Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Sep 1930, p. 3

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iess -etoforç Yard N1 ýAL OKE Street Souths irements- or Deaîh w >rperty 0f rest Rateî Life Ontario l iCARDS !-or le ii Spremu breet norti, one doos a'ustcher Shap OL RWUN toNotas-y Pbik kI kresUftNorth IAlla. drug stesud 0hn 86 MeCLAREN' and Ssou S ERGUSO N 4.i Surgeon cIn e, - tu i . b la d d qe ui rset, South ne41 LRIDDY îlicltor, Notai-y îe: Os-e Allin's oppoite Poat f ire.- 13 WlîItb ATTENTION ild experience. on s-ou1- service,. l'houe 880 MAW ' CIONEUR ME, JATOR IrMU psamLsettmai l'D t"sles eun k Itte Offime ~m thar et ft Modem ie Ftatus e Bol sud HEsthp NE Iyesis" 1le Office NEWSOF BI Mr. F. Betty judged at ýsttro and Lindsay Fais-s lait- we*. Misa 'Elsje Bell #Petit thse wee end at ber home in port Ferry. Mr. and Mi-.. Leonard Rosi ai rpending their holidays in Chicag, Miss Agnes Ormnistan is spendin lier holidays- with f riends at 0we Sound. Mrs. Norman White spnt lai ,ç%eek in Sudbury. Mr. and Mi-.. Howard Longfiel irnd Mise Pearl Cook spent Sunda ~ith Mrs. L. Cook. Miss Lew in, of Toronto, s perit th wpp>k end with her uncle, Mr. Dur tanll. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morrison ai Nis. Reeson, of New Lowell, wer n Brôoklln for the school fair. Mr. arnd Mrs. W. Tordit!, of Bat rîe, were with friends in Brookli for the week end. Mrs. Marten and childircn an NMiss Marten, of Toronto. spent Sur ciay with Mi-. and Mi-.. F. llatty. Mr. and Mr% A Prouse hav brcen visiting i?4. and Mrs. E. Reý inan, of Srnithfield. Mis. Arthur Harding, of Toront lias been visiting with Mrs. J. Gia ham. Mr. and Mrs. Lockyer and Mi-. an Mrs. W. Jackson entertained the! friends to a corn roast on Monda ne:ght. ,Nl. ai-id Mrs. McKendry and so Warren, of Toronito, and Mi-.. War< Of Sutton, spent the week enda Mr .Joe Garbuttr. Trhe W.M.S. are holding a socia Pvening at the home (of Mr. ai, Mirs. l-unter on Friday eversin@ oct. 3rd. Mliss Bray, of Pickering, and Mi mdMiS.Lloyd Bradley, ai-el charge of the telephone office in th absence of Mi-. and Mrs. Ross. Quite a number frot Brook)i .ittended Lindsay Fair oiPSaturdaý MIr. Hanna 13 away on hi.5 holi tiays. Mrs. Esse, of London, and Mis Vera Reeson, and Bernice and Lar raine Maynard, of Hamilton, spen ALMONDS ' Almonds anniversary services ci Sunday, Sept. 28th, will b. addres qcd at il a.m. andi 7 p.m. by Re. A.- M, lrwin, of Nartistssnsteý Clwrch',' OshV&-aw, .1«n0Oto or tisacharge'. 'Op «'Wtal uÀi. 0, 1Tuesday evening, SeptU8th, a con crt wii I be given, wtth reedlngs bk Nlrï. G. Wçbstei-, af Thornton' C'ornera, alas, and- ather musica numbers, followed by reireshments Aý cordial invitation la extended IÀ Mr-. George Washingtan, of Win nipeg, vislted during lait. week wit] Mir. and Mi-.. W. Hall andi othe rPlatives in this commuaity. M r. and Mi-.. Bi-umeli and farn y, of Brookîin, isited on Sundal aith Mi-. ané Mn.. W. Hall. Mi-. Hugh Leask, af Toronto, wa: as veek end viaiton wlth Ms-. Uoyt M 0rêambe. Miss Blansche MeGregar returnet home fromn Toronto, whes-e she h& bren for a couple of weeks under ti <octoi's care and is feeling mucl immproved fanIsealth. Mi-.. Padgett, of Whl tby, visitai reves-al days recently with Mrs.T Mo-combe. Mir. andi Mi-. Isaac WMra s. rhildren visited several daya witJ relatives in limer last week. Mir. Richard Browni bas ereeted fine new steel bazin athe place o thi- one which wus dests-oyed by lire Mi.Lais Bilsdon Milton Bals don, Mr. end Mrs. N*alter MaeCar and chiltiren -visted OnSu undaY vit M r. and Mr@. J. J. Balidon, of Maîri harn. VMi-. and Mr&.ldie MIma', as daughtei-, Mxm.Bonet a.8,S vwo .,isitors on Saturday wi,M%14.ias WMrs. W. Hall. Mi-. and ti MsCephas Qsborm am clhildi-en visitedons Bndai wItb, M and Mi-.. WIlcax,-qi Hu5Ot A very pleasant* lime vas SPOU on Thursday lest, vwhs tl0Wo11 an-;Asasociation met attlie bgme * M rs. T. C. Qsborne A qUiMtWiPu on and the 1lieaweisbept W a good number wes-e prOmet Msd1 happy--social hour vas enjoyed a Miss Emmna Flober, of 'lýsotc gpent the week end at ber hou here. Bad Legs Cu Niw Be Tïeated -At~ A new traieatn bk%1b r""st bad-touLes wttisout fia bw mnuit b. uomet àtlsl of tht dinas-y. Thlis ne* todalit it la kâ W as M canele . me«l4 OIL Va*U ulcers yield to - Udep@vuflU' Pë tratli*oil làtii tkU' case vel ins dnmse. 8**m & WI-IITY Câ5AZE 'AND CHRONICLZHUSDY SEPTÉMBER 259 1930 - dgts From Gazetean hronîcle orso JSY BROOK'I rd the. week end wîth Mi-. aind Mr&. Prouse. tk Mi-. and Mrs. John Hallet and Walter Lawrence and Mrs. A. Lawr. ence, were the guestp of Mr. and i-e Mrn. James Hallet anid famîly, of go. Whitby, over Sunday. ng Mi-. and Mfrs. Arthur Nesbitt s-e- e tui-ned on Monday fromn a trip ta ,Nova Scotia. They carne home by way of the. New England States, tut crossiag at Brockville, and spent last Sunday with Rev. and his. R. 0d A. Delve, at Lyn. iy Mr. and M rs. John Hallet and daughiter, of Qi-hua, were guests at the home of Mrs. A. Lawrence the riep ast week. They were accoinpanied n. b Mr. and Mi-L Harvey, North Or- iffia, w-ho were gueorts of Mr-. and dMr,&. Geoorge Dickg, over the week tre end. ta, &peut Sunday witb relatives.. Mis a MutiCooper retunned to ber studies at Kingaton Unlversity on Monday. Dr. snd Mn. Cooper aceonpanled het and vislted friends there. Mr. and Mm Robet Sutherland spent a few days wth Ms. John Sutherlansd, Utice. Miss Frances Rayes is iiting friend lns Sindesland. Mr. snd Mm-s.IL. ascoe are on a trip te Inidiana. Mi-. and Mm-s John Guy spent the week end with friends in Torsonto. M r. and Mn.. P. G. Punies are spending a few days et Chathamc ws ith thse latter', parents. Ms-.and Mr&. A. Mus-an and Stewart, and Mi-. and Mis Joui-. Hislap andi Jean, 'isited f iends in Toronta an Sunday Mr..and Mrs. Preston, Mr-. snd Mrs. Pollard and son, Mi-.and Mnm Stevenison. OFhawa. and Mr. and Mma. StevenRon. of Claremont, &pent Sunday with Mr-. H. Wilson. Mrs. 1. lies, Toronto, is visiting ssit}i M". Jas. Ashton. A public meeting under the aus- GREENWOOD s-. pices af the Board of Health af t-be! in Township af Whitb>- wlll bé held in iTise Ladie,'AdmtetUehm the Township Hall, Braoklln, on M..Y ibsoentthrsdome Tuesday et-eningz, Oct- 7th, far the i rd purpose of discu.sine the benefits of' Mste of -e -nihn . on n- mmuîzeionai hili-e aisehalplet.ed and corn cutting and silo fil). andps-e-school age against the' in- ing I. the orden of the day. feet ion of scarlet fever and diph- Quit-e a nuniber attended t-he ve theria. Public speakers frins the School Pairnet lBs-ahm lest d.Proincial Board ai Health and Tpdy h re- by n f rom Oshawa public nursing service girls ar. idose G ew o s ansi will Cive adodresses. A Il parent«.gils criem beof aome goid pries -a. school ti-ustees ahd t-tachera ai these a ng two-n besn a irdGsst n.bi atownship and adjacent. achool sec- Spevakinhaven beenMildfreibn. r tions are nvited to keéep t-hi, date i Svrlbv ensteigf-r id pon Iunterannuncrnnt ex a type oif surnmdr fu tdoek. Prhranurcmn e The- social and concert held in the ýir eek.chus-ch lîat Fridey evening under ay Thse Unitedl Uhurch- Rev. P. L thse aumpices of Gnosjp "A" of t-be Jul, B.A., Pestai-. Sunday-, Spt Ladies' Aid. ssi; quit-e a riuccess, andi on 28th, 10 a.m., Sunday S&hool, Raivsnadb'al preatat. hoo"M* ounh -d Day service. Open session. il amr., ithse OlsI LgFho~ ruh nt "Echoes f rom t-he General Council' niiiny a liiugh. 7 m r., e'-ening serv'ice. Tise part9r Next Tsurrdaia sttinoon, Octa- wsi i preach at bath services. A brn the' second, t-bs W. MS. Oftht-e aI hcarty welicomne toalal. (;ie-enwoad circuit ssill me-t et t-be id The Young Peaple', Leisgue <f home of Mcaî. Normnan Bic. Mm. g, the United Churcis hai prepered an F. L. Creen*m's group is in charge inteeseting program, for t-h. canti-gaof thse pi-agmi-r. season. The first meeting wilî tx Tht as-muai Rally service uftht-e nheld on Tuesdaeve ,SeptemWr -Suntsy Sechno) willbe held ens Sun- heteresteel in young people'm work are Everybody carne and enjoy thse ser- invîtedti t corne and take part in the vice and show your interest in t-he inmeetings. Work of t-be Sunda>' School. in Mrs. Haig, of Markharn, ha visit- ýY St. Thoma' Churc- Rn. TA., ing her sister, Mm, .wrn. Ormerat. ~.Nind,Rector. Sunday, Se>Pt. 2?$, han- Sindy Moore had quite an inter- veat thanksgiving services ssill bc estinç Urne witlî a mankey ont held. Holy communion et- 11 a.J rnorning last week. Thse animal had ss Evensong et. 7 p.ns. Bath services evidentl y escaped fi-mr captlvit y and r- ailI Me conducted by }ev. T. A. wasînt t-aking any chances on mait- nt Nint. Sunday School al. 2.3f) p.m. ing f iensis witbayone. Wrn. Gibsan has rented hi. tes-rn to Oi-nerod brother.. Mn. and Ms-m - Mi-. and Mi-. T. J. Par-ker i-e Gibsun wjll at-hl reside on theicfaima. 'isiting r-lativ-es in Bowman ville. Messrs. Joahn Miller andi Kenneth M A un Stuttaford, Miss DonothY Milles- leftKIS L ýs un Tueselay ta attend Queen's Uni- i Thmsfo ertle f y,. vei-sity, Kingston. -Ms hms oms oce-a et . Miss, Barbera Miller loft on Mon- oui- Sehool, vas usas-led te Ms-. Gos- siDayEto 15-t5Shl1- & esn'~ daonFaructls, at -the p&UArSonae, n In Toronto Genera spital.. Gaemvoat, by Rev. Walter fttart,i n- Mm-s Roibt-. Vernon an-d daughtern, anutliday, Sept. 20».. Their ranyi y of Prospect, vittited on Manday vitis friends Join in congratulations Mid1 i'o thbe former'.sisster bei-e, Mnri. D. best wishes. They will reide la a', Pari-att. Oshawa. s. Service in Burniâ' Church ou S&n. Thse wonsen of the Institute were te day, Sept. '2tls, et 11 e.na nd 7.30 inviteil to Glarenlont jaut we*, p.rn., t-aks'n h y lev. R. B. Steven- where they provided most ai thse1 n. son. Spedali Rals' Des. programme pi-agiarn. They met et thse home of h wili be' held in the. mos-n ng. Corne E x-Reeve Malcolms Fossyti, and a1 et out and attend t-bis service. most enjoyabie cnt ps-ofitable Urne Mn. end Mn.. Robt. Ganse, Ms-. aas spent- s- David Andersoni. 1isa L. Andenços-s. Remerrnbei- the chus-ch anniverteny y Mn. andi Mn.. Jast. Horne attended here on Ockt-. th and 7t.b. Fowl mup- thse funci-al service af Mm..wmn. per andi a goosi ps-agi-rn yu1l e giv. R. Brown, at- Stret-ford, on Tbursday ta. Fuller pa-ticulars. Wateh for d -lest. We extend our s>-mpathy ta bille. brother and isut-en hene, la t-heit Mr%. Walter Stevenson has been id bere'ement. very ili wîth sumnrer Intuena6 s.Be &S A splend.id concert wvAsh.eld In la some better atitUme ofi wrltlrsg, i. thbe basement ai t-he chus-ch on Fs-I. and Miss Udne, thse oldet daulilr, h dey evening lest. under the auspîces wax neparted quit.e iII on .SUnday, of Women's Guilti. Thse pregrainton- Wé hope for a speedy "reov'ey. id -aistcd af a piano solo by Leurs walter steN-enson lied aile om Tl. Rogers, mualcal selectians gis-en by Frhday oifiaet week R. E.I Mowbray thse Rogers family, ai Epiom; "47-ditd!dthse lob. afk id ing by M i-s. G. Fiser. and twa shiait Oui- achetaI fais- vas heid etBo- h diL oguez, one "A Love Tragesi>." lia lait Fsiriay. It was wefl atusNd. andthe cot-her, "The Cousin ftrai d andi esrYone wVWi I -"%- a Ornahta." Proceeda for the evcr.rng wltthUe seult.a ofouri- e a Df, $15.00. pupîls, moem ral i-ls el thb, e. Mi-. and Mm. S. Mas-donald. of we. Ray &«d.t, of Visas e. Utica, #pettSundaye> t-the hanse IM<gt, Cavs e ac*llet *Umeiat ýr) of Mr. and Ms-s. L. Richandc»a. »jd mted th Ue first prisa fer aME. tb Sevaraifs-rn lies-e ttendeil t-he Our-s-ebM eolltsta bmuIfuMnW bau- U.Lndsay fais- en Satan-day lest. Dermateby Uts ae .r MssM us. Ms-. Gould Baiotn spentUthe tee wut. vesi nd ai is home im Uxbrisigc. in*. B *naisitsn Jêsw s Ms-s. M Wlliams, af WhÎtb)', ce-wtMireMovet <ced pileS. d spmt We"daety lest vitIs Mss.C_ We reWIte-bW tIbi38Ms.'We Eh& aa*srui sd Min Mab «* are ut- %d Ms-s. M. Milles- spnt thse we.k piqSU»îg es.." 0Un- r.ent et athe home orf ber ions, Mn.d r . ncingThevbmebomasa JohnMilles. aoII athee buwb Md 91111- nt Coatualations' t- Pls on tA- dMdCOO es viib. nIsituleu n. aing p-hccset lihe Sem lFai-tîti IIvr. dy bus beu. m aspmdait Df las BroaklWsfon Frlayof aas m it _.am mutM-. .Bar t fGreen-' a $ abot* M"flq et 14 ty. b" akMss.Johnlies-on. Ïe; îtu»- a sMU sud Wua.. Beion, ef Wiek, s1-a et kIe rae a b er. on Bandas-. as.tiî. c hu VIS A ineetsîgha.. bisaical[ o, t. s- i 7- îg m-s a s MuI.s a.u.' A splea~d' pu.p~n le >jef~ th givs moe Peasuetta y.u b.ugt te ~nlave, lisALD TEA ,,]rra*re flas il Satus-day. and &gain braught home ffij'* u~ MmJohn C. Lawrene spent the P'Z INH S week end %vith her son in Lindsay. Mr-. Maclcen, who has beenacu pying Mr. Bert Duf'. house for th, AT IQOL FAIR part of t-he weeIc. mi A numb-en ironi hene attendeil t-beAT ROONil Linds.ay Fai- an Set-aiday and r-e- SLUA R Q II port it ta b. the best feli fais- iof__ t-le station. Con ratuîations to aur teacher. The folioasing is a complete list Ms. ac.ansi ler pupils, Who dii af iPfZe Winse-rs at Bnooklin Ru- sa l sa-let the Brooklin Sehool Fairi-aI School Fair, which vasç helti la on Friday. Miss Annie Graehamn, who Brookliii GCommunit-y Park lest Fs- is only a junior pupil, made a splen- day. Scisool sections NOs . 1,2, 3, 4, did sbowing ini bert irst ettempt at 5, 6, 7. are in Whltby Toe-shp. public speaking. SCisoal Sections Noit. 5. 6, 7, 9 andi _______________ 9Sare in Easat writby ansi are sa naasketi in t-be list, visile Union 2, MYRT E ST MON Piekering is also noted. Ten schools MYRTLE STATIIn aail campetesj et thse Fair, and refereace ta sevcm-aI features of tic Mr. Ale\ Gaul, af Biackstock, Fais- appeuis on thse f ront page ai speasi Sunday witli R. Chisliolm. tLisi issue: Mr. IL Pike, ai Toronrto, spent ther Glass 1-rish Calibers, 12 tuber, s'e e-n -d here witb bis sistes-. -Lillian Jones 6w, Glaude Mor-es- Mr-. anti Mi-s. Roy Spences-, ai In- 2. Glen Robinison 3. Eric Laite 3, dian River, anit Mr. and Mm- .Geo. (iras-don Morey ?, Robes-t Money 2. Huston were et J. E. Beacack's on - Glass 2--,o.Dooleym, 12 tubess-Rets Sundav. Panish GW, Gliffard Wilson E, Miss Hall, ai Toi-ont-o, avas a Ruth Bras- p, Mathcw Agar 3, Har- week eneis visitai- wit-h the Misses Vcy Wilson 9, Doris Bs-ay 9. Price-. lass 3--Wheat., Goase, I pint, M r. Kenneth Suthberland, of Pros- (hand picke) -Jack Bras-, 9E. peet, bas engaged vit-h Mi-. C. Har- lass 6-Barles-, any vas-let>', sheaf rison for t-be winter anti bas&i-nt- 3 incises in diametr-Betty How- tsi Mr-. H_. Bals hou-se. tan 3. isez Tumnondis 8, Marjonhe Mi-s. T. R. Pi-ice spent tise latter Bray 9, Jack Bs-a>' 9, Clifford Wil- part ai lest week in Stirling. 1 son 9, Stewart Bray 9. Miss Cooper, ot Toronto, wes s'ith Glass 6-Ba-les-, O.A.CNa. 21, 1 Miss Ruby Cook for last wtek. pint (bandpicked- Las-I Ornilten A nunibe,- tram here ettendedth Ie 3W, Hatey Wili;on.9E, lls- Vipond Brookija Shoot Fair lest Fnitay. 5W. Mr. J. E. Beacock was in Bow- lass 4-Wheat, any vaniety, shedf menville lest Satan-day ettending aDf 3 incises in diansetc--Jaek Bond t-le silv-er wseddung of hie tistes-. 3, Mas-jasi.Bn.ay 9, Glifford Wilson Word vas receiveed bere lest week 9. Stewart Bray 9, Non. Wilson 9, ai t-he death ai Mr-. Harner Huribut, Allais l-llliday 6. of Owen Sound. Doceaseti wes e lass 7- Oats, Banner, 1 plat 'former resident ai MyntIe. (hantplcked)- Allai MeKeni e M Mi-. Weldon, who in engaget in Fr-ed McKenzle 7B,Illie Vlpomd3, Y.M.C.A. was-k in Winnipeg. gave IMes-me MeKen4 e 79 J ack Tomp- an interesting attres aet thse church 1 sois 4, litTord il son 90& ses-sire last Sondas- evening, telting I&Glss -.Octa, anY-Voats-,shead ai tise numbes- of stranger vise are 13 1à inces lmetes-B.tty lowdess %velcomedtita us- landi, and helped, ta 3, Maries-le Bs-ey 9, Hanses Wilson get a start In Canada. 19. lama Tumnunnda 8. Jackt Bond 3. 1Ms-.Geo. William bas soIt bis Allen Molit.>' 213 fmim ait le holding an auction sale Glass 9-Sseft Cass,,Golden Bar- 4Ua Pi'uday eftenuaori. __- _& se-bât.'~smiu Ciiisholrns a &I Tusdes-atternoon, Bray 9E, lpis iuagm u 2 ultIs th. usual ettendanCe. Afler thse Des-le 1, mark Loclymu «W. businesasoslas were given by Ms-s. Class lO-Mangelï, Glant White Tas-tiff ait Mm .Williams; Ms-sSuga,rsoota-4ek Bout 8W, s-- Lues> gave a readi n d utMmi- . dBs-ay 9E, John MaW 4, Gruce Mes-ria vnta lettes- recielsetfrein Bafly 1. lel e oin 8w. Rey. Ms-. Bridgmna, tellIng of bis Cas Il-Tu-apsCaediUM Gem, escape fs-rn tise bandits, -whieh Was 3 roats <sbPIppDg TOMi>-hl most laterestlng. Vipond a. Johin Mev .,= saBroîa- tors'"* Doris Seus*ln 4Mus-li:r wllleger &E, Nos-na 1&ipp 9E. RAG ANGlass 1Z2- Dots-ot Da* Red, S6apoclusms'- Wilson$W, Mr.s-.ud Mn. Wm. LuIt vlslted WalterAl, mits-on-'W# Doris Cook in Toronto lest wveit.8E, MonIr .rl) e & EI.Y,. Ms-s. M,of Goodwaed, vielled t e puiglt, e.m ul 3w.- wlth burdagtCI=n. . las13-C&ttl4a Is, 6uIq W.ean gl-d'1a epoulxMus.F=rau e-9IgIt $ a- Dse W »orl Nattlnglam l i. te be aroUÂIt bL#ACh <EMNMiMi .6a4us, alter h1 eetllee stWlo K Mr. Jas. Weldo f Wluspe&, la r 1 'lhfting ritIs fs-honda bers. CPMI", TMme egela rnotily me Meg< WL CalvMl MW, auri Uns IMWs'AM Wv*sbmd las lb.8,Y . W ehus- eli onTu4%ej4Lloyds Ms.tMr usam Causi0àpli, a o! I 1 Toroto. elle u s-11s- ien. eaé ,5 ils6 ,Mu» daLthmaW*tk m* MHrey imo, hl sels. am1, isitmt ittis u,el mu*me omat Mi> N"pi ,]f Wsm. Lamb. et«is&nle, om Usuê. W* âre paaidth "PosIXtMW r.W.t miel>'. 4.jâ * Md V c Md. la Togem. 'x- Gr:sa . 1e Margaret Mller 7, Gordon Cook S. Glass28-Caendula, 12 sprays- AllaisMeKenzie M ,Marjora. Vi- pand 8, Los-a Evans 9, Jack Mayw nard 3, Darothy Bright 9, Merlin Slute 8. Glass 29-Salpgouis, 12 spr-ays -Marguerite RIWI3 lS, ii.ereman 6E, Jack Mowbray 2U. Clams 30-Asters, 12 spr-ays-Jack Bond 8, Marjorie Bell 6W, Barbar-a Wilson 3R, Lloyd Evars 9, Gladys Rahine 5E, Loin. Kiveil 3. Clasn 31 - Zinnias, living--com tbebon it-Mapy Boyes 3, Win. GilertsriamrrieKnapp 9, Inca Tumainondas8, Llian Janes 6W, Vic- toria Agar- 3. , Clams 32- Phlox, livlng-noani table bouquet.-Teddy Draper 3, Laurence Gammacs lU, Cecil Disney 3. Margaret Agar 3, Lloyd Ps-ous. 6. Betty Bickle 3. Class 33* - Piait.. diuslng-s-oar table bauquet-Earl Diauie 3 Bruce Britht 9, Howar-d Grass 6 . àaytan Millet 9, ?rank Downey 4, Laurie Bayes 3. Glass 34 - Verbena, dinînt-roans table bouquet - Mattbew Agar 3. Helen McBain 3, Maniha'Vilpad 3, Claire P>atterson 3, Llayd Wilson 3, Mary Garni 1. Glass 35-Table bouquet.-mLved flowena-Fern Stephen 7W. Evelyn iLewis 1, Fr-ank Downey 4, Earl Or- mistoa 3. Orval Laybar 7W. Jack Bond 3. Glass 36-Dahlias, 12 bloonsý.- Gardon Cook S, lama Tummoads 9, oEdna Evans 9, GLen Robinson 3, Feu Stephen 7. Gordon Commach 2U. 1 Glans 37-Gladioli, 9 spîkes%-No- een Cook, 3, Lais Tordit! 4, Fions-le Blasit 1, Douglas Lade 3, Jack Itay. es 6iE, Grae.Batty i. G lasn 88 - Oatzneal Macarons, pate of 8-2nd ciass pupils--Ertine Hayes 6E. Helen MeBain 3, Victoria Agar'3, Reta Branton 2, Margaret Locktyer 6W. Claie 39.-Bran inuffin,., late af 6-4rd dcais pupils-Doris s-ay 9E. Loa vas 9, Gladys Rahane FE, Stanley Lockyer 6W, F. MeKentie 7, Gwendolyn Tlsomapson 3. rCtasa 40--Layer Cake, Il ht, plain white Ieing-4l ais pupils-C1are Patteson 3. Margaret Ficher 7, Doroty Hayes 6F, May' Brownnj 3, Elai. Pes-eman 6E, Phyllis Trug 7. 4i Glass 41--School Lunch for one -Open Glass-Do1ris Ck8. MAi- oas-e Bell ôW, Margart Fisher 7. Malion Hubbard 8, John Lockyer 1 W, Mazrie eBray 9. Glassa 42- Septmbe- Breakfast fr 10 year old ,jlI-Open clasi- Marlorte Bell ,Lor L vans,9, Penelope Robinsons 3, Doris Cook 8, Margaret Fleber 7W, Marlon Hub- bard 8. Glas 43-Apple Pie-Open Clai -Margaret Fisier 7W, Marion Hub- bard 8. May Brokintg3., liI.Pers- mm4 ELana vans 9. Madre Gas44-tiol Patchs vor qult, 18 lm. X 24Iîa.-lut clana pupi- Peari GUbet SM ar Om s --CbQ 4& 4Su. 1 er b , S Bain Si Margaret LocekysseW, 1Us VA& Tonmuson 3. Sla Rotai .2 Vlan 46 gn-M&LaudrY =,m5j ate",lample decoration Spencer 8, Wilso rt=n Z. Phyl- ls Gulce 8, Jea Fattmsa SGladys Rahm S. Casa 47-Lunch <bIh, 1 yd, sq. dleowated by luiy4asy sitrl-- 8,~ ~ ~ 3 tu muto8 oms Iddm 6E 01 e.ooM* IuPÊMnaOe-Wm.O L e i Wilson. Jessie Gi-cen, Mildred Can-i ner. Ella Elson. Glass 43 - Apple Pie - Christina Milne, munie) Baird, Mary 'Malcolîn, Billie Moore. Mildred Patterson, An- nie Coulson. Glass 44-Dol)'e Patch wvork quil- Mildr-es Patterson, Marie Buckics, jean Stiîàrt. Glass 45 - Ti-i Towcîs - I)orothy Burton, Annie Coulson. luila Wilsen, Fern MIaicolni, Norma larden. Clas 4,-Hiatd madle Laundry Bag -Annir (onulson., Muricl Baird. Maryv Malcolm. Doris Irapcr, Doris Ben- nett, Cla"S 47 - L-unot Cloui - Chmnîs. Mî)nic, Ka:hMli o. Mai-g. Bayles, L.au-- a l n k John Brodbîne* H-arrlId Bennett, Fr-n Malcolmn, BI1 lir Morirc, Johni ucknmn. Class 4»-Collrctioi. of 2) inrcts- Billic Mor. R,,s MadilI, Rcsbt: Mil- ler. -kob Mi .ller. Dura Litthf,,%S class 1 ('lleîmn f Vvlzcîa1dns -Ross m\ailiI. keta .'iltin, t!i'ti M 'ine. Norval McA.\ s Us'. 5>;J7i- *« i 1ou.%r'- \!urieî clair, .*lhelfîn.î Carlton1, Johnm~y. Helcn Hrsa,. irn-y0ci.ch, Rumi l instic. Glass 5-lcCra(ice Song~' Msarîr lgkcs î rîn scr. s.Li ence I. drîl L le andl,. lex McLeo)d. \'ern. Fuller. Glas.51i theng -C.i'-Beiîv6 Golden. 1Ma;ri>or 1*TsscMidî. jack Car- liste. %Vanda Jilasak. David iTurner. Elia Bisk jean '1,111p%. Mildredi ýVhbte, Mrl Ranslait. Frie haviq, Mars' Toma.b Llas So Fscing"- Gertrude Corbeit 'ar leko lxrn.î tDon- nclly, Rrss Turner, L.onraitn. lii- ma.. atiîn McKâ%s i7lî.s 5Si s ravon .lraNs ingj. 'l'ddy Bear-f'hvllîs Farelv, lHelen lior- %haw, Rl .licoti;he. Kennet!- An- derson, Virginia Major, Atlan Pcrr)-- man. (las'5.-Gasondrawisg. Banana -Leslie týanflat, Bruce Aille,. Marie Bucklc>.,I:dîtti Rackham, Alex NMc- Cla. 59-A pet animal or bir4 in pecl o cnicryoti-jack Horna&saw, D)onald Ailles, Mary Postill. Wanda Blasak. S.sbil Shaver, Merle Holîby. Clas 60-N Bird-Donald White, phyllis Clark, Elinore McKay, John Ailles. MN île Fllicont. Glîff ord Dynes. Gass et-WVster colour drawîng- PearIl Iîckson, Ross Turner, Douglas Rack-haaî. (. Gai-het, D. Clark, Edythe XWilliams. Glass t2-plasticîne Mualel. Rabhit -jack Mioore. Rtussell Gostick. Rus- %ei Htcsdgson, Mildred Pattersoni, Lawrence Gs-,. Glass 63-Cs-daasd Marel. chair -Rusel' Bs-wn, Alex McLeod. Class 64-Bs-ilHaome for Clsicadee -Robt. Miller. Robt. J. Windsor, John Pucs-ia Ross Madiii. Clas, <lS.,.BarreslRoc'k, Gockerel- Noble S-teaesan. Joi"s Ravey- Çla&s ,6-Barred Rock. pIî Kaîhakâi k'MCAVOY. Nos-val 4CAVO ï Noble Stoveason, John Ratcyi Leslie Wilson. Glass d-Single Comb, White TAC-, lboraCo-cerel.-fiob Gliddon, Roeu Céees-tlilamFuller, Rocs Knox* George ICasx. Elinre MCNa>' Glas(-Sigle Cornu, White Les- boni ~ult-13b Giddon, Ivun PAGE SEVEN- idents iFuller. Jean Fleming, George KCnox, Ross Knox, John Ravey. (lais 70-Whîte Wyandotte, Pullet -Bruce Anderson. Glass 71 -Feathe-ed Pets-Go-don Gi-ey, Lois Draper, Gos-don Wilson, Donald Duncan, Leslie Wilson, John Pu rclnî n. Glass 72-Furred Pets,.- Hobby l3ucklcs, Gordon Duncan. Helen liortîslizi-s, j ack Hornshaw, WaVlter- Knox, Ross Matil). t lais 74-Caîf. beef type-Roa!g \în.Bobby Malcolm. Glass 76-Manket Lamb, - Robedf Mille r. Bobbs M alcolm, Robent Jacnkson. Cliss 77-Exhibitor showing great- est abilitv in showing anirnal-Robert NIl ler, Ross Wilson, Bobby Malcolmn, Robert Jackson. t lits 79-Werd Naming Cantes- Billy Nfoore. Robert Miller, Fred Hrdsn Haroîld Bennert, Donald Wbitr, Mars-'Malcolmn. 1 (*lasi bt-Harxnionsca Gontet-Et. Hîltz, Dcrug. Rackham. Gh9 2-Remtatioti - Robt. Ce.'ý lIcroli, jean Flemîing, Shirley Troy.- er, liurothv Disney, Edfth Rackhazn, l3obby Bucklcs. Glase S3-Puhlic Speaking 'Con-' le!st-.\l dred Gîbion,_ Gordon .West, Gîertrude Corbeti, Billy Moore, Ross Hor.d, Oscar Andenrson. Claas 68-Single Camb, Wbite Leghorn, pullet--Jesaîeie pence 3,8 Fern Hennins 2, Ralph s Ran2. Jeffrey Barley 3, Harold- Percy 4# Mai-y Cana 1. Glass 69-Whîte Wyandotte, Coci. ciel-John Bray 9, Maries-le Bray- 9, Harsold Bi-ay 9, MaM- Conn 1. Glass 70-White Wyandotte, Pul. lett-Mas-y Conn 1, Marorie Br-ay 9, Jack Br-ay 9, Haro)d BraY -Q. Clas. 71-Feathered Pets-- Jobi Lociskyci 6W. Lloyd Prouse 6W, John Hopkhns 7W, Lewis Bird 6W Nos- ecn Cook 3, Roy Pereman St. Glass 72-Fnr-ed Pets-Beitzfce Clark 1, Jackie Syne 7W, Evelyrs Lewis 1, Ray Rayes 6E, odÎàr Spears 3, Jolin Hopins 7W. Glass 74-Cali,, beei ye rd os- pune-bred helter or bUlri, ph Dehart 3. Glass 76-Calf, Dais-y Type, grade or- pure-bred heifen, or buil-Nomen Pattes-son 3, Laurel Rolliday 2U# Allan Holliday'MyVJohn liHant- 3o Ralph Hunter 3. Glas76-Market 14mb (noSt o» weigh over 90 ibu.>-Nonreen Ornais. to ,Math AI . & iow î t greate#t abll I1n dsbr ganimail.. John Dehart #0 Laura1 Rolllday 31tfi Ralpis HunW ~8, Ralph, Dehant S, Allan Eolllday 21, Noreen Pattft. son 8 tClam."abth-Eal Ornsiston. ai *John Hepkis a7W, Wlu $DO=ns38 EarI Disney 3, Cikytoà 8le, 9ï r Glasm "--w" dNamrnngcontent -Merlin SkIe SEM Dos-oUh i> ngt 9. Doris E3w 9, matbew -Agar -3. 7W. I a s, I. 4 ~EL i 1 - 1

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