Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1929, p. 5

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t ISA We Ouioe..teeTblet Îles. Prices- $ 1.75 aad $2Z75 J. M. liicks ~ Pirat ci... Waloh Dspalrlag bhi tby The Week I Whitby IP.pI* Wb*> Curenisd <Go - A Driefl iqi.w efI Chunh, L O.»,sd Oth" C.Mmunityhiter.sta Mr. amUM lrsGOo. A. Rom. an Min lng was taken for that purpobeaul un-, marlre 1h.. who ha"» been l inO-, <ertii.auspies cf tiLadis'Mis- lanm, Morida, for .O s , 11 lcêAnapona.sl a montIbs, hft on u uday by moteToEaonseptably .r.ndced by Miss Con- Usdr way home ho WhitbY. TheY Wîll dm Parrott. Dr. Stiiwei wusthie b. in New Yonk for a shot tiMn .mâuct of IRev. and BMn.. B E ud rote St., durmng hi.stylho. Don't Missthie Play "£Y"s Of Love'» lathie Town Hall on TSuday ivenlng, Apnil lti, by. x-puplis cf St. Ber- nard's shool. The msunaimeetingofc oumty on- taio'Ols Mars viiib. holsinluthie Llbrary oenWedacsay, April l7th, ah 4 pin. sarp. Il ean ho doue. A reg,, deain, hum- orons, Me e"-. nteta Anit a popular Prim. ar thie Bruwiek Trio. April 19h, under auspies Wbit- by Citimese'Baud The Dunua8 t. Borne and Scool Club have muresi Mr. Artur Siy- field, of O"haa Colleglahe, ho deli*r bis&lustiatedlecture ou Cwaaala Birds, Âpm4 i Ii. Paretsremonv tbis date and eorne vihite hieblidren. Àdnite 25 ects, ciudren 10 ent&. Dr. F .Li. poihih 6 Yopi St., Torono, may b. consult- adiabout your eyea for gla»«esat A. H. Alhn's ding store, Wbhbyp Tau- day, Apnil Srd. 'Don't luiss ing W. C. T. V. 1%. regular meeting cf the. W. C. T. U, *111 b. hols in the audtorium of the. Lbrary on Tuesdy, April 16t4 ah 8.80 pa..)isa. Todà' group viilbe iu charge. Every member urged te b. presnt. Miss Harper, Prou., Miss P. J. MitahoI, sec.. Ton bave beard the «Brunswick Trio» en the- radio. Heur Ilicin l TEN1EU8 Wrtten Tenders viii h recelvas by theunudersignasi up to noon on April lSth, 19W, toi deUver>? of gravel by t.nek or tam lutie TOvnshlp of Etat Whtby for thi ean 1M2, alsi tend- --ers o b. on a mileage basin Slb. loveit or iy tender net nece- P. G. Fauvesa, Clark, Columbus, Ont. - ~WATER SYSTENS iveryhlihigComplète for vaoter sup- a si s e audispouai lu couumtil. ndvubi5i & Cost surpris ýn* ow.Eay syMyn ts. Cghalog an fl partOulars lre t. hoe owner s i builder U. lalda>? Cer- puy, Box SI, Hamilton. -4 l'h. Prias»ntices ssy best enter- liner l abuslnea " ia bhic sPei dt) IeBrunswckTr. ant beer lieu APil loti. HONE FLANS Bunn builisers! Wrte for fiee book e of o.. and prises-dtbulIs- ing maherlal.Our mseie vol saW yen morne>. No obIlgatiOR- BaW*ls> -BOA» 0FpEUCATION MET The. regelai meeting of thie' Board of Education, holli st evening, vas brief, tier being littie but routine buiess o engage thie.attention cf tic Board. lime secetmry, Dr. McSllvray, in- forMesi hieBoard of tie -recept of tvo choeques covering grauts fro1»thie Departmenh of Education lu connec- tion witihicheAgdiuturalDepartment of thie igi Sehool, thie amount being *1245.22 sud $161-78. lb. Rigi Scbool.Principal reportesi 176 on. tic roll, viti ai 'average at- tendance cf 164. 0f the. number 56 are couuty pupils. It vas decidesi ho purciase a set cf thie Encyclopedia Britannica for thie igli Sehool Llbrary. Racmmedahon for'a revision cf hie "aiesgoverningthie*Llterary So- ciety prise ah hie Higli Sciml vere approvesi, raklng thie contest for Ibis prise open only.ho Uppen Sehool pup- Ils, insteasi of te Mididle Shool pupils alto, a& formenly. Tii. Property Comie aut-, tborized te, have repairs made hothie roofs ofthie scioolq4, evral leaks bavlng bacorne apparent during thie recent, heavy .nafins 1h vas. stahed that severai child- yen in. to-au appear te bc fafliug h o attend school, and' attention vau drawu ho 1he fact thmt lu suci cas"s aiy citisen liasthie igittho eIl thm attention cfthie Sciiool Athendance Officer, v** Must Ah -srnee investi- gate, Sm, atten#ton viii b. giron *PIN BOWliNG AT 4ONTARIO * HOSPiAL Members ofthi. Cive Service As-j sociations, Toronto,. invadesi hie ai- leys ah, the Ontario Hospital on Sat- urday, April Mt, aid- stagesi a real battia viithie local bowlers. Alter the amok» hasi cleresi avay, it vas founsi that eacli laivomi tire. games, vitihie Toronto heams havlng -a sllght esige. in lammlng thie little vooden soldieis forlime grand totai of 5506 pins -ln six -gures against tic count of SM2 for thie ospital. Afterthie game .playeis adourmi- cd o thie Diniu Hall -andi partook of a rare treat, prepared under thie su- pervision of W. Y. Barden. (Again houer. vers sharesi). Dr. G. H.Ste-I venson, uprintnde tbtien v 1 cornaithie visiters la a very iearty manner ans Dr. I. C. Montgomery, Presldeut of thie lagtae, on behait of thie boviers, extended the. gra.tlngs of the evealug. Mn. W. Nichels ably me- 1ANNOUNCEET Lawniunwes.aharpem as. e. patrosi, osia".for a" .d eilveresi promptly. Pion. W. Roacl, 40. Ibo Dugbten e0f agland wod A-h on L m..,Av a*eiwn.Amipl - : :- a vUbUtU U WS5 1vvvw4w#*p Llg AV IToma5iNa LscrU 15h. Everybody velcmue 'lis o a et he t fhé. o w Daaalng ater thie puyay"ye. et wWwuvathei.ti*h et a undi- Lova" la-thie Tov U&alTuuay eqr- ~~ ami -ujgaing blestisde-,.adur, Apnulloi. l$vmeeila lhe laptiliot rdi Ils a veek trou Faiay ulgibut Ibeaim evmiug b> .r Hi make -vair plansnov ho -i-nhmt»i imibw, et Tomtes llmuhateé Bruswick Trio la, he. Tovwn ll qWr tàh o humiiesibeu AMR> MZb Ot. ,ond s4Pitonsrethie 51Put âmvm tmb>?the beshinPlubamdà iMdbt@tUgM Omaur Pa TII «Wofti be Ch, lai1e1. IL W. SOutbwv.uPiOM iUJ. 'Mev. T. IF. lspiSdud.a" bhil.' »rocotm*;âskNioh -4L dei i leureM a asl ulsofal- ,snMoU I@lQ5 limtuner, maies (" <a staffi ont)15 s a U-i ikeCali aWitby retgularly. Leave ynn dma a r«mOsBlu eSihoueti Am- Orders for .ianotuaing ah LA . i MM a is h iNtiMa no oeu puk ilu'5di&g sore trou *tbmuIÉMa.Vlg& Thélb. m MM e Vmre , Md iauetlvea P. J. hum. N, le" plmMimd votes0 etb&nskoe m esiKmus.A. iluMIti. ureke ts tmtIt. Stewart, ma moed iby um . ]~EL. P..R . i ScoboIt, 9 ag'ay eaieutI5lYo- d o n taherges - aipouui d ot iaeaie m r te ao M eAff g et thé alois 1 et b vas ter flh the<"B mw ek TW ind15h, u&inet. The I.tsriwwasqulla atnti "Rofmasalyci o" Ba"nti «M vu bc*. bis l be inTOvu. pidfrtic viathoat ath16'Bse Ue mg a beuy luvitauth * off gý on telie *mc-n.w fl la tb. WMitaey Uookat tbe -Pàsla- M" Emilhuga.AU eardhe basi a muat eaJyable eveuiug 71m f G a tma flq& d. puyai gamaS lu t sasems-ors pla.e roinlgth ie uOM etZlmi fer tins. uce.T. Dean, cf l*e'MaM heami, bowWle Ugic bguatugle .Of thec vek wit lemmec6, d eqmal jing tlicmdugles record.L b. Beaches fros the Pover Bouse, by consisent gooi play, took seod place ad lie Lakevievai from Cottages13and 14, vinue t cthe ftrot rles, fin inl tilr placS. lh. Commissaiat Dept., boldeiss:of thlie lld, visad a ebauc o, belu playoffu, vekenesi'l hemwd "as garn ans eeelinilutes by theMaple Les sfrornthie Fam Dept . Xii.teama in he puay-offarn the lakevievia, enhor, Beache a&M lover.. lue.garnes promise tobeb kecu andith. ulthmh ve r cf dti abield i IIi bave duly earnedthe houer aftei, a mseaso'steady gind. lime geores Legu 8adiug-Plab-2ud Sfeis Playesi Won Lest, Points Seuaois..83 -25 8836 Beaches. .U3 -22 iU 2s Lakeviews ..3 l19 14 25 Lakesides ...833 16 17 23 Ranger.... s3 17 le6 -28, Coinmis.'rhs.38 17 16 -2 NapeLests .33 18 15> 22 HMelreshs '.,.n3 17 16 21 Fubcnu..33 18: 20 19 Oioles. ..33 18 20 18 Giant.. 38 12 21.-15 Rovens.3.3 9 24 il SALE qEGI.Pi E r sae of houdehold furnitur, thie prop- erty of MmIs. L Cox, Centre St. north, *Whitby. Sale - t 1.80 o'clock iharp). Terms cash Wm. Maw, auctoneer. CLA SS!FIED ADVERTI-SU NG, FOR &MAM NTO LRT -5 ROX AARTES.Ali& F01 ~ ~ LR 0AE1;RELOSO ATOL hoffl eon ont lot. FRSALE-CMBSN1. la Zood a"te of culvatlon.thorougbly equlp" dfor dalry or grain arninsm num atables Witt. vater amtom- sa" two sil. There ae150 acrée ef workabi.land, belng ______ w-ell undedralned and 15 acié%. cf peturem ______ For pries, and tisUlarsapplr ¶-the Pick-- idmi Bakri. f of kt 9. cooa. 5Plekmlag Townmhl. Pg fe II vearsi. £»P1yred Seldon.box, 11. Wm*. 7O AL- bath. MLdwonÂCHED &ua. Mi aWuoarage. 0n.Broek Street EuOmava. For »artleularu applY to BOF E.Tojmn Admjniarator J. W. Tbom>p mon Bêtate>. Nyrtie Station P.O...Ont. -2..f cras. Ieal fer muskrata. I. ?omUiuoa. s&arave.-ont.--42 SAI, GS- BLACK JESE Mane. 5c.perdosn; ..C. Baron *train White Lsghorn. Oc. do": G. C. Jous. NKYrti Station. R.E. 1, phone Clarmnont 507. yOERSALxe-SEVEN RoOXBRICK .BOUSE ' wih al conenieces.large corner lot. 'NO reonale offer refuasi Awly Box M.2 Wltby P.O.-4 WBO SALEC OR RENT - COTTAGEC ON AIL7 t KLiS FOR W. B hhy mmaPRom *O., Leshons. Ie jea Bcareul mini White Broîl . e. u d Q 43 FORU SALEC-A QUA1ITZTY 0F.ASPA]IA-. 1 uRosfor mmae nejer oh rots *.11aeWamInton" vsrlety.pria. 81.U. ber bdre-,or. lic. for m0.W. -A.Bughtoa M0U. Ajoli ta Ges. AUll. Kiauto. Rm Eut Whltbw. -f FOROMM EGos -BLACK JERSY atamn Wht. Ll e. -..dm;. G. C. Jean, Mimd Staion,1.-.1, phome Cirmmt 57 aaod oilswMo.-feir 7jou 1 gaeor «,- M& a. Gel! e upam I-1 lm aat- 70% W186 BankEuhet cbmmqm f4. Ina. ~ ~ mm IL.i.Ot. 4 lu. 0 wuSR.AF M & Q àmmo & . flhimi37 dmioMU Q1 ~Tat, . - et L . VMS.l(batm FOL?~ ~ - - fornilure. P~eae NAN»Y NA W N-D -M&= M à.*. i . e01 m Si. -4am TE o ANSmI. d a" t i aun S h 'lm lâhe --et -b' Whihy, ini the. Céty etof wà, AT»awh"mslmhqto section 51, ER-~9-0-, 7 ape 1% ut that aul ceditou Md 'tbm 5having hSoldtefor theie ýMdun dims or dema"ihd n a1the j at Rm UQ MMO et th amilwilia RéM7i%«Qdp, Emst .,A. T1o.dke, & Who di.d on or abm4 the ffl.-day c« SamdILuiH T. Thoeuiuke-44ý F.fruary, 1lm, at '!'owni TENs VO mlÈE by,:afoÈesaid, mar-,, requured'onor W TE4ER .- BU fore the lut day cftays2 m> iSe&hiltendm les aWy mhas by utprealor dIret o tbe u-1tej moý ilhaM e vul by tii densigned Solicit0? for the&Eefuoys unuieie up untl 12 &o'ek nemi>1 of. th E51teO f stiid Deeased Iou Tbrsd&y ,Araiil1&14i,19»,:fo« hi. fnfl~~~~~ patclr iiWi1gc em reeà smky mW fet arry s Bridg e u- "ams and lhe nature of tue secVUrîy l aso , on oi f Pi&oeing. if . my, ield by .Paaan.sellchesma ece And thatafter 8iiIi aalm à.j nsi .l nfomnainotieifo date the said ExnCutom sm on ACHI EVE Thatý the Whitby CitizesBand lhas glOm to -bé an ortIUtttion to be- dependd uponto xm%80roeme- thing. realy worth while in the way of entertainment is quite evident. Our, memory gocs back to the Minstre Show of two years ago, which played two n*ght to crowded house. Also the Street Fait last October, sponsored by the Band and. the Legion, which gave. Whitby te largest crowd it had, seen -mi years, and a real night'B. fun.. Nowthis organization presents on, Friiay Nigit, A'pil I 1.0 THE BRUNSWICK TRIO 0F ENTERTAINERS as good as the best i n their biness - and a a popular price. The -house àhould bc fiiled. Youý have heard them over the Radio.. Sce them m i personý. ADMISSION a Réseorved Scats 50 cents; Regular MdmisdSi 35c. (Ph$ at Allin's Drug Store,- Tuesday, Arl16) ~#agshNw S; Weare offering a special bargain for the weeki-. end. 2 dozen ]Dresse s, different colors, styles -$7 95 and sizes. For,....... Also, another l'ne of dresses. Reg. $18.00$95 Also another Unýe of dresses, aU ColQrs $1i2LO5 ail sizes, different- styles For. Another life dfdresses, different stls$1 9 materiahs, colors and sizes ............ Another line of dresses, regular. $35.00 $4O HOSIERY Worth $1.50, for $1.00; wortli $2MO for $li.56. Wort $3OO for $1.95 LINGERI VTests! 85c., Bobettes with -pockets $1.5;Boettes with skfrts $L7à. COATS ANI)Sif Rangfingiroin $10.00 up te $85.00. H& aizen Tweed Suitý- regular $15.00 49 OUR MILNEY DEPARTMEN bas Bas ren $3.95 upte $5,M. Worth wble te eethein. Cornesudsomit Stor bfo«e Yeuo pulewhore. It will pay Yeu m tuhiO ue meom& A Mg usàckM. chaosfia..- Ou, momis s malp~sadqikrurs i.Iol~op nhe IDEAL - $10??! PHONlE 170 - m mCICST,. NOSRTH L. W., Gene,. FIRE - r mEV WALLPIP. Ouf- Sprueg Samptes, ore Now 0 end Setll.g Freely» Corne ln end Li If be ave fDot cet wbat you Wei be poleas*d te get It. fer youa 'liii TOWN' PRIVATE AMBULANCE FURNITURE ANSDFUNIEIMAL mVICIE P1u. 41 m.u4.South Used- Lst os Sodo Gn Ourui Car1 Ail cars recooditoned and soId wit Prkces -are Beiow the Ltstcd Valui WeAtm te tPtease Ail Quyerse Té rin's-Arrau'ged on .M@'nthly Payrni Spoolal- Sais of Hsavy Plats.. Batt for -Ib!&Is Wk Onoy , 785 ýWilder- &.Deverell Telehone 10 BORS'CASH 8OROCEI *DtPIAIêFOI @T V![E IM Lis ONE Wl *1. R.dlpadiGnanultodSugar, di. very bot. 201Ob&fl LPt»eOagmm uao'Osjrr39c. .fe 3. Bec Hlrv. Co*ca 5ysrup ...pca ' 3.1 b 4. P. &. QGor Puni Soe,10«rvfr41. r 01mr 5.'H HouzBko" ousIodl ;ianùaUll 0, med. 14c., 1p &; Galdn N e honM<-..à" i2 for 35C.,9lige 2£ýf 7. -Raspbo" ad Straw. >4mNo. 3 . ...... 8& Glac0we C2moeuies e.60&--:&...... aspoM -3 9.-upIoP Tenuto SOisp...... ...... pchl 4 ts Il. -Costry .c"ubPesas, CocaTommeos, 2 for 3cp or 61 $1.00AYI.MRSPECIAL $100 2 bwVg dA TomMoo2tis ACu1tladuA P 1 duA Badot urs 1 botde AyNuor KetodnMp MMI PIACCARROTSMBUTS Qi CU, 121 BIRIE, OIOS,, CABEAGE CELIRY owest Butcher, Department 1. Hmemae Siuge............2i LIFE 1 ' i

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