t ISA We Ouioe..teeTblet Îles. Prices- $ 1.75 aad $2Z75 J. M. liicks ~ Pirat ci... Waloh Dspalrlag bhi tby The Week I Whitby IP.pI* Wb*> Curenisd <Go - A Driefl iqi.w efI Chunh, L O.»,sd Oth" C.Mmunityhiter.sta Mr. amUM lrsGOo. A. Rom. an Min lng was taken for that purpobeaul un-, marlre 1h.. who ha"» been l inO-, <ertii.auspies cf tiLadis'Mis- lanm, Morida, for .O s , 11 lcêAnapona.sl a montIbs, hft on u uday by moteToEaonseptably .r.ndced by Miss Con- Usdr way home ho WhitbY. TheY Wîll dm Parrott. Dr. Stiiwei wusthie b. in New Yonk for a shot tiMn .mâuct of IRev. and BMn.. B E ud rote St., durmng hi.stylho. Don't Missthie Play "£Y"s Of Love'» lathie Town Hall on TSuday ivenlng, Apnil lti, by. x-puplis cf St. Ber- nard's shool. The msunaimeetingofc oumty on- taio'Ols Mars viiib. holsinluthie Llbrary oenWedacsay, April l7th, ah 4 pin. sarp. Il ean ho doue. A reg,, deain, hum- orons, Me e"-. nteta Anit a popular Prim. ar thie Bruwiek Trio. April 19h, under auspies Wbit- by Citimese'Baud The Dunua8 t. Borne and Scool Club have muresi Mr. Artur Siy- field, of O"haa Colleglahe, ho deli*r bis&lustiatedlecture ou Cwaaala Birds, Âpm4 i Ii. Paretsremonv tbis date and eorne vihite hieblidren. Àdnite 25 ects, ciudren 10 ent&. Dr. F .Li. poihih 6 Yopi St., Torono, may b. consult- adiabout your eyea for gla»«esat A. H. Alhn's ding store, Wbhbyp Tau- day, Apnil Srd. 'Don't luiss ing W. C. T. V. 1%. regular meeting cf the. W. C. T. U, *111 b. hols in the audtorium of the. Lbrary on Tuesdy, April 16t4 ah 8.80 pa..)isa. Todà ' group viilbe iu charge. Every member urged te b. presnt. Miss Harper, Prou., Miss P. J. MitahoI, sec.. Ton bave beard the «Brunswick Trio» en the- radio. Heur Ilicin l TEN1EU8 Wrtten Tenders viii h recelvas by theunudersignasi up to noon on April lSth, 19W, toi deUver>? of gravel by t.nek or tam lutie TOvnshlp of Etat Whtby for thi ean 1M2, alsi tend- --ers o b. on a mileage basin Slb. loveit or iy tender net nece- P. G. Fauvesa, Clark, Columbus, Ont. - ~WATER SYSTENS iveryhlihigComplète for vaoter sup- a si s e audispouai lu couumtil. ndvubi5i & Cost surpris ýn* ow.Eay syMyn ts. Cghalog an fl partOulars lre t. hoe owner s i builder U. lalda>? Cer- puy, Box SI, Hamilton. -4 l'h. Prias»ntices ssy best enter- liner l abuslnea " ia bhic sPei dt) IeBrunswckTr. ant beer lieu APil loti. HONE FLANS Bunn builisers! Wrte for fiee book e of o.. and prises-dtbulIs- ing maherlal.Our mseie vol saW yen morne>. No obIlgatiOR- BaW*ls> -BOA» 0FpEUCATION MET The. regelai meeting of thie' Board of Education, holli st evening, vas brief, tier being littie but routine buiess o engage thie.attention cf tic Board. lime secetmry, Dr. McSllvray, in- forMesi hieBoard of tie -recept of tvo choeques covering grauts fro1»thie Departmenh of Education lu connec- tion witihicheAgdiuturalDepartment of thie igi Sehool, thie amount being *1245.22 sud $161-78. lb. Rigi Scbool.Principal reportesi 176 on. tic roll, viti ai 'average at- tendance cf 164. 0f the. number 56 are couuty pupils. It vas decidesi ho purciase a set cf thie Encyclopedia Britannica for thie igli Sehool Llbrary. Racmmedahon for'a revision cf hie "aiesgoverningthie*Llterary So- ciety prise ah hie Higli Sciml vere approvesi, raklng thie contest for Ibis prise open only.ho Uppen Sehool pup- Ils, insteasi of te Mididle Shool pupils alto, a& formenly. Tii. Property Comie aut-, tborized te, have repairs made hothie roofs ofthie scioolq4, evral leaks bavlng bacorne apparent during thie recent, heavy .nafins 1h vas. stahed that severai child- yen in. to-au appear te bc fafliug h o attend school, and' attention vau drawu ho 1he fact thmt lu suci cas"s aiy citisen liasthie igittho eIl thm attention cfthie Sciiool Athendance Officer, v** Must Ah -srnee investi- gate, Sm, atten#ton viii b. giron *PIN BOWliNG AT 4ONTARIO * HOSPiAL Members ofthi. Cive Service As-j sociations, Toronto,. invadesi hie ai- leys ah, the Ontario Hospital on Sat- urday, April Mt, aid- stagesi a real battia viithie local bowlers. Alter the amok» hasi cleresi avay, it vas founsi that eacli laivomi tire. games, vitihie Toronto heams havlng -a sllght esige. in lammlng thie little vooden soldieis forlime grand totai of 5506 pins -ln six -gures against tic count of SM2 for thie ospital. Afterthie game .playeis adourmi- cd o thie Diniu Hall -andi partook of a rare treat, prepared under thie su- pervision of W. Y. Barden. (Again houer. vers sharesi). Dr. G. H.Ste-I venson, uprintnde tbtien v 1 cornaithie visiters la a very iearty manner ans Dr. I. C. Montgomery, Presldeut of thie lagtae, on behait of thie boviers, extended the. gra.tlngs of the evealug. Mn. W. Nichels ably me- 1ANNOUNCEET Lawniunwes.aharpem as. e. patrosi, osia".for a" .d eilveresi promptly. Pion. W. Roacl, 40. Ibo Dugbten e0f agland wod A-h on L m..,Av a*eiwn.Amipl - : :- a vUbUtU U WS5 1vvvw4w#*p Llg AV IToma5iNa LscrU 15h. Everybody velcmue 'lis o a et he t fhé. o w Daaalng ater thie puyay"ye. et wWwuvathei.ti*h et a undi- Lova" la-thie Tov U&alTuuay eqr- ~~ ami -ujgaing blestisde-,.adur, Apnulloi. l$vmeeila lhe laptiliot rdi Ils a veek trou Faiay ulgibut Ibeaim evmiug b> .r Hi make -vair plansnov ho -i-nhmt»i imibw, et Tomtes llmuhateé Bruswick Trio la, he. Tovwn ll qWr tà h o humiiesibeu AMR> MZb Ot. ,ond s4Pitonsrethie 51Put âmvm tmb>?the beshinPlubamdà iMdbt@tUgM Omaur Pa TII «Wofti be Ch, lai1e1. IL W. SOutbwv.uPiOM iUJ. 'Mev. T. IF. lspiSdud.a" bhil.' »rocotm*;âskNioh -4L dei i leureM a asl ulsofal- ,snMoU I@lQ5 limtuner, maies (" <a staffi ont)15 s a U-i ikeCali aWitby retgularly. Leave ynn dma a r«mOsBlu eSihoueti Am- Orders for .ianotuaing ah LA . i MM a is h iNtiMa no oeu puk ilu'5di&g sore trou *tbmuIÉMa.Vlg& Thélb. m MM e Vmre , Md iauetlvea P. J. hum. N, le" plmMimd votes0 etb&nskoe m esiKmus.A. iluMIti. ureke ts tmtIt. Stewart, ma moed iby um . ]~EL. P..R . i ScoboIt, 9 ag'ay eaieutI5lYo- d o n taherges - aipouui d ot iaeaie m r te ao M eAff g et thé alois 1 et b vas ter flh the<"B mw ek TW ind15h, u&inet. The I.tsriwwasqulla atnti "Rofmasalyci o" Ba"nti «M vu bc*. bis l be inTOvu. pidfrtic viathoat ath16'Bse Ue mg a beuy luvitauth * off gý on telie *mc-n.w fl la tb. WMitaey Uookat tbe -Pà sla- M" Emilhuga.AU eardhe basi a muat eaJyable eveuiug 71m f G a tma flq& d. puyai gamaS lu t sasems-ors pla.e roinlgth ie uOM etZlmi fer tins. uce.T. Dean, cf l*e'MaM heami, bowWle Ugic bguatugle .Of thec vek wit lemmec6, d eqmal jing tlicmdugles record.L b. Beaches fros the Pover Bouse, by consisent gooi play, took seod place ad lie Lakevievai from Cottages13and 14, vinue t cthe ftrot rles, fin inl tilr placS. lh. Commissaiat Dept., boldeiss:of thlie lld, visad a ebauc o, belu playoffu, vekenesi'l hemwd "as garn ans eeelinilutes by theMaple Les sfrornthie Fam Dept . Xii.teama in he puay-offarn the lakevievia, enhor, Beache a&M lover.. lue.garnes promise tobeb kecu andith. ulthmh ve r cf dti abield i IIi bave duly earnedthe houer aftei, a mseaso'steady gind. lime geores Legu 8adiug-Plab-2ud Sfeis Playesi Won Lest, Points Seuaois..83 -25 8836 Beaches. .U3 -22 iU 2s Lakeviews ..3 l19 14 25 Lakesides ...833 16 17 23 Ranger.... s3 17 le6 -28, Coinmis.'rhs.38 17 16 -2 NapeLests .33 18 15> 22 HMelreshs '.,.n3 17 16 21 Fubcnu..33 18: 20 19 Oioles. ..33 18 20 18 Giant.. 38 12 21.-15 Rovens.3.3 9 24 il SALE qEGI.Pi E r sae of houdehold furnitur, thie prop- erty of MmIs. L Cox, Centre St. north, *Whitby. Sale - t 1.80 o'clock iharp). Terms cash Wm. Maw, auctoneer. CLA SS!FIED ADVERTI-SU NG, FOR &MAM NTO LRT -5 ROX AARTES.Ali& F01 ~ ~ LR 0AE1;RELOSO ATOL hoffl eon ont lot. FRSALE-CMBSN1. la Zood a"te of culvatlon.thorougbly equlp" dfor dalry or grain arninsm num atables Witt. vater amtom- sa" two sil. There ae150 acrée ef workabi.land, belng ______ w-ell undedralned and 15 acié%. cf peturem ______ For pries, and tisUlarsapplr ¶-the Pick-- idmi Bakri. f of kt 9. cooa. 5Plekmlag Townmhl. Pg fe II vearsi. £»P1yred Seldon.box, 11. Wm*. 7O AL- bath. MLdwonÂCHED &ua. Mi aWuoarage. 0n.Broek Street EuOmava. For »artleularu applY to BOF E.Tojmn Admjniarator J. W. Tbom>p mon Bêtate>. Nyrtie Station P.O...Ont. -2..f cras. Ieal fer muskrata. I. ?omUiuoa. s&arave.-ont.--42 SAI, GS- BLACK JESE Mane. 5c.perdosn; ..C. Baron *train White Lsghorn. Oc. do": G. C. Jous. NKYrti Station. R.E. 1, phone Clarmnont 507. yOERSALxe-SEVEN RoOXBRICK .BOUSE ' wih al conenieces.large corner lot. 'NO reonale offer refuasi Awly Box M.2 Wltby P.O.-4 WBO SALEC OR RENT - COTTAGEC ON AIL7 t KLiS FOR W. B hhy mmaPRom *O., Leshons. Ie jea Bcareul mini White Broîl . e. u d Q 43 FORU SALEC-A QUA1ITZTY 0F.ASPA]IA-. 1 uRosfor mmae nejer oh rots *.11aeWamInton" vsrlety.pria. 81.U. ber bdre-,or. lic. for m0.W. -A.Bughtoa M0U. Ajoli ta Ges. AUll. Kiauto. Rm Eut Whltbw. -f FOROMM EGos -BLACK JERSY atamn Wht. Ll e. -..dm;. G. C. Jean, Mimd Staion,1.-.1, phome Cirmmt 57 aaod oilswMo.-feir 7jou 1 gaeor «,- M& a. Gel! e upam I-1 lm aat- 70% W186 BankEuhet cbmmqm f4. Ina. ~ ~ mm IL.i.Ot. 4 lu. 0 wuSR.AF M & Q à mmo & . flhimi37 dmioMU Q1 ~Tat, . - et L . VMS.l(batm FOL?~ ~ - - fornilure. P~eae NAN»Y NA W N-D -M&= M à .*. i . e01 m Si. -4am TE o ANSmI. d a" t i aun S h 'lm lâhe --et -b' Whihy, ini the. Céty etof wà , AT»awh"mslmhqto section 51, ER-~9-0-, 7 ape 1% ut that aul ceditou Md 'tbm 5having hSoldtefor theie ýMdun dims or dema"ihd n a1the j at Rm UQ MMO et th amilwilia RéM7i%«Qdp, Emst .,A. T1o.dke, & Who di.d on or abm4 the ffl.-day c« SamdILuiH T. Thoeuiuke-44ý F.fruary, 1lm, at '!'owni TENs VO mlÈE by,:afoÈesaid, mar-,, requured'onor W TE4ER .- BU fore the lut day cftays2 m> iSe&hiltendm les aWy mhas by utprealor dIret o tbe u-1tej moý ilhaM e vul by tii densigned Solicit0? for the&Eefuoys unuieie up untl 12 &o'ek nemi>1 of. th E51teO f stiid Deeased Iou Tbrsd&y ,Araiil1&14i,19»,:fo« hi. fnfl~~~~~ patclr iiWi1gc em reeà smky mW fet arry s Bridg e u- "ams and lhe nature of tue secVUrîy l aso , on oi f Pi&oeing. if . my, ield by .Paaan.sellchesma ece And thatafter 8iiIi aalm à .j nsi .l nfomnainotieifo date the said ExnCutom sm on ACHI EVE Thatý the Whitby CitizesBand lhas glOm to -bé an ortIUtttion to be- dependd uponto xm%80roeme- thing. realy worth while in the way of entertainment is quite evident. Our, memory gocs back to the Minstre Show of two years ago, which played two n*ght to crowded house. Also the Street Fait last October, sponsored by the Band and. the Legion, which gave. Whitby te largest crowd it had, seen -mi years, and a real night'B. fun.. Nowthis organization presents on, Friiay Nigit, A'pil I 1.0 THE BRUNSWICK TRIO 0F ENTERTAINERS as good as the best i n their biness - and a a popular price. The -house à hould bc fiiled. Youý have heard them over the Radio.. Sce them m i personý. ADMISSION a Réseorved Scats 50 cents; Regular MdmisdSi 35c. (Ph$ at Allin's Drug Store,- Tuesday, Arl16) ~#agshNw S; Weare offering a special bargain for the weeki-. end. 2 dozen ]Dresse s, different colors, styles -$7 95 and sizes. For,....... Also, another l'ne of dresses. Reg. $18.00$95 Also another Unýe of dresses, aU ColQrs $1i2LO5 ail sizes, different- styles For. Another life dfdresses, different stls$1 9 materiahs, colors and sizes ............ Another line of dresses, regular. $35.00 $4O HOSIERY Worth $1.50, for $1.00; wortli $2MO for $li.56. Wort $3OO for $1.95 LINGERI VTests! 85c., Bobettes with -pockets $1.5;Boettes with skfrts $L7à . COATS ANI)Sif Rangfingiroin $10.00 up te $85.00. H& aizen Tweed Suitý- regular $15.00 49 OUR MILNEY DEPARTMEN bas Bas ren $3.95 upte $5,M. Worth wble te eethein. Cornesudsomit Stor bfo«e Yeuo pulewhore. It will pay Yeu m tuhiO ue meom& A Mg usà ckM. chaosfia..- Ou, momis s malp~sadqikrurs i.Iol~op nhe IDEAL - $10??! PHONlE 170 - m mCICST,. NOSRTH L. W., Gene,. FIRE - r mEV WALLPIP. Ouf- Sprueg Samptes, ore Now 0 end Setll.g Freely» Corne ln end Li If be ave fDot cet wbat you Wei be poleas*d te get It. fer youa 'liii TOWN' PRIVATE AMBULANCE FURNITURE ANSDFUNIEIMAL mVICIE P1u. 41 m.u4.South Used- Lst os Sodo Gn Ourui Car1 Ail cars recooditoned and soId wit Prkces -are Beiow the Ltstcd Valui WeAtm te tPtease Ail Quyerse Té rin's-Arrau'ged on .M@'nthly Payrni Spoolal- Sais of Hsavy Plats.. Batt for -Ib!&Is Wk Onoy , 785 ýWilder- &.Deverell Telehone 10 BORS'CASH 8OROCEI *DtPIAIêFOI @T V![E IM Lis ONE Wl *1. R.dlpadiGnanultodSugar, di. very bot. 201Ob&fl LPt»eOagmm uao'Osjrr39c. .fe 3. Bec Hlrv. Co*ca 5ysrup ...pca ' 3.1 b 4. P. &. QGor Puni Soe,10«rvfr41. r 01mr 5.'H HouzBko" ousIodl ;ianùaUll 0, med. 14c., 1p &; Galdn N e honM<-..à " i2 for 35C.,9lige 2£ýf 7. -Raspbo" ad Straw. >4mNo. 3 . ...... 8& Glac0we C2moeuies e.60&--:&...... aspoM -3 9.-upIoP Tenuto SOisp...... ...... pchl 4 ts Il. -Costry .c"ubPesas, CocaTommeos, 2 for 3cp or 61 $1.00AYI.MRSPECIAL $100 2 bwVg dA TomMoo2tis ACu1tladuA P 1 duA Badot urs 1 botde AyNuor KetodnMp MMI PIACCARROTSMBUTS Qi CU, 121 BIRIE, OIOS,, CABEAGE CELIRY owest Butcher, Department 1. Hmemae Siuge............2i LIFE 1 ' i