t3<~ ~ - -~ F v VOL. 65-NO. 40 .-.WITBY. ONT.,CANADA, THURSbAY, MARCH 27, 1930 Ot o Whitby 's- Light and Power 1OUTY 1OF'U- Q Chamber of Commerce to IW11(ONRT) Whby'C ntb User&. WilI Bene fit from 1 OUIN0 HoId Luncheon We d, AprilQp WSN ThCotyf New Hydro Legis1ation, gI F ROBLENS 2nd, in Council Chamber; IEO UDI10PrCn O'ier Two Million to be Turned Back to Constituent Mun:. Guest Speaker Win b. the R.v. Dr. W. C GS"d (Raiphi onyLvie o1hîb aeM cipalities in Central Ontario System, Not in Cash, But î Subjeet of lnspiringSermm ! Conmor> Dâdhfguj5ud-Authdm ae Preadaer.-Lunc. .s1.gu's 1dAuthor u n htTmWt rset ta Retire Bonds When Due and Provîde Rcnewsis and in Wt"y United eon Al»O Phifld fS Late on in the ýMootkWh. Far-f Preache Here ForaYa'OigtoIcesîDm Other Contingencies.-r,-Wh tby Light and Water- Sys. huchmers of the. Distict WiU Be Guest.-ndustrWa Com1 WeWk' Services iual o odRas r terni in Four Years Be Free of Fixed Charges ifite la ACtve lu 16 ItsEdeavoSz to Attract New Indus. -i~d ~ ~. tu-ut _ RIIAIIIIThe duîv' or the Chritimn churchtb tue-Seek*ing New Members IÀAvery lnterestig far Verblo ofJ tceTn MyC TfltAIi i tu the ea.n*Iani t---- - --.-.W- itbi.r hAmbe nf le% m#%, rDr. VW. C. Gordmn, bte lije t,- t7nelt uî the Province of IJUJBU IU U L Ofntari- i itrodtcing 1q'~o t11 Coli- w ;tlthe C (e lt rai (in tario ' r Sy!stcrnte turn back t- YIITH PROUTS ths c, bean a5tcni1tv ptht IeC tliq: XM 0,v Public UtlîibtyCrri-AI 3R 510H t, ý iîrc the <ulloNiing Cx ffanat, fthei probable niranîng vt Cancellation of CN.R. Ilitep' .'d cg Mtîrîsas ub- to Have Attention 'RE "'('I r YIUL Train at sptrttuai banger Of lte matsfl a ' l~ IIVR U i as Planued a lUlctrn to e belt a ps sRihCno otaI C»d n lebr a uludio en*a erArlId. ln r«ers ot bis 1books. Dr. <Gordon N M ARKANNIWedneAdaT Casada snd teuev. r.D. 'N.oie- e ue i iULIIImf E.- a 2nd bas for years been un eutatandlng f frba bv fthe -1 r. D C- onclCame.author. smciibooks as ~'The Biacx vire and Er:ngeltsm eft the United raLho li.i el 111F start atp 1 Zamme Rock." -The Sky Pilot.** -G1en- Cburcb speaking at the nierann; IJIUUI U IF1E ..le3prgrammearry School Umys. ' *The NMajor" ser-vire Sunday in W'V7tby U.nited sec ,Ingas he ez *PAker the5and sev'#rai cUlersare te b. Touud 0 Churcli. Dr. 'MeL shlan based h i RIIl£- e. JDr. dW .tcn.uCohd n. t al dl oe r l b-ra. munda o I ee & the story o! the at judmWent. *-1 111111 t. wooe$1D.Gro a lobe vas an hungeffland -ce ga-.e Nre;hpr w& opns a Tsion tr0outasadlgcretan Hoa. meat: alck, and in prison and ye '-h itbr United Chucà ion h'uadzi da hrct..H a monqtdu: t ~ Ik Ne, npro and tese ihftL Post of t"i.C&Lndia next.modeator et the Ilresb>ytertan rnlnsîecd nieMe."- ad sresed I~ t - JenralAssembly jus! befere tthe 1le i'G) trrrsr i 1ïT 1te tact îhst the Chrîstse n uren 1f '-' to nold-a ant i LLa5-rge .Jttembnée irru.i l' ,cs'sentiaiý' a ittuicipai OttaLwa nî- ritoshpt&enadw-j .onauquett cirir. t 'strutcthat. tt a certa:ti enxt. tlnbp eienad vo.-j As this "iiho tefiroit luneso IINdl Fetrr oerrn .rr, n 1rQ$irr men o aentainlalities. lin Ail walks on April3 of 1,te spling season. and as t! te. elldr Eerri P~e ('--- Teu .rk idTrasîrr i'i~Io!fife and nndcr ail circumstanceâ. - peaker Is one, vi s veil quai in'i t(iiai.i rprsrta'v-R y-osîi4 ln re.-eipi cf a let tui would ise judgred b>' tiistandard. plans of WlsttbY 'Os! of the lied te brlng te lte men.bers c cfttit s rmnt~ Ontarf âli fr«on tîho ihîtintion U Ra ,1%- oard hIl ub bol. alione writer had raid. anadian Letio's fvr the observ- the Chamber a wort n.ile i!mej lt tIl 'v tri' aise. a nil te 1 (-îý"z l he o li*ate application ofthle principleB o!f c t~lvRâc agadtrte foivi But , ar a45. an toa n.t:clbprotpBea airrt thte' t'adlan N-Christ or otsthre end of our chrili- on e ofîthe bhule soV1yRdt sage. a dte in liefot sici Cart grcà r-s:- lcgree. trustees tor t;ýc itnal Uiav ctirailttn< the ,4-er- te.TI-Isan-as ilite quprpeeotînî~eggmns* ie1Ocpcly ikt r o e rnunictil itet%%-ho aie takirg iptwer sic" Onî th- 'WblitibyLindbay iUneitte fthouglit of gi-est intel'ectuai aIti tsandiea d e'- nemnts tt jeten,'aI I., -e ae ov bt itdcr j ie tPIower Loinmsî'îîon .-t' onétrain ueiacîl at - ottil.andon a ..~n-e a eea ti reat"arare antne naprinted, andd w-fl 1* omm"dItt St~iln'1'1 <-"errmni .i-tomer br lied-ilr- 'ms :l recel ,e the 1Iil i te itr' ' ivedwe letter sent ont ta ai! vrtasina jb". saleb>' thoe incttu o mt Ir tr i u oppit' 'orit' d o tBordS itttentlon3. thse werd. tof (Chist ere more tte Serret&r3-.. V.1, Lomnax. ayntout Ifnmdlsttel'. 10tise art1 otripahttpoer as hrre ils aà ti kr"that un- à cio'eiy ruitintied titan tht'>' are ilOnt tise nigbt cf Aprif #rd. saIThe comui-ttte lu charge of t! Itev' ltuitise Ioard tî.'er'ene- îl-e mora- 'todaY-. Perl-apo tiss due t~e &gh olok.a auet 1411 b-. luneicOn vil! uwere: t once tera carry 'principle oU0til tsexact lng train *111 hi' encellnd as *d- teramîonai troubles, or lndustriai iteld lu the Maaoni~lcai, Md foi Itange Alildet.alij. lu'addition t letter. *\nd te mcîhod by whti vb, rsed 1,v tihe'Compan' <ln a lettee r utit. or tn otber tause 4rbat t Lis -,suet. smfloihla ir khouîl D-. Gordon's sddress.ktajeplatnei îhc ' Si'ibs -b I.t, h v niart'al tehte (it HThi- iBoard ol Ed- 'nes-erheesa it vas a tact. caga iepo-ashsbee 'te have britgot commuintrsnî Ait titi1)tlptsthîrtetr4ill bill." tisaIJt itiî inhne.' is ene iuur f ~ ~ -preiared. Dres3s uits are b#Wred mnd a brie! prozr=îo.Ith i rOt ltU1'i lots beentAritttc,-i sud talsi danv or pros tdlrigtransportaîlion for jCestlnunir Dr. %tr-Lsehlau spoLke as la anY Other eêqtapmen11t, Oeept pianned t te he luochon o-ct about. 25 or 1 plis r-se' attpniîs eo bcmnt&lalohngrr e!th@ masss w-te,- botles. Tise re4.eran nu .jby tIve clock -5* rirat il utii 0 l111C I isMtise'- '7 l7 S pt îtst rilltt hoohnItereifront a s n siail lands. in the worldIoda>' iaunch an at'nek on a apieua icuelneisi ms tolt'sreSnusat- i t o Ile pitpart m(f Ie north. *tirrveoupc twao rtIbret million menu. sud therv- sii> be but out Mrksera GM lysirl' Unions, me find the foleowing I lis th' pattt ee' sPnrg tîere hae pArople m-howre re neertn)-tbtng tettker. T' Fsblr t t'eoà mereas j 1 pro ev5nicontenîilated carico)- t ciaobut rrerrally innrr.. Ttertf Theteanqutbslbees srranced hsa plana under wsy for tie boit <) )îtr;tion, itaitternantiarm - 1 lattoins cf- uill train lott ne afbien I vere meut. w-bu tceeting emiploy- v-it), the ide& ef fittuujgI7 obseltg ng e ucesloa-mte ininistrative dSpctlssC. %%al;_ 'vér tai. /n. It te underlbn'od tmoent ions-st and uineerf. rould net tlletVIgn>'annlversa.ry, mmd es5 C of aprit aicoi arauntherei (2) liitcrest. 'thniit ill iir-(" inrclndied t inth'- findilu. Iiglitly bic>- foit UsaItic>' gslin.- ail rereraris an epportunlt> Preniuînnîformer# ut thec t!stru (3) Profit. ,sr losç. îct --- 'ol-1 aprlng- and suitrnr timrte ablr ýn-uesslind a pl--ce ili te sorld but ttei-r ot harnin; somethà rng e! the alun- iiitegteî. i omUe te Prîvate ei-snpaîtic,-. -biitg print d. -efforts In fulfil their Cod-giveu objects aud work or the CanatiU halîel aegeti g he vetI (4) Rcnewvals.à l-u _s __ etih alur. __Li_ car* ie__ muls _w _ (S> (ibsoiescence, ct-ntingmiires andi waprs e hti mf eoplete<allure. ihe eg cm .Ingsa&mo wh(ba planqs-e ediscui tai ors: IAofLIIIAIDAIAAD p'i eS ' if The asunenent of the bai. * sd. sud Ihete wil lie fun-he 'r;sec arepro aîed - bit sar-'u' I1I~1UJItL IJILIIIII1 t istant staflr diedt tds un . tnt sai. t la tetla tobthet betformti&te. ia4te1e muit i alîtics according lt t'se ailalier pay -enveiepet. The q e I udtatmaissotTtg ansetunt t-f pclwer used rcdi ter h ti t fdistrbion * _________1_ho____ tlceig colmtte (eîbi'i Oj~aio s-,en i5conernr' 'UIDI.U orrîis tsecf more and ti ove <)1«11 U. Ceirl 0nJôteci <bate i an a i j UNT snthe-as I i1iuiill'IEES ir ?sîrmas. ooutaylfla tout the firsit trcitem, are expre . - l~< n i eCAM3,1111 te« f l 111'OF wtprcspfteUre icdustriaa, Au côtnt., Pute andisirmpie. and irr TIIL II'L~~ lhe speaker deait brie!»' w-it . us- crrepoaeuc labMa wvrîttril off tcdi ycar aus Bu!!IL ) plLUJte problein cf spiritual huner s 11oWii.I.'151. carê vOÎ-tt #tie or two. Thtu thc latter lwo are of a differ-cit ri.- hlit qted meni And wolnooen cf i, pJIlUL Llt~ a aotbins dettutîe, boover,1 turc. They represent cash co;îectc, - ltari&$and more psrtirelarl>- lunI- &ncutieM. the prepeat time. inrl itîionthly- pilster tIILth1lnte lc Sales .Canada-in t'no p-on eatetrn pro- i U IRV uInr The. me*btr*hlp coumitttec 1» xng-sc bndedirt~iîirne.suf tç Wel Paronied-God ~ s-us wrtl>-needti. Omi- î t-EU 55115 tberetilt iit'iê oq rêï-cn-urnishiing 105r îo tise nmuni- 'ada tioda' Ibere ver* 600,9M C1iW brmi V4e 1».u a.ui ripaèliicsé_.r31W t lNe nsetîî i slr- - JTit iiC= t - i-iiWt s-e t a tma olrieà Iotalcer i the (enerating 5la- a ft tHlAS' WietlUOand Dléeeu I l-qutpî tens lil'ho lr iisiritc-b T(J t. sttii#tb e ttIetf~s $ te ; tttosada lFe ,il evii a ul t>azaîtar hch ol pe sd wîbpetptr* Ti- es i$aet>ro 0oetîit ntt!e iilahcmj ttric slar a heois.I mat6 J'IJNJo itif ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i !i r<c o slîbt'hns eoosDtrng is t t' 4. ,isemblrp the, ose tI#,d)*a;o nd ~ $i n o Ies Q c idres n-.îî i' dsane-.o! lia cof tte eL i s Chr osde4 heelur-h msdgof rbht eueb 1 cd tenders fo ismisaggU»eITown Icrnis 0~sr Ic rciii B1 te aus,%Pltt sl 1!@1adf l-' Me-seatrts esI der suaI IChii» k*,Tht ieaLeaicou -o s*uUe m ben t. asi s îUc ~uts ckn- andi-. i f li t a~' il .1 a elu -Id e te" u.aUouui lit etlt i eec !alvc! ~ .t.p, Ceraîîlyitc$ Ue f tdr orli (>v. rtcle (ir tom ue, nt s arthe su ai gresu eeTrbeyta we tcta oomb tthto«tatm at-5 ,44e~ ii pa ý llrs s obvadosfli- the en dîu febuu'he rh s twaiu s c o rdch arge <'f cre owe r it.ieLt laflTs ep o r s e t effl orwy Ts uo ,of i. I demfoI ltci h gorfou a r'soI'nZi. (l ie04 hs ptesanda. p.omilî.4 au rftae r r.-epsw-. me,- , ,on-tii 1 M'rî Ns11etht-î lt T ss~e f itr* 0'srLrd rs t ris-à -v ln tic aan a vblci bepptitaoeISairosîta -iprp. ~ ~ <. ~ Acl ot cu1 lb u la ettrloi i n ht vo".dtitR"110r,..b s v -le f 1 0 fr « L Thsîietrj r tiilsy f alà ocar<t suoc 1#05il0s1tle &aes 41#%ponr atieor lt pe 44 sori et ssmgeItat. Cetiil iiing Jyrý rte o' rais-dfo sri( eo'4ii-ml<i.i!rtr homea vas stade ia . esc-ssandcai.4 cetin tëlc * tu, tbâJi t M ernutaetit srilaiitehe s lu tcireof jer t tsn b to-si,<lc*touadt cnmn wcr aressbud, i re-tcta a r'e 5*<L a fi ,'fiu.b > W mo idtCl of ti Z~Oth iti w-ich etlolc'litt Usc suuefeI lrcîte vas-lit-Ptow-na De gegîcb&o ooeu I,îs s-iptw in ->tbu#heor buq a- 1rxli mace u In rg 'tts 4 ud 5 tOt4Wladies tlt the ins-urrt;. Tthrsi- ofthsicmai"etso t e'tv e otaýbê to ep *o "k 'a abe lvte. 1:s I pet ,Grit' able nd eslnais.e' misiter. lis-. Th e ulU &&ÀM- oritut b. *m ome eaij4 - "4-u« a. b ititCfttc~ti u r! Çoernmenîw A. T. "Il» 1, W-eten& aazle t -Ire,*M' Ille ttouflc-pre- rogsi tn th.ilscid ale , wtîs te ts " tbl ere WIMI1 paiem >lrs.aosd hi tmese.me4-l Of en aoO... îANNUAt,8&ZA.ARff1 t te <lioie ti tileut s Anut2l R ,.Se- ro - d yht IlrdetmOiitmw: c te f hlhv*tic ie ffa p*1uSel i ier ta «tbýow port vIlîuig iicP-. tteon. Tlt)t h tiqVAuoo ee A e-1E ' b4kp rs «»U U»U»>A W pï" m jist Io2,ýth Crnral ntaro <s-o, Mss. andthgeeâ 4Ice 1te ilab4 r"'*Mtsecam 4Ube t. uttfe.$ Nitgr M ijaite~ bs ef51 is <aby:rste ,Mmel tas ioleC i alf. W m"4 ueii hale ('cnti Ouâtrd trsfrtu e. i liti.of Mtbhfa%*l' re aae't ___Im*_____ in_________U&Ybqimm « tet (if $tise 903,3. tiattcli esern r ue010Iths; e mustt>'shelmL e Vt@* »lira«t r e o U555* bl tr*L, r:w CbMs au 1t M, so d <s 'ettIcutgothes I' A W ln c Temuifr. <'j. 1' M&MSISZINOP 0C1u wtzb. f#lui . - i teninoftîti cdoui imtue 2> .s 4tcls 11 o'bp a*rSl Isie Fowhs4betfts $a SE t S ARiEeir . nmîMvo. te- 4' toe~- ti..n, ier et fle,0*i* te ii ,vi Ile C Otari <GYtti e.i Hat.oi h e'O. ar o-at«. le e PM.ctat*mtur 1a as~ -aleof theg 'n» gaa*!sbeu1 v»L flstle*k*t p-t . r J 1ht !l' »ddy Qretvh e; mU4 avcy f>iaeW.M41 iloner on J'loge 2 ïnïeb.stm t es>l*tie ha-te n h >«o «a o f poo I oN 1)44t Union. a.td aines that liMe bs.â >on been actlre ii tc l2isitcd Cliurch ba mlnistry. di- i Sotne sort 0, a rivie reception. orh là thoug-hi. would Dot be out oi eix te wayfor a man iIke Dr. Gor- K Ciureh neit weeit wili undcubted- UZ I r straef a large number froul 'p r- le t-i i' 1) J' td- lei 11 e tn a - e. <SSU n >it n (313' -.53.LUII >siMUe. plans ame under iway ta takoe are - et thein. \ t 1 Tto Nisiion ope"t on Sunday morsing and servlie'a vii ho hela PINIULAR 51RL ' ISlasOIRE Many, Fret; ' Whlty And Qsaaat Funami 0f HelenHiabson Tic 'fua*terticfte Ite mlon liakon ->'om-old daugiter ot Mr. suid Ur#. a. Rit#n, et Wbttt- b>', Who, passed as-avenou 'ssay itarch Ith. vu .s id monTbor.day a<îecoot f Wua le'Ite lhome ent -laryes-tt-ct te Gr-ovetde Cetctmy *kmoCimn't*Mt> vide jtsipcthy f oued scid-ue. e rieiftoiîWiiitbyt vlîth owff.lteviatiii sad tbi tif 01£,t mdatmadtu "là eafdie otbe tcI Pee ts4e 'v'-t inty's Lýe&iug Weluy. 1ution, to. ricreasres in 4. YYears reThn Douhl.d Diiru )f ."«Larincraso I1is Ln&d on Couuty, Par. mcia Paving, Adminiîu ome Whmn WMlby iration j~~jUIJ'D U VThe I'on of Whitbys otiu SHRÉNERS, MAY lionç te lte treasury oce ony LE.., cf Ontario have increased over conc NIhundred per cent. in a period of-four 3 care, according' te figures- obtâiued DE Bu1L1ETEO IN eetyio h uiîà èýs WHITBY HMFSi lhnnua :zxbill nd righlly £ornes it.the conclusion that his taxes arm gzoing up perhaps docs not -realise thsfact, bt! it minererilieless:- Ùue., Acco«modaion I Being An~d te ainouilt paid by the towrnu Sought for et Least turc over whi<h the Tewrr Council 30ta absolutely nu contreli i Ice ear 1925. the'to lov i -N\hutby paid it temb ny-tra- A inore ile on foot tn hav-e ut y thfe bu:nm i out r lea throe hun.ired deiegatels tu <33 ItL129 bbc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pù Shier' e"rten l uorai n irease. aS al- the hrinftý onveitiG In unt!rea icnted, et one hundred pe-vent. billiteg ln Whitby bouturs. i 'here arc indcations titaithê44ôn's Wbtile oftlciallY tau particula? bill .%sil1 bc -coniiderably nictê tibis org&niz&!ion b"s taken this malter ycar. &,, airrady angi icrtaediui<lfor up, the. lcal tirni of W ilder & cuny roadâ bas been ddeide-p .n muittse iandlingt te eonrentIen at bc provided for in là t.-y lvîar' a Toronto asking.tfer forme Io bc rat-. tilled out 1w those who can taA.i jIl ;s on ly righî te o Wit, ouidhaf one or moreo 'o the AUCTI«foei1fr the pasu:,hree yeart Whitby bhas:, Visitera loto thetr homes, sud à becn reccwving a rebute of flisjper skipply et 1Ihese bas 'ariveui. !cent of îts counîy -road les*y atsd'this A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h oubrW smirrsr a ffset te soine etlent thet*twn'sý and roosning bousé ow'aers -buvù hc3vy eOuiny taxation 1>iILOt c aiguIIied their lutenlion O! actoot-i. other hand the tovu asands tolose znod&ting couge or the i, îlber», considerablt tnoney, probably -$SO a' vlile the hoteis eanect le de thoir Yc-ar, nii egsisation now before, thë gthave la Ibis respect.jliuse a t lronto ittrodueed hb the Whtby.esiy S mle frin o-Minuster ef Whiwan s, s~,4 roati a ýoior IdsStîghwayToi lan aiitendinent- te thé lba. ro t*ac &lo es' p&,tc ît tlhay. 14 'm pr py em ent A t hie)t pro ides-tbtt mue cl»r e te Cty ,a t tws likt wVtitby r'eciv< . .lw ebaw4 niumber et f@thQt pisee wh*M ût it<ouautq' read lvie, cannot Co1JVct Sbriaers are to b* takea Carofor «ôwiîy Jebenture pnia s4 lit la thouugbt thai ttuonviii b.cD bc cat ieaenbe dimtulty apl PIB<Ij t lOant to Win btc retroatîvo e te a lmt 1, tu localhontea. UI#111 b a Sf vthicis meaes that thlt Tet . W "Sla 1«r thetows tru& 1>09- et. il harý o te hsd.,ack td the- ne staintitit.vlle ft l uVUS cmt aon t iW anu ecelent opportuiaty f«te e .yaotber ne-fon tetazf4 the citt o a b sowtuir hoapiuite- i»yOnaromio tt u>1 Formit aiieii asoutl-ned t nov ei tin ar tghuier-tlà n,,te b. obuaut WUder diDever' Ilation whikhcornes beor te H. iiou Ilsote- tii v4c ta. à ye-o. h vr unorcaûoittibrder ai.com ty' tamatiota l èîtc T of e tby, b? le t ir - 18 Do: $Jming Reports of J ~ng Di~ge Aie PAOg ro elect thtie tcti Im# et Lake Ontarlo i te*Ss terlo»adasrag at, 9e tovpdaios.'Tb*- vIt1 pamU htosk, -but--about tii lest apvSugangti w1, -w-b= besT- amffl- v Osb.w~ î;