Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1929, p. 8

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PAU cum DEATK SUIOIONS isom. If everms ma -utathe Pa*.&wS ma. dilguromthe (Cmu rnuihm pg1) mmbses.TU& stnum taav.IIifar aMd Ufao.licsdcas a wide, vus .By tropWIoesud brougt of the oldeitmembersoftBasteruStar uaay borert. tIthtvmSé H. ew- Lodge, LO.O>P..Years&go# vheu a ed witlalrte..t aul kiwis et amaeur brandiOftthe Sons id Seotiani fou- sprt à" p aM m Imt r mil- ishiin uWhfty, h. vau Seretsry of 'Usoi, Cars We have a good varicty of USEJ) CARS mn now, of ail styles --open and clod-and they are in first-clas shape both in app«earncand mnechanically. At'prices to suit any, purse from $35.00 pp as high as you want to'go. if you have- any particular car în mnd that you want and wc have not got it inistock, we wiil soon get it for you. Remember, we are used car dealers and -do flot have to take cars in st hîgh prices. We buy where we can get the most ,value for our money and, are satisfied. with a small profit for quwck turnover. Don't fia to auc us if you are thinking of a car. guarntee to satiafy, you. Lke «Motor sales and Taxi Service Trelphome 3829, - - * Whitby, Ont* - 'q i CONTRACIT the. Vamp. me vas ev« er u e.tI.i- atie. slof etthe aMdioftbte bher bhis. Decoeaad vas usamm £terling character. u- u bu Ns <hmhgs and ocm whoee friemn»veslegis.1 Mas kludlydispositinendear'i hm i to aIféL e ovwu hihoe anidtsuly,i sud he took i deep lntree lauthe ] lie Of the eomunity. In reliicm lue vas la staUnclu Pre.bytcri, an a 1 very. regalai attendant aiet. A'n- dreW's. Re vas a»B9g the éouest membeur, ot the curgtou Deccassd la surtived by bsvt, Mary Hebson,4 one daughter, Miss Edua, at hom, one son, Frami, post-. master of Oshawa, two isters Missl Jesse amd Mm. John Willis, Wbitby, one brother, George, ot Whiiby, aud ive grandeblldren, Mrs. Wm. Conlin, John T., Jean, Robert and Mary Maihison. The tfuneral teok place Wednesday afternoon trom ihe faunily residencS te St. Jobns Cemetery at Port Whii- by. Service ai the housvas- conduct- ai by Rev. John Lindsay, of St. An- drei's Churclu, azuisted by Bey. D. B. langford, of St. Jobn's, Port Whitby. ,he pall-bearers vere old trienda Of the deceased: Joseph B. Mitchell, Jas. Fine, George Mewat, Sr., Geo. M. Ries, William Smnith and Geore Kerr. IThe sevc as largely attended aud many Iforai tributes bore sileni testi- mony te the esteem in wbich deceassi was held. NEW SUB STATION (Continuai t'roni page1) be invitadýfi teUicpurchase et these bonds sud Uc hairm=an d irensurer were authorized te negetiate their sale. WMin Double Capacit>' It is Uic intention eftihe Commis- sion te double Uie capacit>' et the sub-statien7 during Uic coming sum- mer. It is estimated ibat thc ioad neit wintcr will e h. tiy-flve per cent grenier than the installai capacit>'. mhe Hydre have reeonumended tUni. PEA W.bave just- a few lots of, Peais vet to If yo u have a f ield suitable- for growing- Peast get îlu touch wî*thý us b telephone and we'will supp'ly you withseed. Contracet prices for growing, same range from $1.80 per bushel to $3.OO per. buihel. HOGG & -LYTLE, LIlmlted Phone* 2039 O0shawa, Ont. M w r C M~,AIN~ m ODEEN BUMlING-for p gema.ne týhè th-nuOf wood"urooe.lb..e of E tothebulding itssIx to other an ohumai 1f. àaraepdlY DU*n bani~mtal m roofs of high qualityý. RE-.ROOF w-ITH RI RROLL lb.. appearaiS of t"isroofng alois has »M thusw"a Wheievora roof of thiamatoial a.zpjc emidothere who am rooflig aMW hmdo *0ai EASY TO LAY ýON MEW ROFS OR OVER OLD ROOFS. po-t ofwzyfot . e tvDooing. Aiy mmi wh ahudtihàbm.sm o Mlpad rauom cteof cc roc& M qusution, br àe fr ma cif out. Gut aiMclas bout our I eu ~SPRMG OFFE o~r. i~toen~ NW "S.EA FLEA" LAUCHED'IJERE, The. "Speed-bey,," new sea-fica bée- a»] ing manufactuj.et in Oshawa by Uic Williams Plane. Co., was official>' a launched In Whitby barber Saiurdàyay afiernoon. A large crowd, including M a number from Whitby, had gaibcred on the dock to witness Use ceremon>' and. te cheer the lile vessel as it* dipped intoe c atbers et Lake O-i tarie. M Mr.D. B. Carlyle, vite et the vie- president .-f the cempany, pertormed a thc ceremony and broke a boitîset fM ginger ale over the prow et Uice boat a A minute interthe USp55<-Bey» wa8u «ctig tnhle salin bosom ot the bar- etnber, prepnre<j te cempete againsi ai.a corners in Uic mater-et ailuticsSpc5d, B The only untoÎýàd incident vas the a upsetting o etohet Ucfleas" whcn a youngn=man sd bis lady wereM ihIMown lthUic."ter. Neither, hev- ever, were su>' the verse o! their ex- péence. Fair veather tavorei the iauicbnga of Uic boatnisd Uic harbor preseuted a gala appearance vith mien, womnia sud eblIirn bing lis piera. Somel ndveuturous youtbs even crbdtes the rooftOe. ihe eai shed uin der 1O "ti g=sdstsud sass. Mlayor T. B Mitcell, et O*aivaas pisentto the occasion sud lu a. few brie! -ir5 marks lus referi dtte cmn cue of sa-Ilensa anv- eanueforI Oshwa indusbr>. Ne vascrtn Un-a brigut -futurela>' before iBsn- b«-usinud on]>' regrOited ibat be-M ca.us Oshaa wu vithut a hbir thelauueblng badto bepsrorrned in *M Wbuby. Re hoped, however,ibhai Oâh- a awa vouMd presenti>' bawe is ow barbon. Dm.sBtted spee M In- additipu teieom-U ai - wuas launebed, Uic WMliausCO-e.ha :tour boai, lu the ïàter aud -thesegave a.I Pdwblh ias>'1 possma.Eups wuti Jobuisubobarci oors UY I aklujuei o0" the vva ter xi adimii->' lacs, Stem de," nul prou' po"Wang a beaeuvniL The>'W Py e5Y teo eioi ad tllEl d twiMst-M. ea im mtya1ebrwoad PUhM barbervs-vr selelia *ia M vue.ue i e h Mtrnau la mm-Muw" b buk t 91k Mn ýF our. store. th l dame, mi esilae "th te"ftheuperarne1if , he Maome. U0"nda oIL V d A . t hOi!Dr iZdl.i Hyro ttelicomer.1Telytheucae Conversations bave bem au ing IPlace beiveen Bell Telephone. Co. of- fiAIlS -and Supt. Evez>' of the Cern. ikumon. -looking towards a joint use t"-Pe Unes on Brock Street be- tween Dun<jas sud Heydnshore Park, sud à definite sejheme bas beau work- Ied oui that appears te h. satistactor>' te boilu parties Should the negoia-~ tiens b. comipleted; it will mnean the éliination .Mofone poISli ne beieen these two.point. DWia ,Storrn Damage The Comnmiggien dîscussed ai length-1 the damne nce tte. sewerage dis- POSa Imlansd the inconvemience1 caused te housebolders on Brock St. 1 S~outh i sud other .localies due te! 1100ed conditions eriginating lhrugh tic deluge last Friday nig t. .mTe superintendent attributed the trouble te ihe inadequate facilities for carry-' Ing off the Storm water wbich flooded certain aireas and poured i-Éto peopie's cellars and escaped by degrées. by thc Baiaysewers. The latter are net deindto carry any Stornm vater, ihey being kinffcent in size and in- tendsd only te take carsoetdemestie vaste sewerage. Furthcr, the disposai, patcannot begin te cope with a rwà f sormwater; in thçory thcrs1 .should be no more water in the.'san-. tar>' sewers in extrcmcly wet weathcr than there la under the dryest pesa- ibis- conditions. The Commission decided te eau Uthc attention of Ceuncil te ibis maiter, and requesi thein to take the neces- sary stepa te prevent surface water trom getting inte the sanitary -sew- ems ibrougli cellars et househelders of, h Uicmuicipalit>'. 012) GIRLS'ASSN.' (Continued tfrom page 1) songs, sucient sud modern, made up Uich second -pari of the programme. meé pla>', with is many amusing in- cidents was well staged, and kepit he audience'in fine humer. Every mm ber et, the casit tok her part welL. The Musical review was a mesi.t lighiful eature ef the programme sud came as a fitting climax te an evening et geed entertaininent. TaIng part. in- the play were Uic follewing ladies:. Mms. Syd. Ïrskine, Mrs. Michael, Mrs. G. P. LYnd,9 Mrs. F. G..ErskUne, Miss Powell, Miss E. Conner,.Mm.; W. Heard, mm D. Wilson, Miss An- ines, Mrs. G. Cermack, Mr . Truc-_ Sman, Mrs. Weils. .-In the musical revue were Mms. G. P. Lynd, Mms. Syd Erskine, Mrs. Jack Savdi n mrl...jeland,. Clayton Parker, Mrs. C;,.Ruie, Miss Dorothy Agg, Mrs. Arthur Iynde, Mns. F. -G. Erskine, Mms. Tniieman, Grant. Lynde* Thelma Parker, Thelma.Eiskiine, Mis., Josephine Thomas, Elsie BRoss and Vivian Ries. SFurnishinigs tor play were kindly loancd by W. C.. Town, Nicholson and Seldon and T. B. Joncs. Mugie, To- ures (oods PAGDA ILKBROADCLOTII, Reg'd. cial fast -l'ye) on the s elvedge, every two inhswdalColors Prioe, PLINAND -FIGURED CELANESE shades. Wi1 nake very smart 'dresses.« inches de... .rièe, id., 9&g, $1.00 col'ors. Width 29 inches w.... Spq b SILK HOSIERY (Fleur de is)Mcors Gun Metal, Moonlight, Pe Reveree, Champagne., White.- *Blaek. Special Price .39e., 79e,,p $1.01 SILK HOSIERY, Karo and Kayser make, i the new shades of C] Service Weight .. .. ...Prce pai NoltieS NEW ýNECKWýEARBuekies, ËBet, FIoes to Put the flnishinl your new drees . Men'sWeai FIE SHITS. Pce$.0$19,$2.95.9 $4.75 each MEN'PS.OVERALLS......S il$.0pair MEN'S IES,....t...Price45t. ýand $.bec ENSHOSE.SUPPORTEDRS....Se.-pair MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 98. ac ME'SSMCS tripe and plain-....$1'75 each MEN'S OVBRALJL $ST......rc29 MEN'SWOOLWORKX....3pairs for $1.00 MMN 'UNDER"'«-~AT,,POPULA&ItICES. Store.closes 1,G o'.clock Saturday nghts.- I Open ail day Weý LUMBER: Wr. .Carry-Complete -Stocks of ail Bildi'ng Materials * Excellen t-Service at ýRiglit Prices. àeeusbfe r.ig CARI!W LUMBEËR Cý -Phone 12 74 Athol Sta, -Oshawa - I APMi i Here- The Month of Sun Which Man a IswC, Irss and Mîlilii We' Invite Your Inspection ýn-; wé- Win contract.

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