elots of pice suitable for me ami see what we have, >also haveail sorts ACCESSORIES to ,ke your- parcels attractive. ipty- Gift Boxes, gs, Seals, Tissue 1 -Wrapping Paper, Mbons and Uwne L ODLUIM Druggist and. Stationer ITBY, ONTARIO LocaD appeninlusI Mr. D. J. Kean is in Bèaverbn te- day (Thursday) attending the funeral of his brother, Who passed away in Toronto on Tuesday, after a short ili- rs. A. W. Greene spentTuesday cf week ini Toronto. r. and Mrs.- J. C. Rutherford sund in, cf Oshawa, speut the week end Thitby at the home cf the iatter's er, A. W. Greene. in't- forget St. Berunard's Christ- Concert t-o be beld in the Parisi Tbu.rsday, Doec. 20. Admission -24 rnoný.(he recéent visitoirsof Mrs. V.Mreeue were Mr. sud Mrs. D. 7ýaver, of Belleville; ~M. sud Mrs. 1Carlile, M r. -aud Mrs. Claude pe, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Farrell fanxly, cf Stirling, Mme. Mary Me- , f FranIcford, Mr. S. S. Weaver, 'reut4n, (r. aud Mme. F. W. -Van- ront sud faniily,,cf Oshawa; Mm. rge Carlisle sud. daugliter, cf To- ;o, Miss Helen Weaver, cf Roches- Send your friend a subseription te the Gazette sud Chronicle for eue year as a Christmas gift. He or she will appecite ichome paper. To new subscrbers fmom uow until December, 109, for $2.00. Big clearance of ail winter bats .at $2.95 sud $395 -for one week. Gwen -Wright. Sheriff J. F. 'Paxton left ou Tuesday for Port Arthur te attend the annuai meeting cf the Ontamio Amateur Ath- letic Union. The Sberiff goes as Treas-. urer of the O.H.A. The Famîly Herald snd Weekiy Star cf Moutreal is not only a m uey miaker but a meney saver te the f amni- ers cf Canada, wbîle the fammer's famiiy circle, in the accompanying magazine, gets wbat is admitted to be the best. cf ail. MISSION BAND BAZAAR -The Mission Baud cf 'the United Church beid their annual bazaar sud sale on Sà turday afternoon last in the Suuday Scbeol roem.- The different- sales tables were well patrouized, the à um of $217 beiug reaiized. The Mis- sien Band wish te th4nk tbe ladies of the church who helped te, make their bazaar such a succees. GUN'CLUB REORGANIZED On Saturday eveniug last the Gun- Club beld its aunuai meeting sud edec- tion of officers. The treasumer's report sbowed a balance cf $14.00 eu baud, with, aIl debts paid. The officets were ---ail peseuted with a vote ef thanks #nd re-elected as follcws: President-Geo. Whitelaw. Vice President-James Moore. Treasurer sud Secretary- Mark Mallett The Wbitby Cbecker Club, formiug *part of the Gun Club, are gettiug in some geod practice in preparation for à local League sud matches later witb Oshawa, Port Hope, Toronto sud ctber 'Y-clubs. CHURCH GAVE LIBERALLY At theUnited Churcli on Sunday asat a genereus response was made te the appeal' for missionary sud local funds. -The cash offering for the day was approximateiy $800. Theme were large congregations at both services, and the messages 1,W the Rev. Dr. C. R. Carscallen, principal of the Ontario Ladies' College, sud Rev. Dr. Bamuer, sêpenintendeut of Indian Missions, were lstned' W with great'interest RUCTIVE LECTURE ay eveniug ilut in tic chi Sehool room a 'very Ld instructive iliustrated flivered by Dr. C. C. Me- Sintendent of Baptist 1e west for the sat men in a boat, missioiu stationssund missiona4ies' discouragements aud en- couiragenments, homes- that coit $1.50 each (glass for wludows) great wheat fields, champion -wheat of the world, great dro!ves cf cattie thriving all year without ihelter of stables or barns, were son,4e of the subjects touched on. The spee ker proved that Peace river W55 the country of 'thefuture and the rlht p1e for our, best young Cana,-, dian maz Lhood, also that he was the riglit man to'teil about it._ 1Hearty votes of thanks and many ~,persoual compliments =4ud invitations to returli to Whiitby plus a liberal share cf the offeringas sent the lectur- er awayl smiling to his «littie grey bouse ini the west."' The G zette -and Chronicle wouldi like te re'ceive as mrany copies as pos- sible cf the issue of Nov. 29. These will be paid for At the regular price if brought ýo this office, in good condi- tien. SFIVE PIN BOWLING AT THE Oý;TARIO HOSPITAL Honôre for thîs week's bowling ini SIthe Hospital League go to the Sen-1u.r ILUU U iuL teok a r;rudge *at the littie wooden soldiers 'and siammed tbem for the highest core te 'date with 2334 'for three games, whie À. Mclwaine, cf the Falc es, crashed the timibers for' the weekrs* highest single witb the score cf 310. The foilowing have the higbest total averages te date: S. Byers, 194; T. Rae, 189; R., McCul- iey, 8; D. McLeau, 186; E. Hum-- pliries, l1ý3 Dr. R. C. Montgomery, 182; T. -Dean, 181. Leaggie Standing to Dec. 3rd. iPlayed Won Lest Points! Beaches ....18 12 6- 18 Giants...... ..18& 12 6 17 j Senators .... .. 21 13 8 16 Falcons ....... 21 12 9 16 Lakeviews .. ...18 il 7 15 Rangers .... .. 21 8 12 14 Revers. ... ... 18 9 9 12 Commissariats . 18 9 9 il Maple Leafs ..18 8 10 10 Lakesides ..21 6 15 9 Hilicmests. . 21 6 15 9 Oncales.....21 6 15 -9 TO HOLD LEAP YEAR- BALL Plans are uow under way for the annual Bail te be beld in the Town. Hall on:; Friday evening, December 28th, under the auspices cf the Whit- by Volunteer Fire' Company. This wiil be the 5lst annual bal sud it is beng beld a few days 'eariier owin te the f sét that civic nominations corne. on New Year'ls £] e. The programme will include many no4~elty dances, botb square a 1 id round, sud music will be fumnished. by a good orchestra. There- il1 ls isl be a ful course pupper. Tbe tickets are $1.00 per couple, aud this includes:lwar tax sud supper. MEN'S! ASSOCIATION FORMED A Meii's Association in connection with A4~ Saints' Churcb bas been formed, *final erganizatien -taking place on Monday eveniug of this week. The officers are: Presidýnt-J. F. Agg. Vice-presdent-Dr. Procter. Secetà ry-Fred Normait Treasurer-Wm. Downîe. Committe- Russell Bell, Harold Heard, W C. Town,,W.,E. Rice sud F. G. Erskiue. The Association will meetregu- lariy 'on ýthe second Monday of eacb month. FINED1 FOR L. C. A. VIOLATION Iu Police Court on Tuesday Scero Everettecof Osbawa, was fined $100 sud costs or two months for having liquor without a permit, sud $10 aud costs for', beiug întoxîcated in a public place. The man was- arrested aud! charged by Coutabie John'Thomas. H1e was found iying in the ditcb near the Town Park. HIGH 1S 1CHOOL COMMENCEMENT The annual Commencement Exer- ciscs in-conectiou with Whitby High School will be heid on Friday even- iug in the' School Assembly Hall. Theý speaker c'f the eveniug wili be Mr. W. J. Duulop,, director of University Ex- tension. !A fine -programme bas been Motomists wbo have to date escapeÎ the neces41ty cf filliug the radiators of their cars with anti-freeze may be well advised te take precaution for the WeatýiernIan bas propbesied colder weatber soon. The Canadian winter as kuown in Whitby sud district may be slow in' comiug but it cornes noue the less and1 sometimes witb littie warmng. Mr. N. . Stafford sud son Emnest visited recently with the former's bro- ther at Pontiac, Midi. Msesrs. 'Frank, Eruest sud Elmer Loach, al cf New Liskeard,- were in towu ilast 'ýeek attending the funeral of their sià ter. Congrati4ations W Mr. sud Mms Leslie Aliman upon -their recent mai- rxage. The Ladie Aid met, at the church 'Mr. -and Mrs. L. S. Lo>ach, accom- panied bis son andwife, Mr. sud- Mrs. and à ster, B.C of 1 eeCk e.>0C1 OI10l01511 ettePrairie, Manitoba. There are ýalso week endtiree grandeilidren. A large number of friendsansd rela- LAU> TO REST tives attended the funeraL on. Friday, The funeral cf -théè îat e Miss E(IZI the service at the family residence on Loach, vict4m cf a Dunorcrlci- o1I1Cp street being conducted by Rev. dent, w4s held on Thursday afternoon. M. Ir-win, a, former pastor cf de- last from her late residence on, the ceased, wR'o, inu eloquent address 'ai- Kingston road-to Ail Saints, Anglican luded> to the niany fine qualities whicli Churcli, cf which she was a membe r Iarked the life cf deceased. There and where lier father is rector's war- were a number cf beautiful floral trib- den., Many sympathizing friends at- utes, including wreaths from, the La- teuded the churcli servie, the auditor- dies' Aid - f Whitby United Churcli, ium being aimost fllled. The rector, threeaiLdg~adWib i Rev. J. M., Crisail, was in charge -' - Brgade, and others. dèlivered a message cf comfort and Among those from out-of-town wýho. cheer to those who had been bereaved. attended the funeral were Mr. sud He referred to the C3hristian life cf Mrs. John Grabano, cf- Collingwood; the deceased, to lier devotion sud Mr. aud Mrs. George Wootem, Mrs. faithfulness in ber work aud to the Perryman snd sons George and Wal-, fact that deatb for lier had meant the lac~e, cf Oriia; Mr. . and Mrs. Jas. Ser- entering-unpon a new life where death vice, Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Rults, Mrs.i sud sorrow are unknown. The rector Charles Augustus and Mr. Albert Mc- pointedl out, that the girIls sudden Carl, cf Toronto; Mrs. W. Hendersen,- death was a warnin; cof life's brief -Dunharton; Mr. and Mrs.- W. Parlia- span, snd* stressed the need for pre-I ment aÉdý M. Parliamient, Cannington; paredness for death. 'AppropriateI Miss Emma Cooper, Mr. aud. Mrs. W. hymns were sung, the organist, Miss Petrie, Mr. Fred Kirby, Mr. Bert Hep- Thomas, played the Dead March ini per and Miss Maud Hopper, Oshawa. Saul, 'and tlbe bell W as toiled as the funeral certege left the churcli. A touching scene was that cf six broth-, _______ ers acting as palîbearers for their de- ceased sister. 'The interment was! inade i St. John s -cemetery at- Port 1WhItby. Msuy beautiflu wreaths from churchi organizations aud sympathiz- ing friends were in evidence.- Thieves eiitered the store cf Ale. Gilboard, Queen Street, Port Perry, at,a late heur Monday night, sud stole $400 wortb of men's eiothing, over- coats, caps, sweater ^coats aud shees. The theft was discovered next mcm-_________ ing at 8o'clock when Mr. Gilboard ar- rived at bis store te open up for the NOT ONLY ORNAMENI day. He found the lock on the front door broken, while the back door was nlghty sound argument left open, showing that the'robbers ~IVe Watch for that soni, had retreated through the rear en- trance with their ili-gotten gains. --------- Emt pcson the* shelves andi~I -cots rckidiaedwhr testock Ladijes' vvrla, ha enplundemed. ~$ 0 Port Perry is without a nigh\tWatch- $850 l' g$1à mani sud the task cf the burgiars would thus be rendered less difficult P taina larger community. It is sus- ~ oi ~ A v4 imi . peéted that they cenveyed the goods M.en's W ris UIa U away in a car or truck. The provin-1 cial police were notified cf the robbery 'l -$at 50 UJ sud Provincial Constable T. Mitchell - is ivestigating.I Raw Furs WANTED We wlll pay you the highest MARKET PRICES. Olve us a triai. The La 'ke Scugog Fur Farme ,42 Wellington St. E., Toronto lOth Concession, Port Perry, Ont. at -$3.OO0* SJ. Me HIJCKS Jeweler Annes' Block SDundas St. W., Whitby 1928. Arthur E. Chistian CountY Clerk-26 NOTICE 0F I"OSTING VOTERS' LIST Notice is hereby gi ven that. I have posted Up- at =y office at the Town of Whitby urn the 6th day of -Decem- ber, A.D.*, 1928, the Iist of ail persons -entitled to'vote on money By-laws at the next' annual elections to, be held on January 7th, 1929, and I hereby calPupon ail persons entitled-so to do to, have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to lavw, the last day fr appealé being the list dlay of Janu- ary, A.D., 1929. Dedat the Town of Wh-itby this 5th day of December, 1928 (Sgd.) John R.*Frost, Clerk, Town of Whitby. TENDERS WANTED The administrators of the estate of Watch 'Beauties' FAL BUT U-SEFUL! A it in favor of an attract- eéone's Chrlstmas OIft! ;t Watches at .2, $15 and up. 1 Pocket Watches p to $2IC5.OO st Watclies- and $8,OO0 Ro.markaiblo Sais etouMon':, Wo.en 's and -Children 's GIFT SLIPPERS IeMen's Prices. range' from 85c to $3.50 I Womnen's Prices. ranýge from 75c- to $2.50 Children's Prices'range from-5.0c to $1.00 Luxite Hosiery, neatly boxed, $1.00 to $1.95 - See Windows 1cr Other Christmas Speclals. Peel!Soe StoreI Brok S.,West Side - - Whitby, Ontar'io Men's Dress Ove in blues,,Mlaids, and ail the Priced at $14,95, $20.00.9 $26.5031 Meo's Barricloth êoats ail wool, just the thing for the man who lias to be outdoors. Guaranteed mothproof. The Latest Models at $32.00 CIIRSTMAS GIFIS Muff1ers, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ties, Shirts and Sweaters. New patterns. Ail in fancy gift boxes. Shop Early Re W . Talling Phone, 361, Whitby' H v oo MadeY0Ver CHISMA.AK E YETP Christmas is looming Up close, and if you have flot, yet made, your cake, it is certainly time to get busy. We have ail the ingredients-.-..and. the quality and prices wil please you. FINEST SEEDLEsS RAISINS 10Oc per Pound FINEST MIXEDb PEEL Orange,,Lemon and Citron 30 c Per Pound VALENCIA RAISINS, I oper Pound Have you tried our new. Bowes MIvince Meat in a closecj tin free from the dust 2 cper Pound Your- Bu-sine.ss Easip VacurnWashsr Christma4, Oift -Par Excllenoe" Sec withiout obigatîon-'Easy terms. We'are sole agents for Wjitby. Christmas Shoppers will find our s4ore the r'ight spot for Useful Gifts. Electrical Gyoods,é Silver Plate and Brass Ware, Cutlery, Fan\y Glass and China, Dolis ini great variety, Ioys, Skates, Wheeled Goods, ýSleghs, etc. OPEN EVERY EVFoN1NG TILL CHRISTMAS Brook St., South W.mAu HoIIiday& Cou phono 25 Y, I