Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 3

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1 313 e £ ~j Il-U -G~ - i j" 100. 1~ ~WPRICES - 70' i Pt-36 c tvalue - Est Whitby -crisis- trub operated on doctîi. sajîl. Tis, sac ilaic-husatsd loc Iueaftr-and obc itic sjphnny "if \totluer WCere 1' cr t!îe, telephone. cçieý , Mother -v the first train,. f-r L ong Dïstance. REGISTI(ATIONS TOUCH NEW the index to portray> the relafiy* 1lý HIGH FIGURE ularity of prominent' c0or I~ij Registration of mnotor vehicles in used ini autoniobile indu&tay. TIe in Canada during the year 1930. reachvcd dex- detca-i4es the zýat. relatia the highest figure in t he history of that each bears to, the o@lcr and t*,el the D)ominion. In spiîîc of tise ab- relative progression. normally low sale of nie% cars, tqtal registrations- anounted tu 1,222,932, NEW CONNECTNG 1M represe.nting an incrrase ,,Ncr 1929 of BEARINU 45,393 units. 0f the total registra- Twelve thouàsand tlmesa' Iiut tions, 1,056,078 werc passenger car5 cadi connecting rod beariîag ,and 106,854 commeircial car%, Iii- automlobile engine is under pj creases in both passcuger and corn- when the car is being,-drivesa î4î mnerdiai cars wert sh"s%%n in c:gh, oui proximnately 6() miles an lr. of the fnine proVinlce'. the excePtion %trains, ini addition torictjoqalsfr5 beirîg Saskatchewan. 'shere an apar- dernand thse highest quaityof mate, ent decrease of 1.309 unit; i% shown lais and workmansbîp in flue.-fliàf on availatute figures. Of aý' the prov- fActure of bearings. Wbat is beliem inces showing ns Ontario lhcads' cd lu be one of the latest &"d hes the list, wîth an itcrease i 22,068H rc rneîhods is used in the ÙmnfadU, gistrations. oi the 1931 Oidsnsobie wherýeia tý danger of air bub'bles or wealcks-o DLACKS AND BLUES MOST fornpîng in the babbit with whicb tkt POPULAR hcarîng. is lined, is eliente A great race betî-ce c clors in the connecting rod is fasîened tes aWhiee Popular style 'h1ares ttc ,r utîin frIc s; îth thse large bcaring of tbe rod is now ini rogrcss, %;iîlî blick joýl lockerd i" the centre of thse wbeet blue ..-Ijin 1w rst h',itnr.rsand!fic Tht crorrect aniount of babbit fis fore' dark hnrse, mraroon. rubinng<a cose ed into the bearing and; as thse roa tidatrasnaoa lm %ojrs110tesa înlttsxth andi la.si place. It is ilitcresting babhit is thrown by centrif ugaî' forte to note hthse coLnrt rcnds Ibaite-lu us ropcr position. Repeated determincd, .,l r galinnrage statis- tests on the General Maotois pr *ss tics are use!ir t oliijiitiglitet cr groundi.s, oure Of whieis incîide huia- trends and .ir, sccurrl frir epri drcds of mites at ton speed driviin... repre,çenting lic nTunibr of gallons reseals tîtat thîs new method pro. used for cWi t for inipouco f duces bette-r and longer wearing bear- automoti 'îts ta b iionih. The figurr5 ings. are pooled iridîl frarcled to statijsti- cal bureau fer id!)nl alik' v u-ac McLAUGHLIN.BUICK LEADI of a special 1irmnula %%icli criables [)uring the five montis perwod frm rTTaveI The King's -HiR-hwalo D AILY COACH SERVICE WHITBY -TORONTO - - FÂRE - 70e L&AVE WW"TBII Eastci'n lEAVETOUO< Standard Tins. &i. P.1 *7.10 8-d0 1 .40 4.4o 8.40 5.40 9.40 0.40 10.40 - b 7-40 11.40 8.-40 POU. *b P.40 l"o40 10.40 1.4 01.10 A-H. a 7.80 8.80 9.80 10.80 lt-a. PM. 18.a. 1*0 LUS HtAN D jj cOath Snonecfomi ut TSoîim VaRs Rmltol n, BrnatfofVi Connectons at Duffffalo ami unGIAY C$AC 4.-o si- .- b:78 M - -- -- -- -- se ie u .Edtr S&agtGazette &* Chroidcler, Witby: beiaseent *grn tm o EW ,W ' ýd ë tii ot Éisthe ' Deur S zr-M ay I1a&à for Your ul t>tie TI IU W eM . yeal ndulg n ut onm more -W W ere entitedtoýlti:b T' U«, wih alie enbleÙW a Mke ibnifa19repty cil and th«iseeo Mc--Pted lt.,,I1do otors c- eî she .tsevhmetdn' lotcitiejasthem, bui- if lMr. jacs- Px« hý ugiiu- cdgti@isOf Mr- A W.-Jacksn, wibBnwiSh« uto pick up pr egî es sales figures don«ug,tbëecomi- ippeaed inalaat week'a issue cf>ou ltuent ta ePor e u'tffl Stegf.~ mnonths wiil cýicceà e .paper. O glt arefully t e È _t~i es o th e moitss of lm t- Frst or au, letmeusaMy Oa M, f MISOwn case Sdnt cav ap- Jackson seus toa emse n lsmchas I tâae.polutd o«t 1 ----WholeF argument cf my letter. He e - TIiei re Motter ve ins s k ihtms mimnes tisat 1 am eharghsg County 0eto o lh go. u CAAS AI EARTIIUAK.E ouriillors wth baving taken mo» oy dztrdi û e, Wt0sobues -artatd- as "admir- ta wldch they were flot entitîed le One quotat1on from Ms. lJeousl 1'ârbqake-proof buildings" by gaIIY or by regulation of tise Goua- letter ta show that blin la teinti4 -. ..tA.JourAmerican Voleanoc il. Knowusg thse integrity of thu ta bluff bii W&Y tàhesi ~tii agj b 1 have leer infe-redthat they have lie magays, oi le wýLasI. a lIssued choeques for any amnl tnflt lected $5.o o .Dr.jajW d m how bchappen- Propiy certifed t. M hole case cotnt I1 bele,. 1 armaie«, s 1 'é 'tLbe riig ismt er car tos isit lis based on tie daim W thtie par- that', anotler. At lea0t à& Iarn In s. led ve' tise earthquake took mesa mde are legally right, bot elned t e bl i f 'Om vs o&Ua mot p4e.Onarivng at thse friend"s that lu certain Came they aue moral- k'sow was caal c m utrn bc Tmieva astofuiscd to finu tise Ir wrong. Tisat la, tise Councils ofj the othea, two'.-.be alai ma"de u i iuaambitantsr in great excitement and Blicceeding years have bit up la O0ne-" lIn othfte word,, I. amn e MVUg Sths ie hlPaTtlY ruined A violent system whereby mnembers can bc and (to use snld langeag,> with clltort- 'ht ui i ail occurred vitle tise doctor are, i certain cases, paid more for iflg tise trutl rnotorin Yet in spite af his long tlieir services tison they shioud be, Alrght May 1 refe yow teoraé exlei e asanartisquake obseve Mr. J. PL Kenny, iunlits letter, hm 5tiste receutjlaued Auditors" ee- 4 b t notisizg. "Even vien no put bs finger exacty on tie wca port co ve iag C uarue~s m CI in motlo,"Dr. jagger reports, 'a spot. »etsods and customs have -de- Accoun tIn lpoi aapruet sedn n srigsandrubertiesveloped In Counil rides and poe-atise mort n w u te Produces alutost no sensation durn1 ure durmng tise yeurs tisat atzglt te tha a ons g u ge mo n aluke, while humes ay ratte beclanged, but ne anc botisers to der tish a<j~'e j< c Cmute efud roar vilS tise aftershocks.- -Dur- do il. 1 have eharge no single 'iW Fees," tise RtI'61~ stbod t ig carthquakes tisat followed,'l h dividual and no anc Council wxth e-s re ud e el.u...n W Jcs statcd, Marly People let tiseir homes spoflsibifl for tise abuses mention- sons, autiso W.' Jack. ai slcpt in their mator cars. ed. Tise whole system ilthse resuit MM0 .wltscdob et ewn af graduai growti, and ail have co- ta, a lecture - ou bétrfetedbt DEIE ~tributed something tW il.twcelà istoilsIs.. eat ot au e- DENIES CHANR IN CAR Mr. Jackson resorta ta tise poIU- cotnt M anti'f n e TARIFFS TO COS? joB cally popular but whOllY uflsound Perha atsz a ua - CeOU5t O? TIIUSANDS andi((W clous- tiinking peaple) In. onc, b~ i Uil0b - W diMe> "'On au avcrage every perion buy- consequential mtetliod of endeavor- erthelesst. mue iiow -U.ako Ï4g an importeti automobile bas been ing ta dostroy a general arguen nil! Ia Ug.time mffeo ;ZVIRngne Cnadian workman of epc ing 1111.hales ithse fbie esr, e .t ucutm e nbù- hs eresting st- y cdroise tW mahavÎng cOllOet- leetian ofa - 4mm u fi aië teusent s made recoastly ed ~$6.00 for "signlng a few cheque,!' hcped upo e spbovmn hat Mo..uésunPresident of' General. aas lsitezsded Wo refer ta tise typewalustfei qno.Tigf 01ttsetCanada Linzited, lint-eply lOt theO actu&Ilkinti, of service su- 1 wil vatsu lneasr . ta tihe aim tisat seerl thousand dlrd.CouneMlors and Wardens have m mysm t, mene wili Wc tbrqwu ont .- ofwrks a lwa78 lsd tperfarm certain du. OsW. " Us a restait of thé geenmm-9'gdeci- ticsthat inldecertiiyig* aeo-htT $160 te change tise' <suf protl'cin nordes-s sgnil qby-laws, etc. THE EWOItc oS ui, onimported cars.AAmproofof01ii SUrlYlt s ôt necessary togo W .Edito o."'Ch""_ te ttenela U. McL aughUncitedt h t a WdetaiL M y argum ent sili Stands, D .5tr 4 sýi_1 . evîdence given before tise Tari Ad- "nI I daim t*9atM"anhav been pald eonolm visory b=ad ham year viic in& $5 for afsiotui aet ~ t Th »UOOuW catti isa onan.avrage the dils- docuset wnateVer tbir 'natlue commltU.) . a #tt. bizseset ir oiai'fe ech aris8Yhame secs.M ycfdtO f &a upuCcalletfor a * os4j"a'. transferÏeti from sNureigta Çmdlfie, case later "la 1:islutter w*ll ui mnezbru -«ld eouutu tod numufacturer, .out upport onc tprem> ruet - muon aniong utyvb iaoy for frostte olu oti; 17eueiInvWareigardt.tevics av b x~i th resettalff a <sin inhesaet of a as uîmilar.I'i $O 0 . -- ,vÏrrtiste bIms -of business irom azueuntsZefet i$100 as tu Ts>a. eétdadi. ht- Am ' êlfàmte Canaduan uutu tisÛe <Og o it&; bout $0'al Prepra caslêfr itlsr t-as -ob vio .1sly e gtabendfitCanae th « it of. b. --mat fO r jý ise oum»heSÏ -uu~ ,Àîî tis, tt*e vee tneta eprenet _msot fi cesant u 40_o on- fur-bsw,- lwelmtMta he ackMm'S car Wh" . , _ of: Part i T HI famnous book contins ap: * proxiae 0economlcat e- ~'cipes chosen- from 75,M00rééelved from vwomen lu ail parts cf Canada.1 h took tmany imonths teprepare,' end escli recipe hu beois tboruglly- tested by a famous Canadian Dietitian Mnarne on request), uho thorougjsly endonme every recipe,--Seutd tise cou- pon today -- enclos e celn stams. or coin to-cover madlllg. Tb@e CANADA STARCH CO. LUnsitel Aah your groeer for' c Tm CANADA &Tutu 0IC.1 Lbwte& WM..ie I i Uwr. Blert Littlejohe bas becs st thse' and 2 crnps esc 7l>eÀ*hn *hwander a lýn rk'ioi'e M , w ith the . ra nimniily hi la m e Ma.olm sudi C asi t- OCA tn e ise banquet "d Ieçtr iin a CacetmontUnited ~ __ tu-a- r for ými smicd me, th e, M llyBe SunlMih u c.thOe OW . and la thse NO baintt hint of 'sprint; vule, la the'trees, BUS Ilongpri§MuteCryut8W lIole. Thatund a 'tlliug ecis.dow± th. Tat lu' ie m 408 eshart thse Sap% Imovlns =me ùfreu asmah tan leola ma bu t-* a g tl capture ?rem Ir« e. W udrem au ttra Lote boum bera i thé so-mukur Pluuderug te Pr4om nar; ville tise pdung a1des. a*MtLhSrtme Mdnmis àbe av nt w rupo v e s j liS uluam t t ruc oom. Ioralutatmg la the a&gairn et istilu today.- hiru. WID. Tbompn*pou brotheza, ou e ot Wfindsor aud ruitS. of lo. visitai-ber on Ssuday. l'b. vue aeconpautedba hy îbr *live Ut* elatter': danate-. K1r14 TkOmpsea lias itencoufittet *O lur berne duMS Igtbe viater t a Ifb*vistai at J, a. 2«1i,4 on Tise~ ~~ O Mu*jhCi i* f bBa. lu t rc u eh heu au op ea M r m ent- 1<~ ~ ~ v»Q ouwa eal ut 115e «m < supZ4beth Ulv'as M'bea -&b-utft> Pespie atumd.d. aintuemuag pripa'a, , lv- = t ladu400Wci & s o Ii- a il do ý,Àdfi

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