Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 7

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________WHITBY GAZETTE AM D ÇHRONICLE" .THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 fI193 la PAGE SEVEN News Budg e-tsg FrmGazette 'md Chronicle Correspondent s y Law ingts, sa8. ai once iutance, en itaie ffrer. g Fay, Ior al otherm (jy nihprai r liceru.e ý'ý-pnew ,gent of any iobile ation Veins- -Reduced' I t îtra îîîex l Icu ofl Oi i l B -Iqt1,'g i -t nît tu ii tu u-tkftit on ar-[t '0 ici 4f)p itti ttti ic o aii ti Isî'ng- 'ret - t li : utu lui 0ii l ia NEWS 0F- BUSY BROOKLIN j . Nr. and Mrs. Walker and Mrs. MecCannister, of Toronto, visiteti with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. MiaMowbray is on a two weeks' vacation at Cape Vincent, N.Y. mrs Mabel Emnierson, of Whlt- hv., and Mm'. Harrison, of Picton, are sith Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mow- bra y. ,NIiss Alice Moore who has been home ,ont vacation is enjoying a trip do" n the Saguenay. mr. and Mrs. Lockcyer, of Toron- to, spent Sundayv itis Mr. and Mrs. ,. Lockyer. M-slicen Gorniley bpent the i-r'k end ,%ith Mise Evelyn Prouse. aî. nd Mrs. Lyons, cf Toronto, haheelrriN%'uth Nr. andi Mr. W. L. .ijl) Whitr la in London, at.- tcnthng tht' London -Lxhibition. 'ic Brooklin Wonien's Institute hn -liisof fruit, vegetables and fanc' 'î%\wk nt thse Omhava Fair. Mr. ail Nlrs. Hunter and Mar- Z-uOýtît rtturned home on Saturday fra-r i ai, xscekî' vacation in West- rn Cariada. Me->s Kathleen Mihite has been vj3- tog iri Montreal, the guest of Ms.. ý\iiîlter Thornson. Nir. and Ros ics Woodward, of I nlt pnt Sunday with Mr. and Nir Hlyui Bradley. BALSAM M:.Wv illiainà, of Toronto, a ne- tirtnetl rnimsionary, -gave a very in- tfi-enestîng tajk on his work %while at Formatýa, anti ail pre.sent enjoyed s durt "IlIc ifted Me," rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Williams, at our ser- vice last Sundlay. Mni. and Mns. Wesley flusnell, of (;reenbank, visiteti on Sunday ai G. W ils on'.. Mi-. and Ms-s. A. J. Rogers, cf Frooklinl, -vir-ited Sunday at Chas. E mpringham's. T'he Mission Band meeting helti on Sunulay asat at Mrs. Jas. Wilson's mas weil attended. M ru. C. Redman returned 1.o her hom-e at Smithfield on Éunday, miter' visiting with her parents, Mr. anti Mr.D. Breeme. Mnr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and fam- ily 'isiteti on Sunday with frientis at Fp!Zom. (Tee iste fer last issue) Misses Electa anti Bennice Birk- rt, of Port Penny, have been holiday. ing wlth their aunt, Mn%. Rlch. Wil- ~Mr. and Mrs.. lobt. ]Panrott spent a couple of tisys last week with fnientis in Toronto. Mn.. A. J. Rogers5, cf Brooklin, vtsqit.ed cver the hol iday with her .1.s- ter, Mré. A. E. Joncs. Mfr. Loyd Wilson 8pent the week cuti with M~ends in Toronto. We are ilad te report Mn. Lorne Jonps able to bit eut again. Mn.. J. A. Jones la spending the "-Pek in Toronto wlth her daughter, Mn.K. Tlscmpscn. COLUMBUS Mr. anid Mm. Thos. Paul ad Miss Marjorie Ashton- of Toronto, spent the week end wIlit Ms.JaI. Ashton. MÇssa Hamnh Valeaue, Àabmr. spent Sunday wM )4br». G.o. Hayes. Mns. J. James roturued houi# On Sunday atter spendhig 0 @ eeks 'sith relatives et -Cambray. Mr. mnd Mis. John LaMbert vleiL- rd relatives near Peterborough on Sunday. Mrs. Jas.- Ashton bas retured DENTIST Rptu~e FREE CO'StATO Ne OIbIu in oSI %I r. Hyde, the týV*uee t thtH Me tulmoab Ufl VI bcoatttý Mrs. Wn. Morrison is spendfing two wceks wlth her aster in Muako- ka. Sehool days are here agair, and as before MatDuifs are able ta of- fer you a full line cf schgol sup- plies. M r. andi Mmi Arnold were in Stratford last week owing te tht death cf Mt. Arnoldà sittp-daugh- ten. Miss Alice Arnold also attend- cd the funenal. If the person holding nuxnber 666 recelved at MacDuff's during ther August Specials will present same at tht store they will receve the dozen silver spoona which were to be . ven away te thse holder cf the lucky number. Buy your chicken inashes where large turnover gives beit service, the legical place tu buy ail feeds. We keep what brandi. ycu want at tht price which satisfles Make a large .sale for us and get more service. We gladl y acqomdate customers on Satunday atiMwWednesday even- ings. C. L. Mackey & Sons, Brook- lin. Trhe Woman's AssoctUon cf tht United Church la meeting this weýek on Friday at the home cf Mns. Boyd- United Chureh-Rev. P.. L JuIl, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, Sept. l4th-1 10 arn., Sunday Scisool and ible Class; 1.1 a.m., Subjeet- "Tht W'ord Made Fletth.'" 7 pa., Evening ser- vice:- "Christ for Every Age." A cordial inviîtation is extendeti to al. home f rom Toronto, where she spent i.wo week. Mr. and Mrs. John Guy %isited at Mr. L. Richardson's ot day lait week. Scheel ii;being helti in the Tow n Hal, while thet Dew one is being built. Mr. Trick has tht contract of re- pairing the church here and coni- men=edthe work lait week. Mr. and Mrm Harvey Pau"o and daughter, cf Kedron, visited at Mn. )Herman 1ascoe's on Sunday. Mn. andi Mmn Nancekivell and bon, Mnm Sonley andi daughter, front Brooklin, and Mrs. Wm. Robson and Miss Delma isGloy, cf Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. Levi Eliens. ASHBURN MAis Mary Hopkins is spending a few tidys vith relatîveb in Glen Ma- jor. Mr. anti Mrs. H. A>hton, Nina. J. Jloutley, anti Mn. W. Iiout.ley, speat Sunday with relatives in Mankham. Mr. anti Mn. W. J. Tarves and fammly are orn a motor tnip to Ner Jersey and aLler outhern sttes .Service An Burns' Church on Sun- day, Sept. 14t1î, ai il arn. sud 7.30 p.nt, taken by Rev. R. B. Steven- son. Smbbath School at 1 n .m. A hearty invitation is exte'nded La ev- erycnc to attend. Sony tc report Mr. D. Psrrott and Master J"i. Doble under the doctor>. -eare. We hope for an ear>- recovtry. Mn.. Geo. Lynde andi f mily spent lait week with relatives in Oshana. Mr. Adams, of Oshawaa. ut speuti- in g a few days at the homne of lir. Mios Thornley, cf Lindàs y,spent a and Mns. 1. Grant. few days lait week vis Mn,. J.L Johnaten. Mrs. Patty, cf Toronto. tpt-a day lait week with Mr3. Robt. Ber- n. Mark DuEl s attendung tht fair et London, this weeli. Miss Mar.îory Haig antiMn&. A. Jowsey, cf Toronto. caîled on f nui" bere un Saturday lait. mis" Roar Reynolds rewrned ta Toronto on Mondsy to resurne ber A$udes thmme - Seiteral Ieudi and ue;ghbbp gathoe et itht hoeo f Mr. &d Mn. Chas. Slack on Fniday ev ni lait, sud prosented thenu with a=pf of "Keniwood' ool blanketa. An mi- deSu wu veb Rev. R. B. me. r sma lasy Fisher anA OBoiepreseatas vvnn as sp=eI t lits.Donm Usr, ef London, hs"vls- lente b« Iste, lira N. F. TciIj- Mm ai4 ira, a*"orare vigt. V ol tl difen Pubm e 68=11 ocIarw 1 GRE94WOOD> Walter Green, of Buffalo, visited wlth his brother, F. L and is. Greta, lait week. Rey. G. A. Williamns, of Toronto, and formerly a mlssionary in For- moa, prve a very interesting sw> count ot the*work belng dome thpze and also of the gpeat work the Unit- ed Church is doing et home and abroad. Kirk and Mms Beeiby and daugh. ter Jessie spent Sundey wth friends in Ut. Albert. Severai attended the Àudley Coin. munity Club Corn Roast et the homet of F. M. and Mms Chapmen on Mon. day evening. AU report a Cood Urne. Mins Liflian Plewman, cf Rich- mond lli, was the guet o f Miss Edna Gretn over tht week end. Mr. and Mmi A. Hodion, of Cran- brook, B. C., and Fred Hodson and son, cf Toront.o, %-isited wxith F. W. and Mm~ Gibson and other relatives lait F'riday. T. B. Perkin spd fritnd, of Toron- to, called on Mms J. Boyer on Sat- urday. Gnoup A of the Ladies' Aid are holdng a social evening ini the church on Friday, Sept. l9th. A feature cf thte rorame will be "An Heur in tht OId L1og School. House." Yeu will be intereated. T'ne Mission Circle held their an. nuai corn roast on the flets lest Fr1- day evening. 1% wa weil attende and a good time was enjoyed by a.l present. Mr..amd Mrs. Wm. Brown. and children visited relatives in Blooni- inn, o-i Sunday. Stewart Corbett hsas the cellar in for his new kitchen. KINSALE Schooll re-oped last Tuesday with Miss Munroe in charge. and evervthin 1 teks very favorable for a guccesaul ichool ycar. Spencer Bros. have betri doing t.heir annual threshing in our neigh- borhood lately. The two couples front the State cf Iowa who have been visiting Cmii- adian relatives here have returned home. Rey. Mr. WIllîams had charge of our service lier. last Sundsy snd spoke in thé interests cf Missions cf the United Chureh. Rit discourse was very interesthsg snd Insnuctive Rev. Mr. Smnart, our pastor, was aise present and assisted. The White Hut, tait cf the vil- lage, bas been clostd for the season and the youag mani who had charge cof it bai gont home to Oshawa. Miss Suit Sadler is lmproved, wc are pltaied to report. Mr. Joseph GormlIey, who has been confined te tht houae for smre wetks past, îz now able te be eut again. Quite an acreage cf fali wheat la being sown in our nelghborhood at the prese.nt urne. 'ihe trustees of our sébootbad tht wtll clesned out aud renovated andi now tht good water la mucli enjoyed by tht puplis. Anniversary services litre wîl be held the tiret Sunday in OMtber. Just belore going toprein we learrned cf tht déath on WeZdad, Sept. ioth, attbMs hometheme. Lot . Con. 7. Plckerla g Tp.. 0f Freerck Harbron, bel=ve husbsnd of May Tririu hlm 65th Tht l.IMe ai take Place on Prlday, 'ISept.. l2tls. Service et tht bouae et 2.30 <stand- ard time)~- Interment nill tûte place In Salen Cemetery. Funther -par- theulirs vill appear in our nuat Is- sue, Mrt. ianbron btlins very well knownuhere. ENTHUSIASTIC WFELcOM FOR <'QESTON MARK IN WÀSHINTON, The photograph ZrPrOductI tiOn Mark." upoR Us #iTial te' fltnte, beroes of the flrst non-stop above shows the surgtng crous eCntIy nt Wa.shlngton, ».C,. whewe mutte,<owr" ttranaatlantic fllgbt. &bou tb Frech eropane**Qu-I wero accorded the, mout notous abou theFrenh seopLae ~Q e.-Cpt. 1). Cites and Maurico e fl-jand cntbuslabtc welcome on rec Dr. and birs. Garfatt anid chiid- ren, of Oshawa, visited anhbl.md G .M .C . Einplo2 The hall i;nearing oplt. A IB We have already had a reni'roui A Employnme donation given us by NIr. Frank Nia-P son, of H1armnony, in t.he painting of the hall for uc. The cormurnty o-1 G uess Car<js espcialy heLadies' Aid. hoa stniving -o liard to nieet thec .\- \ îiieCnrlMîr ecî pese.atil pîl clllc 1ut a fCW days awny tactOrv enîpflovees arc urged to niakge It Made a Difference cýiirr 'bey proide thezulstiqves %i.ih s-h.,~r: 'i mv fIherr (À t4 mi clopcs containilg thc li Cîaîlint Vs h . (Irds on! tiseautomobile, and She: 'Mien quit pasIiin n " thc .Cards for cliildrcns3 rcfrcîh:tnetits, Truc Stories Strauger Titan Fiction STRANGEST TALES 0F By Vance Wynn (lather od TO-Lui's Tru Deteetve 8tosioe MxE sTOR Y Op' ELLE-N CON.OVER AND NATRAL..XEIa MOO0RE Fov personi vis ethe iabi.'y le as plemd to ze All ts til. streets ef New York Ioda>' pause jBut hociras ton£ t cfbis re and te tintof tt rniane vlc1 visca ubeexprosaed a desire te te tintof he omane. lic I ive & notable entent.alumnint ho aenus *bout Is is-ci2vercd.aef~î --ê'bui~l"' lu Colonial tiues. [cf thse «enots eft u se aan. and Net thse least int.retIii; etthse i ?s. ,loore ras lsapp. .Ailesai aie etores wiichhavecomedow 1tevas hippy until Chse wltnessed a sIen-es vlch ias-econt dom tle ouittibdetlu tit garden. us froru those pictu:.xdlue imys in jonteofthtie hçesý*reeý guestaof tise the ont wviîcisconcerna thse tagîe evenîn; ras Elies Çonçiver. 8h. lot* affaîn ef Ellen CGnos'er and was much sought afte, but Nats- lÇatbualel Moore. aiel Mccire ras conitantUy ai heur Moore ris tise hands-inéue a'nt fOtisOv. Atteniosi 3t tht Dr. Moore, ef Cà3mbýOrq stres,a - uestz liAd derirttitise irelevera atudent ct Celumbla ansd &a isserie te mbtise rafdeu tanti talked promlsing New Yï-rker. TIhe of the lgreet n-»ihings ihat hao tathtr rau one of tItI& a racters of stisorbedth ie atteutîi of tlovera the towa. Hoe "doctereti" the btIe fret» Li.lmmemonlsl. It ras se familles anti ras ts* guide, cessel- heur of bIbis for bath of tisen. or antifrIénti of mos t ftbe. lis Pre<tttly they ast down and the son ras hi loy and tise appt. ef Young man tok her banda andti old tas eysl. ber risat hba sd alnoetolti ber a- E tlen Coucrer ras one et thebehntrd ies ,bvfte-ttt bi Most beauttful ginis cf ber 4&y. low<id ben anti that ho could set ho She 1lîre a ithbecountry, but dur- happy 'elUout ber. And ibes bo lt ertan ea»oas ef the yetr ris- tI taeneti cnetand i rmd iber. lied the Itoorss wb e t herin - IMii. Moore happenedto te lane. tit. The wiutnters ae pin ta he Iout of te indows et that OIU. titi vert times cf usaiioyed pifai- jent and i teted ibea tlime. Rt lute beause #he ram yotng andi trobibleti ber sorat'y andth ie has- lovueti daancgana =mmous. outti te bai' huabsut ati ltftirnie Ose summer *N-athautli Moff l m Of visa aisehas10,4sets.-Mm- psu a -?ât1 te th# vurs oue. lke , wurnoseLduspsed 'b laY hîy viWhnt Ells Cosorer imode ber M5re5 pos snub a "hPl* bapffl- bomit. HBetaugit sde, et beÎ la Ut.' tise ie". vltb ber baIrn v. bha" -Buit t 1 i4lbSdams-saA ebieba fluael 'vIistessunet»ai""%al »U ueut talk t.et*boy. ae apte0110 fillt ii ,tî flnoai.. U &tanld r meie nehatt skb e CWgirl arssedtho 'I ais urte LIatyocar aillai ' hie. 5and Ister nglaI ty anaoveee * lt," but 5» airI* b.e ghs as theLI astte4 o r i asy«s V" I h I yu pe#Mt e et.U lI lve. or deye stdi *eki sa i esa o a Lkeg vina logelle, atrtffli# tl Telotdeetsmtr'1 vo..,, ngisu galirtdu 8oVýtbiil. a ette lim 04 S a miS'a lo ptb O 46wfait tu., and LIes bhais t t be O -« et Xi" Cdov, ne *asld a eta. Ms »tý*a-,et" 12 ,Yoêm5dmîut. V*.We %s vw b. Ou. gt s. soit teeni 1b»#lhb eps 1-U.e.$% iL e admit dt «»*JU4f>54U meupeetfl au le IteM '.ba4 nus.' >d. yesto Cctll nmt Office For on Automobile car farcs. îeteta- Thursdjy mglit w-IIl bc the lait chance 10 hant Mn tîse gucîsca on thse car andi those whio leave the nialter loto late art thros-ing the opportunity of ss-intxssng a new car away. There is ne une. wisethcr aistsowxer of s car or noi alto ssuld net bc pleascd te Ise an- rneunçred as the winner of tis car nexî Saturdas mcil' ny employet of the plant has net as i-ct securet ibi card he lsad better .te te it niht away bel ore it slips his msind. AUl cnwplgycts who arc entitîctisoi an envelope miust apîaty ini persan ai thse Gencral Motors Enipîcymexît Of- fice betîwcen 8 a-ni. anti 6 pan. ceai- mencing todsy Einsployees are ung- cd to cali for thecir envelopes carly int h. wtek and not leave this ist- portant mattcr until h Ais toc, laie. lu the envelope besidri thse card for tht guessci% the automobile wilI bc founti tickets providing for chîl- dren under fourteen, a ride t sUse mcrry-gc-round. a ride tc Ferris Wheel, four ;cec rcani cones, one choroiate bar, one box ci popçoirt ansd ont souvenir cap andi a tuckttu caver transportation to ýLakeview p4a". Wlso t tsateklsa-eu ployets i nubc uuable to allow theil chiltren thse treats which the-Gener- al M4otots have sa. gentrusly provid- <id. D>o net f orget <bat carly action u ~. aioltenecessty. FEI fDAMA5E Of LiTILEMENACE TO WET~O Au... PnfrisiN.. praire '&8e'ptnnat ru serions: trott <neaccontitse tse crpprt*14 . si urday. hi tue DmUnion Rupreau et stactb& cuattise trt"ially cofD*molt a Lite ~ " sp-samati enrl 'vist- oral YWs slw à vride -vola- lies. Aoootth ie report. dur-. Iord. The' sertiplane tanded ti a oîl- lnx FieldI. tutelem tht'offIciaI ro- ceptIon and grecttiig by l'uecnt jHoover took ple., continues -Tho tshowers arriveti too late lu the soason té e 01fMUCh help to bit-kw4ieat. which le report- cd as belnr, moro or leus a fellure thrcughout, Western Ontario. The bean harve-1 inlu. nfuitswing. but thse yiold iwll-lie, only fair. Short- mgo et pasture bas mcased a reduc- tien ln is lk production lsntnlY aIl couritteq. - i'otaàto Cnop Suifera Thse potato crop In many districts of Qucisce hai been conislderably rtli duceti cwing to blhght and mlldtw-, aeconctîne b a report front tht De- partmont nt Agriculture at Quebec C4ty. Th- aisrplo crop han suc beeu adsreraels' afUrted tiy scab andi hall. lLayl*g lixtutly comleted, and bar- vetifIg lq plrogresltsing ner favor- able weat ber. Thse cropu. or Prince Edward Is- land andi N»Y& Scotia have beon fUi- tiser affere&l iy drouglit lu thse lait tre wek, or-Alîçulit, but tlip 14V Brunswick ciondltiona have bien rufr avorable. Thse grain IsanVel ha een virtmaslly coinpleted tu ez- coeiIânt wfflter. aud the 71.14 li bW abovo averaae. Potatou are maturint rapldly. Tht apple crm ta promislng. Tht mllk flow bus been roducot Inlxlate summer monthe owin; 10 lack of rata la ap- ture areas. IYIIfIL-.LqLIVW1I U -IUL' Ss» FuwuaMm EIt AetificJ RavSoreR" éïJn¶ 14 -,0, Scp.L1.- ' tifital10*ot Wo *iýL4 out f cane ougar 'by ka f ungï ua'se-, porte& to tlùe &mernl Choukal soclety tATa b ae eto a new lndustry whtcb uses nollIs. tongi, ferments and bacterla to replace machines and humais hande. Illustrating the verm.aUllty of a Properly managed fungus, Dr. H. T. Herrick and 0. D. May et the United States Bùreau of Chem- lstry. and Sois at Wshington descrlbed the new ieoin julce fungus. Whou placed on cane sugar lu a shallow pan, they sald, and ted thse proper amount of nitrogen, hie rushes citric acid, the essontial. cf lemon juice. Hie lots It so cheap- ly that one ccncern already la rnanufacturing the acid by tht, niethod. But foed this fungua a Iittl more nitrogen, aud initead et demon flavor. ho produces ozallo acld, thse relI kuown hat cleaner. One cf these prodUct.s le- a healthful drink aud the other--a dangerous poison. WItNGS 0F BRITA1K wtngs cf Brltaln spreadlng nide. Over continents and seau, Gnacious nînga by youth upbe1d, Fret, unfettered as the breeze. Great on land and great un uta, Thy Domintcns near and tan, in the air on Britlsh wints, Britain*s ions and daughter,. are, Storm* may rage sud viuide misait Empire'.glonlous. ehangiig Dlace, Old thingue rumble, nn*thW rite;: Ott traditions cf our race. Great gifts, naît ber lun tbet kies,' Fruits cf commerce and otiatbe Unanimity aud peace, Union et ber distant partsj Iu our God our aceuat t det FluAs f resh tavor thnlce ihued, New endeavoru, bora otold., With tht power ot faith lmbueA. Brave andi girong or porpose, Thou, 0f -ThY cblldrtu's love a part, Long'.tndu'iâhi. paUtiet trid, Lt-va forever lu otir heart., F. V. Beakes-FPil#ht UeteaJ ont, R.C.A.P. Suede matenlal, *enlgfd auà t. ue ivntne ps r ve. Droneunced for' eots, beomiue ma formai labodlt enus ln dark, colon. Covasy, *hai lu U1bt. et'.Pastelcooesbfa bries art la the sports. tté9pyi To- be reafy inutmn- UMUWom oue iuitnarbu"ob iuis tUr. morainc, atternoontilt e!UIDE Buckiuof, t et tee, n.-ot' cours" goA St ay tisWbo* .fe evenlue, rbtnestoa t$ *om ý"ws ettht er n. r c et d ii spprttan ge s,,- Elaek -Spiiul,-ie. l" ace tous a formai tuni. ~faitla»fien- t o1400"b is u 'Véy 'long,, ltb storebouse on-'caas a r* 1d. andti r'ts vi*0 elp you te, kep tracii Of ttitilsat ib~t. tnibla'te yur ape *iM *tronud th*o.'-Aa<w* 'wM Là 1 a Fros» &30 &.m. te * Puk Phoàis it ptom z thse' mSrld. No - etý itispe. O~ 1930 ,di up dos'i vmbr,, )ek üi ci li n a

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