Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1928, p. 1

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brs c Ju. son e ot nos] Lhi ~N PW ~ ~etry Projec tFreely Disc r :T oop lif, iti es -Hardwood PMU$759OO Town Gets'Fhr@ 0ahiery Worth $150,1 Euquiment of, $75,OOO Aj kog; 0-8Y gV4at tee of $50,000 Subscribed 1 by a bsnqut hb4 in At a public meeting of the-citizens eh 8uýayr School rpeff on Thur&-" y evenmng,'ealled by thet oig,*awhich not ouly Town Conil for the consideration of 1 th* parents were an industriuI conceru which asks the nuunber 91visîting of- town for a oan of $75,000, 9, resolu- têid -*oâ14tbuding tien was pai sed unaniznously that the Adon, irtr Town Counci1 be requested te prepare il e' qumeçp,;Wloa bylaw for lhe requisite assistance te, al speaker oft the proposed flooring company, if and hop -of the aivM8 when the czntpanY submits satisfac- SDe$aetrent and 5an tory evideiqce that it van f urnish ecretsry; Scout .,Com- 875,000 worth of appraised equipment sby, of Lindsay Dist- ainl addiion $50,000 has been .suab- rT 4*dmu of the Firut scribed by S'ubstant.ial persons te Bouitmasters Inglazn, furnish. worl 4uig capital. ty, of the various Osh-l TAe udertading is that the Coun- cI others. 'cil is te, hav~ the bylaw prepared, ad- erved by thie JUM»« vertised and submitted te the pcopkç ie Church, wider th if possible èt',tAe January municipal Kfra. E. R. Blow, wag etin fee slr d. oThe .< Indicative f a revival of interest in prei dwlth many oi-m uiwPal raswas the large -at- Mej% mm o teadabee at ,Le meeting,.there being simotion gathered " oiphudrecl present. lt was also kmab.4d which will erà*ml<1ir' te notce the nimber of kyed at a, cotrat husinet s meni many of themn large tax- - ,paye". of the Troop, of which I The m'eetinig was opened by Mayor ck Blow~ has beezn la . W. Batem#n, who, after explining mue years, and largey that thie Counicil had thought It wise f«ortàs the outstandibg te obtçpn froýn, the citizens 'an expres- rresa of thie Troopi has. sion of opinio regarding the prbposed sdtheir parenits with new industry,, by way of a gude for les. j future actiton, called upon Mfr. F. S.- Teau.t t night, rertentative of the Hard- ata*rd made a very!wood Floorini company, to explain in r Alter tliewnsi g detail what l4e w anted the Town of r apnet Whitby to do, and what his &mpany dajesty the King, the was prepared to do in return. a moentiii ilece.What -Company Asks Meeting of s Loap of Plant and n Calls For, nd G uaran 1. - ElariedS56iYears - Whitby CàpIe Are" Honored'by Friellil Mr.. and Mmr. 'hoii8 Iawea, Sr 1,Rn sdvery ligly esteeua- ed resideats of Whitb7, have been married >foi flfty-s1x ye4mars lengthy and happy Irelatio*hp- wlmleh falut. the lot of very few. kt waa therefore fitting thut .4n - Frday veuig Ia iiuxuer, of tterrltive. ad frends tend- erod th.em a surprise Party, fur.- niShing an oecasion and place fer the expression of kindly wishes. and for the bestowal of many use-. fu il aM oty &Wtu.The programn for the eveing »was a -thoroughly enjoyable one. imcludîng à supper,: musie, taids games, etc. Amongý tiioso presnt were Mr. And Mns. W.J.Iwrewc,%ad Misses Bea- trice% Olive and Rosa and Mr. John Lawrenee, and Mr. Oscar Morrieon, of Brookii; *Mr. and Mn. Aibert Hawes and'Elmer Kaweâ4 Dundas St., Whitby. The Gazette and Chrèonicle joins with umw yfniends1 in Whitby in ex- tendlg bWu wishes to the bride and groom of over haif a ceitury ago, coupled with the hope Ébat they be sPared to one anather for soute years to. cone.1 ~1I* <oowe4IietiOSt t t-1Q Mn. EnigAit firat poiuted out that thaned by the ; Hpebpl e ýf L wAic> Mr . .L. Beeroft had offered bis f WHT Y OS IAL B t1una io' th.eohep adeo-opetion site where Ç.P.R. sud C.N.R. track H T YD Cburb i 1~)uel an doOPO facilities Werý available, and oui this give to the Stouts at aIl. tiIurev site it was por~ t» erect a *tw, D. B.Ifi'oraiddooned;ing iCOL. FAREWELL In tË -communlty wfth Jeans Chit Plant, with ' lme sheds, its, bea4 and iuigtro te Scoùtà,te t c skilled as iei, from yard In Issue Tried by Judge Thoni* ~i, àlîonc.with eïzupn4c> <s ou doors, pta B adSes pth tiýer ba 1 14ld6e ep '-;>h an annial pt orSt ptw _ ail of frýmÇ -o$500 With Terpîs of Will in Q any skilld ]m' !re reqùired _ih se fl lýedet Fý1w _W Coni Ji". f - l 1--ý,,'wou1ct ta greathy des d pPlyC mbf Zïfét ý d ustrouù,ut ltaoW lt' of froP 3 the ~ ' dlStt, g eu. gwt c,~ e$o lg stock 7 (W ~t~ J.1~ îow ofWhibyfor~hupai - ~ sf $O<M~ rth After hearing conisidberabbe qe âUs of< the camp held hast sunmèr Mfenred paymnXt5of iter8t anduinthie trial'of the issue betwen, tAi at Bilsa Laite. Thie Comrnssloi principal ýfor 1two years, thie coflstni<c Whitby Hospital Board.aid tAie Boand - sttd that thie camp Aad been se well -tion of. -a . water maini costing $,0 of thie Oshawa Genenal Hozpital, -to operated that there was a Profit Of for fine protecto purposes., As se-1sueaiitrottnofalae {Contiuued on page 2)' cunty the counpany WoCdgv h in the will of Col. J. IE. Farewell, Y. town a first m ortgage ou thie machin- C., Who died Dec. 29, 1923, with ne- ery plant aidlaid. MachinerY Of an spect to a legacy of $3,000 made unde* appraised value of $75,000 would be certain êÜnditions for tAie enection of anther 7,0,H e mtdt atenoor eseved jdmpsntn.ün WAnu IUCCESSIIJIFULth coinpany was givîng thée town as Judgncn ee djd M ouda i secunity two dollars for one which Wa5 Appearing for thie Whitby Hospital- St.Ânre 'sN't el more -thandemanded by a boan comn- Board, A. G. Brownin"g, befone trial1 St Anrew'sNi.gh Well pauy. Thie couipany would require commenced, read toe. the Court -tAie. Observed at the Presby- free w-ater,' exemption froni ail but clause in question, of Col. Fanewell's1l terian Churcb' school taxes and a fxed assessmnt will, aud stated that thie Board had1 Of 40 per cent of thie plants total doue everything possible,-aud In com-., value., The -principals in thie flrm pliance wlth the ternis of thie will, te; For n'any years St. Andrew's Night, i lettete spamn ftelg thie ainiversaty of 014 Scotia's patron (Coutlnued on page 6) eniti tn' tsed oramenlti thA e o saint, lias been thie occasion of a genu-- they are so entithed te payment. 1 lue old Scotch social in St. Andrew's Thecae orth Osaw Hspta PresyteienChurht nd rida niht HRIS MAS CHE R.- Board was presented by G. D. Conait last there was no exception te thie 1o saa n teeiec ae Jl rle.Fols. fointhelandof h I NEE ED ERE was ou behalf of both parties inter- heather, barley cakie and aicient tra- seintesu. ditions, aud descendants of eanîy settî'____ etetI the ssue. ay ers, asWWil a tAlareWillnerSays ens as wpl s alare uxner ~ oney Coming In Promises. Mr. Browning, ât thé outset, before othens, were in atteudance, tAie ram - SbtnilFn ahn wtess dcdacp f which -felh ail day failiig to interfere Sub ______ undColl. Farwells wiIl ad ead here-f w»ltAite event. Cl aeelswl n edtee TeSunday School roon', thanks to Thie Christmnas Cheer Fund beiug fron' tAie fohowlng caises: The fS o i ais a ecorated'collected joiutly by thie Gazette and "I f, pior to n'y death, or within 'wýith tAie tartans, of many a Scottish Chronicle and the Social Service Con'- tAneyasIfe ' etTi clan, aid- bunches of heather were inittee. of thie Chamber of Commerce Cou1nty 'Of Ontario and thie Town of micA in evidonce lu coat hapels. piper will ueed a lot of mouey if thie list of Wkitby, or either of then', shail have aw rof thie Le*gion Band, Oshaway children sud adubts too, whose names built or undert"-en sud conimeuced te contributed Bs share to thie enjoy-, have been handed to thie Con'mittee build lun the Town of Whitbiy, a -Gen- ment of tic evenîng- by phaying sev- 1 are to have à merny Christmas. Cou- oral Hospital for thie sick, sud have oral selections on thie bsgpipes. His'tributions so fan have been good but contributcd or undertaken te contrib- principal task, however, was to pipe in thie Con'mittee will be- able to use sîl utc e tAte erection of thie ssid hos- thie steamlng haggis, borne aloft -by thie noncy kind friends cau give as lu pital, thon I direct n'y trustees to psy Scotamen Joseph B. Mitchell sud Da- several cases clothing has to be to thie proper officiahs of said Hospital vid Mowat. Oie couhd- not imaginea bought, to say uothing of thie-Christ- for its objects and purposes,- thie Scotch social at St. Andrewys without mas dinner aid tdys for thie litthe thousand dollars, without înterest1 thie haggis.- folks. Manager Perry, of tAc Douiin- ther& ou, less aiy sun' which I shail TAi chirmn fr tie venng asion Bank, Town Clenk John R. Frost, have contributed towards said hospital Thev.Jhn indfyr ho veing sanfad the Secretary of the Committee at lun'my lfetime."1 opening address tolda-few stonies on the Gazette laid Chronîche office are - (Continued ou page 6) thie Scotch, of which Aie is s descend-oprtorevecnibinsigad_______ anwhlch fitted i iceby. The pro- Sma. Every case is s worthy one, aid I 9 anleof musical aud literary nun'-. while the-n'ajority of citizens Who anrhehasSopn bor h ecelet alntopne wthin good cîrcupistances hardhy realized.S o nn Mn .ay that thene are cases of poverty lin cornmunity siuging, withMr ay their midst, it is uevertheless a fact.j tAe ino9 is9 uni, bcutionist, ner i~s tlhe case, for_ instance, of~* dto ilB thalpno. rM~ists ud cirmse r a fml nVr oo icmtne of Toronto, gave several readings lva g f e ldwry poo icnstesrt Publihed Next Week Whicb were well received, these includ- livingtinoautoe d o rkshop t ae norh -igwo favorites by Robent Burns.-ato Aetw.Thr r orcid Mn. altr Iern ofAshuru wh usnon ore ai tAe ftho, wulewihing The Gazette and Chronicle will not a straigen at St. Andrew's, sud to wonk, is not employod steadily. onThrsaynext publish its au-3 whoposesss srih, sssvoie, asKind friends have Aelped a littie but nual Christmnas Shopping Edition. who psseses a ichbass oiée wasif Sauta Claus aid thie. Spirit of!> - TAe earlier date in chosen witha heard in sevenal old Scotch sougs!,i«44v«o-p nanp .iqhri hv4 Dr. T. E Ri4jng, The next Chamber -of Of the winlbe iember lI 3.2.30D p.; rý -nthe t.ouuCil bmi This was the date set by thie Executive on Tuesday evenhig. It was suigge-sted that Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P. for Ontar- ioi riding,. be invited to, give thie ad,- dress. The àecretary,ý,iuuneaiatelY com- rnunieated with him~by telephone and he veryidndly, censented te comne. Neediess to say, »r. K«aiser ls-no stranger in Wbitby -and Aie eau6e oone n te eivratimelY mes- sage. The sale of tickets will, 6e in charge - of- J. F. Boothe -o»d will selI for thue usuxal aid popular price of fIftceents. There- will ho bright community. sing- mng. before the ýaddress, new song sheets *having been seéured. Th e Women's Institute. will- supply tAie- lunch and it mwill 6e over by two o'- dcockl, sharp. The committee anticil- ,pates a large attendance, as lkas been thie case at former lumeheons. Th"Ae meeting dechded to have notices printed te ho sent te glI menibers of thie Executive notifying thon' of the heted ofthe Town Clerk'a officeg on tAie date ofin-otheln eetoficg e the firet and third . Tuesdays of each' mionth,, at 8 o'clock. These meetings will 6e of short duration,1 business wil not 6e -allowed te, pile up 'as in the, case of Infrequent. meetings. The clerk reported on the, nuniber of members sud it was decided to make an effort te enrol every-business and professional mn in the town. )ARD CLAIES BE(WEST0F> $310K0 ipson Monday,'Oshawa Hos- ït Wliitby Did' Not Comply St&tng Hospital,. Building Elaintiffs CIa*lk-Ipverye Con- rjjCoÇ-r n * 'gui - whrnch t :present je Partly toni down. The, brick building will go with the purchase if ratifled by tAie people. Thie bylaw,, introduced by Reeve Al. bert W. Jackson, who some weeks ago gave due notice of its introduction, reejved its two readinga, oie, icoin- mnittee' of the whole, withoiut discu's- sion. -It provides that the cebe,es te 6e issuedeeal cover a peï<o~ ifteen yeürs aid shall bear intei.Wt at five per cent. per annumi It* will 6e given its third reding after the election'if it receivea asseut -of prop- erty owuers, who alone are entitled.te vote on it. Thie purchase proposal was discus- sed at length some time ago -at a pub- lic meeting underChambeér of Com-li merce auspices, at which meeting, aI motion favorizig thie purchase wasj passed. It has also been dealt*I,' fully, in these cluins from Urnme toil time. Thie Industnial Bylaw A letter was read from Mr. F. Stan- ley Knight, who on Friday -eveming last as representative of a conmpany which proposes te establish a factory iu Whitby, addressed a public meeting: of the citizens, asking for a1 copy of the bylaw which Council -pnoposed -te submit te the people wit~h nepect 'te a loai for hie company of $75,000. Mr. Kniight wanted to se the bylaw, 50 that sîggested alterations might bo made. The Council, iu discussing thie let- ter, was of the opinion týiat before1 aiy bylaw was prepared or\submitted :(C.ninedonpage memmbers of Uouncil.- Mayor To Be Homt t-At the close of the neoi officiais aid press zepresontatives tô a supper at hie home at the close of the final regulan sessions of the year, I m m Monday evening, December l7th. In- cidefitally, this will be the third occa- D&. T.,E., KAISER, Mal. sion on which His Worship lias enter- ,Who- will speak at thie Chamber of tained bis colleagues in Council and Commerce Luncheon on December 12.t town officiais, at, the close of the yrear, sud Aie expressed the hope that al would niake it a point te ho on hand, DK G S O E WAS as itwould ho tthe last Urne tah I'DR G S ÙR'aid bis wife would 6e hosts te thie Council. H ie Worship stated that he 'GOT EDý BY RE aid Mns. Batemai had pleasant necoT- y lections of similan happy aàÈg in tAie past two years STOCK DESTROYEDJ Reeve. Jackson voiced the feeling of - bis colleagues»h Council who had at- StubornBlaz hiBase enttended previois gathérings at the StUb IM laz in ase entMayon's home when ho stated that of Hfewso'sStore Causes they too-bad pleasant recolloctions of Mach Damage the very kind hospitality extended by H[ic Worship aid lire. Baternan. Fi.re which broke out, about thrce o7- .Deputy-R*eve R. J. Undenwood çlock on Sunday morning in tAie rear moved that tAie Cbuncil accept thie of the basement of E .Hewson's ii5mor8 vttion w xth thaedbyCon. TAie drug store didcNlazage estimatçd at mto a oode1b oi.Bw least at $5,000 te tAesck while the, mai. building was ai'Àdmaged to a con-1 ayo en - nounnded (e oirn- siderable extent. Icil af thie týttory xeireb. leld 1%-e ûre*ien quiclçly answered ael a t4 r4UBP'dsjit - for thie whith wai sent in by Harry Ta!* who ree g Of, the Fln- -. J o! thie I AKI fflVG0VV a -ia I C>AJbV jof it chnisbtla oàUà imt àerio s targe. as Power or a Total of 1019, .arnived, la ahnost a com~plete bos%> cov- -Mor Watr Usd -1ered, it le stated, by insurance~ Resuit of Accident - oeW te sdpart O! -teic Weog ýat -th a ci Acconding to statistics o! thie Pub-Itheavcd u sudbogtdw.on A charge of mansiaughter has been ic Utility Commission for tAie montAi Tc fires.oukow rgn preferred against Chanles Beamio!o November, as prepared by Super- 1h ie !ukonoiithie Munico, as thie reÈult of thie death of intendent G. W. P. Every, there was econvd l.t ehae stre tlundér-is Miss Edua May Loach on Sunday 0v- a substaitiah increase in tAie amount stiwyld tohav srothd ,erthie oiîg, Noveniber 25th. Miss Loach o! water consunied in WAitby' while stiwy1aiern A~ek0 h was walking on thie highway west o! tAie peak power demand of 1,019 horse cdla t te defective tAie tewî on hon way home wheu she power set up a new record for tAie wiing is suKgge"j furnace was was struck and lnstaitly killed by Town of Whitby, thie increase for thie not going, onby &'MIL je leing used lu Bfeamai's car. A jury at tAie inquest montAi over tAie sanie montAi hast yean tAie store. Mxr. he' i% ud closed bis whicAi followed found' that Aie was,97n 'being 78 horse power. Billing records; store as usuaIl latej8' Saturday night 1 ndgone te o rnù ,- aiybi careless te some extent, athough Aie for tAie montAi also show an increase su tc# ariy en Aad donc ovenything ho could Possibly 'In revenue from water, light adnvd a.Thetigsstock hawday bfre dafter tAie accident. Beamai wths power. -re brought before Magistrate Wiîîîs on)1 The Water Pumpaige - n o atrayÂI0f L as e a- Thursday afternoon sud wa§ neleased Thie amount of wator pumped dur- packed, some o! tAc boxres,asweIla on bail o! $7,000, which was fontheon'- ing tAie montAi as 11,768,200 1 mp paper, beiug left lu Uic basemeut. Mrk ing, and Aie wlll appean to-day (Thurs- Gais. A year ago for tAie correspond-; Hewsou does. noV know liow thc fr4 day fo a reliniaryheaingo! is ng enid i wa 10966400galons started, *as then'e was no sign, o!ft case. Accused is represented by W. and in 1926 1V was 12,255,500. For *hnAelftaotmd gti o Hl. Kennedy. 1928, tAis represents an a-verage de- at Vhis tume -o! tAie.year is pVtici-- mand of 392,273 Imp. gallons per day hanhy heavy, à it wifl ho sonute n -iu tAie nunicipality. Thie1 greatest before au adjustmeut eau Aie r dai ftI1iIFUI~~7 amount nequired was 427,600 gallons tibulng, hc ïondb .J -ON Y O R on -Friday, Nov. l6th, sud -the mini.. H. Richardson, repaired. niÙum was ou Sunday, Nov. 25th, vie7., Ail day Sunday a clost watch, was 339,00 gls.kept on tAe place for fear o! a further OPENS TUESDAY 339"80 gais outbrcak, as the hoat lu'-the basement Thie Couuty Court sud Genenal Ses- sions o! Uic Peace open at thie Court House Acre next Tuesday. His Honor Judge Ruddy will preside. There are two jury sud se:veral non-jury civil actions ou thie docket. TAie Corpora- TAie "peak" demand for power oc- cunred at. 5.33 p.m. ou Fniday, Nov. 16, aud amounted te 1019 H.P. Thie k.w.h. cousumption for tAie montA was 239,- 560. A year ago thie record was 941 H. P., with a k.w.h. ýc6nsurnption o! 268,- 1 320. tion of the Town of Whitby ia thie de-i- -ÃŽt seenis more or less a co-incid- fendant lu two o! tAie jury actionstAiecuetabohAipakdmnfr plaintifs 'being Joseph Heard & Sous power sud tAie aximumaer n ansd E. Stafford. BotAi actions are for sum ption occurred on tAie sanie day, dazmagFesa.' ov. 16tAi hast. This much damagea.'y, is certain, that tAie waterworks motors Ris Bequest Disputed were off tAie ine ou that day fromi 4.55 p..te '7.50 p.m., which is tAie usual custon'. Nevertheloss, tAie public gralu- bcd off more electricity sud consumed mono water on,# that day than, any other day lu tAie montAi. IV wil lue noted that 78 more HI.P. were requined this year in Whitby S than asat year. The falling off in k.w. i h. consumptiori is likehy more appar- - eut than rosi as there is no niethod e, available locally to separgte tAie Pick- erng Rural Route District consumP- S tion fron' thie 'own o! Whitby. A 65 H-.P. custoeo in thie former R.P.D. is not operating tAis yoar sud Vis -probably accounts for tAie less k. W.h. cousumption sAiown for tAie coni bined systenis, iLe., tAie Pickering R. P.U. use o! K.W.H. is Imuch hess than hast year, while Whitby is probably showing tAie normal increase intthe use o! tAie sanie elusive conmodity. Billing R"lrd Power Light Water - 97 $1648.05 $588.11 $848.9-6 .1928 $1691.65 $728.11 $953.16 Thie hargest increasos in revenue 1 LATECOL.J. E FARWELL KC. are shown Vo be fron' light sud water. LAT CL.-.-.-PRE 4 was quite intense. Two Appearing lu juvenie ipolice court before Magistrate Wilis on Thursday night, tburee- local lads admlttedl thein gufit andi implication mi several thefts th7at have been reportcd te tAie police, during tAie perlod o! a yean or a little botter. The boys were taken ite eus- tedy over two weeks ago on a charge o! Aouebreaking. Magistrate Willis sent one boy, wAio corne time --ago was given a chance te. make good, te thie lndustrial School, at Mimnico, for an indefinite term. TAie' two other boys were given some good advice by Ris Worship sud placed on susended sentence. WHITDY- CIANDER 0F COMMERCE URGES TWO SAFETY MEHASURES- Exeutive Co èite Asks. the Governmeut to Inau.gur- ate VigorÃ"ù's <ampaign to Educale Pedestrians on HRighways to Wà]' Faciug Traffie, also that High- ways Department Consider Policy of IneludingSide- walks i Road Construction Programmes in Thicly Congested Areas and »ong Highways Already Built. Several important mnatters were coal -into Ùtrio and the endorsation deait with at a meeting of the, Execu- -of resolutions passed by other Cham- tive of the Chamber- of CommÏierce. bers and' Boards- of Trade. Send- held in the Town, Clerk's Office on monthly meetings will now be held Tuesday evei]ing, with President R. A. on the first and third Tuesday even- Hutchison presiding. Thé business of ings of. the. xnonth. the meeting- included the passing of To Protect Pedestrians two resolutions, having-to do with the1 There was a generai discussion on safety of pedestrians wa]king on the the question of the construction of, a highways of the province, which will- sidewalk on the provincial highway be- be forwarded to, the Ontario govern- tween Whitby and Oshawa, also ion the ment; the setting of Wednesday, De- question of, the proper plice for ped- cember l2th, at 12.30 in the Council ýestrains to walk on heavily travelled Chainher, as the date and place for the highways. The follôwing resolutioù next luncheon, and the appointmenIt was passed -unanimously: of an industzial cominittee.. (a) "iThat this Chamber of Com- The f act that the local Chamber is'merce would respectfully suggest ta now very mueli on the map was clear- the. Government of, the Province of ly indicateq by the number'of letters Onitario that i cnnectin wit te- read by the Secretary, and having toj construction -0f permanent highvsys do> with such matters as municipal through thickly populated iae 4 aviation camps, the extension of the.j policy of sidewalk constructî( ,a. Eý time for trial shipments of Àlbertaj (Continued on~ page 2), uroo p7Q

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