backward. Their efforts are devoted "bot. ,ï into Mak- toafd making , a bigger and botter, place -in wblch: to, live ýThe United1 States leads tise and do business and tiey are deserving,' of your patOnag. à rl ntsepoutioneta f s REEP ALL THE MONEY ?0OSSIBLE CIRCULATIN-j More ttisas> 3oo,50,0radiiocie- w1ten CONYADW JLcNb EID0 eivers were soid In-tthe UnItedl hIN THI~~S CUTN-E*WLLEJ APRO FStates in 1030, or 610,00é ee PROSPERITY, NEVER BEFORE, RXPERIENCED. tias maricetec i n 192i. OSIIAWA LAUNDRY mpers f&LR LAIG ide sIMITED On fthe largest and best;eqippedpià nts of its kimd in this section and Iocated iiOm- unt, awa stt 456 Centire'S. ètrn vr ido Ludy8rkicuigwtand irotns Dry Wash, Rosigh pDr and acior oraswiaspealinin ig CisDry ing Departpients lin this 'eetie* oemthay.promUisetdi vèo à a Cran Tirne, ypstcà ar by. onThir ' 4rathe-. 1p.Evelelgis we n mngr aOne WBisu oft thse eterprIsing BusnesMéio the t n ulcSiie iie fts naemoe.cipls lrtaîune, nsead iigist-ad piesa tse emost exact- ~ail accegijrie. la the. home tenider I og custonlar. fihed ii waâhbbiêfabri c ciasutfica-ý .Delivery seçrvice las teattlre4. fitie dn. CieUing and linons need >hatt InsstisaItii.>, mot..eml> Er iil4 ~O thé tê finest or tise beet..but ieeUthe demandaetof Oshawa .vo>rto .êWlfareeristis e oplue for tiie very go od ltà bd«), teg eraCts moeaistretservice trom the. .ataniwafpt'ipf îceg4em p4 Ue Xseislnt O te eep onbemansii and prompt de- ,ier fr"y laubdered anli wel i lver>, but tii., xtenâ tiasear, motared for. vice to es'rylisd>,ticouiçiout ibis$ ise, Meetifug, iisesituation Mitl, commubit>,, irisnetOî onli hobot andi most mod- Tii.>,receivea alarge .traà e ii1e rn equivment, but with sott rom thia cormmioiy ase woi as othse viter and. pue iapaisaments befes tistheeli t.avore4 lsuudry A ofand lhouii oo nuiare waaiied ln tbier ptwex gty,. fleyt pay'ohjieý tu.asyen WPuldOA Wiithiinluyour piii% ciiir;ea on mail ordar, 1 Tery po It le a ot moelle fer tise need. The. wor4 la turned eut se eetzeverage porson te concelve the carefu1l>syou wiilia emore thon, great bolet donsato thîrirs owhesnileased tt.yetgive tisemt a triai, hîaindered In bard vater and If 3595 are not siready ,a eue- iakl otpu. ,Becuse tbis. con- tomaer. lIntthe bot asimmar dey., ýerhaïs-coacfaentio usly avoldal iien eaabng l0a adraw blsek,,lu tf -'tieir useête, erpeut sud Intinli thse homne'. ragoter activittes, i hi teelsii 1 fg _s.to±re you'cao this establishimenxtlaat yous' 8f. ~ ~,fee1 matf inu sandin; ,youir finir service.,, garments inte tublaundlr',. .Cieaning clobas ls Dot onty for Owmner-lnager Olsswa'T.au5adry Theadry-eagssug dyafngand taking eut thsa dlrt, beit eisoecoe- andI Dry Cleanlng ;Co .., Pressing éiportments are separ- Ol. et turoing out a dlean.. mire ______________ate deartinetswii:r: a -grooi smoott i grment whicls one wwsld per- Thaiecns t the liait. ea8ill- ta givea .liattmons eaday 1smr, bnery ited sanitar>, metiols ýare ped laundrlea n le hs 'ectisit ot vice, for ieh thaeOaiiawa LaRun- nrecessar>, tuo ivsfh pe1mtert lfuIs the t uS sntry,, .transcIa ua-dry & Dry (lieenlngi Limtedl l itiieq a -1ls iaundr y, sur- tItis tenaive lisoinesos AndIthea tapota- 3 us1OO»li tei, ie w 1. areaip tocemme4 ien Iloe e tisîrwerr fr ala rug-cisasne apparatus efthtie 900 tiie efficient aaVvine'ranider- ticeibeiscea19 sprei.diiig tearjaid iaunlry la kapt. Tii. fineat in ed ai«te souggesis te ail afoetr iolIs wido ove r tise comimueti, Y thls setiocaablhe or taing a. rq*dere tlisaIas ýregards goed Meot 15cerlelesl tirenfull aise -rug -sud tiierouaislY sôrictiiey cen de ne bette>, tiau r-Vlceestandardsaoet tday cati for sterilîing andI ctsaning It, re- te give their werk lo tiste core clotios iasbëdel ean aand the. storisa Ita nattea-colrinir &l aoetthe Oshawra ILannîr> &Dry bomne demande are for, re and mannert t i t i 0irûùgIýAt> d- Cleanfog, Limited. je Ce YOUNG Prt -INSURANCE,0F EVERY 1RJND" clotUe Located at 41/, PrIce Street-Oma of the Oid Reliabie Jsnrance Conspanies et Oshawa te fosses Whomh the People of T'hisr Setion Look for Insurance aer They are Oie of tise Most r Fisjk Proncinant Underwritprs l tii Part of thse CouUtr -y-Re]présentint SO oome t té it pa Largest -and, Stronggst's.vssP.à neeelitth*' Cotsnty *O fferng a Servicea tisail mI>c.. Both - Magnatamous, anê' Motropolitan'-He has an, Enviable Record of yeéars of lines :Satlsfactory Service te theii. ,'dur i sicit tinte heolias become one et Omis- t e awa's Most Presmibent and ftelbable Businmess Mem-Psome 793' [s el . ry,.f lu e st asurprialn iitet h15 insurance là ense tthoe esenutiel 16. te twealI kueva Isuranca office l i. neesuitiaset ovaéyr>,lndividual. thons eperat.d liy Insurauca experts 'This office.offert Its, patros e A finan enJesoys a large ipatronsas lu sarvices ne onty et insuranca ex- ilsel thie asarance liosîneis hero ILuperte, butet consenties that um- the cot>'. But tise unusuatlo cy anviable reputationsitlscouicli- auces' tisat tifs Insurance office oct tisa couutjry. ,ÂAyogls wio iýa, p«Jleved, Io due ln a largeadoesnet ,et ,prstOantebave fseur- asonmure-te tics tacttatit appe- gance.,willfdo Weili ta ceast wlSh cigtes the value and necesit>, of then andti tki>adyantagae ttbe rsai. inagoanienisaservice tn tisa estramel>, 10w raté e. ioter. buasinea. Ever imce. Mr. Young If yeu nsreil, neoli et adviee er peratonselu the couni>,information ou any,'malter et In- OS liÉs b.a t haservice oft isu aurance, wiiethei' l ba lira, flfe. nara t ailtimn, wfliing s no ccident,. hasth, autpmobile, bail an5tis ta aiv0ean>, Information bonidsor sa>,f et tsauar tand- agit. aessi saod assurf sg ail pansonis ard forme ot Inaoralaee$ou-co hgo" à 1rmO aad asstrlnig ail persena doo bo ltter than te arrange for tisais seobligation *55 Incurreli s consultation, vils 1fr.-Tounng. impc meral>, b>,tiseaskusg et ques- Wlietier yen lia>,tuesuranca or Foo. ions. Courtes>, sol acee)mmo- het tise service rodered iWlli li osesl etioa bave beau the. byvords 0f courteous andI accammodatîna oas îru~hits pi'arosm and hondreis etfte-ail as aissltelly*retiabia. elleair wiso haaecensultaid ýnd lu akina -t hs review et tits ,tt percal ins urane aettiisoffice envard iscearesa ef ih1s coin- 0ah4 mTO tbusailcfer tbll coin- muity. tva are' gtad te comtpli- wiai- imesofable pelle? tvbicii ba. evar meut film op lis standing w le i basa lnteassissg tisa patronage et business andI pratessoal woril adl5 tep)resetsie au- I dose nmsinetligs-qatiblsimeDt. or this setio. andI te roter hies ofct t tie.large8t ot stro and sud t OI Theré cobae oqueton but toa il ef our readers au ose vor- r11gb Pepular -empanies la thea couo that Ibis la tise day anae when tisy et thea tulesît conaideraf Ion. ruent roté ./A M«R dr N osRUS SELL P «ERKINS. Vir "HEADQUAIITESFOR THE CHOICEST FLOWERS IN OSHAWA"