Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 7

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lInce the thre. toaaSvisit- country ln 1927, the cause itaýeon-. up viti> wondentul Tii]> movement ha. spresd an>'. ~OA]L!I Ilot youn ceailia le. empty, Phone us ter D . L & W. Cei, ail ce - Two Sizea GOLDRING ORT WHITBY Phone 70 ~ale FIIACITE COAL P. L. & W.-F'or Ic2t Itesults. la ail siii.,- md bemi Prices. ood- lies reaciy £or stovo ise. 'TO Coke. liest on ho maket. IOMP DELIVER nes Sawdon LRANCE are in need of insu-. For aLny puwpese, il, oa plealure te cdli ~Udine th. policies bY. td1 cSnpany, sg owned olely y . oy holders. - Thbe> share the , profite oPolicy holdega luis VDUDLEY AGENT Life Assurance Co., COf Caada >NAL LARD >NUME~NTS ImIerted and Canadien wrk et moderato pzices. Phone 462 sRond West, Whtby eside Cemietery Hl. Jones@ Sexton Phone 205 - - Ontarie TANIG C.TQW nector sClEmaimer bulanco -Service «0 - 'hltby' ON & SELDON c and Undertaking «kl St. Seu th - - Whitby ROBINSON retr and Fâvlture ulance Service MAW cMoneer snd ¶'aluator lJes prompti y attended enta for sales can bo Gazette Office. Ternis S Whiîby, ont. MASON AND ULCOtATOR et the igle pries '1POpr book' dciv' erd ceo wtbout Obllgat, 1; or stesSIples aS iIence. Double mtry. la durS,5s ate. sale oe-huit heur iBtes s to serve. ,un, Wiîby RNCIS uhiond st. W. 1(,Ont. - la, l1eyAltlq. on jstock Esdhanst UANcÎ' PKING News Bui NEWS -OF BUSI BKOO Miss Pearl Cook, of Raglan, was borne for the week end. Miss Alleen Gormley ".,ffl week end with MisaEvei>a. Mis Hazel Mowbray spent the Mr. and -ira. Draper lif» -weec 'end at home. ronto owing to thse sarioh Mens heavy all wool underwear, Irs Draper'a motherz regular $1.75 per garmenit, on sale, ild for $1.00 per garment. M. Ross. j The community wua miss Mris.iqBernic' ýEtidy, of' Dunharton, ' car cfthe death otFsddý ,pent a f'.ýv days with her granid- ..enzie iln East Whitby ,on. parentF,M. and MNi. C. Gras . day mornlng. Hp att.en4ud here while bis motiser lived b1i. Hopkins and Mr. LeBar, Of and was belored byitik T'Ioronto, tqpent Suinday m it.h -%r. and Mrs.A. C EIIott.Mr. Hopkins, of Torontç, at the hoe.of Afro. A. C., Mr. and] Mrs. Webb, of Pontvpool. on Sunday and ai- -te, have been visiting with 1Mrte. Yebb'y Ciîurcb on Sunday mtniî >i.ter, Mes. Vice-. ang a ver>' pleanug so10 1Mr. and Mra. Lockyer visited last netek wjith Mn- nnd Mrg. IL Wilson, -fOshawa. Mliss Jean i)rydr-î. or Toronto. :lent the week-end a' berlironie. n-.Wîkcox and MNl. and Mrs.-A. Speurs, spent SUndJaý with Mnr. and Miss moune Harrison is spending tii' weck ini Osha%%a x'ith ber sister, M ns. Sha\% Niems Ailleîk Gourmicy, o f To- iontosPelit the week-eDd -wlti> M is Evel.%in Jr-iuse.- .N ý9A' (>11' 'r ba&returne'd home iftc.l, -ptouding .a few veeka !ni To:fii -i Mjss Carrne Avery, of Little Briu. tain, -pent the *eek end with her couinlf, s.Ioyd Bradley. Thé annual Lade dance wus heid in the tom nship hall on Fnlday night, viha lange attendance. - On u-dy February 17th, in the llowrnanville Hospital, toe*Mr. utnd .Mrà. Harold Jebson, a sou. Mr. and Mmii H. Arksey and Mir. and 'iirs. H. Harris spent Sunday in> OnTueaday1 Fcb. 24th, et Bow- tmAxffille Hospital, te lMr. aud. lirs. :Horace Hall, a dsughtcr., MF& .Crosby, et Toronto Who lia been.very 11, Is now yul sor sister, Mns. Fred -Nesblît, oui> sfilghtI> lm- innvdluhealth. RE. P. MlàOkey and daUgh- Ytr Beléti, Snd Miss Hilda and ý Howard XMackcy Opent tise week- tend lu Toronto. Orý,nç* 8 pring Sui-t- amplee are here. ..Càme j n'and select youar new stnts for Eater. M. Ross. The funonal toeS Place on Mois- day an# -vas largel>' attended. W. extend our sympati»' toe e am-, ~ in m ut hsic. 8 le, plise Noyd. Mr. aziî- gr& L*e-Owens. ! ortme .Yhave bin WItlMn eoO esfat-hon, Mr. W. L. SSiltis, for a few (iay,!.ý Whatever« surplus there nma y e f rom Chautauqua concert wil1 W used tu purcbae-nev lire equlpasent for BrooklIfa Ail o%er4elmalng selectlon et nu- méerous î4tylos and patterus Iný very fine shirts whlch are an outitaiiig Value at '3c éÏach. 31. Ross. Keep in mmd, the &=anul Ubwary concert, ihich-"wlll e bolu.Wthse Township Hal UpTuesda>' evenl 1Mfrçh th. A drame "Tse ReliRe C "ffui! ofqogýod h lhbuor, 01 ill be p nted'by -e of the Women'in tit. n---- l rresor aïie' P,' Task', whlch vas vey miDeh en- ,oyed by everyone. - A large crova ettndeq the dance w-bld vas lld in tise. ITownship Hall on fflda>'. aOgigg I ast. Q nite a nuMber fron Wb,- vIl1: and Greenwood wen pflsentu Ever3-body reported a splendid- On - March 23rd Juijiz Catur~ Nayphe&s address on '"IcPeefu Pastures ef Palestine" il e vell worth hcarlng. Nayphelim a a strange lite. A resident et Pl"eg*, a student in Constantnopl, lhe 10 now a lecturer wIe viii cutraie, delight sud my&tly ion., The regihier mee .f Us te Houde] and Scliool Club î4li lie iseld onî Tuesda>, Marci lOtI, lu the> As-1 senibly Hall oetbîe ucb)oo.t 380'-V. m. Mrs. Hobbs, presdutetftise Centre St. Home k& SeboolClubOaS. awa, wiii give an addwcss on ClOd. Welfare._ Beginning next Sonda>' evonhýt Rev. P.* L Juil is -dellmering a mr- 4"e of taîks on the Aibl. 1 .10stu- iect e! the serle la "1'-ha Word otl Sien>' and Bong." -'l'h. ad*eâsuce Sto anud Song. The iddrcss « y 'evening viiib"n Word ef Ced 'L. imuory." Tse %%ho cen ahfoul d plai 'te 1 bea 4f the se-les. On Wodnesday, Feb. 26t1, iM Jasn,» Brnad oclelrated ber 8ffd lrlday et the borne o!flier son Mr. Frasil CalrtseK Dùrlng'>ils da? init> fttsud relatives eallod te @lfer fnienda stoe n.Brm ,fiboi el, knw orher kndir dpouU"b sud willlng heWpsnea4 auL»Mhle pnot able t. do as m="y hindi>'cl as fernxçly, lier l,»Ogtie1J'Mw )positinlà, uciangeda. tTihe ,U4od Chorei- -Rev. P. '4th. Io a snni saT B lioo4 iedyMareS 10.T--You missPi spettlite, Tise 11. sud coin" M r. H. 1. )Kr.- T., go thee bâ',b«ubut o eetii in tiun &Cun ge4pretton. tisai o-!an Infant Ilexîynasulmmert-of-the C. G. I QIù ý**à#?*leadersMiss E.,e snd. hiZ Ranis, attend t on S dayeyewnlagand TrtePmneW a1of MouItou Col- ler, Toroto.kIu"S as lier text a n rmteC.G.LT. se "we sV@ud le strong.» Miss Zrer spoke of tIe valieetfphysicalin- teUectual and mora] strengtb, Oct- tigfeiver>' cleadi>'the aima and fideils* et the .C. G. I. T. organisa-; tien, Mim. N. J. White uan a sole, 'Jnst For To-day." .Thse Women*s lustitute beld It.s .xo thil meLng at the borneof Pn. atcl.,f.e on Weduesday a!- ternoon vith tbe presideut. lira 4iuter l in ie hair. Muer the >usoln'sa lad becs>dlsposed or -4rs. Agar, tise eosvenor et Lez- - :atin teS hage o! the meet .nu and gave a yer>' lntenc-ting ýau4 Instructive paper. 3M1ss Mli- ùMd MeDuf! gave a readlug. wIlh vhîasve>'M mch enJoYel.- rsL J. Webber seng- e solo."4Tise 4»4 ! Pomie".Mrs. Boyce. .tso gave -areaoiss. lira.Fr.'I ollida>'. <oâumnor o! home Econ1- &'m!es gai-e a demnonstratlon on enenti.Tisere ees sver*i dit- ,"*mat î kdu- pffsed aïtd reCîpe 41v0n .atter e-hIcS l1n..Rateliffe .ano,¶ tea aud cookles- A ver>' rleeszut aflennoon was spent b>' CYoeeroet Thse Ihis>'Becs ciaus of Lhe, Vti ÈuSada>' chnol bcd Its nth.l, meeting at thse home Or Mijss Dort*a ltty 'on Thsreda y oveistis> la-,t. T*ie metng en.Led C-It biyIxn, "Lad p. Standltp Fon Joins". folltswed b>' t» *.ord (ryr Ibe nsiuuitesof the lest wuclm ere nut4ad appnomed. 11. irMarjorie lisynardyead il. - vnlture tessOn, huas Evelyn ~.ruoread &e caper on Joh!â laptist, a1ver 'eb a difcusiýon- -tiIowed. The. la&t byniava!# tisu sta;, wbilel Us aIeM y lite *aue 'pr*anA d**pty lunci vas9 ý"4 ot, t Be ttso bil e te-u 'w I., Â&HBURN 4udrI. Tier. la afiWin 4~tliat - laXltyhu S e.-M la the C5 -M.adUmHnyLai>,,ofepad for the& rservice%,vf.sae Uxbrldge. spent Sunday et astI lat slervics, e% eal âome of Mr&. M. Fisher. a i u lu a Service la Buru*is durcis n honorable. W* ar» suM tIai tIse .unday. Mar. Pub. at il .m. ansud r vltend t@.Iatme.more me. 7 p.mo., taken b>' Rer. W. Moore. cul wtChÎýlessOutie te iitgs o! Windsor. as a candidate ttbl N Mi biscu>iepclngo t maieIt psy congregation. Sabbath Scbeol et CuclepMgt &ei a 10- arn. A hesrty initation te ex-' v ice 'i'.Bu iebno tm zended to evenyone to att-md. vcewtlI doue la <ced rew*rd Yorung People met en Tuesdai ereaing last. under direction of BAGGOTSVUJ= i.evotlonal CommUttes wlt Mrm J. laher ln change. Soies vers MJ.& Ceud OfrIee t To at1 ,rendered by Mins Doris West and ren e As eaLeach and a vor>' Ln- &iiday ai bis hoýmemr .erestlng, taIsby Mrs. 0. Fisher. ~Mr. E. I Diamn u aulaToron, tlait wveemméettehe goo MIrs. Walter TrtUW spent a day r<sd Cnenin tant veek vitb -1er parents. Mr.. ~couerguuimeigi and Mm. C. A. Lyude, o!fJ3aggots- ' X Udley ehureltizi v elila ville. ldi uC hm "we a Mr. D. Parnott, i . M LDMile. IEI*otosdo cmemout ef ge Xiss Dais> Fisher spent a couple much UIma i U l uemuullY. o! days lest eek w vtisrelatives In Mr. jue. Bell, et Torooto, visfted .?fto. h18 brother, )Ir. W. E. Bell, las Hild Hopi» ad M . eeek. ýI>m. Hopkins vi:lâru d .âlMr. andiUM. Ion sWit tU e 'eu iltl relatives lu (lien Major. end viitiseimr deugister ln 11mi1. r.A.A. Kalght returned ton. zme -on Saturday after apending:W.H. Io$;u" t m m.e 0 Paut menth itvusrelatives& u v oe olesed rcsr tors> Ontario.an eoefoa wlmyn Mn. sud Mm re.Go. Lyndo and firxnIzahm iselu ss. Mni>' speutthîe week-end vith r tiues lu Oshawa. 13ALS aster -Teddy Casady spent the S i CI Mns.h bis , grandinother-K.sdM.J .Jusvsh Mmra M. Parker .66 ise Jeaun eZ5 u Nr os ly farleet OfMyrtle, vers lu the vil-JOIe w. loge e saturde>'. yWilsoi qpeuwb. vel sd- Sevea# tÛ=Imm ersatigsded Uns AUDL"Y ?s'W W«W-ts *mt=ofýr I» êClub gaie m l-vnhp o, oU aua mniet senlatios> of t1 ply "I#d GiI Lyle vl1 Cà u biday vus Ouava f$ad. I- Il z~e>esz' C041/*fd/td Scbool inspecter ot WltbY.. ,gme a~ ~ ~ ~~ ~lkS spel'aoee.TeuscV Toronto, eto1a th aL*e Clare- moent bt a. wwm M. McIMlii 1111.6 the, tair te nuaasatiac- tlqu et.11. 'Ifen the draw for the rudie. Litti. Shwrey Kllpatrlck vuS cafled to the *platrm and made the 4mw from 11e-large oa", but to Clarmuoua molse, Mr. 1.. X Tayl.or, ofWest Toronto. hldb tbê Jud*Y 1Uniber. :Mr. -W. Mav, Auctioneer or Wbltby, mn' dered bis -A, 1- servèiefe.mma Goddar4 vou trl-pl 1?nar- rled ladies' boz aud lias Berths Bacon, tintt tor uul ~1 box and W« so8016t. Chas. Cooper foi A mary happy .rsaicg vas spent at the bons o9 Mr, and4 ln. W. H. Birkekt «ou Feb. 2 th * , ven tbey celebrate.6 lIu tvety.ftftb Weddug afleIui7.Ail brethers and staue t otis bride and groom vere promeut ylth theexception of BandaiBirkott of Roglua. Mrs. Birlett'. atber. lMr. P. Ward, vas Présent qho vill soon celebrate1 hi& ninetlrst btrhtday. Nearlyl ail the uaeces sndsphownata- tended. The evening VUs spelit yulh garns and ail reported a msrry urne., À .pleudfd exhibition o! curling w.u wtaesa.6 OU on aday oening, Aglucouri vlatbd Claremont wItb tUe rnuks wvile P.A. Scot'& t eara pulled oist a vlctory. F. Evaua* taun vers dowu a 1ev ilots by bis oppouenit, Charle Thorsne. The thIrd. »AdIverTS&r srvie. 0! thse pestor et thse Daptiugt Churéb viii le bled on Buuay and bMoh- da3y, Marcki SUs-sud PLI. We ate ta have aietthe speclal preacber on tIat occasion -the 'Roms. C. It Scisutt, M.L., - "D, Wvise *years &go vas tise ulular ter 0 .Bap- L Churth -la U:hridte s"d Oood- Wood. 38r. idiotti-Ma a orceoli an eloquent spýeaker *ud vii blunq messages o! power- ,flaltaed viii> Illutrations trotÎ a long suad: suc- cenfu caerltatis -ehorlut'n a lecture sÏU044 oi6 Tour Tbrougî b o adplus- trate4 vus bsattwui- lautru slXu. This- lecture viJi e presld- 04 se" byW. A. lirYden, IRq.,Ot Ms eoët lectur «er sctviii ie lait or ls$ hsierê amr isut Te --t*WM.SMbo s FLOUR AND !Z MIYRTLE STATION on Tueaday at 8 Dun., un the Youug P.Ï part o e! is ee lu Oshav. dmssoE mmra. R8 . Leug b14 neturuo c . -- freinvmitl ndeuâs luBroolin. ee.alunXg 47 gm. Rev. R, J. 1Mer-- ru luýt " viisé on *"OddftlovalsIp Crauou sud 7IW.adhilp," The, msu'aehôit wit 34 >< se viii egiptletad t1ise servic oeng, cgK.-'SUft Xn. sud lis.C. Pllkéy wvo u -lb = nu Pilerbug lest vsek attendi< the- ig wdr go*I dwdig-auntvmrsary -ci turc, ati ilu14 Mn.' «ud lireC.' B. liko..?ihsa peanlt in la th.e ifh golden wvddiig t6e e -0 Waelrated la île Pilley tl&ml- frs p *à lk anr sd Mm .T. R, Frtc1 Opt 0vM à u -*bd Royal Quie>F$ tan ~ CumeIoII)m FrIh M1ea Youam 1931 Cente 't. Thoi lagaeuatlon -Movbiolm--- >w 74' * W Einsist that the mines W ýhipto us the ,bet; Miost carefuli>' screened* coal tuned eut by thncîr col. lieries. This ià good tisai lun- surance for you. Note -ouur phone numb r and Icecp k li mimd whcn your bin m a ywn- ing for ceai. ýj

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