Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1929, p. 3

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in__ MG b.âu~y. ni .ead, creuMms has-been calWc GAZflTI M. ~ s~ a. Prechuan of Anlwsazoappear-and ud cb8fICW01~ mur hndy niesd the financesMobiseProvince cafulceki Fm 7ý te bmâ-uni=eas xpedir, ntifl he bandcd tht e'-micréhiP bilg-Vàw et or th« ali eumidn&Theoverto r. Tasdîereau many er later with the budk ~ ~get bulanced, th., publi property improved, aid the hIVI D* ATU-Tmomt bu n haprovân n ~a soudl.,auis. EiminI' the federa.! fied m II u l in m. U .pst lam ub- as Minita' of Jusoe lie didi not faré o .wcI So long had lie confied bis attention to Quebec, wliemeleke là*"fer Otre &PmIdj e- mb Im, aevery .township, that lie seemrd unable to- reaize Ille ~ wlhmnib. ~gmt ortin MCanad which lay, outside. He did bis swsiMO 'd&n., m um.arajZaa1»mWduty vwel as bMinuster of Justice but, sensing bàis liit- T4~m ss4IIv"8; ~j~ m..i~a 05ion, geneal, cabinet work, ha resigned aftcr.a ltte Sedil UUShm t fCmmslua Wuuly JWmaffl ssdtmm moethan a year un office to retura to the, provine i cisde C. . oo LLOW & BON,~ S bi iat&dy&. ssocia Sir- Hugli John MacDonald also cdid bis great workoflt<>si WHI .TH lURSDAY, APRMil 1, 1929 la the provincial field. Inheriting the gmet gifts and. ;,St o ______________________________personal magnctism of bis distinguished father, Sir John IcEp, A. MacDonald, lie was destined to shine in poitical life. EDAI'T 0 R 1 A L His introduc o te westcame when hsrve i emphaj ______ ~~~the North West Bebelon, and soon after demobilzaiouS us he returned to Winnipeg where lie was one of the inspect THE- GREAT groRm DAMAGE pioncer lawyers. Sonli etered pohitics and became Ontarii Ratepayers. of Wbihtby wili have to foot* a bill of leader cf the provincial Conservative party. For sev- -Canadi approa.inately five thousand dollars as a result of the eral yearshe acted- as premier of Manitoba, bringing currici heavy deluge of wattr accmpanying, the storm lms the province tbrough thte arly days of settiement 1and ichools Friday evening. Iaying a fira foundation for biessuccessors. The federal ate, t Tliere is a great consolaion in the fact, however, field .called b im tco, and lie reigned -the premiersip dealin that Wh*tby escaped mucli more easily than other places, to accept a portfolio in the -reorganized Conservative every, ia smofrne Mwich the Grizu Reaper macle bis appearance. cabinet wbich went to the country in l1M6 only to w« Thesatorm lef inuswak a tofilof death andfldt en defçat.With is colleagu, Sir Hugh John wetlt <l srconunpreeedented in -Ontario. Tht inaiicial lou dewn to. defeat, bis persnal lms being to that -other hv wiil, il là believed, rçach weil over a million dollars, and great westerer, Sir 1ifr Sifton. He then tWuKied they h it cao lie madle up, but nothing in humai power cal' back to provincial affaireanad was for many years Police which fill the vacant -chair in many a home, or compensat Magistrate 6f Winnipeg, a, psition lie, fIed vAth. dig- ed. thost whosc homes have been entered by deatli. nity and honor until disease attacked hi la bnis 8th Hrow Wbitby un comparison with other. places got off year and death finaly claimed hi after lie had battled the ne ,ightly. RaLtepayers in payng tht bill of dama-ges can br-avely foy some weeks. a. tep truly aay tha t imaight have baen wors. A WBLCOME ANNOUNCEMENT The aneuncement made at the banquet on Friday niglit in Wbhitby by Secretary W. A. Hewitt, of tht O.H:A., that a plan is on foot whereby* intermediate hockey teama w!i be groupedaccording t the ppula- tion cf the places- they represent, aid that towns cf Whitlly's ie will not hoc obliged to compete with citie,,is one that wil& bc wclcomed by levers c f Can- ada's national wlater sport. Tht effect of sucli a plan wÎll bc far reaching. It wiil asimulate enthuiasa for. the game la amaIler cen- tres, and, as Mr. Hewitt stated, il will give towns ike Whitby a better chance, to laid a championsbip. To this paper il lias almys seeo>ed urffair that aâ tesa from \Whîby, made up as a rule mWoslcf local boys, sliould havbt te compete against team~ freiin- dustrial centres likc 'Oshawa or Ktchener wlaere the population is greater aid opportunitits abound' for the placing of gond--players. l'or places umaler even thani Wbitby, tht O.H.A.'s new plan will prove a boon, be- cause many of thea have gond Icans, but are. unable te compete in the general prder of tbings withi larger centres. With tht new Plan la operation next 'winter, WIhit- by's chance cf a League chanupienship should lie greatly enhanced. TEACIING CANADIANISM Thet eacbing cf Canadianain thde public scools cf Ontario, as an effective weapon against seditious ceai- mutilaI doct4nes, was strongly advcattd by Inspector R. A. Hutchuson, of Whitby, lnanaigddrcus lat week hefowe the Ontaio Educatlinal Association. Mr. Ifuteli- titebnags, idto give eet 0t hia contention lie sug' -gested a resolution cthat Caialnism ie eumphaimed la the curricUluMs, of normal'and model schools where teachers are traîned as well as public and. separate schoolà, an4 chat a maaual of instruction with the subject bc gveto every teacher. Whil- thet resolution was net ad opted, owing te a differencecf opinion among tht delegates, there.was much ssud la favor cf it. Undoub'tedly Canadian içitals, which are after anl Britishi ideals, if properly prestnted, are se aiuch ahead -of ducat nurturedaid expoundtd by tht "Red"" doctrine preachers, they shculd appeal tothe children cf foreign- tri enrolled la Our achools. There la ne couxparidon between tht two, aid teachersseized with tht import- ance cf îe4ching Cndaia can becotae great-mission' PREVBNTWE MRASURBS QUSlONED- Reports emaiating froai the offices of due Compen- sation Board show a strong upward trend la the num- ber of accidents reported, se much se chat soei are inclined to question the value cf preventive efforts. Thtis queationing la, doubtiet, gond for the afety moveaient as it keeps officiala alive te the need of due- situatïon but chose interested in' industrial safety netd net loe besrt according te K B. Morley,, general manager, In- dustrial Accident PrxventioW Associations, vilo'refers to due increase lanpyrol la the past year aid to due growinig practice 0f rtporting tht moat minor type of accident to due Workmen's Compensation Board.* ."Ac- cident atatstia are vital te accident control," sald Mr. Morley aid réferred tou cmiatoscovtring the filten clames cf industry la the Associations. A care- fuI tabulation àla'Made cf thtex peienceof tht tigit_ thouaad plants compriing dute mtmbeauhp of the or- ganittation and tbfs information la foilowtd up by 1tut and by ea11of thetfield force of thteAsocations. -Mr. Morley adds that the growing intereit of ezecutives la acxden prvetion bas anady begun to produce re- suld. Tr realtold* about 2e.000 plants under* compensation la Ontario, cM wW&c8,00 are tunder due jtuiditimn of the Induatrial Accident Prevetion As' ociatiomne.Ti.payroll of dues. tigU ethouoand, liow,- evT, a about two-thirds of the totaL In March, 1929, cthute were 6,26 accidents report' ad to the Oimpeftstimn Boad, -ofwicthi r ity-f=u were fatal. 'fluaisa & a li dmp frot Februay tuen the e e 6&W acMients, ineluding 49 fatàliiesbut Match, 1929, figures ae ei tliaa M"aitl Tii. totalben"eka laijured workersaid êêâ. depndns in IIMaTVli M0( s 7am wm $626»&569, of " 10,78.8 aiformedical aid. 'fleg. figre. olbow wery fitâ mg from Nhmbray ben ttal lben- titew 626,14848, uacledlag $102,002,06 for mtd- TWmO GReAT MWeAS Canad ltogst menreoeatly la thet pssmmn ci r He iàn f wânmnipe& si8 IO= GeaiLa Of (Q#sC. Constructive statemautailatht bd"vun a aslw& sd their pusmmg wM ibc Sm Louer Gouin vswu ~eothte endbeiot seias JUVENMlE DE194QUENCY Judge Moulins,. associate >udge of the Toront Ju' venile Court, believes that te lack of proper home tramn- ing is tht reason for so mucli juvenile delin<juencyr. In a recent addreusila Oshawa under tht ausie of the Kiwani Club, the jucige struck the nail on tht head when lie declared that home conditions could flot pow ibly ho right when both fathèr and mother took no in- terest in thear cbildren, vqîth the resuit that the latter souglit outt~her own paths. This condition, snid thtespeaker, lias -given risc to a much greater amount of juvenile délinquency, and. many institutions, including Juvenile courts, have. been found- td in ai, endeavour to cope vwe the probleai. 0f course, net ail of the incrasela juvenile delinquency figures was duc to a ruis laactual crime- among the boys, a large part of tht increase la the figures being due te a doser check that is being kept on juvenile ofý fenders in recent years, said Judge Hskins. Tht judige urged upon patents the necessity of being as much ias possila opnoso their chidren, help- ing theai work out- their problems so0 that theY would net ho thrown on the advice of children on tht street. EdilrlalNotes% If poic agistrates would cancel tht driving 11- censes ochs'who drive vehidles while under the la- fluence of fiquor passen-gers who ride'la these vehicles would appreciate it. One way te rid, the highways of sucli a menace w'ould be to, prevent dti froai driving thereon. Mount Foreo Confederate: It la only'rartly that we SI . ne apr a*g""ILprivalge at azcobacil: aieLsays an --change. G;enerally, if a pubic bod l&et-town council, la fair te due prea-s afair to dtaim. There are, some, publicéefficialà who cannot stand criti' cism, and dais la usually the cause of tht trouble. Newes- ~papers, and especiaily tht weekly cnes, are ne ruliber stamp.. Thty run their own show',"have their owp iîdeas, aid cannot be.bullied lato keeping quiet if they -think they ahould speak eut'la meeting. Sptaking on due subject- cf rural mail boxes, tht Mount Forest Confederate says:- 'The farmers naait on a mail box serves 'a good, purpoat pçeviding due per-i son. driving along the road la net, driving toc fast. Other-i wWa net maniy names are prîinted large enougli te read. Froai a advtrtislag standpolat, a- name prlattd large on a barn is preferable. We aiight easly take a led eout of the bock cf a ichigan fautIer lan tis respect. Ont can drive for miles and set every barn painted, invariably red, with due owner's name la white letter nearly twpo feet long. It aiay ho that tht name cf due farm alse is printtd and.if smre particular breed of horsts, cattle or shetp la speciâlized la,- this la mentiened liktwlae. ""We have decided to complain ne more about due winters in Ontario-l 0,000 people froze to, death la Europe dais winter," aays due editor of* due Beaverton Express, who adds: "MTe blizzards were se severe over there chat wolves aid wild boars, driven by hunger, came eut of tht forestsa ad* raided barnyards- and hutm GypsiesfroDzi te deada liduthrcamps. Trains could net rai. Food supplies were shut off. While deada stalked ever dtee, wç felksover litre niqtored prac- tically ail winter." Te the desk of the -editor there came this week a expansion number of due Kitchener Daily Record.-cen, taining. 104 pages. Tht Record, rectndy moved lato a very miodern building, dtelast word la due mateçr of modern coneniences aid equîpment aid the management of cthat paper tized tht oppertunity te linik with tht story cf due growth of thear business the great strides madle by due city la recent years. Kitchener is notedi for its industriesof wbich there are over ont hundred, and the expansion number reviewçd their histèîr la detail, as well as dtaling widu due many commuiiy activities cf the city.'Tht Recordila tq ho comnmendcd on ils enterprise. The comr4unky spirit -being fostertd by the Whitby Citizens Band. in Sunday ecvenlg and summer ôencets,. aid aiso in- due latest proposaIte eet a band stnd, whIch can bce put to other uses, la the Towhu Park, ,âh oiudommce.d itatlf te ail citizens. As Ex-Reeve A.1 W. Jako ttdat due concert Sunday evm th de sdooject aid.airm of dteBand la due promotion of: pMie l due cmmunity. Thomt who play la due or' ganition rSceve -hale or ne remuatration.Mo-fur' che du bad.sandprojecthde Band la btipnggodu Town Hl oft Awri 1th an tstcm igentertalmeui trio and in apprecatiom du te Bands wrk the hall should bc figeatote doom,. Barrie Exu"e:n4' Ter's -no muncan'n mtera Wed delinquent tai payera la- C:ueoof Port Bige. Ap parentyflypred by due newa chat on.imunicipality la Bruce aid anther la Huron had collected its 1928 taxes one liundredpu cent. and chat are a dolar eï> saie4 mtsariiugon the cdlectw.rsboo&s,-Port Bigl Seditio inP.~f Ictioi ofO taroEdu=tionaI àtion on Thurs a st in Tor- atpropofêd.ateps for ita pro- on were thO ubjeet of dacuion of the afternon. ressing Ida belief that "Cm.- la shotil<l be expressed more tically o'the - ahool cumu- P. A. utchis11, Of Wbity, tor of Public achools for sou*h io, suggested a reolutian. tht "aim b-bi-eMMladSizM in -,tw ~uins of: MorMa.an sd-mode! s, as well, as public and separ- fiat a rmital of nstruction é with the.siibJect be grven to tesciier and that a copy of th1e iion be passed on -to the min- of educationL ing to the dlose contact teachers with young ininds, 11e believed held iii thifr ha.nds the means by Sditious ideas might be remov- w'ever, .. Besson, of Windsor, ext speake4 di flot believesuch p was neelsary. In the bordes he said, the problem was-prac- negligible, that the relation of oreiga pupils and those ef Cali- birth cou1lI not -be bettered and by anticipatne- difficulty it would jbtedly arise. et parents:seM that; their ebldren appy and. prosperous, and as for teds," 11e saapped bis fingers, 'it a mighty lot to throw our school m off the road snd itlal good gh, i believe, to carry through, on- wn doctrine," he declared. Soon Beesae Cauadiamized reign races have a flue culture their native lands, 1e snid, snd Lfficulty ofIot knowing EngUàs readily overcome'by a remarkable of persistency. "There, lu no illiteracy among these new Cai. is than among the old," 1e -cou- cd, and recalled with- a smile how ebecame, "Barry.", M!. Bennett who had msent eight srecently In inspecting achools orthern Ontario, believed that the aration of a niual would asst ;aehers iibringing Britis h ideals re littie new Canadians, but that Rlutchisonds resolution should in- cthe viewu of other Canadianiz-ý Lgencies suc has Boy Scouts, ee and. other -associations. a suggestion of Mfr. Bennett that mublicity of the reiolutioun igbt armful Mr,. futchison repliec that ad not couuidered that phase and 11e would accordingly witbdzaw 'D D. krby Eléce& bas been made lby Durant Motors cf Canada, Limiteci, during the past lhree years sud'the prestige whieh this compsnyî bas 4gaineci during liat lime, under bis leadership, Mr. R~oy D. KLerby was electeci President of the Osuadian Company, at a meeting cf the directors folowing -lieésinus!. meeting cf shareholders. .This in evidence of the esteecainl Whiclu Mr.- Kerby is held by the new group which bhas taken over th1e act- ive management of Durant oos lue.,' lahicUnIteciStates mud wbleb -lidu"es red.J-5 HainesPresi i I il Kerby andi bis eetives in the Cana- ,Da. Organmxaticu-have won the- con- fidenceof lie.Canadian publie throngh the- poliel theY -ave establisbed, h. gaves -the. relit -for the. eomprnnys s -t6saté h. lalty cf lie- deaer - that itends froua corna t. toram aidtbe .fietory staffrzeapons iifor lhe building ofu« a modea. Sfoiwng froua ibe-,fot"t &«ily Sta ouli h OC lota:i terait, un *iw soflie proosaMM mal- mons ago by Kaigit Brou. oCfMm- ford, o istà abl ba'adwoàd asting plam in Wlnitby: - «An fintof ai$500M007 pr ut l *Mouant t. equity et a -.~ - A i hse feaùtrs.-.AUitbsextra ai no exim cor! DUJAJ8 St.W. Phone '122.- TII HortA. rad. >,wzram'of A «t.y hFdday *ai. DI Challeges Your Interes i FIýo Intance, the Coach $424, Down, and monthly Paymêet Your preset curwill prbably cover the satre firot.Payaient The HmiC. Purchae Pl=n ffri tise Iowestoaibefnactéisn Whltby Thèse» Important MMV TO O On O ur 0o9wm-steets Essex the Chs iuader competentobservation, -ai 24 -miles pergali.on. TIi. average i nthis, îcm eèPect18 to » mi uprard. Husudreds of records ii the country during "Chalenger' proveEaee 'm~CneCi operatin largefleets of Essax tha seude atimaintenance covering millions of miles. ofop aelowest of any car they -ever Esse th Cil'engr sweeplsaside the burkirs of prie clan. leagsthperormmcethe stle,he lXUfboUomY coIfotOfu aitanptie, on.the basistano other givesyou bock so. much for doUlaryou putl. Thatis why tee Mg buyigwingis to ssex. 'r why ntrssbY th-Ousands are swi*tching fhomust avorites, and ing-i th eir present cmr for-ithe. big values Esex the. Challengeri £~ A ~b ~...: AWide Choice9ofColors a m wComa fruwh eO575look et. Raout,'asd coinfortable. The,' donm Sgsdd5da Rich.baduom upholstery antdap- extra. The sa AND « L- -tlm poinimees -SIPE4X motor GLARE-PIt TaesXvWa copé o E -70 miles au, hoar-6@ miles, as ror, safcty bo hm raU lm£ oa. In getaway asnd gauge for It bd 4by dwdé hM!clismbmug k challenges ay car. -Bight paruà buws*CAUI, aud .U-udumo - us-~. huhéIM"'~'"'- ydrýulic &bock absorbers, 4-A for a hki OW.,é, - un. wheel brakes, sudiatos shutteus THE ME5 llCanadisin Goiernaot basgreatlyreduod thi esmtax oaA Hudson anti KAmexcmrsar now priced aordingly. ,auera ar e i ot Lest 7yS sae uithtbe. RO0F rees-w och, starter an fuelandi cil àame chroiaiaa aride. Md Ex. -/0NEG l'. evfesin,..-»d eqmupmemat cf che Nash *"400" bave added hundreds of dollarsof se«»aivislile woreh r. this Lamois m*oriorcar. They bave added an inalalable mess> ure ofenjoymear to Nash. owaerslaip. Y. hybasw addednubing se Nab At neogeta oat, y ou bhue cheTwint Ignitrc amoto,, ch. 7«e'osrad motorng umprovenient« <msW >u nom #ee4 Isssgaliae). You have cossly car 'interior Iishes, Houdalie -hydrauIic shockabaoibres, buni~ front an'd test, everi a spar. jokmd mta d.JIavaddd t.e Eqaim.atwhih ceber derniers(am Nash.derniers) chiarg era for, 49Iru. &dp icei-.Indudd in.v«MyNss "40" mde, a kCornsfromt That s.why you will lad chat "400,"' muliequp dlVeed p "eusasb res outercars w"hsimilar compare chu - «-carim pu w Ph. beouybyou ouYr.mvcr 'NeWNABH flOO IlUOUIANT "MW' EATVRI»à- ifO OTHEN . -flUERMIES TKNW .U e" Twiat-lgiuomotet Alumiaumalioipdsoas Rijw, ceauled Loaasewheslbas la Aircra.sp.spri <I frta casiss lo n ue pluga Newdoubledropfraumcl loh edr Hih omesin Torsional vibration Quai vWsisafrois Houdaile and Lovejoy damPer, elrOtlSl Pn4laipose shock absorbera Wrchromestterin pj>utd ~NsnSoilD 5ad#1e DoisShort turaiag radius -bumpes tfCalIp the fo adian that-b undoul are lu the Rb takes syster enoug] its om Foi from th1e di w as rm asset more adianu tendet "lIzzy, J.]1 years lu No prepi the te befor' Mr. 1 elude ing à cbure At the - be ha 1e. h à that the r ROI

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