Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1930, p. 2

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PAGE nVrATrcWO~ eunCF.TîDr~ve5fl','-rIld WHITSY~~fi BEEISjNERALEOR Cl. AMENBMENTI FLEET - FBUSES lCinued frosu Page 1) -1(r lin unicipalittes as is thse case i ri '~Niagra Systei. ULidsay, 0UllaW5, 'Belville, Port Hope. Ste r- lin- and other places have rcceritly 'Voted tiienselves to a place on the Jl1vdro Eàpld wagon, so it may be as- stinied that the (.overnrnt ils recog- ri7ifg the fact that tihe Central On- tario Systeni mnunicipalitits are beé- gtifliflg to deserve thse sanie tre3t- rient as t1lose served by. the Niagara Systtni. Tt must not be eupptosed that this $2,492,1903.03 mwill be divided in actual cah anig the rnunicipalitits. anl- cluding %\*Ietb). 'This money wvill be used to retire tbe bond& wben due and to provide rerscwals and other contingeîîcies. But )year by vrar the various niunicipalitits will be credted with the amount paid in by theni and will show this amourt as an asset. This asset will be the amnounit of cquity that tht municipalty has in the Central Ontario Systeni. For in- stanc-. Georgetown is shown b ythe 14y-dro Bluebook to havec $29.60.67' ns an equity in the Hydro Systeni. WVhitby has not any. neither lias any (ther C.O.S. rnunicipality. Tt ,slàto correct this inequalitv that the prc- îqent legislation is being broughit down. What Wbftby Paid c note that in the year 1929 the Town of Whitby paid $1,954.14 for renewalî and a further suri of '14.- 247.11 for obsolescence continge'ncies 2nd aillortization. This makes $6.- 201.25 pai<I in one year alone b)' this \V'hitb-,' of ours, but at will corne back to us "after- many day!." if the pro. josed legislatiosi is ado pted Power Use SheuLi Stop Stop and reflect over %%-at wjll be the pos,3t.ion of thé- 1{ydro niunici- palititN in this Province. wVicn the bonded indebtedness of the SY51enis have faded largely out ýof the picture b¶' reason of the policy oullned aboN e. Eveai now. we boait cof thc eapest "juice" in thse world. Tt %vil1 1)e eut in half irn the days that are vet to corne and those days are not tao far off ut tjhat. 01 luinte t. Whlsby Another interesting side light on thé effect of debt retirernents that Nvil! be largely of local irteresi: There are only four more paynîents io bc rmade an the original debcnture of the Town of Whltby for $65O00 Ia establith thse local lighit and %%ater systems. . This annual payment amounts tô $3,7S8.95. "A penny saved is a penny earaid." In another four vcars the local systern will bce ertire- iy relicved oif Fzxed Charges ta this antent, thUs justifying the f aith oi shese who, t-.vcnty-,six yecarn ago, piedgçd the crédit of the Tow n ta) citabliuh thesc utilities. !Oak s mmmat T. *Kingston, - %V. H. Craig sud T J.Riney. city solicitori %,ent, taoTor- C ýt at oday belare the private bis ceanitteet t sponsor tht city's ap- plication fôr annexaion of a nunaber of lots iiÙ Kingston. T",nship fto tht Citv af inzgton. Thse to«-nsisip is opposing tise application and th&. scs- mion of tht Frontîenac CountY Coura- cil risicli - wes &bcieduled to opens *ruesday was postponed for a day In order ta allow the menhers ta ga to Toronbo ta flght tIet move. Firit Order is for 40 Coaclio for Camaéan Producti'on in Canada vi ast;à luitn af coaches. ranging I roni 16 ta 35 1passeger capactty. was anDouncêd yesterday by H. H. Hencliel, gin- erst sales manager cf oeneral !Mo- tors produets. Thse annoufltemtftt means the openînt. practlcally. of an entirely xew Industry. The lii- Ittal aetlitty ln Ibis hroadentng out wlll be thse illing ot an ordeT just recelved from the Provincial Trat- sport Company of Montreal. TbIli order calls for 40 caches ot a cz- pacity of 29 passengers eaeh. Tlsoy wtll be buit enttrely at the Walk- erville plant of General Motors This order. amountlng to Sp- Prozimately $400.000, la the larg- est ever placed lu Canada by a Cajasidion company. The GOeral Mlotors coach businesashitberto bai been a minor factor ln the carpora- tiôn*s operatton. but the branchia; out will ic of the utinoât rnport- anc.. The coacnP& fo: the Niontreai I rm will be ot the mouitor type. aud m-111 be bulit tln the buyer's own speclca ions. Whon complet- ed 4hey wIll run on the Montreul- boston-New York i411the lç,Mnt- real-Quebec-Ottauwa.,Forant o routes. OSHAWA PEUPLE SHARE IN ESTATE Margaret Carlyle, Toronto, Left Substantial Sius t Local Relative& M\argiaret Carlyle, ai Torontto, 'Wb o dled December ?238 lait. lftI an vstate or $30,609, viticit by ternis of wlll dat er Octo- bar 16, 1929, Ji la bc dlided ai foiiowg. A legaey of .6.1)00 snd oui third of agil personal effeets la leit te a niece, Agnes Wright, 103 Con- nsught strict, Oshawa; a logaeCy of $3,000, oui-taira or the personal offoctus ad hait the realdase Or t»h estat o taMaaret Tompiu a le of Welland; a legacy e0 1 300104 one-third of &Il permal otteeets te klizabeth Raid, grand-p.Ioce. of Te- reuto, and other lefflieq as foi- lowh:. $1,e0o ta Marjaret ery. sister-is-law. of Toijulto; to kn 'Maxwell- Wright. .Lrand-Dleci et Oshawa, $700; w e1item Y'rrlmata, aiephewo ?orbuto, 11,300;, Guee Wrighat. Ousawa. mu; LIl4 Wright, grsui-nephew. Toroute. Sr6-00; Alie -Wright., routo. $180: Alie Wright. ta trust for ber son. $180; i>êrc'yToMaphtis, gr'ald-iipephw, Welland# $6.00: troe Tursabul, grad-ni.c, e, .- rento,800:, Eigen ToMpkins. sranid-nitece. Wellansd. $500: Glenn. Toniphisn., grs.nd-aopbew. Wellanad. 1600: ansd Annle Mafflregor. To- rentô, $300. Tise Teusto laued cash cf$r.' Md- Sal.Tercoto, sud. us. s. rafi 070.20, sc s s frOm mofuasSes r 1- Ses-bore Ebf4tif. ?hyoe bM.0- 128.62; ruai estte,$18,86, -ana Oto, 14»"tààW ef -MsuveYi other property 8104.131- amt Eésbtru. EClairnas, -Michigan, Mrs. X. 'thotson, !'onty- S hi onnOS-EEPFA E ÏARCH-STORM IA$ pool ana Mn. R. Grey' Poptyp0oi. MARCII STORMthd ysfason, LNorman.Ittt Cet.4 tisay ofRomUtcim andi LEF' T ROI>3 wer m!: bela i <arge of the À MP IN BA CUN TION À aSsion for centtnaries i INOlOeli FrancNITONe." Tisayear, it j, ImPr"8nssîof ithe Dr--t appear- sance of! Hernau. m1ushR1uofllon avbva In the huriv-burly o tesaepoi ~IW 'II" ~ tions, Ihere is mucis prying inta the EN TH.aEUh OSHAWA pr i rvate Eeo hie e2trmat AlbrtW. Jackso Pbone--Re. 16, SOffice 335 ists. Tris, a n Dererne in a dellgbtful crit.icisni ' 'lLe .Figaro. shows the 'diffcultics ta bc fcartd « **Therc i3" lhe says, a kind 0if ury whicl sems ta seize the iiterry en- thUSiait tisese days, which' itipels hiln ta bu in, u.the secret drawers of tlle szreaa. wnters, ta eqsase their contents tJi the public gare. It il a P erfectlv aseful and- deplorabie prac- tzcc. It is characteristir of aur tinte ta try to fin& the mnan behind his 'work. Vinijty I Rarely is the authoit worth hbs book. Ht j, usually au 'ordinary man lik-t the rest af us." Dererre has been a good prophet. Again i i has. shown that it is not Vsvàe to vow -our bero joo w cil. lie- s 'dcrahl.cnsbarratied by iîhcirdis- coVer ,c k Georges Sand is reproaclied with, loviiiiz 'zan better ttaàn C0d. ivth wearing masculine attire, with al Ihe \vraknesse, af rarnantîcasm andi soine 0.1 the extravagances af fensin- Isnx. liat her faulti %"cre laid to roniantic nature. Bacax is chargced witka Vit faultai of rcalù-t-. The reiloubtablesearcher aller trutli in the b lmana heart wtt, forgot the hue of the violet ta find t he ,,lrn, gnawing iti roots! It ras not knovwn tili now that Balz4c was ridden with tht obsession oi mIing a large -fortune ina coin- rnerce Ile planned the creation ai a g.-ecery store, flot tht commor corner grocery, but a great central uui%-t. aI groceri'. The idea wis workrd out witb Georges Sand wlîo tyasinstefed &t thet tiI) Balzac alto planned thse fiating cf a cr-tflpanv ta tultivate plneîpples. Ea<lu pin tapple was to bring .32 cents Irctl. Cforges 'Saasd's answer t.'i thîs proposition bas becs kit. per- haps fortunately. L.amartine it-as prouder. oir affectecl tea bc.,of iît svinyard and iwrotc: 'They say 1 iam a great soct? 'WeIl 1 arn a great winé grow*r." De >Jusst was muie t pqued il 'pcpledldnotadmire bis art as a Jisgglr sud lal ki»as en eimbroid- er5 Vt a itor IHugo. lie saudt Y T- a al*Mtoma . O. L. uW. COAL ihat Is ALL 'Co al- And the kind of SERVICE that sm. with D.1o. & W. stiU bc repeatiing mny peres, while yours wiIl b. forgotten."' 'Huigo did flot *peak to hiM ifôr toi yeara after tiis rernark. -1: 1, tom-i fortitig to know h6wet'er, that they were reconciled. So niuch- so that. one day. arrMng at the Ac'ademy 01 the irm2ortals, de Musset asked the Mis Victor {iugo there>" "Oh then I amn goingr away alto- "1ut %,hyl>" "Because," replied de Mfusset. "there is no onc." Hugo, it stems. was a great adept in spiritualism and was extrenicly nszperstitious. never sitting dowxi to table when there were 13. He had three thinga in horror: Button bouquets. overcoats and uni. brellas. Mis pet aversions vw111 not detract froni his fatne. Albert W. Jackso &0& kSt. S., WhUty 'Real Estate ) MyLiatingCover 30 to .40 fiàse toudeatial propertie in the Town Of' tCalland s..me d YOUne intere.ted Phouo 397 5- La W. DUÙDLEY Gosieral Insurance i RE Whltb y,' Ont. DISTRICT RPESNATWE the autual Uts Asuftnos .Osy od Canada PURBY mMTULNO STOCKHOLDER.- Pt aAMU oi Policyhoiders ADaualIy. Anl Ltw ust egnTotal Dlsabillty BSe. . Do"l Van cdPolk7 dIfAccdmentallyKiIPled IF INSUUACE ORE DUDLEY$ 4 tA. ROSS VUkute &Tmt*e lw Gardon D Coan~t, promnînent Osh- awa barrister. ras elected prest- dent ef the O1sa Chantber O!' Commerce at a aneetine Of tue direetors held ln thse Chansber of Commence board room Mondai afternoon a:!- .veo'oclock. %,,r. Cotant suceeeda George W. Nir- Lauaghis risWo hilt. Ibis ottics since Mardi 28. 1928. Tt w-as %fr. M La hlin* vrl b o retire but as honez .P1eîiàontt ho nijI lxi mcmiber of thse board of directors thua lending valuable as'ince tln thse w-ont llnriicli ho bat lwT maalested the keetiet lintereet. (kher 0tOes" Frrank LU Maes vas elected tiret vic-preuldent succeedln i sîr. Ctant whvisoceupted Ibis office In 1928 and 1929. Col. E. C. Hadins. as second vie-presldant succeeds H. A. Brownrhtle AId. (»ô. Hart, as third rice-preuidenîtaou-os E. A. 'Lereli. '. J.- Reddin iras re- electcd treaunrer. Pracîically every direeor rai tu ttîndtsce ut the- meeting and the lihsinsas as a-ansacted witbà dcapatch. Thte leet ion of 211r- Conant aà president will be PePular as ho luaa natift resident ef the eiîy sud hie long takin as active part ln ils pretessiesal, bustnes asd munici- Pal li0-te.lat i.utnicnt tisat as lu thse paut, thseo ttcers af the Gbawber of Commerce fer 1930 are mon riso have taken a leadiag part la thse acti'nitles of- lue City. The rosterof tht O"hawa Chatt- ber of Commnerce là, &u iupesing oue aud uow stands as oon:- Preaîdent, 0. 1). Cotant; lit Vice- Presideat, Irrti L. Mason; 2nui VIe-Pr*ildeut, B. C. ]Roduins.: 3ra Vice-Peuldgn. Aid. Ceorge, Hart. Treaisrer, P. .J. Reddin; Dirceters A. W. ]Ill, D. F. Jetuastea, C. e. )IcTavih.A.. .. terie, E. A. levell. E. Marks, IL.-P. scheil, W. Mb Gilbert, G. W. Hesalewood, IR, 0. Mcrphy. 0. W. >IcLeghlI U& Xayor T. B. Mitchell. Thé nen members et thse dirwe tomate tldu .a.MrhW X. Glbert a4d 0. W. if eslmeet lamlleuijiiesteIie D~ Lé W.CeM, tut C*e Groveside Cenietéry W. L INM eS.xten P~MU au W. cb T@WN WtmeralDlrotsw saud Embalm AM'bu1aao. Sevite<1 F. Os MABIN PADITr AN»DECbEAT<>Z à gWOd lb et,,,*e d»t PrW S»Ampki. .lIP*PW, bd»k deliev i Pm r nmduern *wbo bUaathta s John McCIelland country roada uirougbout the couflty, as well as Ibo unpayeu streets of Whitby have bfen ren- dered almost Impassable as the re- suit et the late March 850w Stormn whlèb sttrted on Monday sud con- tiaued on Tuesdayr. !ollowed by a tlluaderstorm and teoet. Of rata. Thé hlahways are covîred lth aluth and niotor traffle tà greatly lsPeded. Tht electrital st:Tfi lnterferd wlth the flydro power lises vltl the reaIt that thetotarD as 1a darksejs for a short tiagi TuesdaJ nlgbt, vhile thée ltgùts flckered for well over au hour. Thse rater in Lynde's crcO1u Pa.sing through Whltby ha. raite ta a hIgh lerel but there ln littie danger of it as'erfowlssg Ittcbanka l'armera report that while ti& star r l Ibnder tbc-m lu, tbel. sPrlng ploughing ssuch dependi an Liai weather vhieh wnu follow sexo. weelc. Fer If any f"rnserg lnts tis s- trict have heen eLle te Set 'QuIth )and &50 far, as the f roat ls Dot yet eut ofthtie groand. TWO CARS WEU~ DAMAGED IN A HIGHWAY CRASH George Coonibes. af 8136 SirrOn Street, Detroit, whiie proeOding easI on tht Kingston highivay about tiare. a'clock Baturday alter- noon. struck a ear wbllch -"vas driven by W. IL Emmersen, of Whftby, and traVellitgthse Batni direction. Both machines vert batS- ly damagod and batS to be towed Thse accident happtned luit état of 'WItby. .eerdiug ti> Informa- tion obtatned by Chiot Guises rite W"s clid to the souet. Mr. Em- Morton wui about ta tura >to tise 4rivenwayaofeotts idalry *b ho Ie Ameutkas çar mindck'hlm and put Ie car luto the dttb. 1Mr. Combes stated ibat ho applied is braies te stop but feld t. cr014 a criai. It ra" founé that bis tas' iad skidded a ditanc et 102 fuît. Chiefou- tom statésm tut Co»mb«ie dmttd tilt h.ovas teint 4 0-*iiIe aus heur at tbi e ofet c scident. For- tuiiately bone cf the ocpustw of cf oUitr car voe hbut. Tht death ffl"usr est atrday aft.waom ft~'alçugtby 111094, lai bits thr4 M Thé laie7 1fr. lioi8ste wapo- miet ,ethD t luighma. On- tarie. lNe ba béat M t op r oïar Y«r butt a18 c l31Y erstlybbta brougit to ti# l"cuI ospital, Baides bis sorcmgvitte ie- à$ lissa Meoinesb . houars'ved by t*o sons.- O.êm f t t ia. snd IBar- 014 Of Rsuslli*tuiIredaitghtors, savers The»gret Amerjean hutint e ayatig ..a klof. the ,le e.IMageof 1f., tis, i the Mostael ha Umtkd tinssop ei epow psa dgeo sal fats'wehave t6» . Iamge tàamns e co qu e mamd fo-r up.edAnd am equ.ly i*np aemt W n s nth. liv..of poopiw toa7 I. ev.slkg ut-w Iasayhe&driWem anu.,4the .âvuethomu (;ffù' . OMMERCE D. Conant SucceedeG. W. McLaughliu as Presidnt dalei f daielrd. Witbr. Ot. et -¶%ureday list tic te i diner ameeting o et c har r t Commetrcet vIii b.ae1» laW*sls P*r1*io t .80-go iek.AU es b*tan re iJga ttkî end lçu9. I. C. Drury, ormer pIjsae minIs- fer of Oalario. latIbo prn'seut atise mstspeaker. .Mr. DrurY' viii dieusethsetPr-. poéed Bt. Lvreice raterv4?s doelopit a *qutdon viteta# «t rtat wlulgt te Ontarlo sand- Quobeo aid « nid hais tgard, - ed là «o eof th* best authorte. Outside of tbec oasu1leg Ou' 91860Ms lion. Mr. t>yur bas giron thse sbjuif otoesîtsdy Liais "Y other &d M aWésr, ho wr-eaix Appoèred aie.a' gai- *apportlhie Pf.t. 1f,-r. Drury lw- U e« aUOt ~by A. .L Paras. »Itbilest ad cemamitt, tu tboe s4aml aSsa.. ViI# rmua, r Itt ijîlttmby 1-.IL<X SsudvalL. foiIowad hy Mr. »sr1y's ceaoudia A aff*l ti4Om~ 5aSo ie Ftd e rm6MaMaim - aiWIito pou" imhei ISAND and tillA VEL tu G'A* n m hv wlhstuiras «Metby We ameth .m du M h m0 f k > t d r I " s e.u . Oâ., W h hw iro e&fMt «Ar s 8e Pa »lc «lm AA tesetomiet Tmc ispa t s.?uSwiih 'Whith~, issudtheu~ ruldhg.fUmuj, * ~LéJ ~aft--. 'J.. t i always Brock and Dunlop LIFE a d Gi bush 81. Moiti. Wl Ail 1 t te, j mmdc NT.~ Aime ommamU., 1 1' b' 'J wh.ds. 7 7 »MI 1 Lit! 1 1

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