Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 9

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r-qý Horse hoer En' O5 Yeai Service AniÀ *àsn Toc Learned 7r Osh, 3,Son Maope d his lest fhorse t oserved: 1 b" fttra. lesh ld of the 'lia gond se mu b 'jtngthede.hase an, b:.doiry.thit Tot igofthonto, Sain Heeper ail t4d hv ec'octssde'd %0 yealrs ta the day as a nârmtotepra jotirnecymit blacksnith. He ore"'s etg, Wr. Hlopr de.ir througle. et, ago, after sudyitegt 'Fifty pears ig long etouth," Sain e.had deviseda ad reserkcd, thre*tng down ie hain- c 4aid, exhibrting o, muer. pixie shieflcd tentatively on ahioeissg. It %vas his ner slsoes. îettled bis weltht haped. This peotecterlil,. cômrtctbly On ail four teet. he "fcog" the oneil F.. San, Houper te 70 years oid à hottain of thteu oo whrrl note ivegs et 59 Charles Street wtts nervesi and lood vessel, Y Torosnto. Bright andl tort yOn a MO thé foot. da ,ornicg, April* 9. 1878, lie t a Nobady te learning1,r ed lonto a blackssett shop se Oàha ente more, Mr. Hccper ilt and orent ta work es as apprenti ,yet tht number of Cvrek h. tearlng aif shoes. Threte years la r, tht metteait, pcbui.trti ho hecamne a Josrneymasl A",' s- contrery. Tiretrbi tteday, 5it years atter that, t 'calitd mort acoite every day i Àta carter, r title Ceesqueset inceare É.e was wering the tag o tht To- ount oif sufferngonr, tiic acta Humant Society. prrntiog te ceeinals. the slogan: 'We spek fti thse wbe Tiiere art .,UMr,Uirr anoiot syeak for themîcîeves" Mr. Canada, 60,00 in Ot,, 115,000 in Toronto, bhr that City,ble cas surtir. - more than 75 rcr .,,..rÀ;. ua. ~ omiths. le thterr r"'t,t agnsias« Bes Om in sinthlte had r 0Tu 1ri é iiips tisît farmeru . TIJ-11) Irjw sb ifrced te di, tie, Y»ùrlidiwe l ltsiiiyrasstetrirsb - ~~~Naturally, Mrc. i,;re $sori &Ag.iiit Dsopng stsnnach that the automoile -Il lie Wi'th Artiiciat Dilgestants pletely disilace the , -preieoy COtersCSiriu , Halst people Wo suUer, either' idea But what ci!i 1r, ,ôeestonaiy or chroulrelip froue, horsts orben ibere isi Ras, eoerness and lcdtgestloei, torah aite' ti rr r t are cote dlseantlceel tiltagree- ororries bite. hie «Mets, patent fods andl tire if aIarintol dregg, stomacis Ici, niedlelees and artîfIil JfL M lestants, and lntai taire a INIANS i1U TIWII OPoontul or tour tehiote et id Magnesle la a lttie tfter mala with the ressr S IN ttlo r' tma ne longer U ube hm their are ahi. tau___ rtbeY vlease and thoy enjOc o tbtter s eath. Those tebe ure Peculis.rities of Tbeir y iuïrated HaàLeosia,,nover drei toms Descrbdb t e exproats àt mou tIloe be-crbdb use5 they haste tht, tesederfrri loopa Dortor Xtti-OCIrI and food tetrectîv,, hlch ean heo btalsed fom any Vnovr rts,,lth oei drog @tore, wli] Igan ybfr.1h lieutrelcze theIl stomacir aedty vau b kaýltY h ..eten th. tosneeh, provn foo4 ri hadfuda effc ermntatien, and snobe digBto of e tlzn hia ni jeasy. Try tit plan yeurself hot seanne he wath Certain te get Buratod Mage g . s fcsn1it.a ,d aspeciaiiy prepared fcr stmi 1 H. H Murb hfKnil se. ~~~~stdd Idincsm-arc rou bakn im *say b. accompepicd budiy ýnd quidtly by asi!. D.poaka subject to disque witlsdrawsl riwy e muttoite newest Batik. Tht amtounn wnU b. enteeed and your pu&s.bock pruspdy rettumned. rTHE DOMINION BAN] r~WHTRmY BRANCH r J. H. PERRY. Mànsger Beware of "Easy Profits"! HAVE nothing to do with "get-rich. quick" salesnen-they will try to huriy you into a decieion you will regret. A soued investnet is never ln a htzrry. Meanwhile, the Savinga Department cf this Bank is a sale and profitable place for your moncy. The, PO Val zaâk "1of Can aça -s- iJ, o heir relatsonosip ta medical pro.* e ef treasore tramn tht Ncuruhadnezt plate on the Maritime dee rnO i mc ycars.iceriod in seosational ard recioder toc. the edtor accords ta Mi Vlet of suorice has bnttecog- sotid gotd ornameois. las, of Wallace, NS., etâ cl :ed hy thteinedicol seitoortin rc.Il "It s-ut he of trearteteresita oyears otrI and "equraiir. et1 y8 ears. iraItte '- rr0q khew aIl about keese just selst has irrrr uced ho- etelgiat the wteeof the bho bhat mrt etars cage, otsd then the caose thet ileOt ei ,-t.rtr.Inezzu Su e In lae reaoty taltz S hot sue camne tirey a'edonéd theit iscne aboult whieb vireare iearni k witetOt"iftul ba tox-trot." Q14.'a ciothes." soid tir. Mur-c"Tht e -, egreat rital 'rom rer, t dt oere Pratt. presîtriet fthe St. lin whirh tht Indiait tijoyed is sue andecavatien is sr' rrrcg tht lâa rd oin etTraite, 'ln a gîti bath Is only enoîher eidence that Hilical narrative le an etracedin- rogardei as e lartitmer ta 1. I culd tie cppreciaeerlftirevacier of sorte- acy estet." Sir Chales rais. tene apit psrpoee;" wbile Tl ihing ihat le beginnieg ta be ender- Ileltrs tht Nebucbartcroear Temple Mltîgan, Prince Edwsard of trrre stand. havehres fesnd e lerthrb' r ries af repreielatlvre. "le out ta boet- "As for reemeties, tht iodians Semencen royal tebs. Tîreoert the seniors and senoritas I te many yeare a-o îeieied eheir bodies, about 5.5ffl yars ceId and t hteepdi. dian Fox Fer,." irjpave- beinoct 5'cese ceeidea of vcuiiy," he lice c jusi iregrn *r a explosre The remainder et the rst 'f Sonne declceed. *'Thts oves la previde ine.ftlenr. Writien tubletc rrtecetrtl dvtdàlnyt o preirlem lentilleatien drioe tattie. leint as the rrtirrgs have l- , reeýr. r refr n tuaI lte e had slp.t oent r' rr shore ecrty Engtrah rrrrpioyed ri te creste roilprubabiy shed light rrr tire hs. ie. In ltor the onglne. reeo brls as-oThey sometittror haped the headsofoltory un tbcse limes. S' trrir!ce addila Prince Roeret, wtelircari r rily ring- youngsiere he rl.rie flsebeîs-eee "fi sespeciciiy luterestiri,. ta keew perty iaelh. h'ieel caddiboards. Tht '"l a s thOat. beg tbat b te olatht fleur i Ias sate "The Isiand etCua,i .ýi cne i ghtingOtie, iwce s-rît for ce In- heen fixed et 3,400 8. C..F ht rite soen, la set unlîbe Prince1 earrrrss lhedicn ttetashow troo mucb iscd ablete are irohahiy cider tl" IslandInlethat Il bas ne hieh lrri e bc shec peepiof ercundiae ock .Mr. Sutherland srites le hi: "Indien teotec bcd tbe mntseffet- bEPIter. "In due oaea i a r siroing tive pecce cciereure in thte orld a f 111 ~E V Mrre, Coatisirave lete vie urned, and eetintred Dre. Murphy0 They cowe IL I- vidLlm lbthe sus aiint des-at rres in en ed aclthtei, d. h r hepowof e ey ws as aîreily crentrai ra te the mg -hio ehrrcui bceeomeeuetcted tt'~ ture. .. reme cteored ceaire rý geîîiog frottatire trible andrltirc r;-itll st .ia aleegelde and etreated tire1 tht cm- irtîle. Tbey aleclirad tht righot taAIfate of tire wteier.. . wrn ,,r ftenesinate a chirfrel t amon their - sas throtee they dlved. get I et htamnt United Chuch Expects t le I thoîr otouth and bow iorcseirs "Adeitery tiiCras avrirla by bas- moro. Tireir eapaelty aconi acd about snirotent front tbre rire, which in Mintsin Work and Open îîmteî." lIared. In those da---. vvaseellireleot ta deah' New Fields Rîmarilg on thetrtip dev eoutre oct ire rleclrred. "Ttl trcri a high sene e teter satitos tireit msoy oe cri r:lacir- etjustice, citistrc in rccourts. Tua-travaillera centracted maoids C-t(,n, se irrra cmen'sretvi et e.stoishcut Thecenetre o ofiterst 'r United HliOtseIl.ietg"Seotchrbira- uof bes- scrntles ieeitfliteei, cas'thteoet Churcebo arrivitits inle ara i.. rincui ie stbree meutsler omi v sections ihiere te tebier bru trie,' lng les relief prejecle I e t1 entt, cetort. ce sheeing Descr bte icwcociobservation shiftsei oor the pcrrreu ' (eitrai behttcn essti -ng werk. acztoo heiior. tire speaker seil cffices teerlite werk ,rr,,iircoing the vIolt te ths Casino, s-ht ecvinced t socs resoceaine t, bliis that they April 15, sehen thl r tr.rd Of amd roulotte orere le ful oi leer cens- teee eeniy crr i "ent ofaildiaese homte missions hol isd tu rrrrri eee- Mr. Suthterland, stllia oet,vi He bs se- conditions. Thiry recRnized twe tes-. Rt eetietatives ,,I hrprse t tspteil. Thon thece vrr such as kirisodis reuce. be scid, accideot rstot eveery province ta coterrier ceg- ta the clubs and the Messea tee af tht eildarrenedr'ld r- thee they ciar and eotergency grans rIrr tein- resentativsas.nd admission dy leit ta teudnet explitir. rein religions ardinacres t r4,2M0 clogeiy geaeded prononce ai lats whiat Tht Indien teediciemoan te-as net Coocriran cemmocities. dent Macirado, and lucheoe ciiewed 0e prceau orli teeattaineil Advance reportesterrr rprs) site rres guestaetfthe Canadien - ersity," tire rocter said. Ht bcd sowosvCirt pacticaily et: -r eilrirrrstar Though est atch Iteiresse te sludy anti r lare idtsoi a tuition rrr tht dried-out actas ru at lits pent the gambilganad other ilvg fer toacectrer credieree 'ma"r and th e conterenioftlreiBoard oi af the Cabas City, Mr. Octh Threy alsi ' rrtti r.r'n t t Honte Mrissiros seul br r rkcrp tiro admit, tireit ho "s-ecid like RAI cetined tlte rir,u:rue ol::eed ire $1,303,000 for 1930 %ritil e epior:ed spni:a -e:kthstr. c ws-OSPe lit, ietaree e rriidu r t he' preeentcear. lire cctlcy alteerk helcg dace ut Tsi te e 'nlc abosir' tes $44000 e 129.There it teeas titat ho met a r us Cita lie iatirs-loe l lrc tu Honeemcission coniirrrrretfaicee- train Bridgeetater, Nec, ce. 'Lererrtaro cllher t:lsrrcos. iereceseshave alceady ir uitorucheck oecasmautes hets-eeo tht Kat- tthet mecnirasltwo erasene fore ait ri cn e eeiesti item preerieries and Indien Island and his Cal tree teCre: rirrecce bal er'ta ftac.cîprere arrtcaotssta lire srrrittelte homoeas tirs seasace dirtate, anti a s-ek irrthrie pprrrrehiog huard rrerrrrs-For tialng a pratticesInlbahi Thter. of.-uttht' credrurnermanracsIwr a ys ietoce tht iorur.r't orrs etes afthe 'orrd. "The s-ork br-Loot celed 'Hcome of M 'a ber rer ifsapprotprraticns ceserrrrt'V, Il ie T r1I1ciila dimmîssionacltel 'sieod tirhernme tran tue rive sorte or' trrin-eIr, sessionrC re, serrr rtrrenthe intirebc-, os-te,"cd eme Le es tern stiCtutions loday." becirbser-ed.si .rrrsetrrusuhoitilel bs tCt ierete et io nr cas estHO ciewy "Aee.-tirellpreetice mas thi rentter... os-boatbim caitter t Ha tire saneepiateots as coteçse(lhti .rthee, 'l'he seeretacc et the i tr.ttmssion . ..Whou CObuceirUnion er inthe t'bren dsicra ieef crr, h dcitr oardtt. bRu e iobrt tIi(',rfiteerre', D. ted teIn 1925,the Trînîdai si et t tiDr s-en stried t,, e'rrb on tbeeh e i. itrgiy eotphasroe' rirai tirefire- asvsstod t Intire t!niei CI s-viilhau as e treCirai o edrci eren, ire, ruusoacraittreney in strlIt ffeettcg and the Briisr (lotionmissi icuL.ls' te ci tcday mrrcjt acere cie r rirurch tencaee n rmissrn fieiis andthe Ptesbyterlan CVir re eerrsertoutaly hatnperrrru "rme oel- "B y oai f Introduutione I inrg charges in ,,rit rcors oi lid ati ti ere l8 a etrag andThtis in ipeciil tise case Puire of roues in TrinidarI. [ONU CABLE LAID 'us'amsCrirt:r tl roia strde " ONB.EUPIIONSaskatchsewan, 45 are ts r car monnled. Tire ociginal Indien DYB c ' âi gfraid. s-s o r. ivlcg oe tireIsland onsaeil hy tire Siaiards ont ]Britsh Columbla s Coincera AIU U OAl alp dhsappeare,ibhougli Hu More Subanarine 11111 THEIIL IIIJIUL c servive. Tires rame1 lieitsbrought fIotemthe West -Telephone Cable Than ~ifl a tcha wrkthe planta -r-~'*iy"'Ofr osnpny titiJ5UU5P5J1JJ1' Ceta renchirsettiers bruecir on Ctin n u T'lR Fis 'nhrance. le 1802, s-l on ontnen ni irii ia il mciosveroignty, rame many iho nitîsirandredi otr Vacerree B t 'rss th ther. titsfil IlIlIII'IJjtola d Sthé Ngro. herst ail-s-ire tcCirthritrucal] isustire fret e s tued to ",icggcl tireruplir ir.. hactucuer ilNovae Scotia's Reoveentative I alest andhr.£sthbhad Powrell Rivser r-ucetie vtirs E.VTrie- l'oth ie netedilaloers tirej 'tIir::ee (empn' ierate t ire rrs.rso t on Good WalI a ow r ttes CeeoititaInicut.and many, i ftir m oherarren t eiephrr re cçIlsfnilndtrs and btrteirmooaes, - îrars piiany ocrirr cotrrrercrr tire f i&lpressions r rtiri teathe Ilolad osiera ,mrrf, ferm ni lndeeitured laber..v t ire i.ring ofthrie resu rabline rr Ne Glasgow. N .April 1id asted tritem 1845 fersiteti'Feu )(ts-imtCapet rer astd l'oeil lits Comecedereie r: htp-heard, Ha- more. Monp frate teila riti rrrrerrt (,iv ettrlt'tandricor'rctmer'e cea s n ioty cndSpernisir Celer. thete, but mecey settied le Tet .ileoi tr.e tsa, ,,,t ibe oe'nest s-crb cf missienarles ticd It la amengtihe emîgranto i--rr'err rtre'd.Sintor htc24 rrrres Tetnidad s-itbIis teinture of Eeot Isiao. umirering about 129 ,ifr(ai,!, orris cd ircai 1reiarrti tisend Wesitniindidscendmots (bai the orotereiUited Ch '.mrrh rt eold orr rterreirave be'err et the lavesr. osce itenedilta breset oc adie tes. t te'seetit 11)1;or arfrTh, t8',_ ettore ta hie caperft J'o . w H "About 60 irears cge, a ters entefmsterai. streattredtlrrigui- Sutherl. Edittrt af the Nowls- . e'treshytee'tae mînister at Br ta rperctha ttitri retrr cuartt'ucri"s- Eeerr ne Netes mend oproseete- orter, NSlvsaiirthecei bYa iitttrlirtre as Clc-as trarr. r rerd troerLivre cf tireNova Tertia tievetekmenlthtrcoat. und ieho. Be. John Mo hire rlertable borat Il thtie Canadien Traie Misaien ta evil advined ta tells a voyage F- rrsetceo hrter, a tes- enteLatin Amerlea. I lutio Mr. Suth- milite'climats. These sose teiîrbrrr otebr'.uu'tk 'ite'tr "frond desteihesthue enîy otages or days s-hem the mnter marine barortess-mrdr0 irer tie Thnfire jeo etreothtAmerlts.. Nova Scotta teadedituptheir v fou mies indng he ýthe. his The limiter et ae outstandniso* tirdrîied finirptatroessbha hoge tetrgtir s-st hv- transiereed lumbîr and hetook theopiselei araefuity anrd crtm'd bu iban:d ce tht tire West Indlen ta hater 'tfonrs cu in ftiere abeIrrîr Brîsco, snmietai tanmd rem. M.Mc.5 rati tueo ire shipprtsrtthly cil tanici lea duennius e t Trit ho e arhineeeytoto mess. cce iedl. and lInlte course of bis tr Fur iChsru crsonth ie cabeis dropped cuse lsand heemmo Impmi ultro y he rend, rire ssrckr. alking triohthe neoi of hrteglsg the 2500 lunses cccod ftise ru te ta lait D Upeltatethe Hnduls tîorens Ilt the le'errth pecieesp. Verait' teote seon. Saine efth. pimeters api t hart ens, ceeue s r'. cd ontrfis job. edi rf thie tisanmoieapeesîed9 bot (litrs rfrin ie rrstoe erocir sas o ileugnes a te mlot in the san caiabireradtir c rr ce'ed on tht IRE c a mietcnaty teacher. On rsmeecraeees s-orb s-thbueî a break turn te Noya Betlin hosuhal u tees.. .peuoerr. t ha hem ta the Synso i ndws lire HBC. iTr irpirunae:pany has __ peinled au me .fitot nisîctioar iitdran 150 mteis major sb- .j 'soveother 1867, iceompissîsilbi maie Ciesn ervirce, os titirettrs -'s-ite and lIttedaugittet, Mr.1 uceutong ý,air ereCiy teth ec-.tansiteil as the brigantine Aum urus parts tT' tbe Island and confst, ' -4rs. ed s- lob55h and lutmber [b se iocsde fb-e nobi s 'nk'eg r-Trîimil. They tan Inte a ter VnouereIsland ws- thie mainlaed. lttoral mcd h ba rarawîcg tex i s es They nemceoilPont cf8 ci Jan. S. lI4S. Ir aita rightrap ta the preenent tIme EIND JE1ELLERY stori r ea s e caceei oc wl marird ouillure ef auccrois. WO N N UR F % - F Pletou Conety hb coel tified ws-tiIsa s-rk eleht r VORNIN C URT f trragh the yeuri. The sel taiy vsmesnt eut tu 1870 Res-. K. J. Grant an itee NEBUCJIADN[ZZAR "b cat dune hall charge ofthtie Pre berae ssleeteit ega. Mc. n Giraet parsain aay leHalifax r Sohid G.old Ornarnletstl 5 500 macrrs age mildteis hurseil atN 1>goait. Mr. T. Geildea tirant, YemOl Dmoerd yorai nerrhant and cemmissione Expedition tee'. hb î a oetthe bigert1 'legsabiishmenis eof l'ort kt was reafly tht first tin'e Dorothy had evcr beta away f rom home sionte. She was happy as coulai be Eeesswg raies sn "Asyeie" at Auntys, and rompefi anti played tht whole doy ($ÉtY.atiaioî) cotle bt- Ior,L-tul bediane caoaa.....hen a terrible fit of gin at 7 >.i- i.Ngis rases homesickness came aveu her. 6hglu dg .30 P.m. fast gite "Lou Disace'o" ire as.- Aunty was et ber wits' end-rilfl she thouglar of bei' y5'ont h rfJisprdc Long Distance, le just a few seconds Doroty's os ie secrice. . moter was ' eue e taileso r o litle crl .. .ci, 1004 r, o f iSfly, cheerily ... then she tolai her ta lot 4£Uny. tc ber away in f>ed. Everything was ail right after diat. Dort4y <oit that ber mother really waW anofr oway efter ail. And the telephome b.d saved Aunty frorr4 an a- word pcedicament-at o cost tif jsast 35 c nts. w el i r tolite ebr BOY BURNED TO DEATH izpd ire borneetfWildred Alleon.h Ie w1le.,ut o he selodow acr optei tit operr . ' Atsseeer eieotebdrr".e drup 3'0arer c Illd atter lier, werk ttally burned Sunday tri afi-r, rat ln tierne,. Ilire urreded ln helping but er he utened for hie son sreilont ",Tein minutes faster to. office this morning - I didn't speed...."I- 'FTrY ntestaoafroint tieneTia:oggsotie' 'Yeà- Porto yod Cao alorcys depend on Pontac ta orait tht, gi n anae.wculr Ise o turrdy peed'-it te ctsy control and snappy acctlcratirti." Aned chat's tin trtont about the new Pontac Sut. Drtving ant i rdleg ste esti -andrlyota clip menute ram jaisneye testinsafety cnd er.ctt i Yoe ay nover looktender tint botta, but it's c joy ta experres-e tie qutet, smooth powrer dow of Pontoac& 60-htrcepower engase. Soccring ai gCar sftng ac etfltmte. And if yots care for chat sort tif tbeng, ycsj Cen "toparr arne w-wsth Peitic'c big braks. The ottider Pontiac'& modemn beauty. oint luxury ad ontioo pleteecce uof îts appoitonnta. Bodies by Fisher are filiirtomr d i ss.b rrrful attention to deuai as ipecial inotlattexi agaireot engur C AAD beat atrno.Suiuc un utual items as 5 s-ire wbeols, Laos-îoy sbuc. , br nc,,s, fener otaicatar lampe. radiator acreen and necor sirc PAQLJ> buttrrs-"demonatrute tht bugin standard of lisGenral Motu:îraval MIOcO Wu r rre yrxs taoce thePontiac Six andi ta test t. You wr!1 bu dgreaeiyitrpred at wht yo cn buy for such laspot' Vair. 1--e yuuwill beesaotifced witinthekcow,urint'pardazeO tes PRICED FROM ,t 2,andr.ltht gererosue Provioso f tinoGeneral Matre, 's-rcse Pumlsry thet safegeuard yessr cataufactien. $875 teioasOsh.. Te-.o mies. PO0NTIA C a fine car, a modern car, a Generai J j J M 0 0r a VàelU.0 HATCH MOTOR SALES - Dunda St. Eeso Phone 299 Whitby, Onta w rlrr, T HE WHITBY GAZEITE & CHRONIC LE, THURSDAY, APRIL 16,1 A. âK«meT, Mwmuâge

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