Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 2

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THE WH- liu.CsyoL~,sWi ~4bI~43d TU f~u*~ay.~ru~gbyIlmes Pub1e - Preilen K A..LAlowy vlcePresideft; Cfaydoo SUIISUUYIiQN RUTES j,yca to subscribef g in the United States Of otht j*forRflcotnlts., lhe date te mhicbh,thc suI>scip- Io à1 .Nid i ndcated on tii.address labeL W0 1. I ORbd-ST .ON FEditor and Business Marauef go. Toispionelieu.011 23 and 19: ttUldence. 80- 21mrbef of Cgna<ian W\eek'v Newsriapers Aisoeiatlot, WH.ITBY. THIURsr)&, M'ARCH 1-r>b, 1931 WHITBY'S FAVORABLE HYDRO PoSITION The wiadom of the to%-n of Whitby a lew years ago in becoming ail active partner in the greât Hydro Electrie Power enterprise in Ontario becomes more manifesqt aa the das go by. Whitby as shown in a state- ment appearing on the front page of this ilssue, le yearly increa8ing its amount of equity in the 1-ydro system, and eventually, along with many other progressive munici- palities, it will be a part owner of ail the Hydro equipment, including generating ap- parattis, transmission Uines, etc. After ail, the Hydro Electrie Power Commission iseonly a truetee for the hydro niunicipalities. But Whitby has enother thing to be proud of-, and that is cheap, steady power. The Public UtiIity Commission this week recev- ed a credit note, in the form of the 'ihir- teenth bil," for $2,237.20, -for -the govern- ment fiscar'year ending October USlt, 1930. M'e cost of power te the town delivered by the. Iydro was also reduced f rom $35~ per horse power to $33.30. Power at cost is thelHydro Conission'îi slogan, and itlal keeping faith with the mun- icipai.ties in thia respett. Whitby lis one of th H.'ler Hydro position le msound and Wrmang. THÉ~ TOWN'S DEBENTURE DE13T It îe encouraging to note that while through absolute necessity iii recent yearâ there has been a substantial increase in the town's .4ebenture debt, reductioh.s are aise belng made. Tihe report of the auditors for *1980, referred to elsei*diere Ibtis issue, lars, -ail through old debenture-retirernents. UnemplQynient and financial depresslon duriig te lust year -or two has necessitated a substantial addition te, the debenture debt, beause.public wroks carried on for the bene- fit of Jolus citizen muât b. pald for. lI 'ordebr to' meet a perplexlxig situation the Couiscn -gn$ PublicUtIUty CoMgisson whicli have-carried'on a gtat:daeto!Public '- o&not -bave dq*e 'otberwlsc- The ':b~1g4sptIna scmfnnicark linancial clud ~la that the town bas ben able to get nccies- sary ýwork donc' very cÉeaply, and bas aise t zfcived valuable -assistance from lbthev eralment' through lt3 unemployment relief No Gouneil lies te increase the debexture debt, but as a public body it muet carry eut t1te wlies o! the people andI be prepared at ail tiutot meet emergent situations.. lu titis espect Whitby is iii thç same boat as- moit -other munilcipalities. DE8ERTING THE COUNTIES The nuumber of towna ieparating from combtes on account of increa.ging taxation, * adfrom lte st.andpoint of saving money, is .Igcreuslsgln Ontario. - -"Evexi atute coet of Ioinlg it's position as couxtietown, held for nearly a centry, Co- boumg' town council at a speclal meeting lait week unanimously voted to sepate - from the. un'led countie.4 of Northumber- 1 mnsd Dur14am. Figures presented by A. ýW. YOnUg, ýtown treasurer, backed by loca binanlal xperts, indicate that Cobourg will ;ae 42,088-87 a year in taxes by becoming a Separated tewn. Action waas furced couxi. cli memberis point out by the-. fact t-bat b>o 'bU botg43'sasesmen.t for counties purpose Wua ralsed by Judge- L. V. OConner, on ap- ýPMal fom counties council revaluation from *1A00,729 tO $4,905,22é.08. Application wMl bç àmace t lthe (Ontario tLeglslature, xiow sltlxigp asklxig hat special legizlation b. paamd: whîch wîllIpermit Cýobourg's separa tion frei the counties. Ifalmtla figUres Could be prepard fer'tue 'rown àt'.WhtbY,'It Migbt be found thatfor the privilege of being the county town, ai» tbe larôe urben centre, Whltby la paylng MI, eDotmous price., In fact, it migt b. fooi*tutSeparation frein Ontario county wMou fct a large annual saaing. Soome la Jter, wlth Whltby'I$ annual biu for cou>. PUPM bÎpross ncraalng. amnountlug toeub lhlgs UM d ! $.000leut YeRr i teé town ml be. t9rçe4te c9r4ader separatîln. IEGU&TIOlZEDTO flEÂTI! Aane~.~the BeavefMM Afdedarating et l4t, tl»tu«ib1 ha8u érgU~ unitil Us operatiofle AmeUt-. tic better th=anmechanical fùhctioîie, but wltli littie itiative. To whlch the CoJ1iltg wood Bulletin &»d: "The coat of educatioli., however, ham in no way retrogr~eed. Tmts tWi ' taxpayers know. That they should.get more -for- their money g<ies witbout Salflg, b.ut who lu there to better conditions. In- specters gaore trot arôllfd the provinCé and declare thou muait do this, that or the other thing or sufer thé penalties. The town of Aiiston knowe thie to its sorrow. Not only is its grant cut off by the governft, but by the counties o! Dufferin and Peel,'with thiat:rýf Simncoe in danger, al because in the face of a tax rate of anywhere betwveeri fifty and eighty mW8l the abthorities have flot hopped to the mat and buit a ewW high school almost over night. Truly dot." "regil- lationized Io death- describe it. A BUsiNESS MIAN'S REVIVAL pi et il' 1~I xi: h fi fi, A il k 1. t; PEMAPNT P'IXTIES and ail of wiih wI corne on earlier Wile moat of our voge*abl!o are if handied li is way. AÀbom bWd 1 annualo ani-, thaierÇor, sow thie simp a bit et glasscovered gro rneai rtunt b upply bhs aud on., tour foot by aft or ast tphie airnost as wel as the ownor suitable for the. saab ou and willl of -a gardont ters are a l1nmttro! produce an aumzng Mount of RMa- pet«n1aIa or pormaneat- tma. maL Ebe.r -tugout the b.d a wbichi 5hould be take nIxto consld. quuple of foot deep lnsmre weIl eration by tue beginner and wblebdramned place, or build up wooden will spve him food year afler ymar Mes t. Ibis iibt Inthle bottom wlth a .minlniur n énlu of la- put a layer et t"os bormo maure, bour after once etaushd Fr i ~ch buaabeen m torequently b w. have the owyOio.Tisc pzevent burang, a"d packthis downm b. secured 'In an everauting 4 cio tight te tii. dyth of a foot. On this perennial, and wv1U comme -up yewx pot empe 1'incies et goed g after ye&ir.Inun eau b.tloraw ir. de o neglass cover s"ordbe die green stage or used for fiavrour. ûrom tw.lv. to fourteen luces above îngs in cooking, and It la ready in the to of tie soil and should clope Api-il or Mlay., Parsuipa, white a gorst. ouhb alitI ft sort of annual, are oflen lft inl the Iraya of the. sui sud ashow amy raim 1 und' during the wiuter and dug te run off. Thi edW wMflbout upfor Pethin.g in the Spring before sec. about a ureé mW thonMc ool ond growth starta. An Asparagu, whea, k is ready te plant. Sow the. bed le permanent, and when weil! suod lu rows &bout t» w 1m ngesaa started will yield bountiful crops in »sd lâter tranWplnt ftroUd-Ii May and Jue for a liteétutu.. Oie & eold fram, whieh ls shr tothie 'can start a bed with seed or save allhot b.d, but wlthout lb. inaum Wi, . year or two by uainç planta. FoIlou fore puttlng the. plants outais. detailed directions in catalogue or Some- tiinulug wiflb. required to Governnt Bulletins caretully. Rhu- prevemt plants trom béing too spbid- barb la Onotiier tiiing te put ln for Iy, and ià wlllal»o b. necusary permanent use. It ta bonI started ventU&ateounwam days by aan Irom routsasuddla rondy for ligh± Ftbê saab a utIle, lu eoldwatr -«the second'year sud aiment daily water sparngly snd only on ___ conhumpton afterwards. It contes or days. Early Lttuce, Budfis, Cros rfisI thng lu lth. Sprint sud if you i ad otiier mai84 malerlal cam b. have an extra root or twol dit u P grown and harvested rlght ln tho in the. Fali, earth and al, l. 1w it hot .bod. to freeze hard, th=n place inu-a wartr____ cellar and a mrp of shoota wili be PROTECI"ON ready lu January. Also la the. fruit Now tuat the. weather ba s tart. Uine one should inlude a few good' b get waruer, Ibi s lurealy the raspherries, a currsut bush or tw<, ierftlcal Urn for Ihose- whntolit some gooseberries and, perhaps, plants 11k. rose buahs ahubb.ry, blackcapst a couple of grape v-ines, a IfruitIees, strswbeMTls sd herba- pear, a cherry and un early apple ceosu peron ilIowers. Durilg the. sud a witer sort. In almost ,very -mlddlo oet th. day tii. bot mmitle parteof CanadaIt is poele to grow quts mkly to tke tu frit outOf qute avariety of frut. b.top sx inhciosoiliMd start the. saý comngug p Ito the &teu" HOT liED WILL BE VSEPUL aboe k round. At nhWb"uthe Thegarene, especialty if lie has lemperatore fàils =agaluta ap a litIlemore monot tan uua", ulîl =y freesoand the. stems hurat.T%6 fnd a hot b.d baleuabla. In this he alterpate freeslg sud thawiug oi u sat aa bsown vffge4bles and thetop aoIV boo i# ~It ly 10 fiowers which require Ume tbthe- .break fe t? l. iu zWuyouaMsd ordinary ouldoor sesson as Waavait- I klithe. plant «orweris ta l1aU a"i lu mont partaof tbe Doniaon. ITo pievenl alUs"1«lom"id R These *w1lt inélude Tomatoés, Cab- .oenm asUMe,, lioppod straw bages.- Il.àd,,Letwue, Egg Plaut sud buresor oie AoILNtr' Pepers arongtii veetailo, ati nu ritt*h bauo n pof, cia ~s.r~ aighiZl- . neuagdb>W lsgton l mas ad oter fower, or e eu.ta st &a ntpoie y OU wMilfind that cverone applauds your baste and- JLrespects. y,='r Judgment, if you drive the 1931 Pontiac. Tbe1931 pS&àicts-a-larger car, a fine car, although it seIL- at koW«rop Observe atour showroooes, Pontiac's distine- the V"shaped radiator. Sec the swecp and flow of its long, mOcIeift lino and- jie luxury of its a-ac-usFishe Boches. Theea W over4êooints of rubber =nuhation thmeunt the Lctussbi it. Let Signe of a revival among the bus1nùuýs men in the smalter urban centreý cof Ontario aàre not la.cking. in fact. they- are verY' t t-tafd- ing. Competition from the cdue'., the ini- creasing use of the motor car. and caier and cheaper telephorie facilities, hâve had their effect in recent years un businvri; ,iitowns like Whitby. with the result that business men are called upon tu facc newý% problems, and every-where there he, figtirati\vdy speak- ing, a sound of going on tbe tp of the cein- mencial mulberr bushes,-. A kbusine5s man*â. revival je in full swing. lu1 Bowmanville a Businie-s; Mai,%-,e Associ-. atioca, with over sixty member5. and tackling problems vital to the town, 1.,; Maction, and althougli only rezcently organizcd<. . already getting resultLe. The writer was in Uxbridgt, Monday night %vhen over fifty husines-. 'ven assem- bled around a banquet table and re,-4,rgaiized the Board of Trade, an organit iuflwhich In recent years had almost died a natural death. A progressive programme for town betterment was drawn up, and of dri e leet- ed torcarry' it oUn t I as a business rnan's revival in Uxbridge~, W~hat other towns are doing Wý hitby r'an do. To the. Chamber of Commerce, and to business men individually, the door of oppor- tUnlity to better thingis is open. Le?, us enter and profit tiiereby.. Pe-rhaps the follOWing from the Bowman- ville Stateszman, Commenting on the zew Busineu -Men's Association ini hat town, wil be of benefit to Whitby. "The succesof the. Bowmanville Buiness Men's Association does net depend upon rules,,rfuato* or brade prartices. thýes aMe i Iicdenta isAssocation'la tii, attitude of mmnd Of A Sgro f local buMsins and, professloxialmcxi It la flot an MMlp not a President, net a, SocretMry, not an~* irlOr ooe Itte, nt a mnhyM n, { the attlttud of nulnddof .* dtL uesa of a group of mcensocaofigte for the. bettermest of thW tis ytmd for the servic, of their bualeïs 1a#rs.- anid wiiat is fer more lx#ppota8téf nI si1mple thixigAIn their livesasrtcoxd ncafection for each othero loya'tyyito eadi othtr, and whexi occsion deuandâ,Courage, and, the exceuraging ami frtl4bj* o! M&i Othtr aWanet the bekn'w o O'i when beset with al theii. uà«.d temptatîona titat cea Iongwlêà- aesrü depreâsion. Any nmeuibe ofthe:_1o *~ yî11ê BusinessMns aoJUo 0 on duce sbludsifla hi, çt#II7 bis fellow and te bistugoclatuea tigê bellve li bis buas eb t asseclâtOx. Anl tuat lIaJ gjj11V asoattgu may continue tiq', because as y« -t)ere, ,e nw ýt sUInute for the. »WailqàItcUe&oC Isncb. a loca1 trade gr9M> bpt tb IaIe lngý #pfrt willIbe dead. <m -eai4m b st)e whO def#Ulta on bis bgaîtVMerx- lsfroya mthcyUe spwrt àot-4 fOW csAliy Sueli-a malti 4&, RU- S"y Chxiug t b ls ttoisiU suc" M ea bca 31d teb)g u 4 M n 48 1 n gr o! wb aé mi mas'W ls t wsrIu~ks~ lnMsI Ont noise and vibtatîon, and ta absorb table Pontiac féatàm eas Lovejoy ahoclc radatr ndbi baks reretained. éw Poitiac and ailow you to drive SGMACI, Gcýse Motors ownr id the ge«oeo provison of the 1 na Service, Policy - T car, a i NEW LOW PuCES à Deor "ea - -0f873 4 Door Sedan - - 970 sport Sedan - - 015* Sprt Coup. - - 925*ý Coupe - - - 875 Conymrible Cabriolet - 970' .411 f*u i4 e1 0* Govemusns lTaxi uenm sp.O rieftu. * ir sirers. fr*dowdls md frunh ru4 ixddea sadrd t1ui- eclre colt. ikc. ~vÉ~ csr,-e gs~hf value DudsSL litîla, Y oung 'm e, fraird on nr said. -Thë ýntio-huS1band iii 'aftex,-anid .,witlx Johnny Mother were -(fi rst trin ô Distance. -p v. b ~ ~b~~amaNUU E~YUU wv~uuw mu,..-. Ps 41 I ~ I I

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