Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1928, p. 7

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V=Y AflUAND oeMafo w Cr~l I Mtb toi",~ - vd Appropriate Yrfroe tte thfsa Tho Bt. *Iaryof lait annlveruary of 6. 1JUnited Chur&sf eo« ,saosf &doe.d ,Canada , was made t he 8»d 1 A weul-known recident of thse town morningeAervice by Re. .>, 1 Pau.sd 8«"Y Yest.zdY in St.Mares. Ji l w esn e« George Priagle, qýed in a serinoii rous i4 tteàTie tef Os.M.P4g asaono li knowitby hie fruit» Ilatt. 12 . .88 tiW t Mr.hnPrlnglewua sn Chritlsnity hanover hen no veiliwho cainesout to cduuadain Steman issown anti so cioaely istudieti by wnn-day, aendi after spending-mre tans. Cuistan peOPleas ts todaj!rhTh nOshava,.seftt en a farnmon the eontrait lietween a United * man veRad Fullarton TéwnÉhip, just Catbolle Churcis andi'a divideil Pro. ooti of tsevillage of Notiser*eiL testant Churdh la strklngly uet forth It ,#m hestisat Mr. George p . nul in s5cores Of Canadien tora aMd vilt.vwu born. Tbirty-six years ago ie laps. Thse V#Iýundà .Of divisios e- dsoeased w*» marrieia 10 Miasa ar- tweeis ChriBtJali bave c sne rea-îet Shaad,of Oshawa, -andi afterAtie ly in rosent Yesrs and nov do mo eerenmon the young couple tocis over coïncide vitis denouinational tisetold i gie homesteai, viser. tly In rnany eouityie ..O,- Scotiawi remainei for a fev ""a, wheniui EngIand, aIan" n, tseUnted t frctNÉ. Pringi 1p yve up Statesansd CanaSda, <eut progealà farming, Manth ie family more- tB. beng made in bb4taihitoetr tise Mary . latise year that fjiUuwed dividoti prtstuet tis emPoestant Mr. and- MrmPrinleinatura i*ved il- Churc.Thetu~aous orneMis-Brok£lir Myrtie, WestWood. Peter- siontas, ad te sorta" ecf sit- lbo) ugi, Lakefleld andi bock to Brook- able men for tise MW. stry have been ia gin , where Mms. Pringle passed strong factor.s inlnglrng together gvay six yeara ago. the Protestant Cisurcises of Canada. These woro sois.o f.tise statoumts Tback" e noMr. Piuglo carne mad an ilustâtel b th qme-îm- ocktoSt. Mary», visere he h iniie id llutraedbthopes ersided ever mince -,,t -hie ha.c Hie likenedth ie Ch*imuanChuireiste isAaWodWligo the Treeo f Liféte ht mmcis om sa Ada oo , Wr tefne Stet beekingtise fruits ot igist living, bSouth fr ýons sre tise - uMr.ila goodwl, deods of -mierey, andi th ieds e geld-mI rrow. Mn. Pringi revélation of a redemlng GO& t i. een olbu sual heltisuî te thse business of thse Christian ChuFCSi l .d ith, auf Iatt ve of,*vte hou.a to jroduce thse fruit iwhlch alone caT1 veicz e rgvwat.penyad sue4 tis wo lrlul'ngrcfaended up vitis a seisure of pneumnonie,. needy orid~whicis causeti deatis. Mr. Pringleisa Thse Ladies' Guiti Met on Wodnes- surviveti by onetmou; John, of Ram- day the Ot Is t.,, atishe home xi Mr-. ilten; ais tisie. simIen., Mrs. Simon G. H. Hunter, austimatiearrangeIent. Camipbell, of Exeter- Ny.. (Dr.> i for tiseir annuel gardon party te lie Shaw, of Morris, Ms, aid .Mn». iselti on tise lava of tise «Second ILeonard Shubert, of Bar Beach, Place" on Monday evenling, July 2nid. Mach. Tise laie Mn.-ilriagle vas a Mr. 'Ellioît Lawrence, vi s at veci stauncis member 0f thse Preabyterian in ermr r aà repontodti te b ianprov- Churcis, having boss connooteti with1 lng in healislaunfontunatoiy still, Motiserweli antiKnox churchos tiserei very 111 andi uider tise doctor'a cure. practically ail Jus life. -H e vas aj It wil)lbe nome Urne yet betore ise Chief of Highliandi Mary Camp, Sons vil) lie able t. lie outTise, many of Scotlanti, anti vasof -a very joviali fionds of tise tmly extenti aym- Idspouition-a Man i wtl a great maayc patisy lu bis protracte i llness. aid f]niende." wlsh hlm a speedy recovery. Muear. Chsarles Grass, Jos. Thomp- Mr W. J.i>evtt ia very busy îla son, John G. Allen,. à. ZShortridge hie tUle yards making vanlousalaie of anti Geo. Broya.. v'ere, ia St. Mary's~ ti1e for bis numerous cuatomers.. e on friday tten<ilng ie fnri mels a larg qumntity to tise muni- Itise late Geor the PringlaO eipailty cf!WldlJy Township, Whitby -Hveyu rei aesPoola Town and ti oSos. His ativertioement jOn youn car? Il ýpreserves tise paint viii ha noteti on tisispage. and keeps it amant anti shiny. AI- t A fzullineof - running sises in vaya in stock at MacDuf's. .stock ut MacI>uff'. WZsyBnt buy ise Ladies' Guilti-met ut tie home 9 Jacks a pair? Ho vIii approciate -It.cf Mim. HunIer on îWedneàtiayalter- 9 Aformer vol) known.-resitent of noon, June GiS., Inapite of tLsevery Erooklibi, hIthe permon- of Qeorge ralny'day, a goodly numben vas pres- f Pnilepasseti avay ai t._nya ota 7iaveyenjoyable aftornoo on nsdyJune Oh, in'hlm 69th vas sjent. Plans vere made for tise meur. Tise deceaseti who left Brook-lannul gardon' party- wiicis la te bo ci Unom a e pers ugo, lept a real estate heiti on July 2nd on tise beautiful anti barber buiness, aid improveti grounds of Mn. Graves.Tise Ladies'., !s'f li Puaist C..,.Vue Overt adiSset pli W. J. DVTP..21,SOOKLIN il B3ROO'KLIN FLOUR M'ILLS BABY CIlICES THIE PERFECT FEÉD FOR TIIEM Us CHAMPION CHICK- MASH SBEST RESULIS OUARANTEED Mede by the Maufrturereqo CHAMPION EGG MASI Charges_ Wilson, I~okIln KOLORWARE <4 haeware 1À ,ç Wow1,.s.' Whve a vriel of.ight4 Just the thng- for Usowers» or, Ilad te stand liard'usae and. àt Alo a new stock of clean sMmwBO*m 0000 OOODS ARN emy [llMers Mrsuei U.Artisur Bcyoe bas Mn. Savage baim otld is propeni te MxL Gravese t ofOsisava. M Grave anti tamilY bave taken pose Mn. ait Mn».ý A. C. Ellioti anti Mm tBell, of Pont Penny, are on a mpt4 trip to Bell Evart anti etiser no1tth«. 1points. gMn. Job White anti Mn. Nbrma 1White are on a mon rtrp broug t1tk eastern couabses. pMr. Russell Whitle, cf Ottava rspent'Iho veek-ensd aI home. SWIII il i Whoviss te go te Siile ite tise District Conventioïn oft1h.eWV4 mod n' istitute please nctify tise*Pie aident on Secretary as moon as -pou sibie. -Thse data cf Convention 19 Jun 20th. Re.Ea W. Rovlanct O f Omernee, i Pnreaching' sie.r services a Kedron on Suaday. SMn. -Carson Luise anti Miss Evely, Thkosas, Of Bamilton, ver. marrie lan- Oshava on Saturdy. Mas.. Goulti and Mima Helen Gould cf Locuit HilE, spent Saturday viii Mn. andi Mas. J. Garbuit., Mr. M. McKeatiry antiMr. Will Me- Kedryof Toronto, ver.la tise vil- lage for tise Fir on.Satuntiay. Miss Stella Watson,'Mis Hasel Neabit audMiss Hle, Batty, cfthe Oshawa Hospital staff, vere h ote thé -week-enti. Mns. Con,.cf Toronto, ta. mpending a vacation vils lier dauglilen, Mm Grahamn. -Mn. Jas. Routley lias -purchaseti a nov Whippet can. Missm Bessie Waite, cf Godericis spent- a few daya vils IMx&.Franka Robinson. :Miss Eva Routicy spent thse vee in Brookin. Miss Kabhleen White bas taken a position la tise General. Motôrs. MYRTLE STATION Tise memben» cf tise*League of lise King St Unitedi Cisuncis Oshsawa, were entertaset aItishe home of Mn. anti Mn». Charles -Pilke lut lion- day evening. About fuymemiben» were.-prçseît, andi.&aHlspeni a'social evening. .Mn. R. flompson, Mrs. W. Gra- hias anti Mn». D.,Luery, vere in Ois- sua lest Tisurstay aflernoon attend- M eetin o:fthe W.M.S. nr iM. Broome speatthie week-end vils Osishaatrient». Tise W.M.S. viii meet aI tise home of Mn». C. Harrison, on Tliursday a£- teraeon, June 21st. Ail ladies are weicome te Ibhis meeting viseno a got mimsionany programme viii ho given. Rev. E. F. Svayne lias been trans- oeto eFraserville, la Peterboroughi >sbyteny. Re. R. J. Merniman, of waaee iii have charge of Ibis ci- uini vii commence bis pastoral work liher.tise final veek in July. 1fMr. -anti Mn. LTortiff -are la Toronto ilism veisaitenting tise yod- ing cf Miss Zela a Etant. Maiy viii ha gla t tekno-vthat Mn. George Smlith; cf Bigis Peint, is isome nom tise hospitai, anti vil) soon ha- aroundagain.' Mr. D.- Lueny lias engagedti lsMn. Sutherlandiof Asisiun, for tise.suan- snrmoi'ts». 1Miss huby Ceook spent the former art cf th. eois kvilshon ersister la Mn. W.Graisasm atn. J. B.- Boa- te-a, -ie pa'lee in 'ont of th, rla*üis filietinuait-asti- ld,-vbich makes an improvement ThéLadies' Aid viii isolti a Thim- le Tes ut tise bornEetofMn. J.Dicis- ,n, on Tue»day utternoon, June- 19th. ýo>me at huIt puml Ivo andi brangyu Rn. C.J Bell, cf Toronto,- wiii iave chargeof tise churcis services. or. noxt Suusday -eenig. A"tieiteti improvement h notieet m tise crops vils tise ieavy nain last wock - Tise Leaugie are ciosiasg tieir mcci- ngs ts» eois for tise summer sentis. Tiser. lias been a goot ut- :eadanco ut tise meetings,. ait besides smin g lsein usuai missionuny money ;ey h ave lastalleti stronger electric Ight bulbe in thie busement cf the .hurcs, anti aise donateti>about a lozea nov lbooks to, tiséSunday Scisool' Âbrary. i Cu f bi ha he iu In M ra il Li CLRMONT Mn. R. Liggctt, Frank ait Earl Un- tenhill, cf Aunram, speat the week-end vils relatives in tova. E. W. Evans andi dauglaler, Mrs. Michael, of Whiby, vassîti uat James Evans' on Suntay. <Tises. Patersoni sports a nov Durait tar. Several mcm iser. attendedth ie. Brooklia Spiing Fuir on Satuntiay lasi,ý anti ail repent a splendid time. D. A. anti Mrs..Pugis, oetLaisefielti, visiteti relatives on Sunday. -Mn. Vex Mitdileton, of Pelerbore, visitet ut his home over Suntiay. -Wm. Linten liadthte azistêrtuno teo lose oecf bis herses on Sunday. Mn. Prty kas ccmpieted the isouse an couneciion vith tise -Contrai Office, aid 1fr; E. Sbirk, manager, is busy movîag Itit itIis vook. Mark Uinion andi famuly have mcv- ed liet Mua. Thempson'a résidience ._ The Ciaremont Choral Society mo- teredti t the Christie St.. Hospital'-on Tuestisy evening anti gave tisein splen- titi -concert theise Mn. Freeman MeCullugh bud a palatl accidenti- oe day last -wew* vison aihorse kieketi bis in tise lace. i vas nseemsany te put -inamrvoal Gladti .-reot Miss Elle, Scoit, mms R. W&anti dJosephs Bransite ,*a i 1111 improveti. Tisey ail hËveI oný t, a cnýiç poniifor some Ens hma PlkY .-is ina-Toronto- xvi.- twtth ekm WMs,. 9. AIgemseits ei-n vDr. Téeliesore.dfàiymooe Dr. Teomin a n ay , Mtr It t h e o d y t h o n . > riagenmben mcm bohre atea4d tille pti1 Amaccialson aI Wityeuý Tueiay utWednestiy of Ibis've&k C.gntltisU .. antid s Remua-on tie -binths of a Sonny t. neoet tisain» etè iserant md.q 'ne osmity etewnds ia synsatb1 t. Un. anti Us.T. Ga" amd bimlci Bownslaavllie l ehmS m outamnby dzavnhqg.]Wt Gort -laM In 1111111l bwI r. or Ln ph Th a Syfieds n cuitn Th Ms.Any inonda a ntiaCarltaes eoton n.Anhr ry (nof hvlalte Jiln ohnsea) e-eref s nlage, viii sh nedicuit b. atorestoi ear n tia Man thorisuroant sailin froniayma en5heor Eu ro al.ng fr.m Quebeclnd tishe "otroyal." they etvl intoiPChiou g, rmane, Berne, Switzenlsuti, Venice, htaly.,ai- 1 vis wicis lsey intenti fiyng trons 1Paria te Englant. Mn. anti Mns.Bun- ry arc looking forwardti t spentiing a very enjoyable Ivo monts,' iolitiay in tise Olti World. Mn. U Purroit la in Hdiburton ibis veek visere lie has tise contract for wiringa large isolel. i Rev. W. B. Mitchell cenductet ser- vices ai Pont Penny anti Utica on Sun- day lait turing tise absence of tise pastor, Rnv. Mn. Atkinson, vise is ut- tenting the General Assembly in Re- gina, Sask .Mr. -George West teck charge oet services ai Aglibura. 'Mn.. James Hora enterlaineti a number of lier frientis on Thusta aftennoon ia qpiting. A verjey- able tise vas apent.1 Mr. anti Mn». Nelson AsL*ten andt famiiy -visiteti Mn. anti Mn.. Walter Rodgen., cf Epsom, during tis e i. nr. laid Mns. E. Joncs, of 'Whitby, ver. the -guebta cf Mr. ait Mn. In- ais Grant. last Sunduy, Mn. anti Mn». Geornge Hatiten, of Brocis townsip, visiteti relatives in. tbis neiglibcrisod, on,-Moatday. Miss Dorothy Miller spent a fev Iday lathe city t Moulion Ladies' Coiege, aIse aitending graduation ex- orcise». 1Miss GIadys Appleiy., of Toono, h ise tôn a fev day.' vacatien. Mn. John Millen ý»pj4coquntU_ on à 'btdiflp-.~~l Un. -ant" n. .DY anê ýfamily, cf Pont Pennry, visiteti Mn." ui Mn Jas. Hora tiuring tis eei. Quile a numnber'frorA, Ibis neiglibon-« hod attendedth ie Brooklia Fuir ons Salurtiay. A meeting efthtie W.M.S. anti Wom- enas Gufili vs helti on Wetiesday e_ ternoon in the baseseal ot ibe churcis. Mn. ahdistMn. Cannie vislfeti fienta. at Uxbridge on Suntay. Burneit Janieson vas la Whîtby on Tuesday on Jury duty. Miss Myrile Wilson. sp cnt tise veci cati ut Mn. Love'», ai Grenbank. Mn». W. Carson aid daughten are vdihg hon. parents nean Uxbritge. Loona Wilson speat tis ee nt vith Claremonit rient».t Jo. Linton andi taaniiy laent mev- i iag- te a tans nous Toronto la tise COLUMBUS Mr. Boyard James, et Detreit, le vAsitinÎg ,bis mother, Mn.. J. Jases, Ilim *eek.- Mis. D. Nicholson, of Toronto, is visiting wilis Mr. and Mns. R. Suther- landi tits wvei. .A very pieusant eveaing vas speit ut lise iomq 'of Mn. Tises. Scot ast Tuesday whea tise people.cf -the vi- lage anti vicinity met aid proisjiltM Mn«.antiMn. Fred Tarves vils tise folloving address anti -guIf: Dean Prient» - 'Webave imet 'te- getiser-.te-alght -tu do hioner oyr upon tise occasion of your receni anar- rgeanti- the establishing of youn homo ins oun mitist. To Iyen, Mns. Tan- vs, vo eextent a iseauty veleme. We hpe you viniic fr 9lngte self a snager n a a arange uiaïe~ vIll 800fl be one amoagat us, siat*sg an ti enoy lag the !a cti ie o f oSmmumity lite. You, Ms. Tarveo, as a trademïan, have haU for yoursef a fine r.prêatioa, uaàspable anti oh- lWnig âcimTon. ur uefuiM s te Ue- e m u i y e a n a m e e y b . _e â a 6 a t ý & . You are fluga=pae- bc v~e -i. qaite tVlse ébe . Iti s mav h arnmq uS fr &- I& bitw Ivie in mmntie dock an mdt vb*datp mm mdlw BeerlrMe Bping PaMiti Rora~ai 18~vl.- Misses Ruls Taylor, anti Doris IWearing, cf Toronte, speasl Suidy vils Miss Kathleen Benley. SMn. aid Mn. Artliur'Mackey anti faanlly, eft Ottava,-are on a holiday ,itng= aitthehome cf. the formie' inierier.As Mn. Mackey i. in-ý der tise docton'scar. lihe hadt t give up- vers tfonBorne tise anti taie a Mn. andi Mn». Goulti,.cf Toronto, ver. Suntiay visitons-Ivith Mr. anti Mr». W. BaILk Mn. aid Mms.. eClain and ciltdren, et Toronto, spent Suuatay ut the home of, Mr. anti, Mn. A. W. Richardson.' SMiesElma -Booke anti tnieni,- ot Port. Hope, visitedti vlslie Misses MeGregor.'ast veek Tie YonLadies' Cia»» vas enter- tantiu ls home cf Mns. George Aines, Pic.kering, on Wednesday hast. Agoinumbenr.pselmlu- inig smre tingmeshs adg reat- ly enjoyeti tise.vari ass vicis ver. put on turing tise atrnoon, cre-- ating suds Inteat. Dainty retres- ments e e.serveti. A liearty vote cf thanka vas _extoidedtiteMrm.Aines for the enjoyallo ime se hati given tise duas». Miss Isabel Bnignai, cf KRinsale, viiteti on Wctnesdy itis.Mis Lis Baistion.> Mn. John Howln la msponting mcv- oral day»at.the home of Mn. Reiti, of Mn. Jannott anti Miss Jarrot.cof Weyliurn, Sask., accompausieti iy their frientis, Mn. anti Mnk- Kennedy, aise ,ot Weyburn, *isilet on Tuesday. wilh Mn. aid Mn.. F. T. Boys. Mrs. Jae, rett -anti daugiston are on a trip >se wiii spenti some tise la tise aeighbor- hooti visitiig relatives.> .Mn. Jamesigist, cf Bnookiin, vis- Ited u atIsUe. hom cf-W, . -Ia-- iO'm on -Mn. idimns. ESeules aid chlti-ý non, anti Mrs. Pisilipa, cf Toroulo, vis- JAC SPEILL AGAIN Bore I1ian again. Did -yoèu neat my lettes lait veelc? Diti yeu go te A. H. Alli, Whtbye an id itellb youi visaI splendid results Gallagis- or'» Blood. Purifier and Gallagior's Kldney Remedy, gave for nsany cons- mon aibscats? Did you gel a copy etf "Ai Interesing Truc Story?" Diti yeu notice tise Blue Carton anti Label wbiehciscanacterizxce al eus gods? Better still, tii yeu ÈUY? J *ust get a bottie of GalIggher's Ceugis SyrupI note ils pureiy herbai contents, its ploasant baste, tisat 1il coatains ne poisonous drug or narcotic and tenes tise digestive rsystenu inteatof hurt- ing tise stoanachis s mcml cougis syrupa. de. Thanc- yen. 'See you next week. Yours truiy, Watch ibis spaco aonxt vweek. Lui a e clu li àtilia~daja e '- aro~ ma& tie I pc -Anou "iieg asaF 7m to D jn a ML(Iurli 44 omj to get 4xuk'iti a c ~ crec k wjkeekd dOun, breakMng flibite- iius led for thse vith boinfls~ za ubo pased avay at bis a at St. Naryaafter * assit ecoaed vas a 'suM rempe of thbisnll~e a few years sympathy is feit for th, son- and: other elatves mmi WM. Ppman# dteIty four l t tar it1 iite l heday- of thse cormuunit hi Mt. . &Iahéî.vn n dti tesns, Idà "deDeumig, &ami l*e dusghter, r bed -o'Pi*lay-àft »on ftMargar&n et, of DevWs Laie,. xDAroum$ famly esieiso, asconducteti by Oft ona iotor trip-vstn rltvs the Rev. C. W* DeM). of tise King antifridm là Ontaioè ut o lw Streét United 4Car.h, Odfhava, anti ae vimltag JohnBrown alifm ll. vas veny 1largehY attentietiby neiatives William .M. IMldultois pent hma anti frents of tise faMlY. htenmet eek vith bs son 'er a" antitag vas MatinlatiseUniqn- Cemetery. ton n.Rasl Plipmmi fao Innumera"e fie raitnlstes andi m- N.Y. sages f-cf oonl. ver. reev..-N. Bie, V: DiMjey atiE.z Tuiable Thopai irns ersLe.Clo el - ni isosD e'iantij. McWbhtrer Oshavwa, ant bues cousinsof lth Vere guost t Be. e, W. andi MM» Bett, Nevi ominons ,cff Tiot, lita aum- Miss Mabel'Bie, ofýWoie antVEtcati Ceci Dean, ci IUem- Iiii VlaI week-end. ton'. Corners, eiSnuJn 1ts iih h Soye. rpotth n o m hast.servicevthsR.-o.bssa Bues in on tise »ick li ie. iape e o sson.Oungt. ini bouillev. ueo ~~ ~ ~ be 1dmouIagin ou. N.. SlseSba Mr. Walon Rus aarecent vi- nn ate Bms e tg t , en ot Ito r la Brooklta. ý-b.Mi« MMWells andiso Uime, have ne- aY frienti5 and ail hopetb ithil turnei te Toronto Bon" atig orarealtishey mle .11ai .d ui vek it ismrs. J. Suiynsuthi edimn onli M r. an ti M m . J. S u iy sp e t i e ' O - L ad s ' A id h avc d ti t veek4Men aToronto. holdti heir assai Garden PartY on M i s. G . M B .% R W i n v ai o i a W i n o s y, u e - 2 ? * ,a t ise h om. tiss veek in Courtice vj" . W.at Un. M(IltbomA goot Pro- Tie attendance ai Suniday Siooznm e ing. socureti, cf. viici June lOtis, vas 69. Mr. BarolSeIti LÎk funthoz, annou-ncement wv iiihamatie. sang a solo, amcmpanet on tise Piano 1 -1Jhno0an1 e anhstr by ~ ~ ~ ~ i us oseuie Ivisiting vithlier aunts, Nyi.. Boyer. enjoyeti by aiL Next Suntiay.. June Exrl Hovaan sp ent a couple of day. 17th, t» "Decorabion Day» at the.lait veck ithilsBuffalo frientis. Union Cerneteny, no there vii)li e neo 'Whis th ie malter vils th. soi- Suusday Sciscol uiles» il rais. b, all bin' Ciseer up, boys, there are Receai vzisitersataIth. home ot Mn. bte hnsa anti 1fr.G. H. Robinson vére; Mrs. Tise Âud& ea mti. lbme*a I. S. Sanitis, ef Oshawa; Mms Cher- tis, hom e of W. W., aidMn» Gee laIt rington anti Mn. C. Smiths, of Now Moaday ýevening. All report.a good. York City; Mn. antiMm. N. Thomp- tfne son, and Mrs. H. Bùckle, of Toronte.__ ited. On Sntay vit Mr. -antiM n.* T C.-Omberne. Mr. andi Mms. eph s borne. anti chidren visitedi vus MÉ. andi Mm» JnClalS. Of Bovananville, last veek Miss Helen OpConnor, bf WMtby, 'visiteti vils Miss Marion Richiardison on Fiiay- ast. M. RieIsard Broya,Mýr. RoI rovn, aid 1fr. antiM.W. ron d fans- iiy, motoredti t Uxbsdge oôn Suiay- anti attendeti tise public quarterly meeting helt in the oit meeting lieue lat Quaker Bll. Tise place was crovti- et anti maiy had te listeai frons the oubside. Mr. G Ryaonti Bols,G. A. CHOC3M-EATS 1a nore tisai a tecorat tons as appie otit our-bu, j " ; noss. Wo mot oniy car .,everthing inseason, but a or poultny that enter.a o sisop isup tothe bigh stan ard-tisat lias matie our nar. as butchens synonymous -ff -tise beatquality tise mari afoôrts. He bWlson, ua serin ~rowoemas AU ku.T-IIqAUO.~peaw Thénl Car witha Seled C Pluo4etedoo am e"stabu0 eiyto b= &Ma cm, M Bli mit e. su ~ Pr MW*a 0' S t" i mo enambs mft of 'lia -il -, .<. 1 sole bmmuy abs pu baa E.a~l~. reg. *-o - n wu&& a I bse a lu theof a* 0u]g r l a l i y e k u 5a d~qNl0 eià"O Iu~sge e ~ rés Â~I sK~N-UamIs'apromt Wb SU Easý E~ - LaD luiatm MOFFATf M ]OTOR, SAL -osaaOnt ~~luI r. Mr Re pen tishe week ý r NnaanStt Was a »Ms trip 10Wintar hat, pPea u rr Under tG. dxustisaet Sargqul orag lrg athm m m im q Wh.n Capt. Malosu bal cox-pl.d h. record autônpupW. D*ytona edm, litIdf alragt a liiof ou* Ca4ptahwoWud hi joyed Red Rose T«. it ina ablend -.ofc Assan and Ceylon Who"e charactmrstIci ail others are stresgi otu. - Sold. by your Zr clamas bright alus et~~* iei o ftOOwbII,àWg&*okqf- f*i bletti - - 1 IratesMn lii e d v ft U q t a a ei natur'. oua ay. ton ;ILWh uF1Uü5.Uttise àe ila eay temnee& .ZSC andSoc a box àâïg 4!!MÉMb. stant riht eW-ay-o.y il ýil ai

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