~1~'~ 7, * c LI.. I I * , WHITSYGAZE1TE AN!) cH8QNIÇtx., TffUi~SDAY. MA1~94 27,1930 i - fît"" .1' .aict r~ r 'C t icI t r' .,tr' lt" ç~t' 'J, f. .' 't "'t,' il' - "t' tri r.. t' t' j' tic' r t' "c, r, t" MAL country tibis y of Our Fan 1ge ills Jasper Leadquarters. ili8ýma, otor, CO AST ile trip fromn tant Robson Rser RK'er to !% thnill . - ri beau ty . LANKA iVancouver ?ausage. Sec Ii. Grgeois - w- travelieri. à routes. 'ing .s 1 uced? Imnfi inAct nd unp.aved. tisat lurks in Is doa exten- itto half carrying ca- hAlf. a Ioad i ty e.xcteding iles an haur ~r pneuffiua tic t' ta excl*d nd April is aise be sus- re-cted ta be bey. IPrese upon Itihe Iaw is cnt in good tis, m-uai be ys 's Ne;ws ugt rotGz t Bu ýF t .NEWS OF BUSY BR0ÊL J ý, ý ire rigllehad a Calil0o1 Aitthe hydro lectrlc Voter woI n ,rth, wherc a car off*on Tuesday eveaing tllfe WSU blt n u t before the bri- Ino MeetIng of dt Young PsobpWi Siltrc had been cx- League Dont tall ta take aq.jantsge 01 1,romi and Mnr. Ucc*kl theSPrtng SPeclals et lMcDuI, mI s Be l3ricc NVhitc %verc 1Melr. 21 to April BIh. kcnd "t Mr The Àdventures of Grandp&'1 i l itc. by 'Young People of the Leeluet ILi Spect arc nc.v%- is to go to- Raglan on Wednesday y Rlmttslieuse un evening, April 2nd. t s Iituipunand Turotnto eu Sunl- orwas homre un %%.yu'~alltq. Thera 'c ' I Ils,1600. Towîs or- j, , "jiprompty. and Mrs- F. Bradley %sited at En- niskillesn on Sundaý. The tickets sold' for a paY -An! Adopted (indera- w~ ilii h ae- ccpted at the door on Friday ,nigbt, nt thse play-Thse Adventutes ol (;randpa.- BALSAM W hie. ',1 ) t a v. ith1.Nl.i. ailtl r!S., Miss Nlatv NiacKin.-nii sited the (elr end ai lier .hotnc Mr Unionvilt.1 îeetî A \'- Mn. *and !sls. truorne sisited Sun- _bOccty J l't1îîc davwiîli M yrtiefriends. 1, NiasrhId til rs. Vicu';r fatiiesai i niprm Mirs. -N. Whitc Fa\(: a lBrtukiin. .'isied w îîh -Mn. and Mrâ. n-a abe t i~Stunday Nitti her mother, Mnis. T. outufîln& adIbnîcrti), Lxbr 1dg c. îîu tc c i1cccti.ý. The irnonthiy ntictng Àl the Ladics* -\Id msis eld lirt he bameent aof characters fùr itue tra- tlue circlit onThursdae ufiernoon or cii b5- tle 'Y.P.S. cf thu lasi w-crk. ,-Iliii the "owiisi; Mrn. and M ns MNi f oa !cy îght, Niarch >), 's s',sied Sunday %%w nh Nir'. and MN s. M Uîîtgoniery Rkoy, Cecil jur 1 iter, Çyoun'4 dancing I ilania; Otis lianîtr- G .E W O NXeitw BuEti. 0111u, t'Ni Arksuvv Uthlcr Me- 'ha(usMisi:iCrce trot at n 'it.ttuicQiaf NSiiiSCCl tue hoînc of M iss M arj-.îc Snart, i '1 ite >. L.QîîaitZ lt Saturday afternooni. mi r ur littie C.Stl M iss A. Uaîbsoil, Uf XXhitby. spent 1 rt"tIr! May', (Justout 0 at wdasl5trlmt Ed. Rie, of Cobourg, sisted sslth 1,ii: M iite, (fruni Pais,- sparents, cver thtn-ek end. "! ; loul -ipy (fui-1 C)p \% nzîîiieto.l . r, of Toronto, ivas l.Garbtti. Tit NiWiitb'; lvlmoerSldv 111 Supply in:îsic belm .e i1. B. crkiin aridfrnnul, 'f Toron:- r" .5 i god35cuiid. (-uine tuc, iwcrc the gue3s QiafMim.J. Bayer a god lagli.vii Sutidav. !rt of -Fiday vc in 1>-. Wilowb lasb is iirtcethous- \t 'sshîp Hall %vas a deti-îdd ni egg iiicubator ici. -t1 por miIhr ron b-t Quite a-iimstine sufer illg tro a c : ' ý Icnd gis en inil au urîusaily te rtsscld cLan tGr mar ' tinen. I h e rocerdis a- .CiM cal ofGri i to $4JtO w hici sNilil bc a. ss o' îtt.îVm'.and Mkis. H .; .eiaied bv dte 1ibrany Iegèg. r .; ' rv books w'11l bc purchaseti T UN O ili titis fiiofley. If >ou arc ii 1 T UNa OPC- rîtt,,v sribscribe noît-. The fceni5 -n'ncents for the car andi th- I ud s V obe f Suni- tiia's opens for the cac hanUge of(I t.nti, i ritet ioi !Sune!ay ssh Mnr. k - çjinday froni 3 to 5, WcdI- ani M nr..1f I ole. ,to r 5 and 7 *--,9ad NI i- r-.it1 MrsRoy Hall, eof Colurn- iý) 5and 7to'9. - t1ti. ,(.rt Sutiday ui tise latter*& '"ry abile and synpsauleticte Nitskr. aid \Irs. G. W. Weil. zddré,siî on *'Tie Delinquet" wias >Sm' tees iii llurn>â chureh'un Sun- givct lui tihe United Cîsurels.onus t Ni.uneh 30th-, atiIl a-in. and 7 v. Sunday cveniuig, by îles. D. U. îil., là sien by the uslinister, Re'. B. cLachlan, D. D, secretary ort 13. Si% nci'Ckctt.NA. A lieanty invi- Eut trgelîisi and Social ServIre foertati' i i- ý nUes! i aLet cnYonC tu tusp United Churels. Thre penlod t ala'1 betit-eTn tisasages ut 12 und 20. nI. r:- lase.1 fLo.IlnUIi tht -peaker uteelares! ta. bas tise rIt ut Siil0-y ai Iliâ huîrtchere. 1 1niLi important perio inlu lite - Ins. R. Dutbi. vi -i'ectrb<ro, spii t1io' perles! of restletisnsa iandi e- Iîthe eekeus id l'ler 1parents. Mr. ýc1iIi't- isise-e s-ouîiî reqtslres -ant-A Ir>n. llîraun. t rtiand! syrinpliolltiarguidanc@ \Iiîs trvilîy Milier, <,( Mclîast- 'Flirti s'are very fcw 'bfîd" boysCr lUniversitîy. ietil tltnweekend hi1' maîîy tlIai. havae bati ,urrouusd- isitti liti iaalcnt;lMiur. d lMam îîcxý \ very lieavy 1refçpone;lbliitY \Iilltrn. - - fnt r n i.-..a. .,,'.,-.,theo nsi"sN la. 1alk D i 1,hin Rgina thut ut vey cnmunilY. rui- Unîtes! Cisurchs. 11ev.P.L unji. A, paasWr. Suuiti&y, Mjarcbr r 1t0laajn.. Sundaysi clool. 'qir.ii sion. Addi-ess on "Tenfls rflt'by Mr. W. jA. lIollititi'Of \\ îiiy. 1. s. i. mornîi; li;en- tic p.t..Yolitg -te0pk's Sittîrci Memibcnship Cînas. 7 -P.rà .. * l ' Tho Preaclier- fth llti net' tion "Mokers ofthUe Nattion."# . r his aajdresna vA plitptiu- 1 'i its, tks ag 0. )T uesdtty. A?. imttng People'i League. sub-, J-t: -nme Th1iusfrsW. cari do for Carnadrî". b>'Misé; Edisa Busrtoni. St. TiîomnalIrsCîsurrli. ReV. T. A4« \Il. 11A.. recteur. SiîntiaYMercis "c ly Comnitinîan servIce atI l Thate miliiho île evetuii Sundliy School At 2.20 . P D.RV. lu. CANSSL DENTIST Lotîfilnl'Itts Llui>of Audic3 present Cci thittr dramna -Nancy Antis lireruis Folks"' n tIhe bastunnut of mIse chunci uns Fniday e-efting tact unticr the auspices et YiP.S. tisr s%as aà Seo t tendente andi a0l ne- pjqrt a îPicisdalprnma. r=teds WV.M.S. Ztnd XVanen*qg Gliastt îl hIe 1l,>cmt i t e ic ttutcIi 0 Wctlnenîsdiy lait, about ihity'ma ibers eiisg preScrit. Genital utîee %AIa ris %ticth. afier %wbtlh tni quxihta stre nu&u.rt&rdy for the upu- $ aienary sal. -fcIiosectib>' a dei>' luncli, srerd b>' Mr*.t,. iesi ti lrae. H. Dbhi. . %Maser W'iit <b.v.asIr i litoc4c lait. spentu lte m t ced n-lits bIs -gradmtlir,_lt.M esd THORNN' CORNERS - lra IL S. Smut aidXl. arM Snilbï< csf Oshawa. sisistdi celyh Q-- n.< If.RLals rectnti w %übher, si 8terî *tri. Nor- ilim 1S G lbetand . GiIb.te ingion were în Toronto laeCiy at- tending a khkey -geme. Mr. and Mr&, Eay Scott, of Tb- ,rnte. tvé ôwé for a short viuit 1Mr. and Mni.- A. IL. Dean,.*r recently fa Tsoaà tC. Mesgis. ,Jqseph and Ahur Pler- son wèr st ]Mekin 1ey, attend- mlg a stle hseud b>' r. F4rsythe. M r. and Mrs. Haod Lwk coter- taine<I the Yom* plel-at their home recently -.The edng w 1s spent pliyinggênes ofvuiià s kinds,' afier vwlith aÃty nelresbments WèU servcd. Al l id % ver>' pleasant ;vem w.i tany f riends of r Lnj- ton, Sr., wsfl be glad to hear that there is a lIttile *pi nent ini hi$ condition. Mr. L .Who Je- IV undetiWent a serfaus bperatiofl. h in -the Oshawa hospitai. Mfr. and birs. Norman Gilbert werc in Aahburn on SundaY at the home of Mnr. Giibert's parents. Miessrs. If erman Scott, jim Lew- inglon, Eric and Çeai Dean, rnotet- cd te Torcle on Saturday. Mr. and M ta. Albert Robinson at- tended the funerai in Brooiclin of Miss Mary Emily Burton, daugliter of the late-James and Mrs. Burton At one, time the Burton famail Iivd on the aid Walt place. Miss Burton %%as & niece of lMr. 1arry. *ho Iived years ago on the place lateiy eccu- pied by Baron Korff. The Almonds Young People pie.- sented a drarna lire last week to a spiendid audience. All enjoyed the play and a joily eveadng was spent by aIl prescrit. Follo%%ing was the programme. The ehairman's address: introductory rctmarks on "bDramna," by M rs.GeWorge NWebster, between îhe aras werc the rolowing numb- ers: nmusic bv E. 'Stafford; 'cal solo by -M.Dalisdon: mouth engan mu.ak- b>' sev-crai boys; vocal solo by E. Brntiey. Born-On Tiesdar Marcli llth. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs E L. Piph- er. a son. The aie~Aid met on NW'ednes- day afterno*n ut the home of Mis. Arthur JSCkson. There was a splen- did attendance andl a soial as W cil, as a bhusy after-noon was apent. A bovntiful Ica iras scrvcd later. The annual "Box Social" irili he heid on Mfonday evenintg, . Mteli 31sf, at the Sucidai- sehool. mi$$ Betty Robinson vnotottd te .Toronto on Saturday with lrietsds. The attetwlante at the Stznd>y sehool on M atch 23rd iras _ K Little isas Dorothy Wiggns delighted anl L INth a m.citatio¶. mr. and i(rs. Roy Uck entertained 'the Yountg People at their home on .Tuesdav eveniftg. Dtepite thé incletn ency of -the ireather there ir-as a gom. lurn out. Gaines irere played and later in thte evening reireshm#iits . irlg. M rs, M'm.Garrard -wa.s hosteis of quiltinw bee lait Thursd&Y after- nooen. ivhile buutl)y PlYing their nei4- Sleï. L.aten a very dantx,tea n-s3 sen- V. ndlis.Albuert Tinaisanti sot-ffrcnk. oet C*an>gettSaun- 4ay n-rh lits. Tintai' iothef, le Frank Sheli. Miti peut V'anct S=rt the irela tnti mtr H*Veloek frts- a. - Tht Maret meeting cf tht Wê., mren's lulîsicer>' Sc wutv ts.'irî ai the home oftmm a. WiU. Ce ons Fnida>'eftraooa. thtesuMet. Mtrs.->Rrv.) Merniasn, PreuiuuhDeý- vSoîonal eferCises nire ttu "by M4esdames Lord anti CisOlt4n-he the meetinig as'5 tlii'opf ~en W the utui bîssets.MISS Dorer WU- isw-4 *tun "! $oryuirdil# t5sl=t5 sellat. ns Cusaçeiauu f tbe On- tario L.aiwseCtailege. %W "0- spraitwirtut' 75*5 ti Chies. gais a very jispiitîî half hm ntthkM«tht virs ce hie a d l a ige aUm s <tact>'. Crtts ie am etirs Sas yet aJuanlt gai.& eme shoew ie sit aiumsc sisaiiu anl visashum han. te do poste n-k oier tt aster. tien *0d4limm.car"m . mpet *a en, ed Mda I ut' sle »& * veteadved ým * M bave>'- 4i houa ehesUrg. Ti lade tve o#pl X4 j8maa-.-t braaJso ~I andChronçcl.e oe~ ~ seenu to be for people te prove sel- tee=sh, befogrinpeape to roeghe- fiafter hogh V, itbya asdtwaiouan faxethrd or t%%h town 10 foretanh .gowd lorcethe j ousns te tht northe -cfd 0hen aon îy ceid the nsoff o th m mand foryaod rod ta. of th naIBfrans >ent Sd ays. frJoni-w roro pnt Sna.wt r. ud y a rero e ttoioMc Mr. proeryh&rne the eoseMac- ke rpi tedttas on c are nd ied tud thelCastoet th earcn. on. -c Underzîand bheWin go imb mIa-ktt gardening extensively. Wr wùh ish111 es-ery aucceas. lie ray alto take over the gai businesa which Mr. McCarty held for sorne tins.. Miss Celia Wagg bas been home' looking after ber mother, wlro, We are pleased tu repart, is making sut- isf..clory irogress. Mir. Bean'uîsh. cf Broolin, ha& pretty weil accomnplisbed ail the work osf re-a.rrangement in Our village store for R. 'i. Mowbray, and nom our store %ill be kno'wn tu bclong te a set of Chain Stores second tu noise. Who n-as the man that Zot such a hurried joltinmeto te ditch Monday niorning last eust of C. J. Steven- sons corner. Thé W. M. S. ot Grftnwood cir- cuit wiilmeet et the borne of Mn. Richardsen. KInsale, on Tbursday, ApnIl 8r4, et 2.10 p.m. Everybody VLARLMONT Corresp.ondçnits. Uthatthe Women of Today aremore Ambitios than their- Grand- usothera due te Modern' Conven- The. affrmative was ably led bY Mms V. Shaer. wbue Mm. T. C. flrown upheld the negative.- Ove,' 20 mombers took part h tvo- minute speeches, thi eaders ba- tng more -Urne ID tbe openig and clouing arguments The sevrel greudmothers ied eloquent lu upholding the negative, but tii. young people wlîh the greater o0 portuuniee. due te modern couventl entes won ou. The judges, Mis. Glenn, Mra. Johston and Mise Bate sumnied up their findings In' a very effcient manner. nd te- cetved the thanks of the gatherin. The hoStesses srved atternoon tea and dainty retresbments.' BAGGOTSVUIE Report' of Baggotsvilic, S. S. No. S. Whiby. C, denotes hoons)- St. IV. - Blancher Cendrc; Mur- jonct Bell. S. 11. - Constanc Kerr; Jen- nie Cendrie'. Jr. 11. - L orm a H tner ; Be t Guhrie: Geor e CQW-X. Jr. 1. -R os c Balard*-, Cecil Chaten. -Jr. . - Lotic Cendnic5; Ruth Sr. Pr. - Doreri Burgesi': jb 1{otner; Normsan Dais; Geraid Davis. Jr. Pr.. Willic Guibnir. -M. R. Gee. teachen. GRENWOOD Fri se lin Eng¶s.nd. Both thiidnen are living linkn vlîh the crisIut nhlino~ Mr. Jantes L'nderhili andl Miss 'L. thte majormvents in te bhstocy tCanada mas In the makng. tnderhill spent Munday itTaronto. cf M nI. and M nm Lestic Feasley, of Gil Sandford, visiteti Setunda>' mitti D. it COLUMUS Mirs. W. Hall andi Ms.m ackey j&. andi mra Morgan. G Itce -s ised nith Mn,. G. Kaey's, 0i' Gui ilisi Mary Wagg i visiting lier it3 arcecntit. sister. Mn. Alex Morgan, ut Bob- « The vnanagriîscnt coirni j i r. and iri. Richarés andi fins- ayemtel Columbus Conintuility Riitk iiatt' cniertained a large nusaber afi r and Mmns.F, . . Cooper enter- ma over tiro hundreti fon an ievet'tng '?' tlýeir fricisus on FritiaY ese1ng- Th taineti a nuniber af youurg peopit on an prtogressive- cuclîr' and! iQst lhcîr in, evrening n-as spent in carda -and dan- Saturdav evening lest. the Tosvîîsltdp 011. .u Frida. MeNt r.' ,cîsîgalis1 a ilîsobt tiîjcaabie tinte %vas XMr. and Mns. Edigar Shirk visited wl 21. Theissitaîivi ,tr rlfcd L gcO<l' spenit hi-ait preseritandi returnedtu ti riends ai Marh&nb on )Monday. s reception as t1icy l'ad fort -i ire thtir hontes in the wece hours cf the Keîeis Ran-son, of Toronto, is py tables filleulsuîi;asen-Pi' 'n-nvntîg tturd<labout nine o 1clock isilîsout Blad-t- tiy nM.na visiting reatives here. b BalandAtVhiby cis onds. Mits inîsie Gieceon spent most th ofie aIloxveld p l' as thear parnr i Mrets l7th. ta Mn. and Mns. Bail- etolest ieok ini Tornme 'for the finit gaine. At a littie alter anti, a -on.JaeTylrhspcast nsh elevesi a luivrh ma.s serves! tc, ail Mnr. and NMrq. Vsarrner flnwn anti F. Farmers- bouse iterc andti ek ae of sandwiclics anti coftce. The coin datigslCr. cf Oshawa. vert Suntiay Possession last mccii. nitte have receî'cd su nllanY comfl vîjsitonrs nth Mnr. andi Nf s. L E. Mc-~ rs. John G;regg lias beets in aV plimesîts orsn o utsQthheC1 si.çor Tnnt estalfrte atmni aing tîsat îlsev %%Il tilkcly consîdc-n Mnrand li.m.Allais Colmili andi lis tetetand feeling t e lk n repeatirsg it ins the near iuturc. W\Vc daughstcr.cof Turonto. Mns. Coli-l htseli again. wish to exietit unr aîPprcaultion 0arnti iss OCra Clili, M. W. Va- Raymond ?Ukcy basbesiin s. ail otisers ihat liclPeul. lent tâ1bits1 toq3. tof Whî'tbý. n-e fSunday viit. and carda or contnibuied in çia'tert ors tritis Mn. andi Mn. T. C_ Os- Mihaicl5 hospatai for the pasti vo ways se risake this an everîisîg loebe-ni.icehi and i larcevNcring Et= Ibis long rensemnbered Ln Our culnsrisi.iIy.- Mr. ;and i kis. unîan. of Stirinsg, serions oerailon for mas:oids. Iis M. M3ir an! Mn. A. Mfurist ont., a bride andi groomn of last n-tek Ut u at. ad mThso&.Paturson were the successilol niite -'thYIiii scea as I fi er &e te0ette Traiosfn clint andi. Miss Ruby Wllsoai 11aîibouleaofthe former*s sissen. M34..andis e iefrir5 ut ieh'i Haroldi Hayes led tire avort un lktis. J habrs caa?'ii c- fer days n-ith Ntr~~~~. IXulattit. a~~ Idcrs onJ.uChabes.ihM.at fn. M.ah&ln.Gmesu fPr hein. IMc. .andi Mis E. Carters andi thte mûs#flonatilspeat the -wefk ed MWir" tnContes'. lamiWa ton t.iïMses Carter. of Toronto ecu isit:.inTorotoe, ether relativms.ors onCredie, Yiitrd Ut. andi Mira. W.Bit- Mi. 'Hovvanti j4sses. Buffaio.. ri_______ketover tire n-tek endî.~ tht n-tek endiwith bisrnsotlîc ' Mis. T. Fear irbs bettu Ivor' is.liaxine Perremais. ls~ "'K MA~rheslsh Wor iu pust tas-caimbah, speu itindajy ut liane. bas ait Nir. andi IMms.N. Paliers! Anti 'o n, ustr Mr. anti lis. Fred Milsçon R; v b. ýW. sant', Our paslôt, 1IoVwcd ea iu-&and tior'aop l aftn- 1 Mn. H-aroldi Wilson. Oshasra. , tiIdsVaa nen-car csf thet sssex }iutk d- m étjx andIs rc"yW' » au ii f. WI VIstnon stSundaI' - sit vpC4)«,d s togIbi li. Ur. Johun Guy lias relliticd ht:)teltitM. jouies is baçk I=trou li@ltti M. ni Mn Werner POmuCf front the Oshawa hIssatal.i,içrcs'et] i *!baltth MIs . s tv"*. Oshea1. sap ecoq&l e tC4 y* la iii bealth VeWtt brnste #ut&,&i îelog bath o19 Urn$. Wîts.Jemelt of bayte le., ber Oclitay hease lain dsorat r 'hr,«ynesl ect e eflt a ftu days ;h flier rîccé, Iw5ti1 pebepi* I@ctt1t'b e Ow to afuiwdas lstWuk . vmra.Tom Cookç, les tck luen Ã.M Xesi *s %Gs fScou Maoyld rli. s Ashton bas trurne<l aaWà îedi bsaicli Irti j efr it..n1"ë sa *o l a etr apss#a 5cm "'teks F, . -Gibson, te 5tOCVto*adiânIan- .n, 5 mit M4is. mwema% cf iamerpton. eatsun 1Tbundsy 11«. WM rm du~odu dcm>n4 atua- ta . mWtt.Robimsn.f rosr Toton.- aw rlltie the m ai d ay oea theagfr "In t »t, pat Stida>' et Li*-u "!ras % &c 3004 . cm ml Caiso.vléa9- a ... bo m, usiMr.etis lis P1o 4"Miltém C.WW iaak lira. W. R$s.1t51ifIionspent I I r s g I If o 1~ o 1' If a suaduyau ber fathe. r, t.Jèstk n-lits Trooto If*fr lest uii (be. bohu isanv.uat La!"rr *es<- i w P oda>' atteru. -ii ij,î M 'vroelii Mumie.14 rçtun".-e-4 mil- *lemuy firm le& n*wik pa c<a"hý os bm i d uisa li.tt* vIW or 4 ti*tbItaabc st Cig Tbere*o pesce la thre bousehold pre yCestorie. Peaeu.l. aloi forBaby. U interrnpte&. reet for, Motiier. -For a fev rpcfjr Castanie miii quiet am f retfu infant. Or put the littie on; backteieep when. there's an upset dsartng tho. !Panrnts; dosu't try ta,* do mirthont. god old Co.storie l It isnwL fir to 0h aby. and it. makes thinp bisard for you. Yen eeant gir. Baby:,medi- eine ment for arown-up4 - or ,bouldul'î Castaria -14 tie adinton. kt is aimmys sale. It aliy don tbe, vork. Andi althotsgh ie adta as sviftly as au Opiae or a. nir.ofe, it, containa neatiir. eaoria f5 pwt1 osgetbLr e iIt wbwker h bsre's The dransa -Dr. J ii"presented by .,;0Tegs tba.n iemfosmohr mrteen cf the young ipeople îa'%î de 1d oh Catoi 1fortW5htr'-AT sday eveni n ,ste churth bttlsvu ogh ayeri tii gven and ctnjoyed U aillpre- F. W. Gibson lias tented the house cry Fr a a kGreeawood vacated by Percy I lark- andmiii trios-e there îhhe fîrst__________________ iAprîl. The nsany f rienuls cfM.' ibon are glad that he is steadly deceased %v-- a ienaber, wu, ini npreirg and tira: bcand Mrs. charge of the service nvlith mas bian arr'fot Iraimgthe commuft- helul ut'- the home- OU.Suturda> Y. > morniisg. At 10 an. Tlhe body: was John Browns ai Crar-, N., Dzkota.taken t rs Cancingtoîî, whcre .a etlned'laut n-ek al ter spending a cisurcîs scn.vie -n"33 held and inter- eMI with his oncle John Brownient was inade iu the Cancingtoz, id fanriily and otiier f riend. cnstcy Misses dnu Green and DornisGet ve ini Oshawra Turdy eveising aH AV.E A1Tii t isis ut the banquet tendreul te-' iresentatives of the city ai Oshawra Canot thOul take tuse barren' sot t Agricutunai represe-statvcs -cf 'Ard n-it ail thy pa is au'd toi.ý. i.e Coucty of Onaçuo. Meko illies' bien-? H. J. Hoppet o( Toronto cailed on Thous canot fot? O, helplmuiaia is autts, -rs. çayey, Urs. Ecyles' Have falttIsl a io; HocaWn1- Lnr M m. J oehnr Bro w. test Sunday. Ca l h p it is <3 * a Th e L diss Aid met ai th e par- e P o n a g e l e s t T h u r s d a v a i t t e r n o o n . A d a l t e - q a t e W é ý Special plans were ruade fta ise liste ai the s stcook yaie onk this cSming year. hak. - . ITIsuTh au sal etnul? OpO W 6l'iMs aiea OMHava faithi flo;' lie tan.., Cant th oets i t hy trou l ad flotam WM I. NEGUIE And maIs. cli ceres anidedubt de- Deatis came ,&cde* busda' p - rSMov e5sd 40, et '184AUr. St., sotai hy30? 04>Qa w ' e 1r Sasig e t t k I f hou meat hot? o - thsési aieu. 1* î 1 b a t r * t u o s Pes ed -R ave j4 Qla 0 0 & 13 0 Aj ! TIblédeceO 4 esa natire 01 D&vtiis.seaf anll, andi tIldt M. Il. 8aà bejrý »8rtouï XM L Baubur. Oielil-tuaaMr$. lud, t f ia. trs1ttv a4 ICuz aM et ital Ue1 Co'unty.,eia Cilsof -the> - t" PAGE Eý - LIÙL ithia Great Past. Tdn'E«eenggL t o k»r lstre f d dlaur,. Mof he Hon. Mia. Arthur H51e5wrd in Hyfde Park, Lmdor j,. I ."1 I it vcd.